Cheesman Dam Outlet Works Renovation
Cheesman Dam Outlet Works Renovation
Cheesman Dam Outlet Works Renovation
Hosted by
Black & Veatch Corporation
GEI Consultants, Inc.
Kleinfelder, Inc.
MWH Americas, Inc.
Parsons Water and Infrastructure Inc.
URS Corporation
On the Cover
Artist's rendition of San Vicente Dam after completion of the dam raise project to increase local storage and provide
a more flexible conveyance system for use during emergencies such as earthquakes that could curtail the regions
imported water supplies. The existing 220-foot-high dam, owned by the City of San Diego, will be raised by 117
feet to increase reservoir storage capacity by 152,000 acre-feet. The project will be the tallest dam raise in the
United States and tallest roller compacted concrete dam raise in the world.
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or the opinions expressed in this publication.
Copyright 2011 U.S. Society on Dams
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011924673
ISBN 978-1-884575-52-5
U.S. Society on Dams
1616 Seventeenth Street, #483
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: 303-628-5430
Fax: 303-628-5431
E-mail: [email protected]
The Cheesman Dam is an on-stream facility located on the South Platte River in Jefferson
and Douglas Counties, Colorado, in the Pike National Forest. The dam was constructed
for storage of municipal water supply by the South Platte Canal and Reservoir Company,
and was completed in 1905. At the time of construction Cheesman was the worlds
highest dam. In 1973 Cheesman Dam was designated a National Historic Civil
Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The dam structure is a gravity arch masonry dam constructed with solid granite blocks
laid in cement mortar as facing over a core consisting of granite rubble in a bed of
Jeff Martin, Project Manager/Design Engineer, Denver Water Department, 1600 West 12th Ave, Denver,
CO 80202
Gordon Harbison, Resident Engineer, Krech Ojard & Associates, 3580 Mount Hickory Blvd., Hermitage,
PA 16148
concrete. The dam is 221 feet in height and impounds 79,064 acre-feet of water, and is
classified as a large high hazard dam.
The outlet works tunnels are bored through the left abutment at approximate elevations
6,780, 6,690, and 6,645, respectively named within the drawing set as the Auxiliary
Outlet, Mid-Level Outlet, and Low-Level Outlet. A fourth outlet tunnel at elevation 6734
was originally constructed, but was abandoned with the inlet portion being filled with
concrete. The Auxiliary Outlet, built in 1925, is an independent tunnel outlet with no
connection to the other tunnels and is controlled by the Larner-Johnson Needle Valve.
The Low and Mid Level outlet tunnels combine to one tunnel approximately two-thirds
of the way through the abutment. Both tunnels are controlled by a total of six 42-inch
gate valves prior to the tunnel intersection, and then by various cone and free-discharge
valves in the downstream valve house. The site layout is shown in Figure 1.
The only major work succeeding the original construction is a valve house constructed at
the toe of the dam in 1971. The original waterway tunnel was extended with a 78-inch
diameter steel pipe. The pipe is manifold to provide passageways for two 42-inch, one
24-inch, one 12-inch, and one 8-inch Howell Bunger type outlet valves. Each of the
outlet valves are guarded by one or more ball valves.
Colorados largest wildfire impacted the drainage area directly above Cheesman Dam
Denver Water will provide our customers with a reliable, high-quality water supply and excellent
service. We will be responsible and creative stewards of the assets we manage. We will actively participate
in and be a responsible member of our communities. We will accomplish this mission with a productive
and diverse work force.
The Cheesman Upstream Control project is a phased project spanning several years of
design and construction. The project begun as an Outlet Works Modifications study in
2005, with a selected design approach made in 2006. In 2007 Denver Water contracted
with Rodney Hunt (RH) for fabrication of three hydraulically operated stainless steel
slide gates and spools (tunnel liners/thrust restraints). The installation design began in
2007 and lagged the slide gate design, and was based upon the limited site knowledge
and the pre-purchased slide gates designed and fabricated on a similar but earlier
schedule. During the design phase it was understood that the project would be performed
underwater and by a limited amount of divers; likely just one diver physically assembling
the components of the design.
The design and installation of the slide gates was based upon the interpreted size of the
three inlet tunnel portal geometries. An interpretation of the geometry from historical
data was made, and the size of the slide gates was maximized to maintain the current
hydraulic capacity of the outlet works system. As the condition of the rock quality was
not know at each of the inlets, a new tunnel liner, referred to as a spool, was designed for
each tunnel inlet. The spool piece serves several key purposes, they are (1) Structural
support to the tunnel portal area, (2) form for annulus grouting (seal) between the spool
and tunnel, and (3) provide a clean connection flange for the gate. Basically, the spool
acts as a traditional gate thimble, but also provides structural support to the tunnel portal
Rock excavation, tunnel shaping, and spool placement and annulus sealing were the most
critical steps for project success. Rock excavation and tunnel shaping contained the most
contract risk, and a majority of the construction duration and all change order work was
spent on these activities. It was known and understood by Denver Water that without a
detailed physical hands on survey of all three areas, the tunnel portal geometry as related
to the placement of the spools contained the most risk to the project.
In order to maintain the current hydraulic capacity of the system the spool cross sections
were maximized to within inches of the assumed tunnel geometry. This condition
resulted in a minimal amount of room for the spool to fit within the tunnel. The hydraulic
design criteria for the outlet works governed the spool size, and the risk of additional
excavation and tunnel shaping was known and accepted by Denver Water prior to project
The stainless steel slide gates and spools were designed specifically for each level, the
Auxiliary Level is the largest at 8x8, while the Mid and Low Level gates are 4x7. The
slide gates were designed to simply be attached with 52 or 72 bronze hex head bolts
(depending on the size of the gate) secured to a flange piece on the front of the spool
piece. The hydraulic tubing could then be connected to the gate, followed by the
installation of the trashrack sections.
Through lessons learned from a different underwater project, the design team choose to
drill inclined bore holes form atop the left abutment to the gate locations to house the
hydraulic control lines. Two inclined rock borings were drilled, one to the Auxiliary
Level, and one boring servicing both the Mid Level and Low Level Outlets. The inclined
bore holes eliminated a great amount of risk to the contractor and provided a protected
conduit to house the hydraulic control lines and bubblers air lines.
Phase 2 of the Cheesman Upstream Control project includes removal and replacement of
the Larner-Johnson Needle Valve with a new Jet Flow Gate, and removal of the six gate
valves located in both the Mid-Level and Low-Level outlet tunnels. The opening left by
the removal of the gate valves will be sealed with new tunnel sleeves. Bulkheads will be
installed at this location for future access. In addition to the valve removals, new
platforms, handrails, and ladders will be installed within the manways. Finally, a small
tunnel air/fill line will be constructed so that the upstream control gates can operate under
balanced head conditions. Phase 2 construction work is planned for spring/summer 2011.
Global Diving and Salvage (Global) was contracted through a quality based selection
process to perform the underwater diving work and manage other ancillary conventional
construction that had impacts to the diving work and schedule. Prior to executing the
contract, Global and Denver Water negotiated a predetermined daily rate for anticipated
change order work and standby (idle) time. The pre-negotiated rate for surface diving
was approximately $27,000/day and for saturation diving was approximately
$80,000/day. The surface air diving was based upon 12-hour days and would be
implemented at the Auxiliary Level while the saturation diving schedule was based upon
24-hour days and would be used at both the Mid Level and Low Level with continuous
operation until the project was complete.
Due to the high contractor overhead costs for the dive barge, crane, saturation diving life
support system, and short weather window, the schedule was aggressive and fast paced.
The sequencing of the installation work and owner restrictions for continued operation of
the facility, created a schedule with little to no float and a series of activities dependent
on finish-to-start relationships. In order to continue with operation of the facility and
bypass critical water calls on the river, concurrent work was not allowed; limiting the
contractor to work on one level at a time and to completion. With no schedule float, it
was recognized at the beginning of the project that a teaming effort between the
contractor, resident engineer, and the owner would be required to tackle project issues in
an effective and decisive manner. All project team members strove for zero lost time
Construction Sequencing
The general sequencing of construction was similar to what Denver Water had
anticipated and designed. All three levels followed the general sequencing shown in
Figure 4.
This construction engineering team consisted of the contractor, resident engineer, and the
owner. The contractor provided a full time project manager and project engineer to
develop work plans and detailed submittals outlining the construction sequencing. In
addition, the contractor staffed a construction superintendent who reviewed and revised
the work plans for underwater constructability.
Denver Water contracted Krech Ojard and Associates (KOA), through HDR, Inc., to
provide Resident Engineering (RE) services for the underwater diving construction. The
purpose of the Resident Engineer was to monitor the diving construction progress and
quality through a live feed closed caption video mounted atop of the divers dive helmet.
KOA monitored the entire underwater construction process, including 3 months of
air/surface diving, and 101 days of 24-hour saturation diving. The Resident Engineering
position was critical to the success of the project, by locating the RE onsite in close
contact with the contractors project manager and project engineer, the RE was able to
assist in submittal development, submittal review, and design construction when issues
were identified.
The original Denver Water design team and structural consultant5, URS, maintained close
contact throughout the project to ensure issues were identified and resolved according to
the original design criteria of the new slide gates.
Risk Management and Issue Resolution
Early identification and timely resolution of project issues was a key factor for project
success. In order to manage the project issues that would arise during execution, the
construction engineering team continuously evaluated potential project risks through a
risk management plan and created response plans for risks that could seriously impact the
project. The risk management plan was developed by the project team and updated by
Denver Water, prior to each construction phase the construction engineering team met
and brainstormed potential project risks and issues that could impact the project. The risk
register outlined project risks that could impact both the owner as well as the contractor.
The project team worked on these risks together for the common success of the project.
The risk register was constantly updated, and most importantly, lessons learned from
previously completed activates were incorporated within the risk register to minimize the
impact of the same issue occurring multiple times.
The risk management plan also outlined a response plan in the event a risk item occured.
The risk response plan would generally consist of having key decision makers available
to review changed conditions and design modifications, decreasing the owner response
and direction time to the contractor. The risk response plans proved valuable for several
of the risk scenarios, and allowed project issues to be resolved in an expedited and predefined manner. The risk register and notification to stakeholders of the potential risk
was extremely valuable to expediting the response plan.
URS designed the trashrack structures and grout mix used for the spool annulus grouting. URS also
provided structural design analysis and review at the Mid Level spool cover structural block.
Auxiliary Level Tunnel Widening: The first project issue requiring field construction
engineering related to the Auxiliary Outlet tunnel. The Contractor identified a differing
underwater physical condition within the Auxiliary Outlet tunnel. The differing
underwater physical condition consisted of differing tunnel geometry within the
Auxiliary Level resulting in the tunnel being too narrow to allow the pre-purchased spool
piece to physically fit within the tunnel, requiring additional widening of the tunnel
annulus. In order to minimize the cost and schedule impacts of the additional work, the
Contractor, Resident Engineer, and Owner reviewed several alternatives, shown in Figure
6, for relocating the spool alignment to reduce rock excavation. The final chosen
alignment (Alternative 2) reduced the amount of excavation by adjusting the bearing and
moving the entire spool south. The re-alignment resulted in approximately 20% less
tunnel excavation, and a cost savings of about $76,000.
The design was based upon immediately available materials on hand at the jobsite and
those available for local pickup by the fabricators en route to the jobsite.
The redesign of the trashrack section took approximately 24 hours to complete while the
modifications to the rack itself took an additional 48 hours. Topside modifications to the
trashrack as opposed to additional wall excavation saved the project approximately
$40,000 and did not impact the project schedule.
Mid Level Tunnel Geometry: The existing Mid level tunnel geometry and physical
conditions was identified as a risk item early in the design phase of the project. The asconstructed drawings and histrocial photographs showed conflicting information, and
recent side sector scan survey information continued to disagree with the historical
information. The design team choose to show the most conservative interpretation of the
data, but assumed the existing conditions would be different than shown within the
contract documents.
As anticipated, the actual tunnel geometry was different than what had been shown in the
contract drawings. The existing tunnel geometry was too narrow to allow the prepurchased spool piece to physically fit within the tunnel, requiring additional widening
on the south tunnel wall. The widening was accomplished by drilling additional blast
holes and limited hand excavation similar to the Auxiliary Level. In addition to the
tunnel geometry issue, a larger void space was identified along north wall adjacent to the
spool. A small cavity was shown the project drawings that anticipated this feature, the
feature turned out to be approximately 30% larger than anticipated. The cavity was filled
with additional reinforcement consisting of No. 6 rebar doweled into the tunnel and fill
grout. Finally, interference outside of the tunnel between the rock and trashrack was
identified. Additional minor rock excavation would be required to fit the trashrack. In
order to reduce costs, the entire spool, gate, and trashrack were adjusted to the south and
vertically. The realignment resulted in additional tunnel shaping, but reduced the exterior
rock excavation. This proved to be
a cost effective alternative because
the additional tunnel shaping could
be performed as part of the contract
underwater blast, while the exterior
hand chipping would be laborious
and time consuming. The estimated
project savings in changing the
original alignment are estimated at
Mid Level Rock Fall: A large rock
mass above the tunnel portal
released during the blast operation,
resulting in a large void space above
the gate spool. Through a post blast
visual inspection of the area, it was
reasonably concluded the rock mass
contained a joint and fracture pattern that was present prior to the blast operation. The
removal of the underlying rock (as required by the contract documents) and the joint and
fracture pattern of the rock caused the rock mass to fall. The result of the rock fall left
the spool piece with no cover above it as planned within the design package, as seen
within Figure 7.
In order to meet the original design criteria of at least one tunnel diameter of solid
competent rock cover above the spool, a new monolithic reinforced concrete block was
designed to provide structural cover over the front half of the spool, and increase length
of potential seepage pathways.
The design of the new cover block was developed by the Resident Engineer and Owner
and was based upon survey information developed by the Contractor. A concept design
was developed and submitted to URS Corporation for structural analysis review. The
embedment lengths of the bar and the bar spacing was checked and approved. Upon
value engineering review with the Contractor, the rebar sizing was increased to reduce
the overall length of rebar embedment within the rock. Through contract work the
contractor had learned drilling in the native granite rock for rebar embedment was a
laborious process, and reducing the length and quantity of embedments would reduce the
change order cost. The reinforcement size was increased, decreasing the amount of
drilled hole for embedment within the rock. This exercise was estimated to save
approximately $60,000 in installation costs.
Low Level Masonry Removal: During the contract blasting and construction activities at
the low level tunnel portal a differing site condition was identified. Unlike the previous
differing conditions, the low level tunnel geometry was as expected and could fit the
spool without further
modifications. However, it was
discovered that the tunnel brow
and ceiling areas consisted of a
poor quality masonry material (See
Figure 8), not hard competent
granite as shown in the historical
The unstable masonry brow posed
several challenges to the project.
The first was diver safety, the area
was unstable and exhibited signs
of potential failure and rock fall.
This condition posed direct safety
concerns to the construction
divers. The second was the portal
stability above and behind the
spool piece, if the area was
masonry and not granite rock, the
Figure 8. Low Level Masonry at Tunnel Brow
entire system would depend on this material with unknown structural and seepage
characteristics. The original design had depended on strong competent granite to lie
directly over the spool and tunnel just downstream of the spool. It was clear the original
design intent and design basis criteria would not be achieved if the masonry was left in
place above the spool. In order to best ensure the new installation was structurally sound,
it was decided to remove identified masonry material and reposition the spool further
within the tunnel. Additional surveying was required to identify the vertical control of
the spool based on the rise of the original tunnel floor. Proper placement was required to
minimize any additional material removal and maintain the hydraulic capacity of the
The reposition of the spool met the original design intent and design basis criteria. The
repositioned spool provided over 15 feet of vertical granite rock above the back end of
the spool. This cover material was believed to be good quality competent granite rock
that could provide the required structural stability for the tunnel ceiling.
The repositioning required three addition underwater blasts to remove the material to the
desired area. The addition work took approximately 18 days and resulted in a change
order close to $1,400,000. The construction engineering was vital in identify the issue
and to design a new alignment that met the criteria of the original design. If the masonry
condition was not discovered by the contractor, this issue would likely have caused
failure of the tunnel ceiling area behind the downstream end of the spool, leading to
major impacts to the facility and Denver Waters operation.
Project Results
The project was a success in providing new upstream control at the Cheesman Dam. The
new stainless steel slide gates were operated successfully during the startup and
commissioning of the system. Most notably, the combined tunnel seepage and gate
leakage results were extremely low, and are shown in Table 1. When consideration is
given to the fact that these gates were installed underwater at depths of 200 feet, and that
there are significant portions of the outlet works tunnels that are unlined (allowing
reservoir seepage), the minimal seepage observed is considered to be a success.
Table 1. Combined Gate Leakage and Tunnel Seepage Rates
Auxiliary Level
2.8 gpm
Mid Level
45 gpm
Low Level
7 gpm
Critical Success Factors
The project can be considered a success for many reasons, from no lost time injuries or
incidents to a working system with extremely low seepage/leakage rates. Some of the
predefined critical success factors that were accomplished are listed below.
The new slide gates and upstream location meet present day standards.
The new slide gates provide guard function to the downstream valves.
The new slide gates were installed almost exactly as designed.
The new slide gates provide new flexibility in operating the facility.
The Low Level slide gate trashrack has the ability to be simply modified in the
future to store approximately 10 feet of sediment.
Contract modifications (negotiations) were fair and managed on a current time basis,
with no issues left to the end of the project.
The risk register and response plans created a teaming effort between the
construction team to tackle issues in an efficient and predefined manner.
No standby time was incurred for the project. All change order work resulted in high
production rates.
Very minimal disruption to the operation of the water supply system.