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Date of Publication: 31 Oct.2010
National University of Singapore
Tomoyuki Komai
Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba,
955-2 Aoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba, 260-8682 Japan
Email: [email protected]
Rafael Lemaitre
Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,
4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, Maryland 20746, USA
Email: [email protected]
General morphology. The body shape is crab-like with the
carapace generally flattened. Regions of the dorsal carapace
are not well defined but the integument is provided with
tufts of short setae. The rostrum is triangular. The ocular
peduncles are mesially flattened, slightly compressed dorsoventrally and well calcified; the corneas are reduced; ocular
orbits and ocular acicles are absent. The antennal peduncles
exhibit supernumerary segmentation; the antennal flagella
are thick and provided by paired, long setae. An epistomial
spine is present. The third maxillipeds are pediform, widely
separated basally; the ischium has a crista dentata but no
accessory tooth. Gills are phylobranchiate, 14 on each
side: 5 pairs of arthrobranchs on the arthroidal membranes
of the third maxillipeds, chelipeds and pereopods 24; 4
pleurobranchs, one on the body wall above the first through
fourth pereopods.
The chelipeds are equal, broad, depressed. Pereopods 24 are
developed as walking legs each with terminal claw; pereopod
5 is reduced and carried dorsally under the carapace. The
pleon is symmetrical, with well calcified tergites, weakly
bent under the cephalothorax; the second tergite clearly
visible in dorsal view.
Adult males have paired first and second pleopods modified as
gonopods, pleopods 35 and uropods are vestigial or entirely
lacking; females have a pair of pleopods developed on each
of pleonal segments 25; the terminal pleomere has a pair of
sexually dimorphically uropods. The telson is reduced to a
small calcified plate in both sexes. One apomorphy unique to
Lomis hirta (Lamarck, 1818) is this dimorphic development of
uropods well developed and elongate in females, vestigial
in males (McLaughlin et al., 2007).
Development. Cormbie (1993) and McLaughlin et al.
(2004) provided limited information about development in
the Lomisoidea. Lomis hirta larvae hatch in an advanced
state, with the eyes at least partially stalked and buds
of pereopods 14 or 15 already present. There is some
additional disagreement between Cormies (1993) account
General morphology. The dorsal surface of the
cephalothorax is covered by a chitinized to moderately
well calcified carapace; the anterior portion of this carapace,
the shield, is partially to completely delineated laterally
and posterolaterally by the cervical groove and posteriorly
by the linea transversalis; near the anterolateral margin the
linea anomurica is usually apparent. The dorsal surfaces
of the shield and posterior carapace may be pitted, weakly
grooved, spinulose or tuberculate, but not divided into regions
corresponding to the internal organs of the cephalothorax.
A rostrum may or may not be developed, but rarely is it
prominently produced; an intercalary rostral process is
occasionally developed; the anterior margin of the shield
may or may not show development of lateral projections.
The ocular peduncles are three-segmented, with the basal
segments fused in the midline and occasionally produced into
spinose projections; no ocular orbits are developed; corneas
are well developed, reduced or rarely absent; ocular acicles
are present. The antennular peduncles are innermost and
three-segmented; the antennal peduncles each are provided
with a supernumerary segment. Gills are bi- or quadriserial
phylobranchiae, varying in number from 14 to eight pairs;
epipods occasionally are present.
SAMOUELLE, 1819 {1, 2}
Family Hapalogastridae Brandt, 1850
{1, 2}
D i o g e n e s m a n a a re n s i s ( H e n d e r s o n , 1 8 9 3 )
Diogenes merguiensis De Man, 1888
Diogenes mercatoris Forest, 1952
Diogenes miles (Fabricius, 1787) [Pagurus]
= Pagurus diaphanus Fabricius, 1798
Diogenes mixtus Lanchester, 1902
= Diogenes intermedius De Man, 1892 (preoccupied
= Diogenes hainanica Wang & Dong, 1977
= Diogenes plavoeti McLaughlin & Clark, 1997
Diogenes moosai Rahayu & Forest, 1995
Diogenes nitidimanus Terao, 1913
Diogenes ovatus Miers, 1881
= Diogenes pugilator var. ovata Miers, 1881
Diogenes pallescens Whitelegge, 1897
= Diogenes gardineri Alcock, 1905
= Diogenes serenei Forest, 1956
Diogenes paracristimanus Wang & Dong, 1977
Diogenes patae Asakura & Godwin, 2006
Diogenes penicillatus Stimpson, 1858
Diogenes persicus (Nobili, 1905) [Troglopagurus]
Diogenes planimanus Henderson, 1893
= Diogenes custos var. planimanus Henderson,
Diogenes pugilator Roux, 1828
= Pagurus algarbiensis Brito Capello, 1875
= Pagurus arenarius Lucas, 1846
= Pagurus Bocagii Brito Capello, 1875
= Pagurus curvimanus Clment, 1874
= Pagurus dillwynii Bate, 1851
= Diogenes pugilator var. gracillima Balss 1921
(misspelling of gracillimanuus)
= Diogenes varians var. gracillimanus Miers,
= Diogenes intermedius Bouvier, 1891
= Pagurus Lafonti Fischer, 1872
= Pagurus ponticus Kessler, 1860
= Diogenes pugilator orientalis Codreanu &
Balcesco, 1968
Diogenes rectimanus Miers, 1884
Diogenes senex Heller, 1865
Diogenes serripes (Costa, 1838)
Diogenes spinicarpus Rahayu & Forest, 1995
Diogenes spinifrons (De Haan, 1849)
Diogenes spinulimanus Miers, 1880
Diogenes tomentosus Wang & Tung, 1980
Diogenes tirmiziae Siddiqui & McLaughlin, 2003
Diogenes tumidus Rahayu & Forest, 1995
Diogenes viridis Haig & Ball, 1988
Diogenes violaceus Henderson, 1893
Diogenes waltairensis Kamalaveni, 1950
= Diogenes custos var. waltairensis Kamalaveni,
Isocheles Stimpson, 1858
= Isocheles Stimpson, 1858 (type species Bernhardus
aequimanus Dana, 1852, by original designation;
gender masculine)
Incerta sedis
Pagurus lar Heller, 1862
{26} Gordan (1956) gave the date for Pagurus arrosor var.
divergens as 1905 and the pagination as 123145. De
Melo (1999) gave the date as 1905 and pagination as
125; Forest & de Saint Laurent (1968) and Biffar
& Provenzano (1972) gave the same pagination,
but a date of 1906. The correct date is 1905 and the
pagination 123145.
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Fig. 1. Lithodoidea. Representatives of Hapalogastridae Brandt, 1850 (A-G, in situ; H, preserved specimen): A, Acantholithodes hispidus
(Stimpson, 1860), Hood Canal, Washington (G. Jensen); B, Dermaturus mandtii Brandt, 1850, Pribilof Islands, Alaska (G. Jensen); C,
Hapalogaster cavicauda Stimpson, 1859, Cayucos, California (G. Jensen); D, Hapalogaster grebnitzkii Schalfeew, 1892, Prince William
Sound, Alaska (G. Jensen); E, Hapalogaster mertensii Brandt, 1850, Whidbey Island, Washington (G. Jensen); F, Oedignathus inermis
(Stimpson, 1860), Neah Bay,Washington (G. Jensen); G, H, Placetron wosnessenskii Schalfeew, 1892, Neah Bay, Washington (G) (G.
Jensen); Alaska, USNM 276166 (H) (R. Lemaitre). USNM = National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
Fig. 2. Lithodoidea and Lomisoidea. Representatives of Lithodidae Samouelle, 1819 (A-G) and Lomisidae Bouvier, 1895 (H): A, Lithodes
aequispinus Benedict, 1895, Bering Sea, USNM 259215 (preserved specimen, R. Lemaitre); B, Neolithodes duhameli Macpherson, 2004,
Crozet Islands, Southern Ocean (J.-F. Dejouannet); C, Paralomis arae Macpherson, 2001, Fiji Islands (J.-F. Dejouannet); D, Paralomis
dofleini Balss, 1911, Sagami Sea, off Boso Pensinsula, Japan, CBM-ZC 8498 (T. Komai); E, Paralomis japonicus Balss, 1911, Sagami Sea,
off Boso Pensinsula, Japan, CBM-ZC 8499 (T. Komai); F, Paralomis mendagnai Macpherson, 2003, Salomon Islands (J.-F. Dejouannet);
G, Paralomis odawarai (Sakai, 1980), Sagami Sea, Boso Pensinsula, Japan, CBM-ZC 9843 (T. Komai); H, Lomis hirta (Lamarck, 1818),
Southern Australia ( Museum Victoria, Melbourne, M. Marmach). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; USNM =
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 3. Paguroidea. Representatives of Coenobitidae Dana, 1851 (in situ except A, C, D): A, B, Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767), Tuamotu,
French Polynesia (A, J. Poupin; B, O. Gargominy); C, Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius, 1787), Belize, ULLZ 11972 (D. L. Felder); D,
Coenobita cavipes Stimpson, 1858, Mayotte Island (J. Poupin & R. Clva); E, Coenobita perlatus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, Tuamotu,
French Polynesia (J. Poupin); F, Coenobita rugosus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, Moorea, French Polynesia (P. Bacchet); G, Coenobita
spinosus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, Wallis and Futuna (J. Poupin); H, Coenobita violascens Heller, 1862, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, specimen
not collected (T. Komai). ULLZ = University of Louisiana at Lafayette Zoological Collections.
Fig. 4. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892 (F, H, in situ): A, Aniculus aniculus (Fabricius, 1787), Guam (G. Paulay);
B, Aniculus erythraeus Forest, 1984, Panama, eastern Pacific, LACM (D. L. Felder); C, Aniculus maximus Edmondson, 1952, Guam (G.
Paulay); D, Aniculus retipes Lewinsohn, 1982, Guam (G. Paulay); E, Aniculus ursus (Olivier, 1812), Guam (G. Paulay); F, Calcinus elegans
(H. Milne Edwards, 1836), Wallis and Futuna (J. Poupin); G, Calcinus gaimardii (H. Milne Edwards, 1848), Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); H,
Calcinus gouti Poupin, 1997, Tuamotu, French Polynesia (G. Paulay). LACM = Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
Fig. 5. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892 (in situ except B, D, G, H): A, Calcinus guamensis Wooster, 1984,
Moorea, French Polynesia (J. Poupin); B, Calcinus laevimanus (Randall, 1840), Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); C, Calcinus latens (Randall,
1840), Hawaii, CBM-ZC 10013 (E. Myorin); D, Calcinus lineapropodus Morgan & Forest, 1991, Philippines (T.-Y. Chan), E, Calcinus
mclaughlinae Poupin & Bouchard, 2006, Clipperton Island (J. Poupin); F, Calcinus nitidus Heller, 1865, Moorea, French Polynesia (J.
Poupin); G, Calcinus pulcher Forest, 1958, Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); H, Calcinus seurati Forest, 1951, Kikai Island, Amami Islands,
Japan, CBM-ZC 9556 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba.
Fig. 6. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892: A, Cancellus panglaoensis McLaughlin, 2008, Philippines (T.-Y. Chan);
B, Ciliopagurus krempfi (Forest, 1952), Japan (T. Komai); C, Ciliopagurus tricolor Forest, 1995, Moorea, French Polynesia (A. Anker);
D, Clibanarius ambonensis Rahayu & Forest, 1993, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); E, Clibanarius corallinus (H. Milne
Edwards, 1848), Tuamotu, French Polynesia (G. Paulay); F, Clibanarius demani Buitendijk, 1937, Oura Bay, Ryukyu Islands, Japan (T.
Komai); G, Clibanarius englaucus Ball & Haig, 1972, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); H, Clibanarius rutilus Rahayu, 1999,
Bali, Indonesia, CBM-ZC 9990 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba.
Fig. 7. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892: A, Clibanarius snelliusi Buitendijk, 1937, Ryukyu Islands, Japan,
CBM-ZC (T. Komai); B, Clibanarius striolatus Dana, 1852, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9997 (T. Komai); C, Clibanarius virescens
(Krauss, 1843), Ryukyu Islands, Japan (T. Komai); D, Dardanus australis Forest & Morgan, 1991, Austral Islands, French Polynesia (J.
Poupin); E, Dardanus brachyops Forest, 1962, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium (T. Komai); F, Dardanus deformis (H.
Milne Edwards, 1836), Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 8000 (T. Komai); G, Dardanus gemmatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1848), Tuamotu,
French Polynesia (G. Paulay); H, Dardanus guttatus (Olivier, 1812), Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 7999 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural
History Museum and Institute, Chiba.
Fig. 8. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892: A, Dardanus lagopodes (Forskl, 1775), Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan,
CBM-ZC 8687 (T. Komai); B, Dardanus robustus Asakura, 2006, Ogasawara Islands, Japan (H. Tachikawa); C, Dardanus scutellatus
(H. Milne Edwards, 1848), Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9995 (T. Komai); D, Dardanus woodmasoni (Alcock, 1905), Ryukyu
Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9989 (T. Komai); E, Diogenes alias McLaughlin & Holthuis, 2001, Kerara, India, CBM-ZC 10007 (T. Komai);
F, Diogenes cf. avarus Heller, 1865, Western Australia, CBM-ZC 9996 (T. Komai); G, Diogenes cf. tirmiziae Siddiqui & McLaughlin,
2003, Osumi Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); H, Diogenes cf. manaarensis (Henderson, 1893), Kerara, India, CBM-ZC 10011 (T.
Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba.
Fig. 9. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892: A, Diogenes miles (Fabricius, 1787), Kerara, India, CBM-ZC 10008
(T. Komai); B, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao, 1913, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); C, Diogenes sp. 1, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC
(T. Komai ); D, Diogenes spinifrons (De Haan, 1849), Tateyama, Boso Peninsula, Japan, CBM-ZC 8423 (T. Komai); E, Diogenes sp. 2,
Tatsunokuchi, Nagasaki, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); F, Paguristes albimaculatus Komai, 2001, Ogasawara Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC
(T. Komai); G, Paguristes cadenati Forest, 1954, Gulf of Mexico ULLZ 7043 (D. L. Felder); H, Paguristes digitalis Stimpson, 1858,
Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan, CBM-ZC 9999 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; ULLZ = University
of Louisiana at Lafayette Zoological Collections.
Fig. 10. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892: A, Paguristes gonagrus (H. Milne Edwards, 1836), Taiwan (T.-Y.
Chan); B, Paguristes jalur Morgan, 1992, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9981 (T. Komai); C, Paguristes miyakei Forest & McLaughlin,
1998, Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan (T. Komai); D, Paguristes palythophilus Ortmann, 1892, Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan, CBMZC 4698 (T. Komai); E, Paguristes cf. puniceus Henderson, 1896, Uraga Strait, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); F, Paguristes cf. pusillus
Henderson, 1896, Taiwan, NTOU (T.-Y. Chan); G, Paguristes sericeus A. Milne Edwards, 1880, Gulf of Mexico, ULLZ 7118 (D. L.
Felder); H, Paguristes versus Komai, 2001, Izu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute,
Chiba; NTOU = National Taiwan Ocean University; ULLZ = University of Louisiana at Lafayette Zoological Collections.
Fig. 11. Paguroidea. Representatives of Diogenidae Ortmann, 1892: A, Paguropsis typica Henderson, 1888, Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); B,
Pseudopaguristes bicolor Asakura & Kosuge, 2004, Satsunan Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9986 (T. Komai); C, Pseudopaguristes laurentae
(Morgan & Forest, 1991), Izu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); D, Pseudopaguristes monoporus (Morgan, 1987), Kochi Prefecture,
Japan, CBM-ZC 9993 (T. Komai); E, Areopaguristes japonicus (Miyake, 1961), Boso Peninsula, Japan, CMNH-ZC 672 (J. Okuno); F,
Areopaguristes nigroapiculus (Komai, 2009), Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan, paratype, NSMT-Cr S45 (T. Komai); G, Areopaguristes
orbis (Komai, 2009), Izu Islands, Japan, paratype, CBM-ZC 9532 (T. Komai); H, Areopaguristes taenia (Komai, 1999), Ogasawara Islands,
Japan, CBM-ZC 9521 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; CMNH = Coastal Branch of the Natural History
Museum and Institute, Chiba; NSMT = National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.
Fig. 12. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Anapagrides aequalis Komai, 1999, Sagami Sea, Japan, NSMT-Cr
S164 (T. Komai); B, Anapagurus cf. bonnieri Nobili, 1905, Ryukyu Islands, Japan (T. Komai); C, Boninpagurus sp., with rhizocephalan,
Sagami Bay, Japan, CBM-ZC 10000 (T. Komai); D, Catapaguroides japonicus de Saint Laurent, 1968, with rhizocephalan, Sagami Bay,
Japan, NSMT-Cr S165 (T. Komai); E, Catapaguroides sp., Ohsumi Islands, Japan (T. Komai); F, Catapagurus misakiensis Terao, 1914,
Izu Islands, Japan, Sagami Sea, Japan, NSMT-Cr S168 (T. Komai); G, Catapagurus sp., Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); H,
Chanopagurus atopos Lemaitre, 2003, Taiwan (T.-Y. Chan). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; NSMT = National
Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.
Fig. 13. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Decaphyllus spinicornis de Saint Laurent, 1968, Sagami Sea, Japan,
Boso Peninsula, Japan, CBM-ZC 8435 (T. Komai); B, Discorsopagurus tubicola Komai, 2003, Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan, CBMZC 6813 (T. Komai); C, Elassochirus cavimanus (Miers, 1879), Iwate Prefecture, Japan, CBM-ZC 10005 (T. Komai); D, Iridopagurus
reticulatus Garca-Gmez, 1983, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, ULLZ 10032 (D. L. Felder); E, Lophopagurus (Australeremus) triserratus
(Ortmann, 1892), Izu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); F, Nematopagurus gardineri Alcock, 1905, Ogasawara Islands, Japan, CBMZC (T. Komai); G, Nematopagurus kosiensis McLaughlin, 1998, Ogasawara Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); H, Nematopagurus
cf. spinulosensoris McLaughlin & Brock, 1974, Sagami Sea, Japan, Sagami Sea, Japan, NSMT-Cr S178 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural
History Museum and Institute, Chiba; NSMT = National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo; ULLZ = University of Louisiana at
Lafayette Zoological Collections.
Fig. 14. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Nematopagurus tricarinatus (Stimpson, 1858), Ogasawara Islands,
Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); B, Pagurixus anceps (Forest, 1957), Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9571 (T. Komai); C, Pagurixus
aurantiaca Komai, 2010, Ogasawara Islands, Japan, holotype, CBM-ZC 9644 (T. Komai); D, Pagurixus boninensis (Melin, 1939),
Ogasawara Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); E, Pagurixus dissimilis Osawa & Komai, 2007, Kochi Prefecture, Japan, paratype,
CBM-ZC 9071 (T. Komai); F, Pagurixus haigae Komai & Osawa, 2007, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, holotype, CBM-ZC 8406 (T. Komai);
G, Pagurixus nomurai Komai & Asakura, 1995, Guam (G. Paulay); H, Pagurixus pseliophorus Komai & Osawa, 2006, Kochi Prefecture,
Japan, paratype, CBM-ZC 8533 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba.
Fig. 15. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Pagurus alaini Komai, 1998, Ohsumi Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9982
(T. Komai); B, Pagurus angustus (Stimpson, 1858), Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); C, Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus, 1758),
Belgium (C. dUdekem dAcoz); D, Pagurus brevidactylus (Stimpson, 1859), Gulf of Mexico, ULLZ 6753 (D. L. Felder); E, Pagurus
conformis De Haan, 1849, Uraga Strait, Japan, CBM-ZC 9998 (T. Komai); F, Pagurus erythrogrammus Komai, 2003, Kochi Prefecture,
Japan, CBM-ZC 9992 (T. Komai); G, Pagurus hirtimanus (Miers, 1880), Ryukyu Islands, CBM-ZC 8962 (T. Komai); H, Pagurus imafukui
McLaughlin & Konishi, 1994, Sagami Bay, Japan, NSMT-Cr S185 (T. Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba;
NSMT = National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo; ULLZ = University of Louisiana at Lafayette Zoological Collections.
Fig. 16. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Pagurus japonicus (Stimpson, 1858), Izu Peninsula, Japan, CBM-ZC
6795 (T. Komai); B, Pagurus luticola Komai & Chan, 2006, Taiwan, holotype, NTOU A00805 (T.-Y. Chan); C, Pagurus nigrofascia
Komai, 1996, Chiba Port, Tokyo Bay, Japan, CBM-ZC 6772 (T. Komai); D, Pagurus quinquelineatus Komai, 2003, Boso Peninsula,
Japan, paratype, CBM-ZC 6622 (T. Komai); E, Pagurus rathbuni (Benedict, 1892), Sea of Japan, off Hokkaido, CBM-ZC 10002 (T.
Komai); F, Pagurus simulans Komai, 2000, Uraga Strait, Japan, paratype, CBM-ZC 5196 (T. Komai); G, Pagurus townsendi (Benedict,
1892), Hokkaido, Japan, HUMZ-C 1060 (T. Komai); H, Pagurus trigonocheirus (Stimpson, 1858), Hokkaido, Japan, HUMZ-C 1050 (T.
Komai). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; HUMZ, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University; NTOU = National
Taiwan Ocean University.
Fig. 17. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Porcellanopagurus filholi de Saint Laurent & McLaughlin, 2000,
Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan, CBM-ZC 10001 (T. Komai); B, Porcellanopagurus japonicus Balss, 1913, Izu Islands, Japan (T. Komai);
C, Porcellanopagurus nihonkaiensis Takeda, 1985, Sagami Bay, Japan, NSMT-Cr S194 (T. Komai); D, Porcellanopagurus platei Lenz,
1902, Hawaiian Islands, LACM CR 2006-013.1 (J. W. Martin); E, Propagurus obtusifrons (Ortmann, 1892), Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay,
Japan, CBM-ZC 1668 (T. Komai); F, Pseudopagurodes piliferus (Henderson, 1888), Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); G, Pylopaguropsis granulata
Asakura, 2000, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9994 (T. Komai); H, Pylopaguropsis lemaitrei Asakura & Paulay, 2003, Moorea, French
Polynesia (A. Anker). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; LACM = Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County;
NSMT = National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.
Fig. 18. Paguroidea. Representatives of Paguridae Latreille, 1802: A, Pylopaguropsis vicina Komai & Osawa, 2004, Ryukyu Islands,
Japan (T. Komai); B, Pylopaguropsis zebra (Henderson, 1893), Osumi Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 3137 (T. Komai); C, D, Solitariopagurus
tuerkayi McLaughlin, 1997: C, Hawaiian Islands, LACM CR 2003-046.1 (R. B. Moffitt), D, infested with bopyrid, Ryukyu Islands,
Japan, CBM-ZC 8598 (T. Komai); E, Spiropagurus profundorum Alcock, 1905, Ohsumi Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9984 (T. Komai); F,
Trichopagurus trichophthalmus (Forest, 1954), Ryukyu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9949 (T. Komai); G, Turleania saliens Osawa & Fujita,
2008, Kashiwa-jima, Ohtsuki, Kochi Prefecture, CBM-ZC 9991 (T. Komai); H, Turleania senticosa (McLaughlin & Haig, 1996), Ohsumi
Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC 9985 (T. Komai); I, Xylopagurus philippinensis Forest, 1997, Philippines (T.-Y. Chan). CBM = Natural History
Museum and Institute, Chiba; LACM = Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
Fig. 19. Paguroidea. Representatives of Parapaguridae Smith, 1882: A, Oncopagurus monstrosus (Alcock, 1894), Taiwan (T.-Y. Chan);
B, Paragiopagurus acutus (de Saint Laurent, 1972), Uraga Strait, Tokyo Bay, Japan, CBM-ZC 9898 (T. Komai); C, Paragiopagurus
bougainvillei (Lemaitre, 1994), Tuamotu, French Polynesia (J. Poupin); D, Paragiopagurus cf. diogenes (Whitelegge, 1900), French
Frigate Shoals, Hawaiian Islands (G. Paulay); E, Paragiopagurus fasciatus Lemaitre & Poupin, 2003, Austral Islands, French Polynesia
(J. Poupin); F, Paragiopagurus ventilatus Lemaitre, 2004, Taiwan (T.-Y. Chan); G, Paragiopagurus wallisi (Lemaitre, 1994), Austral,
Thiers Bank, French Polynesia (J. Poupin); H, I (in zoanthid carcinoecia), Parapagurus furici Lemaitre, 1999, Taiwan (T.-Y. Chan). CBM
= Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
Fig. 20. Paguroidea. Representatives of Parapaguridae Smith, 1882: A, Parapagurus latimanus Henderson, 1888, off Boso Peninsula,
Japan, CBM-ZC 2038 (T. Komai); B, Parapagurus richeri Lemaitre, 1999, Taiwan (T.-Y. Chan); C, Probeebei mirabilis Boone, 1926,
cephalothorax, pleon and proximal portions of chelipeds and ambulatory legs, off Peru, South Pacific, USNM 267810 (preserved specimen,
R. Lemaitre); D, Strobopagurus gracilipes (A. Milne-Edwards, 1891), Taiwan (T.-Y. Chan); E, Sympagurus brevipes (de Saint Laurent,
1972), Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); F, Tsunogaipagurus chuni (Balss, 1911), Izu Islands, Japan, CBM-ZC (T. Komai); G, Tylaspis anomala
Henderson, 1885, Japan (S. Ohta). CBM = Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; USNM = National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 21. Paguroidea. Representatives of Pylochelidae Bate, 1888: A, Bathycheles incisus (Forest, 1897), Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); B,
Bathycheles integer (Forest, 1987), Philippines, MNHN Pg 7907 (T.-Y. Chan); C, Xylocheles macrops (Forest, 1987), Philippines (T.-Y.
Chan); D, Xylocheles miersi (Alcock & Anderson, 1899), Philippines (T.-Y. Chan); E, Parapylocheles scorpio (Alcock, 1894), Philippines
(T.-Y. Chan); F, Trizocheles boasi Forest, 1987, Philippines, in sponge habitat partially removed, NMCR (T.-Y. Chan). MNHN = Musum
national dHistoire naturelle, Paris; NMCR = National Museum of the Philippines, Manila.