Mechanical Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres - Standardization Work in IEC Subcommittee 31M and Its Benefit For International Projects
Mechanical Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres - Standardization Work in IEC Subcommittee 31M and Its Benefit For International Projects
Mechanical Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres - Standardization Work in IEC Subcommittee 31M and Its Benefit For International Projects
A publication of
As a consequence of international projects in the process industry there is a strong worldwide demand to
use established non-electrical (mechanical) equipment for areas with potentially explosive atmospheres.
For electrical equipment such standardized equipment has a long lasting history finally in the form of the
standards of the IEC 60079 series.
Within Europe a successful approach exists for explosion protected mechanical equipment, designed and
built according to the standard EN 13463 series. This series is harmonized under the European ATEXDirective for free trade of explosion protected equipment and autonomous protective systems (Directive
94/9/EC). Due to the lack of alternative approaches, such equipment is used around the world in
international projects.
The next step from European to an international level is the development of ISO standards within the
project teams ISO 80079-36 and ISO 80079-37 for explosion protected mechanical equipment. These
project teams are part of the unique IEC SC 31M that develops either ISO/IEC or ISO standards for
explosive atmospheres, depending on the subject addressed, under the umbrella of IEC TC 31. ISO
80079-36 will contain Basic methods and requirements, including a mandatory ignition hazard
assessment, which is a principle difference to the well known electrical explosion protection standards,
whereas ISO 80079-37 will include so called types of protection as explosion protection concepts in the
form of Constructional safety, Control of ignition sources and Liquid immersion.
1. Introduction
Since the1st July 2003, non-electrical (mechanical) equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres must
be placed on the harmonized European market under the European Directive 94/9/EC. This procedure
gives both manufacturers and users the chance to sell and purchase, install and use safe and established
equipment with the same design requirements throughout Europe. The technical standards for the
manufacturer are available in the form of the EN 13463 series with general requirements and types of
ignition protection for mechanical equipment.
The next step from European into worldwide harmonized standards for mechanical equipment is done
within the Technical Committee IEC TC 31 by its subcommittee SC 31M that develops the ISO 80079
series which adopts relevant parts of the EN 13463 series. This will provide the opportunity for
internationally operating companies to use the same safe and reliable mechanical equipment around the
world without modifications.
for explosive atmospheres was created to develop standards for non-electrical equipment and protective
systems. Protective systems" means devices which are intended to halt incipient explosions immediately
and/or to limit the effective range of an explosion. Later on SC 31M also took over standards for safety
data of flammable gases, vapors and dusts. The projects currently under development in SC 31 M are
listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Current Projects in the IEC SC 31 M (August 2012)
Project Team
Title of standard
PT 80079-36
ISO 80079-36
3.5 Marking
The marking made by the manufacture provides (together with the instructions) the required information to
the user concerning the safety aspects of the equipment (EPL, types of protection, gas subgroup,
temperature class, special conditions etc). A new marking (compared to the parent ENs) is the use of the
h for all mechanical equipment conforming to ISO 80079-36. This allows the user to identify that at least
an ignition hazard assessment for the mechanical equipment according to ISO 80079-36 was performed
by the manufacturer or, in other cases, that additional types of protection are applied (see chapter 4
below). The standard is in the CDV stage for the moment of preparing this text. Marking is expected to be
different in the published standard.
Table 2: Minimum ignition prevention types required when Ex bh is selected to achieve the intended EPL
for Group II and III equipment
EPL of the
Gc, Dc
Gb, Db
Ga, Da
a single system to
avoid effective ignition sources
during foreseeable malfunctions
a single system to
avoid effective ignition sources
during rare malfunctions
b1 (alarm or
does not
b2 or
two b1
b1(switch or
b1(alarm or
does not
b2 or
two b1
b1(alarm or
does not
mechanical equipment is quite helpful instead of starting new national or regional standardization work in
different continents.
A different approach is taken frequently by users of mechanical equipment within the interior of process
plants (process-equipment). This type of equipment is often not used permanently but only during certain
well defined phases of the process where the occurrence and nature of explosive mixtures can deviate
from the overall occurrence of explosive mixtures of the complete process and from atmospheric
conditions. In such cases a tailor-made or optimized ignition hazard assessment to prevent effective
ignition sources requires the knowledge of the detailed process information which is only available to the
user. The user then frequently performs a specific ignition hazard assessment for mechanical process
equipment based onto technical information from the manufacturer and about the process.
6. Conclusions
As a consequence of international projects in the process industry there is a strong worldwide demand to
use established non-electrical (mechanical) equipment for areas with explosive atmospheres.
Within Europe a successful approach exists for explosion protected mechanical equipment, designed and
built according to the standard EN 13463 series. Due to the lack of alternative international approaches,
such equipment is used around the world in international projects.
A step from European to an international level is now the development of ISO standards for explosion
protected mechanical equipment. ISO 80079-36 will contain Basic methods and requirements, including
a mandatory ignition hazard assessment, which is a principle difference to the well known electrical
explosion protection standards, whereas ISO 80079-37 includes so called types of protection as
explosion protection concepts in the form of Constructional safety, Control of ignition sources and
Liquid immersion. As these standards are in the CDV stage at the moment of preparing this text they
may change before publication.
These standards (like other EN, IEC and ISO standards) do not contain formal conformity assessment
procedures as this is the matter of national or regional regulations (like the Directive 94/9/C in Europe).
Insofar they will not affect the legal situation in Europe. It is not clear at the moment which kind of
mandatory conformity assessment procedures will be established in other parts of the world for nonelectrical equipment covered by these standards.
Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on the approximation of
the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres (OJ L 100, 19.4.1994)
EN 1710 Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in
underground mines, 2008
EN 13463-1, Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Part 1: Basic method
and requirements, 2009
EN 13463-2, Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Protection by
flow restricting enclosure fr, 2005
EN 13463-3, Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 3: Protection by
flameproof enclosure "d", 2005
EN 13463-5, Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Protection by
constructional safety c, 2011
EN 13463-6 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Protection by
control of ignition source b, 2005
EN 13463-8 Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 8: Protection by liquid
immersion k, 2003
IEC 60079-0 Explosive atmospheres Part 0: Equipment General requirements, 2011
ISO/IEC 80079-34 Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment
manufacture, 2011