Professional Development Workshop
Professional Development Workshop
Professional Development Workshop
Whos invited???
This workshop is open to all K-12 teachers, special teaching instructors, as well as
curriculum personnel.
How long???
There will be two sessions, each are for two hours. First session, will be strictly
educational. This workshop will be delivering all important information. The second
session is interactive, and allows feedback from all participants.
Training Sessions
Orientation will be provided in a reading format, must be read before enrollment. Itll be
an overview of whats to be expected, highlighting the purpose and goals of this
workshop. Youll find scheduling and procedures in this packet, as well as whom this
workshop is geared towards.
1st Workshop: Once the orientation packet is complete, youre now ready for enrollment
of the 1st workshop. This session will be educational. There will be step by step
instruction for integrating web based lessons into instruction. Examples and benefits of
different types will be provided.
2nd Workshop: This session is interactive and reflective. Youll be able to enforce your
learning from the 1st workshop with hands on participation. Everyone will be engaged
with feedback from other participants.
Everyone will need a laptop that is internet accessible. There will be a packet of the
workshops, section for notes, and a monitor to project the topics of discussion.
On welcoming day!
Please come prepared and ready to learn! Below will be an overview of what youre
expected to learn, however, during training I will give more details. I look forward to
training with you; its time to learn some fun activities.
are all possible through the web. Web based courses may also provide static pages
such as printed course materials (McKimm, Jollie, and Cantillon).
Integrating web based learning can have such a positive impact for students on all
grade levels. It is so important for educators to gain the skills necessary to provide
students with the proper tools to learn at their best potential. With computers and
internet accessibility, its time to finally incorporate some web based lessons.
Theres no doubt that students are more intrigued to learn when theres a new
approach. Our goal is to provide students with the same curriculum, but present
information with a new approach.
Look around?! Have you noticed that mostly all of the students are able to use the
internet? Well its time to catch up and get everyone engaged.
There are so many types of activities that can be incorporated into classroom
instruction. In preparation for instruction, identify the web lesson that works best with the
purpose of your activity. It should always be relevant to the objective of your lesson. Be
sure that the objectives of your web based lesson are in accord with the state wide
standards. In addition, consider how youll be assessing the students knowledge of the
lesson. Assessments are necessary to determine how the students are performing with
this new approach. Finally, be prepared for an additional approach, anything can go
wrong. These particular factors are important because as stated by these authors,
educational technologies are not yet well-integrated into instruction in most k-12
classrooms (levin & Wadmany, 2008; russell, odwyer, Bebell & tao, 2007); that
teachers instructional planning tends to be activity-based and content-focused (John,
2006; Yinger, 1979); that learning activities are conceptualized and enacted differently in
different disciplines (shulman, 1986; stodolsky, 1988); and that effective technology
integration requires interdependent content, technological,and pedagogical knowledge
(Mishra & koehler, 2006, koehler & Mishra, 2008); we suggest
that a logical approach to helping teachers to better integrate technologies in their
teaching is to directly link students content-related learning needs with particular
content-based learning activities and related educational technologies that will best
support the activities successful implementation (Harris & Hoffer 2010).
Below are web tools that are to be used in collaboration with web based lessons:
Teachers website: Is a great way for students and their parents to access all
information for the course, grades, office hours, contact information, links to
educational arenas etc.
Web Logs: Its a great way to teach students the safe and productive way to share
their thoughts and opinions with strangers.
Virtual Field Trip: This is a great option for students to use their imagination and travel
to many places. This is especially helpful if budgets for physical trips have been cut.
E Pals: This tool is a great way for students to share information and make new
friends from around the world via email.
WebQuest: This is an internet based lesson, that usually requires independent
thinking skills, and can be used as a multi or single unit lesson.
Puzzle maker: Great for students to use an interactive crossword puzzle to learn and
understand vocabulary from their curriculum.
These are just a few examples. Heres a link to check other web tools that can be used
in the classroom to support instruction for web based learning.
The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You (Dunn 2011)
As we conclude our 1st session, Id like for you to click the following link. Consider this
information before you incorporate lessons into your instruction.
Photo 1: Retrieved November 22, 2013
Photo 2: Retrieved November 22, 2013
Dunn, J. (November 2, 2011). The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You
Retrieved from:
Harris, J. & Hofer, M. (2010). Grounded Technology Integration: Instructional Planning
Using Curriculum-Based Activity Type Taxonomies. Journal of Technology and
Teacher Education, 18(4), 573-605. Retrieved June 08, 2011, from Journal of
Technology and Teacher Education Web site:
McKimm, J. Jollie, C. and Cantillon, P. (April 19, 2003) Web Based Learning.
Retrieved from:
Rodrigues, D. (September 12, 2012) Criteria for Evaluating Web Activities. Retrieved