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DBTL User Manual

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PROJECT : Customer Registration for Direct Benefit

Transfer of LPG Subsidy (DBTL).


Created By
Vivek Ranjan


R. Mukundhan


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Information Technology Department: Central Office: Chennai 600 002

Customer Registration for Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG

Subsidy (DBTL).
This document details the procedure to be followed by Branch to enroll and check
the status of the customers for Direct Transfer of LPG Subsidy.
As part of the Modified DBTL project, LPG consumers who do not have an Aadhaar
Number, are required to register their Bank account number against their LPG
connection so that the subsidy disbursal can happen based on the Account number.
However, the existing process viz. Aadhaar based subsidy payment will also
The LPG consumer has two ways of linking his / her LPG connection to the Bank
Account. Under Process-I, the consumer will produce the bank Passbook / statement
of account copy to the LPG distributor through whom he / she is getting the Gas
cylinders and seed the account with them. This data will be received by the banks
also for validation, which will be taken care by Central Office.
Under Process-II, the LPG consumer may approach the bank where he / she is
maintaining the account for linking purpose. In such a case, the following process is
to be used by the branch users.
The customer will bring the Form-3 (copies available with the LPG dealer) filled-up
along with a copy of the Blue book / cash receipt / Certificate from LPG Distributor /
OMC) containing a 17 Digit LPG-ID. Check whether the form is complete in all
respects and duly signed by the customer. Verify the signature of the customer in
CBS. Then proceed as given below. If the customer is not in possession of the 17
Digit number, request him / her to obtain the same from the LPG Dealer and then
submit the form.
The option is available in IOBONLINE under Branch PRODUCTS DBTLLPG REGISTER. Branch user has to login using his / her CBS login-id to
access this program.
On clicking this option from Branch Products the below screen is displayed to the

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Information Technology Department: Central Office: Chennai 600 002

View :- This option is to be used to verify the status of success / failure of a

registration done already for the customer. Normally within 3 or 4 days, the status
will be known based on response from the LPG company and the customer may be
advised accordingly. The view can used either with the LPG Consumer-id (17 digit)
or with the Bank-Reference_no generated by the system at the time Registration.

Add : This option is for registering the request of the customer to link his / her
Addition of New Customer:
1. User needs to click on the Add Button for Addition of new customers.

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2. Enter all the Details of the customer and press Get account details.

The 17 digit LPG ID need to be entered twice CORRECTLY to complete the

process. If any mistake is committed, the system will prompt for re-entry.
The LPG Company Name is to be chosen correctly BPCL/HPCL/IOCL as per the
consumers document produced to the bank. On entering the 15 digit CBS
Account number, the following screen will appear, provided the account is valid
account. In case of Dormant accounts, the customer may be advised to do a
transaction and the account activated before seeding the account to LPG. In
nutshell, the account should be an active account at the time of registration.
3. All the Customers attached to the account will be displayed on the screen.

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4. User should select the customer ID equivalence to the name as present in the
LPG Receipt/passbook and click on Submit. This will include expansion of
initials also.

5. User can click on submit if the customer name matches or click on reset
button to enter the data again.

6. On submit, the system will do validations and any mistake / error will be
displayed for rectification. Once the valid data is accepted by the system,
the Details will be added successfully and bank ref number will be generated
which should be used for future correspondence.

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The registration number may be CLEARLY WRITTEN in the ACKNWOELDGE SLIP

provided at the bottom of the application or a print out may be taken and
handed over to the customer as acknowledgement. In case the customer has
Aadhaar number registered in our System, it will be displayed in the above
screen. Branch user may get it confirmed from the customer.
7. User can take Print Out by clicking on Print Form and give to the user as a proof.

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8. Sample Printout:

To view the Details of Already Enrolled Customer:

User needs to click on the View Button for checking the details of already enrolled

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1. User can search the Customer details using the ref number given by bank or by
using the customer LPG ID.

2. User need to select the search criteria and give the Ref Number/LPG ID and click
on get customer details.

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3. All the details will be displayed and the user can take printout by clicking on print
form button. In case the LPG company has processed the request, the status will be
displayed accordingly and the customer may be advised suitably. In case of
rejections, suitable corrective measures are to be taken and the data captured
Afresh and sent to LPG company.

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Information Technology Department: Central Office: Chennai 600 002

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