Henry Evaulation Question 1

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions

of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

My opening title sequence challenges forms and conventions of real media

products in multiple ways, for starters our opening title sequence is
conventional to real media products because I made sure to include a
minimum of 20 credits, this is the same as in real films.
We also displayed our credits in the correct order that they would appear
within the timeline of a real film, with the production company first, the
films title in the middle and the name of the director last.
This is the order of our films credits
1. Distribution company
2. Production company
3. The producer
4. The actors
5. The name of the film
6. Featured actors
7. The casting of the film
8. Who did the casting in the film
9. Who made the music in the film
10. Product designer
11. The editor
12. The photographer director
13. Executive producer
14. Who created the story
15. The writer
16. The director

The characters in our opening title sequence signify romance through out the film, we follow
the actors on a journey to be reunited with each other again, it has lots of flash backs of when
they are happily in love this is a conventional of our opening title sequence.

I feel the our opening title sequence shows strong genre, narrative, character, atmosphere and
setting. In my own personal opinion genre is used through out the film and is one of the
strongest aspects, enigma is also created in this opening title sequence when the letter is being
read out, it then makes the audience start to wonder why the woman is now trapped and want
to know her past.
Atmosphere is also created in my opening title sequence because of the broken picture frame
in the house and the photos all over the floor, while the woman is trapped in the house.

In our film there is loads of close up shots, this shows that the location is not really given
away, but this also adds to the enigma that we have been trying to build throughout our
opening title sequence and want to watch the whole of our film because there is not to many
hints and clues as to what the whole of the story is about.
Camera Conventions
The camera in our opening title sequence is conventional because there is many a close up
and extreme close ups, this often happens in thriller films so we done this in our opening title
sequence. In many thriller films it has extreme close up on the protagonist faces.
Editing Conventions
The editing in my opening title sequence is very fast paced, which is very normal of a thriller
film as it gives us a sense of suspense. The audience will feel gripped and drawn in to the
film, this just shows how intense it is.

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