BMO5501 Unit Study Guide Sem 1 2015 Sydney V15

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Unit Name:



Unit Code:






City Campus

Prepared by:

Dr Peter Demediuk CPA


Acknowledgement of Country

Introduction to the unit ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Key staff .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Required readings ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Indicative schedule for this unit ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Assessment details: ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Succeeding at Victoria University ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Providing feedback: Student Evaluation System (SES) .................................................................................................... 18
Welcome to this unit of study. This Unit Guide provides important information and should be kept as a reference to assist
with your studies. This Guide includes information about your reading and resources, independent learning, class activities
and assessment tasks. It is recommended that you read this Guide carefully: you will be expected to manage your learning
as you work towards successful study.
Detailed information and learning resources for this unit have also been provided on the Unit website on VU Collaborate
which can be reached via the Student Portal at It is important that you access
your Unit website regularly.
Please also refer to information provided on the Student Portal that supports studying at VU.
Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge and recognise the traditional owners, their Elders past and present, their descendants and kin
as the custodians of this land.

Introduction to the unit

Unit Title: Business Ethics and Sustainability
Unit Code: BM05501



Semester Tri One

Credit Points: 12

Other details: BMO5501is a foundation unit for Master of Business programs in the College of Business.
Unit co-ordinator

Name: Dr Peter Demediuk

Location: FS 1094 City Flinders
Phone: 0438 0785507
Email: [email protected]

Teaching team

See the units Collaborate website for

programmed consultation times for JeanEtienne.

Name: Jean-Etienne Joullie

Location: VU Sydney
Email: [email protected]

Unit description
This unit critically reviews the socio-cultural environment in which business operates. Ethical frameworks for decision
making will be critiqued and students will construct the debates surrounding contemporary corporate responsibility and
sustainable development as they impact on organisations in their local and global contexts. Emphasis will be on how new
pressures on businesses arise, and how effective the various models that structure organisational responses are to these
dynamic and emergent challenges.
Mode of delivery
On campus
Learning outcomes
At the completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Discriminate between key western philosophical approaches to ethics
2. Discriminate between ethics, legal requirements, and religious doctrine as they impact on contemporary business
and be able to critically comment upon the role of culture in ethical decision making.
3. Advocate a position and establish ways of advancing that position - on the ethical issues associated with the
western capitalist business system through analysis, critique and the presentation of corroborating evidence.
4. Exemplify professional judgement: in assessing alternative perspectives of corporate responsibility in the context
of contemporary business issues; and in the management and measurement of sustainable performance.
5. Evaluate the sustainability agenda and justify assessment of the implications for business.
6. Evaluate and debate the role of social movements and institutional changes to business operations.
7. Clearly communicate conclusions to inter-disciplinary audiences demonstrating a high level of personal autonomy
and accountability.

Learning and teaching strategies

This Unit of Study will be delivered as a weekly three-hour seminar (or equivalent). It is expected that you will spend at least
ten hours per week studying this Unit of Study (including seminar time). In periods where you need to complete
assignments, the workload may be greater.
Learners are responsible for managing their own time in completing prescribed reading, undertaking research and
completing assessment tasks. Students are expected to participate in practical problem solving sessions, usually through
teamwork, in class, and through case study analysis. Students are supported through regular in-class contact, such as
lectures, tutorials and workshops and are expected to participate in online learning activities, peer discussion and review,
and self-reflection.
Learning contract/ process
The more information is processed the more useable and accessible it is to the individual. This subjects teaching approach is
premised on this assumption, and lectures, video, as well as class and group discussion are methods used to assist the
processing and storage of information in long-term memory. So, participate and take every opportunity to maximise your
learning. To support your learning outcomes I expect that you:
Arrive on time and attend all classes,
Read the relevant text chapters and articles before each lecture/tutorial or were applicable watch suggested
Participate fully in class and in other discussion forums, and
Meet the agreed dates for assignment submission.
Graduate capabilities
In addition to discipline knowledge, skills and their application, the study of this unit is intended to contribute to students
developing the capabilities needed to be:
Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens who can communicate effectively, work collaboratively, think critically
and solve complex problems
Confident, creative lifelong learners who can use their understanding of themselves and others to achieve their
goals in work and learning
Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their local and global
In this unit you will receive feedback on your development of key aspects of the above graduate capabilities through the
research reports and reflective journal.
Required readings & recommended readings
Prescribed reading: Nomadic Giving Value to Voice program (approx. $60 USD). Detail of how to access this program will
be issued in class and on the Collaborate website at the date of your second class. You will need to click on the link
provided, click on register (not sign-in), and register using your official VU email address as your login ID and making up
a password that is at least 8 characters long and contains numbers and letters.
On the Collaborate website (see screenshot on p. 20 of the unit guide) there are a series of resources:- unit guide; topic
slides and notes; background readings; cases; articles and other media (see listings in the teaching schedule on the next
Unit guide: this formalises information on staff, objectives, schedule, content, and assessment tasks
Session notes: each session considers a different topic, and each topic is supported either by a set of notes (in
PDF or PPT slide form) that will contain extracts of readings or direct you to particular readings that are available
in electronic form on the unit website, and set tasks to be done before or during class.
Background readings: these supplement the information in the topic notes
Cases: you are required to pre-read the short case before the relevant class, identify the main issues, consider
how you would respond to the opportunities and challenges, and compare your identification of issues and
solutions with those of the experts provided.
Articles and other media: you are required to pre-read/listen to the article, blog or podcast before the relevant
class and identify the main insights for you as a manager.
Note: all resources are also available from a dropbox site:

Teaching schedule (subject to change)

Session Date

Topics and Activities



Introduction to ethics and


Topic notes and background


Discussion articles & cases

Session 1 notes

Ethics & Swiss bankers (RN podcast)

Campbell & Mollica (2009)

Dont spin a better story (article)

CSR international research bulletin (report)
GVV video:





Ethics Theory

Session 2 notes

The circular economy (report)

New models of business in society (ref
assessment task 2; part A)
Reports on Novonordisk game (task 1 session 1 notes)

Shaw, Barry & Sansbury (2009) Ch

Break a promise - short case
(task 2 - session 1 notes)
Crossan et al (2013)
Faking it to get home for Christmas;
Business ethics manual Dept
pdf & ABC radio podcast
Commerce USA (report)
(task 3 - session 1 notes)
Applying ethics theory to
Session 3 notes
Shakedown - short case
choices: the decision what is
(task 4 - session 2 notes)
the right thing to do?
Shaw, Barry & Sansbury (2009) Ch
St James ethics centre dilemmas
(task 5 - session 3 notes)

Post the decision; giving voice Session 4 notes

to values how to get it (the
right thing) done?
Ethical norms in international
business transactions (report)

A tale of 2 stories (GVV)

contemplation & discussion
(task 6 - session 3 notes)
A tale of 2 stories (GVV) follow up
(task 6 - session 3 notes)
GVV-Nomadic field manual #1
(task 7 - session 3 notes)
GVV-Nomadic field manual #2
(task 7 - session 3 notes)
The ideas, ideals and examples
in each field manual
Your answers to the quizzes
Twitter contributions yours and
those of others
Ethical bank (short case)
(task 8 - session 3 notes)
GVV readings
Penalties (article)
Ethical norms in international
business transactions
(task 9 session 4 notes)


Scripts and strategies for

responding to values conflicts

Session 5 notes
Crane & Matten (2007) Ch 4

Should you sell: note; 2 files; case &

experts short case
(task 10 session 4 notes)
GVV-Nomadic field manual #3
(task 11 session 4 notes)
GVV-Nomadic field manual #4 Voice
(task 11 session 4 notes)
The ideas, ideals and examples
in each field manual
Your answers to the quizzes
Twitter contributions yours and
those of others
Naivete or Boldness? (A)
(task 12 session 5 notes)
Naivete or Boldness? (B)
(task 13 session 5 notes)
Other GVV cases
(task 14 session 5 notes)


Economic systems, societal

values and business models

Session 6 notes

GVV-Nomadic field manual #5

Velasquez (1992) Ch 3
(task 15 session 5 notes)
Shaw, B. & Sansbury, G. (2009)
GVV-Nomadic field manual #6
Carley & Christie (2000) Ch 1
(task 15 session 5 notes)
The ideas, ideals and examples
Gladwin, Kennelly & Krause (1995)
in each field manual
Your answers to the quizzes
Standing (2013) Defining the
Twitter contributions yours and
those of others
XuhsyPsfzg (video)
Culture - short case
(task 16 session 5 notes)
Doing business in countries in 2015 Analysis:
World Bank (report)
Ducking tax (additional readings
Powermodels crowdsourcing
Sharing not just for start ups
Unlocking ROI (promo)
List of most ethical companies
(task 17 session 5 notes)
Effect of societal cultures
(task 18 session 6 notes)
Note: Assessment 2, Part A - New
Models of Business in Society
program is due in session 7


Teaching break


Workshop: Assignment 1A
Session 7 notes
oral group presentations;
reports on a Social Enterprise


Sustainability: balancing
economic, social and
environmental performance

Session 8 notes
Lund and Lindgreen
Matten & Crane (2005)


Theories, models and

frameworks for sustainability

Session 9 notes
Garriga & Mele (2004)

Enron: smartest guys in the room - movie extracts

(task 19 session 7 notes)
Assessment 1, Part A magazine article on
a social enterprise is due
Assessment 2, Part A - New Models of
Business in Society program is due
Holding (short case)
(task 20 session 7 notes)
Guardian, greenbiz & CSR europe stories
(task 21 session 8 notes)
Sustainability, the business of sustainability
The truth about CSR (article)
Celebrities board coffee bandwagon
Profit at the bottom of the pyramid (article)
Social enterprise profiting from poverty
(task 22 session 8 notes)
Cake (short case)
(task 22 session 8 notes)

GRI and P&G

Blowfield & Murray (2011) (task 23 session 9 notes)
Analysis imperatives?:
Collaboration imperative & sustainability
Sustainability a CEO can love (article)
Sustainability in the boardroom (article)
Transparency and performance
(task 24 session 9 notes)



Environmental performance in Session 10 notes

practice: management,
measurement and reporting
Baker, M. and J. Robins

(task 25 session 9 notes)
Bet (short case)
(task 26 session 9 notes)
Unilever and good business (article)
Unilever sustainability report (report)
(task 27 session 10 notes)
Climate change checklist
Green product labels
B corporations cabot creamery
B corporations certified 1
B corporations certified 2
Measuring toxic footprint
(task 28 session 10 notes)



Social performance in
practice: management,
measurement and reporting
Supplier audits & purchasing

Session 11 notes
Deegan and Shelley

Short seller (short case)

(task 29 session 10 notes)
Making charity pay (article)
CSR extracting with purpose (article)
Audits of suppliers and purchasing
practices (article)
(task 30 session 11 notes)
Bold talks by women (article) which refers
to: project futures (podcast) and thank you
water (podcast)&
Social enterprises (podcast)
(task 31 session 11 notes)
Assessment 2, Part B your results from
the GVV program will be automatically



Unit review and exam


Session 12 notes

Assessment details: (note;

1 - Part A

Assessment Tasks:
Case Study
Social enterprise
Group Report

1 Part B

Case Study
Group Report

Reflective Journal
Reflective piece

Task facilitation &

Individual work

Case study based 2
hour closed book

Learning Outcomes and Graduate Capabilities

Learning outcomes: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Graduate Capabilities:
Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens who can communicate effectively, work
collaboratively, think critically and solve complex problems
Confident, creative lifelong learners who can use their understanding of themselves and others
to achieve their goals in work and learning
Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their
local and global communities.
Learning outcomes: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Graduate Capabilities:
Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens who can communicate effectively, work
collaboratively, think critically and solve complex problems
Confident, creative lifelong learners who can use their understanding of themselves and others
to achieve their goals in work and learning
Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their
local and global communities.
Learning outcomes: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6. Graduate Capabilities:
Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens who can communicate effectively, work
collaboratively, think critically and solve complex problems
Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their
local and global communities.
Learning outcomes: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Graduate Capabilities:
Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens who can communicate effectively, work
collaboratively, think critically and solve complex problems
Confident, creative lifelong learners who can use their understanding of themselves and others
to achieve their goals in work and learning
Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their
local and global communities.
Learning outcomes: 1,2,3, 4, 5. Graduate Capabilities:
Adaptable and capable 21st century citizens who can communicate effectively, work
collaboratively, think critically and solve complex problems
Responsible and ethical citizens who use their inter-cultural understanding to contribute to their
local and global communities.



Due date

Refer page7


Week 7

Refer page 8


Week 11

Refer page 9


Week 12

Refer page 10



Refer page 10




There are 4 assessment components.

Each assessment component (1, 2, 3 & 4) must be satisfactorily completed in order to gain an overall pass in
the unit.


Part A: Social enterprise report
Part B: Practice recommendations sustainability framework


Word Length: 2,000

Word Length: 3,000

Due: Week 7
Due: Week 11

General Instructions
This group assignment (3 or 4 students) is in two (2) parts:
Part A is due in Week 7 (15%: 10% for the written submission and 5% for the oral presentation in class)
Part B is due in Week 11 (25%: 25% for the written submission)
Submit as a PDF to the dropbox within Collaborate (your lecturer will give you instructions)
Only one group member is to submit
File name: Your group identifier assignment number (e.g. the file names for group 3 would be G3A1A.pdf &
Assignments will not be accepted without the correct file name
Part A: Social enterprise report

To compile a report on the objectives, operations and outcomes of a social enterprise in Australia.
A major international business magazine has contracted your team to write a profile article on an Australia social
enterprise. They have heard that there are some really interesting enterprises downunder that would be of interest to
overseas readers for example the MADCAP Caf that employees young people with mental health issues to make the
coffee in stands at Masters Hardware stores a chain owned by Woolworths; or the fifty-six threads caf run by AMES
which trains young refugees and migrants in hospitality skills.
Prepare an article for the magazine that reports on the objectives, operations and outcomes of a social enterprise in
Australia and include performance data and photos where possible. The magazine is expecting: great content in a two
page article which is engaging, and exhibits a clear and crisp writing style (10%); and an oral presentation to a business
conference sponsored by the magazine (5%). You can choose any social enterprise operating in Australia. Your report is
expected to contain some pertinent primary data such as quotes that you get directly from the operators or clients
gathered in person, by phone or by electronic means. As this is a magazine article, no formal Harvard referencing at the
end (out of text) is required - but sources would usually be given in-text e.g.: the website notes that 300 people were
assisted ; staff said that business is increasing rapidly .
Part B: Practice recommendations - a sustainability framework for international expansion
The objective of this project is to consider ways of ensuring sustainability if a business sends its production offshore.
Amy is a successful young Melbourne fashion designer. The AMY brand is well established and has excellent brand
presence that targets under 35s premium fashions. Amy has been urged to expand production to meet growing local and
international demand for the quirky yet stylish creations that flow from her small design and marketing team. Amy is
extremely proud and protective of her logo which has credibility in the marketplace daring and caring. AMY products
contain much in the way of recycled things and the business is a high profile supporter of social initiatives; for example
supplying young high school graduates from poorer areas with clothing for debutant balls and end of year formals as well
as contributing to the financing of the events.

Currently the entire AMY range is manufactured in Melbourne through contracted suppliers Stitch-up. Amy knows the
Stitch-up management and staff well and visits them frequently at their plant near Melbourne Airport. Stitch-up have a
good reputation for quality, occupational health and safety(OH&S) and outsourcing practices.
However the relatively high costs and capacity constraints found in on-shore production are seen as disablers to Amys
Amy is considering the feasibility of having her clothing range manufactured off-shore either in China, India, Bangladesh,
Fiji, or Vietnam. For Amy, such a move needs to be sustainable in terms of economic, social and environmental
performance. Assume the only options to Amy persevering with local production are:
1. Amy to set up her own manufacturing factory in the chosen country
2. Amy to contract out the production work to a manufacturer overseas
3. Amy to form a joint venture (JV) with an overseas company that will take in manufacturing, marketing and sales
aspects but not design; and the JV would appear in the form of a new business - AMY International.
Your team represents a small Melbourne consulting firm that has been asked to prepare a briefing document for Amy on
the feasibility of having the AMY clothing range manufactured off-shore.
Develop a report for your client Amy on problems and solutions in achieving sustainable economic, social and
environmental performance in offshoring manufacturing, one that that considers:
1. The different theoretical perspectives on corporate social responsibility might managers like Amy may take (see
for example Garriga and Mele paper). 2 marks
2. The issues (challenges or opportunities) that other companies (in the clothing or different industries) have
experienced in achieving sustainable economic, social and environmental performance in developing countries in
general and the target country you have chosen to report on in particular choose one of China, India,
Bangladesh, Fiji, or Vietnam. 6 marks.
3. The initiatives - how have other companies responded to these issues (above); how do they measure
performance; and how successful do these responses appear to have been? 5 marks.
4. Common principles of good practice can a set of principles be discerned from the various examples of
problems/initiatives identified in the part above? 4 marks.
5. A sustainability framework for Amy one that describes the issues and initiatives which Amy should prioritise if
she were to exercise her various expansion options. 5 marks.
6. A conclusion what should Amy do in terms of expansion options. 3 marks

The reports and should be prepared according to the format:

Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Brief introduction: what are we trying to do
Discussion Section (1 to 6 above)



Word Length:


Week 7 seminar & week 11 seminar.

General Instructions
This individual assignment is in two (2) parts:
Part A is due in Week 7
Part B is due in Week 11
Submit as a PDF to the dropbox within Collaborate (your lecturer will give you instructions)
Attachment file name: Your last name assignment number (e.g. the Part A file name for Smith would be
SmithA2A.pdf; the Part B file name for Smith would be SmithA2B.pdf).
Assignments will not be accepted without the correct file name.
The objective of this assignment is for you to reflect on your own thoughts and application in relation to material contained
in two online courses:
a. New Models of Business in Society available at:
b. The Nomadic GVV program
Note: it is only possible to satisfactorily complete this assessment component (reflective journal) with a valid score from
the Nomadic GVV program (refer part B).
Part A - New Models of Business in Society program (10 marks)
1. Write your journal in 5 parts one for each of the 4 modules in the course; and one concluding comments section.
2. The journal entry for each module should:
make a personal reflection on the major themes and ideas presented (1 mark)
provide a reflective discussion on the engagement questions posed (2 marks)
3. The concluding comments section should provide a brief summary (1 mark) and evaluation of the course (2 marks)
4. Each of the 5 parts is worth 3 marks; and each parts should be around 600 words
5. As well as these 5 parts, your journal should include a title page and table of contents.
Part B - The Nomadic GVV program (5 marks)
Your engagement, understanding and influence are automatically measured and reported as you do this program, and the
total mark will be converted to assess Part B.





As allocated during classes

As allocated during classes

The objective is for students to facilitate the discussion of a task (case or reading) in and effective and engaging manner,
and participate in tasks that encompass key ideals in ethics and sustainability.
Note: It is only possible to satisfactorily complete this component by adequately facilitating set tasks as allocated and
participating in tasks across at 75% of classes (9 classes out of 12) unless there are extenuating circumstances such as
medical issues; and these must be discussed and agreed-upon by the lecturer. If an extenuating circumstance is approved,
the student will be required to provide written comments on the tasks missed out upon.



A two hour exam (closed book)

As scheduled in the Universitys examination timetable

The objective of the exam is to test your understanding and application of the basic subject concepts on ethics and
Format: Case study and questions
This is a case-based closed book exam and it will be completed over 2 hours as scheduled by the University.
You are required to respond to questions for each case provided.
Ethics case(s):
make a choice on an ethical dilemma and use theoretical frameworks to support your judgement; and
prepare a GVV (giving voice to values) response for efficiently and effectively putting the decision which has been
made into action.
Sustainability case(s):
discuss issues in managing sustainability
discuss methods for measuring sustainability performance
Note: Further details will be provided in class.
Marking criteria:
Demonstrate understanding of key theories and practical applications
Apply analysis of a case in relation to key issues
Present a coherent argument that is justified through application of key concepts
Demonstrate the application of knowledge



Names: ________________________________

marks available

marks awarded

Oral presentation

Written presentation

Identification of key contextual elements

Description of objectives, operations and outcomes

Primary data, performance data and photographs



Clear crisp writing

Total /20



Names: ________________________________

marks available

marks awarded

1. The different theoretical perspectives.

2 marks

2. The issues (challenges or opportunities):

developing countries in general.
the target country in particular.

2.5 marks
2.5 marks

3. The initiatives:
measure performance

3 marks
1.5 marks
1.5 marks

4. Common principles of good practice

4 marks

5. A sustainability framework for Amy.

5 marks

6. A conclusion.

3 marks

Total /25

Note: marks will be lost if appropriate references and proper referencing style are not applied or if the required structure is



Part A 10 marks
In general a pass mark will be awarded if you went beyond description of the online course material and offered some kind
of analysis and personal reflection. The better you did this, the higher marks you will be awarded. Higher scoring
assignments will be those that also related the insights generated to business situations. There is no specific requirement to
introduce additional references or theory however if you do this in order to provide further elaboration of your points, or to
introduce an alternative perspective that is compelling to you (but which may not have been covered in class), a higher
mark may be achieved not simply because you referred to other references, but because they assisted you to explain
your thinking and to strengthen your reflections.
In general terms, the marks will reflect the following:

Material tended to be descriptive and a summary of the online course materials


Some reflection, but either tended to miss key point of the material presented, or
contained some inaccuracies


Went beyond description, but tended avoid personal reflection or did not specifically
relate reflection to organisational settings


Was thoughtful and considered, containing good personal reflection, although this may
not have always been related to organisational situations


A thoughtful and considered journal, referred to other material and also extended
reflection to working situations

For each of four sections: (4 X 3 = 15 marks)

Demonstrate a good grasp of the key issues of the chosen section

Make a sensible personal comment that identifies key issues
Draw on your thoughts and other relevant material to elaborate on the engagement questions posed

Overview/ Summary (3 marks)

The overview should elaborate personal learnings by applying core concepts of the course.

Part B 5 marks
Engagement (1 mark); understanding (2 marks); and influence (2 marks)


Effective and engaging facilitation of allocated tasks

2 marks

Active participation in allocated tasks across at least 9 sessions

3 marks


Submission procedure
Ensure that all assessments are submitted with the completed assignment cover sheets as appropriate - and as email
attachments in the manner noted in the proceeding assessment descriptions. Assignments will be subjected to a turn-it in
function by staff prior to marking.
Scholarly writing, plagiarism and copyright
An academic course of study requires students to source information in a number of different formats including factual
information, data and analysis, reasoned arguments and the insights of others. Part of what it means to be a scholar is to
engage with the work of others, for example, to extend or refine ones own ideas, critique the work of others, or test and
extend theories. However, remember to give credit where credit is due, that is, acknowledging the work of others in your
own work by using the correct referencing system. Failure to acknowledge other peoples work appropriately may be
regarded as plagiarism or academic misconduct. VU deals with plagiarism according to the Academic Honesty and
Preventing Plagiarism policy (
Copyright law gives the owner of text, photos, pictures, films and recordings the rights to control reproduction, publication,
communication, performance and adaptation of their work. All students and staff of Victoria University are bound by the
requirements of the Copyright Act (1968) when using third party copyright material in the course of their research and
For information on copyright entitlements and responsibilities for study and research please see
Referencing requirements for this unit
The referencing convention that is applicable to this unit is The Harvard System. The Harvard Style referencing guide can
be found at:
Academic writing and referencing guidelines:
Two VU online support sites on academic writing and appropriate referencing are:
Failure to meet assessment deadline(s)
Any option for late assessment submission must be discussed and agreed upon with the unit co-ordinator.
Extensions, Alternative Examinations and Special Consideration
If you are not able to submit your work by the submission date or able to attend the final examination, and there are
grounds (medical, personal hardship, extenuating circumstances, etc.) for not attending the examination or submitting your
work on time, or for your performance being impaired, you may submit an online application for an extension, an alternative
exam or for special consideration. You can find information and forms for Special Consideration, Alternative Examinations
and Supplementary Examinations at You may need to contact a student counsellor to assist you with this process. For further information please
Supplementary Assessment
Supplementary Assessment may be available to students who have marginally failed a task, have not demonstrated
competency for a unit, or who were successful in a claim for special consideration. If you wish to be considered for
Supplementary Assessment you should refer to the policy
Forms are available at
The student assessment policy is available at


Student Complaints Resolution

Victoria University has a Student Complaints Resolution policy to guide you through the steps you can take to resolve
issues related to your time at the University. If your issue relates to your study, the first step is to raise it directly with the
relevant academic staff. You also have the option to make a confidential appointment with a Student Advocate if you are
unsure how to approach the situation. For more information go to
Succeeding at Victoria University
As a university of opportunity, Victoria University is committed to providing all students with the opportunity to succeed in
their studies. If you require any support during the semester you are advised to speak to your unit co-ordinator, course coordinator or class teacher. There is also additional support and guidance for students.
At VU we have a range of support, development and guidance and opportunities for you outside the classroom as part of
your learning experience. The portal ( provides detailed information on a
range of student services (outlined in Table C below) with which you will find helpful.
Table C

General student support services

Services for international students
Services for students with disabilities and/or
medical conditions
The Library
Academic Support and Development
Student life and student associations

Course structures
Calendars and timetables
Student email
Assignment cover sheets and forms
Students rights and responsibilities
Social networking at VU
Student complaints
Student advocacy

Providing feedback: Student Evaluation System (SES)

Your feedback on your experiences within this unit is important, because it assists VU to improve the learning experience of
units and courses for future students.
You are encouraged to provide informal feedback directly to your unit and course co-ordinators. The University also collects
your anonymous feedback systematically through the Student Evaluation Survey (SES), the name for the two combined
student evaluation instruments: the Student Evaluation of Unit (SEU) and the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET).
Students are asked to complete the SEU and SET near the end of each unit. SEU and SET results are anonymous, and
are not made available to the teaching staff in the unit until after the University has released your final grades.
Examples of actions taken recently to improve this unit, that were based on or influenced by student or other

The mark for the group assignment has been readjusted to reflect that almost equal amounts of efforts need
to be expanded for the two parts.
The reading list was slightly trimmed and additional video resources were included to assist students with
different learning styles.
The exam was changed from a 2 hour on campus exam to a 12 hour online exam to make it more equitable
for international and working students.


Student software access

Information about free access to Microsoft Office 360 for students. In addition the students have access to 50gb of cloud
based storage which can eliminate issues associated with lost assignments due to computer crash or lost memory sticks.



Unit Guide Version Number: 13

Last Validation Date: 13/3/15


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