Seafarers' Employment Agreements
Seafarers' Employment Agreements
Seafarers' Employment Agreements
MLN 2.1
Revision No 5
April 2013
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persons fulfil certain of the duties or responsibilities on behalf of the shipowner. In the
majority of cases this will be the ISM Code DOC holder, but it does not have to be.
5. There will be situations where seafarers are legally employed by an employer other than
the shipowner. For example, an employment business may employ and place seafarers
on various ships either on a long term or short term basis. In such circumstances the
employment business may potentially sign a seafarers SEA because that seafarer may
work on ships operated by different shipowners whilst employed under the same SEA. In
such circumstances there should be evidence that the employment business is authorised
by the shipowner to sign SEAs in respect of service on the ship.
6. An employer other than the shipowner may also be directly responsible for meeting some
of the obligations placed on the shipowner by a Seafarer Employment Agreement, e.g.
repatriation, payment of wages etc. Final responsibility will nonetheless fall upon the
shipowner should the actual employer of the seafarer(s) fail to meet those obligations.
Shipowners are recommended to ensure that there is in place some form of contractual
or indemnity arrangement between them and the actual employer to ensure that all
obligations to seafarers arising from the MLC will be met.
7. The SEA sets out principal terms and conditions of the seafarers employment. It must be
in writing and both the seafarer and the shipowner must have an original SEA, signed by
the seafarer and by the shipowner or a representative of the shipowner.
8. It is the responsibility of the shipowner to ensure that each seafarer has an opportunity
to examine the SEA and seek advice before signing it, in order to ensure that all seafarers
signing employment agreements do so of their own volition and with a sufficient
understanding of their rights and responsibilities under the agreement. It is important
that seafarers are not coerced into signing an SEA and that no undue pressure is placed
on any seafarer to sign.
9. Shipowners must explain to seafarers to whom they offer employment their right to
review their SEA and seek advice on it before signing, and should allow seafarers a
reasonable time frame in which to do this. The seafarers trade union, a friend or an
independent advisor are potential sources of advice on SEAs.
10. It is the responsibility of the shipowner to inform seafarers of their rights and duties
under their employment agreement prior to or in the process of engagement.
11. It is the shipowners responsibility to ensure that clear information concerning the
conditions of their employment can be easily obtained on board by all seafarers and that
such information including a copy of the seafarers employment agreement, is also
accessible for review by officers of a competent authority, including those in ports to be
12. The shipowner is responsible for ensuring there is a copy of each SEA on board the ship
in the English language.
Collective Agreements (CAs)
13. CAs may be incorporated into an SEA.
Where MLC 2006 allows collective agreements to prescribe the terms and conditions of
employment of seafarers, this will be reflected in Isle of Man (IOM) MLC regulations.
This will mean that where a seafarers SEA incorporates a CA and the CA includes terms
and conditions of employment, for example on repatriation then those terms and
conditions will apply to their employment.
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However if a seafarers SEA does not incorporate a CA, then the IOM terms and
conditions for repatriation as prescribed in IOM MLC regulations will apply to that
The shipowner is responsible for ensuring that the CAs on board the ship are available
in the English language.
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c. if the seafarer has need to terminate the agreement for compassionate or other
urgent reasons without penalty to the seafarer.
Shorter notice period or without notice
17. a. For those seafarers not covered by a CA who wish to terminate their SEA at shorter
notice or without notice then the shipowner or shipowners representative must have a
policy or procedure which allows both parties to the SEA to come to an agreement on the
Evidence of compliance: Where termination at shorter notice or without notice has been
agreed between the seafarer and shipowner or shipowners representative then any
costs to be borne by the seafarer must be agreed in writing and signed by both the
seafarer and shipowner or shipowners representative.
Misconduct of the Seafarer
18. For those seafarers not covered by a CA the shipowner or shipowners representative
must inform the seafarer of any disciplinary rules or procedures applicable to the
seafarers employment.
Evidence of compliance:
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4. Place of work
The seafarers place of work will be on [ship
name]# and/or [any vessel owned, managed, bareboat chartered or operated by]#:
[Shipowners name]
[Shipowners address]
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Notice and termination of employment - voyage agreement #
The seafarers employment is for the length of the voyage of ..[name of ship]
commencing on. [date] from the port of.. [name of port] until
[date] #/ [arrival in the port of [name of port] and the
time[hrs] after arrival at which point it will terminate.
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10. Repatriation
The seafarer will be entitled to repatriation at the shipowners expense:
when this agreement expires;
when this agreement is terminated;
in the event of illness, injury or other medical condition the seafarer requires repatriation,
(when medically fit to do so);
the ship is proceeding to a Warlike Operations Area/war zone and the seafarer does not
consent to go;
in the event of termination or interruption of employment in accordance with an industrial
award or collective agreement;
in the event of shipwreck;
in the event of the shipowner not being able to continue to fulfil their legal or contractual
obligations as an employer of seafarers by reason of insolvency, sale of the ship or
change in ships registration; and
the maximum period of service on board following which the seafarer is entitled to
repatriation will always be less than 12 months.
The entitlement to repatriation includes transport to the place where the seafarer signed this
agreement, the seafarers country of residence, place stipulated by a collective agreement,
or such other place as mutually agreed with the shipowner when signing this agreement.
The agreed repatriation destination is
The Isle of Man Regulations on repatriation shall be made available to the seafarer on board
the ship.
11. Applicable Collective agreement(s)(delete if not applicable)
The seafarers employment will also be subject to the Collective agreement(s) entered into
on(insert date(s)) between the shipowner and
..(insert details of the other parties to the collective
12. Shipowners Complaint Procedure
If the seafarer has a complaint regarding employment, the seafarer should follow the
shipowner's on board complaint procedure. The procedure will be made available to the
seafarer, if requested, before signing this agreement. The shipowners complaint procedure
will also be provided to the seafarer on board the ship.
13. Disciplinary Rules and Procedure
The disciplinary rules applicable to the seafarer shall meet the standards set out in the Code
of Conduct for the Merchant Navy or, if the seafarers employment is covered by an
applicable collective agreement, the disciplinary rules contained therein.
The disciplinary rules which are applicable to the seafarers employment will be made
available, if requested, before signing this agreement.
Isle of Man Ship Registry
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I confirm that I have freely entered this agreement with a sufficient understanding of my
rights and responsibilities, and I have been given an opportunity to review and seek advice
on the Agreement before signing.
I confirm that the seafarer has been informed of their rights and duties under this
agreement prior to or in the process of the seafarers engagement onto the vessel.
(Shipowner or Shipowners Representative)
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