Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering
Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering
Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering
Biotechnology Advances
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Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706, United States
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DK-2970 Hrsholm, Denmark
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 16 September 2014
Received in revised form 29 January 2015
Accepted 19 February 2015
Available online xxxx
Synthetic biology
Metabolic engineering
Cell factories
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Escherichia coli
Industrial production
a b s t r a c t
Industrial bio-processes for ne chemical production are increasingly relying on cell factories developed through
metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. The use of high throughput techniques and automation for the
design of cell factories, and especially platform strains, has played an important role in the transition from laboratory research to industrial production. Model organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli
remain widely used host strains for industrial production due to their robust and desirable traits. This review
describes some of the bio-based ne chemicals that have reached the market, key metabolic engineering tools
that have allowed this to happen and some of the companies that are currently utilizing these technologies for
developing industrial production processes.
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
From system understanding to design of function . . . .
Platform strains and their role in ne chemical production
Industrial strain design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Impact in industrial applications . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Introduction
Cell factories created by engineering metabolic pathways are
capable of converting renewable feed-stocks into fuels, chemicals,
food ingredients and pharmaceuticals (Keasling, 2010). With increasing
climate change awareness alternative transportation fuels are needed.
Furthermore, many food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic ingredients
are extracted from plants where seasonal dependent growth can
cause supply depletion and extraction methods can be expensive.
There is therefore much interest in developing cellular biocatalysts to
Corresponding author at: Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Chalmers
University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden. Tel.: +46 31 772 3804; fax: +46
31 772 3801.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Nielsen).
0734-9750/ 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
Cell factories are designed and assembled using metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. Tools from these two elds can be used to redirect uxes towards desired metabolites. The two elds share the same
basis in bioengineering with the use of quantitative, model-driven
methods for predicting cellular phenotypes (Nielsen et al., 2014), and
a common in silico to in vivo approach. Metabolic engineering involves
enhancing or redirection of ux through metabolic pathways by making
genetic modications that alter the activity of enzymatic reactions.
Genetic modications include deletion of genes, replacement of gene
expression signals, and/or introduction of recombinant DNA cassettes
encoding foreign enzymes. Metabolic engineering also includes a
detailed analysis of the metabolic pathways to identify targets for manipulation (Nielsen and Jewett, 2008; Ostergaard et al., 2000). These
strategies often comprise elimination of unwanted activities, increasing
activity at ux controlling steps, and introduction of irreversible reactions to drive the ux in desired directions. Synthetic Biology is the
study of how to perform these manipulations in a quantitatively predictive way and how engineering principles can be applied to the design
and construction of biological systems. A pillar of synthetic biology is
the use of assembly standards for assembling genetic materials. This approach is adapted from other engineering disciplines such as electrical
engineering wherein complex systems can be built by combining separate, well-characterized parts. The scope of synthetic biology has grown
from construction of codon optimized genes to assembling a complete
synthetic genomes (e.g. Mycoplasma Synthia (Gibson et al., 2010)), assembling a designer eukaryotic chromosome (Annaluru et al., 2014) and
incorporation of new synthetic nucleotides (Malyshev et al., 2014) to increase the information content. The synergy between the two elds will
be further exploited to advance research in pathway engineering. However, the two elds can be distinguished as metabolic engineering
being a top-down approach, i.e. retrotting of the metabolism of a cell
factory, and synthetic biology being a bottom-up approach, i.e. the reconstruction of a new synthetic cell, is considered (Nielsen et al., 2014).
The performance of cell factories is typically evaluated through three
chemical production metrics: titer, rate (a.k.a. productivity), and yield
(TRY). In addition, a high performance cell factory should have the
qualities needed to thrive in an industrial setting including high osmotic
tolerance, broad pH tolerance, and minimal impact on the environment
(i.e. generally regarded as safeGRAS). The yeast Saccharomyces
Fig. 1. The graph of knowledge and complexity. At present, we have reached a level of understanding, compared to 20 years ago, that allows us to design parts in a system but we lack a
systematic overview to fully understand what makes a system function appropriately.
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
milestone of full understanding of the complete function of minimal genomes has yet not been achieved. However, many approaches to generate a minimal genome have been employed and this is likely to reveal a
set of key genes required for cellular function (Kumagai et al., 2014;
Moran and Bennett, 2014). These techniques, and in the future even
better and more reliable techniques, will aid us in reaching a deeper systematic understanding that will allow for a design-offunction, not only
of single genes and proteins but rather of whole microorganisms with
desired functionalities.
3. Platform strains and their role in ne chemical production
One of the most applied concepts when it comes to ne chemical
production is the usage of platform strains that have desired traits
(Fig. 2). This approach allows easy insertion of different product formation pathways and thereby signicantly reduces the development time,
which is of great importance for commercial success. Feedstocks that
are utilized by platform strains can vary, but platform strains have
been evolved to utilize several different raw materials. The platform
strain is engineered to have robust properties such as stress tolerance,
fermentation performance and substrate utilization. This enables the
strain to be used under industrial conditions, where the environment
can be rather harsh for the organism to exclude contaminations and
reach high cell densities. Products produced by platform strains can
range from high volume chemicals, such as biofuels and commodity
chemicals, to high value chemicals such as ne chemicals and proteins.
At the center of cellular metabolic networks a set of twelve chemicals,
so-called precursor metabolites, resides from which all cellular building
blocks and chemical products can be derived (Neidhardt et al., 1992;
Nielsen, 2003). Metabolic reactions can therefore be organized into one
of three categories: 1.) catabolic reactions, 2.) anabolic reactions, and 3.)
central metabolic reactions. Catabolic reactions comprise pathways that
convert feedstock (e.g. carbon source) into precursor metabolites, reducing power, and energy. Anabolic reactions comprise pathways that
Fig. 2. The concept of a platform strain as a plug-and-play solution for industrial production. A platform strain is robust and possesses desirable traits thus enabling easy upstream development of new processes. Platform strains possessing desired abilities can
be selected to process a desired feedstock and convert it into one of several different products. In the chemical market, market volume is typically inversely proportional to the
product selling price. Cell factories have long been used for high value products such as
proteins and are increasingly being used for molecules at the other end of the spectrum.
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
Fig. 3. The bow tie structure of metabolism with the main metabolic precursor metabolites residing in the center of the three super-pathways: catabolic reactions, central metabolism and
anabolic reactions. Key precursor metabolites are: G3P (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate), pyruvate, acetyl-CoA (acetyl-Coenzyme A), oxaloacetate, a-ketoglutarate, succinate, fatty acids,
prenyl-pyrophosphates, and acyl-thioesters.
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
Fig. 4. The development of industrial strains for chemical production undergoes several iterative cycles where desired traits and scale-up are guided by the many available engineering
tools and analysis techniques.
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
Fig. 5. Companies in the eld of microbial engineering for ne chemical production (Allylix, 2014; Amyris, 2014; BioAmber, 2014; Bioenergies, 2014; Biofuels, 2014; Biotechnologies, 2014;
Butamax, 2014; Cargill, 2014; Codexis, 2014; Digest, 2014; DSM, 2014; DuPont, 2014; Energy, 2014; Evolva, 2014; Explorer, 2014; Genomatica, 2014; Gevo, 2014; International Flavors and
Fragrances, 2014; Intrexon, 2014; Isobionics, 2014; Mascoma, 2014; Merck, 2014; Metabolix, 2014; Modular Genetics, 2014; Myriant, 2014; Natureworks, 2014; Project, 2014; REG, 2014;
Sano, 2014a; Solazyme, 2014; Synthetic Genomics, 2014; Unlimited, 2014; Verdezyne, 2014; Ziopharma Oncology, 2014), data also generated from Biofuels Digest (2014) and Synthetic
Biology Project (2014). Four major areas are visualized: Food, Pharma Chemicals, and Biofuels. The number corresponds to the stage in progress that the company has reached: 1) smallscale laboratory development, 2) over pilot-scale, and 3) commercial scale.
6. Discussion
Here we provide an overview of the current impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering in the industrial area where numerous
companies have developed commercially viable cell factories. Also
established big players in the chemical sector like BASF, Cargill, Dupont,
DSM and Sano are increasingly involved in the eld of biochemical
production and typically enter collaborations with smaller biotech companies, through establishing partnerships, formation of joint-ventures
or by licensing their technologies. We have seen in the last years how
synthetic biology and metabolic engineering have delivered novel and
innovative solutions to ensure process robustness and utilization of
different substrates at the same time reaching targets on high titer,
rate, yield and purity of the cell factory that can be used for industrial
production. All this has been possible through many years of tool and
technique development where non-automated and labor intense
techniques have been replaced by fully automated systems for high
throughput screening. DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis and modeling
have all gone through rapid changes as computer power has increased.
Could our knowledge in in silico genome re-engineering be boosted by
articial intelligence and neural networks or is it our ideas and lack of
understanding that is the bottleneck in the nal frontier of creating
cell factories?
In addition, when it comes to industrial production and developing
new platform strains; the host strain matters. Shall one rather go for
a few well-studied main workhorses or rather go for multiple hosts
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
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Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),
Please cite this article as: Jullesson D, et al, Impact of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering on industrial production of ne chemicals,
Biotechnol Adv (2015),