Chapter 1 - Plot Summary: Albert Camus L'etranger
Chapter 1 - Plot Summary: Albert Camus L'etranger
Chapter 1 - Plot Summary: Albert Camus L'etranger
Chapter 1 Plot Summary
Meursault, living in Algeria, hears news of his mothers death. Takes time
off work to go to the funeral, but does not appear mournful, stricken (no
sign of the 5 stages of grief), and rather continues his normal routine.
Arrives at the old peoples home and keeps vigil with some of his mothers
friends. Seems unperturbed, drinks coffee and chats with the Concierge
Introduction of Thomas Perez who loved his mother
Chapter 1 - Reading commentary
Flat narrative style, short sentences, nothing more than required to tell
the story. Absent of rhetorical devices. Matter of fact
Casual observations of things that are seemingly unimportant and
flippancy towards things that are significant.
Although text generally lacks spatial description for effect, there is a lot of
comment on the spaces around him that builds a feeling of discomfort:
Observing the public, Meursaults surgical, unfeeling glance picks out the
inconsistencies underneath the social scenes he witnesses, probinnga
lovely Sunday evening and revealing the uglier truths underneath.
After all this pretence, distraction and avoiding, Meursault finally thinks
about his mother, but it is as impersonal as everything that preceded it.
"Jai pens que cetait toujours un dimanche de tir, que maman tait
maintenant enterre, que jallais reprendre mon travail et que, somme
toute, il ny avait rien de chang."
Even when the action is animated, narrative style lets the text down and
doesnt do justice to the moment.
Points out his observations about Salamanco and Sintes, but leaves us to
determine what type of person he is.
Jai repondu quon ne changait jamais de vie, quen tout cas toutes
se valaient, et que la mienne ici ne me dplaisaient pas de tout".
When offered the move to Paris, demonstrates how life is life and it
is no more or less valuable in any given circumstances
"Jai dit que a mtait gal et que nous pourrions le faire selle le
voulait" "Je lai dit que a navait aucune importance et que si elle le
dsirait, nous pouvions nous marier" Meursaults indifference to
the institution of marraige
When Marie asks if he loves her "que cela ne signifiait rien mais
que sans doute je ne laimais pas" Declares that he probably does
not love her and that he would accept the proposal from anybody
who fancied it, simply to humour them.
Narrative perspective
Elle avait mis une robe de toute blanche et lach ses cheveux. Je
lui ai dit quelle est belle"
Also notably, the women in this text are not given as much significance;
not only are their vocal capacities reduced, but they are often mentioned
only in conjunction with the men to whom they are connected by sex.
Massons wife remains unnamed throughout this chapter (referred to as
sa femme), whilst Raymonds Mauresque is still nameless even at the
partition in the text.
More indifference
Mme Masson pleurait et Marie tait trs pale. Moi, cela mennuyait
de leur expliquer. Jai fini par me taire et jai fum en regardant la
mer. Meursaults conclusion to the story of the fight
Part 2
Chapter One Plot Summary
The reader is witness to Meursaults first meetings with the legal teams
that will dominate the second half of the book. The group immediately
bring his mother into potential talks of his distress strategy and Meursault
insists that it is of little importance or that it is completely unrelated.
However, the defence team are surprised/concerned that Meursault is not
distraught over the death of his mother. The question is asked as to why
he fired five consecutive shots, to which Meursault makes no answer. The
questioner becomes increasingly rhetorical, employing literary devices
and declaring his religious fervour, which does not ruffle Meursault in the
slightest, but rather Meursaults responses become a source of frustration.
Tous les etres sains avaient plus ou moins souhait la mort de ceux
quils aimaient."
"Ce que je pouvais dire coup sr, cest que jaurais prfr que
maman ne mort pas."
"Il a reflechi. Il mas demand si je pouvais dire que ce jour-l javais
domin mes sentiments naturels. Je lui a dit Non, parce que cest
faux. Meursaults reaction when the defense council suggest the
possibility of using his mothers death in his defense, that it might
have impaired his judgement
Indifference to God
Minimalist approach to verbal discourse. In this chapter and
elsewhere, Meursault refrains from vocalising his point of view
unless completely necessary. Cest que je nai jamais grand chose
a dire. Alors je me tais.
Only remaining unfulfilled desire was that for sex, illustrated with his at
the time of Maries visit
All this being said, the chapter preludes with a statement declaring that
he would look back on this period with disgust.
Il y a des choses dont je nai jamais aim parler. Quand je suis entr
en prison, jai compris au bout de quelques jours que je naimerais
parler de cette partie de ma vie.
In the trial, it is made clear that the whole book is set up for Meursault to
be convicted of his crime, there is a level of inevietability, perhaps look to
criticism related to powerlessness in the literary sense. Meursaults only
choice that could have changed his fate was to actually fire the gun.
Having written the letter to the Arabs, seized Raymonds weapon from
him, acted as Raymonds witness to the Maureses beating, all brought up
in the trial, were all matters of chance.
Chapter 4 Plot Summary / Commentary
Closing statements are read, beginning with the prosecution, who urge the
jury to consider Meursaults lack of remorse. The defense replies by asking
for an intermission and finally make a jumbled closing statement for
This whole chapter is about the closing statements. This chapter is full of
moments of comedy, mostly at the prosecutors passion against the
ineptitude of Meursaults lawyer.
Narrative Style
At this point in the text, Meursaults narration renders the text almost
pantomimic when the final statements are read.
Il disait quil stait pench sur elle et quil navait rien trouv,
meisseurs les jurs. At the moment where the chief prosecutor
declares that he finds Meursault morally lacking/wanting/empty, this
respectful phrase looks ridiculous through Meursaults narrative
Chapter 2
Describes his past passion and devotion to the judicial system, in
words that he seems to scorn it, sees it as an error in hindsight.
Appreciates jobs/passions as a doctrine to living life progressively
however, but this is as far as it goes
Refused earthly commendations (Legion Dhonneur) as his work was
its own reward
He used to be polite, generous, humble
16 CIT Meaning of life, the peak is when virtue is sustained by
virtue itself
Idea of friendship scrutinised, Clamance stating that he prefers
sympathy as it has no lasting commitment. That we eulogise the
dead as great people simply because the commitment of friendship
has been lifted. Grieving is a selfish action
PAGE 24 Quote for human existence and the reasons for our
Chapter 3
Appears to enjoy death and decay
Power, he believes, is a necessity, otherwise nobody would ever
have the last word, and servitude is a part and parcel to our lives
His relationship with others, amicable nature, he concedes, is all for
his own self-gain
Chapter 4
Clamance clamours that he reaches the dyke, horizontal lines, no
pretty houses he revels in nothingness
He has no friends only accomplices
Suicide: Once more, suicide is shown as an attractive prospect, if
one was able to observe the reaction of those around you: 46
Suffering and friendship
Unlike Sartre, he doesnt see suicide as a means to end existential