Chapter 1 - Plot Summary: Albert Camus L'etranger

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Albert Camus

Chapter 1 Plot Summary
Meursault, living in Algeria, hears news of his mothers death. Takes time
off work to go to the funeral, but does not appear mournful, stricken (no
sign of the 5 stages of grief), and rather continues his normal routine.
Arrives at the old peoples home and keeps vigil with some of his mothers
friends. Seems unperturbed, drinks coffee and chats with the Concierge
Introduction of Thomas Perez who loved his mother
Chapter 1 - Reading commentary
Flat narrative style, short sentences, nothing more than required to tell
the story. Absent of rhetorical devices. Matter of fact
Casual observations of things that are seemingly unimportant and
flippancy towards things that are significant.

Maman est mortepeut tre hier, je ne sais pas

"Lordonnateur, petit homme aux habits ridicules" then proceeds
to a lengthy description of the supervisors clothes
Je ne savais pas le chiffre exacte When asked his mothers age
at the time of death
Je navais jamais remarqu quel point les vielles femmes
pouvaient avoir du ventre - Five or six lines dedicated to his casual
banter about old peoples stomachs.

No emotional reaction, even to other peoples emotional. Meursault is

unfeeling to the point where it becomes quasi narcissistic.

Jai mang chez Celeste, comme toujours - just another day

Parce que cela me prenait mon dimanche sans compter leffort
pour aller lautobus, prendre des tickets et faire deux heures de
route - shameless in his reasons for not visiting his mother
"La femme pleurait toujours Jaurais voulu ne plus lentendre",
"Elle pleurait petits cris, rgulirement : il me semblait quelle
narrterait jamais" Reaction to one of the mourners crying at the
vigil and the funeral respectively
Indifference to Perez fainting at his mothers funeral

Sole preoccupation appears to be with avoiding judgement or


Je lui ai meme dit, ce nest pas ma faute" talking to his boss on

taking time out for the funeral

Il ma serr la main quil a garde si longtemps que je ne savais

trop comment la retirer" when being received with a mournful
reverence by the directeur of the asile (Old peoples home)
Jai eu le un moment limpression ridicule quils taient l pour me
juger." Reaction when his mothers friends come in to keep vigil with
him by the body

Although text generally lacks spatial description for effect, there is a lot of
comment on the spaces around him that builds a feeling of discomfort:

Bright lights, clatante

Chapter 2 Plot Summary

Wakes up and decides to go to the public baths/swimming pools, where he
meets Marie Cardona, a former typist at his office. Having previously
desired one another, ther interaction immediately become flirtatious, lexic
fields of a very sexual nature. Meursault and Marie spend the evening
together in the picture houses and go home together. On the Sunday, He
thinks about his mother, whilst looking at her possessions in the
apartment, but only to comment on how he has too much now that his
mother no longer lives there again, lacking sentiment. Marie leaves early
to spend the day with her aunt, and Meursault spends the day on his
balcony, smoking, eating and observing the public, specifically, a family,
some young men and football fans, in that order. His tone is not
judgemental, yet he judges overtly; simply pointing out his observations
supplemented by his thoughts about what he observes.

Chapter 2 Reading commentary

Absentminded thought patterns, Meursault simply follows his caprices.

Pendant que je me rasais, je me suis demand ce que jallais faire

et jai dcid daller me baigner.
Aprs le djeuner, je me suis ennuy un peu et jai err dans
Turns his chair around and sits like the tobacconist on the road
Jai pense quil fallait diner dinner is a passing afterthought

The refrain returns, betraying Meursaults awkwardness about his

mothers death. In fact, it seems that he is warier or burdening people he
meets with the news of his mothers death

Jai eu envie de lui dire que ce ntait pas de ma faute

No sentiment or even sexual thoughts as he seduces Marie. Their

interaction is flat, following the same line of commentary, thus the sexual
vocabulary is more shocking, piercing and the passage becomes eerie.

Marie Cardona....femme dont javais eu envie lpoque. Elle aussi

je crois. Mais on navons pas eu le temps. describing the time they
spent together in the office. Surgical precision, fact-telling, despite
that this is the romantic element of the story, striking that they
had no relationship as a result of practicalities
Je lai aid a monter une bouejai effleur ses seins. Merely five
lines after meeting her, he becomes immediately sexually physical,
one might say intrusive. Her consent to every advance is a laugh
Elle riait elle riait encore. Eventually, after a page of interaction,
the two have sex. Perhaps Meursaults proclivity to concise
storytelling explains somewhat the speedy nature of their
relationship, and perhaps the story in general.
Je me suis retourn dans mon lit, jai cherch dans le traversin
lodeur de sel que les cheveux de Marie y avaient laisse", et je
mendormis. More narcissisitic traits from Melnaque

Observing the public, Meursaults surgical, unfeeling glance picks out the
inconsistencies underneath the social scenes he witnesses, probinnga
lovely Sunday evening and revealing the uglier truths underneath.

En le voyant avec sa femme, jai compris pourquoi dans le quartier

on disait quil tait distingu." Speaking about the family he sees
on the road below him, commenting on how well-dressed he is.
Later as this same family walks past, his thoughts contradict the
first observation, seeing them at the end of the day, weary, the
scene is not so romantic. Jai recconu le monsieur distingu (hint
of irony)les enfants pleuraient ou se laissaient trainer."
On the young people coming out of the picture houses, Ils riaient
encore, mais de temps en temps, ils paraissaient fatigus et
songeursIls lanaient des plaisanteries dont elles riaient en
dtournant la tte" Image of the youth pretending to have fun

After all this pretence, distraction and avoiding, Meursault finally thinks
about his mother, but it is as impersonal as everything that preceded it.
"Jai pens que cetait toujours un dimanche de tir, que maman tait
maintenant enterre, que jallais reprendre mon travail et que, somme
toute, il ny avait rien de chang."

Chapter 3 Plot Summary

Meursault goes back to work, where a stack of bills is waiting for him.
Dines at Celestes with Emmanuel, another of his colleagues, but they
have to run and jump on a tram. Meursault goes home and we are
introduced to Salamanco, a neighbour who has a dog that he does not

get along with a full page is dedicated to describing their heated

exchanges. We meet Raymond Sintes, another tenant who is rumoured
to be a pimp. Meursault dines with him, smokes and Raymond tell him
stories, one about a recent fight that he had, and stories of heartbreak; a
Moorish woman that he kept for a while, but he broke up with her once he
discovered that she was betraying him with other men and obtaining
money from elsewhere. Meursault helps him write a letter to her, and
Sintes declares that they are now friends (by virtue of the tutoyer).
Meursault leaves with a handshake and Sintes condolences.

Chapter 3 Reading commentary

Distracted narrative style continues, Meursault telling us things that
appear fairly inconsequential.

je me suis lav les mains. midi, jaime bien ce moment. Le soir,

jy trouve moins de plaisir parce que la serviette quon utilise est
tout fait humide."

Even when the action is animated, narrative style lets the text down and
doesnt do justice to the moment.

Le camion nous a dpasss et nous nous sommes lancs sa

poursuite. Jtais noy (drowned) dans la bruit et la poussire

Points out his observations about Salamanco and Sintes, but leaves us to
determine what type of person he is.

Au-dessus de son lit, il a un ange en stuc (marble) blanc et rose,

des photos de champions et deux ou trois clichs des femmes nues

Relationship between sexes

"Il lavait battu jusqu sang. Auparavant, il ne la battait pas. Je le

tapais, mais tendrement pour ainsi dire " so shocking, but so
matter of fact, becomes awkward to read. Or perhaps the context,
20th century Algeria renders this approach to partners, (sexual and
monetary occupation, as well as disciplinary) less shocking. Perhaps
a comment on racial divides, is the fact that she is Mauresque
justification enough for the beatings?
"Je me suis lev, Raymond ma serr la main trs fort et ma dit
quentre hommes, on se comprenait toujours." Appears that they
treat fraternal companions with much more respect than amorous

Chapter 4 Plot Summary

Meursault gives a short description of his week at work. On the weekend,

he goes on a trip with Marie to the beach and they play a game. It seems
a normal, amorous scene, but lacking sentiment again, and seems geared
towards their return, at which point, they inevitably have sex. In the
morning, Meursault goes out to get them some food for lunch and as he
climbs the stairs, Raymond is beating up the Maresque woman to whom
he and Meursault had sent the letter. A police officer comes, and on his
arrival, Raymond is supremely overconfident, which gets him a slap from
the officer. Marie and Meursault eat lunch and Meursault goes to sleep.
Raymond comes to his room and asks if Meursault can testify for him that
the woman had done him wrong. The two spend time at a billiards house,
and on their return to the apartment, Salamanco is cursing as his dog has
run away. Initially cursing the dog, he arrives at Meursaults door to seek
reassurances that the dog will be okay.

Chapter 4 Reading commentary

While Meursault and Marie appear to be indulging in a courtship,
Meursaults narrative voice does not hint at true sentiment. Description of
their activities is flat and he only becomes rhetorical when hinting at his
physical attraction.

"Marie ma appris un jeu. Il fallait narration of his time in the

sea. Cela faisait alors une dentelle mousseuse describes it in
terms of its discomfort, saltiness and amertume
On the contrary Jai eu trs envie delle parce quelle avait une
belle robe a raies rouges et blanches et des sandales de cuir. On
devinait ses seins dur et le brun du soleil lui faisait un visage de
fleur his physical attraction provokes metaphorical, romantic
Even more overtly sexual;"Je lai embrass. A partir de ce moment,
nous navons plus parlnous avons t presss de rentrer, daller
chez moi et de nous jeter sur mon lit"

Raymond reveals himself to be a sadistic character, exposing more sexist


Il avait une cigarette la bouche et lair doucereux. When the

policeman knocks at his door, he answers with consommate
arrogance, the end of the sentence translated in English: He had a
cigarette dangling from his upper lip and a rather sickly smile
Attends, petite, on se retrouvera At the moment of his arrest,
leaves a chilling, threatening and yet rather condescending leaving
message to the Maresque lady

Applicable across the whole text:

There are two levels of intimacy, or lack of intimacy that result from
Meursaults narration.

Within the text, the French originals first-person narrative style is

truly Meursaults point of view, his voice. In its composition, the
characters are robbed of their own voices which often changes how
the text is perceived and how we perceive Meursault. On the
contrary, the English translation has a greater proclivity to speech
marks, which in this scene, renders the Policeman a more assertive
character, and less of a running joke in which only the reader,
Meursault and Raymond are complicit.
Policeman to Raymond Mais lagent lui a ordonn de fermer sa
geule Loses a lot of the impact that first person speech would
have provided, adds some comic irony, weakens the policemans
In fact, more often than not, the policemans voice is that of
Meursaults narration, seizing his vocal authority and trivialising the
Lagent lui a dit de fermer a, que la fille devait partir et lui rester
dans sa chambre en attendant dtre convoqu (called in) au
commissariat. Il a ajout que Raymond devrait avoir honte dtre
soul au point de trembler comme il le faisait." Raymond is allowed
to scorn the policeman, and is granted speech marks that seize the
vocal authorty back Je ne suis pas soul monsieur lagent.
Seulement je suis la, devant vous et je tremble, cest force."

Meursault reminds us in the text of his indifference, at times resulting in little

pockets of structural irony.

Immediately following the beating scene, and Raymonds arrest,

Meursault and Marie are eating lunch Mais elle navait pas faim, jai
presque tout mange. Elle est partie a une heure et jai dormi un
peu." a closing statement that is emphatic in its court indifference,
given everything that had transpired up until this point
To close the text, hearing Salamano mourn the loss of his dog,
Meursault appears to show emotion, but quickly dismisses it. Je ne
sais pas pourquoi jai pens maman. Mais il fallait que je me lve
tot le lendemain. Je navais pas faim et je me suis couch sans

CONCLUSION: The narrative style appears to be tantalising, Camus

protagonist appears to jeer/belittle the concept of human emotion by
dangling it in front of us, but quickly snatching away any sentiment.

Chapter 5 Plot summary

Raymond invites Meursault on a weekend away in his friends cabin and

encourages Meursault to invite Marie as well. He also encourages
Meursault to be on the lookout for any potential assailants or Arabs, as
some guys might be after the two of them for a dispute over a mistress.
Meursaults boss offers him a job, the chance of working in a new branch
of the company in Paris, and Meursault responds that he does not care
either way. In the evening, Marie asks Meursault to marry her, and he
demonstrates once more, he does not care either way and that he would
marry anybody who might want to marry him. The two split and Meursault
goes to Celestes, where a lady looking through a radio timetable sits at
his table. When she gets up and leaves, he is so interested by her that he
follows her till he loses sight. When he gets home, Salamanco is sitting on
the steps and in an emotional outpouring, spills his life story of his
marriage, and tries to reciprocate this emptional comfort by attempting to
console Meursault about the death of his mother, though Meursault does
not seem interested.

Chapter 5 Reading commentary

In this chapter, Meursault is more direct, revealing a few of his beliefs
(apparently aligned to pessimistic existentialism) directly to the reader.

Jai repondu quon ne changait jamais de vie, quen tout cas toutes
se valaient, et que la mienne ici ne me dplaisaient pas de tout".
When offered the move to Paris, demonstrates how life is life and it
is no more or less valuable in any given circumstances
"Jai dit que a mtait gal et que nous pourrions le faire selle le
voulait" "Je lai dit que a navait aucune importance et que si elle le
dsirait, nous pouvions nous marier" Meursaults indifference to
the institution of marraige
When Marie asks if he loves her "que cela ne signifiait rien mais
que sans doute je ne laimais pas" Declares that he probably does
not love her and that he would accept the proposal from anybody
who fancied it, simply to humour them.

Potential comment about youth, naivety and the effect of aging on

destroying hopes/ambitions and falling into existentialist angst.

Quand jtais tudiant, javais beaucoup dambitions de ce genre.

Mais quand jai du abandonner mes tudes, jai trs vite compris
que tout cela tait sans importance relle."- when offered the
chance to work in Paris and travel

This chapter also incorporates something very 19th century Flaubert in

that Meursaults motivations for his actions in this section appear to be
merely for self-amusement; somewhat reminiscent of Flauberts 19th
century Flaneurs

Il mennuyait un peu, mais je navais rien faire et je navais pas

sommeil On meeting Salamano outside the apartment building,
decides to hear his laments out of boredom
Comme je navais rien faire, je suis sorti aussi et je lai suivie un
momentjai pens quelle tait bizarre, mais je lai oublie assez
vite" Reasons for following the lady out of Ceciles cafe

Narrative perspective

Throughout Salamanos distress, the story is narrated largely

through Meursaults recollection, and his unsympathetic voice. We
are not even given any visual imagery of Meursaults pain, like his
shaking hands in chapter 4. Lukewarm reactions from Meursault, as
expected, showing little concern for either Salamanos dog or the
man himself
Even nearing the end of the period of sentimental interaction
between the two men, Meursault makes a visual sign of indifference
Jai baill (I yawned). Begs the debate, to what extent are these
seemingly unemotional reactions actually those of Meursault, the
narrator, or is the irony so heavy (shock factor) that we might take
these views to be those of Camus existential narrator, or a
manifestation of his own existential character?

Chapter 5 Plot summary

The day begins as normal. Meursault is tired and needs waking up by
Marie. They meet with Raymond outside and travel by bus to Raymonds
friend Massons bungalow by the sea. On the way, they spot the Arab
man who had been in a fight with Raymond and he is visually nervous,
only relaxing once they are on the bus. They arrive at Massons
picturesque house and go for a swim in the sea. On their return, everbody
sits down to eat fresh fish that Masson had caught that morning. Masson,
Raymond and Meursault go for a walk and encounter the Arab men. In the
fight, Raymond has his arm and mouth slashed. He and Masson go the
doctors and after they return, the three men go back out and find the Arab
men. Ready to shoot his assailant, Raymond has his gun seized by
Meursault, the Arab men hide behind a rock and all three men return
Meursault does not enter the house, but disoriented from sun exposure,
heads back down to the beach, where he once more encounters
Raymonds type. Although there is little real confrontation, when the knife
is drawn, Raymond is so disoriented and sweat in his eyes, he reacts and
kills the man, firing four shots into his lifeless body.

Chapter 6 Reading Commentary

Chapter begins with an immediate focus on physical appearance. His


Elle avait mis une robe de toute blanche et lach ses cheveux. Je
lui ai dit quelle est belle"

Meursault only begins to seriously consider the prospect of marriage with

Marie only once he meets Masson and his wife

"Pour la premiere fois, peut-etre, jai pens vraiment que jallais me


Also notably, the women in this text are not given as much significance;
not only are their vocal capacities reduced, but they are often mentioned
only in conjunction with the men to whom they are connected by sex.
Massons wife remains unnamed throughout this chapter (referred to as
sa femme), whilst Raymonds Mauresque is still nameless even at the
partition in the text.
More indifference

Mme Masson pleurait et Marie tait trs pale. Moi, cela mennuyait
de leur expliquer. Jai fini par me taire et jai fum en regardant la
mer. Meursaults conclusion to the story of the fight

In his disorientation, there is a lot of conflation of senses, confusion, the

blinding light outside referred to as la pluie,

La brulure du soleil gagnait mes joues et jai senti des gouettes de

sueurs sammasser sur mes sourcils. Ctait le meme soleil que le
jour o javais enterr maman

Narrative becomes increasingly rhetorical

Part 2
Chapter One Plot Summary
The reader is witness to Meursaults first meetings with the legal teams
that will dominate the second half of the book. The group immediately
bring his mother into potential talks of his distress strategy and Meursault
insists that it is of little importance or that it is completely unrelated.
However, the defence team are surprised/concerned that Meursault is not
distraught over the death of his mother. The question is asked as to why
he fired five consecutive shots, to which Meursault makes no answer. The
questioner becomes increasingly rhetorical, employing literary devices
and declaring his religious fervour, which does not ruffle Meursault in the
slightest, but rather Meursaults responses become a source of frustration.

Meursault appears relaxed and calm throughout his first interrogation,

simply considering the facts:

Jai repondu que je trouvais mon affaire trs simple.

"Javais dj lu une description semblable dans des livres et tout
cela ma paru un jeu." His thoughts when entering the legal offices

Excluding all that is irrelevant. Frustratingly, he is honest to the extent

that it harms his credibility; makes no extra effort to appear morally

Tous les etres sains avaient plus ou moins souhait la mort de ceux
quils aimaient."
"Ce que je pouvais dire coup sr, cest que jaurais prfr que
maman ne mort pas."
"Il a reflechi. Il mas demand si je pouvais dire que ce jour-l javais
domin mes sentiments naturels. Je lui a dit Non, parce que cest
faux. Meursaults reaction when the defense council suggest the
possibility of using his mothers death in his defense, that it might
have impaired his judgement

Follow up Meursaults dedication to the truth, even despite the

consequences for himself. If one does not value ones life any more
than any others, or one upholds the existentialist principle that what
will be will be, the protection of the self is no longer a priority, and the
virtue of telling the truth is in itself infinitely more valuable.

Chapter contains several affirmations that we might say go beyond the

beliefs of Meursault and reveal Camus existential point of view.

Indifference to God
Minimalist approach to verbal discourse. In this chapter and
elsewhere, Meursault refrains from vocalising his point of view
unless completely necessary. Cest que je nai jamais grand chose
a dire. Alors je me tais.

Le juge dinstruction, like the policeman in Part 1 of the book becomes a

subject of ironic humour by the same phenomenon. Given the first person
narrative, Meursaults indifference in his depiction of his speech, rather
than his exact quotes removes much of the vocal power to the animation
that he describes. It also creates humour for the structurally ironic. An
example follows:

"Comme toujours, quand jai envie de me dbarrasser de

quelquune qui jcoute peine, jai eu lair dapprouver. A ma

surprise, il a triomph : Tu vois, tu vois, disait il. ". Meursault

agrees with the juge dinstruction to make him shut up, but he takes
it as a sign of Meursault suddent theism. The reader is once again
complicit and we find ourselves aligned with Meursault in laughing
at the juge.

Chapter 2 Reading Commentary

Meursault is in prison, awaiting trial. The chapter begins with a visit from
Marie. He then goes on to describe his time in prison from this point on in
greater detail. This being said, the whole period is condensed into a few
pages. He speaks of his discomforts at the start, but ultimately
demonstrates that he grows used to prison. He mentions the issues that
troubled him at first, and goes on to explain how they resolved
The chapter begins with another satirical instance:

on ma dabord enferme dans une chambre ou il y a dj

plusieurs detenus, la plupart des Arabes. Ils ont ri en me
voyant.Jai dit que javais tu un Arabe et ils sont rests
silencieuses." Almost slapstick comedy

This whole chapter is effectively a demonstration that his existentialist

principles save him from boredom and allow him to merely exist in prison,
without regret, rage, mental breakdown or any such problems:
Thinking like a free man

Au debout de ma dtention, pourtant, ce qui a t le plus dur, cest

que javais des penses dhomme libre.
Ensuite, je navais que les penses dun prisonnier.

Similar sections pertaining to smoking, boredom and sleeping.

Only remaining unfulfilled desire was that for sex, illustrated with his at
the time of Maries visit
All this being said, the chapter preludes with a statement declaring that
he would look back on this period with disgust.

Il y a des choses dont je nai jamais aim parler. Quand je suis entr
en prison, jai compris au bout de quelques jours que je naimerais
parler de cette partie de ma vie.

Declares that from being imprisoned, his most uncomfortable experience

was thinking like a free man, but that he taught himself to live in prison,
merely by hearing his own thoughts
Poignant message Meursaults thoughts about being a free man are by
far the most rhetorical messages in the work as a whole (page77). His
longing for the idealised images that he describes is clear and is
dangerous. Meursault teaches himself to not think in these terms and the
meaning appears to mirror his existential outlook. Not to desire is not to
suffer. Much like his minimalist approach to the spoken word, (only speak
when necessary) and in prison, his mentality too is minimalist; to only
desire what is attainable.

Chapter 3 Court Scene

The court scene plays out, and the narration is quite monotonous. Nor real
break from the usual flat narration punctuated by odd and distracted
observations on the part of Meursault. His witnesses take the stand and
do their best for him, but are undone by the skill of the prosecutors
lawyer, who is far superior. The warden at the asile, the doorkeeper, Prez,
Cleste, Marie, Masson, Salamano and Raymond are called in that order
and are all undone by the skill of the prosecutor and make mistakes
Chapter 3 Reading Commentary
The chapter holds few interesting phenomena. The most striking comes,
once again from the narrative perspective. Meursalts birds eye view of
the trial means that that he breaks down all the subtleties. For the
prosecutor, this means that we see his skill, as Meursault notes the
motivations for his remarks, but also his decisiveness, sternness almost to
the point of appearing somewhat villainous.

on lui a demand depuis quand elle me connaissaitElle a

indiqu la date. Le procureur a remarqu dun air indifferent quil
lui semblait que ctait le lendemain de la mort de maman. Puis il a
dit avec quelque ironie quil ne voudrait pas insister sur une
situation dlicate, quil comprenait bien les scrupules de Marie, mais
(et ici son accent sest fait plus dur) que son devoir lui
commandait de slever au-dessus des convenances. Declares
with all the irony in the world that he is going to tresspass on
Maries emotions, but that he has no choice, effectively saying that
he does not care

The chapter ends with another rhetorical passage,

enjoying lodeur et la couleur du soir dt, tous les bruits familiers

dune ville. Il marrivait de sentir content almost like it is his final
time free, and that he knows that he will lose the trial

In the trial, it is made clear that the whole book is set up for Meursault to
be convicted of his crime, there is a level of inevietability, perhaps look to
criticism related to powerlessness in the literary sense. Meursaults only
choice that could have changed his fate was to actually fire the gun.
Having written the letter to the Arabs, seized Raymonds weapon from
him, acted as Raymonds witness to the Maureses beating, all brought up
in the trial, were all matters of chance.
Chapter 4 Plot Summary / Commentary
Closing statements are read, beginning with the prosecution, who urge the
jury to consider Meursaults lack of remorse. The defense replies by asking
for an intermission and finally make a jumbled closing statement for
This whole chapter is about the closing statements. This chapter is full of
moments of comedy, mostly at the prosecutors passion against the
ineptitude of Meursaults lawyer.

je me suis lev et comme javais envie de parler, jai dit, un peu

hazard dailleurs, que je navais pas eu lintention de tuer lArabe
Jai dit rapidement, en melant un peu les mots et en me rendant
compte de mon ridicule, que ctait cause du soleil."
"Mon avocat a hauss les paules tout de suite apres, on lui a
donn la parole." His lawyer simply asks for the court to be
ajourned, like the previous days, a show of ineptitude
Dailleurs, mon avocet ma sembl ridicule" In reference to the
lawyer referring to Meursault as moi

More sweeping statements about Meursaults impassive/existentialist

perspectives are revealed:

Sans doute, je ne pouvais pas mempecher de reconnaitre quil

avait raison. Je ne regrettais pas beaucoup mon acte. Mais tant
dacharnement mtonnait. Jaurais voulu essayer de lui expliquer
cordialement, presque avec affection, que je navais jamais pu
regretter vraiment quelque chose. When the Lavocat gnrale
insists to the jury that Meursault feels no remorse

Narrative Style
At this point in the text, Meursaults narration renders the text almost
pantomimic when the final statements are read.

Il disait quil stait pench sur elle et quil navait rien trouv,
meisseurs les jurs. At the moment where the chief prosecutor
declares that he finds Meursault morally lacking/wanting/empty, this
respectful phrase looks ridiculous through Meursaults narrative

perspective not to say that Meursault finds it ridiculous, but to the

reader, it renders the whole scene ever more exaggerated

Chapter 5 Plot Summary / Commentary

Chapter five happens in Meursaults cell, waiting his appeal, but with the
knowledge that he will indeed be sentenced to death. He refers to the
prison with vocabulary that produces a lexic field of mechanics, the prison
system becomes an unconquerable machine. At this point, Meursault
appears to actually fear/shy away from his inevitable death, much unlike
the numbness with which he approached his fate up until this point in the
story. He begins to talk about how he would change the system, had he
another chance to live. After considering various forms of death, their
shortcomings and benefits he decides that at the point of death, as both
the executioner and the condamn wish a clean death, the prisoner
becomes morally compliant with the act, that one has to be. Hearing the
sound of his heart beating demonstrates the change in his mentality,
rather than ignoring the sound Meursault faces his own mortality. He
accepts that his appeal will be unsuccessful. However, at the point of
death, even at his weakest, he vehemently rejects any metaphysical help,
and the prison chaplain leaves in tears after a standoff which proves
Meursault completely impenetrable. The story comes a full circle as
Meursault ends thinking about his mother, that given his nearness to
death, he felt liberated. If his mother had felt this way, she deserved
nobodys sympathy or mourning. Meursault wishes only that there are
crowds of people who hate him to see him die, and this is his final
statement before his implied death.
Daydreams about an escape, but not for craving freedom, but in a sort of
heroic monologue. Immediately chastises himself for having let his mind
run away from him, also chastises himself for imagining that his appeal
might be successful
On his deathbed, denies the priest access to his chambers. Equates
wishing there was an afterlife to wishing that he was aesthetically more
pleasing, simply something that might make life more agreeable, but not
a hope with any real foundation

La Chute Jean-Baptiste Clamance

Immediately by the narrative voice, it is a true stream of conscious
narrative, perhaps a comment on the introspective nature of the
existentialist protagonist
No chapter tites

Only by small sentences within the babble do we hear any of the

characters existentialist beliefs
Extols this belief that organised life, convention is like being eaten
away society and loss of identity
Discusses the massacre and deportation of Jews with admiration for
its diligence
Describes Amsterdam in terms resembling Dantes Inferno
Discusses suicide cheerfully, and only of his own discomfort if he
were to attempt a rescue in the cold water

Chapter 2
Describes his past passion and devotion to the judicial system, in
words that he seems to scorn it, sees it as an error in hindsight.
Appreciates jobs/passions as a doctrine to living life progressively
however, but this is as far as it goes
Refused earthly commendations (Legion Dhonneur) as his work was
its own reward
He used to be polite, generous, humble
16 CIT Meaning of life, the peak is when virtue is sustained by
virtue itself
Idea of friendship scrutinised, Clamance stating that he prefers
sympathy as it has no lasting commitment. That we eulogise the
dead as great people simply because the commitment of friendship
has been lifted. Grieving is a selfish action
PAGE 24 Quote for human existence and the reasons for our

Chapter 3
Appears to enjoy death and decay
Power, he believes, is a necessity, otherwise nobody would ever
have the last word, and servitude is a part and parcel to our lives
His relationship with others, amicable nature, he concedes, is all for
his own self-gain

Time, Clamance lives in the moment, with no anchors to the past,

much like the Sartrean concept
He was once struck in a fight and did not strike his assailant back.
Discusses his loss of belief in justice, as he began to be vengeful.
Every intelligent man dreams of ruling by violence alone, idea that
relationships are always a power dynamic
Discusses amorous relationships in terms of role-playing, once again
detracting any feeling from it. He conducted these relationships for
the self-satisfaction that they brought him, however, he finds himself
enslaved to her, trapped
Decency is to be adulterous, but to admit it, not to disguise ones
feelings in lyrical outpourings.
Witness to another suicide, and feels ?guilty? that he was too late to
avert it

Chapter 4
Clamance clamours that he reaches the dyke, horizontal lines, no
pretty houses he revels in nothingness
He has no friends only accomplices
Suicide: Once more, suicide is shown as an attractive prospect, if
one was able to observe the reaction of those around you: 46
Suffering and friendship
Unlike Sartre, he doesnt see suicide as a means to end existential

Introduces the concept of being judged and trying to escape the

judgement of ones peers as something admirable/desirable
In friendship, one seeks sympathy, somebody who pities, but
doesnt understand. To those who do understand and share our
weakness, we make true confessions, not seeking sympathy. Wanted
people to forget his birthday so he could revel in the dreads of his
own melancholy and sadness
Declares that he considers human affairs trivial matters

We can see the unravelling of his notion of righteousness and good

as his beliefs change and his existential experiences hit him

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