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Gadgetron: An Open Source Framework For Medical Image Reconstruction

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MODELING Full Papers

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69:17681776 (2013)

Gadgetron: An Open Source Framework for Medical

Image Reconstruction
Michael Schacht Hansen1 * and Thomas Sangild Srensen2,3
This work presents a new open source framework for medical
image reconstruction called the Gadgetron. The framework
implements a flexible system for creating streaming data processing pipelines where data pass through a series of modules
or Gadgets from raw data to reconstructed images. The data
processing pipeline is configured dynamically at run-time based
on an extensible markup language configuration description. The
framework promotes reuse and sharing of reconstruction modules and new Gadgets can be added to the Gadgetron framework
through a plugin-like architecture without recompiling the basic
framework infrastructure. Gadgets are typically implemented in
C/C++, but the framework includes wrapper Gadgets that allow
the user to implement new modules in the Python scripting
language for rapid prototyping. In addition to the streaming
framework infrastructure, the Gadgetron comes with a set of
dedicated toolboxes in shared libraries for medical image reconstruction. This includes generic toolboxes for data-parallel (e.g.,
GPU-based) execution of compute-intensive components. The
basic framework architecture is independent of medical imaging
modality, but this article focuses on its application to Cartesian
and non-Cartesian parallel magnetic resonance imaging. Magn
Reson Med 69:17681776, 2013. 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Key words: image reconstruction; open source; GPU

Image reconstruction software is an integral part of all
modern medical imaging devices, and medical image
reconstruction research is a strong and active field with
hundreds of articles published each year. In the field of
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), great advances have
been driven by image reconstruction algorithms. Examples include parallel MRI reconstruction (13) and more
recently compressive sensing (4,5).
Most image reconstruction algorithms are published
without a reference implementation (i.e., without source
code). In some cases, the authorsor the device vendors
they collaborate withare reluctant to share their algorithms. In many other cases, there is simply no practical

Division of Intramural Research, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
*Correspondence to: Michael S. Hansen, Ph.D., National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute, NIH, NIH Building 10/B1D-405, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda,
MD 20892. E-mail: michael.hansen@nih.gov
Disclosure: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Siemens Medical
Systems have a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).
Received 16 March 2012; revised 25 April 2012; accepted 2 June 2012.
DOI 10.1002/mrm.24389
Published online 12 July 2012 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com).

2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

way of sharing the algorithms; they may rely on a great

deal of accessory code, some of which could be vendor specific or even contain vendor-provided code that cannot be
shared. Regardless of the reasons, it undermines the scientific process that readers and reviewers are prevented from
reproducing the results of reconstruction research articles.
It is exceedingly difficult for other researchers to evaluate
how a given algorithm might perform given a different type
of data or how it might interact with other algorithms. As a
result, researchers who wish to build on previous work by
other groups often have to reimplement previous work for
comparison purposes, as there is no available common platform for sharing medical image reconstruction algorithms.
Given the complexities of new reconstruction algorithms,
it may be difficult or indeed impossible reimplement the
methods described in research articles. This problem has
been pointed out by other researchers, e.g. in the report by
Buckheit and Donoho (6).
The proof-of-concept implementations that form the
basis of many publications have further limitations. They
are often unsuitable for deployment in a clinical (or clinical research) environment where they could be tested
in broader patient populations. More specifically, the
reconstruction algorithm development is often done in
offline applications that are difficult to integrate with
medical devices in such a way that the reconstruction
can be performed online. Consequently, proper evaluation of a given reconstruction algorithm is not often
done until a medical device vendor implements it in a
commercial product. Furthermore, when developers wish
to deploy their algorithms clinically they could be limited by the device manufacturers reconstruction development environment. As manufacturers are under regulatory
restrictions and consequently have long lead times on
integration of the latest hardware and software in their
platforms, delays in early testing of new algorithms can
result. Moreover, a new algorithm may rely on more computational power than that is available from the manufacturers hardware; the algorithm may rely on dedicated
high-performance computing equipment such as graphics
processing units (GPUs) (79), or the algorithm may simply
need some software libraries that are not available or easy
to integrate into a commercial medical device.
Thus, it would be desirable to have an open source platform for implementing medical image reconstruction algorithms in general and more specifically MRI reconstruction algorithms. To address the above-mentioned concerns,
such a platform should have the following characteristics:


Free. The platform should be freely available to all

researchers. Specifically, it should be provided with


full source code at no cost. Users should be allowed

to modify, redistribute, repackage, and deploy the
platform with no restrictions.
Modular. Except in the most trivial cases, medical
image reconstruction algorithms consist of multiple
steps that must be performed accurately and in a timely
fashion to ensure adequate performance of the medical imaging device. Many of these steps (e.g., basic data
filtering) are shared among many different reconstruction algorithms and the platform should facilitate reuse
of such components. This would enable developers to
focus on the new algorithm.
Flexible. Although medical image reconstruction algorithms share many common components, there are
significant differences between algorithms and data
structures for different imaging devices. For instance,
MRI and positron emission tomography would likely
have different data structures and different data flows
as dictated by the fact that MRI data are acquired (often
line by line) in the spatial frequency domain (k-space)
and positron emission tomography raw data would be
a list of coincidence events at detectors surrounding
the sample. A practical platform for image reconstruction should allow such differences in data types and
Facilitate cross platform Development. The platform
should be operating-system independent such that the
users can then deploy it on their platform of choice,
which may be dictated by the medical imaging device
or their local computing environment.
Facilitate prototyping. It is often easier to prototype
new reconstruction algorithms in high-level interactive environments such as Matlab and Python. The
platform should support reconstruction algorithms
partly implemented in a scripting language, so changes
can be made to the algorithm quickly and without
recompilation during the development process.
Facilitate high-performance computing. GPUs and
emerging many-core CPUs have added a powerful
and affordable high-performance computing technology to the medical imaging reconstruction community. A suitable reconstruction framework must
enable a seamless integration of such technologies.
Moreover, developers should be able to integrate
high-performance computing technology that was not
defined at the time when the framework was developed, i.e., a new type of parallel processor. This can
be achieved in part through a modular design where
individual modules can be compiled and inserted in
the framework using a plugin architecture.
Facilitate deployment. It should be possible to deploy
the newly developed reconstruction algorithms in a
clinical research environment. This deployment must
be transparent to the users; it should be online in the
sense that reconstructed images are created either concurrently with or immediately after data acquisition
such that the images can be used in the regular clinical
or research workflow.

This article describes a modular open source medical image reconstruction framework called Gadgetron,
which has been designed to encompass all of the


aforementioned requirements. The Gadgetron contains a

streaming reconstruction pipeline in which data passes
through a set of modules or Gadgets. The framework can
be configured dynamically by assembling and connecting
these Gadgets. In addition, the Gadgetron has a set of toolboxes that provide common image reconstruction tools,
data structures, iterative solvers, and GPU components.
The architecture is described here in detail and framework functionality is illustrated with MRI reconstruction


The design of the Gadgetron is based on the observation
that most image reconstruction algorithms consist of a set
of well-defined tasks that can be modularized and reused
in several different reconstruction scenarios. As a simple
example, a k-space raw data Hamming window may be
used in multiple different MRI reconstructions to reduce
ringing artifacts. One can think of each of these reconstruction modules as a Gadget that data are fed through;
it has an input and an output. Multiple Gadgets are wired
together (connected) to assemble a reconstruction process
(a Gadget stream). The Gadget stream is configured dynamically at run-time using a plugin architecture. More specifically, the Gadgets of a particular reconstruction stream
can reside in multiple independently compiled binaries
(shared libraries) and are loaded at run-time based on a
Gadget stream configuration in an extensible markup language (XML) file. Data are passed from a given client into
the Gadgetron streaming architecture through a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) connection through which the resulting images are eventually
returned to the client application.
Each Gadget may implement a given task entirely, or it
may rely on a set of support libraries or toolboxes. The
Gadgetron framework contains several toolboxes, which
provide a wide range of functionality, e.g., basic data
structures such as multidimensional arrays (for CPUs and
GPUs), Cartesian and non-Cartesian Fourier transforms,
basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS) (10) and LAPACK
(11) interfaces, iterative solvers, etc. The toolboxes can
of course also be used as shared libraries in independent
stand-alone image reconstruction programs that do not
use the Gadgetron streaming architecture but provide a
more traditional reconstruction executable for reconstruction tasks.
The Gadgetron is implemented in C++ using several
existing open source libraries. Network communications,
streaming architecture, and message queues are implemented using the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (12), and some memory management features such
as smart pointers and Python interfacing are derived
from the Boost C++ Libraries. Some Gadgets are implemented on the GPU to achieve faster reconstructions. All
current GPU examples in the Gadgetron framework are
implemented using Compute Unified Device Architecture
(CUDA, Nvidia, Santa Clara, CA).
In the following sections, we provide design and
implementation details for the individual components
of the Gadgetron framework. When referring to specific


Hansen and Srensen

FIG. 1. Gadgetron architecture. The Gadgetron is in communication with a client application through a TCP/IP connection. The client
application sends data to the Gadgetron and associated with each data package is a Message ID. Based on the Message ID, control of the
socket is handed over to a specific Reader, which is capable of deserializing the incoming data package. The data package is converted to
message blocks that are added to the first Gadgets queue. Data are then passed down the Gadget stream where each Gadget can modify
and transform the data. Any Gadget can return images (or partially processed data) to the Gadgetron framework. Based on the Message
ID of this return data package, the control of the socket and the data are handed to a particular Writer, which is responsible for writing the
return message to the client.

source code components such as class and function names, a monospace font will be used, e.g.,

Gadgets and the Streaming Reconstruction Pipeline

A schematic outline of the Gadgetron framework is shown
in Fig. 1. A Gadgetron reconstruction process (Gadget
stream) consists of three main components: Readers,
Writers, and Gadgets. These components are assembled and controlled by a GadgetStreamController,
which is also responsible for maintaining the connection
with the client. The role of the Reader is to receive and
deserialize data from the client, and the Writer serves the
(opposite) role of serializing and returning data to the
client. Once the data has been received, it is passed down
the chain of Gadgets. Each Gadget can modify or transform
the data before passing it on to the subsequent Gadget. This
sections describes the function and relationship of these
components in more detail.
The Gadgetron maintains communication with client
applications through a TCP/IP socket. Connections with
multiple simultaneous clients are supported and each individual connection is managed by a software module (a
class) called GadgetStreamController. The communication protocol with the client application is as follows:
1. A connection request from a client is received and
a new instance of a GadgetStreamController is
2. The client sends an XML configuration file defining the desired reconstruction pipeline to the Gadgetron. The GadgetStreamController loads the
required data serialization and deserialization components (Writers and Readers, see later) and Gadgets
from shared libraries as specified in the configuration

3. The client sends an XML file with parameters for the

reconstruction. This XML document is passed to each
individual Gadget, which can interpret this document
in the context of the function it is responsible for.
4. The client starts streaming data to the GadgetStreamController, which uses its set of Readers to deserialize the data and pass it on to the Gadgets.
5. Images (or partially reconstructed datasets) are
returned to the GadgetStreamController from the
Gadgets. The GadgetStreamController uses Writers to serialize the reconstructed images and pass
them back to the client.
Associated with each Gadgetron stream is a set of Readers
and Writers, which are responsible for the deserialization and serialization of data packages on the TCP/IP
connection (see Fig. 1). As the XML configuration file is
received from the client, the GadgetStreamController
loads the corresponding set of Readers and Writers and
associates each Reader and Writer with a unique Message
ID. Each transmission of data is initiated with transmission
of a Message ID such that the GadgetStreamController
can pass control of the socket connection to the appropriate Reader for deserialization of the data package.
When returning data packages (images) to the client,
the packages are read from an output queue where they
are again associated with a Message ID that allows the
GadgetStreamController to pick the appropriate Writer
for serialization of the package. This abstraction of serialization and deserialization allows flexible configuration
of the Gadgetron framework where several different types
of packages can be processed by the same Readers and
Writers when applicable. Moreover, the behavior of the
Gadgetron framework in response to a specific type of data
can be changed by replacing the Reader/Writer associated
with that type of data. For example, in one configuration the Gadgetron framework may pass a specific type
of MRI raw data directly to the Gadget stream and in


FIG. 2. Each Gadget is an active object with at least one thread of

execution. The thread is responsible for picking generic data packages of the input message queue and decoding the data packages
into the data types that the Gadget is expecting. If the data types
match the Gadgets signature, the data will be passed on to a data
processing function where the data can be modified and/or transformed into new data packages and enqueued on the next Gadgets
input queue.

another configuration the same data type may be corrected

or filtered in some way depending on the Reader associated with a specific Message ID. The Gadgetron framework
provides abstract classes for Readers/Writers and a specific
deserialization/serialization behavior can be achieved by
implementing these abstract interfaces. One of the toolboxes (see later) contains a GadgetronConnector class
that allows the user to implement communication with
the Gadgetron framework by registering Readers and Writers with the GadgetronConnector. Specific examples on
how to interface raw data and image data are contained in
the distribution.
The basic design of a Gadget is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Each individual Gadget is an active object (13). It has its
own thread (or threads) of execution and an input message
queue, which holds data packages from upstream Gadgets.
The data packages are processed in the order they arrive
at the Gadget. Each Gadget has a built-in system for checking that the data on the input queue is of the type that the
Gadget is expecting.
In many practical applications, a Gadget would operate
on more than one data argument (e.g., it may operate on a
data header and a multidimensional array containing the
actual image data). The Gadgetron framework provides a
set of templated Gadget classes that process different number of arguments. Users of the Gadgetron framework can
implement a Gadget that processes two arguments by simply inheriting from one of the templates and implementing
just one function (the process function).
Core functionality to be shared across multiple Gadgets,
and standalone applications is provided in toolboxes. In
this section, we provide a nonexhaustive list of some key
toolbox functionality.


Multidimensional arrays. The framework comes with

a templated multidimensional array (NDArray). This
array structure is used throughout the Gadgetron
framework to store and process data. Both CPU- and
GPU-based arrays are available with operators to transparently handle memory transfers between the available computational resources.
Fast Fourier transforms. There are multiple toolbox
components that provide access to various flavors of
the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). CPU-based FFT is
available using the FFTW3 library (14) and GPU-based
using the CUFFT library from Nvidia. The framework
also contains a GPU implementation of the nonuniform FFT (8).
Iterative solvers. The framework provides a set of templated classes for iterative reconstruction. A solver
base class is provided and a number of iterative solver
implementations are derived from this base class
such as a Conjugate Gradient solver for linear least
square problems (15) and Split Bregman solvers for
total variation/compressed sensing based reconstructions (16). The solvers are completely generic and
straightforward to configure for suitable reconstruction problems. For example, the conjugate gradient
solver can be used to solve a minimization problem
such as min E m22 where is the unknown
image to be reconstructed, E is the image modality
encoding matrix, and m is the measured data. The
user must supply a matrix operator that implements
multiplication with E and EH . This is done by filling in (in a derived class) two pure virtual functions
of a linearOperator base class. The solvers allow
multiple operators to be added such that multiple
terms can be minimized simultaneously. The source
code contains multiple examples for users to build on
and modify for their own specific purposes. A specific example of using these solvers for non-Cartesian
parallel MRI is described later. In addition to image
encoding operators the framework provides a set of
commonly used regularization operators such as an
identity operator, a partial derivative operator, a similarity image operator, and a convolution operator; all
derived from the linearOperator base class.
Python Prototyping
To make the transition from prototyping to deployment easier, the Gadgetron is designed so that the functionality of
individual Gadgets can be implemented using Python as a
scripting language. Python was chosen over Matlab, as it
can be obtained at no cost on all the supported platforms.
The Python architecture is outlined in Fig. 3.
The Python scripting functionality can be accessed by
the user through a PythonGadget, and the framework provides certain hooks that the user can implement callback
functions for in a Python module. The user specifies which
Python module the Gadget should load and which functions in the Python module should be called in response to
which events.
The PythonGadget is not responsible for loading the
Python modules. Due to the way that the Python interpreter
is implemented, it is not safe for multiple Gadgets to access


Hansen and Srensen

algorithms will be added in future releases and made available continuously on the Gadgetron web page (see later). It
is beyond the scope of this article to explain the algorithms
in detail, but references to some key reconstruction steps
are provided in the following. We use MRI as the primary
demonstration modality.

Real-Time Cartesian Parallel Imaging

FIG. 3. Python prototyping architecture. The Gadgetron framework provides a specialized Gadget (PythonGadget). The
PythonGadget communicates with a Python interpreter instance
through a PythonCommunicator object (a process wide singleton),
which ensures that only one Gadget attempts to access the interpreter at any given time. At run-time, the PythonGadget will instruct
the PythonCommunicator to load (import) a Python module in the
interpreter instance as specified in the XML configuration file. When
data arrive in the Gadget, they are passed on to the Python module
(through the PythonCommunicator). Each loaded Python module
receives a reference to the PythonGadget such that reconstruction results can be passed back to the calling Gadget and continue
down the stream. As indicated, a given Gadget stream can contain
a mixure of regular C/C++ Gadgets and Python Gadgets.

the interpreter at the same time and consequently the communication with the Python interpreter is centralized in
the PythonCommunicator (a process wide singleton for
the Gadgetron). When the PythonGadget loads, it will
request that the PythonCommunicator loads the Python
module. When data need to be passed to the Python module, it will be passed first to the PythonCommunicator,
which will pass it on to the appropriate Python module
when the Python interpreter becomes available.
As indicated in Fig. 3, it is possible to have an arbitrary
number of PythonGadgets in the reconstruction pipeline.
Moreover, the PythonGadgets can be mixed with standard Gadgets implemented purely in C/C++. This enables
the user to reuse existing, efficient implementations of
reconstruction steps while maintaining the capability of
prototyping in Python.
Standalone Compilation
The core reconstruction algorithm components included
in the framework (e.g., FFTs, iterative solvers, etc.) are contained in the various toolboxes (see earlier) and compiled
into shared libraries. As previously mentioned, these toolboxes can either be linked into Gadgets or be used in standalone applications. To exemplify how to use these toolboxes in practice, we include a number of small standalone
applications. These applications are compiled outside the
streaming client/server architecture of the Gadgetron (Fig.
1) and demonstrate how to use the toolboxes in third-party
This section outlines some of the example applications that
are included in the initial Gadgetron distribution. More

The Gadgetron includes a GPU-based real-time reconstruction engine for Cartesian parallel MRI. The implemented
algorithm is an extension of the GRAPPA algorithm (3),
which has been optimized for high-throughput reconstruction of real-time MRI using a large number of receive
channels. To our knowledge, the closest implementation in
the literature is the one by Saybasili et al. (17). In the present
Gadgetron implementation, the GRAPPA convolution kernels are Fourier transformed to image space and applied
directly to the aliased images using pixelwise multiplications. Additionally, the image space unmixing coefficients
for individual channels are combined in image space using
a B1-weighted coil combination procedure as per Walsh
et al. (18). Data are assumed to be acquired in a timeinterleaved fashion, so that a number of neighboring frames
can be averaged and used for calibration data (19).
Figure 4 outlines the Gadgetron GRAPPA reconstruction chain. The core algorithm is implemented in the
GrappaGadget and the GrappaUnmixingGadget. The
GrappaGadget is responsible for monitoring the acquired
raw data and will trigger an update of GRAPPA coefficients when required (and data are available). The
GRAPPA unmixing coefficients and the required coil sensitivity maps for B1-weighted coil combination are calculated on the GPU by the GrappaCalculator. Once
the GRAPPA coefficients have been calculated, they are
downloaded to the CPU where they are stored in a memory structure that can be accessed by the downstream
GrappaUnmixingGadget. The GrappaUnmixingGadget
performs the Fourier transform of k-space data and linear
combination of the available coils using the coefficients
calculated by the GrappaCalculator. The GRAPPA calculation is done asynchronously with Fourier transform
and image unmixing, which enables this configuration
to have a high frame rate. The unmixing coefficients are
updated as often as the hardware is capable and always
when the slice orientation changes. The time that it takes
to update the unmixing coefficients depends on the number of receiver channels, the image matrix size, and the
available hardware, but for most applications it is on the
order of 200 ms. More specifically, on a 16 CPU core
(Intel Xeon 2.67 GHz) computer with 24 GB of RAM and
an Nvidia GeForce GTX 590 graphics card, the GRAPPA
unmixing coefficients for parallel imaging rate 4 with 16
input channels could be calculated in under 200 ms. As the
coefficients are updated independently of the unmixing,
the framerate is not limited by how quickly the coefficients
can be calculated. The framerate is determined by how
quickly the raw data can be Fourier transformed and the
coefficients can be applied. With the previously described
hardware, images could be displayed on the scanner with
less than one frame (approximately 100 ms) latency.



number of target channels included in the GRAPPA reconstruction. For example, the GRAPPA coefficients may be
calculated from 16 source channels to eight target channels. This reduces the computational load and memory
requirements for the GRAPPA calculation without explicitly reducing the parallel imaging performance. It is beyond
the scope of this article to do an analysis of appropriate settings for these compression factors, but in practice we have
found that with a 32-channel receive array, a reduction to 16
channels upstream and eight channels downstream results
in only marginal reduction of image quality.
Non-Cartesian Parallel MRI
As an example of parallel MRI using non-Cartesian trajectories, the Gadgetron includes a GPU-based implementation of non-Cartesian SENSE (23). The implementation
included in the Gadgetron is based on previous work (9) but
adapted for the Gadgetron architecture. The main functionality of the iterative solver is implemented in the toolboxes
described earlier. The Gadget architecture is used to wrap
the solver and data handling buffers in a reusable manner.
The conjugate gradient SENSE Gadget pipeline is illustrated in Fig. 5. The noise adjustment and PCA virtual coil
generation Gadgets have been reused from the GRAPPA
reconstruction described earlier. Additionally, a series of
other Gadgets for image scaling, magnitude extraction, etc.
are also reused. The non-Cartesian SENSE reconstruction
uses a conjugate gradient iterative solver to solve:

= arg min E m22 + L22 ,

FIG. 4. GRAPPA Gadget chain. NoiseAdjustGadget and

PCAGadget create virtual channels in which the noise is white and
the data have undergone a principal component decomposition. An
optional coil reduction stage is then used to remove the PCA coils.
The GRAPPA coefficients are calculated in k-space but Fourier
transformed to image space where they are combined into one
set of unmixing coefficients as described in Ref. 17. The GRAPPA
coefficient calculation also includes an optional target channel
reduction for further speed-up of the reconstruction. The calculation
of unmixing coefficients is asynchronous with the stream of raw
data, and the coefficients (weights) are updated as frequently as
possible. Sample reconstruction images are shown on the bottom

In addition to the high-throughput GRAPPA functionality described earlier, the implementation also allows for
receiver channel compression based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (20,21). The implemented scheme is
inspired by Huang et al. (22) in that it implements two
stages of channel compression. After noise prewhitening
in the NoiseAdjustGadget, the channels are converted to
virtual channels using PCA coefficients in the PCAGadget.
In the present implementation, the coefficients are calculated based on the k-space data from the first frame
of real-time data. Subsequently, the data pass through a
coil reduction Gadget, which simply discards data above
a certain channel number (here the number of channels is
reduced from 32 to 16). In the GRAPPA calculation itself,
further channel compression is possible by limiting the

where is the unknown image to be reconstructed, m is

the measured (possibly undersampled) data, and E is the
encoding matrix describing (a) multiplication with coil
sensitivities, (b) Fourier transform to k-space, and (c) sampling on the non-Cartesian trajectory. The matrix L is a diagonal regularization matrix, and is a regularization weight
that controls the balance between the data consistency and
regularization terms in the optimization (9).
In practice, information about coil sensitivity distributions is needed to apply E and EH during the iteration.
To facilitate computation of an estimate hereof the Gadget
holds a queue for buffering the data as they are received.
The data are assumed to be acquired in such a way that a
set of neighboring frames can be averaged to yield a fully
sampled (but low temporal resolution) dataset. This can be
achieved with a rotating radial acquisition scheme or with
the golden ratio radial acquisition scheme (24), which was
used in this case. Data from previous frames are buffered
in the conjugate gradient SENSE Gadget and before reconstruction of a frame, new coil sensitivity maps are formed
from the buffered data. Based on this unaliased dataset, it
is also possible to extract a regularization mask that is used
to populate the diagonal matrix L.
The conjugate gradient SENSE Gadget has several tunable parameters that can be used to trade off image quality,
signal-to-noise ratio, frame rate, and computational speed.
In practice, the user can control how many k-space projections are used in each reconstructed frame (temporal
resolution), how many data acquisitions that are shared
among neighboring frames, the regularization factor , the


Hansen and Srensen

latter often under the assumption that the image degradation was caused by convolution of the desired image with a
known point spread function. The initial Gadgetron release
provides three iterative solvers that can be used to restore
noisy or blurred images; linear least squares by the conjugate gradient algorithm (15), and both an unconstraint
and a constraint Split-Bregman solver (16) for total variation based minimization. The solvers are derived from
variational problems minimizing, respectively
min 22 + E m22

min ||TV + E m22

min ||TV s.t. E m22 < 2

where is the desired image to be restored, E is the linear degradation operator, and m is the acquired image.
For deblurring, E is modeled as a ConvolutionOperator
and for denoising as an IdentityOperator. The solvers
can be set up with just a handful of lines of code and
GPU-based operators are available for high-performance
The framework also includes a small standalone application that applies the non-Cartesian parallel MRI encoding
operator (see earlier) on the latter two total variation (TV)
based functionals demonstrating compressed sensing in
combination with parallel MRI.

Integration with a Clinical MRI System

FIG. 5. Non-Cartesian parallel MRI Gadget chain. Most of the reconstruction pipeline is reused from the Cartesian parallel MRI Gadget
chain (Fig. 4). After forming virtual channels, the data pass into the
conjugate gradient SENSE Gadget where they are buffered. Once
enough data are available to reconstruct a new frame, coil sensitivities and regularization data are calculated from a time average of
previously acquired data and used along with the undersampled data
in a conjugate gradient iterative solver. The reconstructed images are
passed on to subsequent Gadgets in the chain for further processing.

number of iterations and stopping criterion in the conjugate

gradient solver. Furthermore, the user can take advantage of
the PCA channel compression to tune the reconstruction to
the performance of the available reconstruction hardware.
In the current implementation, we were able to perform
non-Cartesian parallel imaging reconstruction with over 10
frames per second using a single GPU for a resolution of
192 192. It should be noted that PCA coil reduction from
32 to 8 virtual channels was used to achieve this framerate.

Further Solver Examples

A frequently occurring image reconstruction task is to
reduce the degree of noise and/or blurring in an image. The

One of the key goals in designing the Gadgetron framework

was to enable easy deployment in a clinical research environment. This is facilitated by the flexible TCP/IP interface
that allow clients to connect from any device where it is
possible to open a network socket. The exact steps involved
in communication between a given device and the Gadgetron framework will vary greatly from device to device.
Here an example of interfacing a clinical MRI scanner
(Siemens Avanto 1.5T and Siemens Espree 1.5T, Siemens
Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) with the Gadgetron
is demonstrated. The connection between scanner and
Gadgetron is outlined in Fig. 6.
In this example, the Siemens reconstruction pipeline
was modified by added modules that communicate
with the Gadgetron. Two new modules were added: a
GadgetronEmitter and a GadgetronInjector. These
modules can be inserted anywhere in the vendor reconstruction pipeline by specifying the insertion points in a
configuration file. The GadgetronEmitter is responsible
for opening a connection (TCP/IP) to the Gadgetron and
sending parameters and raw data. When the images have
been reconstructed, they will be returned to the scanner
reconstruction pipeline using the GadgetronInjector.
As it is possible to return reconstructed images to the scanner reconstruction pipeline before images are send to the
image database on the MRI scanner host, seamless integration with the clinical scanner is achieved. Example videos
can be found at http://gadgetron.sourceforge.net/demo.


FIG. 6. Integration with a Clinical MRI Scanner (Siemens

Avanto/Espree, Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany).
The reconstruction software of the MRI system was modified by
adding two additional modules to the reconstruction vendor reconstruction pipeline. One module (GadgetronEmitter) was responsible for opening a connection to the Gadgetron and transmitting
data, another module was responsible for receiving reconstructed
images from the Gadgetron. The modules for sending and receiving data were implemented in such a way that they can be added
to any existing reconstruction program on the scanner without
the need to recompile any MRI scanner software. The location of
the GadgetronEmitter and GadgetronInjector in the vendor
reconstruction chain is flexible and can be specified with a configuration file. The original vendor reconstruction modules (between
GadgetronEmitter and GadgetronInjector) are bypassed by
the Gadgetron reconstruction.


The Gadgetron is available under a permissive, free software license based on the Berkeley Software Distribution
license, which allows the users to use, modify, and redistribute the software in source or binary form with virtually
no restrictions. The source code and documentation can be
found on the Sourceforge Open Source distribution website
The framework was designed to be cross platform and the
source code compiles and runs on Linux, Mac OS X, and
Microsoft Windows (Windows 7, 64-bit). Great care was
taken during the implementation to ensure that the streaming architecture with dynamic run-time linking works on
all platforms. Installation instructions are available on the
Sourceforge website.
Limitations and Future Directions
The Gadgetron is implemented mainly in C++ and takes
advantage of many specific language features such as object
inheritance and templates. Consequently, a certain proficiency with these features is an advantage when using the
Gadgetron, and this may make it harder for programmers
who are less familiar with C++ programming to use the
Gadgetron. However, as a Gadget can be implemented by
writing just a single function (the process class member


function), users with limited C++ knowledge are expected

to be able to use the Gadgetron framework. The documentation contains multiple examples of how to implement new
There is a certain implementation overhead involved
in working with the Gadgetron streaming architecture.
A given algorithm has to be separated into components
(Gadgets), and a client has to be written (if the included
clients are not adequate). This can be more involved than
writing a simple standalone C/C++ application. Furthermore, there is an inherent overhead associated with the
TCP/IP communication that one would not incur in a
standalone application. However, it is important to note
that there are some specific advantages as well. First, the
individual modules can be reused in other reconstruction
programs, potentially reducing future development time.
Second, the Gadgetron streaming framework is inherently
multithreaded, because each Gadget has its own thread of
execution, which can provide a performance increase to
offset the TCP/IP overhead. In fact, in simple tests conducted to explore this, the Gadgetron streaming framework
provided better performance for identical reconstructions
when compared to a single threaded standalone application. It should also be noted that the toolboxes included
with the Gadgetron can be used in standalone applications,
which is illustrated with multiple examples in the source
The framework is envisioned as a platform in continuous development. Functionality will be added through
new additional Gadgets, but there are also infrastructural changes planned that will enable a wider range of
Currently, it is not possible to create branches in a Gadgetron stream, i.e., it is not possible to create streams where
data pass through different sets of Gadgets based on a condition. For the applications we have focused on so far, this has
not been an issue, but it is easy to envision other applications in which it would be advantageous to create multiple
branches (e.g., to process different types of images). Such
functionality is planned for an upcoming release.
A related limitation is that there is currently no shared
memory storage between different instances of Gadget
chains. Such functionality would be useful, if multiple
Gadget chains were active simultaneously and some data
were shared between the chains (e.g., calibration data).
Currently, this can be achieved using the file system or
similar means of sharing data between processes, but in
the future, we plan to have a more straight forward global
data storage with life cycle management of the stored data
The GPU components in the current version of the Gadgetron are based on Nvidias CUDA framework, which is
limited to Nvidias GPUs. To make the GPU components
hardware vendor independent, it would be an advantage
to use OpenCL instead. At present, however, the OpenCL
architecture is less feature rich than CUDA and more
cumbersome to use in templated class hierachies, and consequently the framework has limited its scope to CUDA.
There are, on the other hand, no fundamental restrictions
in the framework for implementing Gadgets and toolboxes
using OpenCL, and future releases may be extended with
OpenCL support.


In the current implementation, there are some limitations in the Python scripting support. As described, the
access to the Python interpreter is controlled such that two
Gadgets cannot access the interpreter simultaneously. This
could have performance implications if multiple Gadgets
are implemented in Python and has to compete for the interpreter. With the current Python C/C++ API (version 2.7.3),
it has not been possible to overcome this limitation in a
way that would work robustly on all supported platforms.
A future release will seek to improve the Python support
and may also provide support for other scripting languages
such as Matlab.
Finally, the main application of the framework so far
has been MRI reconstruction. Consequently, the toolboxes
are focused on tasks related to this particular modality.
We anticipate that the contents of the toolboxes will naturally evolve, as we and other developers embrace new
applications and imaging modalities. For example, we are
exploring using the framework for deblurring and denoising of light microscopy images using the iterative solvers
in the toolboxes.
We have presented a new open source framework for
medical image reconstruction and described several applications for which it can be used (MRI, image denoising, and
image deblurring). The architecture is modular, and flexible and promotes reuse of existing reconstruction software
modules in the form of Gadgets. It is possible to implement
new Gadgets in C/C++ with integration of GPU acceleration for high frame rate, low latency reconstructions. It is
also possible to prototype new reconstruction components
using the high-level scripting language Python. The framework and all the example applications are made freely
available to the medical image reconstruction community,
and we hope that it can serve as a platform for researchers
to share and deploy novel reconstruction algorithms.
The authors thank Drs. Peter Kellman and Souheil Inati at
the National Institutes of Health and David Hansen, Christian Christoffersen, and Allan Rasmusson at the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University for valuable
discussion, feedback, and suggestions.
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