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2NC Overview
3) Death of product they hang their project up in the gallery
of debate to be criticized and torn apart by negative teams
turns the case
Tsianos et al. 08 Vassilis, teaches sociology at the University of Hamburg,
Germany, Dimitris Papadopoulos teaches social theory at Cardiff University, Niamh
Stephenson teaches social science at the University of New South Wales. Escape
Routes: Control and Subversion in the 21st Century Pluto Press
imperceptible politics does not necessarily differ from or oppose
other prevalent forms
this void into everyday politics that becomes the vital force for
imperceptible politics.
In this sense

They overstate the importance of genealogy merely exposing a

power relation is insufficient. We need political action to generate
traction for alternatives
Owen, 2005 (David, Reader in the Department of Politics and IR at the University of Southampton,
POLITICAL THEORY, February, p. 113)
Yet even if we set aside this concern, there remains a more general issue
that to

conflate the two is unlikely to aid cultural or political reflection .

AT: Agency
Their arguments about personal agency are ultimately
conservative and de-politicizing arguments for localizing
activism within the purview of social location are the
equivalent of privatizing social change, creating us as
dependent on the necessity of their advocacy. The more
successful their strategy is the more damage it does by
making institutions necessary to our understanding of social
Hershock 99 East-West Center, 1999. [Changing the way society changes,
Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 6, 154;]
The trouble is that, like other technologies biased toward control, t he

more successful
depletion of our resources for meaningfully improvised and liberating
intimacy with all things.

AT: Debate Works

The battle for the public sphere is overwe lost.
Conservatives and Liberals are now two sides of the same coin,
and any movement that actually promises radical change will
be destroyed as soon as it becomes visible. An invisible
movement has the most subversive potentialvoting neg to
reject politics is the only political act
The Invisible Committee 07 [an anonymous group of French professors, phd candidates, and
intellectuals, in the book The Coming Insurrection published by Semiotext(e) (attributed to the Tarnac Nine by the
French police),]

Whatever angle you look at it from, there's no escape from the present.
we can see and not avoid the conclusions to be drawn from it.

The affirmatives deferral of freedom is what sustains an

exclusionary national culture. We reinvest in the sentimental
scene of national belonging over and over again while racism,
sexism, and exploitation materially thrive. They turn debate
into one more site of reinvestment, another place to locate
ourselves and others on the path to shared prosperity.
Through the toxic fantasy of speculative democracy, we can
celebrate an abstract freedom that leaves genocide, slavery
and murder in its wake.
Hoescht 08 (Heidi, PhD in Literature from UCSD, Refusable Pasts: Speculative
Democracy, Spectator Citizens, and the Dislocation of Freedom in the United
States, Proquest Dissertations)
omissions and occlusions about the national history inside national
culture depend on the idea
or market-based inclusion to the groups they exploit to suppress conflict .

AT: Perm
Attempting to combine discursive interrogation with the
concrete historical example of the plan fails- it always
collapses back into reinforcing dominant themes
Mann 91 (Paul, Philosopher, The Theory-Death of the Avant-Garde, Book, 1991, page 28)
Perhaps Althusser's

nonexistent generality is the sign of a desire to have it both

then it must come to assert itself as such and make itself known.

INCLUDING ANY ELEMENT of the political strategy of the 1AC

ONLY RISKS short-circuiting the radical potential of the
alternative by making protest visible. Invisibility is a
precondition for freedom of action
The Invisible Committee 07 (an anonymous group of French professors, phd candidates, and
intellectuals, in the book The Coming Insurrection published by Semiotext(e) (attributed to the Tarnac Nine by the
French police),

Stay invisible. Put anonymity on the offense.

this society if you want help understanding the joy of being no one.

In a demonstration, a unionist

2NC Alt
To make micropolitics visible is to coopt it by giving resistance
an object this understanding allows resistance to be framed,
to be declared a failure and prevents the immanence of
imperceptible politics from coalescing around mundane
practices and habitudes of existence
Tsianos et al. 08 Vassilis, teaches sociology at the University of Hamburg,
Germany, Dimitris Papadopoulos teaches social theory at Cardiff University, Niamh
Stephenson teaches social science at the University of New South Wales. Escape
Routes: Control and Subversion in the 21st Century Pluto Press
imperceptible politics does not necessarily differ from or oppose
other prevalent forms
this void into everyday politics that becomes the vital force for
imperceptible politics.
In this sense

2NC Absorbtion Link

Absorption the affirmative performs their position of
opposition. This performance is trapped by its Avantgardeness. It becomes a slogan, advertising a commodity. The
Idea of resistance becomes a product to sell.
Mann 91 [Paul, Philosopher, The Theory-Death of the Avant-Garde, Book, 1991, page 108, 7/20/12]
It is not just that manifestos come to be written artfully but that a literary
is a guide to governing the exceptions it endorses: a pataphysical handbook.

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