Adam Lyons On Comfort Building
Adam Lyons On Comfort Building
Adam Lyons On Comfort Building
Introduction ............................................................................ 4
Chapter 1 Pre-selection...................................................... 11
Chapter 2 - Starting the conversation ................................... 22
Observation....................................................................... 24
Approach ........................................................................... 35
Touch................................................................................. 42
Lines .................................................................................. 47
Explanation ....................................................................... 61
Shaking Hands, Swapping names...................................... 66
Chapter 3 Transitions ......................................................... 72
The Accent ........................................................................ 75
The Occasion ..................................................................... 78
The Introduction ............................................................... 82
The Opinion....................................................................... 83
Chapter 4 - Commonalities ................................................... 89
If youve ever wondered how you could get almost
anybody that you meet to want to spend time with you,
to like you, to want to be your friend, and to genuinely
enjoy your company and be somebody that they want to
make part of their life within only a few minutes of
meeting you then youre in the right place.
My name is Adam Lyons, and Ive been a dating coach
for going on eight years now, travelling around the world
teaching people how to improve their skill set with
members of the opposite sex. But one of the most
frequent questions that people always ask me is, How
do you yourself make so many friends so quickly? You
see, I went from pretty much being a nobody as a dating
coach in Central London, and within a few years I ended
You can have all these fancy little gimmicks and tricks
that make somebody think, Wow, this guys so much
fun; hes really attractive, I really want to be with him,
but then the next morning when they wake up and have
to have breakfast with you, or when they want to
introduce you to their parents, or when they want you to
meet them at work for lunch, youve got to back up that
attraction with a solid foundation for getting people to
actually like you.
friend. And from that solid foundation, you can then use
some of the other programs and techniques available at to generate attraction, and
change that nice, friendly relationship into something
more if thats what you really want to do.
Chapter 1 Pre-selection
The first technique, the most important thing Im going to
teach you, the crucial factor that really underlies
absolutely everything in attraction, is Pre-selection. Preselection is the concept that if somebody is already
attracted to you, then other people cant help but to find
attractive. In psychology its one of the most powerful
triggers of attraction, and psychologists all around the
world have proven this time and time again.
There was actually a great study that was done by
Benedict Jones in 2006 where they showed the subjects
of the study, who were females, pictures of various guys,
some alone, others in the company of girls. They noticed
underestimate the
value of preselection in
building comfort.
Its the difference
between being
desperate and
having options.
But what if that isnt the case? What if things arent really
working out for that guy? What if hes not 100% perfect?
What if the girls in the venue that he speaks to are just
not the friendliest girls hes ever met? Suddenly he finds
that things arent going well, and he can end up
generating negative pre-selection, i.e., the girls in the bar
arent finding him attractive, so other girls in the bar
dont want to talk to him because theyve already seen
him get rejected by a number of other girls.
of girls, everyone
dating at
therefore other
women in
see him as a
threat. They
them you can start meeting other girls. You can even
potentially recruit them to help you out. Youd be
surprised how many girls are down for helping out with
things like that an alternate way of doing it is to contact
some friends and family members and do it that way.
Worst case
scenario, you
can maybe
go out with
some friends
from work. You could organize after work drinks or
something. However, another way of doing it is to
actually use the techniques within this program to make
female friends specifically to make female friends that
you can out with and hang out with as a form of preselection.
Lets start with the first step, which is Observe. Let me
say this right at the beginning so
that we get it out of the way: If you
see someone youre attracted to, you
should always approach. Theres no
reason not to. If you see somebody and you think, Wow,
that persons incredibly beautiful, I want to talk to them,
then approach. Dont worry about whether its going to
work or not, or whether your observational skills have told
that most people want to talk to the girl who was on her
Most people would not want to talk to the two girls with
the big scary guy for fear of the guy getting aggressive,
but in reality thats probably the best scenario to
approach and the least likely one to have any hostility.
Sound crazy? Bear with me; it will all make sense.
The reason the two girls and a big scary guy is the best
set of people to approach is because you can talk to the
big scary guy. And if you talk to the big scary guy before
you talk to his girls, hes likely to be nice to you. You can
talk about sports, you can talk about video games, or you
can talk about whats going on in the bar. You can talk
about the food and whether its any good. The point is,
its a lot easier to talk to a guy, because youve been
talking to guys your entire life and you know exactly what
you can talk to them about.
Once the guy likes you and thinks youre cool, you can
direct your attention to two girls with him. All you have
to do is figure out which one is his, and the other one is
yours. Youve just got yourself an instant wingman. Hes
going to talk to his girl and you can talk to your girl
problem solved. Its actually an incredibly easy way to go
about talking to people. Youll typically find this goes for
bigger groups as well; groups of four, five, six, however
you want to do it. As long as there are enough girls for
all the other guys in the group, you probably wont have
any problems at all.
The next set to watch out for is the two girls deep in
conversation with each other. Yes, its nice to go up and
talk to two girls and not have to worry about a guy, but
the problem is, the girls are probably in such deep
conversation with each other that they dont really want
to be interrupted. So you either need to have a wing,
somebody to help you out with the situation, or you need
to be so interesting that youre better than whatever
conversation it is that theyre having - and that can be
very difficult to do, and its a lot
of pressure for you to do all on
your own.
The reason that one girl alone is
often bad news, especially if
shes good-looking, is because
most girls who are out on their own are usually waiting
for a guy. Think about it. If she was out with girls, theyd
be going to the restroom together, or theyd be travelling
together or getting ready together because thats
typically what girls tend to do. Its only when shes out
with a guy that shell be standing alone. Her guy goes to
the restroom and she waits for him. The guys gone to
get drinks and shes waiting for him. The guy hasnt
arrived yet, whatever the situation is
When that guy comes back, hes probably not going to be
happy to find his beautiful girl talking to a random guy,
and thats when guys get aggressive when you talk to
their girl before you talk to them.
If you want to avoid any animosity from a big, scary guy,
one girl alone isnt necessarily the best girl to go and talk
Next up is A, and this is the Approach. When it comes
down to approaching, its absolutely crucial that that you
dont hesitate. A lot of guys who learn dating and pick-up
have heard of the Three Second Rule, which is that you
must approach within three seconds. The truth is, from
the minute that you make eye contact with a girl, you
have to approach.
Now, the three second rule might be a great way to get
you motivated to start approaching people, but the truth
is, three seconds of making eye contact while youre
nervously shuffling and not sure whether youre going to
approach can be really deadly. On the other hand, three
seconds of really good eye contact can actually be great.
The point is, make sure youre not doing the nervous one
versus the good one. It always makes good sense that
once you make eye contact with a girl, you go and
approach them.
One of the things you can look for when youre observing
is whether someones making eye contact with you; and
the minute you make eye contact, you go straight up to
them and you approach directly, no hesitation. Youve
made eye contact; maybe give it a bit of a smile and go
straight up to them.
Now, what if you dont? What if you hesitate? Lets take a
moment and analyze the subtext of the communication
between the two of you if you dont approach
straightaway and you hesitate instead. Now bear in mind,
hesitation can be something as small as one little
Important Rule:
Hesitation is the death
of any approach!
want to
this person.
dont, you
them. If you
have never
point, you
are going to
she said, I dont believe it, so I push her away and she
said, Wow, that is weird! Come back here, come back
here! And we give each other a big hug. At that point
we share our first kiss.
Its an incredible thing. She became used to me touching
her rather than not touching her. Id only known her for
about two or three hours, but in those two or three hours
that Id known her, for about two of them wed been
This brings us to Lines; Im going to teach you three
different types of lines that you can use. The first line is
rejection-proof. There is no way whatsoever you can get
rejected by using this type of line. The second line has a
little bit more chance of rejection, but its almost always
going to be seen favorably. And the third type Im going
to teach you are the ones that I typically use and they
can be a lot harder to learn. You may not be using those
right away, but still they
really are the best ones.
But to start off as a
beginner, its great to
learn how to approach
1 - Functional Lines
A functional line is essentially a question that helps you
start a conversation. Its something that you need help
with, some information that you need, so youre going to
ask somebody that youve just met. This can be
something like: Hey, do you know where the nearest
Starbucks is? In fact, that particular line ended up
making me quite famous. I used to use that line
whenever somebody asked me to demonstrate my
approach method on television.
3- Opinion Lines
The final type of line, and in my opinion the best one, is
observational. Observational lines work specifically
because they are current to the situation, and if they are
done correctly, youre not even directing it at the person.
Youre kind of just saying it to yourself and then the
other person is joining in your conversation.
The one difficulty you may face here is youve got to
figure these lines out yourself. I cant predict every single
situation that youre going to be in where you could
potentially create an observational line. What I am going
to do is give you some suggestions and examples tailored
for some common situations. However, youll find that
observational lines work a lot better if you learn how to
create them yourself.
youre helping them out with their decision, and find that
they jump into a
very good
conversation with
Another simple observational line is when you see
somebody trying to take a picture of themselves. You
know, that thing with their arms stretched out and
theyre trying to take a picture and you know its going to
be wonky and theyre going to cut their head off. You
just go up to them and, Hey, let me take that picture for
you, and you step right in, take the camera, and take
the picture on their behalf. Again, another simple way of
using an observational line.
That moves us on to E, which is the Explanation. Why
do we add an explanation after any of the lines we use?
Specifically because psychologists have found that people
tend to be more compliant if they get a reason for
something. Youd be surprised; you can actually jump to
the front of a coffee line if you give someone a reason.
still gave him their seats a lot more than when he just
said, Hey, do you mind if I have that seat? This is a
very powerful thing to learn. By adding an explanation to
your line, youve got a much better success rate and a
much better chance of getting them to comply with you.
For example, if I just say, Hey, do you know where the
nearest Starbucks is? theres a pretty good chance the
girls going to say, No, I dont. But if you say, Hey, Im
so sorry to bother you, but the last three people Ive
stopped havent really helped me and I really am looking
for a Starbucks to meet one of my friends. Do you
happen to know where the nearest one is? I have a
much better chance of that person stopping and actually
helping me find that Starbucks.
Adding a reason to
something can greatly
increase your chance of
Psychologists such as
Stanley Milgram have
this time and time again.
Chapter 3 Transitions
However, if you dont just want to have that 10-second
interaction with somebody, if youre talking to them and
youre thinking, Wow! This person I like; this is
somebody that I do want to have a conversation with, at
this point you want to learn how to transition to keep
that conversation going.
There are a number of different ways to transition a
conversation from that initial opener, but it is incredibly
important that you do at least one of them. See, the
opening line is where all conversations go to die. If you
dont get out of the conversation fast, then that
conversation is going to be dead:
The Accent
To start off with, the first transition that Im going to
teach you is my personal favorite, which is the accent.
The way I do this is by saying:
The Occasion
The next transition is the occasion. The occasion is what
I typically use when I can see that there is an occasion
going on. For example, if you see a bunch of
bridesmaids, theyve got sashes or tiaras or whatever the
situation is; if it looks like a big group of girls having an
occasion Ill say something like, Hey guys, whats the
the first parts of the list. For example, if its get a guy to
buy you a drink, I will help them find a guy who will buy
them a drink. That way I can go through all the things
that are very easy and simple and build up a lot of
comfort with them.
When Ive completed the first half of the list with them,
theyll move onto the more raunchy stuff like make out
with a random dude. But theyre not going to want to
make out with a random dude; theyre going to want to
make out with a random dude that they kind of know and thats the point where Ill start accepting some of the
items on the list, like sneaking off into a corner and
having a nice big make-out session and what have you,
with a girl that Ive just met. Thats a very simple tip that
you can use when youre doing the occasion.
The Introduction
The next one and one of my favorite transitions is the
introduction. The introduction works by a very simple
process. The first person that you approach in a group is
the first person responsible for keeping you in or out of
the group.
If you get that person to introduce you to somebody else
in the group, and that person to introduce you to
somebody else in the group, you essentially get deep into
the group. Once youre three people in, that person cant
really reject you because they met you through
somebody else in the group and they dont know whether
youre a friend of theirs or how long youve known each
other. And the first person you approached, theyre not
really around anymore, so they cant really reject you
The Opinion
Finally, the last transition and arguably one of the best
in fact, the University of Chicago identifies this as one of
the best lines you can use to generate attraction with
somebody is the Opinion.
Chapter 4 - Commonalities
Now we have to get to the meat of the conversation. And
the meat of the conversation is finding rapport with the
other person. Lets revisit comfort for a second and figure
out exactly what comfort is. Comfort is made up of two
things: Its made up of trust and rapport. Trust that
youre not going to do anything horrible to them or make
them think that you might try and kill them or something,
and rapport is where the two of you have some things in
common; some common ground with each other so that
the conversation feels nice and comfortable.
And this is where we start this rapport, with that ability to
build up commonalities with the other person. If you and
God, I love riding horses! and I can talk about it for ages
because thats something that I did growing up.
Indirect commonalities are a little bit harder. Its
essentially when the girl says something that you have
absolutely no way of establishing a commonality with it
for yourself. For example, if I met a girl who was a
doctor, I couldnt use direct commonality because Im not
a doctor, I havent studied medicine and I know nothing
about it. Instead, I would use an indirect commonality. I
would talk about somebody I know who is a doctor, and I
would share stories theyve told me. So Id bring up
stories about when they were in surgery, some of the
things that happened, the pressure and the first time
they did it, and ask them whether that was something
theyve experienced. Im essentially using the stories
The other thing thats wrong with that is the fact that
hes just drilling her with questions. Once again, hes just
saying things like, Where are you from? Why are you
here? Have you enjoyed it? How long are you staying
for? and after a while it becomes this interrogatory
process where hes literally just drilling her with questions
one after the other, and the conversation is based on
whether he can keep thinking of lots of new questions
and whether shes willing to keep answering them. After
a while, shes going to get bored of just answering
somebody elses questions because shes not getting to
add any information of her own, and hes going to run
out of things to say.
A lot of people are going to think, well, if she really
wanted to join in why doesnt she just jump in to the
get a bowl of tea and a croissant that you dip into it, or a
bowl of hot chocolate and you dip the croissant into it.
Thats going to be a commonality; thats a thing that not
everybody knows about Paris if you havent lived there.
Yet, its something that if shes from there, shes going to
know about and understand and we can build a
commonality on that factor.
Likewise, any piece of information that she gives me,
whatever it is, Im going to respond to it. And the girls
going to learn very quickly that whatever she says is
something Im capable of talking about and that it brings
up a whole new conversation. And that encourages her
to keep giving me information to keep the conversation
this. What he says is, if you meet a girl and she says to
you, Oh my Lord, I love Macdonalds. Macdonalds is my
favorite food. I absolutely love the burgers there; its the
best fast food on the planet. Then you were to say to
her, Oh wow, thats great. I
love Burger King. I think Burger
King is so cool
What youve done there is
shifted the conversation from what she wanted to talk
about to what you want to talk about. Youve moved it
from Macdonalds to Burger King. And while they both
might be fast food, youve missed the point that what it is
she loves is Macdonalds, not fast food. You need to be
having a conversation about Macdonalds.
bring back later. All you need are some simple transitions
to bring those back. You can do that with simple filler
sentences, things like: You know what? That reminds
me or, Didnt you tell me a minute ago that or you
can even say, You know what? When you were saying
this earlier on, I didnt think of it then, but it just
reminded me that and you add that to the
conversation. Using those simple bits of filler text is a
very good way of bringing back old topics that she
brought up that just werent explored as fully as they
could have been.
If you do this correctly, youre going to find that your
conversation flows incredibly naturally, and theres a lot
for you to talk about; a lot of different subjects, a lot of
different ways for you to take the conversation. You dont
her life. Shes got other friends that she knows. She
doesnt really need to add someone else to her life. So
given a choice between hanging out with someone like
you who shes just met, even if shes had a very
comfortable conversation with you, versus hanging out
with somebody shes known for a very long time, a
potential person she might want to date, or just a person
she enjoys hanging out with, its going to be a really easy
to say sorry, she doesnt want to hang out with you, but
shes likely to hang out with the other person.
Now, lets make things a little bit more interesting. Lets
imagine that that homeless person says to you, Listen,
Ive got to tell you the truth. This is a disguise; I dont
really look like this. Im actually an undercover police
officer and were doing an incredibly important raid and
your friends. The only catch to this auction is, the person
who bids the highest gets the $20, but the person who
comes second not only doesnt get the $20, but they also
have to pay the money.
Whats fascinating about this is that as long as people
start bidding, it doesnt take long before people are
bidding well in excess of the $20. At some point, its not
about whether they can get the money anymore; its
about making sure that they dont lose an amount of
money. After all, no one wants to come in second place,
so first and second will keep bidding with each other to
compete to go as high as they can, the reason being
theyve stopped chasing the thing that they want and
now theyre chasing after their loss. They want to limit
their losses and get the most they can for their bidding.
Maybe at the end of the night you offer to give her and
her friends a ride home. Maybe you talk about a great
coffee shop down the road thats a few minutes away but
youll happily drive her there. At some point during the
conversation, you get her into your car. When she sees
the car she says, Wow, youve got a really nice car! And
then you can play it down; Oh, its not as good as you
think. It doesnt get great mileage, and honestly, I
shouldve bought something sensible like a Prius or
something; but whatever, it was pretty and I got it.
By talking about it that way, youre playing it down and
sounding like youre not bragging, while getting the full
benefit of having something that the girl is going to be
impressed with. The key to adding value is to talk about
it in a way that you dont sound like your bragging.
basically giving the value away. She takes the value, she
says thank you very much and off she goes.
You want to add value. You want to make it appear that
you have some great value that you can add to her life
and get her to chase it. The way I do that in helping with
a resume or homework is Ill say to them, Yeah, no
problem. Ill gladly help you when are you free? I get
the girl to meet up with me, and then when she meets
up with me I go through it with her and I show her why
things work. I explain to her, If I do it for you, youll
never be able to do it again whereas if I show you how to
do it, youll be able to do it; Ill teach you a very simple
way of doing it and you wont need anyones help again.
That way she perceives me as someone that can add
value in her life in many other ways. Any time she does
Place of Interest
The next way to get someones contact details is
with a place of interest. We spoke about this earlier
with regards to the art gallery. With a place of
interest, youre essentially trying to get their
contact details based on a hobby. So youd find out
that theyre maybe interested in art, or working out
at the gym, whatever it is that theyre interested in,
and then you can say to them, You know what? I
know this great place that does whatever it is
Chapter 9 Flakes
Those are the different techniques you can use to
get someones contact details, and if youve done it
correctly, they should want to stay in touch with
you. However, there is always a chance that youre
going to get a flake. What Im going to talk about
now is the best way to reduce those flakes.
One of the things that students absolutely hate
about going out and meeting girls is when they
flake. Its a horrible situation; youve met a girl,
youve had a great conversation with them, then
for whatever reason, she decides she doesnt want
to stay in touch with you so she starts ignoring
interaction can get lost during the day, and its not
long before youre just some random guy that was
talking to her in the street. No matter how good
the conversation was, if it was only 3 to 5 minutes
long, shes not really going to remember it as being
something that great.
On the other hand, if when you met her your
interaction lasted 20 minutes, half an hour, 45
minutes or an hour, two hours, youre going to
have a much better chance of them remembering
exactly who you are. When I first meet a girl, I try
to make sure that my initial interaction lasts at least
an hour or two. That way I know that shes going
to remember exactly who I am, and shes going to
want to spend time with me.
So if we look at everything as a recap, the first
thing that youre trying to do with anyone that you
meet is to get them to want to spend time with
you. If they dont want to spend time with you,
then youve got no chance of turning it into any
level of attraction.
And the easiest way of making someone feel
comfortable and want to spend time with you is to
build up comfort with them. If they feel comfort
with you, theyre going to be okay hanging out with
Comfort is a mixture of trust and rapport. If the
person trusts that youre not going to do anything