Indian Economy

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Current state of Indian Economy

October 2009

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

New Delhi
Indian Economy : Highlights – October 2009

• The index of industrial production registered a growth of 11 percent in the month of August
2009. This was higher than the growth of 6.8 percent registered in July 2009 and also from 1.7
percent growth registered in the same month last year. This indicates that the economy is back
on the recovery path and the stimulus packages are slowly working at the ground level. All the
three subsectors, that is, mining, manufacturing and electricity recorded an improvement, with
their respective growth rates being 11 percent, 11 percent and 10.6 percent.

• The overall index of six core infrastructure industries recorded a growth of 4 percent in
September 2009 which was same as the growth registered in September last year. However, it
was about 3 percent lower than the 7.1 percent growth seen in August 2009. Among six sectors,
crude oil and finished steel registered negative growth. The coal and the cement sectors also
witnessed deceleration in growth vis-à-vis same month last year.

• The overall inflation for the month of September 2009 was recorded at 0.5 percent. Despite the
low overall inflation the primary articles remained a source of worry, mainly due to the rising
prices of food articles.

• The broad money supply over the period April-August of 2009-10 registered a growth of 5.9
percent relative to 5.2 percent growth recorded over the same period of previous year.

• The aggregate deposits expanded by 6.5 percent during the period April-August 2009, growth in
the corresponding period of previous year stood at 5.9 percent. The bank credit disbursal
however witnessed a fall. The total food and non food credit given out during the period April-
August 2009 amounted to Rs 32,033 crore which was significantly lower than Rs 98, 840 crore
credit disbursed last year over the same period.

• An improvement was indicated in the stock market on account of some recovery taking place in
the global economy and stability in the world markets. The sensex crossed 17000 points by the
end of September 09.

• The gross tax revenue collections during the first six months of 2009-10 were Rs 2, 58,880 crore
which was lower than the last year’s revenue collection of Rs 2, 80,141 over the same period, a
decline by almost 7.6 percent. Both the income tax and corporation tax collections registered an
increase of 7.2 percent and 7.7 percent respectively. The revenue collections from indirect

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taxes, however registered a decline. While the collection from custom duty fell by about 33
percent, those from excise duty registered a decline by almost 23 percent.

The total receipts of the central government over the period April-September 2009-10
amounted to Rs 2, 51, 073 crore, while the total expenditure was Rs 4, 48, 848 crore. The
resulting deficit amounted to Rs 1, 97, 775 crore which was higher by Rs 95, 121 crore from the
deficit during the same period of last year.

• Growth in merchandise exports recorded in August 09 were USD 14.3 billion, sliding from USD
17.7 billion recorded in the same month previous year. The imports also declined from USD 33.5
billion in August last year to USD 22.7 billion this year, the decline was seen in both the
segments of imports, oil and non oil.

• The foreign direct investment inflows amounted to USD 3.3 billion in August this year, the
corresponding figure last year was USD 2.3 billion. The total inflows recorded in the month of
August 2009 amounted to USD 4.2 billion, which was higher than last year’s figure of USD 2.9
billion in the same month.

• The foreign exchange reserves for the month of August 2009 stood at USD 276.4 billion,
increasing by almost USD 25 billion since April this year.

• USD against the Indian Rupee stood at Rs 46.7 in October 2009. The rupee has gained slightly
from its value of Rs 50.1/$ in April this year.

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List of Tables and Graphs

Table- 1.1: Growth of Industry: Recent Trends (in percentage) 5

Table -1.2: Growth in 17 Industry sectors 5
Table-1.3: Growth in six-core infrastructure industries (% change) 6
Table-1.4: Growth in six-core infrastructure industries (% change) 6
Table-1.5. Monthly trends in Wholesale price index- monthly average (% change) 7
Table-1.6: Monthly trends in consumer prices (% change) 7
Table-1.7: Monetary sector indicators – up to April (July 2009-10 over March 2008-09) 8
Table-1.8: Monthly trends in stock market indices (beginning of month figures) 8
Table-1.9: Trends in cumulative tax collections of central government (%) 9
Table-1.10: Service Tax 9
Table-1.11: Trends in central government finances: August 2009 10
Table-1.12: Monthly trends in growth of merchandize trade (% change) up to August 2009 10
Table-1.13: Monthly trends in foreign investments ($ million) 11
Table-1.14: Monthly trends in foreign exchange reserves ($ billion) 11
Graph 1.1: Exchange rate of Rupee (per unit of other currencies). 12

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1.1: Growth of Industry: Recent Trends (in percentage)

Weights Aug Aug

2008 2009
Industry 100 1.7 11
Mining 10.2 2.8 11
Manufacturing 79.4 1.7 11
Electricity 10.5 0.8 10.6
Use Based Classification
Basic 35.6 3.9 9.6
Intermediate 26.5 -5.5 14.2
Capital 9.3 0.9 8.7
Consumer Goods 28.7 6.4 10.5
Consumer non Durables 23.3 7.3 6.4
Consumer Durables 5.4 3.9 22.3

Table- 1.2: Growth in 17 Industry sectors

17 industry sectors
Food Products 9.1 10.1 -5.7
Beverages, Tobacco and Related Products 2.4 5.2 5.8
Cotton Textiles 5.5 -3.0 5.6
Wool, Silk and man-made fibre textiles 2.3 -13.7 20.1
Jute and other vegetable fibre Textiles (except 0.6 -7.6 -10.2
Textile Products (including Wearing Apparel) 2.5 -2.6 23.0
Wood and Wood Products; Furniture and Fixtures 2.7 10.2 -3.5
Paper & Paper Products and Printing, Publishing & 2.6 3.9 -0.3
Allied Industries
Leather and Leather & Fur Products 1.1 -8.7 -0.5
Basic Chemicals & Chemical Products (except products of 14.0 2.2 14.6
Petroleum & Coal)
Rubber, Plastic, Petroleum and Coal Products 5.7 -8.6 21.4
Non-Metallic Mineral Products 4.4 -1.6 7.4
Basic Metal and Alloy Industries 7.5 8.9 8.5
Metal Products and Parts, except Machinery 2.8 -16.7 3.4
and Equipment
Machinery and Equipment other than Transport 9.6 4.4 14.6
Transport Equipment and Parts 4.0 7.3 13.6
Other Manufacturing Industries 2.5 -5.4 10.5
Source: Central Statistical Organization

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Table-1.3: Growth in six-core infrastructure industries (% change)

All Finished steel Cement Crude

infrastructure petroleum
08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 2.3 5 -0.6 2.8 6.9 11.9 1 -3.1
May 3.1 2.6 3.3 0.7 3.8 11.8 3.2 -4.3
June 3.8 6.7 5.6 5.1 6.6 12.7 -4.7 4
July 5.1 2.5 6 1.2 5.5 14 -3 -0.4
August 2.1 7.1 3.4 3.1 1.9 17.6 -1 -2.6
September 4 4 2.1 -0.4 8.1 6.5 -0.4 -0.5
October 2.1 -4.9 6.2 -0.3
November 1.9 -2.5 8.7 0.5
December 1.1 -6 11.6 -0.3
January 1.8 1.6 8.3 -8.1
February 1.4 0.5 8.3 -6.2
March 3.2 -2.2 10.1 -2.3
April-Sept 3.4 5.0 3.3 3.0 5.5 12.3 -0.8 -1.2
Source: Ministry of Industry

Table-1.4: Growth in six-core infrastructure industries (% change)

Petroleum Coal Power

08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 4.3 -4.5 10.4 13.2 1.4 7.1
May 0.1 -4.3 8.8 10.2 2 3.3
June 5.6 -3.8 6.1 14.7 2.6 8
July 11.8 -14.4 5.5 9.7 4.5 4.2
August 2.5 3.0 5.9 12.9 0.8 9.8
September 2.8 3.4 11.2 6.5 4.4 7.5
October 5 10.9 4.4
November -1.1 9.6 2.6
December 3 9.4 1.5
January -1.3 6.3 1.8
February 0.5 6 0.6
March 3.3 5.2 6.3
April- Sept 4.5 -3.6 8.0 11.6 2.6 6.8
Source: Ministry of Industry

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Table-1.5. Monthly trends in Wholesale price index- monthly average (% change)

2008-09 2009-10

Aug Sept Aug Sept

All Commodities 12.8 12.3 -0.2 0.5
I Primary Article 11.4 11.6 8.0 9.4
(A) Food Articles 6.9 7.7 14.1 15.7
(B) Non-Food Articles 17.0 16.9 -3.0 -3.2
II Fuel Power Light & Lubricants 17.2 16.6 -9.3 -8.2
III Manufactured Products 11.7 10.9 0.1 0.3
(A) Food Products 14.0 14.5 9.9 11.3
(B) Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Products 10.8 11.8 5.1 3.1
(C) Textiles 8.9 7.0 -0.8 1.3
(D) Wood & Wood Products 9.8 9.7 0.3 0.3
(E) Paper & Paper Products 4.0 4.7 0.7 0.1
(F) Leather & Leather Products 0.6 0.6 -1.2 -1.2
(G) Rubber & Plastic Products 7.4 6.1 1.6 0.4
(H) Chemicals & Chemical Products 10.5 10.1 2.5 2.0
(I) Non-Metallic Mineral Products 4.2 3.6 4.9 3.3
(J) Basic Metals Alloys & Metals Products 23.3 21.0 -13.9 -13.3
(K) Machinery & Machine Tools 5.8 5.2 -1.9 -1.9
(L) Transport Equipment & Parts 6.9 6.9 -0.2 -0.5
Source: Central Statistical Organization

Table-1.6: Monthly trends in consumer prices (% change)


08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 7.8 8.7 7.0 8.8 8.9 9.1 8.6 9.1
May 7.8 8.6 6.8 9.7 9.1 10.2 8.8 10.2
June 7.7 9.3 7.3 9.6 8.8 11.5 8.8 11.3
July 8.3 11.9 7.4 13.0 9.4 12.9 9.4 12.7
August 9.0 11.7 8.5 12.9 10.3 12.9 10.3 12.7
September 9.8 11.6 9.5 11.0 13.2 11.0 13.0
October 10.4 10.4 11.1 11.1
November 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.1
December 9.7 9.8 11.1 11.1
January 10.4 10.4 11.4 11.1
February 9.6 9.9 10.8 10.8
March 8.0 9.3 9.5 9.7
Source: Ministry of Labor, CMIE

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Table-1.7: Monetary sector indicators – up to August (Aug 2009-10 over March 2008-09)

Variation in M3 (Rs crore) Variation in M3 (%)

08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 22235 123424 0.6 2.6
May 73398 172709 1.9 3.6
June 89283 172702 2.2 3.6
July 169734 259720 4.2 5.5
August 208571 280313 5.2 5.9
September 264364 6.6
October 331450 8.3
November 374193 9.3
December 423509 10.6
January 508078 12.7
February 635810 15.9
March 740332 18.4
Source: Reserve Bank of India

Table-1.8: Monthly trends in stock market indices (beginning of month figures)

Date BSE % Change S&P CNX %

Sensex NIFTY Change
1.01.08 20300 4.8 6144 6.6
1.02.08 18242 -10.1 5317 -13.5
3.03.08 16677 -8.5 4953 -6.8
1.04.08 15626 -6.3 4739 -4.3
2.05.08 17600 12.6 5228 10.3
2.06.08 16063 -8.7 4739 -9.3
1.07.08 12961 -19.3 3896 -17.8
1.08.08 14656 13.1 4413 13.3
1.09.08 14498 -1.1 4447 0.8
1.10.08 13055 -9.9 3950 -11.1
3.11.08 10337 -20.8 3043 -23.0
1.12.08 8839 -14.5 2682 -11.9
26.12.08 9328 5.5 2857 6.5
30.01.09 9424 1.0 2874 0.5
02.03.09 8607 -8.7 2674 -7.0
31.03.09 9708 12.8 3020 12.9
29.04.09 11403 17.5 3473 15.0
01.06.09 14840 30.1 4529 30.4
01.07.09 14645 -1.31 4340 -4.1
03.08.09 15924 8.7 4711 8.5
01.09.09 15551 7.3 4625 4.0
Source: Reserve Bank of India

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Table-1.9: Trends in cumulative tax collections of central government (%)

Gross tax revenue Corporation tax Income tax

08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 52.2 -16.9 55.0 -8.4 127.7 20.0
May 36.1 -11.8 58.1 10.1 76.0 11.7
June 28.4 -11.4 43.4 1.8 50.0 7.1
July 26.2 -11.1 41.6 4.7 42.0 5.9
August 25.0 -11.5 45.9 2.4 35.7 8.1
September 25.3 -7.6 38.2 7.7 30.7 7.2
October 20.3 30.3 21.9
November 17.5 26.4 19.0
December 9.6 11.9 6.8
January 7.2 11.9 5.4
February 6.9 17.9 7.5
March 2.7 10.8 7.1
Customs Excise duties Other taxes
08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 25.0 -52..6 -28.3 --114.2 9.04 -5.4
May 24.1 -38.2 1.3 -23.3 26.7 -18.7
June 19.9 -37.3 -0.9 -23.7 26.0 -9.5
July 19.2 -34.7 4.0 -26.6 24.7 -3.87
August 17.0 -34.0 6.5 -24.5 17.4 -1.97
September 16.8 -32.9 6.6 -22.9 30.7 -20.4
October 14.4 6.3 16.2
November 13.7 5.1 6.1
December 11.1 2.1 -2.6
January 6.4 -2.6 -6.4
February 1.7 -7.1 -10.0
March -4.1 -12.0 -11.5

Table-1.10 : Service Tax

Service Tax 08-09 09-10

April 62.3 -0.04
May 40.7 -2.60
June 34.2 -2.85
July 29.7 -1.46
August 28.6 -2.29
September 31.8 -3.7
October 31.8
November 30.2
December 25.4
January 24.6
February 22.2
March 18.6
Source: Controller General of Accounts

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Table-1.11 Trends in central government finances: September 2009

Actual to budget estimates

( in Rs crores)
08-09 09-10
Revenue receipts 244898 244471
Tax revenue 202247 185669
Non tax revenue 42651 58802
Total receipts 246427 251073
Non plan expenditure 240629 322070
On revenue account 229484 301291
On capital account 11145 20779
Plan expenditure 108452 126778
On revenue account 93727 108163
On capital account 14725 18615
Total expenditure 349081 448848
Fiscal deficit 102654 197775
Source: Controller General of Accounts

Table-1.12: Monthly trends in growth of merchandize trade (% change) up to September 2009

Exports Oil imports Non-oil imports Total imports

08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 31.5 -33.2 46.2 -58.5 32.3 -24.6 36.6 -36.6
May 12.9 -29.2 50.8 -60.6 17.4 -25.4 27.1 -39.2
June 23.5 -27.7 53.4 -50.6 13.9 -16.5 25.9 -29.3
July 31.2 -28.4 69.3 -55.5 38.7 -24.5 48.1 -37.1
August - -19.4 - -45.5 - -25.5 - -32.4
September 10.4 -13.8 57.1 -33.5 36.2 -30.4 43.3 -31.3
October -12.1 22 5.5 10.6
November -9.9 11.9 3.4 6.1
December -1.1 30.9 31.9 8.8
January -15.9 47.5 0.5 -18.2
February -21.7 47.5 10.2 -23.3
March -33.3 58.1 18.9 -34.0
Source: Ministry of Commerce

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Table-1.13: Monthly trends in foreign investments ($ million)

Foreign direct Portfolio Total foreign

investments investments investments
08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10 08-09 09-10
April 3749 2339 -880 2278 2869 4617
May 3932 2095 -288 5639 3644 7734
June 2392 2582 -3010 353 -618 2935
July 2247 3476 -492 2077 1775 6508
August 2328 3268 593 926 2921 4194
September 2562 -1403 1159
October 1497 -5243 -3746
November 1083 -574 509
December 1362 30 1392
January 2733 -614 2119
February 1466 -1085 381
March 1956 -889 1067
Apr-Aug 16733 16232 -4077 11273 12656 27505
Source: Reserve Bank of India

Table-1.14: Monthly trends in foreign exchange reserves ($ billion)

07-08 % Change 08-09 % Change 09-10 % Change

April 204.1 2.5 314.5 1.5 251.7 0.0
May 208.3 2.0 312.5 -0.6 262.3 4.2
June 213.4 2.4 312.0 -0.1 265.1 1.0
July 229.3 7.4 306.1 -1.8 271.6 2.4
August 228.8 -0.2 295.3 -3.5 276.4 1.8
September 247.7 8.2 286.3 -3.0
October 262.4 5.9 252.8 -11.7
November 273.5 4.2 247.6 -2.0
December 275.9 0.8 255.9 3.3
January 288.3 4.4 248.6 -2.8
February 301.2 4.4 249.2 0.2
March 309.7 2.8 251.7 1.0
Source: Reserve Bank of India

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Graph 1.1: Exchange rate of Rupee (per unit of other currencies).

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