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Modelling and Simulation of Marine Power and Propulsion Systems

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Bachelor of Engineering Thesis

Modelling and Simulation of Marine Power and

Propulsion Systems

Melvin Loh

11th May 2012

Supervisor: Dr Hung Nguyen

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineering)
National Centre for Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics

This project report contains no material which has been accepted for a degree or diploma by AMC,
University of Tasmania or any other institution, except by way of background information and duly
acknowledged in the report, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, no material previously
published or written by another person except where due acknowledgement is made in the text of the
This project report is the result of my own investigation, except where otherwise stated. Other
sources are acknowledged in the text giving explicit references. A list of references is appended.
I hereby give consent for my project report to be available for photocopying, inter-library loan,
electronic access to AMC and UTAS staff and students via the UTAS Library, and for the title and
summary to be made available to outside organisations.

The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to the following people for their invaluable
assistance for which without their help this project would not have reached completion:
Dr Hung Nguyen for the endlessly positive and encouraging words of guidance, advice and support
throughout the project. This project will not be a success without him.
Associate Professor Norman Lawrence for providing me with valuable ideas and technical
knowledge of this project.
Dr Jonathan Binns, Mr Mark Symes and Mr Paul Furness for their valuable assistances and technical
knowledge throughout the software development.
I would ask like to thank my parents, Edmund Loh and Maggie Then for the moral support and for
who I am today.


DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................. I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................ II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ V
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................VII
NOMENCLATURE ....................................................................................................................... VIII
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................ X
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................... XI
1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 SCOPE OF PROJECT .................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 2
1.4 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.1 RESISTANCE PREDICTION METHODS ................................................................................. 5
1.4.2 HOLTROP AND MENNEN RESISTANCE PREDICTION ALGORITHM ....................................... 7
1.4.3 LAHTIHARJU RESISTANCE PREDICTION ALGORITHM ........................................................ 7
1.4.4 MAIN COMPONENTS OF DIESEL-ELECTRIC PROPULSION ................................................... 7
1.4.5 PAST RESEARCH ............................................................................................................... 8
1.5 OUTLINE OF THESIS .................................................................................................................. 9
2.0 RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION THEORY ....................................................................... 10
2.1 HULL RESISTANCE .................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 NON-DIMENSIONAL RESISTANCE CE ............................................................................... 12
2.1.2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN C1 AND CE ............................................................................... 12
2.2 PROPULSION............................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 HULL EFFICIENCY ........................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 PROPELLER EFFICIENCY .................................................................................................. 13
2.2.3 PROPULSIVE EFFICIENCY ................................................................................................ 14
2.2.4 NON-DIMENSIONAL DELIVERED POWER COEFFICIENT CD ................................................ 14
2.2.5 PROPELLER LAW ............................................................................................................. 15
2.3 PROPULSION CHAIN ................................................................................................................ 15
2.4 HOLTROP (1984/1988) ............................................................................................................ 18
2.4.1 FROUDE NUMBER ........................................................................................................... 18
2.4.2 REYNOLDS NUMBER ........................................................................................................ 20
2.4.3 FORM COEFFICIENTS ....................................................................................................... 21
2.4.4 FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE RF ........................................................................................... 21
2.4.5 APPENDAGE RESISTANCE RAPP ....................................................................................... 22
2.4.6 WAVE RESISTANCE RW (FN >0.55) .................................................................................. 23
2.4.7 WAVE RESISTANCE RW (FN < 0.4) ................................................................................... 24
2.4.8 WAVE RESISTANCE RW (0.4 < FN < 0.55) ........................................................................ 25

2.4.11 MODEL-SHIP CORRELATION RA ...................................................................................... 26

2.4.12 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................... 27
2.5 LAHTIHARJU (1991) ................................................................................................................ 28
2.5.1 HARD CHINE CRAFT ....................................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................... 30
3.0 DIESEL-ELECTRIC POWER AND PROPULSION ............................................................... 31
3.1 OVERVIEW OF DIESEL-ELECTRIC PROPULSION ....................................................................... 33
3.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF DIESEL-ELECTRIC PROPULSION .......................................... 35
3.3 PRIME MOVER ........................................................................................................................ 36
3.4 DIESEL GENERATORS .............................................................................................................. 37
3.5 ELECTRICAL MOTORS ............................................................................................................. 38
3.5.1 ASYNCHRONOUS (INDUCTION MOTORS) ......................................................................... 39
3.5.2 SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS ................................................................................................. 40
3.6 POWER FLOW AND POWER EFFICIENCY .................................................................................. 42
3.7 SHIP FUEL CONSUMPTION ....................................................................................................... 43
3.8 RANGE AND ENDURANCE........................................................................................................ 44
4.0 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 46
4.1 SOFTWARE RATIONALE........................................................................................................... 47
4.1.1 LIMITATIONS CHECK FOR REGRESSION BASED METHODS VI ......................................... 51
4.1.2 HOLTROP RESISTANCE PREDICTION ALGORITHM VI ...................................................... 51
4.1.3 LAHTIHARJU RESISTANCE PREDICTION ALGORITHM VI ................................................. 51
4.1.4 GENERATORS SELECTION VI .......................................................................................... 52
4.1.5 PLOTS VI ........................................................................................................................ 52
4.2 STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................................... 52
4.2.1 FORMULA NODE ............................................................................................................. 52
4.2.2 WHILE LOOP ................................................................................................................... 53
4.2.3 CASE STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................... 53
4.3 GRAPH INDICATORS ................................................................................................................ 54
4.4 WRITE TO SPREADSHEET VI ................................................................................................... 54
4.5 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................... 55
5.0 TESTING AND ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE ........................................................................ 57
5.1 SIMULATION STUDY 1: R/V G.O. SARS ............................................................................... 57
5.1.1 LIMITATIONS CHECK....................................................................................................... 57
5.1.2 RESISTANCE CURVE ........................................................................................................ 58
5.1.3 PREDICTION OF REQUIRED POWER FOR DG AND EM ...................................................... 59
5.1.4 GENERATORS SELECTION................................................................................................ 61
5.1.5 RANGE ............................................................................................................................ 62
5.1.6 ENDURANCE.................................................................................................................... 63
5.1.7 SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION ........................................................................................ 64
5.2 SIMULATION STUDY 2: SV290 ................................................................................................ 65
5.2.1 LIMITATIONS CHECK....................................................................................................... 65
5.2.2 RESISTANCE CURVE ........................................................................................................ 65

5.2.3 PREDICTION OF REQUIRED POWER FOR DG AND EM ...................................................... 66

5.2.4 RANGE ............................................................................................................................ 67
5.2.5 ENDURANCE.................................................................................................................... 68
5.2.6 SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION ........................................................................................ 69
6.0 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 70
6.2 ACCURACY OF REGRESSION BASED METHODS ....................................................................... 70
6.3 SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................................. 71
6.4 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 71
6.5 VERIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 72
7.0 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 73
8.0 FUTURE WORK ....................................................................................................................... 75
9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................... 77
10.0 APPENDICIES .......................................................................................................................... 79
10.1 APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................ 79
10.2 APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................ 82
10.3 APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 1-1: Flowchart of the research methodology ............................................................................. 3
Figure 1-2: Ship resistance evaluation methods and examples (Carlton, 2007) ................................... 5
Figure 2-1: Components of ship resistance (Carlton, 2007) ............................................................... 10
Figure 2-2: Different types of ships resistance speed curve (Stapersma & Woud, 2002) .............. 11
Figure 2-3: Propulsion Chain: Overview of powers and efficiencies from resistance to brake power
(Stapersma & Woud, 2002) ................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 2-4: Froude number dependency of the form factor (Holtrop, 1988)...................................... 19
Figure 2-5: The standard deviation between measured and calculated RM is shown for various
Froude numbers investigated as a function Y (Holtrop, 1988) ........................................................... 20
Figure 2-6: Typical values of Cstern (Holtrop, 1988) ........................................................................... 22
Figure 2-7: Mathematical Modelling of Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm ........................... 27
Figure 2-8: Mathematical Modelling of Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm ....................... 30
Figure 3-1: Three comparative concepts of a Ropax vessel showing how space can be utilized with
electric propulsion and podded propulsion (Adnanes, 2003) ............................................................. 31
Figure 3-2: Layout diagram of Conventional and Diesel Electric Propulsion System (Adnanes, 2003)
............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-3: Main components of Diesel-Electric Propulsion (B&W, 2011) ...................................... 33
Figure 3-4: Layout of Diesel-Electric Propulsion (B&W, 2011) ....................................................... 34
Figure 3-5: Relationship between resistance and PIN.......................................................................... 35
Figure 3-6: Mathematical Model of DEP system in software ............................................................ 35
Figure 3-7: Caterpillar 3512B Diesel Engine ..................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-8: Asynchronous (Induction) motor construction (Wildi, 2006) ......................................... 39
Figure 3-9: Synchronous motor construction (Wildi, 2006) ............................................................... 41
Figure 3-10: Power flow in a simplified electric power system (Adnanes, 2003) ............................. 42

Figure 3-11: Range of a typical frigate of 3300 tonne displacement with mechanically driven
CODOG installations (Stapersma & Woud, 2002) ............................................................................. 44
Figure 3-12: Endurance of the example ship (Stapersma & Woud, 2002) ......................................... 45
Figure 4-1: Project file in LabVIEW .................................................................................................. 47
Figure 4-2: Limitations check for regression based methods VI ........................................................ 48
Figure 4-3: Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm ........................................................................ 49
Figure 4-4: Lahtiharju (Hard Chine) Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI ........................................ 50
Figure 4-5: Generators Selection VI ................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4-6: Plots VI ............................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 4-7: Formula Node .................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 4-8: Build XY Graph in LabVIEW ......................................................................................... 54
Figure 4-9: Write to spreadsheet.vi in block diagram......................................................................... 54
Figure 4-10: Software development flow diagram ............................................................................. 55
Figure 5-1: Limitations check (R/V G.O. Sars) .............................................................................. 57
Figure 5-2: Data inputs in Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm ................................................... 58
Figure 5-3: R/V G.O Sars Resistance Curve drawn with Excel ...................................................... 58
Figure 5-4: Resistance comparison (R/V G.O. Sars) ...................................................................... 59
Figure 5-5: R/V G.O. Sars Diesel-Electric Propulsion VI .............................................................. 59
Figure 5-6: Generator selection from database ................................................................................... 61
Figure 5-7: Range of R/V G.O. Sars in LabVIEW.......................................................................... 62
Figure 5-8: Endurance of R/V G.O. Sars in LabVIEW................................................................... 63
Figure 5-9: Wartsila 6L32 specific fuel consumption in LabVIEW................................................... 64
Figure 5-10: Limitations check (SV290) ............................................................................................ 65
Figure 5-11: Resistance comparison (SV290) .................................................................................... 66
Figure 5-12: SV290 Diesel-Electric Propulsion VI ............................................................................ 66
Figure 5-13: Range of SV290 in LabVIEW ....................................................................................... 67
Figure 5-14: Endurance of SV290 in LabVIEW ................................................................................ 68
Figure 5-15: Tewac Marathon and Caterpillar 3516B fuel consumption comparison ....................... 69
Figure 6-1: The percentage difference between resistance prediction by equation (2.91) and model
test for three hard chine vessels .......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 10-1: R/V G.O. Sars specifications ...................................................................................... 79
Figure 10-2: R/V G.O. Sars general layout drawing ....................................................................... 80
Figure 10-3: SV290 specifications...................................................................................................... 81
Figure 10-4: Block diagram of limitations check VI .......................................................................... 82
Figure 10-5: Block diagram of Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI .................................... 83
Figure 10-6: Block diagram of Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI................................ 84
Figure 10-7: Inputs for limitations check VI ...................................................................................... 85
Figure 10-8: Limitations check front panel ........................................................................................ 86
Figure 10-9: Inputs for Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI ................................................ 87
Figure 10-10: Predicted results for resistance ..................................................................................... 88
Figure 10-11: Predicted results for power in DEP .............................................................................. 88
Figure 10-12: Inputs for generators comparison ................................................................................. 89
Figure 10-13: Write to Spreadsheet Boolean ...................................................................................... 90
Figure 10-14: Read from Spreadsheet Boolean .................................................................................. 90

Figure 10-15: Plots for resistance curve and effective power............................................................. 91

Figure 10-16: Plots for fuel consumption, range and endurance ........................................................ 91
Table 1-1: Methods for planning hulls (Carlton, 2007) ........................................................................ 6
Table 1-2: Methods for displacement ships (Carlton, 2007) ................................................................ 6
Table 2-1: The standard deviation of the model resistance, the Y-values and the number data points
(Holtrop, 1988) ................................................................................................................................... 19
Table 2-2: 1+k2 values used for streamlined flow-orientated appendages (Holtrop, 1984) ............... 23
Table 2-3: Limits of applicability for Holtrop and Mennen (Holtrop, 1984) ..................................... 27
Table 2-4: Parameters and coefficients of the resistance equation for hard chine vessels (Lahtiharju,
et al., 1991) ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 2-5: Limits of applicability for Lahtiharju (Lahtiharju, et al., 1991) ........................................ 30
Table 3-1: Typical values of electrical efficiencies in DEP system (Adnanes, 2003) ........................ 43
Table 5-1: Comparison of required power (R/V G.O. Sars) ........................................................... 60
Table 5-2: Comparison of required power (SV290) ........................................................................... 67
Table 8-1: Fixed pitch, non-ducted propeller series summary (Carlton, 2007) .................................. 76
Table 8-2: Extent of Wageningen B-screw series (Carlton, 2007) ..................................................... 76



Transverse area of bulbous bow


Maximum immersed cross-sectional area

Wetted surface of the hull
Transom area
Maximum section area
Breadth moulded
Model-ship correlation coefficient
Block coefficient
Delivered power coefficient (Non-dimensional)
Specific resistance (Non-dimensional)
Frictional resistance coefficient
Midship section coefficient
Prismatic coefficient
Waterplane coefficient
Stern shape parameter
Fuel available onboard
Fuel consumption per mile
Froude number
Froude number based on bulbous bow immersion
Froude number based on the transom immersion
Displacement Froude number
Acceleration due to gravity
Centre of bulb area above keel line
Gearbox ratio
Angle of the waterline at the bow
Number of engine
Number of propeller
Longitudinal position of the centre of buoyancy


Length on waterline
Length between perpendiculars
Length of run
Engine (brake) torque
Mass flow of fuel
Shaft torque
Engine speed
Shaft (or propeller) speed
Bulbous bow immersion
Engine brake power
Power delivered to the propeller




%aft of



Effective power
Propeller power (Open water)
Propeller power
Shaft power
Thrust power
Model-ship correlation resistance
Appendage resistance
Additional pressure resistance of bulbous bow near the
water surface
Frictional resistance according to the ITTC-1957 friction
Reynolds number
Additional pressure resistance of immersed transom stern
Total resistance
Wave resistance
Wetted surface
Wetted area appendages
Specific fuel consumption
Thrust deduction factor
Average moulded draught
Draught moulded on A.P
Draught moulded on F.P
Advance velocity
Vessel speed
Wake factor
Displacement weight
Displacement volume
Form factors
Appendage resistance factor
Propulsive efficiency
Effective engine efficiency
Gearbox efficiency
Hull efficiency
Open water propeller efficiency
Relative rotative efficiency
Shaft efficiency
Transmission efficiency
Angular velocity of the engine shaft






Asea Brown Boveri


Alternating current


Australian Maritime College


Aft perpendicular


Automatic voltage regulator


British Maritime Technology


Combined diesel or gas


Direct current


Diesel-Electric Propulsion


Diesel generators




Dynamic positioning


Electrical motors


Forward perpendicular


General Electric


International towing tank conference

LabVIEW Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering

Liquefied natural gas

National Instruments


Nitrous Oxide


National Physical Laboratory, UK


Power and propulsion solutions


Research vessel


Oxides of Sulfur


Swedish State Shipbuilding Tanks


Virtual instrument


Technical Research Centre of Finland

This thesis presents the methods of resistance prediction and required power for vessels, selection of
diesel generators and electrical motors for diesel-electric propulsion. The developed software in
LabVIEW models regression based methods namely, Holtrop and Lahtiharju and through
mathematical model of DEP, the required power for diesel generators and electrical motors are
calculated from the software.
As diesel-electric propulsion is getting more popular in the market, more ships like cruise-liners,
supply vessels, floating production vessels, ice-breakers and naval ships are using the DEP system
because it is highly efficient in their power and propulsion system. This project will focus on
predicting the resistance through both Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithms and
selecting the precise sized diesel generators and electrical motors based on the ship operating profile
or ship coefficients for DEP system. The software developed in LabVIEW will provide naval
architects or marine engineers with the necessary information to design a diesel-electric propulsion
Mathematical models were created in order to develop the numerical software to analyse ship
resistance and required power for diesel-electric propulsion. Research stage was carried out on
regression based methods: Holtrop and Lahtiharju, diesel-electric propulsion and diesel generators
and electrical motors in the market. After preliminary research, software development stage begins
by building VIs in LabVIEW. At the development stage, Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance
prediction algorithm, diesel-electric propulsion, generators and electric motors selection VIs were
built in LabVIEW.
The final software was verified with existing DEP vessels, namely R/V G.O. Sars and SV290. The
testing and validation of software are highlighted in this project. Plots of fuel consumption,
endurance and range were generated in the software to provide the ship crew with the necessary
information for voyage planning. The resistance curve was also presented in the software.
The software can be used for designing a new-built DEP vessel for naval architects and marine
engineers. When the vessel is in operation, the master or ship crew can plan the route and how much
bunker to carry for operational voyage planning.


Modelling and Simulation of Marine Power and Propulsion Systems

Diesel-Electric Propulsion (DEP) systems is beneficial in several ship applications with a varying
velocity profile, such as supply vessels, floating production vessels, drill-ships, shuttle-tankers, icebreakers, naval ships and cruise liners. The basic idea of DEP systems is to replace the main diesel
propulsion engines with electric motors, and split the power production into several smaller dieselgenerators (DG). Electrical motors can be designed with a very high efficiency throughout the whole
range of operation with respect to both speed and power outputs, in contrast to the diesel engine that
has a clear peak in efficiency around its nominal working point.
Powering and performance have always been the key aspects in the design process of any vessel.
Small crafts in particular are often either produced and run on tight budgets or designed under
consideration of maximum performance. Scaled model testing in the towing tank is the most
accurate method available of almost any vessel to obtain the vessel resistance. It has the advantage
of providing a definitive answer compared to the tested models drag under repeatable constraints, as
well as giving the opportunity of studying flow over the hull. The downside is the amount of time
and money involved in producing and testing models at the required levels of accuracy, especially if
any kind of optimisation process is involved. This generally leaves this method out of reach for the
average small boat designers; it is only commonly used in a particularly important or novel project
for an initial or final check of a hull form design. Computational fluid dynamics is a similar story
with a need for a vast outlay in capital and time required to achieve the levels of accuracy needed to
make the process useful. Therefore regression based methods will be used for this project.
Main advantages of DEP system are as follows:
Improved life cycle cost by reduced fuel consumption and maintenance, especially where
there is a large variation in load demand. By running a specified number of DG at optimum
for every load condition, the overall fuel consumption is reduced compared to conventional
diesel propulsion, even including losses due to the additional electrical link;
Reduced vulnerability to single failure in the ship system and possibility to optimise loading
of prime movers (diesel generator or gas turbine);
Higher flexibility in terms of engine room arrangement as the DEP system takes less space,
and the diesel generators could be placed on any suited place. This implies the possibility of
noise reduction, and to use the engine room arrangement to influence the ship stability. As
compared to diesel engine with the same rated power, the electrical motor is far quieter;
Improved manoeuvrability by utilizing azimuthing/podded propulsion for faster response in
manoeuvring; and
Simplified maintenance. Since with optimal running of DG, the need for maintenance
decreases and by using several DG, maintenance can be performed for one generator set
while maintaining almost normal operation.

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Modelling and Simulation of Marine Power and Propulsion Systems

These advantages should be weighted up against the present penalties, such as:
Increased investment costs. However, this is continuously subject for revisions, as the cost
tends to decrease with increasing number of units manufactured;
Additional components (electrical equipment generators, transformers, drives and
motors/machines) between prime mover and propeller increase the transmission losses at full
load; and
For operational and maintenance personnel, a higher number and new type of equipment are
involved and therefore, training are required.
High availability of power, propulsion and thruster installations, as well as safety and automation
systems, are the key factors in obtaining maximum operation time for the vessel.

Scope of project

This project focused on diesel-electric propulsion. The principal aim of the project is to develop a
software program for the design of marine power system for DEP, compromising of a diesel engine
as the prime mover powering the diesel generator to the electrical motors driving the propeller shaft.
The types of propulsor in the propulsion system were excluded from this project. The software is
developed by dividing the project into eight stages:

Limitation check for Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithm;

Resistance prediction using Holtrop method;
Resistance prediction using Lahtiharju method;
Required power for Generators and electrical motors;
Generators selection;
Fuel consumption analysis;
Range and Endurance analysis; and



The main objective is to develop a marine power and propulsion computer program in LabVIEW.
When given ship resistance information, perhaps through regression based methods such as Holtrop
and Lahtiharju or known curves, this analysis tools will be capable of exploring power options for
diesel generators or electrical motors. Fuel consumption, range and endurance analysis will be
presented based on the selected generator. The program will determine a solution that is the best
match to the ship operating profile.

Research Methodology

For the first half of the project, the research work began with the understanding and familiarization
of the background and conducting literature review on the ship resistance fundamental and theory,
methods for ship resistance predictions as well as background knowledge of diesel-electric
propulsion. All the background information is collected from past research papers on diesel-electric
propulsion and regression based methods and ship resistance books.

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After conducting literature review, mathematical models of the software was created in order for the
software to be developed. For regression based methods, Holtrop and Lahtiharju were chosen for
this research. Numerical examples from the Holtrop and Lahtiharju papers were used to verify with
the software developed. After that, R/V G.O. Sars is used for the final verification to validate the
required power for the diesel generators and electrical motors from the ship specifications. At the
data analysis stage, it will be presenting the plots in LabVIEW in order for future users to optimize
the full usage of the software. Towards the last stage of the project, it will be entirely project writeup. The flowchart of the research methodology as described is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1: Flowchart of the research methodology

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Literature Review

Electrical installations are present in any ship, from powering of communication and navigation
equipment, alarm and monitoring system, running of motors for pumps, fan or winches, to high
power installation for electric propulsion
Electric propulsion is an emerging area where various competence areas meet. Successful solutions
for vessels with electric propulsion are found in environments where naval architects, hydrodynamic
and propulsion engineers, and electrical engineering expertise cooperate under constructional,
operational, and economical considerations. Optimized design and compromises can only be
achieved with a common concept language and mutual understanding of the different subjects. It is
the aim to give engineers with marine competence and background the necessary understanding of
the most important electro-technical subjects used in design and configuration of ships with electric
The concept of electric propulsion is not new; the idea originated more than 100 years ago.
However, with the possibility to control electrical motors with variable speed in a large power with
compact, reliable and cost-competitive solutions, the use of electrical propulsion has emerged in
new application areas during the 80s and 90s.
Electric propulsion with gas turbine or diesel engine driven power generation is used in hundreds of
ships of various types and in a large variety of configurations. Installed electric propulsion in
merchant marine vessels was in 2002 in the range of 6-7GW, in addition to a substantial installation
in both submarine and surface war ship applications.
At present, electric propulsion is applied mainly in various types of ships: cruise vessels, ferries, DP
drilling vessels, thruster assisted moored floating production facilities, shuttle tankers, cable layers,
pipe layers, icebreakers and other ice going vessels, supply vessels and war ships. There is also a
significant on-going research and evaluation of using electric propulsion in new vessel designs for
existing and new application areas (Adnanes, 2003).

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Modelling and Simulation of Marine Power and Propulsion Systems


Resistance Prediction Methods

In the industry, there are many techniques as shown in Figure 1-2, which can be used in determining
ship resistance.

Figure 1-2: Ship resistance evaluation methods and examples (Carlton, 2007)
Model testing method is the most widely used and applied among others since it uses models with
similar characteristic to the ship and applicable to any kinds of ships. Meanwhile, the two other
methods are effective and used for prediction and can be used for a ship that has similar particulars
to such a group. However, numerical methods are more time effective compared to model-testing.
Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 show the methods available for planning hull and displacement ships.

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Table 1-1: Methods for planning hulls (Carlton, 2007)
This algorithm is useful for estimating the resistance of a planning
Savitsky (Prehull before it gets onto the plane; i.e. its pre-planning resistance.
Used for estimating the resistance of planning hulls when in the
Savitsky (Planning)
planning speed regime.
Used for estimating the resistance of planning hulls when in the
planning speed regime. The algorithm is based on the Savitsky
planning method with improvements to the algorithm at hump
Blount and Fox
speed, the speed at which the vessel just begins to plane. The
method is considered superior to the Savitsky planning method for
vessels that have varying deadrise angles in the afterbody, or has a
varying beam in the afterbody (i.e. not prismatic).
Used for estimating the resistance of planning hulls when in the
planning speed regime.
A universal formulation used for calculating the resistance of hull
forms in both planning and displacement modes. The original
method was set out by Wyman results in an engine power being
calculated. As such, for Hullspeed to accurately predict the hull
resistance, an overall efficiency must be added in the efficiency
dialog. The overall efficiency accounts for losses between the
power developed at the engine (brake power) and the effective
power (hull resistance).
Table 1-2: Methods for displacement ships (Carlton, 2007)

Series 60

This algorithm is designed for predicting the resistance of tankers, general cargo
ships, fishing vessels, tugs, container ships and frigates.
This algorithm is designed for resistance prediction of typical coastal patrol, training
or recreational powerboat type hull forms with transom sterns operating in the
displacement and semi-planning regimes.
This algorithm is applicable for resistance prediction of displacement ships with
transom stern hull forms (generally used for larger vessels than Compton). The
regression is based on data from tests on 739 models at the David Taylor model
basin and consists over 10 000 data points, Fung and Leibman (1995).
Useful for estimating the resistance of small ships such as trawlers and tugs.
Used for estimating the resistance of single screw cargo ships.

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Holtrop and Mennen Resistance Prediction Algorithm

The mathematical model first made its appearance in 1977. This was followed a year later by an
improved model which made allowance for bulbous bows and an improvement in estimating
resistance of large waterplane area coefficient ships. The model was then extended in order to
improve the power prediction of ships with a high block coefficient and a low length breadth ratio
and slender naval ships (Holtrop & Mennen, 1982). Despite this, predictions for high-speed craft (Fn
> 0.5) were often incorrect and in an attempt to rectify this, the data sample was extended to include
the Series 64 hull forms and then re-analyzed (Holtrop, 1984). The 1982 mathematical model was
developed from 191 random model experiments and full-scale data, which increased to 334 for the
1984 model.

Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm

In an attempt to extend existing series to higher block coefficients and beam draught ratios, the VTT
Ship Laboratory Technology Research Center of Finland carried out tests on a series of four round
bilge and two hard chine models based on the NPL parent form. The results of these tests together
with the NPL series data, the SSPA tests on sma1l fast displacement vessels and the results of
existing VTT tests on suitable models were statistically analysed. In developing the regression
equations, a total of 65 round bilge and 13 hard chine models were used. Separate equations were
developed for the round bilge and for the hard chine vessels, however; only the round bilge method
is applicable to this study.

Main Components of Diesel-Electric Propulsion

Prime Mover
The source for power is most often a generator set driven by combustion engine which is fuelled
with diesel or heavy fuel oil. Occasionally one can find gas engines, and also gas turbines, steam
turbines or combined cycle turbines, especially for higher power levels, in light high-speed vessels,
or where gas is a cheap alternative (e.g. waste product in oil production, boil-off LNG carriers, etc.)
In a diesel-electric propulsion system, the diesel engines are normally medium to high-speed
engines, with lower weight and costs than similar rated low speed engines that are used for direct
mechanical propulsion. Availability to the power plant is of high concern and in a diesel electric
system with a number of diesel engines in a redundant network; this means high reliability but also
sophisticated diagnostics and short repair times (Adnanes, 2003).
The majority of new buildings and all commercial vessels have an AC power generation plant with
AC distribution. The generators are synchronous machines, with a magnetizing winding on the rotor
carrying a DC current, and a three-phase stator winding where the magnetic field from the rotor
current induces a three-phase sinusoidal voltage when the rotor is rotated by the prime mover. The
frequency f (Hz) of the induced voltages is proportional to the rotational speed n (RPM) and the pole
number p in the synchronous machine:
p n
f =
2 60

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Past Research

For a marine propulsion system design, the number of potential Power & Propulsion (P&PS)
solutions is increasing all the time as new types of mechanical and electrical technologies become
available. The different options and the complexities of vessel operations lead to a large number of
variables to assess.
In May 2010, BMT Defence Services developed a marine P&P analysis tool, Ptool, to allow
designers to establish the vital P&PS parameters and to identify the best sub-sets of solutions
quickly with the least input information. Ptool uses a library of P&PS equipment data to reduce the
need for initial data. A ship definition file contains much of the bounding input data.
The various P&PS options are defined in separate files to allow unique configuration and equipment
set-ups to be analysed. Ptool provides graphic output and report generation of key data parameters.
These outputs include budget estimates of physical and cost information for the purposes of
comparison and cost benefit analysis.
The approach is therefore one of matching the propulsion solution to the ships operating speed
profile. Ptool is most valuable for ships with varying electrical loads across ships speeds and those
with a wide range of operating speeds.
Ptool make use of a library of generic engine, motor, converter and propulsor data to reduce the date
entry required. Data from several different diesel and gas turbine engine suppliers is recorded. This
is the specific fuel and lub oil consumption for an engine as well as the NOx and smoke emission
Performance curves for a range of propulsor devices are also recorded in a library for easy option
definition. The electric motor and convertor technologies are defined by generic performance
characteristics such as their operating efficiency over speed or load conditions (Buckingham, 2010).

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Outline of Thesis

Chapter 2.0 presents the resistance and propulsion background information and formulas involved.
Two regression based methods Holtrop and Lahtiharju were selected and the formulas and
limitations were presented. The mathematical models of Holtrop and Lahtiharju are also presented in
this chapter.
Chapter 3.0 presents the background information of diesel-electric propulsion and each component
in it. The mathematical model of DEP is also presented.
Chapter 4.0 shows the software development of this project. The rationale and structures are also
presented in this chapter.
Chapter 5.0 shows the testing and analysis of the software. Validation of R/V G.O. Sars is shown
in this chapter to prove the accuracy of the software developed.
Chapter 6.0 discusses about the project, accuracy of regression based methods, limitations of the
software and the verifications.
Finally in Chapter 7.0 and 8.0 presents concluding remarks and future works are drawn.
Chapter 9.0 shows the bibliography and works cited.
Appendix A presents the ship specifications of R/V G.O. Sars and SV290.
Appendix B presents the block diagram of the VIs developed.
Appendix C presents the user manual for the software.

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This chapter describes the basic principles and theory of resistance of a ship that includes frictional,
pressure and wave resistance, and the effects of these resistances. There are also two resistance
prediction algorithms that are used in the industry to predict the resistance of a ship based on the
operating profile or ship coefficients: Holtrop and Lahtiharju.
Translation of a hull through water requires a force. This force is called the resistance: it is the force
that is required to tow the ship at a specified speed (without the propulsor). The thrust developed by
the propulsion system has to overcome the resistance of the ship. Figure 2-1 shows the ship
resistance and its breakdown. The total resistance consists of three components:

Frictional resistance is the force that is the resultant of tangential forces acting on the hull as
a result of the boundary layer along the hull;
Pressure resistance is the force that is the resultant of the normal forces on the hull, due to
the difference in the pressure in front of and behind the moving ship. The pressure losses
become significant when the boundary layer separates from the hull at the stern of the ship;
Wave resistance is the drag that is the result of waves generated by the moving ship. The
kinetic and potential energy in the waves has to be generated by the propulsion system.

Figure 2-1: Components of ship resistance (Carlton, 2007)

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Figure 2-2: Different types of ships resistance speed curve (Stapersma & Woud, 2002)
Figure 2-2 shows various resistance-speed relations. For higher speeds, the resistance curve will be
steeper; curves of type (2) may be encountered. Planning craft and swath (small waterplane area
twin hull) ships may have curves that are more like (3).


Hull Resistance

Translation of a hull through water requires a force. This force is called the resistance. It is the force
that is required to tow the ship at a specified speed (without the propulsor). The thrust developed by
the propulsion system has to overcome the resistance of the ship. The total resistance consists of
three components:

Frictional or viscous resistance is the force that is the resultant of the tangential forces acting
on the hull as a result of the boundary layer along the hull;
Form or pressure resistance is the force that is the resultant of the normal forces on the hull,
due to the difference in the pressure in front of and behind the moving ship. The pressure
losses become significant when the boundary layer separates from the hull at the stern of the
ship; and
Wave resistance is the drag that is the result of waves generated by the moving ship. The
kinetic and potential energy in the waves has to be generated by propulsion system.

Total resistance R = Frictional + Pressure + Wave Resistance


It is often acceptable to assume that the ships resistance is roughly proportional to the square of
ship speed vs relatively low speeds.
R = c1 VS 2

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The power required to tow the ship at ship speed vs with resistance R is the effective towing power
PE. Using the assumed proportionality of resistance and ship speed squared, effective power is as a
first approximation proportional to the cube of ship speed.


PE = R.vs


PE = c1.vs 3


Non-dimensional Resistance CE

In hydromechanics, total resistance is usually written in non-dimensional form CT.

CT =
0.5 As vs 2
= density of water (kg/m3)
As=Wetted surface of the hull (m2)
Usually, the wetted surface As is not readily available. Therefore, a more practical coefficient is
used: Specific resistance CE.
CE = 1 E2
By defining specific resistance CE, a ship is assigned a value that indicate resistance characteristic
depending, amongst others on ship size, speed and hull form.
The Reynolds number Re and the Froude number Fn represent the viscous (friction) and dynamic
(waves) effects on resistance (and power), respectively.
Therefore, the dependency of CE on the Reynolds and Froude numbers means that CE depends on
speed and size.


Relationship between c1 and CE


PE = CE 3 3 vs 3


c1 = CE 3 3


In particular, the dependency on the Froude number means that the propulsion power can change
with speed more rapidly than is predicted by the cube law. The cube law is only valid for low
Froude numbers (Fn=0.1-0.2).

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The function of a propulsor is to deliver a thrust force T to overcome the resistance R of the hull.
The power needed to overcome R at speed vs is the effective power PE, already defined in equation
The power as delivered by the propeller in water at velocity of advance vA with useful output T is
the thrust power PT (per propeller):
PT = T v A
Another important effect is that the velocity of the water at the propeller does not equal the ships
speed: the entrained water in the boundary layer around the ship has a certain forward speed. The
boundary layer at the ships stern has a considerable thickness and normally the propeller is
completely within the region where the water velocity is affected by the hulls presence. As a result
the advance velocity vA of the propeller relative to the water is smaller than the ships vs.
The difference between ships speed and advance velocity in front of the propeller, as a ratio of
ships speed is called the wake factor w:
v v
w= s A
From this definition the advance velocity as experienced by the propeller can be expressed in terms
of the ship speed:

vA = (1 w ) vs


Hull Efficiency

As a result of thrust deduction and wake factor, the sum of the thrust power PT of all the propellers
does not equal the effective power PE. The ratio of effective power to propulsive power is called the
hull efficiency H, clearly all differences between the towed and propelled hull are contained within
this factor:
R vs
H =
k p PT k p T v A

H =

1 t
1 w


Propeller Efficiency

In order to deliver thrust at a certain translating speed, power must be delivered to the propeller as
torque Q and rotational speed:
Po = Q p = 2 Q n p
The index O stands for open water and refers to the fact that propellers normally are tested in open
water tank or tunnel. During the open water test, open water propeller efficiency can be measured:

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o =

1 T vA

PO 2 Q n p


The open water propeller efficiency lies in the range of 0.3 for inland ships to 0.7 for frigates.
In reality, i.e. behind the ship, the torque Mp and thus the power Pp actually delivered to the
propeller are generally slightly different as a result of the non-uniform velocity field in front of the
actual propeller.
Pp = M p p = 2 M p n p


The ratio between open water power (or torque) and actually delivered power (or torque) is called
the relative rotative efficiency:
R = o =
Pp M p


Propulsive Efficiency

It is common practice to define the total propulsive efficiency to embrace all effects hull and
propeller discussed up to now. So, the propulsive efficiency must be defined as the quotient of the
previously defined effective power PE delivered to the hull and the power actually delivered to all
the propellers PD. The total propulsive efficiency is defined as:

D =



With the definitions of hull efficiency H, open water propeller efficiency o, and relative rotative
efficiency R the following chain of partial efficiencies arises:

D = H o R


in which the hull efficiency can further be expressed in thrust deduction t and wake fraction w:

D =

1 t
o R
1 w


Non-dimensional delivered power coefficient CD

Not only effective towing power PE but also delivered power PD is increasing with the cube of ship
speed, if it is assumed that the total efficiency D remains almost constant at ship speeds other than
nominal ship speed, as shown by the following relations:

PD =


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CE vs 3



= CD vs 3


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in which the non-dimensional delivered power coefficient CD is by definition:

CD =









c2 = CD 3 3




Propeller Law

The relation between the power delivered to a propeller Pp and shaft (or propeller) speed np is known
as the propeller law. From experience, it is known that shaft (rotational) speed is almost linearly
proportional to the ships translating speed:
n p = c3 vs


It can be shown that the delivered power is not only proportional to the cube of ship speed but also
to the cube of shaft speed. This is called the propeller law.

c2 n p 3
PD c2
Pp =
= vs =
= c4 n p 3
kp kp
k p c3



Mp =

c4 n p 3
2 n p

= c5 n p 2


That is: propeller torque is proportional to the square of the shaft speed. There were two
assumptions in the derivation of the propeller law:
The propulsive efficiency remains constant in off-design conditions; and
Shaft speed is linearly proportional to translating speed.


Propulsion Chain

Shaft losses are expressed in terms of shaft efficiency, which is defined as:

s =




The shaft loss typically is 0.5 to 1 percentage at nominal power. Ps is the shaft power, i.e. the power
delivered to the shaft that is connected to a propeller and Pp is the power delivered to the propeller.
Ps = M s p = 2 M s n p

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Engine brake power PB is the power developed by the engine is defined by:
PB = M B e = 2 M B ne


where MB is the engine torque, e is the angular velocity of the engine shaft and ne is the engine
speed. If there is no gearbox, brake power equals shaft power. If however, transmission includes a
gearbox, gearbox losses are expressed in terms of gearbox efficiency, taking into account the
number of engines per propeller shaft ke:

GB =

M s np

ke PB ke M B ne ke M B i


i is the gearbox reduction ration indicating the ratio of engine speed to propeller speed:




The gearbox losses are moderate (1% to 2%) for one-step reduction gearboxes in medium-speed
diesel installations and they may be high (3% to 5%) for complex gearboxes with two or three
reduction stages such as currently applied in multi-engine installations.
The total transmission efficiency is defined as the ratio of delivered power to brake power. With the
definition of shaft and gearbox efficiency, total transmission efficiency can be written as the product
of these two.


ke PB


1 Mp

= s GB
ke M B i M s ke M B i


To complete the power chain from the moving ship to the fuel in the tanks, the last step is effective
engine efficiency. It is defined as the ratio of engine output and heat input:

e = B


Effective engine efficiency accounts for all engine losses in the conversion of chemical energy in
fuel to the mechanical energy in the rotating output shaft of the engine.
Figure 2-3 presents the propulsion chain: the overview of powers and efficiencies from resistance to
brake powers.

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Figure 2-3: Propulsion Chain: Overview of powers and efficiencies from resistance to brake
power (Stapersma & Woud, 2002)

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Holtrop (1984/1988)

One of the methods which are used to predict the resistance of a full displacement hull form is
Holtrop 1988. This algorithm is designed for predicting the resistance of tankers, general cargo
ships, fishing vessels, tugs, container ships and frigates. However, there are some limitations for this
prediction method and will be mentioned in Section 2.4.12.
This resistance prediction method is one of the techniques widely used in prediction of resistance of
displacement and semi-displacement vessels. Like all methods, however, this technique is limited to
a suitable range of hull form parameters. This algorithm is designed for predicting the resistance of
tankers, general cargo ships, fishing vessels, tugs, container ships and frigates. The algorithms
implements are based upon hydrodynamic theory with coefficients obtained from the regression
analysis of the results of 334 ship model tests.
In their approach to establishing their formulas, Holtrop and Mennen assumed that the nondimensional coefficient represents the components of resistance of a hull form. It might be
represented by appropriate geometrical parameters, thus enabling each component to be expressed
as a non-dimensional function of the sealing and the hull form.
This resistance prediction method was presented based on a regression analysis of random models
and full-scale test data. A Froude number dependency of the form factor was introduced with the
objective to improve the accuracy of the prediction. The prediction method was carried out as
RTotal = RF (1 + Yk ) + RAPP + RTR + RW + RB + RA


Froude Number

The Froude number is a dimensionless number defined as the ratio of a characteristic velocity to a
gravitational wave velocity. For vessel, it is an important parameter with respect to the ship drag, or
resistance, including the wave making resistance.
Fn = s
The coefficient Y as shown in Table 2-1 was varied for several fixed values of the Froude numbers
and for each Froude number a regression analysis of the wave resistance was made in order to match
the numerical model to the measured data. In Figure 2-4, it shows the Froude number dependency of
the form factors.
Referring to Figure 2-5, the standard deviation Rm between the total measured and calculated model
resistance was used to determine the value of Y for each Froude number analysed.

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Table 2-1: The standard deviation of the model resistance, the Y-values and the number data
points (Holtrop, 1988)
Rm (%)

Figure 2-4: Froude number dependency of the form factor (Holtrop, 1988)

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Figure 2-5: The standard deviation between measured and calculated RM is shown for various
Froude numbers investigated as a function Y (Holtrop, 1988)

Reynolds number

In fluid mechanics, the Reynolds number (Re) is a dimensionless number that gives a measure of the
ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of these
two forces for given flow conditions and the formula is shown as:
Re = s

for fresh water = 1.13910-6 m2/s
for sea water = 1.18310-6 m2/s

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Form coefficients

Form coefficients are important parameters to help compare hull forms as well:
Block coefficient is the ratio of the immersed volume of a vessel to the product of its immersed
draft, length and beam and is shown as:

CB =
= C P CM
Midship coefficient is the ratio of the largest underwater section of the hull to a rectangle of the
same overall width and depth as the underwater section of the hull and is shown as:
CM = m
Prismatic coefficient is the ratio of the immersed volume of the hull to a volume of a prism with
equal length to the ship and cross-sectional area equal to the largest underwater section of the hull
(midship section) and is shown as:

CP =
Waterplane coefficient expresses the fullness of the waterplane or the ratio of the waterplane area to
a rectangle of the same length and breadth and is shown as:


Frictional Resistance RF

The frictional resistance RF is the major part of the total viscous resistance of a ship. The area of the
wetted surface S and the coefficient of the frictional coefficient CF determine its magnitude.
CF =
[log10 ( Rn ) 2]2
RF = 0.5 S VS 2 C F

S = L(2T + B ) CM (0.453 + 0.4425CB 0.2862CM

0.003467 B / T + 0.3696CWP ) + 2.38 ABT / CB

(1 + k1 ) = c13[0.93 + c12 ( B / LR )0.92497

(0.95 CP )0.521488 (1 CP + 0.0225lcb)0.6906 ]




In the form-factor formula LR is a parameter reflecting the length of the run according to:
LR = L[1 C p + 0.06C p lcb / (4C p 1)]


The coefficient c12 is defined as:

When T/L > 0.05:

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c12 = (T / L ) 0.2228446


c12 = 48.2(T / L 0.02) 2.078 + 0.479948


c12 = 0.479948


When 0.02 < T/L < 0.05:

When T/L < 0.02:

The coefficient c13 accounts for the specific shape of the afterbody and is related to the coefficient
Cstern according to:
c13 = 1 + 0.003Cstern
According to Figure 2-6, the typical values of Cstern are shown.

Figure 2-6: Typical values of Cstern (Holtrop, 1988)


Appendage Resistance RAPP

The appendage resistance can be determined from:

RAPP = 0.5 VS 2 S APP (1 + k2 )eq CF

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Table 2-2: 1+k2 values used for streamlined flow-orientated appendages (Holtrop, 1984)
Approximate 1+k2 values
Rudder behind skeg


Rudder behind stern


Twin-screw balance rudders 2.8

Shaft Brackets




Strut bossings


Hull bossings




Stabilizer fins




Bilge keels


The equivalent 1+k2 values is shown in Figure 2-6 for a combination of appendages is determined
(1 + k2 )eq =


(1 + k2 ) S APP


Wave Resistance RW (Fn >0.55)

The wave resistance formula was derived for the speed range Fn > 0.55:
RW 0.55 = c17 c2 c5 g exp[ m3 Fn d + m4 cos( Fn 2 )]


d = 0.9


c17 = 6919.3CM






m3 = 7.2035( B / L ) 0.326869 (T / B ) 0.605375



The coefficients c2, c5, d and have the same definition for all Froude Number:

c2 = exp(1.89 c3 )

c3 =

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0.56 ABT 1.5

[ B T (0.31 ABT + TF hB )]



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c5 =

1 0.8 AT
( B T CM )


When L/B < 12:

= 1.446CP 0.03( L / B )


= 1.446CP 0.36


m4 = c15 0.4 exp( 0.034 Fn 3.29 )


c15 = 1.69385


c15 = 1.69385 + ( L / 1/3 8) / 2.36


c15 = 0


When L/B > 12:

When L3/ < 512:

When 512 < L3/ < 1726.91:

When L3/ > 1726.91:


Wave Resistance RW (Fn < 0.4)

RW 0.4 = c1 c2 c5 g exp[m1Fnd + m2 cos( Fn2 )]


c1 = 2223105 c73.78613 (T / B)1.07961 (90 iE )1.37565


c7 = 0.229577(B / L)0.33333


c7 = B / L


c7 = 0.5 0.0625 L / B


When B/L < 0.11:

When 0.11 < B/L < 0.25:

When B/L > 0.25:

iE = 1+ 89 exp[(L / B)0.80856 (1 CWP )0.30484

(1 CP 0.0225lcb)0.6367 (LR / B)0.34574 (100 / L3 )0.16302 ]


m1 = 0.0140407(L / T ) 1.75254(1/3 / L) + 4.79323(B / L) c16


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When CP < 0.8:

c16 = 8.07981CP 13.8673CP2 + 6.984388CP3


c16 = 1.73014 0.7067CP


m2 = c15 CP2 exp(0.1Fn2 )


c15 = 1.69385


c15 = 1.69385 + ( L / 1/3 8) / 2.36


c15 = 0


When CP > 0.8:

When L / < 512:

When 512 < L3/ < 1727:

When L3/ > 1727:


Wave Resistance RW (0.4 < Fn < 0.55)

RW 0.4 0.55 = RW 0.4 +


(10 Fn 4)( RW 0.55 RW 0.4 )



Additional pressure of bulbous bow near the water surface RB

The additional resistance due to the presence of a bulbous bow near the water surface is determined
RB =

0.11exp(3PB 2 ) Fni 3 ABT 1.5 g

(1 + Fni 2 )

PB =

Fni =

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0.56 ABT
(TF 1.5hB )

g (TF hB 0.25 ABT ) 0.15VS 2




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2.4.10 Additional Pressure Resistance of Immersed Transom Stern RTR
In a similar way the additional pressure resistance due to immersed transom can be determined:
RTR = 0.5 VS 2 AT c6


The coefficient c6 has been related to the Froude number based on the transom immersion:
When FnT < 5:
c6 = 0.2(1 0.2 FnT )
When FnT > 5:
c6 = 0


FnT has been defined as:

FnT =

2 gAT / ( B + BCWP )


2.4.11 Model-Ship Correlation RA

The model-ship correlation RA with
RA = 0.5 VS 2 S C A


describes the effect of the hull roughness and the still-air resistance. From an analysis of results of
speed trials, which have been corrected to ideal trial conditions, the following formula for the
correlation allowance coefficient CA was found:

C A = 0.006( L + 100) 0.16 0.00205 + 0.003 L / 7.5 CB 4 c2 (0.04 c4 ) (2.87)

When TF/L 0.04:
c4 = TF / L


c4 = 0.04


When TF/L > 0.04:

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2.4.12 Limitations
The Holtrop and Mennen resistance prediction algorithm is valid for a variety of hull forms ranging
from tugs to trawlers to naval vessels. The Froude numbers will range from 0.05.to 1. However,
there are some limitations in Holtrop: The correlation factor is constant but is calculated based on
regression method within the specified Froude number or speed ranges.
The Holtrop prediction algorithm is also favourable to certain limits of hull dimensions. The
limitations of the hull dimensions referring to Table 2-3.

Table 2-3: Limits of applicability for Holtrop and Mennen (Holtrop, 1984)

2.4.13 Mathematical Modelling of Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm

Figure 2-7: Mathematical Modelling of Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm

Based on the mathematical model of Holtrop as shown in Figure 2-7, user will understand the flow
of the Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm developed. The very first input of the software will be
the vessel operating profile or ship coefficients and through the Holtrop resistance prediction
algorithm, the result will be the total resistance of the vessel and effective power.

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Lahtiharju (1991)

Lahtiharju is a reliable resistance prediction method which is used to predict the resistance of a
planning hull. Extensive systematic resistance tests were carried out with all models, including
typical hard chine planning hull form. Resistance prediction equations were developed by using
regression analysis, which was based on parameters and resistance data if some older systematic
series, the new series and suitable models from the records (Lahtiharju, et al., 1991).
With all the models tested, the volumetric displacement Froude number, Fn, is defined by:
Fn =
g 1/3


Hard Chine Craft

The analysis of hard chine craft was carried out by using the main dimensions and the resistance test
results of only 13 vessels. Thus the equation is a supplement to the Savitsky method in the preplanning regime. The parameters in the equation are the ratios of main dimensions (L, B, T and )
and the ratio of transom area AT/AX. The new formula is a second order function of Fn. The number
of variables is six.
The values of the regression coefficients and the parameters are given in Table 2-4. Because the
models in the analysis did not form any systematic series and the number of the models was very
small, the coefficient of determination is only 0.9687. The general form of the resistance prediction
equation for hard chine craft in the pre-planning speed regime is:

RT / 100000 = A0 + A1 P1 + Ai Pi Fn + Ai Pi Fn 2


CF =


( log10 Rn 2 )

Fn 1/3 32.2

Rn =
1.2817 10
+ ( CF C A ) CF 100000 0.5 2/3 Fn 2

corr 100000

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Table 2-4: Parameters and coefficients of the resistance equation for hard chine vessels
(Lahtiharju, et al., 1991)
Coefficient = 1





Coefficient = Fn
Coefficient = Fn2


The total resistance is calculated in exactly the same way as for round bilge vessels. At low speeds,
resistance is calculated by using the Mercies-Savitsky method. When the speed is larger than Fn
=1.8, equation (2.91) is used up to planning regime. After that, the Savitsky equation is applied.
Small experimental corrections have been made to the Mercier-Savitsky and Savitsky methods,
because they slightly underestimate the resistance according to previous examinations.

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The Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithm is valid for vessel speeds corresponding to
displacement Froude number Fn in the range of 1.8 to 3.3. However, Lahtiharju is favourable to
certain limits of hull dimensions, these limits are shown in Table 2-5:

Table 2-5: Limits of applicability for Lahtiharju (Lahtiharju, et al., 1991)

Type of Hull Forms
Round Bilge and Hard Chine Vessels
4.49 to 6.81
2.73 to 5.43
3.75 to 7.54
0.43 to 0.995


Mathematical Modelling of Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm

Figure 2-8: Mathematical Modelling of Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm

Based on the mathematical model of Lahtiharju as shown in Figure 2-8, user will understand the
flow of Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithm developed. The very first input of the software
will be the vessel operating profile or ship coefficients and through the Lahtiharju resistance
prediction algorithm, the result will be the total resistance of the vessel and effective power.

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This chapter deals with the diesel-electric power and propulsion in a DEP vessel. Once the diesel
generators translate mechanical energy to electrical energy, the electrical power will be translated
from the diesel generator to a list of electrical components like the switchboard, transformer,
frequency converter and electrical motors for propulsion. In order to determine the power required
for the diesel generator and electrical motors, typical electrical and propeller efficiency are used in
this project. Each components of the DEP system are explained in this chapter as well to gain an indepth knowledge of how the DEP system works and functions.

Figure 3-1: Three comparative concepts of a Ropax vessel showing how space can be utilized
with electric propulsion and podded propulsion (Adnanes, 2003)
The advantages of the DEP were highlighted in the earlier chapter. High availability of power,
propulsion and thruster installations, as well as safety and automation systems, are the key factors in
obtaining maximum operation time for the vessel. The safety and automation system required to
monitor, protect, and control the power plant, propulsion and thruster system, becomes of increasing
importance for a reliable and optimum use of the installation. Figure 3-1 shows the vessel layout of
diesel-mechanical, diesel-electric and pod propulsion.

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The merits of electrical propulsion include the ease of control which it provides giving an excellent
manoeuvring capability together with an ability to operate economically and for lengthy periods at
reduced speed and power. The principle disadvantage of electrical drive has been that it is much
expensive in first cost than the geared alternative. This economic disadvantage is compounded by
the fact that the mechanical efficiency is lower, leading to increased fuel consumption and cost.
Bringing all the electrics together in one system along with some reduction in relative cost of
electric propulsion systems have combined to reduce the extra cost of todays electrical propulsion
and it is now the favoured system for large cruise liners, research vessels, ice breakers, on which its
many operational advantages outweigh any residual extra cost. The differences between
conventional diesel propulsion and diesel-electric propulsion system are shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: Layout diagram of Conventional and Diesel Electric Propulsion System (Adnanes,

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Overview of Diesel-Electric Propulsion

The main difference between the marine and a land-based electrical power system is the fact that the
marine power system is an isolated system with short distances from the generated power to the
consumers, in contrast to what is normal in land-based systems where there can be hundreds of
kilometres between the power generation and the load, with long transmission lines and several
voltage transformations between them. The amount of installed power in vessels may be high and
this gives special challenges for the engineering of such systems. High short circuit levels and forces
must be dealt with in a safe manner. The control system in a land-based electrical power system is
divided in several separated sub-systems, while in a vessel; there are possibilities for much tighter
integration and coordination. The main components of DEP are shown as:

Figure 3-3: Main components of Diesel-Electric Propulsion (B&W, 2011)

The function of the electric power plant is to supply electric power to a great diversity of electric
consumers. The electric consumers, or electrical systems, include systems that are vital to the ships
operation, and safety of crew and passengers; e.g. lighting, communication, navigation and mission
specific systems. Because of the importance of reliable operation of these electrical systems,
regulatory bodies provide ample rules and regulations for configuration and design of electrical
power plants and their components. Figure 3-4 shows the layout diagram of DEP.

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Figure 3-4: Layout of Diesel-Electric Propulsion (B&W, 2011)

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Mathematical Modelling of Diesel-Electric Propulsion

Figure 3-5: Relationship between resistance and PIN

Figure 3-6: Mathematical Model of DEP system in software

From the previous mathematical model of Holtrop and Lahtiharju, the output will be the resistance.
According to Figure 3-5, the relationship between resistance and power are presented. So from the
calculated results, using equation (2.3), the effective power will be generated and dividing by the
assumed propeller efficiency, PIN of the DEP system will be achieved. After that, using the typical
efficiencies in Table 3-1 and mathematical model of DEP as shown in Figure 3-6, the software will
calculate the required generators and electrical motors power loads based on the number of
generators and electrical motors selected. The development of the software will be discussed in
Chapter 4.0.

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Prime Mover

In a DEP system, the diesel engines are normally medium to high-speed engines, with lower weight
and costs than similar rated low speed engines that are used for direct mechanical propulsion. Most
common is the use of a diesel engine to drive the generator due to its good performance
characteristics and low fuel costs. Main electric power supply systems of 50 Hz require a prime
mover with a speed of 750, 1000 or 1500 rpm, 60 Hz-systems require 900, 1200 or 1800 rpm. High
speed diesel engines need high quality fuels, whereas engines that run 750-1000 rpm can usually
operate on cheaper heavy fuel. This gives them an advantage from a fuel cost point of view.

Figure 3-7: Caterpillar 3512B Diesel Engine

Gas turbines are also used for electric power supply systems. Figure 3-7 shows a Caterpillar 3512B
diesel engine. It has a robust diesel strength design prolongs life and lowers owning and operating
cost. Besides that, it has a broad operating speed range and with a separate circuit aftercooler to
provide industry-leading ambient capability; ease-of-cooling system integration and enables sea
water cooling. A steam turbine is rarely used to drive a generator (turbo-generator), nowadays. It has
advantages though, when the propulsion system includes a steam plant, or when sufficient steam is
generated by the energy in exhaust gases.

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Diesel Generators

The generator is driven by a prime mover converts mechanical energy to main electric energy.
Manufacturers usually combine the generator, prime mover and auxiliary systems, such as reduction
gear (if required) and lubricating oil system, to a generator set.
Most common are AC generators. If a DC main electric system is required, as on a submarine, AC
generators will still be used in combination with rectifiers. The type of generator (frequency,
voltage) and number of generators are determined by the electrical load analysis, redundancy
requirements and other rules and regulations provided by regulatory bodies. For electric powers up
to 2500kW, AC generators with frequency/voltage of 50Hz/400V or 60Hz/440V (three phase) are
generally installed. If the required electric power is higher, high voltage generators are implemented
(voltage of 3.3 or 6kV). Often, the generator capacity is not given as real power (kW) but as the
apparent power (kVA), the product of current and voltage, because the current required from the
generator determines the dimensions due to heating of the windings.
A two-pole generator will give 60Hz at 3600 RPM, a four-pole at 1800 RPM and a six-pole at 1200
50Hz is obtained at 3000 RPM, 1500 RPM and 1000 RPM for two, four and six-pole
A large medium speed engine will normally work at 720 RPM for 60 Hz (10 pole generator)
or 750 RPM for 50 Hz networks (8 pole generators);
The DC current was earlier transferred to the magnetizing windings on the rotor by brushes
and slip rings;
Modern generators are equipped with brushless excitation for reduced maintenance and
The brushless excitation machine is an inverse synchronous machine with DC magnetization
of the stator and rotating three-phase windings and a rotating diode rectifier. The rectified
current is then feeling the magnetization winding; and
The excitation is controlled by an automatic voltage regulator (AVR), which senses the
terminal voltage of the generator and compares it with a reference value.

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Electrical Motors

Electrical motors are the most commonly used device for conversion from electrical to mechanical
power and is used for DEP, thrusters or station keeping, and other on-board loads such as winches,
pumps, fans etc. Typically, 80-90% of the loads in ship installation are electrical motors.
An electric motor can be directly connected to the network, and such direct-on-line (DOL) motors
are normally three-phase asynchronous, or induction motors. The asynchronous motor has a rugged
and simple design, where the three-phase stator windings are similar to a generator stator winding.
The rotor is cylindrical, with a laminated iron core and a short-circuited winding similar to the
damper winding in a synchronous machine. At no-load, the voltages imposed to the stator winding
will set up a magnetic field in the motor, which crosses the air gap and rotates with a speed given by
the frequency of the imposed voltages, called synchronous frequency, fs. Hence, the synchronous
speed ns:
f 60
ns = s
As the shafts get loaded, the rotor speed will decrease, and there will be induced currents in the rotor
winding since they are rotating relatively to the synchronous rotating magnetic field from the stator
windings. One defines the slip, s, as the relative lag of motor speed to the synchronous speed ns:
n n
s= s
Hence the slip varies from 0 (no load) to 1 (block rotor). The slip at rated load is normally below
0.05 (5%) for most motor design, and even lower (2-3%) for large motors.

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Asynchronous (Induction Motors)

The asynchronous or induction motor is the workhouse of the industry. Its rugged and simple design
ensures in most cases a long lifetime with a minimum of breakdown and maintenance. The
asynchronous motor is used in any applications, either as a constant speed motor directly connected
to the network, or as a variable speed motor fed from a static frequency converter.
The induction motor is characterized by simplicity, reliability, and low cost, combined with
reasonable overload capacity, minimal service requirements, and good efficiency.
An induction motor utilizes alternating current supplied to the stator directly. The rotor receives
power by induction effects. The stator windings of an induction motor are similar to those of the
synchronous machine. The rotor may be one of two types. In the wound rotor motor, windings
similar to those of the stator are employed with terminals connected to insulated slip rings mounted
on the shaft. The rotor terminals are made available through carbon brushes bearing on the slip
rings. The second type is called the squirrel-cage rotor, where the windings are simply conducting
bars embedded in the rotor and short-circuited at each end by conducting end rings.

Figure 3-8: Asynchronous (Induction) motor construction (Wildi, 2006)

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Synchronous Motors

Synchronous electric motors are AC motors that operate at fixed frequency of the system. These
motors require direct current (DC) for excitation and have a low starting torque, and therefore
synchronous motor suitable for use beginning with low load, such as air compressors, frequency
changes and the generator motor. Synchronous motor is able to correct the power factor of the
system and usually used in energy power systems that use a lot of electricity.
The synchronous machine is normally not used as a motor in ship applications, with exception of
large propulsion drives, typically > 5 MW directly connected to propeller shaft, or > 8-10 MW with
a gear connection. In power range smaller than this, the asynchronous motor is normally costcompetitive. The design of a synchronous motor is similar to that of a synchronous generator. It is
normally not used without a frequency converter supply for variable speed control in ship
Synchronous motors are like induction motors in that they both have stator windings that produce a
rotating magnetic field. Unlike an induction motor, the synchronous motor is excited by an external
DC source and, therefore, requires slip rings and brushes to provide current to the rotor. In the
synchronous motor, the rotor locks into step with the rotating magnetic field and rotates at
synchronous speed. If the synchronous motor is loaded to the point where the rotor is pulled out of
step with the rotating magnetic field, no torque is developed, and the motor will stop. A synchronous
motor is not a self-starting motor because torque is only developed when running at synchronous
speed; therefore, the motor needs some type of device to bring the rotor to synchronous speed.
A synchronous motor may be started by a DC motor on a common shaft. When the motor is brought
to synchronous speed, AC current is applied to the stator windings. The DC motor now acts as a DC
generator and supplies DC field excitation to the rotor of the synchronous motor. The load may now
be placed on the synchronous motor. Synchronous motors are more often started by means of a
squirrel-cage winding embedded in the face of the rotor poles. The motor is then started as an
induction motor and brought to ~95% of synchronous speed, at which time direct current is applied,
and the motor begins to pull into synchronism. The torque required to pull the motor into
synchronism is called the pull-in torque.

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Figure 3-9: Synchronous motor construction (Wildi, 2006)

Synchronous motor has four main parts, rotor, stator, dc excited, and stator frame. Large machines
include additional parts for cooling the machine, supporting the rotor, lubricating and cooling the
bearings, and various protection and measurement devices.

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Power Flow and Power Efficiency

Figure 3-10: Power flow in a simplified electric power system (Adnanes, 2003)
The prime movers e.g. diesel generators or gas turbines supply a power to the electric generator
shaft. The electric motor, which could be the propulsion motor, is loaded by a power from its
connected load. The power flow in diesel-electric propulsion is shown in Figure 3-10. The power
lost in the components between the shaft of the diesel engine and the shaft of the electric motor is
mechanical and electrical losses which gives heat and temperature increase in equipment and
ambient and the typical values of electrical efficiencies in DEP system according to Table 3-1.
Electrical = out =
Pin Pout + Plosses

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Table 3-1: Typical values of electrical efficiencies in DEP system (Adnanes, 2003)
Typical values of electrical efficiencies
Frequency Converter
Electric Motor
Diesel engine shaft to electric propulsion motor shaft


0.95 0.97
0.99 0.995
0.98 0.99
0.95 0.97
0.88 0.92

Ship Fuel Consumption

Fuel economy is important, not only because of the direct operational cost consequences for a diesel
plant operator, but also in view of the ultimate scarcity of fossil fuel and the direct link with the
emission of pollutants.
The measurement for fuel economy is specific fuel consumption, SFC. The specific fuel
consumption is by defining the fuel consumption of the engine related to brake power.

sfc =



The specific fuel consumption will have a value of sfc 220 160g/kWh.
By multiplying the specific fuel consumption with the power, the fuel consumption of the ship per
unit time can be obtained:

m f = sfc PB


The fuel consumption per mile covered can be found by dividing the fuel consumption per hour by
the speed:

fcm =

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Range and Endurance

When given the amount of fuel F onboard and the fuel consumption per mile, fcm as a function of
ship speed the following can be determined:
Range: How far can the ship get as a function of speed?
Endurance: How long can the ship sail as a function of speed?
If the amount of fuel available on board is F then the range is the inverse of fuel consumption per

Figure 3-11: Range of a typical frigate of 3300 tonne displacement with mechanically driven
CODOG installations (Stapersma & Woud, 2002)
Figure 3-11 shows a typical curve of the range of the example ship as a function of speed. Range is
the inverse of fuel consumption per mile, so if there is an optimum for fuel consumption, there is an
optimum range as well.

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Endurance is important in case a ship has to stay present in a certain area. It is linked to range as

Figure 3-12: Endurance of the example ship (Stapersma & Woud, 2002)
Figure 3-12 gives the endurance of the example ship for which the previous figure gave the range.
There is a step when changing from main to cruise engines. A marked difference with the range is
that endurance always increases when ship speed decreases. In fact the maximum occurs exactly at
zero ship speed.

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This chapter discusses about the code development of the software. Initial research and planning
were required in order to obtain the project objective. In this software development, the following
steps were taken:
1. Identification of the required input and output data;
2. Mathematical modelling of the whole software;
3. Familiarisation with the LabVIEW software development suite;
4. Preliminary design of the front panel in LabVIEW (Software Interface);
5. Code development in the block diagram of LabVIEW (Formula Node);
6. Ability to select required generator power load with the generators in the market; and
7. Ability to extract data into Microsoft Excel to plot data.
LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench) is a platform and
development environment for a visual programming language from National Instruments. The
functions of every components in the software developed are provided and this chapter explains how
they are used to calculate the resistance and power required in each components of the DEP system.
A brief description of the methodology of each method is given to reinforce the information
developed by LabVIEW. A basic mathematical model is also provided to help the user understand
the flow of how the program was developed. The block diagram developed for individual VI is
displayed in APPENDIX B and the user manual on how to fully utilise the software is attached in

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Software Rationale

A LabVIEW Project is a tool for organizing project files, NI hardware, configuration data, and build
specifications as shown in Figure 4-1. Project information is stored in an .lvproj file. The "Project
Explorer" window, shown below, is where you interact with LabVIEW projects:

Figure 4-1: Project file in LabVIEW

The software was developed to size the diesel-electrical power required in the vessel using the
methods and equations outlined in Chapter 2 and 3. The basic structure of the software was formed
based on four different virtual instruments (.vi) for analysis.
The software was designed so that the user could easily understand the operation of the program and
be able to use it with ease. This was achieved by designing an intuitive VI with inputs accompanied
by clear labels. A screenshot of the software VI are provided from Figure 4-2 to Figure 4-6.

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Figure 4-2: Limitations check for regression based methods VI

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Figure 4-3: Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm

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Figure 4-4: Lahtiharju (Hard Chine) Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI

Figure 4-5: Generators Selection VI

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Figure 4-6: Plots VI

For future use, a future expansion of the software would be required. The database of the diesel
generators and electrical motors would need to be expanded and the software needs to include
water-jet propulsion, propeller selection and also propeller design analysis using off-design


Limitations Check for Regression Based Methods VI

In the limitation check VI, the ship operating profile is check with Holtrop and Lahtiharju
limitations to ensure the validity of the particular regression based method. The Boolean will
indicate the validity of the regression based method. When the Boolean is green, it indicates that the
parameters are within the range of the limitations and when the Boolean is red, this shows that the
parameters are not suitable for the particular regression based method.


Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI

In the Holtrop VI, the resistance will be predicted based on ship operating profile. The ship
operating profile or ship coefficients are very important parameters in determining the Holtrop and
Mennen resistance prediction algorithm. Once the input parameters are inputted into the software,
run the VI and the software will calculate the total resistance and the required power for the diesel
generators and electrical motors.


Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI

In the Lahtiharju VI, the same approach as Holtrop was used. Resistance of the vessel will be
predicted based on the ship operating profile. The only difference is that the algorithm used will be

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Generators Selection VI

In the generators selection VI, the user can go through a list of diesel generators in the market. For
this project, a total of 48 diesel generators from Caterpillar, Cummins and Wartsila are used for the
generators selection database. In the future, users can include more diesel generators in the market to
ensure a better selection or sizing for the diesel-electric propulsion.


Plots VI

The following plots will be presented based on the selected generator:

Resistance Curve;
Effective power vs Ship speed;
Range vs Ship speed;
Endurance vs Ship Speed; and
Fuel consumption per mile vs Ship speed.



Structures contain sections of graphical code and control how and when the code inside is run. The
most common execution structures are While Loops, For Loops and Case Structures which you can
use to run the same section of code multiple times or to execute a different section of code based on
some condition.


Formula Node

The Formula Node in the LabVIEW software is a convenient, text-based node you can use to
perform complicated mathematical operations on a block diagram using the C++ syntax structure. It
is most useful for equations that have many variables or are otherwise complicated. The text-based
code simplifies the block diagram and increases its readability. Furthermore, you can copy and paste
existing code directly into the Formula Node rather than recreating it graphically.
In addition to text-based equation expressions, the Formula Node can accept text-based versions of
if statements, while loops, for loops, and do loops, which are familiar to C programmers. These
programming elements are similar but not identical to those you find in C programming.
The MathScript Node implements similar functions but with the additional functionality of a full .m
file compiler, making it useful as a textual language for signal processing, analysis, and math.
LabVIEW MathScript is generally compatible with .m file script syntax, which is widely used by
alternative technical computing software. For LabVIEW 2009 and later, the LabVIEW MathScript
features are released separately in the LabVIEW MathScript RT Module.

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Figure 4-7: Formula Node

The Formula Node is a window in the block diagram where you can write textual program code
following the C-syntax. Using a Formula Node structure for mathematical expressions is often more
convenient than building the expression using elementary blocks in the ordinary way in LabVIEW
since it is easier to write and maintain textual mathematical expressions than drawing equivalent
block diagram code.


While Loop

The While Loop executes the sub-diagram until the conditional terminal, an input terminal, receives
a specific Boolean value. The conditional terminal in a While Loop behaves the same as in a For
Loop with a conditional terminal. However, because the For Loop also includes a set iteration count,
it does not run infinitely if the condition never occurs. The While Loop does not include a set
iteration count and runs infinitely if the condition never occurs.
If a conditional terminal is Stop if true, you place the terminal of a Boolean control outside a While
Loop, and the control is FALSE when the loop starts, an infinite loop is caused, as shown in the
following example. An infinite loop will also be caused if the conditional terminal is Continue if
True and the control outside the loop are set to TRUE.


Case Structure

A Case Structure is a LabVIEW primitive that dynamically selects which parts of code should
execute. For this project, the case structure was used together with the Tab Control so that at the
selected tab, the selected VI can be executed successfully.

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Graph Indicators

Figure 4-8: Build XY Graph in LabVIEW

The most common graph indicators in this project are the XY graph. Figure 4-8 shows an example
of building XY graph and this requires two inputs function to enable the plots


Write to Spreadsheet VI

Figure 4-9: Write to spreadsheet.vi in block diagram

LabVIEW provide the function of write to spreadsheet which enables users to extract data out of the
software. This enables users to do further analysis using excel. This function will provide more
flexibility for first time LabVIEW users.

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Software Development

Figure 4-10: Software development flow diagram

The software development was developed into three stages: Research stage, Software Development
stage and Final Software as shown in Figure 4-10.
In the research stage, investigation studies were carried out on regression based methods, dieselelectric propulsion, and the diesel generators and electrical motors in the market. To fully
understand the regression based methods, numerical examples of Holtrop and Lahtiharju were
calculated from the examples of the Holtrop and Lahtiharju papers. For diesel-electric propulsion,
papers were collected although diesel-electric is widely used, but there were not many papers on
diesel-electric propulsion. Lastly, sourcing for diesel generators and electrical motors were straightforward and it will be by going through list of companys website and obtaining their product
specifications in order to build up the database.
In the software development stage, it will be precisely translating the knowledge gained in the
research stage to LabVIEW programming. For the development of the regression based methods,
first it will be the development of limitations check for Holtrop and Lahtiharju and the development
of Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithm based on ship operating profile or ship
coefficients. For the development of diesel-electric propulsion VI, the parameters will be entirely the
calculated resistance and power from the Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance prediction VI and the

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electrical efficiencies for each electrical component in DEP. Lastly, once the database was built up
in excel format from the research stage, it will be just reading the excel file and presenting it in
LabVIEW. After calculating results for the required power for diesel generators and electrical
motors in the diesel-electric propulsion VI, it will only involve the selection of the diesel generators
or electrical motors from the database.
The final software will be just building individual VI file into the project file. After which, it will be
presenting the data into plots by building XY graph in LabVIEW.

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In this chapter, testing, analysis and verification works will be carried out on existing DEP vessels,
namely R/V G.O. Sars and SV290 to validate the ship resistance, number of generators and
electrical motors onboard the research vessel. Besides that, the generator, electrical motors and
electrical power load will be checked with the existing ship specification. This verification will test
the programs reliability and accuracy. Both vessels specification are attached in APPENDIX A.
R/V G.O. Sars has a full displacement hull powered by 3 Wartsila 2700kW diesel generators and
is run by Wartsila/acbLIPS 5 bladed fixed pitch propeller with a speed of up to 17.5 knots. SV290
is powered by 4 Cummins QSK60-DM engines driving Tewac Marathon 744 generators, producing
1825kW at 1800RPM and the propulsion is provided by 2 Schottel combi-drives; model SCD-2020,
driven by 2500kW electrical motors integrated to the units.


Simulation Study 1: R/V G.O. Sars


Limitations Check

A limitation check is carried out as shown in Figure 5-1. The result shows that for this particular
vessel (R/V G.O. Sars), Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm is seen to be the only available
regression based method.

Figure 5-1: Limitations check (R/V G.O. Sars)

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Resistance Curve

Figure 5-2: Data inputs in Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm


Resistance in kN





Ship speed in knots

Figure 5-3: R/V G.O Sars Resistance Curve drawn with Excel
The ship resistance is calculated based on the ship operating profile or ship coefficients as shown in
Figure 5-2. In general, all ship resistance are proportional to the square of the speed, but for high
speeds, the wave resistance increased much faster, thus contributing to a higher part of the total
resistance. A further increase in the propulsion power may only result in negligible ship speed
increases as most of the extra power will be converted into wave energy hence increasing the fuel
consumption with a slight increase in ship speed.
Referring to Figure 5-2, it can be observed that frictional resistance contributes most of the

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As an initial test of the accuracy of the program, the hull form data of R/V G.O. Sars was entered
and the resistance as determined by the software was compared with Hullspeed and the software
package developed.

Resistance in kN









Ship speed in knots

Figure 5-4: Resistance comparison (R/V G.O. Sars)

Figure 5-4 shows the validation of the softwares resistance prediction by Hullspeed with only 6%


Prediction of Required Power for DG and EM

Figure 5-5: R/V G.O. Sars Diesel-Electric Propulsion VI

From Figure 5-5, we can obtain required power for the diesel generators and electrical motors based
on the calculated resistance from the Holtrop VI. As compared with the ship specification, it gives
similar results for the required power for the diesel generators and electrical motors. This shows that
the program has successfully predicted the required power for diesel generators and electrical

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Table 5-1: Comparison of required power (R/V G.O. Sars)
Software Predicted Power
Power (kW)
3 x Wartsila 6L32 Diesel Generators
1 x Wartsila 6L32 Diesel Generator
2 x Teco Westinghouse DC Motors
1 x Teco Westinghouse DC Motor
According to Table 5-1, the predicted results of required power are 8164kW for the diesel
generators, and 7140kW for the electrical motors. The predicted power for the software gives a
pretty close result with a 0.7% error. This provides sufficient information for the naval architects
and marine engineers with sufficient information to carry on with the designing. Although the
software predicted a much higher power required for the electrical motors, this might be due to
insufficient data of the electrical efficiencies in the switchboard, transformers, frequency converters
and the electrical motors itself. As such, the analysis was done based on a rough estimation. The
efficiencies of the electrical components might be much lower compared to the typical efficiency as
shown in Table 3-1.

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Generators Selection

Figure 5-6: Generator selection from database

From Figure 5-6, it shows that the matching generator will be Wartsila 6L32 as it produces 2880kW
of power. This matches with the ship specification as the vessel is using three Wartsila 6L32 diesel
generators. The selection shows that the software has successfully predicted the required power for
the diesel generators.

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With the range plots generated in Figure 5-7, the user can predict the cruising speed of the vessel
and plan the route of the vessel in order to achieve a better fuel consumption for the vessel. As the
ship speed increases, the specific fuel consumption will increases dramatically which in turns affects
the range to be shorter referring to Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-7: Range of R/V G.O. Sars in LabVIEW

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Figure 5-8 gives the endurance plots of R/V G.O. Sars. With the endurance plots, user can identify
how many days the vessel can last in the sea without bunkering. If the vessel is travelling at a higher
speed, the endurance will be lower as a higher speed will require a higher specific fuel consumption.

Figure 5-8: Endurance of R/V G.O. Sars in LabVIEW

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Specific Fuel Consumption

Based on the selected generator, Wartsila 6L32, the specific fuel consumption of the fuel
consumption was plotted in Figure 5-9. The fuel consumption increases as the ship speed increases
therefore in order to obtain a better fuel efficiency; it is recommended to plan the route based on the
fuel available and the fuel consumption. This enable users to know the cruising speed and at which
speed, the vessel will travel at the highest fuel efficiency.

Figure 5-9: Wartsila 6L32 specific fuel consumption in LabVIEW

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Simulation Study 2: SV290


Limitations Check

A limitation check is carried out as shown in Figure 5-10. The result shows that for this particular
vessel (SV290), the only regression based method is Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm.

Figure 5-10: Limitations check (SV290)


Resistance Curve

Referring to Figure 5-11, the resistance results of the model testing provided from the design
company, STX Marine is compared against the resistance generated by the software. The resistance
comparison shows that there are not many differences between the model test results and the
software results. This again validates the resistance prediction algorithm developed in the software.

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Resistance in kN




Model Test






Ship speed in knots

Figure 5-11: Resistance comparison (SV290)


Prediction of Required Power for DG and EM

Figure 5-12: SV290 Diesel-Electric Propulsion VI

From Figure 5-12, we can obtain the required power the diesel generators and electrical motors
based on the calculated resistance from the Holtrop VI. The results generated from the software
gives similar results to the ship specification. This shows that the program has reached its objective
in predicting the required power for diesel generators and electrical motors.

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Table 5-2: Comparison of required power (SV290)
Software Predicted Power
Power (kW)
4 x Tewac Marathon 744 Generators
1 x Tewac Marathon 744 Generator
2 x Schottel combi-drives
1 x Schottel combi-drive
According to Table 5-2, the predicted results of required power are 7308kW for the diesel
generators, and 6390kW for the electrical motors. The predicted power for the software gives a
relatively close result with a 0.1% error. This provides sufficient information for the naval architects
and marine engineers with sufficient information to carry on with the designing. The same
occurrence of predicted power of electrical motor happens in this simulation study. The software
over-predicted the power required for the electrical motors.



With the range plots generated, the user can predict the cruising speed of the vessel and plan the
route of the vessel in order to achieve a better fuel consumption for the vessel as shown in Figure
5-13. Two generators namely, Tewac Marathon 744 generators and Caterpillar 3516B were
compared in this simulation study.

Figure 5-13: Range of SV290 in LabVIEW

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Figure 5-14 presents the endurance plots of SV290. As previously mentioned, this simulation study
has looked into two generators comparison to demonstrate the comparison function developed by
the software in LabVIEW.

Figure 5-14: Endurance of SV290 in LabVIEW

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Specific Fuel Consumption

The comparison between the Tewac Marathon 744 generator and the Caterpillar 3516B proves that
the Tewac Marathon 744 generator has a better fuel consumption at the service or cruising speed as
refer to Figure 5-15. This comparison function in LabVIEW will provide more options for the
system designer during the selection of diesel generators.

Figure 5-15: Tewac Marathon and Caterpillar 3516B fuel consumption comparison

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Modelling and Simulation of Marine Power and Propulsion Systems

In Chapter 3.0, a model of a complete marine power system is presented. The overall model consists
of diesel generators, switchboard, transformers, frequency converters, electrical motors either
synchronous or induction and propeller shaft.
The main objective of this project is to determine a solution of marine power options that is best
match to the design ship operating profile. The ship resistance was predicted through either Holtrop
or Lahtiharju based on the ship operating profile.
The main concern for choosing an ideally sized diesel generators and electrical motors is economical
consideration. An oversized diesel generators and electrical motors will cost the ship owner much
more. Important economic factors are fuel consumption, cost of the diesel generators or electrical
motors and maintenance. Other than the economic factors, the most important factor will be the
With this program, before building any new vessel, the naval architects and marine engineers can
analyse the fuel consumption of the selected diesel generators and determine its cruising speed in
order to attain the best fuel consumption efficiency. At the same time, the software is able to
compare fuel consumption, range and endurance of two diesel generators. When the vessel is in
operation, ship master and crew can monitor the specific fuel consumption, range and endurance
based on the selected diesel generators. This can be iterated during the sea trials.


Accuracy of Regression Based Methods

The prediction accuracy of equation (2.91) has been compared with resistance calculation methods
by Compton (1986), Holtrop (1984), Mercier and Savitsky (Savitsky & Brown, 1976), Ortmerssen
(1971), Radojcic (1984), Savitsky (1964) and Tang (Ping-zhong et al., 1980) in Figure 6-1. Each
method has been used within its own limits of applicability. Figure 6-1 shows the mean value of the
ratio of the prediction to the experiment and the standard deviation at design speed, at hump speed,
before the planing regime and at planing speed. The number of models used in the correlation is also
given. The models include the NOVA models and also other models, the resistance data of which
has been used in developing the equation (2.91). Thus the comparisons of prediction accuracies with
the other methods are not totally fair.

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Figure 6-1: The percentage difference between resistance prediction by equation (2.91) and
model test for three hard chine vessels
As expected, the new methods give more reliable results than the older methods. The MercierSavitsky method gives the most reliable results for round bilge vessels in the speed range Fn =1.0 to
2.0 where the method is applicable. The maximum difference between prediction and experiment is
from 6 to 7%. The Savitsky method gives the best resistance predictions for hard chine vessels at the
planing regime. At lower speeds the predictions by Mercier-Savitsky method are quite reliable.



A software package was developed which consist of resistance prediction, Holtrop and Lahtiharju
and power required for diesel generators and electrical motors.
This software uses mathematical models created in Chapter 2.0 and 3.0 for the development of the
package. With the use of modelling software package, the algorithms were developed from the
structures in LabVIEW. Formula Node, While Loop and Case Structures were used in the progress.
In LabVIEW simulation program developed, users can change inputs and save resulted data to
Microsoft Excel for further data analysis. Graph indicators were used in plotting the necessary data
required in this software. The development of the software is highlighted in Chapter 4.0.
The program is specially designed for diesel-electric propulsion vessels. The program will be able to
predict the resistance of the vessel and the power required for the diesel generators and electrical



However, when predicting the resistance through regression based methods, only Holtrop and
Lahtiharju had been looked into. The limitations of the resistance prediction for Holtrop and
Lahtiharju are highlighted in Section 2.4.12 and 2.5.2.
The implementation of propulsor is also inappropriate for the program as there are too many
variables and equations which have not been looked into. Therefore in this project, the propeller
efficiency is assumed to be 55%.

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In order to validate the software developed, verification works are shown in Chapter 5.0.
The main reason for the verification is to determine the accuracy of the software developed. The
Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm and DEP models were simulated and compared with ship
specifications from R/V G.O. Sars and SV290. The resistance generated from the software was
compared with results from Hullspeed.
The simulated result of the required power for the diesel generators has shown a pretty close result.
Although the simulated result of the required power for the electrical motors is differs from the
actual power required this is probably due to insufficient information of electrical efficiency in the
switchboard, frequency converters, transformers and electrical motors. Since the predicted power
required for the electrical motors is much higher than the actual required power, this shows that the
assumed efficiencies of the switchboard, frequency converters, transformers and electrical motors
are too high. Therefore, electrical efficiencies in the components of DEP determine an important
role in predicting the output power. However, the number of propellers is equally important; a twinscrew propeller shaft will have much lower propeller efficiency as compare to a single screw
propeller shaft.
Overall, the software shows that the resistance prediction algorithm gives a good estimate of
resistance and DEP provides a good estimate of required power for the diesel generators and
electrical motor. The analysis of fuel consumption, range and endurance are provides a good
estimation when in operation.

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The software developed has successfully reached the aim of the project. The ship operating profile
or ship coefficients are the inputs for the use of regression based methods and the coefficients will
determine the final predicted resistance. Electrical efficiencies are equally as important as the ship
operating profile as it plays an important role in predicting of power for the diesel generators and
electrical motors. Typical efficiencies may be used for the design stage and when in operation, the
known electrical efficiencies of the DEP systems should be used in order to obtain a more accurate
ship fuel consumption, endurance and range. The numbers of propellers are as important as the
electrical efficiencies because a twin-screw propeller shaft will result in much lower propeller
The key features of the software are: resistance prediction through Holtrop and Lahtiharju methods
based on the hull forms; prediction of required power for diesel generators and electrical motors in
diesel-electric propulsion; fuel consumption, range and endurance analysis based on the selected
diesel generators. The benefits for the users especially the naval architects and marine engineers
have been shown and this software can be used widely by them during the design stages. Instead of
going through multiple model-testing to improve on the design, the users can just modify the hull
form in the software to analysis the results. Based on the available components in the diesel-electric
propulsion, the user can select the best components from the database. If there are no suitable dieselelectric propulsion components, the users most probably need to modify the hull form to obtain the
best sized diesel generators and electrical motors.
The advantages of the software are: user friendly as compared to commercial software for resistance
prediction; can be further developed for future analysis works; ability to extract key data into Excel
for further analysis and can be used as a tool for design stage without going through model testing
for a few times. The only disadvantage is that the propeller efficiency is assumed for this project and
it might affect the final result slightly and it will be further highlighted in the conclusion.
Holtrop method estimates the resistance of displacement ships. It is a statistical regression of model
tests and results from ship trials and may be used to access qualitatively for the resistance of a ship
design. The improved formulation from Holtrop, 1984 has been published in Holtrop, 1988. The
new formulation has form factor depending on ship speed, revised formulas for the wave resistance
and separate relations for the air resistance. Other improvements include added resistance due to
incoming waves, added resistance from head wind and shallow water corrections. Therefore,
Holtrop, 1988 provide reasonable degree of accuracy not only for the initial stages of ship design but
also for more rigorous analysis in the later stages.
Regression equations of Lahtiharju method for resistance prediction have been developed on the
basis of extensive systematic resistance tests. The equation for hard chine vessels can be used before
the planing regime. The new equations, together with the Mercier-Savitsky method and the Savitsky
method, seem to give a reliable basis for the resistance prediction of high-speed hull forms at the
design phase over a very wide speed range. However, more correlations with resistance data of

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models not used in developing the new equations are required before the new equations are fully
Overall, the accuracy of Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithms have shown similar
results as compared with Hullspeed as shown in Figure 5-4. Therefore, the software has successfully
achieved in resistance prediction based on ship operating profile or ship coefficients. The software
should not be seen as a replacement for model testing, but rather as a tool to reduce design iterations
and ensure that the hull form when undergoing model testing is as close to the final hull as possible.
Typically the software could be used to qualitatively compare with the merits of a series of hull
forms. Lastly, the validation of the required power for the diesel generators and electrical motors has
been proven in Table 5-1.
In every regression based methods, there is a limit of applicability or limitations to the method. It is
important for users to understand the background information of the regression based method and
most importantly, the limits of applicability for the method. For the software developed, it is secured
as before inputting in the ship operating profile, the software will run the limitations check for
Holtrop or Lahtiharju. Both validated DEP vessels can only use Holtrop resistance prediction

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As explained in Chapter 2.0, Holtrop and Lahtiharju resistance prediction algorithms are limited to
full displacement hulls and planing boats respectively. It is highly recommended to include more
resistance prediction algorithms. As mentioned in Section 6.2, the Savitsky method gives the best
resistance predictions for hard chine vessels at the planing regime. At lower speeds the predictions
by Mercier-Savitsky method are quite reliable. Therefore, it will be wise to include Savitsky and
Mercier-Savitsky resistance prediction algorithm to enhance the applicability of the software.
For the generators selection part in Chapter 4.0, maintenance and initial cost may be added to build a
cost function. In order to do this a more detailed study to investigate the maintenance and initial
costs must be done. Also starting and stopping costs should be investigated and incorporated into the
selection algorithm in order to optimize the total fuel consumption for a given period of time with a
varying load demand.
In order to attain a better selection for diesel generators and electrical motors, the database needs to
be updated on a regular basis. Without a strong database, it is unable to provide the users with
sufficient information for comparison.
This project can also look into exhaust emissions analysis. Ship engine exhaust emissions are known
to have adverse impacts in areas of high shipping activities in the world. SOx and NOx are the most
common air pollutants that affect the environment. When the air atmosphere has a sufficient
concentration of SOx and NOx, it affects the air quality and produces acid rain. With the analysis of
exhaust emissions, the software will be able to perform calculations on amount of exhaust
In the future, the software can be incorporated into propeller selection and look into propeller series
like Wageningen B-Series, Au-series, Gawn-series, KCA-series, Ma-series, Newton-Rader series,
KCD-series and Meridian series. Table 8-1 and Table 8-2 summarize the fixed pitch, non-ducted
propeller series referenced here to enable rapid selection of the appropriate series for a particular set
of circumstances and the extent of the series in terms of a blade number versus blade area ratio

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Table 8-1: Fixed pitch, non-ducted propeller series summary (Carlton, 2007)

Table 8-2: Extent of Wageningen B-screw series (Carlton, 2007)

There has also been a significant increase in the choice of marine propulsion system configurations
available to the naval architects and marine engineers. Therefore, the expansion of the project should
also look into waterjet propulsion and different propulsor options like controllable pitch propellers,
ducted propellers and Voith Schneider propellers. Other than that, gas and steam turbine should not
be neglected. Gas turbines are used widely by naval vessels and steam turbines are used by LNG
carriers and nuclear submarines.

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Adnanes, A. K., 2003. Maritime Electrical Installations and Diesel Electric Propulsion. ABB AS, p.
B&W, M., 2011. Diesel-Electric Drives. Diesel-Electic Propulsion Plants, pp. 3-20.
Bishop, R. H., 2007. LavVIEW 8 Student Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Bishop, R. H., 2009. LabVIEW 2009 Student Edition. s.l.:National Instruments.
Buckingham, J., 2010. Fast Performance Modellling of Marine Power and Propulsion Systems. BMT

Defence Services, pp. 1-12.

Carlton, J., 2007. Marine Propellers and Propulsion. Second ed. Massachusetts, USA: ButterworthHeinemann.
Ertugrul, N., 2002. LabVIEW for electric circuits, machines, drives, and laboratories. s.l.:Pearson
Prentice Hall.
Furness, P., 2010. Hydrostatics. Launceston: AMC.
Hansen, J. F., Adnanes, A. K. & Fossen, T. I., 2001. Mathematical Modelling of Diesel-Electric
Propulsion Systems for Marine Vessels. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical

Systems, p. 32.
Holtrop, J., 1984. A Statistical Re-analysis of Resistance and Propulsion Data. International

Shipbuilding Progress, p. 11.

Holtrop, J., 1988. A Statistical Resistance Prediction Method with a Speed Dependent Form Factor.

SMSSH88, p. 7.
Holtrop, J. & Mennen, G., 1982. An Approximate Power Prediction Method. International

Shipbuilding Progress, p. 5.
Hung, N., 2010. Marine Instrumentation and Control Engineering. s.l.:AMC.

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Lahtiharju, E., Karppinen, T., Hellevaara, M. & Aitta, T., 1991. Resistance and Seakeeping
Characteristics of Fast Transom Stern Hulls with Systematically Varied Form. SNAME

Transactions, Vol. 99, pp. 85-118.

Lawerence, N., 2011. Maritime Engineering Design. Launceston: AMC.
Lewis, E. V., 1988. Principles of naval architecture Vol. 1 - Stability and strength. Jersey City, NJ:
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
Lewis, E. V., 1988. Principles of naval architecture Vol. 2 - Resistance, Propulsion and Vibration.
Jersey City, NJ: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
Stapersma, D. & Woud, H. K., 2002. Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems.
Wildi, T., 2006. Electrical Machines, Drives and Power System. s.l.:Pearson Prentice Hall.

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Figure 10-1: R/V G.O. Sars specifications

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Figure 10-2: R/V G.O. Sars general layout drawing

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Figure 10-3: SV290 specifications

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Figure 10-4: Block diagram of limitations check VI

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Figure 10-5: Block diagram of Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI

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Figure 10-6: Block diagram of Lahtiharju Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI

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Step 1 - Limitations Check
Holtrop 1984/1988
This program implements the statistical ship power estimation method presented by Holtrop
(1984/1988). This model is based upon hydrodynamic theory with coefficients obtained from the
regression analysis of the results of 334 ship model tests conducted at MARIN. The user should
usually consult these papers prior to using the program. An explicit air drag estimate has been
added. The range of applicability of this estimation method is stated to be the following:

Cp 0.85
L/B 14.9
B/T 4.00
Fn 1.00

Lahtiharju 1991
Lahtiharju is a reliable resistance prediction method which is used to predict the resistance of a
planning hull. Extensive systematic resistance tests were carried out with all models, including
typical hard chine planning hull form. Resistance prediction equations were developed by using
regression analysis, which was based on parameters and resistance data if some older systematic
series, the new series and suitable models from the records. The range of applicability of this
estimation method is stated to be the following:

L/1/3 6.81
L/B 5.43
B/T 7.54
AT/AX 0.995

Figure 10-7: Inputs for limitations check VI

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The input to software is through a series of eight inputs within the menu Vessel Operating Profile
as follows:
1) Length on Waterline, LWL (m)
2) Breath moulded, B (m)
3) Displacement volume moulded, (m3)
4) Draught, T (m)
5) Midship section coefficient, CM
6) Transom area, AT (m2)
7) Maximum section area, AX (m2)
8) Max ship speed, VS (knots)

Figure 10-8: Limitations check front panel

The green Boolean will represent the applicability of each limitation in either Holtrop or Lahtiharju.
To use a specific resistance prediction algorithm, users need all four Boolean to be green before they
can run the specific algorithm.

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Step 2 - Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm

Figure 10-9: Inputs for Holtrop Resistance Prediction Algorithm VI

The input to software is through a series of eighteen inputs within the menu Vessel Operating
Profile as follows:
1) Length on waterline, LWL (m)
2) Length between perpendiculars, LPP (m)
3) Breadth moulded, B (m)
4) Draught moulded on F.P, TF (m)
5) Draught moulded on A.P, TA (m)
6) Displacement volume moulded, (m3)
7) Longitudinal centre of buoyancy, lcb (% aft of 0.5 LPP)
8) Transverse bulb area, ABT (m2)
9) Centre of bulb area above keel line, hB (m)
10) Midship section coefficient, CM
11) Waterplane coefficient, CWP
12) Transom area, AT (m2)
13) Wetted area appendages, SAPP (m2)
14) Stern shape parameter, CStern (Figure 2-6)
15) 1+k2 (Table 2-2)
16) Propeller efficiency, D (%)
17) Fuel available onboard, F (tonne)
18) Ship speed, VS (knots)

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After inputting, run the software by pressing this button

resistance will be calculated:

on the top left of the screen. The

Figure 10-10: Predicted results for resistance

If Lahtiharju passed the limitations check, either run Holtrop or Lahtiharju resistance prediction
algorithm in the project folder.

Step 3 Inputting DEP electrical efficiencies

Figure 10-11: Predicted results for power in DEP

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The input to software is through a series of nine inputs is as follows:

Generator efficiency
Switchboard efficiency
Transformer efficiency
Frequency converter efficiency
Electric motor efficiency
Propeller shaft efficiency
Number of Generators
Number of Electrical motors
Number of Propellers

After inputting, run the software by pressing this button

on the top left of the screen. The total
generator power required, required power per generator, required power per electrical motor and
power per propeller shaft will be calculated out. The power flow through components of DEP will
also be shown.

Step 4 Generators selection

Run the VI from the project explorer. The VI will prompt users for a excel file. Select the Diesel
Generators.xls and a list of diesel generators will pop up from the database. Select the generators
based on the power loads required for the diesel generators. After which, users can compare two sets
of generators by inputting in the specific fuel consumption of the selected generators.

Step 5 Inputting the SFC of diesel generators

Figure 10-12: Inputs for generators comparison

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After inputting the specific fuel consumption (g/kWh) from the database, the software will analysis
the mass flow rate of fuel, fuel consumption per mile, range and endurance of the two selected diesel

Step 6 Plots

Figure 10-13: Write to Spreadsheet Boolean

From the Holtrop resistance prediction algorithm VI, data will be written to excel file. It is as
Column 1 Ship speed, VS (knots)
Column 2 Resistance, R (kN)
Column 3 Effective power, PE (kW)
Column 4 Endurance (days)
Column 5 Range (miles)
Column 6 Fuel consumption per mile (ton/mile)
Column 7 Endurance (days)
Column 8 Range (miles)
Column 9 Fuel consumption per mile (ton/mile)

Generator 1

Generator 2

The excel data could be used for further analysis in excel. In the plots VI, link the file path to where
the excel file was being created and run the VI.

Figure 10-14: Read from Spreadsheet Boolean

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The plots for the resistance curve and effective power are as shown:

Figure 10-15: Plots for resistance curve and effective power

The comparison for the fuel consumption per mile, range and endurance between two selected
generators are as shown:

Figure 10-16: Plots for fuel consumption, range and endurance

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