Barrons Word List

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an error involving time in a

story; something or someone
misplaced in time; ADJ.


putting man at the center of

one's philosophy


prophetic; pertaining to
revelations especially of
disaster; N. apocalypse


(of a story) widely believed but



a terse;witty saying


acquire; take possession of for

one's own use without
permission; set aside for a
particular purpose; allocate; CF.


unreasonable or capricious;
random; tyrannical;



state strongly or positively;

demand recognition of (rights,
claims, etc.); make a claim to (by
forceful action);


absorb; take (food) into the body

and digest it; understand
(knowledge) completely and be
able to use properly; cause to
become homogeneous (the
people of a country or race in
the wasy of behaving or


mak less severe; ease or lessen

(pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe


denying the existence of God; N.



rubbing away by friction; gradual

decrease in numbers or strength;
reduction in the work force
without firing employees;
wearing away of opposition by
means of harassment;


daring; bold; N. audacity


omen; prophecy; sign of coming

events; V. augur: predict;
foretell; be a sign of (something
in future)


disciple; follower or attendant

(adj) striving to overcome in argument
Synonyms : agonistical , combative

(adj) dependent on chance

(verb) liquidate gradually

Synonyms : amortise
(noun) an artifact that belongs to another time
(noun) a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs
to another age
(noun) something located at a time when it could not have
existed or occurred
synonyms : misdating , mistiming
(noun) an inclination to evaluate reality exclusively in terms of
human values
Synonyms : anthropocentricity
(adj.) of or relating to an apocalypse
(adj.) prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom
synonyms : apocalyptical , revelatory
(adj.) of or belonging to the Apocrypha
(adj.) being of questionable authenticity

(verb) give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

synonyms : allow , earmark , reserve , set aside
(verb) take possession of by force, as after an invasion
synonyms : capture , conquer , seize
(adj.) suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
(adj.) based on or subject to individual discretion or preference
or sometimes impulse or caprice
(adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
Synonyms : bucolic , pastoral

(verb) assert to be true

synonyms : insist
(verb) to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
synonyms : affirm , aver , avow , swan , swear , verify
(verb) state categorically
synonyms : asseverate , maintain
(verb) insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized
synonyms : put forward

(verb) become similar to one's environment

(verb) make similar
(verb) become similar in sound
(verb) take up mentally
synonyms : absorb , ingest , take in
(verb) take (gas, light or heat) into a solution
synonyms : imbibe

(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain

synonyms : alleviate , palliate , relieve
(verb) satisfy (thirst)
synonyms : allay , quench , slake
(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
synonyms : appease , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify ,
mollify , pacify , placate
(adj.) related to or characterized by or given to atheism
synonyms : atheist , atheistical
(adj.) rejecting any belief in gods
synonyms : atheistical , unbelieving
(noun) the act of rubbing together; wearing something down by
(noun) a wearing down to weaken or destroy
(noun) sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation
synonyms : contriteness , contrition
(noun) the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to
water or wind or ice
synonyms : abrasion , detrition , grinding
(noun) erosion by friction
synonyms : abrasion , corrasion , detrition

(adj.) disposed to venture or take risks

synonyms : daring , venturesome , venturous
(adj.) unrestrained by convention or propriety
synonyms : bald-faced , barefaced , bodacious , brassy , brazen ,
brazen-faced , insolent
(adj.) invulnerable to fear or intimidation
synonyms : brave , dauntless , fearless , hardy , intrepid ,
(noun) an event that is experienced as indicating important
things to come
synonyms : foretoken , preindication , sign


alligator(rhymes with aleator+y) it depends

on your chance whether you'll survive an
attack by an alligator !
mortal means killing or when
someone is killed he liquidates gradually..
(or his assets liquidate, because people
always want to snatch properties)

chronous(relating to time)as in synchronous.

ana(not)chrounous(in time)
Anthropocentrism: Anthropo(Human)
+centr(cerntered)+ism(philosophy) !!
a + po(prophecy) + calyptic(calamity) . So a
prophecy of a calamity, calamity means a
disiater- so focus on 'cal' in apocalyptic
Derived from root "crypt" which means
"secret". So, Apocryphal means "of doubtful
APOlogize THE GM(general manager)
because he only says things short-has no
time to explain things fully

when something is appropriate, we do not

ask for approval i.e., take without

try to [as]similate means try to be similar to

something may be food habits, language or

assuage>as+u+age.. The PAIN of your son's

death will REDUCE in future as you
age(become older)

attrition = at + rition (sounds like RATION);

Due to flood, ration is available in very
limited amount. there is a shortage of food
everywhere in our city.

audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT

to be audible to millions of people you have
to be very daring and bold ,to go to the
stage and deliver your massege.

AUGury - ETS has given us an AUGury about

the GRE pattern changing in AUGust 2011




hackneyed; commonplace;
trite; lacking originality;


(adj.) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

synonyms : commonplace , hackneyed , old-hat , shopworn ,
stock , threadbare , timeworn , tired , trite , well-worn

ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose
movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines
are repeated ; (another meaning) dull and

(verb) to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from

intense light
Synonyms : daze , dazzle


(noun) a state of extreme confusion and disorder

Synonyms : chaos , pandemonium , topsy-turvydom , topsyturvyness

when we keep an alarm near bed i.e.,

bedalarm, when it rings, we are CONFUSED
where it has been kept and we are in a state
of total DISORDER to find the alarm and
stop it

(verb) surround so as to force to give up

synonyms : besiege , circumvent , hem in , surround
(verb) annoy persistently
synonyms : badger , bug , pester , tease

be+league+r -- focus on league ~ The

opponent team harassed Dhanraj Pille to
keep him out of the premier hockey


(adj) written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content

belletristic sounds like ballet.ballet is a fine

dance,belletristic is fine literature


(verb) censure severely or angrily

synonyms : bawl out , call down , call on the carpet , chew out ,
chew up , chide , dress down , have words , jaw , lambast ,
The servant failed to get the Basmati rice at
lambaste , lecture , rag , rebuke , remonstrate , reprimand , reproof the desired RATE, therefore the owner
, scold , take to task , trounce
scolded him severely



besiege or attack (with an

army); harass; beset

scold strongly

(adj) very drunk

Synonyms : blind drunk , blotto , cockeyed , crocked , fuddled ,
loaded , pie-eyed , pissed , pixilated , plastered , slopped ,
sloshed , smashed , soaked , soused , sozzled , squiffy , stiff ,
tight , wet




(adj.) characterized by great swelling waves or surges

swelling out in waves; surging synonyms : billowy , surging

suffering from a disease;


black-lighted. Normal sunlight is helpful for

growth but black-light on the other hand
(adj.) affected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or hinders growth.
blight (bina light) - if u read it will DESTROY
synonyms : spoilt
ur eye sight

(adj) lacking or showing a

lack of due concern

Blithe== Be-light- Hearted. means care

1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person

(noun) wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation; has poorer

drainage than a swamp; soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut
and dried and used for fuel
synonyms : peat bog
(verb) get stuck while doing something
synonyms : bog down
bog : sounds like fog which creates
soft wet land; V: hinder or be (verb) cause to slow down or get stuck
hinderance while driving the vehicle and
synonyms : bog down
also it wet the land
(noun) work of little or no value done merely to look busy
(verb) do useless, wasteful, or trivial work


(adj) unproductive of success

Synonyms : fruitless , futile , sleeveless , vain


mismanage; blow

(noun) an embarrassing mistake

synonyms : bloomer , blooper , blunder , boner , boo-boo , bungle ,
flub , foul-up , fuckup , pratfall
(verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin
synonyms : ball up , blow , bobble , bodge , bollix , bollix up ,
bollocks , bollocks up , botch up , bumble , bungle , flub , fluff , foul
up , fuck up , fumble , louse up , mess up , mishandle , muck up , Botch sounds like scoth i.e if u drink scoth, u
muff , screw up , spoil
can do embarassing mistake


(noun) a member of the middle class

synonyms : burgher
(noun) a capitalist who engages in industrial commercial
synonyms : businessperson
(adj.) belonging to the middle class
(adj.) conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle
middle class; selfishly
synonyms : conservative , materialistic
high class family chicks are gorgeous,
materialistic; too interested in (adj.) (according to Marxist thought) being of the property-owning but middle class ones are a little bore...
material possessions
class and exploitive of the working class
They are nothing but bourgeois


to show irritation;short stiff

hair; V: (hair or fur) stand up

(noun) a stiff hair

(noun) a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic
(verb) react in an offended or angry manner
(verb) rise up as in fear
synonyms : stand up , uprise
(verb) have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles
(verb) be in a state of movement or action
synonyms : abound , burst

remember tooth brush bristles


to mention for the first

time;introduce as a subject;
moot; open up

(noun) a decorative pin worn by women

synonyms : breastpin , brooch
(verb) bring up a topic for discussion
synonyms : initiate

BROACH sounds like Brochure. So a

Brochure is always is used to INTRODUCE or
we can remember it as Brochure is to OPEN.


platitude; chemical
compound used to calm

(noun) a trite or obvious remark

synonyms : banality , cliche , commonplace , platitude
(noun) any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; formerly used as a
sedative but now generally replaced by safer drugs

Bro don't mind.. A common statement to

soothe someone


tolerate; endure; N: small


(noun) a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a

tributary of a river)
synonyms : creek
(verb) put up with something or somebody unpleasant
relate this to BROOK BOND tea....jst drink
synonyms : abide , bear , digest , endure , put up , stand , stick out the tea and then u can tolerate any tension.
, stomach , suffer , support , tolerate


blunt; abrupt; curt; not

wanting to waste time being


(adj) full of energetic and

noisy activity


the line that tells you who

wrote an article

(adj.) marked by rude or peremptory shortness

synonyms : brusk , curt , short

BRUSQUE=BRU+QUE...after long hours of

waiting in the QUE,the crowd was jus given
a cup of BRU coffee.the crowd got pissed off
and turned VIOLENT with Burst..when burst
occurs energy release and noise
heard.bustling means moves energetically
or noisly






huge cooking pot

if u r caught cold..u r granny makes all types

of medicines in a large kettle by boiling to
make u get rid of the cold...


(noun) an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

deluge; upheaval; earthquake; synonyms : calamity , catastrophe , disaster , tragedy
violent and sudden event or
(noun) a sudden violent change in the earth's surface
synonyms : catastrophe

can be related to catalyst >> if we misuse

catalyst, some danger reaction may occur
which may lead to huge losses..


fantastically improbable;
highly unrealistic; N. chimera: (adj.) being or relating to or like a chimera
unreal fancy; fire-breathing
synonyms : chimeral , chimeric
female creature
(adj.) produced by a wildly fanciful imagination

It has "miracle" in it-> Miracle is



examine and compare in order

to verify authenticity; arrange
in order (the sheets of a book (verb) compare critically; of texts
before they are bound)
(verb) to assemble in proper sequence

corelate = for corelating, we first arrange it

in order and then make critical comparisons


remorse; strong uneasiness

caused by guilt

(noun) a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)

synonyms : remorse , self-reproach

COMPUter stopped fUNCTION ing cuz of ur

fault , u feel guilty for watching wrong site
and getting viruses

(noun) an informal conversation

Synonyms : chat , confab , schmoose , schmooze

Confabulation : (Con)fabulation : fabulous

An informal conversation is usually fabulous
as one can talk freely the way ,he/she wants.



great shock; dismay

(noun) fear resulting from the awareness of danger

synonyms : alarm , dismay

conster(sounds like monster) +

nation......and a monster creates fear in
every one ....due to which we donot go out
so as to avoid danger


penitent; repentant; N.

(adj.) feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

synonyms : remorseful , rueful , ruthful

CONT+RITE= Cant + right= I regret that I

cant do anything rite


familiar with; having

knowledge of

(adj.) (usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing

Through conversations you can gain more
synonyms : familiar
knowledge and thus become conversant.


(noun) (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case

and the punishment that is imposed
synonyms : condemnation , judgment of conviction , sentence
judgment that someone is
(noun) an unshakable belief in something without need for proof
guilty of a crime; strongly held or evidence
he is the 'convict', i dont have any doubt
synonyms : article of faith , strong belief
about it!


wrinkled; ridged

(adj.) shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges

Corrugated = Co + Rugged .. Rugged = not

smooth or wrinkled... (eg. Rugged look).


(noun) an abject coward

synonyms : poltroon , recreant
(adj.) lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
synonyms : recreant

craven -- is the opposite of 'brave'





express disapproval of; deplore;

protest against; belittle; ADJ.


without hope and courage;

depressed; gloomy; N.
despondency: loss of hope with
gloom; dejection


extremely poor; lacking means

of subsistence; utterly lacking;


funeral song; slow mournful

piece of music (sung over a
dead person)


denial; disclaiming; repudiating;

disowning; V. disavow; CF.


prudence; ability to adjust

actions to circumstances;
freedom of action or judgment;
ADJ. discreet; CF. discretionary


persuade not to do; discourage;

N. dissuasion

(verb) belittle
synonyms : depreciate , vilipend
(verb) express strong disapproval of; deplore

(adj.) without or almost without hope

synonyms : heartsick
(adj.) completely wanting or lacking
synonyms : barren , devoid , free , innocent
(adj.) poor enough to need help from others
synonyms : impoverished , indigent , necessitous , needy ,
(noun) a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a
memorial to a dead person
synonyms : coronach , lament , requiem , threnody

(noun) denial of any connection with or knowledge of

synonyms : disclaimer
(noun) the trait of judging wisely and objectively
synonyms : discernment
(noun) the power of making free choices unconstrained by
external agencies
synonyms : free will
(noun) knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress
synonyms : circumspection , discreetness , prudence
(noun) refined taste; tact
synonyms : delicacy
(noun) freedom to act or judge on one's own
(verb) turn away from by persuasion
synonyms : deter

Adding an "i" behind "c" of the word
Deprecate, we have Depreciate which has
the same meaning as Deprecate.
relate it with response. one who is in good
mood gives response. one who is depressed
relate it to response. one who is cheerful
gives response, one who is
depressed(despondent) does not give ane

desi+tit+cute like prostitute ->they r poor

thats why they det into prostitution.... no
hard feelings

d+is+a+vowal - D is a vowel. Think of a

most stupid teacher teaching students of
KG. one day he taught the students that D
is a vowel. next day topper of the class
complained. Then the teacher straight
forwardly deny this. He told, he never said

discretion=discete(unconnected or free) discretion means free action
discrete... means separate..that is we are
separate & are not dependent on any one,
hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR
Dissuade' is the antonym of 'Persuade'.





(adj) concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions

Synonyms : ecumenic , oecumenic , oecumenical
(adj) of worldwide scope or applicability
ecumenical= ec (one) + u(you)
Synonyms : cosmopolitan , general , oecumenical , universal ,
+men+i+cal; you are the only men i cal i.e.
world-wide , worldwide
you are universally accepted.




poem or song expressing

lamentation (for the dead);
ADJ. elegiacal, elegiac

(noun) a mournful poem; a lament for the dead

synonyms : lament

elegy....sounds like
a+lagy..lagen(dry)orLAGEND) if a
legendry person dies......people sing a
mournful poem or people lament or regret
for his death.....

set free; liberate

(verb) free from slavery or servitude

synonyms : manumit
(verb) give equal rights to; of women and minorities
synonyms : liberate

emancipate( eman another man from the

heroic family such as spider man whose
duty is to make people free from slavery

DUE, a cold drink. Having a chilled DUE in

summer empowers you. so Endue
(verb) give qualities or abilities to
synonyms : empower , endow , gift , indue , invest

endue<->endow so we have to learn

endow: endow=en+DOW(in hindi: to give),
thus TO GiVE + some quality


provide with some quality;



short lived;fleeting


branch of philosophy that

examines the nature of


concerned with letters;

through correspondence


typified; characterized;


a letter (form of

epsilon is a letter in the greek u

can relate epistle with a letter....



Equable rhymes like Equally stable, any one

who is equally stable is not easily irritated

sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is



(adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change

Synonyms : fickle , mercurial , quicksilver
(adj) having no fixed course
Synonyms : planetary , wandering
(adj) likely to perform unpredictably
Synonyms : temperamental


(adj) of or relating to or befitting eremites or their practices of

hermitic living
Synonyms : eremitical
(adj) characterized by ascetic solitude
Synonyms : anchoritic , eremitical , hermitic , hermitical

assmue you buy a new beautiful house

,elegent ,gorgeous kitchen..suddenly out of
nowhere u see a rat in the attic ,which
would be odd and unpredictable

Esoteric <> Exoteric. Ex- = outside,


hard to understand;known
only to a few

HISTORIC things are known to few people


to make an attempt;subject to
a test

during a test you write an essay to try and

prove you know the material
(noun) separation resulting from hostility
Synonyms : alienation
(noun) the feeling of being alienated from other people
Synonyms : alienation , disaffection

if u r strange u will be alientated from the

grp of normal ppl


causes or origins


origin and history of a word


use of agreeable or
inoffensive language in place
of unpleasant or offensive

you+feminisn(sounds like) girls try to avoid

certain words and circumlocate... so if u
practise euphemism, you act like a female

tending to call to mind or

produce a reaction

Provocative- cause to start something

(provoke). Evocative- an effect of
something (evoke).


frustrated; annoyed

if you ask someone wat is the RATE of PER

ASS of your ex galfriend....;) then you are
irritating tha person


scold with biting harshness;

censure strongly; strip the
skin off
extremely painful


aggravate;make worse
to urge by strong appeals


(verb) express strong disapproval of

synonyms : condemn , decry , objurgate , reprobate
(verb) tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading
synonyms : chafe
Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means
bitter, harsh; So exacerbate means to make
bittter, to worsen.

acquits; absolves; removes


EXONERATE ~ break it as EX (gone)

HONOUR (pride) ~ to bring back your gone
or fallen honour by getting the blame off


to atone for

Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always

tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate becomes


(of something written or

painted)existence;not lost

Extant = ext ( extra) + nt (not); Donot need

extra only want how much is available


extemporaneous,Extemporiz unrehearsed;not planned;

impromptu; extempore

TEMPORARILY done in haste and so not

(adj.) with little or no preparation or forethought
synonyms : ad-lib , extemporary , extempore , impromptu , off-the- usaka Tempo Rise ho gaya so he has not
cuff , offhand , offhanded , unrehearsed
done the work in planned way



f+ add+ish = f(follow) add =
advertisements => fashion

whimsical; following a fashion

(noun) a state of fitness and good health ;(verb) remove mold
marks or sand from (a casting)




reject; mock; show contempt

for; scorn;
search for food

(verb) treat with contemptuous disregard

synonyms : scoff
(verb) laugh at with contempt and derision
synonyms : barrack , gibe , jeer , scoff

flOUT...FOUL + OUT. When a player is out

at crusial time,he is always rejected by






animal-biting fly; irritating


(noun) any of various large flies that annoy livestock

(noun) a persistently annoying person
synonyms : blighter , cuss , pest , pesterer


social blunder

(noun) a socially awkward or tactless act

synonyms : faux pas , gaucherie , slip , solecism

Disney character Goofy who was always

making Blunders



(verb) take exception to

synonyms : challenge , dispute

she has (Gain)ed weight but is not (say)ing

it which means, she is denying the fact


manner of walking or running;


(noun) a person's manner of walking

(noun) a horse's manner of moving
(noun) the rate of moving (especially walking or running)
synonyms : pace

gait rhymes with weight...person with

excess weight has a different manner of
walking or running


(noun) a splendid assemblage (especially of famous people)

(noun) (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the
billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust
synonyms : extragalactic nebula
(noun) tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny
white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that
large isolated system of stars,
become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall
such as the Milky Way; collection synonyms : beetleweed , coltsfoot , galax , galax urceolata ,
of brilliant personalities


windstorm; gust of wind;

emotional outburst (laughters,

(noun) a strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on

Beaufort scale

annoy; exasperate(Irritate
intensely); chafe; N: skin sore
caused by rubbing (as on the
skin of a horse); exasperation

(noun) the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take

synonyms : cheekiness , crust , freshness , impertinence ,
impudence , insolence
(noun) a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the
gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fats
synonyms : bile
(noun) a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
synonyms : bitterness , rancor , rancour , resentment
(noun) abnormal swelling of plant tissue caused by insects or
microorganisms or injury
(noun) a skin sore caused by chafing
(noun) an open sore on the back of a horse caused by ill-fitting or
badly adjusted saddle
synonyms : saddle sore
(verb) irritate or vex
synonyms : irk
(verb) become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
A slap on his 'Gall'(cheek) completely
synonyms : chafe , fret
exasperated him.

large three-masted sailing ship

(noun) a large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more

masts; used by the Spanish for commerce and war from the 15th
to 18th centuries

low ship with sails (rowed along

by slaves)

(noun) the area for food preparation on a ship

synonyms : caboose , cookhouse , ship's galley
(noun) the kitchen area for food preparation on an airliner
(noun) (classical antiquity) a crescent-shaped seagoing vessel
propelled by oars
(noun) a large medieval vessel with a single deck propelled by
sails and oars with guns at stern and prow; a complement of 1,000 Remember G(V)alley it is LOW where a SHIP
men; used mainly in the Mediterranean for war and trading
travels with SAILS




Think of it as a Badfly or a biting fly who


gale -> Chris Gayle( West Indies cricket

player) Gayle plays like a storm.

galleon - GALLONS and gallons of goods are

transported by means of LARGE SHIPs

(verb) wander aimlessly in search of pleasure

Synonyms : gad , jazz around



framework from which a noose is

suspended (used for execution
(noun) an instrument of execution consisting of a wooden frame
by hanging)
from which a condemned person is executed by hanging


(adj.) pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical

of the production of electricity by action
the action of an acid on a metal; synonyms : voltaic
having the effect of an electric
(adj.) affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling
synonyms : electric , galvanising , galvanizing


stimulate or shock by an electric

current; stimulate by shock;
shock into action; stir up; coat
with rust-resistant zinc by using

(verb) stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock

synonyms : galvanise
(verb) cover with zinc
synonyms : galvanise
(verb) to stimulate to action
synonyms : galvanise , startle

gallow = gala + low; this happens when you

are hung!!
gallow sounds like a gallow
swallows a person to death.

opening in chess in which a

piece is sacrificed; action made
to produce a future advantage

(noun) a chess move early in the game in which the player

sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position
(noun) a maneuver in a game or conversation
synonyms : ploy , stratagem
(noun) an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for
gambit - remember GAMBIR who is the
the speaker
OPENING batsman... gambit is opening in
synonyms : ploy


romp(Play roughly and

energetically); skip about; leap
about playfully; frolic; N.

gambol : game-ball, in a football game you

have to skip the ball playfully because if
(noun) gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or
you don't do it the opposite player will
tackle you quickly
synonyms : caper , frolic , play , romp
gambol rhymes with gamble
(verb) play boisterously
(gambling) de game of gambling is
synonyms : cavort , disport , frisk , frolic , lark , lark about , rollick , played in a highly spirited fashion by a set
romp , run around , skylark , sport
of ppl


in a spirited manner; with

courage; ADJ. game

(adverb) in a plucky manner


entire range

(noun) a complete extent or range:

(noun) the entire scale of musical notes


(noun) the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the
interruption of blood supply)
synonyms : mortification , necrosis , sphacelus
decay of body tissue caused by (noun) necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
insufficient blood supply (usually synonyms : slough , sphacelus
following injury); ADJ.
(verb) undergo necrosis
synonyms : mortify , necrose , sphacelate

gan(GUN)+grene(GREEN) if you are shot

by a gun and if your leg or hand gets
injured and if you donot take any medical
care, the wound turns blue..GREEN...AND


(noun) a stare of amazement (usually with the mouth open)

(noun) an expression of openmouthed astonishment
(verb) look with amazement; look stupidly
open widely; open the mouth
synonyms : gawk , gawp , goggle
wide; stare wonderingly with the (verb) be wide open
mouth open; CF. agape
synonyms : yaw , yawn

GAP(E) means wide open space. So gape is

a wide open mouthed expression or action


mixed up; jumbled; distorted; V.

garble: mix up or distort (a
(adj.) lacking orderly continuity
message) to such an extent as to synonyms : confused , disconnected , disjointed , disordered ,
make misleading or unintelligible illogical , scattered , unconnected

garb (relate it to GARBAGE) AND IN

GARBAGE all the spoiled and distorted
materials are mixed up


huge; enormous; gigantic; CF.

the hero of Gargantua and

(adj.) of great mass; huge and bulky

synonyms : elephantine , giant , jumbo

gargantuan: sounds like ghar ka ghanta; A

'ghanta' (BELL) is enormous compared to


waterspout carved in grotesque

figures on a building

(noun) an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a

person or animal
(noun) a spout that terminates in a grotesquely carved figure of a
person or animal

word resembles gargle.. which we do every

morning.. similarly imagine a structure
(statue) releasing water from its mouth..
like the gargoyle statue in Singapore which
you may have seen on TV or a magazine


(adj.) tastelessly showy

overbright in color; unpleasantly synonyms : brassy , cheap , flash , flashy , gaudy , gimcrack ,
bright; gaudy
loud , meretricious , tacky , tatty , tawdry , trashy


(noun) a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed

synonyms : granary
(verb) assemble or get together
synonyms : collect , gather , pull together
(verb) store grain
(verb) acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
synonyms : earn


gather; store up; amass


(noun) any decoration added as a trimming or adornment

(noun) something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or
(verb) decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
decorate; add a garnish to;
synonyms : dress , trim
decorate (food or drink) with
(verb) take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child
small items such as lemon slices; support
synonyms : garnishee


loquacious; wordy; talkative; N.



art and science of preparing and (noun) the art and practice of choosing and preparing and eating
serving good food; CF.
good food
(noun) a particular style of cookery (as of a region)


clumsy (in social behavior);

coarse and uncouth

(adj.) full of trivial conversation

synonyms : chatty , gabby , loquacious , talkative , talky

(adj.) lacking social polish

synonyms : graceless , unpolished

GA Mut (don't sing) because range of your

vocal cords is abysmally low

Imagine if sum1 GARNISHES too oddly !

puts everything, and makes it gaudy !

Sounds like a gardener who gathers fruits

and vegetables from his/her garden.
GARNER sounds like GARNIER face wash
which GATHERS dust and cleans

"Girls, rule us!" They rule us in their ability

to talk non-stop about nonsensical matter

gauchy sounds like gochy(dothy weared by

old people)in modern days wearing gochy is
clumsy or awkward

(noun) (Britain) a celebratory reunion feast or entertainment held

a college
(adj.) (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display
synonyms : flashy , jazzy , showy , sporty
(adj.) tastelessly showy
synonyms : brassy , cheap , flash , flashy , garish , gimcrack ,
loud , meretricious , tacky , tatty , tawdry , trashy


flashy; showy


(adj.) very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

lean and angular; thin and bony; synonyms : bony , cadaverous , emaciated , haggard , pinched ,
emaciated; barren
skeletal , wasted

G[rand] AUNT, or imagine as G[reat grand]

AUNT... is generally lean and weak due to
old age


hammerlike tool; mallet(wooden

hammer) used by a presiding
(noun) a small mallet used by a presiding officer or a judge
officer or an auctioneer; V.

A hammer like tool or gavel turns rock into



stare foolishly; look in openmouthed awe

(noun) an awkward stupid person

synonyms : clod , goon , lout , lubber , lummox , lump , oaf ,
(verb) look with amazement; look stupidly
synonyms : gape , gawp , goggle

Hawk is a bird and when we see it we stare

at it


official periodical publication;


(noun) a newspaper or official journal

(verb) publish in a gazette

gazette - i suppose everyone must have got

signature from GAZETTED officer to support
their photocopy of originals...?


record of descent; lineage;

ancestry; study of ancestry

(noun) the study or investigation of ancestry and family history

(noun) successive generations of kin
synonyms : family tree


vague statement; general

statement which is not detailed;
quality of being general; greater
part; most;

(noun) the quality of being general or widespread or having

general applicability
(noun) an idea or conclusion having general application
synonyms : generalisation , generalization

cause; produce; create

(verb) make children

synonyms : beget , bring forth , engender , father , get , mother ,
(verb) bring into existence
synonyms : bring forth
(verb) produce (energy)
(verb) give or supply
synonyms : give , render , return , yield

characteristic of an entire class

or species; of a genus

(noun) any product that can be sold without a brand name

(noun) a wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with
no one grape predominating; a wine that does not carry the name
of any specific grape
synonyms : generic wine
(adj.) relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a
(adj.) applicable to an entire class or group
(adj.) (of drugs) not protected by trademark


beginning; origin

(noun) the first book of the Old Testament: tells of Creation;

Adam and Eve; the Fall of Man; Cain and Abel; Noah and the flood;
God's covenant with Abraham; Abraham and Isaac; Jacob and
Esau; Joseph and his brothers
synonyms : book of genesis
(noun) a coming into being
synonyms : generation


cheerfulness; kindliness;
sympathy; ADJ. genial: cheerful
and good-tempered

(noun) a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk

synonyms : affability , affableness , amiability , amiableness ,
congenial - being friendly


particular variety of art or


(noun) a class of art (or artistic endeavor) having a characteristic

form or technique
(noun) a kind of literary or artistic work
(noun) an expressive style of music
synonyms : music genre , musical genre , musical style
(noun) a style of expressing yourself in writing
synonyms : literary genre , writing style


well-bred; elegant; striving to

convey an appearance of

(adj.) marked by refinement in taste and manners

synonyms : civilised , civilized , cultivated , cultured , polite


those of gentle birth; high social

class; refinement; quality of
(noun) elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression
being genteel
synonyms : breeding , genteelness



generality - a general statement is VAGUE,

not specific

this word is very close to GENTLE..AND A

elegant and GIVES A REFINED


(verb) stroke soothingly

(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
synonyms : appease , assuage , conciliate , gruntle , lenify , mollify
, pacify , placate
(verb) give a title to someone; make someone a member of the
synonyms : ennoble , entitle
(adj.) marked by moderate steepness
synonyms : easy
(adj.) having little impact
synonyms : easy , soft
(adj.) having or showing a kindly or tender nature
(adj.) quiet and soothing
(adj.) soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
synonyms : soft
(adj.) belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
synonyms : aristocratic , aristocratical , blue , blue-blooded ,
(adj.) easily handled or managed
kindly; soft; mild; of good family synonyms : docile


people of standing(rank or
position); people of good family
or high social position; class of
people just below nobility

(noun) the most powerful members of a society

synonyms : aristocracy

gen(means people)+ntry (entry)... so in

many pubs and bar..people of high class or
social position have entry


bend the knee as in worship

(verb) bend the knees and bow in a servile manner

synonyms : kowtow , scrape
(verb) bend the knees and bow in church or before a religious
superior or image

FLECT = BENT (in latin). GEN-U-FLECT= in

front of general you bend, showing your
willingness to serve


division of animals or plants,

below a family and above a

(noun) a general kind of something

(noun) (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species


medical treatment and care of

old age

(noun) the branch of medical science that deals with diseases

and problems specific to old people
synonyms : gerontology


(noun) a minute life form (especially a disease-causing

bacterium); the term is not in technical use
synonyms : bug , microbe
earliest form of an organism;
(noun) a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg)
seed or bud; something that may from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
develop into something larger or (noun) anything that provides inspiration for later work
more important; microbe
synonyms : seed , source


pertinent; bearing upon(having

connection with) the case at
hand; appropriate

(adj.) relevant and appropriate

pertaining to a germ; creative;

(noun) seventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and

April); the month of buds
(adj.) containing seeds of later development
synonyms : originative , seminal


cause to sprout; sprout

(verb) produce buds, branches, or germinate

synonyms : bourgeon , burgeon forth , pullulate , shoot , sprout ,
(verb) cause to grow or sprout
(verb) work out
synonyms : develop , evolve


government ruled by old people (noun) a political system governed by old men


study of the sociological

phenomena associated with old


change voting district lines in

order to favor a political party; N. (noun) an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to
CF. Elbridge Gerry +
give your own party an unfair advantage)
(verb) divide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts

Relate it with Jerry of 'Tom and Jerry'

cartoon in which Jerry divided everything
partially with Tom and quarrels with him...
so possessing a Jerry's mind - Gerrymander.


(verb) be pregnant with

evolve as in prenatal growth; N. synonyms : bear , carry , expect , have a bun in the oven
gestation: period of development (verb) have the idea for
from conception until birth
synonyms : conceive , conceptualise , conceptualize

GAS+PATE- when somebody is pregnant, it

seems if PATE(stomach) is full of GAS.


motion; gesture; V. gesticulate:

make gestures (while speaking)

(noun) a deliberate and vigorous gesture or motion

horrible; terrifying; resembling

ghosts; CF. aghast

(adj.) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

synonyms : grim , grisly , gruesome , macabre , sick
(adj.) gruesomely indicative of death or the dead
synonyms : charnel , sepulchral



pediatrics is quite a common word, which

means medical care of young
sounds like geriatrics which is just the opp. medical treatment of old age.

germane...very close to word

if you want TO learn GERMAN LANGUAGE....I
GUESS A GERMAN teacher would be

opposite of terminate is germinate

(noun) the branch of medical science that deals with diseases

and problems specific to old people
synonyms : geriatrics

ghastly sounds like ghost + ly; something

like a ghost ........ very horrible ... and


nonsense; nonsensical or
unintelligible talk or writing;


(noun) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile

and intended to have a telling effect
mock(Tease or laugh at in a
synonyms : barb , dig , jibe , shaft , shot , slam
scornful or contemptuous
(verb) laugh at with contempt and derision
manner); make jeering
synonyms : barrack , flout , jeer , scoff
remarks(Make rude and mocking (verb) be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their
remarks, typically in a loud
voice); N: jeering remarks
synonyms : agree , check , correspond , fit , jibe , match , tally

(noun) unintelligible talking

synonyms : gibber

GIBE is similar to BRIBE when u BRIBE

people mock (make aggresive remarks )at

light-hearted; not serious;

frivolous; dizzy; causing

(adj.) lacking seriousness; given to frivolity

synonyms : airheaded , dizzy , empty-headed , featherbrained ,
light-headed , lightheaded , silly
(adj.) having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling
synonyms : dizzy , vertiginous , woozy

sounds like kiddy. Kids are always light


cover with a thin layer of gold

(noun) a formal association of people with similar interests

synonyms : club , guild , lodge , order , social club , society
(verb) decorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold
synonyms : begild , engild
(adj) based on pretense; deceptively pleasing
Synonyms : meretricious , specious

remember gold

very carefully; ADJ.

(adverb) in a gingerly manner

(adj.) with extreme care or delicacy

be VERY CAREFUL while cutting GINGER(LY),

since they are small

distance around something;


(noun) stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly

that holds the saddle in place
synonyms : cinch
(noun) the distance around a person's body
(verb) tie a cinch around
synonyms : cinch

girth resembles Earth. Remember it as the

circumference of the earth

essence; main point; substance

(noun) the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some

idea or experience
synonyms : center , centre , core , essence , heart , heart and
soul , inwardness , kernel , marrow , meat , nitty-gritty , nub , pith ,
substance , sum
gist..sounds very similar to list.....SO your
(noun) the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work lecturer is asking you to LIST OUT THE MAIN
synonyms : burden , core , effect , essence
POINTS of the paragraph


like a glacier; of an ice age;

extremely cold; CF. iceberg

(adj.) relating to or derived from a glacier

(adj.) extremely cold
synonyms : arctic , frigid , gelid , icy , polar
(adj.) devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of
unfriendliness or disdain
synonyms : frigid , frosty , frozen , icy , wintry


compelling charm; ADJ.


(noun) alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)

synonyms : glamour


shine intensely and blindingly;

stare fixedly and angrily; N.

(noun) an angry stare

synonyms : glower
(noun) a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the
brightness to which the eyes are adapted
synonyms : blaze , brilliance
(noun) a focus of public attention
synonyms : limelight , public eye , spotlight
(verb) look at with a fixed gaze
synonyms : glower
(verb) shine intensely
(verb) be sharply reflected


(of something bad) highly

conspicuous; harshly bright;
shining intensely and blindingly

(adj.) shining intensely

synonyms : blazing , blinding , dazzling , fulgent , glary
(adj.) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
synonyms : crying , egregious , flagrant , gross , rank


(noun) a coating for ceramics, metal, etc.

(noun) a glossy finish on a fabric
(noun) any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings
applied to foods
(verb) become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance
synonyms : glass , glass over , glaze over
(verb) coat with a glaze
cover with a thin and shiny
(verb) coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
surface; apply a glaze to; N: thin, synonyms : candy , sugarcoat
smooth, shiny coating (as for
(verb) furnish with glass
synonyms : glass





similar like a gale when bowler bowled the

ball gale gives a angry look.

(noun) an appearance of reflected light

synonyms : gleaming , glow , lambency
(noun) a flash of light (especially reflected light)
synonyms : gleaming , glimmer
(verb) appear briefly
(verb) shine brightly, like a star or a light
synonyms : glimmer
(verb) be shiny, as if wet
synonyms : glint , glisten , glitter , shine

gleam - beam ; beam of light is synonym of



brief flash of light; glow; V


gather leavings; gather grain left

behind by reapers; gather bit by
bit (facts or information) often
(verb) gather, as of natural products
with difficulty
synonyms : harvest , reap

It sounds like clean. You clean by picking up

bit by bit


fluent (with insincerity or

superficiality); facile; slick(Done
or operating in an impressively
smooth, efficient, and apparently
effortless way)

split the word into go library. Someone who

goes to teh library very frequently obviously
is very articulate and thus
fluent,slick,diplomatic with people


(noun) a slight suggestion or vague understanding

synonyms : glimmering , inkling , intimation
(noun) a flash of light (especially reflected light)
shine erratically; twinkle; N: dim synonyms : gleam , gleaming
or unsteady light; faint
(verb) shine brightly, like a star or a light
synonyms : gleam


(noun) the quality of shining with a bright reflected light

synonyms : glisten , glister , scintillation , sparkle
(noun) the occurrence of a small flash or spark
shine brightly with flashing
synonyms : coruscation , sparkle
points of light; N: sparkling light; (verb) be shiny, as if wet
attractiveness; glamor;
synonyms : gleam , glint , glisten , shine


(noun) malicious satisfaction

synonyms : glee , gloating
(verb) dwell on with satisfaction
express evil satisfaction; look at synonyms : crow , triumph
or think about with evil
(verb) gaze at or think about something with great selfsatisfaction; view malevolently; satisfaction, gratification, or joy

(adj.) artfully persuasive in speech

synonyms : glib-tongued , smooth-tongued
(adj.) having only superficial plausibility
synonyms : pat , slick
(adj.) marked by lack of intellectual depth

Ignorant people kill goat and gloat at it think of dacoits who
express their evil satisfaction after looting
houses of people.


brief explanation note or

translation of a difficult
expression; V.

(noun) an outward or token appearance or form that is

deliberately misleading
synonyms : color , colour , semblance
(noun) the property of being smooth and shiny
synonyms : burnish , glossiness , polish
(noun) an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized
field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on
that field
synonyms : glossary
(noun) an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text
synonyms : rubric
(verb) give a deceptive explanation or excuse for
synonyms : color , colour
(verb) provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase
(verb) provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases
synonyms : annotate , comment
Glossary on last pages of a book is a gloss
(verb) give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing
of technical terms


brief explanation of words used

in the text

(noun) an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized

field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on
that field
synonyms : gloss

smooth and shining; N. gloss:

shiny brightness on a surface;
superficially attractive

(noun) a photograph that is printed on smooth shiny paper

(noun) a magazine printed on good quality paper
synonyms : slick , slick magazine
(adj.) superficially attractive and stylish; suggesting wealth or
synonyms : showy
(adj.) reflecting light
synonyms : glistening , lustrous , sheeny , shining , shiny
(adj.) (of paper and fabric and leather) having a surface made
smooth and glossy especially by pressing between rollers
synonyms : calendered



(noun) an appearance of reflected light

synonyms : gleam , gleaming , lambency
(noun) light from nonthermal sources
synonyms : luminescence
(noun) a feeling of considerable warmth
(noun) the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or
arriving at a point on a surface
synonyms : glowing , radiance
(noun) a steady even light without flames
(noun) the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its
temperature is raised
synonyms : incandescence
(noun) an alert and refreshed state
synonyms : freshness
(verb) experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from
good health or an intense emotion
synonyms : beam , radiate , shine
shine brightly without a flame
(verb) be exuberant or high-spirited
(as of eyes or metals); show
(verb) emit a steady even light without flames
redness and heat (in the face)
(verb) have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red
after hard work or because of
or pink
strong feelings; N: light produced synonyms : beam , radiate , shine
by a heated body; brilliance of a (verb) shine intensely, as if with heat
synonyms : burn


(noun) an angry stare

synonyms : glare
(verb) look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal
synonyms : frown , lour , lower
(verb) look at with a fixed gaze
when someone LOWER u then u stare
scowl; glare; look or stare angrily synonyms : glare
anGrily at them

overstock; fill beyond capacity

(with food); fill to excess; N:

(noun) the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall

synonyms : oversupply , surfeit
(verb) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
synonyms : binge , englut , engorge , gorge , gormandise ,
gormandize , gourmandize , ingurgitate , overeat , overgorge ,
overindulge , pig out , satiate , scarf out , stuff
(verb) supply with an excess of
synonyms : flood , oversupply


sticky; viscous; gluey

(adj.) having the sticky properties of an adhesive

glutinous is pronounced as "gloot-nsynonyms : gluey , gummy , mucilaginous , pasty , sticky , viscid , uhs" it sounds like a glue (i.e gum)
which is sticky or viscous


someone who eats too much;

ADJ. gluttonous: given to
gluttony; greedy; CF. gluttony:
habit of eating too much

(noun) musteline mammal of northern Eurasia

synonyms : gulo gulo , wolverine
(noun) a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
synonyms : gourmand , gourmandizer , trencherman

He is such a GLUTTON and eats so much

that the BUTTONS on his shirt begin to pop
glut in lots of mutton


protruding knot on a tree; V.

(noun) something twisted and tight and swollen

synonyms : knot
(verb) make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
synonyms : croak , grumble , murmur , mutter
(verb) twist into a state of deformity

gnarl -- middle letters (nar)~ nara .. which

people ties and makes knots



(adj.) used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or

synonyms : gnarly , knobbed , knotted , knotty



dwarf; underground spirit who

guards treasure hoards

(noun) a short pithy saying expressing a general truth

(noun) a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in
the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
synonyms : dwarf


(noun) a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of

synonyms : prod
(noun) a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
synonyms : goading , prod , prodding , spur , spurring , urging
(verb) goad or provoke,as by constant criticism
synonyms : needle
urge on; drive with a goad; cause (verb) stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
(someone) to do something by
synonyms : prick
continued annoyance; N: sharp- (verb) urge with or as if with a goad
pointed stick for driving cattle;
(verb) give heart or courage to
stimulus; CF
synonyms : spur



eat very quickly

(noun) the characteristic sound made by a turkey cock

(verb) make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys
(verb) eat hastily without proper chewing
synonyms : bolt


goadsounds like god..everyday when

we praywe always URGE to god ,to give
us courage to face all the hurdles and
obstacles in life.

just like search

quickly...gobble eat very quickly


(noun) the passage between the pharynx and the stomach

synonyms : esophagus , gullet , oesophagus
(noun) a narrow pass (especially one between mountains)
synonyms : defile
(noun) a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it)
(verb) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
synonyms : binge , englut , engorge , glut , gormandise ,
stuff oneself (with food); glut; CF. gormandize , gourmandize , ingurgitate , overeat , overgorge ,
gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful
overindulge , pig out , satiate , scarf out , stuff

Gorgeous = Beautiful, ous = full of, so

gorgeous = full of beauty. Remove 'ous'
means not full of beauty = fatso = stuffed.


bloody; N. gore: blood (from a


(adj.) covered with blood

synonyms : bloodstained
(adj.) accompanied by bloodshed
synonyms : butcherly , sanguinary , sanguineous , slaughterous

Gori(Mohammad) fought a lot of gory

battles which caused great bloodshed.


(noun) filaments from a web that was spun by a spider

synonyms : cobweb
sheer(A very fine or diaphanous (noun) a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture
fabric or article); very light; like (adj.) characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy
cobwebs; N: soft and sheer
synonyms : ethereal
fabric; cobweb(A spider's web,
(adj.) so thin as to transmit light
esp. when old and covered with synonyms : cobwebby , diaphanous , filmy , gauze-like , gauzy ,
see-through , sheer , transparent , vaporous , vapourous

We all look for places to go in summer.

That's to have a very light period.

(noun) the act of gouging

(noun) and edge tool with a blade like a trough for cutting
channels or grooves
(noun) an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
synonyms : dent , ding , nick
(verb) force with the thumb
synonyms : force out
(verb) make a groove in
synonyms : rout
(verb) obtain by coercion or intimidation
synonyms : extort , rack , squeeze , wring

In slang language we call goggles as gouge

- So when you buy a pair of branded gouge,
which are expensive, you think the
shopkeeper is overcharging you.


epicure(A person who takes

particular pleasure in fine food
and drink); person who takes
excessive pleasure in food and

(noun) a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess

synonyms : glutton , gourmandizer , trencherman

souds like government..and in

india..anything of government is free for if government plans to provide
free food people will eat
excessively...beyond their capicity..because
we take pleasure in anything which is free
to us.


connoisseur of food and drink;


(noun) a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment

(especially good food and drink)
synonyms : bon vivant , epicure , epicurean , foodie , gastronome

Gourmet- A guru(expert) of meat(all food

and drink) = 'A connoisseur of fine food and


kind in a generous way (to

someone less important)

(adj.) characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit

(adj.) disposed to bestow favors
(adj.) exhibiting courtesy and politeness
synonyms : courteous , nice
(adj.) characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of
a king to his subjects
synonyms : benignant


(noun) the act of arranging in grades

synonyms : graduation
(noun) a degree of ablaut
synonyms : grade
series of gradual stages; degree (noun) relative position in a graded series
in such a progression
synonyms : step


overcharge (with high price);

extort from; CF. usury

arrange into categories or

grades; divide into marked
intervals (for use in

(noun) a measuring instrument for measuring fluid volume; a

glass container (cup or cylinder or flask) whose sides are marked
with or divided into amounts
(noun) a person who has received a degree from a school (high
school or college or university)
synonyms : alum , alumna , alumnus , grad
(verb) make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for
optimal measuring
synonyms : calibrate , fine-tune
(verb) confer an academic degree upon
(verb) receive an academic degree upon completion of one's
(adj.) of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree
synonyms : postgraduate


arranged by degrees (of height,

difficulty, etc.)

(adj.) marked with or divided into degrees

synonyms : calibrated
(adj.) taking place by degrees
synonyms : gradational , gradatory


storehouse for grain

(noun) a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed

synonyms : garner


sounds like grain-ary that is where grains

are kept


impressiveness; stateliness;

(noun) the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand

synonyms : brilliance , grandness , magnificence , splendor ,
(noun) the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of
character or ideals or conduct
synonyms : magnanimousness , nobility , nobleness

grand+eur...................and grand means

huge, big ,large.....anything that is grand is
always impressive.


(of a person or speech) using

high sounding or importantsounding language; pompous;

(adj.) puffed up with vanity

synonyms : overblown , pompous , pontifical , portentous
(adj.) lofty in style
synonyms : magniloquent , tall

Split GRANDILOQUENT as grand and

eloquent (expressing yourself readily) which
is the grand or mega way of expressing
something i.e. pompous


affectedly grand; pretentious;

high-flown; ridiculously
exaggerated; impressive; great
in size or scope; grand;

(adj.) impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur;

used to show disapproval
(adj.) affectedly genteel
grand+iose(..pose), people who give POSE
synonyms : hifalutin , highfalutin , highfaluting , hoity-toity , la-di- (show off) are usually reffered to grandiose

form into grains or granules; N.

granule: grain or particle

(verb) form granulating tissue

(verb) become granular
synonyms : grain
(verb) form into grains
synonyms : grain


pertaining to the art of

delineating; vividly described

(noun) an image that is generated by a computer

synonyms : computer graphic
(adj.) relating to or presented by a graph
synonyms : graphical
(adj.) of or relating to the graphic arts
(adj.) describing nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail
(adj.) evoking lifelike images within the mind
synonyms : lifelike , pictorial , vivid
(adj.) written or drawn or engraved
synonyms : graphical , in writing


black form of carbon used in lead (noun) used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors
synonyms : black lead , plumbago


(noun) the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat

synonyms : grappling , hand-to-hand struggle , wrestle , wrestling
(noun) a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam
synonyms : clamshell
(noun) a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and
holding; often thrown with a rope
synonyms : grapnel , grappler , grappling hook , grappling iron
(verb) to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match
synonyms : grip
(verb) come to terms with
grapple ~ grab + apple : the two men
wrestle; come to grips with; take synonyms : contend , cope , deal , get by , make do , make out ,
grappled with each other for several
hold of and struggle with;
minutes to GRAB the APPLE


(noun) a frame of iron bars to hold a fire

synonyms : grating
(noun) a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a
passage but admitting air
synonyms : grating
(noun) a harsh rasping sound made by scraping something
(verb) scratch repeatedly
synonyms : scrape
(verb) make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together
synonyms : grind
make a harsh noise; have an
(verb) reduce to small shreds or pulverize by rubbing against a
unpleasant effect; shred by
rough or sharp perforated surface
rubbing against a rough surface; (verb) gnaw into; make resentful or angry
N: framework of metal bars to
synonyms : eat into , fret , rankle
hold fuel in a fireplace
(verb) furnish with a grate





please; satisfy;

(verb) yield (to); give satisfaction to

synonyms : indulge , pander
(verb) make happy or satisfied
synonyms : satisfy

free; without charge; ADJ.

(adverb) without payment

synonyms : for free , free of charge
(adj.) costing nothing
synonyms : complimentary , costless , free , gratuitous

given freely; unwarranted;

uncalled for; done without good

(adj.) without cause

(adj.) unnecessary and unwarranted
synonyms : needless , uncalled-for
(adj.) costing nothing
synonyms : complimentary , costless , free , gratis

it would be really GREAT IF I bring a score

above 1400 in GRE and I'll be able to please
the top notch universities

gratis= grant + is , grant from govt. is free

remember gratuity which is given freely to

employee if they complete 5 yrs. or so in
the company

n. money given to sb who has

done one a service; tip ;

(noun) an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim

or obligation
(noun) a relatively small amount of money given for services
rendered (as by a waiter)
synonyms : backsheesh , baksheesh , bakshis , bakshish ,
pourboire , tip


seriousness; ADJ. grave

(noun) a manner that is serious and solemn

synonyms : graveness , soberness , sobriety , somberness ,
(noun) a solemn and dignified feeling
synonyms : solemnity
(noun) (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the
universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies
near its surface
synonyms : gravitation , gravitational attraction , gravitational


(noun) the act of grazing

synonyms : grazing
(noun) a superficial abrasion
(verb) eat lightly, try different dishes
synonyms : browse
(verb) scrape gently
synonyms : crease , rake
(of an animal) feed on growing
(verb) feed as in a meadow or pasture
grass; cause (an animal) to feed synonyms : browse , crop , pasture , range
on grass; scrape (esp. the skin) (verb) let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
or touch lightly in passing; brush; synonyms : crop , pasture
N: surface wound
(verb) break the skin (of a body part) by scraping



sociable; (of an animal) tending

to form a group
coarse; granular

(adj.) (of animals) tending to form a group with others of the

same species
(adj.) (of plants) growing in groups that are close together
(adj.) instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the
company of others

English people are called Angrez because,

they have "grazed" all Indian prosperity.

remember AGGREGATION means gathering

something together... similarily
Pretty girls Vs gritty girls

cause of complaint; complaint

(noun) a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes

resentment and is grounds for action
(noun) an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation
or denies some legal right or causes injustice
(noun) a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation
synonyms : grudge , score

question severely; cook on a

grill; broil; N: cooking surface of
parallel metal bars

(noun) a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate

synonyms : grille , grillwork
(noun) a restaurant where food is cooked on a grill
synonyms : grillroom
(verb) cook over a grill
(verb) examine thoroughly

causing great fear; unrelenting;

determined in spite of fear;

(adj.) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

synonyms : ghastly , grisly , gruesome , macabre , sick
(adj.) causing dejection
synonyms : blue , dark , dingy , disconsolate , dismal , drab , drear
, dreary , gloomy , sorry
(adj.) filled with melancholy and despondency
synonyms : blue , depressed , dispirited , down , down in the
mouth , downcast , downhearted , gloomy , low , low-spirited
(adj.) not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
synonyms : inexorable , relentless , stern , unappeasable ,
unforgiving , unrelenting
(adj.) harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
synonyms : dour , forbidding
(adj.) harshly ironic or sinister
sounds like "dream" which may cause you
synonyms : black , mordant


facial distortion to show feeling

such as pain, disgust, etc; V.

(noun) a contorted facial expression

synonyms : face
(verb) contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional
synonyms : make a face , pull a face

divide it like grim(in a pain ful situation)

+ace(Face) when you are in a grim or
in a painful situation you try to put it across
to your family through FACIAL EXPRESSIONS


ghastly; horrifying;

(adj.) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

synonyms : ghastly , grim , gruesome , macabre , sick

if sbd had massaged ur face with GREASE u

would appear both unpleasent and




man employed to take care of

horses; V: make neat and trim;
clean and brush (an animal)

(noun) a man who has recently been married

synonyms : bridegroom
(noun) a man participant in his own marriage ceremony
synonyms : bridegroom
(noun) someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
synonyms : hostler , ostler , stableboy , stableman
(verb) care for one's external appearance
synonyms : neaten
(verb) give a neat appearance to
synonyms : curry , dress
(verb) educate for a future role or function
synonyms : prepare , train


long narrow channel made in a

surface to guide the movement
of something;

(noun) a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape

synonyms : rut
(noun) (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or
synonyms : vallecula
(noun) a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such
as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record)
synonyms : channel
(verb) hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove
synonyms : furrow , rut
(verb) make a groove in, or provide with a groove


(noun) the entire amount of income before any deductions are

synonyms : receipts , revenue
(noun) twelve dozen
synonyms : 144
(verb) earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
(adj.) before any deductions
(adj.) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
synonyms : crying , egregious , flagrant , glaring , rank
(adj.) conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
synonyms : crude , earthy , vulgar
(adj.) repellently fat
synonyms : porcine
(adj.) lacking fine distinctions or detail
(adj.) without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative)
synonyms : arrant , complete , consummate , double-dyed ,
total; fragrant(Having a pleasant everlasting , perfect , pure , sodding , staring , stark ,
or sweet smell); clearly wrong;
thoroughgoing , unadulterated , utter
(of people's behavior) coarse;
(adj.) visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical
corpulent(Fat); V: earn as a total features)
amount; N: 12 dozens
synonyms : megascopic


(noun) art characterized by an incongruous mixture of parts of

humans and animals interwoven with plants
(adj.) distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and
fantastic; comically
hideous(Extremely unpleasant); synonyms : monstrous
strange and unnatural (causing (adj.) ludicrously odd
fear or amusement)
synonyms : antic , fantastic , fantastical


small cavern


(noun) a bad-tempered person

bad-tempered complaint; person synonyms : churl , crank , crosspatch , grump
who keeps complaining; V:
(verb) show one's unhappiness or critical attitude
complain; grumble
synonyms : grumble , scold

gr+ouch => you say "ouch". You say ouch

when you have complain over something.


(noun) popular game bird having a plump body and feathered

legs and feet
(noun) flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae;
usually roasted; flesh too dry to broil
(verb) complain
complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; synonyms : beef , bellyache , bitch , crab , gripe , holler , squawk
N: plump chickenlike game bird (verb) hunt grouse

my ROSE Gone some where...i gave

COMPLAIN in the police station


crawl or creep on ground; remain

prostrate; behave in a servile
(verb) show submission or fear
synonyms : cower , crawl , creep , cringe , fawn

One who wants to "grow well" needs to

grovel before his manager.




(noun) a small cave (usually with attractive features)

synonyms : grot

low, guttural, menacing sound

(as of a dog)

(noun) the sound of growling (as made by animals)

synonyms : growling
(verb) to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds
synonyms : grumble , rumble

deep feeling of dislike;

(noun) a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

synonyms : grievance , score
(verb) accept or admit unwillingly
(verb) bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings
synonyms : stew

When i GROW TUSK: how do i look: is only a fantasy
grow + toe if your toes grow, a cave is
formed between them. lol.

take last 3 letters of the word and get the

meaning low



(adj.) petty or reluctant in giving or spending

unwilling; reluctant; stingy(giving synonyms : niggardly , scrimy
(adj.) of especially an attitude
sounds like cruel. Imagine a cruel person
getting more cruel day by day because he is
getting thin liquid porridge in the prison

thin liquid porridge

(noun) a thin porridge (usually oatmeal or cornmeal)



(adj.) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion;

especially physical effort
synonyms : arduous , backbreaking , gruelling , hard , heavy ,
laborious , operose , punishing , toilsome


grisly; horrible

(adj.) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

synonyms : ghastly , grim , grisly , macabre , sick

Sounds like cruelsome, which is selfexplainable


rough-mannered; (of a voice)

rough; hoarse

(adj.) deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or

synonyms : hoarse , husky
(adj.) brusque and surly and forbidding
synonyms : crusty , curmudgeonly , ill-humored , ill-humoured

g+ruff ~ rough; a rough-mannered person

is generally gruff


(noun) a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone

synonyms : grumbling , murmur , murmuring , mutter , muttering
(noun) a loud low dull continuous noise
synonyms : grumbling , rumble , rumbling
(verb) make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
synonyms : croak , gnarl , murmur , mutter
(verb) show one's unhappiness or critical attitude
synonyms : grouch , scold
(verb) to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds
synonyms : growl , rumble
complain; mutter discontentedly; (verb) make a low noise
sounds like humble and humble people
grouch; N.
synonyms : rumble
donot complain (not very humble).


(noun) medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter

grunting sounds when caught
(noun) the short low gruff noise of the kind made by hogs
synonyms : oink
utter a deep guttural sound (as a (noun) an unskilled or low-ranking soldier or other worker
pig does); N.
(verb) issue a grunting, low, animal-like noise

boisterous laughter; V.

(noun) a burst of deep loud hearty laughter

synonyms : belly laugh
(verb) laugh boisterously
synonyms : laugh loudly


deceit; duplicity; wiliness;


(noun) the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract

money from them)
synonyms : chicane , chicanery , shenanigan , trickery , wile
(noun) the quality of being crafty
synonyms : craftiness , deceitfulness
(noun) shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception guile sounds like guide.. Which helps to
synonyms : craft , craftiness , cunning , foxiness , slyness , wiliness achieve their goals and this is opp


without deceit

(adj.) free of deceit

synonyms : transparent


outward appearance; costume;

(noun) an artful or simulated semblance

synonyms : pretence , pretense , pretext


trick; deceive; hoodwink; N:

person who is easily tricked;

(noun) mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and
short legs
synonyms : sea gull , seagull
(noun) a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
synonyms : chump , fall guy , fool , mark , mug , patsy , soft
touch , sucker
(verb) fool or hoax
synonyms : befool , cod , dupe , fool , put on , put one across , put
one over , slang , take in
(verb) make a fool or dupe of
gull: sounds like gulli,person who lives in
synonyms : befool , fool
gulli can be easily deceived


easily deceived

(adj.) easily tricked because of being too trusting

(adj.) naive and easily deceived or tricked
synonyms : fleeceable , green


remember gufa in hindi. If you laugh a bit in

gufa, it sounds like boisterous laugh.

Disguise means a false

appearance...therefore GUISE ! :)

Gullible = Gull + ible = girl + able A girl

who is able to be tricked or deceived easily.

(noun) an unrestrained expression of emotion

synonyms : blowup , ebullition , effusion , outburst
(noun) a sudden rapid flow (as of water)
synonyms : flush , outpouring
(verb) praise enthusiastically
synonyms : rave
(verb) issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth
synonyms : jet
(verb) gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
synonyms : spirt , spout , spurt


(of liquid) pour out in large

quantities from a hole; make an
excessive display of feeling
(without true feeling);


strong abrupt rush of wind; V. CF. (noun) a strong current of air

synonyms : blast , blow


affecting or relating to the sense (adj.) of or relating to gustation

of taste
synonyms : gustative , gustatorial

disgusting means tasteless


eager enjoyment; zest;


(noun) vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

synonyms : relish , zest , zestfulness

gusto -> dosto(friends); we feel enjoyment

and enthusiasm with our dosto(friens)



(adj.) blowing in puffs or short intermittent blasts

synonyms : puffy when the wind blows dust

will form


cable or chain attached to

something that needs to be
braced or steadied; CF. guide

(noun) a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something

(especially a tent)
synonyms : guy cable , guy rope , guy wire
(noun) an effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy
Fawkes Day
(noun) an informal term for a youth or man
synonyms : bozo , cat , hombre
(verb) steady or support with a guy wire or cable
(verb) subject to laughter or ridicule
synonyms : blackguard , jest at , laugh at , make fun , poke fun ,
rib , ridicule , roast

women or girls are said to be emotional

compared to guys.. Guy tend to brace them
and steady their emotins..acting as cables
for support..


(noun) rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted

apparatus used to maintain
spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction
balance, ascertain direction, etc. synonyms : gyro

flush : water goes into a hole and gush :

water goes out of a hole
august = au+gust. august means mighty.
august mein bahut tej baarish aur hawa
chalti hai.
guests ke liye taste is gustatory





hurry; accelerate; rush

opinion contrary to popular

belief; opinion contrary to
accepted religion; ADJ.
heretical; CF. heretic

hasten sounds like FASTEN........which
means same

(noun) a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion

synonyms : unorthodoxy
(noun) any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or
orthodox position
synonyms : heterodoxy , unorthodoxy

divide this word into her (her)+esy(sounds

like essay)... most of the essays written by
her are against popular beliefs. Taslima
Nasrin, a Bangladeshi writer is one such
person who has recently created a furore
because of her book





absolutely necessary; that

must be done; critically
important; expressing
command; N: something that
must be done

(noun) some duty that is essential and urgent

(noun) a mood that expresses an intention to influence the
listener's behavior
synonyms : imperative form , imperative mood , jussive mood
(adj.) requiring attention or action
(adj.) relating to verbs in the imperative mood

you have to attend your "important

r(el)ative "...nd tht meeting is ABSOLUTELY


curse; swearword

(noun) the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and
usually serves as an insult)
synonyms : malediction
(noun) a slanderous accusation

im + Precation. im and precaution. U must

take precautions before cursing someone,
else it may back fire.


unintentionally; by oversight;

(adverb) without knowledge or intention

synonyms : unknowingly , unwittingly

in + advertisements...without getting an
idea from the advertisement we end up
buying wrong product i.e. inadvertently


singing or chanting of magic

spells; magical formula; (the
saying of) words used in
magic; CF. enchant

(noun) a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a

magical effect
synonyms : conjuration

incantation--read it as
inc(h)antation..chanting of magical words



(verb) lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

synonyms : gaol , immure , imprison , jail , jug , lag , put away ,
put behind bars , remand

in+car+carate(karate == unit of diamond)

ie if you have stolen diamonds in your car
you will be imprisoned , going to the jail


make secure against damage

or loss; compensate for
damage or loss; CF. make
charge; N. indictment

(verb) make amends for; pay compensation for

synonyms : compensate , recompense , repair
(verb) secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give
security for
(verb) accuse formally of a crime

look for the word-"demn" which can be

connected to "demon" what does demon
do? it destroys property.. IN(not)
+demni+fy= correct what the demon inside
you has done..make amends for it.
Rhymes with VERDICT


think of india + nation, where its' very

difficult to get justice. So you are angry at
an injustice.

anger at an injustice; ADJ.


(noun) a feeling of righteous anger

synonyms : outrage

indignant = in + dig + n + ant; while you

are busy IN DIGging earth- expecting
treasure, you find an army of ANTs! you will
treat them SCORNFULLY and with ANGER.....

humoring; yielding; lenient;

showing indulgence

(adj.) characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of

(adj.) being favorably inclined
(adj.) tolerant or lenient
synonyms : lenient , soft


who Indulge in issues of there children and
are very Gentle. So tehy lean to the wishes
of there children.


make drunk; intoxicate; N.

intoxicated person

(noun) a chronic drinker

synonyms : drunk , drunkard , rummy , sot , wino
(verb) become drunk or drink excessively
synonyms : hit it up , soak , souse
(verb) make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
synonyms : intoxicate , soak
(verb) fill with sublime emotion
synonyms : beatify , exalt , exhilarate , thrill , tickle pink

INEBRIATE sounds like "in beer ate" ~ drink

beer and eat food;


unutterable; not to be uttered;

taboo; that cannot be
expressed in speech;
indescribable; unspeakable;

(adj.) defying expression or description

synonyms : indefinable , indescribable , unspeakable , untellable , in+ef+ fable. fable means story. story can
be told. in-fable means something which
(adj.) too sacred to be uttered
can not be uttered such as the name of Lord
synonyms : unnameable , unspeakable , unutterable
Voldemort (from Harry Potter).



(noun) an unavoidable event

(adj.) incapable of being avoided or prevented
(adj.) invariably occurring or appearing




relentless; unyielding;
implacable; not capable of
being changed by entreaty or
not advisable


(of a person) unable to express

(adj.) held back or restrained or prevented
what one really feels

Remember inevitable sounds like IN-EVERYTABLE( what is UNAVOIDABLE in every

table? Answer is food)Food is unavoiadable
in every(dinning)table.So

(adj.) impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason

synonyms : adamant , adamantine , intransigent
(adj.) not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
exor is logic gate which changes. so in
synonyms : grim , relentless , stern , unappeasable , unforgiving , exorable is that cannot be changed or

INIQUITOUS ~ IN + Equity; in + equity ->

not treating everyone equally (which is
considered as INIQUITOUS or sinful act)


(adj.) characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to Iniquitous:this sounds like in quit us We
wicked; immoral; unrighteous; be a sin
should quit those habits, virtues that are
N. iniquity;
synonyms : sinful , ungodly
bad. Thus inquitous = wicked.


indirect or subtle (derogatory) (noun) an indirect (and usually malicious) implication

hint; insinuation;
synonyms : insinuation

ok this is poor but does the go for

a stay in an INN but U END up washing
kitchen utensils...what does it imply? you
had no money to pay!!


start; urge; provoke; incite;

(verb) serve as the inciting cause of

synonyms : inspire , prompt
(verb) provoke or stir up
synonyms : incite , set off , stir up


periodic; on and off; stopping

and starting at intervals

(adj.) stopping and starting at irregular intervals

here the word starts with inter so remember

as intervals...intervals of pendulum is
periodic in motion

mutually destructive

(adj.) characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides

(adj.) (of conflict) within a group or organization

INTER (between) + NE (any) + CINE (sign)

= in a relationship, when there is'nt ANY
SIGN of love BETWEEN the two, it is


insert between

(verb) insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

synonyms : alter , falsify
(verb) estimate the value of
synonyms : extrapolate

INTER(between) + POLATE(like plate) =

INSERT the plate BETWEEN two other


refusal of any compromise;

(noun) the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to
stubbornness; ADJ.
intransigent: uncompromising synonyms : intransigency


I am always motivated whenever I see the

Institute gate (relate to instigate) of "MIT".

Intransigence: inside+transit- Bangladesh is

stubbornly refusing to compromise with the
transit of Indian vehicles for forming a
better link among the seven sisters.

flood; overflow; submerge;

cover completely;

(verb) fill or cover completely, usually with water

synonyms : deluge , submerge
(verb) fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid
synonyms : deluge , flood , swamp



(noun) abusive or venomous language used to express blame or

censure or bitter deep-seated ill will
INVECTIVE(abusive) --> INjECTIVE(causing
synonyms : vitriol , vituperation


vehemently;denounce; utter
censure or invective;

(verb) speak against in an impassioned manner

synonyms : declaim
(verb) complain bitterly
synonyms : rail


to win over by flattery or

coaxing;deceive; lead astray
by deception; wheedle(cajole); (verb) influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering To inveigle/cajole the beautiful girl in veil to
CF. interest dishonestly
synonyms : blarney , cajole , coax , palaver , sweet-talk , wheedle show up her face.


designed to create ill will or

envy; tending to rouse ill will
or envy;

(adj.) containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice

synonyms : discriminatory


unalterable; irreversible;
impossible to revoke

(adj.) incapable of being retracted or revoked

synonyms : irrevokable


I+NUN +DATE....I asked the NUNs for a

DATE and i was FLOODED with letters from
christian societies for violating the social

veigh sounds like weigh... a person

passionate about their weight would protest
and complain if they were overweight

u were shown mostly in the videos,that

caused envy





tired or uninterested by surfeit;

fatigued(temporary loss of
strength and energy resulting
from hard physical or mental
(adj.) dulled by surfeit(feed or supply to excess)
work); surfeited; worn out;
(adj.) exhausted
synonyms : wearied


(adj) lacking in nutritive value

Synonyms : insubstantial
(adj) displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
Synonyms : adolescent , juvenile , puerile
(adj) lacking interest or significance or impact
Synonyms : insipid


maneuvering; struggling to get

ahead of others


jaded sounds like faded.. which means


think of june.. students feel dull as their

summer holidays are about to end




start a fire; ignite;

inspire/encourage; arouse



(verb) call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

synonyms : arouse , elicit , enkindle , evoke , fire , provoke , raise
(verb) cause to start burning
synonyms : conflagrate , enkindle , inflame
(verb) catch fire
synonyms : inflame

(adj.) tangled in knots or snarls

synonyms : snarled , snarly
(adj.) making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or
solve or believe
synonyms : baffling , elusive , problematic , problematical , tough
(adj.) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
synonyms : byzantine , convoluted , involved , tangled , tortuous
(adj.) used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or
synonyms : gnarled , gnarly , knobbed , knotted


intricate/complex; difficult;
tangled; CF. knot


honor; glory; acclaim or praise (noun) an expression of approval and commendation

for exceptional achievement synonyms : congratulations , extolment , praise

k+notty(naughty)..naughty childrens are

difficult to manage.





(noun) a mistake resulting from inattention

Synonyms : oversight
(noun) a break or intermission in the occurrence of something


(adj) moving and bending with ease

Synonyms : lissom , lithe , lithesome , slender , supple , svelte ,


assassinate; kill; illegal hanging


lissome = lissamma, is very slender, young

and very flexible
u r having ur lunch...and a fly keeps
disturbing you kill it without any
jurisdiction.....Lunch sounds like Lynch



(verb) spread throughout the body
Synonyms : metastasise



cuddle; snuggle







funeral cermony
(verb) express one's opinion openly and without fear or
Synonyms : animadvert , sound off , speak out , speak up
(verb) expect, believe, or suppose
Synonyms : guess , imagine , reckon , suppose , think







put forth for consideration or

analysis; set forth;


person under protection of, or

guided by another

prot(protection)+ ege(ageis means

sheild)....providingsheild for protection
Can be thought as an antonym of CRUDE.
Also, when crude oil is refined we get PURE
oil and hence it can be called PURITAN also


excessively modest or proper

person (who is easily shocked by
improper things, esp. of a sexual
nature); N. prudery; ADJ.
(noun) a person excessively concerned about propriety and
prudish: excessively concerned decorum
with propriety
synonyms : puritan

(verb) put forward, as of an idea


(adj) naughtily or annoyingly playful

Synonyms : arch , impish , implike , mischievous , pixilated ,
prankish , wicked


(noun) a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or

by force
Synonyms : coup , coup d'etat , takeover

propo(propose) + ound(round) = what do we

propose at a round table, an idea, guys

p+rude -> jo peekar rude ho jaaye but he is

actually not rude but prude



(noun) the harsh sound of a duck
(noun) an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and
who dispenses medical advice
(verb) act as a medical quack or a charlatan
(verb) utter quacking noises
(adj.) medically unqualified



charlatan(A person falsely

claiming to have a special
knowledge or skill; a fraud);
impostor(One who engages in
deception under an assumed
name or identity)


drink with zest(Great enthusiasm

and energy); drink with
(noun) a hearty draft
relish(zest; hearty enjoyment);
(verb) to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught
CF. sip
synonyms : gulp , swig

You cough when you quaff a liquid too



bog, marsh; Wet muddy ground

too soft to support a heavy
body);soft, wet, boggy land;
predicament; complex or
dangerous situation from which it (noun) a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
is difficult to free oneself
synonyms : mire , morass , quag , slack

Take into consideration the First three words

QUAgmire. The words resemble earth
QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward
predicament, where soil sinks under your

If someone tells you that he has the power

to create an earth quake, he is certainly a

cower(Crouch down in fear);

shrink back in fear; lose heart

(noun) small gallinaceous game birds

(noun) flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or broiling if young;
otherwise must be braised
(verb) draw back, as with fear or pain
synonyms : cringe , flinch , funk , recoil , shrink , squinch , wince

If you fail in exam, you loose your heart and

quail before your dad :)

odd in an old-fashioned way;

odd; old-fashioned;

(adj.) strange in an interesting or pleasing way

(adj.) very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in
character or appearance
(adj.) attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic)
synonyms : old-time , olde worlde

If you know someone already, you call

them ac + quaint. That is because, they are
already known to you (old).


limited; restricted; V. qualify:

limit the meaning of; modify

(adj.) meeting the proper standards and requirements and

training for an office or position or task
(adj.) limited or restricted; not absolute
(adj.) contingent on something else
synonyms : dependant , dependent
(adj.) restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man')
synonyms : restricted
(adj.) holding appropriate documentation and officially on record
as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified People above first class are qualified for the
Aptitude test hence there are limited
synonyms : certified
number of students shortlisted.


sudden feeling of faintness or

nausea;uneasy feeling about the
rightness of actions



opposite of Calm
you give alms to beggars without
hesitation- qualms is opposite.. you hesitate
(noun) state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a
choice between equally unfavorable options
synonyms : dilemma
(noun) a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an
unpleasant or trying one
I was in dilemma whether I give my cloths
synonyms : plight , predicament
to laundry or wash them at home


dilemma; state of uncertainty;


(noun) isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease

isolation of a person, place, or
(noun) enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious
ship to prevent spread of
disease in order to prevent the spread of disease
infection; V: isolate in quarantine (verb) place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons

quarantine is pretty familiar in case of

antivirus softwares you can quarantine the
virus affected files which means to ISOLATE

(noun) animal hunted or caught for food

synonyms : prey
(noun) a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate
synonyms : pit , stone pit
(noun) a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim
of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
synonyms : fair game , prey , target
(verb) extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a


dig into (to get stone); N: mine;


(verb) suppress or crush completely

suppress; put an end to; put
synonyms : quench , squelch
down forcibly; extinguish; quiet; (verb) overcome or allay
CF. kill
synonyms : appease , stay

quell sounds simlar to yell and we yell to

supress someone or make him/her queite


given to complaining;
complaining; fretful; whining

(adj.) habitually complaining

synonyms : fretful , whiney , whiny


inquiry; question;

(noun) an instance of questioning

synonyms : enquiry , inquiry , interrogation , question
(verb) pose a question
synonyms : question



minor objection or complaint; V:

raise minor objections; carp;

(noun) an evasion of the point of an argument by raising

irrelevant distinctions or objections
synonyms : cavil , quiddity
(verb) argue over petty things
synonyms : bicker , brabble , niggle , pettifog , squabble
(verb) evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant

mnemonic in hindi.. read it as qui(kyun)

+bble(bill)..KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA HAI?, you
OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to
the authorities..


dormant((of an animal) Having

normal physical functions
suspended or slowed down for a
period of time; in or as if in a
deep sleep); temporarily
inactive; at rest; N. quiescence


quiz + cent, teacher asks students who will

get cent(100) in the quiz...everyone
reamains silent for sometime


(noun) the most typical example or representative of a type

(noun) the purest and most concentrated essence of something
purest and highest embodiment; (noun) the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire
perfect example; apotheosis;
and water; was believed to be the substance composing all
most essential element; ADJ.
heavenly bodies
quintessential; CF. fifth essence synonyms : ether

we have quintal(quint) of PURE and SACRED

feeling(ESSENCE) for GOD


sudden sharp turn or twist;

startling twist; caprice;
idiosyncrasy; peculiarity of

(noun) a narrow groove beside a beading

(noun) a strange attitude or habit
synonyms : crotchet , oddity , queerness , quirkiness
(verb) twist or curve abruptly

Sounds like "quick" (sharp turn).jerk


traitor(A person who betrays a

friend, country, principle, etc)
who aids invaders; CF. Vidkun

"quisling" == actually sounds like

(noun) someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force "wrestling" , ie "traitors" are always in a
synonyms : collaborationist , collaborator
mood to wrestle with you


(adj.) not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and

idealistic but impractical; CF. Don unrealistic
synonyms : romantic , wild-eyed

quixotic== quick + exotic, if you desire

something exotic(unusual) to happen
quickly in your life it is just a daydream


minimal number of members

(noun) a gathering of the minimal number of members of an
necessary to conduct a meeting organization to conduct business

quorus is a group of people singing a line.

The minimum number of people required for
singing is one - quorum (singular) :)


(adj.) found in the ordinary course of events

synonyms : everyday , mundane , routine , unremarkable ,
daily; commonplace; customary; workaday

split it as "quote+indian".QUOTE AN INDIAN

every day. Newspapers quote opinions of
Indians everyday.. so its a DAILY

(pathology) causing no symptoms

being quiet or still or inactive
not active or activated
marked by a state of tranquil repose






container; vessel; holder


deserving blame; blameworthy;

V. reprehend: blame


(noun) the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment

synonyms : respite
(noun) a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the
execution of the death sentence)
(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
synonyms : abatement , hiatus , respite , suspension
(noun) a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
synonyms : respite
postponement or cancelation of a (verb) relieve temporarily
punishment; temporary stay; V: (verb) postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as
postpone or cancel the
an execution
reprieve rhymes with deprive, when you are
punishment of
synonyms : respite
deprived of energy you will take a break


censure(Express severe
disapproval of (someone or
something), typically in a formal
statement.); rebuke(An
expression of sharp disapproval (verb) take to task
or criticism); N. reproof
synonyms : admonish

there are two opposites of

approve:1.disapprove a2.Reprove.


(verb) refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid

(verb) cast off
(gre meaning to reject as having synonyms : disown , renounce
no authority)disown; disavow;
(verb) reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust
(verb) refuse to recognize or pay

Repudiate:Repu(means tomorrow in Telugu)

+Diate(Date),so one boy asked the girl
weather she comes for the Date(Diate)
Tomorrow(Repu),the girl refused to
come....she rejected,disclaim,deny,not


(adj) suggestive of sexual

Synonyms : blue , gamey ,
gamy , juicy , naughty , racy ,


(noun) category name

(noun) a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type
(noun) a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give
a brief summary of the matters it deals with
synonyms : statute title , title
(noun) an authoritative rule of conduct or procedure
(noun) directions for the conduct of Christian church services
(often printed in red in a prayer book)
title or heading (in red print);
(noun) an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text BRICKS are usually in red in
directions for religious ceremony; synonyms : gloss
color and and every brick has a company
(verb) adorn with ruby red color
name on it(title) on it..


mysterious; set down in an

ancient alphabet; N. rune: one of
the letters of an alphabet used
by ancient Germanic peoples
(cut on stone or wood); magic
(adj.) relating to or consisting of runes

(adj.) bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure

synonyms : condemnable , criminal , deplorable , vicious

reprehend: you apprehend (catch)

someone who s blameworthy and wanted.

runic~munich (in germany) ... so something

that germans understand ....and sometihng
that is alien and not understandable us nongermans (us)







composure or coolness, sometimes excessive, as shown in

danger or under trying circumstances
(verb) set apart from others
synonyms : isolate , keep apart , sequestrate , set apart
(verb) keep away from others
synonyms : seclude , sequestrate , withdraw
(verb) undergo sequestration by forming a stable compound
with an ion
(verb) take temporary possession of as a security, by legal
isolate; segregate; seclude; retire synonyms : attach , confiscate , impound , seize
from public life
(verb) requisition forcibly, as of enemy property


prophetic; oracular; N. sibyl:

woman prophet (in the ancient


left-handed (or counterclockwise)

[dextral - right handed]


a Swedish buffet of cold dishes

juvenile; immature

seek + quest - those who seek to find

something as a part of a quest have to leave
the society or seclude themselves from it.

sibyline=see + by + line...see within the

lines...have you heard the idiom reading
(adj.) having a secret or hidden meaning
behind the lines..(to try to understand what
synonyms : cabalistic , cryptic , cryptical , kabbalistic , qabalistic is meant by something that is not written
(adj.) resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
explicitly or openly. ).this word has exactly
synonyms : divinatory , mantic , sibyllic , vatic , vatical
the meaning

false; counterfeit; forged;


(adj.) intended to deceive

synonyms : inauthentic , unauthentic
(adj.) born out of wedlock
synonyms : bastardly , misbegot , misbegotten
(adj.) plausible but false
synonyms : specious


soak; saturate; ADJ: precipitous

(noun) a steep place (as on a hill)

(verb) let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse
synonyms : infuse
(verb) devote (oneself) fully to
synonyms : absorb , engross , engulf , immerse , plunge , soak up
(adj.) having a sharp inclination
(adj.) of a slope; set at a high angle
(adj.) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
synonyms : exorbitant , extortionate , outrageous ,
while climbing STEEP slopes you get
unconscionable , usurious


one regarded as embodying a set

image or type; fixed and
unvarying representation;
standardized mental picture
(noun) a conventional or formulaic conception or image
often reflecting prejudice; V:
(verb) treat or classify according to a mental stereotype
make a stereotype of;
synonyms : pigeonhole , stamp


(noun) joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped;

corresponds to the human knee
synonyms : knee
(verb) be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen
synonyms : asphyxiate , suffocate
(verb) smother or suppress
synonyms : dampen
(verb) impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of
synonyms : asphyxiate , choke , suffocate
(verb) conceal or hide
synonyms : muffle , repress , smother , strangle

s-PURE+ious...pure means true...spurious

means the opposite of it..which is
Sounds like "furious". You get furious when
you hear spurious arguments

stereos are old..unchanging..though they are

good, becuase of their fixed quality, they're
PRE-JUDICED to be inferior...

When you take a rifle with you, you better

stifle (conceal, hide) it, else you will be


suppress; extinguish; inhibit;

smother or suffocate


(verb) make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of

question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force
(verb) specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or
agreement;make an express demand or provision in an
state as a necessary condition (of agreement
an agreement); make express
synonyms : condition , qualify , specify
we sometimes need to complete work in
(verb) give a guarantee or promise of
stipulated time. It means " specified" time


stir up a fire or furnace; feed

to tolerate


marked with thin narrow grooves

or channels


severe and adverse criticism;

critical comments; limit or

(verb) stir up or tend; of a fire

Sounds like "stove" which is a furnace

(noun) severe criticism

(noun) abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway
synonyms : stenosis

STRICTURE rhymes with strict a sir

who is always strict CRITICEZES SEVERELY


(verb) deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or

make stupid in mind; cause to
synonyms : cripple
appear or become stupid or
(verb) cause to appear foolish
inconsistent; suppress; frustrate (verb) prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's
or hinder;


(verb) solidify, firm, or strengthen

(verb) establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
synonyms : affirm , confirm , corroborate , support , sustain
(verb) make real or concrete; give reality or substance to
synonyms : actualise , actualize , realise , realize
support (a claim) with evidence; (verb) represent in bodily form
establish with evidence; verify
synonyms : body forth , embody , incarnate


(noun) any word or group of words functioning as a noun

(adj.) defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules
by which rights and duties are established
synonyms : essential
(adj.) having a firm basis in reality and being therefore
important, meaningful, or considerable
substantial; essential; pertaining synonyms : substantial
to the substance; substantial;
(adj.) being on topic and prompting thought
synonyms : meaty


tending to overthrow or ruin; V.

subvert: overthrow completely
(an established system); destroy
completely; CF. undermine ?



Sounds like HINT ie short reference to

somthing ie gist


(adj.) expressive of contempt

synonyms : sneering , snide
haughty(Arrogantly superior and (adj.) having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of
disdainful); arrogant;
those one views as unworthy
condescending; patronizing; CF. synonyms : disdainful , haughty , imperious , lordly ,
eyebrow, cilium
overbearing , prideful , sniffy , swaggering

split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY) think of our SUPER SENIORs
in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT
IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit
their superiority over us hence treated us in
a very silly way..


superfluous; more than needed

or demanded

(adj.) more than is needed, desired, or required

synonyms : excess , extra , redundant , spare , superfluous ,
supernumerary , surplus

super+interrogate...when you super

interrogate a person,he will give excess info


entreating; beseeching; N.(Ask

someone earnestly or anxiously
to do something)

(noun) one praying humbly for something

synonyms : petitioner , requester , supplicant
(adj.) humbly entreating
synonyms : supplicant , supplicatory

God, please SUPPLY me what I wANT.. a

humble request!


one who supplicates; ADJ.

(noun) one praying humbly for something

synonyms : petitioner , requester , suppliant
(noun) someone who prays to God
synonyms : prayer
(adj.) humbly entreating
synonyms : suppliant , supplicatory

One who says ..SUPPLy me I CANT get it on

my own..


petition humbly; pray to grant a


(verb) ask humbly (for something)

(verb) ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer
(verb) make a humble, earnest petition


bad-tempered; rude; cross

sur+ly......focus on sur....SOUNDS LIKE THINK OF our school SIR...who was
very BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE..who use to
(adj.) inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace beat us whenever we hadn't completed our
synonyms : ugly
home work on time................


lover of luxury; person devoted

to pleasure and luxury; CF.
Sybaris: an ancient Greek city in (noun) a person addicted to luxury and pleasures of the senses
synonyms : voluptuary


pertaining to the woods or the


(noun) a radical supporter of political or social revolution

synonyms : revolutionary , revolutionist , subverter
(adj.) in opposition to a civil authority or government
synonyms : insurgent , seditious

(noun) a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods

synonyms : silvan
(adj.) relating to or characteristic of wooded regions
synonyms : silvan

Stultify rhymes with NULLIFY which is easy 2

remember.. u can remember the meaning
like this.. Stultify means to NULLIFY your
efforts (or) make it useless!!!

provide substantial evidence

subversive--->reversive--->go against
established rule

Sybarite = cyber + IT ie ppl in field of Cyber

and IT and other computer professionals
grow fond of luxury bcoz of thier heavy

Pennsylvania, a state in U.S., was named

because of this word.





(adj.) timid by nature or revealing timidity

fearful; timid; demonstrating fear synonyms : fearful , trepid

timorous means showing or suffering from
nervousness or a lack of
confidence...TUMOURous...if you come to
know that you have a tumour, you will be

(adj.) extremely hot

(adj.) emotionally charged and vigorously energetic
(adj.) characterized by intense emotion
synonyms : ardent , fervent , fervid , fiery , impassioned ,

"Tour" + "Rid" You got rid of the tour

because it was to hot outside.


violation of a law; sin; V.

transgress: go beyond (a limit);
violate; do wrong

(noun) the action of going beyond or overstepping some

boundary or limit
(noun) the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty
or moral principle
synonyms : evildoing
(noun) the spreading of the sea over land as evidenced by the
deposition of marine strata over terrestrial strata

Trans + aggression....imagine the army of

Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of
Control (LOC) and hence violating the law
trans(=across) border.


trembling; wavering

(adj.) (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear

synonyms : quavering

TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming

words with a similar meaning. Both words
mean, quivering or shivering with fear.


fear and anxiety; nervous


(noun) a feeling of alarm or dread

TRAP - soldier on being trapped had the

feeling of trepidation/fear


(of weather) hot or scorching;

(verb) walk or tramp about


suffering; ordeal; distress; trial

(noun) an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event

synonyms : trial , visitation

tribute + nation >> a national tribute is

paid when the nation SUFFERS a loss of
some great personality or is in DISTRESS
due to some calamity..


aggressiveness; ferocity; ADJ.

truculent: aggressive;
pugnacious; fierce

(noun) obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness

synonyms : truculency

sounds like turbulent means property of

being wild i.e. showing aggressiveness.



(adj) emotionally upset



(of a position, esp. in an

argument) indefensible; not able (adj.) (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified
to be maintained
synonyms : indefensible

a child un(der) ten not able defense
himself they need parents maintenance
(under+ten+not able)


unjustified; having no
justification; groundless;
baseless; undeserved

(adj.) incapable of being justified or explained

synonyms : indefensible , insupportable , unjustifiable ,
(adj.) lacking justification or authorization
synonyms : undue , unjustified
(adj.) without a basis in reason or fact
synonyms : baseless , groundless , idle , unfounded , wild

i got a mobile without a warranty and that

was unjustified
remeber arrest warrant:in movies police can
arrest a villan only with justified reason or
evidence otherwise the villan will rule out
police words as baseless


reprimand(Express sharp
disapproval or criticism of
(someone) because of their
behavior or actions); severely

(verb) express criticism towards

synonyms : reproach

elders criticize severely if their girls UP their



suave(Charming, confident, and

elegant); refined in manner;

(adj.) showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance

that comes from wide social experience
synonyms : polished , refined , svelte

Urban(e)- people living in urban areas

generally have refined social experience.





waver (in opinion); fluctuate;

sway to and fro; N. vacillation

(verb) move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern

synonyms : fluctuate , waver
(verb) be undecided about something; waver between
conflicting positions or courses of action
synonyms : hover , oscillate , vibrate

sounds like something which

moves from one position to another position


empty; lacking in ideas; inane;

stupid;N. vacuity

(adj.) void of expression

synonyms : blank
(adj.) devoid of matter
(adj.) devoid of significance or point
synonyms : empty , hollow
(adj.) devoid of intelligence
synonyms : asinine , fatuous , inane , mindless

vacuous can be seen as vacuum which

means, a region empty of matter.


capricious happening; caprice;

whim; CF. wander(A sudden and
unaccountable change of mood
or behavior)

(noun) an unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in sounds like jaggery which can bring sudden
a situation or a person's behavior, etc.)
change of taste on your tounge...


homeless wanderer

(noun) a wanderer who has no established residence or visible

means of support
synonyms : drifter , floater , vagabond
(adj.) continually changing especially as from one abode or
occupation to another
synonyms : aimless , drifting , floating , vagabond

Imagine u have a rented house and u run

from one house to other to search the same.
So its Bhag+rent = Bhag Rant..


boastful; excessively conceited;

N. vainglory: great vanity

(adj.) feeling self-importance

synonyms : big , swelled

vain' means thinking too highly of oneself;

so 'vainglorious' means one feeling glorious
about oneself


(noun) a farewell oration (especially one delivered during

graduation exercises by an outstanding member of a graduating
pertaining to farewell; N: farewell synonyms : valediction , valedictory address , valedictory oration
address (esp. at graduation
(adj.) of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell
vale= be well (as in goodbye take care)+
(adj.) of a speech expressing leave-taking
dictory= words, so farewell speech


verb) come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

Synonyms : beat , beat out , crush , shell , trounce


sounds like vanishing u can be

better than ny1 in a competition!!


lacking liveliness; dull and

unimaginative; insipid and

(adj.) lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest

(adj.) lacking taste or flavor or tang
synonyms : bland , flat , flavorless , flavourless , insipid ,
savorless , savourless


(esp. of a flower or leaf) manycolored

(adj.) having a variety of colors

synonyms : varicolored , varicoloured


to boast;brag


forceful; intensely emotional;

with marked vigor; strong; N.


capable of being bribed; corrupt; (adj.) capable of being corrupted

CF. vernal
synonyms : bribable , corruptible , dishonest , purchasable


blood feud (esp. between two

families); CF. Nina Williams


(noun) an ornamental coating to a building

synonyms : facing
thin surface layer (of good
(noun) coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued
quality wood, glued to a base of to a base of inferior wood
inferior material); cover; surface synonyms : veneering
surface of PANEER is very VANEER
show; fac{c}ade; V.
(verb) cover with veneer


deserving high respect;

commanding respect; CF.
command: deserve and get


revere(Feel deep respect or

(verb) regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider
admiration for (something)); treat hallowed or exalted or be in awe of
with great respect
synonyms : fear , revere , reverence


(of a fault or sin) forgivable;


Vapid is not Rapid and hence dull.....

WHY+AUNT...why do you call me aunty.....i

still look young....a kind of bragging
(adj.) marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions;
inclined to react violently; fervid
synonyms : fierce , tearing , trigger-happy , violent
(adj.) characterized by great force or energy

Vehement resembles cement i.e. strong,

forceful (cement expands inwards with
immense pressure and force) vehement ==
ve + nal = we null ....we can be easily
bribed when we are null in terms of
money ...

(noun) a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder

each other
Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack)....when
synonyms : blood feud
they attack each other they are in vendetta.

(adj.) profoundly honored

synonyms : august , revered
(adj.) impressive by reason of age

(adj.) easily excused or forgiven

synonyms : excusable , forgivable
(adj.) warranting only temporal punishment
synonyms : minor

when + able >>> when u r an ABLE,

people will HONOR U and RESPECT U...
ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. you

sounds like DENIAL which means refusing to

comply and VENIAL is opposite of it..




release or discharge through a

vent; express (esp. unfairly);

(noun) activity that frees or expresses creative energy or

synonyms : outlet , release
(noun) external opening of urinary or genital system of a lower
(noun) a hole for the escape of gas or air
synonyms : blowhole , vent-hole , venthole
(noun) a slit in a garment (as in the back seam of a jacket)
(noun) a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some
other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt
synonyms : volcano
(verb) expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen
synonyms : air , air out , ventilate
(verb) give expression or utterance to
synonyms : give vent , ventilate

risk; expose to risk; dare;

undertake a risk; N.

(noun) any venturesome undertaking especially one with an

uncertain outcome
(noun) a commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises
a profit
(noun) an investment that is very risky but could yield great
synonyms : speculation
(verb) put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation
synonyms : guess , hazard , pretend
(verb) proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
synonyms : embark
(verb) put at risk
AD+VENTURE=which is exiting but full of
synonyms : adventure , hazard , jeopardize , stake
risks and daring things

(of a person) truthful

(adj.) precisely accurate

synonyms : right
(adj.) habitually speaking the truth

the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we

can frame words like: veracious - truthful
and verisimilitude - an appearence of truth.


truthfulness; adherence to the


(noun) unwillingness to tell lies

veracity and voracity were two cities,

people of vora city used to eat too much and
people of vera city used to tell truth about
their fattiness, which caused differences
between two cities (in this way you can
remem. both words)


pompous array of words; too

many unnecessary words;

(noun) the manner in which something is expressed in words

synonyms : choice of words , diction , phraseology , phrasing ,
(noun) overabundance of words
synonyms : verbalism

Can be split into verb + age, usually aged

people speak a lot.


wordy; N. verbosity

(adj.) using or containing too many words

synonyms : long-winded , tedious , windy , wordy

VER for verbal BOSE for boss; so you may

say that your boss is excessively verbal


green; covered with green plants

(adj.) characterized by abundance of verdure
or grass; lush in vegetation;


having the appearance of truth or

reality; probable or likely to be
true; plausible
(adj.) appearing to be true or real


being truly so; real or genuine;

actual; not false or imaginary

(adj.) not counterfeit or copied

synonyms : authentic , bona fide , unquestionable
(adj.) often used as intensifiers
synonyms : regular


having many talents; capable of

working in many fields; having
many uses or functions; N.

(adj.) able to move freely in all directions

(adj.) competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from
one thing to another
(adj.) changeable or inconstant
(adj.) having great diversity or variety
synonyms : various


severe dizziness; giddiness

not developed

(noun) a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall

synonyms : dizziness , giddiness , lightheadedness

ver = true verd = green verb = words

Vert represents height. When you look down

from a great height, you tend to get dizzy


annoy; distress

(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to

synonyms : amaze , baffle , beat , bewilder , dumbfound ,
flummox , get , gravel , mystify , nonplus , perplex , pose , puzzle
, stick , stupefy
(verb) subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or
(verb) change the arrangement or position of
synonyms : agitate , commove , disturb , raise up , shake up , stir
(verb) disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation
or distress
synonyms : worry
(verb) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor
synonyms : annoy , bother , chafe , devil , get at , get to ,
gravel , irritate , nark , nettle , rag , rile


capable of maintaining life;

feasible; practical or workable;

(adj.) capable of life or normal growth and development

(adj.) capable of being done with means at hand and
circumstances as they are
synonyms : executable , feasible , practicable , workable


change (esp. from good to bad);

change of fortune; CF. the last
emperor of China

vicissitude sounds like ...WISE ATTITUDE......

whenver there is variation in circumstances
(noun) mutability in life or nature (especially successive
or fortune at diffrent times of life, only a
alternation from one condition to another)
(noun) a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times WISE(good)ATTITUDE CAN HANDLE THE
in your life or in the development of something


small drawing placed at the

beginning or end of a chapter;
picture; short literary sketch;
short written description of a
character or scene

(noun) a small illustrative sketch (as sometimes placed at the

beginning of chapters in books)
(noun) a photograph whose edges shade off gradually
(noun) a brief literary description
synonyms : sketch


active strength; energy;

enthusiasm; ADJ. vigorous

(noun) an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)

synonyms : energy , muscularity , vigour , vim
(noun) active strength of body or mind
synonyms : dynamism , heartiness , vigour
(noun) forceful exertion
synonyms : energy , vigour , zip


slander; speak evil of; N.


(verb) spread negative information about

synonyms : rail , revile , vituperate

Vilify (to defame someone) is the opposite of

glorify (to praise someone highly).


clear from blame; free from

blame or accusation (with
supporting proof); exonerate;
substantiate; justify or support;
avenge; CF. vindicator

(verb) show to be right by providing justification or proof

synonyms : justify
(verb) clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with
supporting proof
(verb) maintain, uphold, or defend

indicate means pointing to some thing bad

and vindicate is opposite of that


disposed(inclined or willing) to
revenge; vengeful; out for
revenge; spiteful; intended to
cause harm; malicious;

(adj.) showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated

by spite
synonyms : despiteful , spiteful
(adj.) disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge
synonyms : revengeful , vengeful

vin(win) a person is always wanting to win ,

if he loses he feels to seek revenge


highly skilled artist (esp. in


(noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

synonyms : ace , adept , champion , genius , hotshot , maven ,
mavin , sensation , star , superstar , whiz , whizz , wiz , wizard
(noun) a musician who is a consummate master of technique
and artistry
(adj.) having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
synonyms : consummate , masterful , masterly


(of a disease or poison)

extremely harmful or poisonous;
(of a feeling) hostile; bitter; N.
virulence; CF. virus; CF. venom

(adj.) infectious; having the ability to cause disease

(adj.) harsh or corrosive in tone
synonyms : acerb , acerbic , acid , acrid , bitter , blistering ,
caustic , sulfurous , sulphurous , vitriolic
(adj.) extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom
synonyms : deadly , venomous

it is a virus, which causes disease and harm.

So, something virulent is viral and poisonous

face; appearance

(noun) the appearance conveyed by a person's face

synonyms : countenance
(noun) the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are
informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)
synonyms : countenance , kisser , mug , phiz , physiognomy ,

VISA-AGE - your VISA has everything,your

photo(FACE), your AGE... all the details.

(of a liquid) thick and sticky;

gluey; viscid; CF. consistency

(adj.) having the sticky properties of an adhesive

synonyms : gluey , glutinous , gummy , mucilaginous , pasty ,
sticky , viscid
(adj.) having a relatively high resistance to flow
synonyms : syrupy

Viscous is like mucus - both mean something

sticky or gooey.



via = through or way.... , able = possible.....

so its something possible by a certain way or
not! :)

Sounds like "vignesha". At the beginning of

every pooja, we make a small "vignesh" idol
with turmeric. Similarly, there is a "vignette"
before every chapter

(noun) a holding device attached to a workbench; has two jaws

to hold workpiece firmly in place
We know that a "vice" is a "device" - a tool.
synonyms : bench vise


vice; tool for holding work in

place; clamping device


(adj.) manifesting or characteristic of life

(adj.) full of spirit
full of life; animated; vibrant and synonyms : full of life , lively
lively; critical; of great
(adj.) performing an essential function in the living body
importance; necessary to stay
synonyms : life-sustaining
alive; of life; living; breathing; N. (adj.) urgently needed; absolutely necessary
vitality; V. vitalize
synonyms : critical

when U take reVITAL ( produced by Ran

Baxy) U will b full of life,,

spoil the effect of; make

inoperative; corrupt morally

(verb) take away the legal force of or render ineffective

synonyms : invalidate , void
(verb) make imperfect
synonyms : deflower , impair , mar , spoil
(verb) corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
synonyms : corrupt , debase , debauch , demoralise ,
demoralize , deprave , misdirect , pervert , profane , subvert

vitiate...viti(girl name) ate the cake...and

spoiled my party simple


of glass; pertaining to or
resembling glass; V. vitrify:
change into glass; CF. petrify

(adj.) relating to or resembling or derived from or containing

(adj.) of or relating to or constituting the vitreous humor of the
(adj.) (of ceramics) having the surface made shiny and
nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it
synonyms : glassy , vitrified

after (vitre) a victory(ous) you get a prize of



causing sharp pain to the mind;

caustic; corrosive; sarcastic; of
vitriol; N. vitriol: sulphuric acid
(which burns flesh deeply);
bitterly abusive expression;
caustic expression; CF. glass

(adj.) of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of

destroying or eating away by chemical action
synonyms : caustic , corrosive , erosive , mordant
(adj.) harsh or corrosive in tone
synonyms : acerb , acerbic , acid , acrid , bitter , blistering ,
caustic , sulfurous , sulphurous , virulent

divide it like vitriolic..vitriol+ic...AND

ACID.. and we all know that acid is caustic,
sharp and bitter...and when it falls on the
skin it burns it, causing SHARP pain.


abusive; scolding; V. vituperate:

berate; scold; rail against

(adj.) marked by harshly abusive criticism

synonyms : scathing

VIT + operative >>> when we went in VIT

for admission form filling, the
operatives(office staff) there were very rude
and were abusing and scolding students.. so
we decided on it not to take admission in


lively or animated; sprightl


(adj.) vigorous and animated

synonyms : vibrant

U shud try to be lively at time of ur VIVA


act of dissecting living animals

(noun) the act of operating on living animals (especially in

scientific research)


clamorous(conspicuously and
offensively loud); noisy; V.
vociferate: cry out loudly (when

(adj.) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement

synonyms : blatant , clamant , clamorous , strident

popular fashion;

(noun) the popular taste at a given time

synonyms : style , trend
(noun) a current state of general acceptance and use

changeable; of a quickly
changing nature (as of temper);
mercurial; tending to violence;
evaporating rapidly;

(noun) a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily

from solid or liquid to a vapor
(adj.) evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures
(adj.) tending to vary often or widely
(adj.) marked by erratic changeableness in affections or
synonyms : fickle
(adj.) liable to lead to sudden change or violence
synonyms : explosive


simultaneous discharge of a
number of shots; V

(noun) a tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces

(noun) rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms
synonyms : burst , fusillade , salvo
(verb) utter rapidly
(verb) make a volley
(verb) discharge in, or as if in, a volley
(verb) hit before it touches the ground
just like in volley-ball we throw shots at
(verb) be dispersed in a volley
each other..


fluent; talkative; glib; N.


(adj.) marked by a ready flow of speech

having great volume (as of a

garment or container); bulky;

(adj.) large in number or quantity (especially of discourse)

synonyms : copious
(adj.) large in volume or bulk
(adj.) marked by repeated turns and bends
synonyms : tortuous , twisting , twisty , winding





Vivisection means disection

take the second part of word --> FEROUS !!!
it is oer of IRON .. so when iron peices collide
with each other ... they make noise !! ""
ferous --> iron --> collide to make noise

remember provogue brand

Remember "volume" in TV controls. It's

related to sound. This voluble is also related
to speaking


(adj.) devouring or craving food in great quantities

synonyms : edacious , esurient , rapacious , ravening , ravenous ,
ravenous; eating large quantities wolfish
of food; exceedingly eager;
(adj.) excessively greedy and grasping
remember carniVORES ,herbiVORES...So
synonyms : rapacious , ravening
"VORE" tells sumthing about eating.


whirlwind; whirlpool; center of

turbulence; predicament into
which one is inexorably plunged


(adj.) conspicuously and tastelessly indecent

synonyms : crude , earthy , gross
(adj.) being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday
of the common people; deficient language
in refinement; not refined;
synonyms : common , vernacular
coarse; N. vulgarism: vulgarity;
(adj.) of or associated with the great masses of people
crudely indecent word; CF.
synonyms : common , plebeian , unwashed
vulgarian: vulgar person; boor;
(adj.) lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
synonyms : coarse , common , rough-cut , uncouth

(noun) a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of

conflicting tides)
synonyms : maelstrom , whirlpool
(noun) the shape of something rotating rapidly
Vertex is the higher point .Vortex is lower
synonyms : convolution , swirl , whirl
point caused by the whirlpool.

Vulpine (fox like) and bovine (cow) both refer

to animals


like a fox; crafty

(adj.) resembling or characteristic of a fox

synonyms : vulpecular

PINE is sharp, thus it makes the syn :clever,

crafty, cunning, foxy, ingenious, shrewdness,
skillful, sly, tricky, wily.






speak equivocally(Uncertain or (noun) pancake batter baked in a waffle iron

questionable in nature) about (verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
an issue; N.
synonyms : hesitate , waver

waffle.... think of waffer...we often hesitate to

give waffers to anyone!!


(noun) a long flag; often tapering

synonyms : pennant , pennon , streamer
move gently (in air or in seas) (verb) be driven or carried along, as by the air
by wind or waves;
(verb) blow gently

sounds like "raft", which is used for travelling

on water. It gently sails through the sea
waves...drifting in the breeze


shake repeatedly from side to

side;N: humorous person; wit

(noun) causing to move repeatedly from side to side

synonyms : shake , waggle
(noun) a witty amusing person who makes jokes
synonyms : card , wit
(verb) move from side to side
synonyms : waggle


give up temporarily; yield; N.

waiver: waiving a right or
claim; document that waives a
right or claim

(verb) lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error,

offense, or crime
synonyms : forego , forfeit , forgo , give up , throw overboard
(verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to
synonyms : dispense with , forego , foreswear , forgo , relinquish

it sounds like wave...wave in ocean is

temporarily come and goes naaaa?

(noun) a forceful consequence; a strong effect

Synonyms : impact
(noun) a severe blow
(verb) hit hard
Synonyms : whack , wham , whop
(verb) defeat soundly and utterly

sounds like WALL + UP...when my friend hit at

my bottom with his bat i was up on the wall



(noun) an indolent or clumsy rolling about

(noun) a puddle where animals go to wallow
(verb) delight greatly in
(verb) devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an
immoderate degree, usually with pleasure
(verb) be ecstatic with joy
synonyms : rejoice , triumph
(verb) roll around,
roll in mud; indulge in(Become synonyms : welter
involved in ); (of a ship) roll in (verb) rise up as if in waves
a rough sea; become helpless; synonyms : billow

wag relate it to "bag" ....some people move

bags while walking.....

look for wall in word wallow and imagine a

wall surrounding you which is not allowing
you to go anywhere, which makes u helpless
wander(moving from place to place)+lust(a
desire for something)....when you have a
desire for wandering to places ,it means, you
love to travel ,so you can be refered to as a

strong longing to travel

(noun) very strong or irresistible impulse to travel

synonyms : itchy feet


decrease in size or strength

(after being full); grow
gradually to an end;

(noun) a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)

synonyms : ebb , ebbing
(verb) grow smaller
wane--it sounds like "vain", imagine your
synonyms : decline , go down
tailor has decreased the size of your paint
(verb) decrease in phase
and shirt and now you can't wear it, so your
(verb) become smaller
hard work to buy that dress went in vain.


(noun) a division of a prison (usually consisting of several cells)

synonyms : cellblock
(noun) block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms)
shared by patients who need a similar kind of care
synonyms : hospital ward
(noun) a district into which a city or town is divided for the
purpose of administration and elections
(noun) a person who is under the protection or in the custody of
(noun) United States businessman who in 1872 established a
successful mail-order business (1843-1913)
synonyms : aaron montgomery ward , montgomery ward
administrative division of a
(noun) English writer of novels who was an active opponent of
city; division in a hospital or
the women's suffrage movement (1851-1920)
prison; incompetent person
synonyms : mary augusta arnold ward , mrs. humphrey ward
placed under the protection of (noun) English economist and conservationist (1914-1981)
a guardian; V: guard; ward off: synonyms : barbara ward , baroness jackson of lodsworth
avert( prevent the occurrence (verb) watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect
of; prevent from happening )
synonyms : guard



(noun) a writ from a court commanding police to perform

specified acts
(noun) a written assurance that some product or service will be
provided or will meet certain specifications
synonyms : guarantee , warrantee , warranty
(noun) formal and explicit approval
synonyms : countenance , endorsement , imprimatur ,
indorsement , sanction
(noun) a type of security issued by a corporation (usually
together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the
right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated
synonyms : stock warrant , stock-purchase warrant
(verb) stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or
justification; written order that condition of
serves as authorization (esp. a synonyms : guarantee
judicial writ); V: justify;
(verb) show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
synonyms : justify


very cautious; watchful

(adj.) marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

(adj.) openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
synonyms : leery , mistrustful , suspicious , untrusting


increase gradually (as the

moon); grow

(noun) any of various substances of either mineral origin or plant

or animal origin; they are solid at normal temperatures and
insoluble in water
(verb) go up or advance
synonyms : climb , mount , rise
If you go for WAXing( A technique to remove
(verb) increase in phase
hair from your skin..usually ladies go for it)
synonyms : full time the hair growth on your skin
(verb) cover with wax


ambush; lie in wait for and



(noun) a confused multitude of things

synonyms : clutter , fuddle , jumble , mare's nest , muddle ,
(verb) be immersed in
(verb) roll around,
wallow (as in mud or high
synonyms : wallow
seas); lie soaked (as in blood); (verb) toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way

During World Tour where to take

SHELTER...its confusing due to multiple
hotels..Hence it WELTERS choosing SHELTER
during WORLd TOur...


(noun) young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf

young animal (esp. of the dog synonyms : pup
or cat family); young wolf, dog, (verb) birth
tiger, etc.
synonyms : pup

w+help... say a little pup needs HELP from its

mother because it is still very young.

(verb) wait in hiding to attack

synonyms : ambuscade , ambush , bushwhack , lie in wait , lurk ,

Wary and worry sound the same... you

become wary (cautious) if you have too many
worries in life.

way+lay... imagine a situation where an army

LAYs its plan of attacking the militants on
their WAY to their destination..


sharpen; stimulate;

(verb) sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone

(verb) make keen or more acute
synonyms : quicken

Whet sounds like wet. So, before using the

whetstone to sharpen your knife, you have to
wet it a little.


fanciful; amusingly strange

(adj.) determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by

necessity or reason
synonyms : capricious , impulsive


pare; cut away thin bits (from

wood); fashion in this way;
reduce gradually; trim

(noun) English aeronautical engineer who invented the jet

aircraft engine (1907-1996)
synonyms : frank whittle , sir frank whittle
(verb) cut small bits or pare shavings from
synonyms : pare


(adj.) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

synonyms : froward , headstrong , self-willed , wilful
(adj.) done by design
wilful; intentional; headstrong synonyms : wilful

wil+ful... full of will to do

something..something intentional (done


(adj.) marked by skill in deception

crafty; cunning; artful; N. wile: synonyms : crafty , cunning , dodgy , foxy , guileful , knavish ,
deceitful stratagem
slick , sly , tricksy , tricky

wily - ... in tamil...villy means opposite of

villain, artful, cunning

whittle == little pieces

see spy in the word. spy is hidden always, so

it's barely discernible.


thin; slight; barely discernible

(adj.) lacking clarity or distinctness

synonyms : dim , faint , shadowy , vague
(adj.) thin and weak
synonyms : wisplike


sadly thoughtful (because of

desires or memories); sadly
pensive; vaguely longing

(adj.) showing pensive sadness

synonyms : pensive

wistful ~ wristful ..havent u ever longed to

have ur wrist full of watches? Becoming sad;
while rememberring


shriveled; withered;

(adj.) lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness

synonyms : shriveled , shrivelled , shrunken , withered , wizen

wizened - old people are experienced and

WISE... and they are FEEBLE, WEAK, they


(esp. of an expression of the

(adj.) humorously sarcastic or mocking
face) twisted; with a humorous synonyms : dry , ironic , ironical
twist (expressing displeasure) (adj.) bent to one side

wispy sounds like WHISKY..u drink tht daily u

become thin n weak..

Wry is like cry because they both give your

face a contorted look of disgust or



fear or hatred of foreigners; N.


(noun) a fear of foreigners or strangers

phobia is fear of somethig xen sounds like
janam in telugu so fear of foreign people




strong desire; longing; urge;


(noun) a yearning for something or to do something

synonyms : hankering
(noun) the basic unit of money in Japan; equal to 100 sen
(verb) have a desire for something or someone who is not
synonyms : ache , languish , pine , yearn


YEN is money so everybody has strong

inclination towards it


(noun) in former times was free and cultivated his own land
(noun) officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British
man or farmer owning small
estate; middle-class farmer
synonyms : beefeater , yeoman of the guard
(noun) the income or profit arising from such transactions as the
sale of land or other property
synonyms : issue , payoff , proceeds , return , take , takings
(noun) the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is
created (usually within a given period of time)
synonyms : output , production
(verb) end resistance, as under pressure or force
synonyms : give way
(verb) consent reluctantly
synonyms : buckle under , give in , knuckle under , succumb
(verb) be willing to concede
synonyms : concede , grant
(verb) cease opposition; stop fighting
(verb) be flexible under stress of physical force
synonyms : give
(verb) give or supply
synonyms : generate , give , render , return
(verb) cause to happen or be responsible for
synonyms : give
(verb) move in order to make room for someone for something
synonyms : ease up , give , give way , move over
(verb) bring in
synonyms : bear , pay
(verb) give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control
of another
synonyms : cede , concede , grant
(verb) be the cause or source of
synonyms : afford , give
amount produced; crop; income (verb) be fatally overwhelmed
on investment; profit obtained
synonyms : succumb
from an investment; V: produce; (verb) give in, as to influence or pressure
give in; surrender
synonyms : relent , soften


(noun) stable gear that joins two draft animals at the neck so
they can work together as a team
(noun) fabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
(noun) a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so
they move together
synonyms : coupling
(noun) support consisting of a wooden frame across the
shoulders that enables a person to carry buckets hanging from
each end
(noun) a pair of draft animals joined by a yoke
(noun) two items of the same kind
synonyms : brace , couple , couplet , distich , duad , duet , duo ,
dyad , pair , span , twain , twosome
(noun) an oppressive power
(verb) put a yoke on or join with a yoke
(verb) link with or as with a yoke
join together; unite; N: crossbar synonyms : link
yoke: replace y with j joke, you know a joke
used to joining two draft animals (verb) become joined or linked together
and a laugh brings, joins people together


rustic(Having a simplicity and

charm that is considered typical (noun) a person who is not very intelligent or interested in
of the countryside); country
synonyms : bumpkin , chawbacon , hayseed , hick , rube , yahoo

sound like LOCAL..a local person who visits

foreign countries is a rustic

time long past;

yore sounds like bore....and we get bored

when we see an old movie..or of time long



(noun) time long past




comic; crazy; N: clown; comical

person (given to outlandish


eager enthusiasm (to a cause or

ideal); ADJ. zealous


one who is zealous; fanatic;

person who shows excessive


point directly overhead in the

sky; summit; acme; highest


gentle breeze; west wind


outer skin of an orange used for

giving a special taste to food;
spice; interest; flavor; spirited

(noun) a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
synonyms : bozo , cuckoo , fathead , goof , goofball , goose ,
jackass , twat
(noun) a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for
ludicrous effect
(adj.) like a clown
synonyms : buffoonish , clownish , clownlike
(adj.) ludicrous, foolish
synonyms : cockamamie , cockamamy , goofy , sappy , silly ,
wacky , whacky

(noun) prompt willingness

synonyms : eagerness , forwardness , readiness
(noun) excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end
(noun) a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person
or cause)
synonyms : ardor , ardour , elan

(noun) a fervent and even militant proponent of something

synonyms : drumbeater , partisan
(noun) a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first
century who fought to the death against the Romans and who
killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans
(noun) the point above the observer that is directly opposite the
nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies
appear to be projected
(noun) (Greek mythology) the Greek god of the west wind
(noun) a slight wind (usually refreshing)
synonyms : air , breeze , gentle wind
(noun) a tart spicy quality
synonyms : nip , piquance , piquancy , piquantness , tang ,
(noun) vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
synonyms : gusto , relish , zestfulness
(verb) add herbs or spices to
synonyms : spice , spice up


zany sounds like Johnny...Johnny Walker, a

comedian with a zany sense of humour.

zealot -- zeal + lot one who shows a lot of

Zenith, is the opposite of beneath which
means something below, while zenith
means the highest point
Zephyr = Ze + Phyr ~ sounds like the-fire; A
slight wind could help in spreading fire by
blowing it in a certain direction.

Zest means enthusiasm, eagerness, energy

and interest: Try to link it with best. You can
do your best, only if you show interest in
something and do it with energy and








MAY 6TH--1pm
may 28th --1pm

dental appointment thiru

pranav eye-appointmemay 27th--2.30


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