Introduction to Correspondences
KC Border
September 2010
Revised November 2013
v. 2013.11.25::15.25
In these particular notes, all spaces are metric spaces. The set of extended real numbers,
R {, }, is denoted R .
There are many instances when a set of points depends on a parameter. For instance:
In economics, the budget set (p, w) = {x Rn+ : p x w} is the set of shopping
lists x that can be purchased with wealth w at the price list p. This set depends on the
parameter vector (p, w) Rn+ R+ .
In a metric space (X, d), the open ball B (x) = {y X : d(y, x) < } is a set that depends
on the parameter list (x, ) X R++ .
For a family of constrained optimization problems
maximize f (x) subject to g(x) = ,
the constraint set {x X : g(x) = } depends on the parameter .
In order to capture this dependence we would like to have a notion of a set-valued function.
The seemingly obvious idea of a function f : X 2Y from the set X into the power set (the set
of subsets) of Y may not be the best choice. The problem comes when we try to imagine its
graph, which is a subset of X 2Y . A simpler idea is what we call a correspondence, which is
just another name for a binary relation from X to Y .
Definition 1 A correspondence from X to Y associates to each point in X a subset (x)
of Y . We write this as : X Y . For a correspondence : X Y , let gr denote the graph
of , which we define to be
gr = {(x, y) X Y : y (x)}.
Let : X Y , and let F X. The image (F ) of F under is defined to be
(F ) =
The value (x) is allowed to be the empty set, but we call {x X : (x) = }, the domain
of , denoted dom .
The terms multifunction, point-to-set mapping, and set-valued function are also used
for a correspondence.
Depending on your spatial relation skills, it may be possible to visualize the graph of a
correspondence as we have defined it, especially if X and Y are subsets of the line or plane.
KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
Inverse images
1 (y) = {x X : y (x)}.
Let (X, dX ) and (Y, dY ) be metric spaces, and let f : X Y be a function. When it is clear
to which space a pair of points belongs, I may drop the subscripts on dX and dY and simply
write d for the
Remember that Rn is a metric space under the Euclidean (or 2 ) metric
d2 (x, y) =
i=1 (xi yi ) . Other popular metrics on R include
nthe max-metric (or )
d (x, y) = maxi |xi yi | and the taxicab metric (or 1 ) d1 (x, y) = i=1 |xi yi |. For a review
of the important concepts (such as open sets, neighborhoods, closed sets, compact sets, and
(semi)continuous functions) relating to metric spaces see my on-line notes or Hildenbrand [11,
Chapter 1]. The two standard, equivalent, definitions of continuity are these.
Definition 4 (Continuity using neighborhoods) A function f : X Y is continuous
at x if for every neighborhood G of f (x), its inverse image f 1 [G] is a neighborhood of x. That
is, for every open set G with f (x) G, there exists an open set U with x U such that
z U = f (z) G.
Note that this definition is topological, that is, it uses only the notion of neighborhoods and
does not mention the metrics. The next definition makes explicit use of the metrics.
Definition 5 (Continuity using metrics) A function f : X Y is continuous at x if
for every > 0 there exists some > 0 such that
dX (x, z) < = dY f (x), f (z) < .
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KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
The following proposition is a simple consequence of the definition of an open set in a metric
space, but lets walk through it to see where problems arise when trying to define continuity for
Proposition 6 A function f is continuous at x in the topological sense of Definition 4 if and
only if it is continuous at x in the metric sense of Definition 5.
Proof : ( = ) Assume f( is continuous
( x in the
) topological sense (Definition 4), and let > 0
be given. Then G = B f (x) = {y : d y, f (x) < } is an open set with f (x) G, so there is
some open set U containing x such that z U = f (z) G. By definition of openness of U ,
there is a > 0 such that dX (z, x) < = z U . Thus
dX (z, x) < = dY f (z), f (x) < ,
that is, f is continuous at x in the metric sense (Definition 5).
( = ) Assume f is continuous at x in the metric sense (Definition 5), and let G be
( an open
set containing f (x). By definition of openness of G, there is some >(0 such that) dY y, f (x) <
= y G. Then there is a > 0 such that dX (x, z) < = dY f (z), f (x) < . That is,
letting U denote the open set B (x), we have
z U = f (z) G,
so f is continuous at x in the topological sense (Definition 4).
and Zhu [10, p. 3] call this set, with strict inequality replaced by weak inequality, the -enlargement
of A. It is possible to put useful topologies on 2X , in which case the term neighborhood might be confusing. But
I dont intend to topologize 2X here.
2 A metric d on a vector space is translation-invariant if for all x, y, z, we have d(x, y) = d(x + z, y + z).
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Introduction to Correspondences
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KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
Ill leave it to you to show that does satisfy Property UM . Hint: If x x < and y x,
then y = y + x x satisfies y y < and y = x (x y) x .
This example shows that it might be impossible for a correspondence satisfy Property UT
if is not compact-valued. Observe that a constant correspondence (that is, (x) = A for all x)
does satisfy Property UT , even if A is not compact.
So either Property UT or UM can be used as the basis for a definition of continuity. In the
past Ive preferred UT (e.g., [1, 9]), but now I may wish to join other authors, e.g., Aubin [2]
or Aubin and Ekeland [3, p. 108], who prefer UM . Nevertheless, until I get around around to
rewriting everything, I will stick with the following definition.
Definition 13 A correspondence : X Y is upper hemicontinuous (uhc) at x if it
satisfies Property UT at x; and is lower hemicontinuous (lhc) at x if whenever x is in
the lower inverse of an open set so is a neighborhood of x.
In other words, is uhc at x if for any open set G Y , if
(x) G,
then there is an open set U X containing x such that
z U = (z) G.
And is lhc at x if for any open set G Y , if
(x) G = ,
then there is an open set U X containing x such that
z U = (z) G = .
The correspondence : X Y is upper hemicontinuous if it is upper hemicontinuous
at every x X. The correspondence : X Y is lower hemicontinuous if it is lower
hemicontinuous at every x X. Thus is upper hemicontinuous if the upper inverses of open
sets are open and is lower hemicontinuous if the lower inverses of open sets are open.
A correspondence is continuous if it is both upper and lower hemicontinuous.
The term semicontinuity is used by some authors to mean hemicontinuity (indeed Aubin [2]
or Aubin and Ekeland [3], Phelps [14], and Borwein and Zhu [10] use it). The term hemicontinuiuty has been prevalent in mathematical economics since the appearance of Hildenbrand [11].
Warning! The definition of upper hemicontinuity is not fully agreed upon. For example,
Berge [7, 8] requires in addition that have non-empty compact values in order to be called
upper hemicontinuous. Hildenbrand [11, Definition 1, p. 21] requires nonempty values. See
Moore [13] for a catalog of related definitions. It is true that the most interesting results apply
to compact-valued correspondences (e.g., compare Examples 12 and 24 below), but it seems
useful to me and others, including Beer [6, Definition 6.2.4, p. 193], Borwein and Zhu [10,
Definition 5.1.15, p. 173], Hildenbrand [11, Definition 1, p. 21], and Phelps [14, Definition 7.2,
p. 102], to make upper hemicontinuity and compact values separate properties. These authors
use the term usco as an adjective to describe a correspondence that is upper hemicontinuous
and compact-valued.
If : X Y is singleton-valued, the upper and lower inverses of a set coincide and agree with
the inverse regarded as a function. Either form of hemicontinuity is equivalent to continuity as
a function. Thus a semicontinuous real-valued function is not a hemicontinuous correspondence
unless it is also a continuous function. It is also possible to put topologies on the space of
compact subsets of Y that capture hemicontinuity by regarding as a function into 2Y . See
Klein and Thompson [12, Theorems 7.1.4 and 7.1.7, pp. 7375].
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Introduction to Correspondences
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Draw pictures.
KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
of y and Wy of x with (Wy ) Uyc . Since C is compact, we can write C V2 = Uy1 Uyn ;
so setting W1 = Wy1 Wyn , we have (W1 ) V2c . The rest of the proof is as in part (1).
Example 23 Every constant correspondence, (x) = A for all x, is both upper and lower
Example 24 Let Rm
+ = {x R : x 0}. The compact-valued correspondence : R+ R+
defined by
(x) = {y Rm
+ : 0 y x}
Fact 25 Let x, x Rm
+ satisfy d(x, x ) < (recall that d is the max metric),
0 y x and set
y = (y + x x)+
y x .
B (y)
B (x)
y + x x
Figure 1. 0 y x and d(y, y ) < .
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Introduction to Correspondences
satisfies m (> 0. )Set = m/2. Then the neighborhood N (x) of (x) is disjoint from Gc ,
that is, N (x) G.
By the above fact (interchanging x and x ), for x B (x), if z x , then z lies within
of some point z x (namely z = (z + x x )+ ), so z G. Thus (x ) G.
That is, there is some y G with 0 y x. We need to find a > 0 so that if d(x, x ) < ,
then (x ) G = .
Since G is open relative to Rm
+ , there is some > 0 such that B (y) R+ G, where
B (y) = {z Rm
+ : max |yi zi | < }.
By the fact above there is some y G (x ). This proves the lower hemicontinuity of at
Exercise 27 Let f, g : X R be continuous and assume that f (x) g(x) for all x. Show that
x 7 { R : f (x) g(x)}
is continuous.
Example 28 The classical budget space is
B = {(p, w) Rn R : p 0, w > 0}.
Define B0 = {(p, w) Rn R : p 0, w 0}. The budget correspondence
(p, w) = {x Rn+ : p x w}
B is an open neighborhood of (
p, w)
(p, w) G = , for all (p, w) U . This proves that is lhc at (
p, w).
Now in case w
= 0 and some pj = 0, then x
= ej (the j th unit coordinate vector) we have
p, 0). Now consider the sequence (pn , wn ) (
p, 0) defined by pn = p + (1/n)ej and
wn = 1/n2 . If x (pn , wn ), then xj 1/n, so if xn (pn , wn ) we cannot have xn x
, so
by Proposition 21, is not lhc at (
p, 0).
One of the most useful and powerful theorems employed in mathematical economics and game
theory is the maximum theorem due to Berge [7]. It deals with the continuity of the solution
and value of a parametrized family of constrained optimization problems. We start with a set
P of parameter or state values, and a set X of controls or actions or choice variables. To each
parameter value p, there is a constraint set or feasible set (p) of controls,
: P X.
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Introduction to Correspondences
The goal is to maximize an objective function f over the feasible set. We allow f to depend on
both the parameter and the control. The domain of f need not be all of P X, but it must
include the graph of ,
f : gr R.
We define the optimal value function V : P R by
V (p) = sup{f (p, x) : x (p)}.
Note that we allow this to be extended real-valued (the supremum may be ). And recall that
sup = .
Definition 29 An extended real-valued function f : Z R on a metric space is upper semicontinuous if for every R, the upper contour set {z Z : f (z) } is closed (or equivalently {z Z : f (z) < } is open). The function f is lower semicontinuous if for every
R, the lower contour set {z Z : f (z) } is closed (or equivalently {z Z : f (z) > }
is open).
We can localize the concept and say that f is upper semicontinuous at z if f (z) < implies
that there is a neighborhood U of z such that x U implies f (x) < . Lower semicontinuity at
a point is defined similarly.
You should prove the following.
Fact 30 A real-valued function is continuous if and only if it is both upper and lower semicontinuous.
Proposition 31 (Lower semicontinuity of the optimal value function) Let : P X
be lower hemicontinuous at p0 . Let f : gr R be lower semicontinuous. Then the optimal
value function V is lower semicontinuous at p0 .
Proof : We need to prove that if V (p0 ) > , then there is a neighborhood W of p0 such that
p W implies V (p) > . So assume that V (p0 ) > . Then there is some x0 (p0 ) satisfying
f (p0 , x0 ) > .
Since f is lower semicontinuous on gr , there is an open neighborhood U V of (p0 , x0 ) such
that for all (p, x) gr U V we have f (p, x) > . Since is lower hemicontinuous,
W = [V ] U is a neighborhood of p0 . By the definition of lower inverse, for each p W
there is some x (p) V , which implies f (p, x) > . Therefore V (p) = supx(p) f (p, x) >
Proposition 32 (Upper semicontinuity of the optimal value function)
Assume that
the feasibility correspondence : P X has nonempty compact values. Let f : gr R be
upper semicontinuous. Then the optimal value function V is actually a maximum,
V (p) = max{f (p, x) : x (p)}.
If is upper hemicontinuous at p0 , then V is upper semicontinuous at p0 .
Proof : We need to show that if V (p0 ) < , then there is a neighborhood W of p0 such that
for all p W we have V (p) < . Since V (p0 ) < , for every x (p0 ) we have f (p0 , x) < .
Since f is upper semicontinuous, for each x (p0 ), there is a neighborhood Wx Ux of (p0 , x)
such that for every (p, z) Wx Ux we have f (p, z) < . Since (p) is compact, there are
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KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
i : z 7
i (z)
i is lower hemicontinuous at x.
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KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
i : z 7
i (z)
i is lower hemicontinuous at
Proof : Exercise.
[1] C. D. Aliprantis and K. C. Border. 2006. Infinite dimensional analysis: A hitchhikers guide,
3d. ed. Berlin: SpringerVerlag.
[2] J.-P. Aubin. 1998. Optima and equilibria: An introduction to nonlinear analysis, 2d.
ed. Number 140 in Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg, & New York:
[3] J.-P. Aubin and I. Ekeland. 1984. Applied nonlinear analysis. Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs, and Tracts. Mineola, New York:
John Wiley & Sons. Reprint of the 1984 edition by John Wiley and Sons.
[4] J.-P. Aubin and H. Frankowska. 1990. Set-valued analysis. Boston: Birkhuser.
[5] G. Beer and P. Kenderov. 1988. On the arg min multifunction for lower semicontinuous
functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 102(1):107113.
[6] G. A. Beer. 1993. Topologies on closed and closed convex sets. Number 268 in Mathematics
and Its Applications. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[7] C. Berge. 1959. Espaces topologiques et fonctions multivoques. Paris: Dunod.
[9] K. C. Border. 1985. Fixed point theorems with applications to economics and game theory.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
[10] J. M. Borwein and Q. J. Zhu. 2005. Techniques of variational analysis. Number 20 in
CMS Books in Mathematics/Ouvrages de Mathmatiques de la SMC. New York: Springer
Science+Business Media.
[11] W. Hildenbrand. 1974. Core and equilibria of a large economy. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
[12] E. Klein and A. C. Thompson. 1984. Theory of correspondences: Including applications to
mathematical economics. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
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KC Border
Introduction to Correspondences
v. 2013.11.25::15.25