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The Influence of Intrafamilial Power On Maternal Health Care in Mali: Perspectives of Women, Men and Mothers-in-Law

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The Influence of Intrafamilial Power on Maternal

Health Care in Mali: Perspectives of Women, Men
And Mothers-in-Law
By Darcy White,
Michelle Dynes,
Marcie Rubardt,
Koman Sissoko
and Rob
Darcy White is public
health program
associate, and
Rob Stephenson is
associate professor
both in the Hubert
Department of Global
Health, Rollins School
of Public Health,
Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, USA.
Michelle Dynes is
a former doctoral
student, Nell Hodgson
Woodruff School
of Nursing, Emory
University. Marcie
Rubardt is senior technical advisor, CARE
Atlanta. Koman
Sissoko is project
manager, CARE
Bamako, Mali.


CONTEXT: Evidence from diverse settings suggests that women often have limited control over their own reproduc-

tive health decisions. To increase uptake of preventive services and behaviors, it is important to understand how
intrafamilial power dynamics and the attitudes of women, their husband and their mother-in-law are associated
with maternal health practices.
METHODS: In 317 households in two rural districts of central Mali, women who had given birth in the previous
year, their husband and their mother-in-law each completed a survey gauging their attitudes toward constructs
of gender, power and health. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify
associations with four maternal health outcomes: antenatal care frequency, antenatal care timing, institutional
delivery and postnatal care.
RESULTS: In multivariable analyses, the preferences and opinions of mothers-in-law were associated with the

maternal health behaviors of their daughters-in-law. Womens own perceptions of their self-efficacy, the value of
women in society and the quality of services at the local health facility were also independently associated with
their preventive and health-seeking practices. Husbands preferences and opinions were not associated with any
CONCLUSION: Interventions focusing on women or couples may be insufficient to advance womens reproductive
health in patriarchal societies such as Mali. Future research and programmatic efforts need to address gender
norms and consider the influence of other family members, such as mothers-in-law.
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2013, 39(2):5868, doi: 10.1363/3905813

Despite decades of policies and programs aimed at improving reproductive health worldwide, high maternal morbidity and mortality persist in many resource-poor settings,
particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.13 The predominant
approach to mitigating this problem has been to target
the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women of reproductive age and to strengthen health service provision. Although educating and designing services for women is undoubtedly important, this focus assumes that women have
control over their maternal health care decisions. Evidence
from diverse settings, however, indicates that women often
have only partial, if any, autonomy over their reproductive
and sexual health.48 Not only do husbands have a significant influence on the behavior and actions of their wife,7,9,10
but other household members, especially mothers-in-law,
also exert control over younger women.5,1113
Maternal morbidity and mortality are largely preventable through the provision of antenatal care, institutional
delivery and timely postnatal care.8,1417 Yet, in Sub-Saharan Africa, fewer than half of women receive the World
Health Organizations recommended18 four or more antenatal care visits from a skilled provider, the majority deliver
in the home and few receive postnatal care.17,19 Limited
access to preventive and curative services,8,20 inadequate
health infrastructure and personnel,8,21,22 and inability to

pay8,21,22 have been recognized as formidable barriers to

receipt of maternal health care. Recent research, however,
indicates that supply side factors do not fully explain the
variability in care-seeking practices;7,12,23 in some settings,
substantial gaps in coverage remain even after adjustment
for the availability of services.
Accordingly, researchers and program planners have begun to appreciate the complexity of contextual influences
on maternal health practices, and have adopted an approach
that recognizes that individual attitudes and behaviors are
products of their social and cultural environments.24,25 Still,
most studies have focused exclusively on women as the
target population, and have aimed to understand and influence barriers and facilitators from their perspective. This
narrow focus is incongruent with a sociocultural context in
which women hold low status and are subject to the preferences and beliefs of their husband and elder relatives.2628
Interpersonal power, however, has proven difficult to
measure, such that power dynamics within a household
and how they influence decisions on maternal health are
not fully understood.6,2931 To address this gap, we explored the link between household power dynamics and
the maternal health behaviors of married women in rural
Mali. Specifically, this article examines the relative influence of the preferences and beliefs of women, their hus-

International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

band and their mother-in-law on the frequency of womens

antenatal care visits, antenatal care timing, place of delivery and receipt of postnatal care. Our findings contribute
to the understanding of the influence of interpersonal and
societal factors on maternal health behaviors, thereby informing the design of strategic programs and policies to
improve the health and rights of women in resource-poor
settings characterized by high maternal mortality.
Interpersonal power encompasses both power to, which
describes the ability of an individual to complete an action
or behavior, and power over, which refers to the ability to
influence or control another person or to complete an act
in the face of opposition.32 Both manifestations of power
are influenced by social and normative prescriptions related to gender,32 and a growing body of research has shown
that low female autonomy is associated with lower use of
maternal health services.8,3336
A challenge to research on power dynamics, however,
is the lack of a clear operational definition of power.6,31
To measure its effects, researchers have defined a core set
of indicators and constructs that are believed to drive or
reflect power dynamics. The most basic approach is to
collect data on proxy measures, such as spousal disparities in age, education, employment or asset sharing30,31
characteristics thought to be associated with spousal inequity. More direct measures include scales for decisionmaking power,4,3638 perceptions of gender equity10,39,40
and self-efficacy.41
Evidence suggests that power relations are shaped by
constructs at the individual, interpersonal and societal levels,30,31 the effects of which cannot be fully understood in
isolation. Therefore, researchers have increasingly begun
to adopt a multidimensional approach, measuring power through various combinations of indicators, such as
decision-making power, control over financial resources,
freedom of movement, relationship control, attitudes toward or experience of intimate partner violence, and perceived self-efficacy.6,12,34,4245
Although such studies have demonstrated that interpersonal power dynamics are associated with maternal
health behavior, the previous approaches to measuring
power have been limited in their ability to capture complex household relationships and fully explain patterns in
health behaviors and outcomes. Notably, few studies have
systematically assessed power from the perspectives of other key household members. Some analyses have included
husbands, but have been limited in how they measured
interpersonal power. A few, for example, have focused
only on proxy indicators of power,9,30 whereas others have
measured only one construct.10,46 In addition, studies have
not linked data from male respondents to those of their
female partners,10,33 which is important in understanding
power dynamics at the household level. Several studies
have included mothers-in-law,12,13,47 but they have not systematically analyzed mothers-in-laws power and influence

Volume 39, Number 2, June 2013

to identify relevant constructs and their specific effects. In

addition, most of these studies have been qualitative;12,13,47
although qualitative investigations are valuable, more
quantitative studies with statistical modeling and analysis
are needed.

Malian Context
Women in Mali are disadvantaged from a young age.
Educational opportunities are limited,48 more than 90%
of females experience genital cutting49 and arranged marriage is common.28 After marriage, women go to live with
their husbands family, where men have legally recognized
authority over them.4,28,50 As of 2006, nearly 40% of marriages in Mali were polygamous.51
Mali has one of the worlds highest total fertility rates
(6.6), yet use of modern maternal health services is low,
according to the 2006 Demographic and Health Survey
(DHS).51 Seventy percent of women reported receipt of at
least one antenatal care visit during their most recent pregnancy, yet only 35% reported four or more visits, and only
30% had had their initial visit within the first trimester, as
recommended by the World Health Organization.18 Fewer
than half (45%) of women who gave birth in the five years
preceding the survey had delivered in a health facility, and
only 22% had received postnatal care within 48 hours after
delivery. Reflective of these inadequate levels of preventive
care, coupled with limited access to treatment for complications, the maternal mortality ratio for 20002006 was
464 deaths per 100,000 live births and the infant mortality
rate for 20012006 was 96 deaths per 1,000 live births.
Other estimates put those figures as high as 830 and 103,

Data and Setting

Data for this analysis were drawn from the Projet Espoir
Baseline Survey (PEBS), which was conducted between
June and July 2011 in Bandiagara and Bankass, two rural
districts of central Malis Mopti region. This article contributes to the projects larger goal of identifying and addressing underlying social determinants of poor maternal
health in rural Mali. Ethical approval was obtained from
the institutional review boards at Emory University and
the Malian Ministry of Health.
The Mopti region is predominantly rural and agricultural, and has the lowest levels of education in the country.51
Although men and women in the region have roughly equal
educational profiles overall, among younger cohorts, educational attainment is improving at a higher rate for males
than for females.51 Gender disparities are also evident in
the mean age at marriage, which is 17 among women and
27 among men. On average, women in Mopti have their
first birth at age 19, and the total fertility rate for the region
is 6.3. Although two-thirds of women in Mopti received at
least one antenatal care visit for their most recent pregnancy, only 30% delivered in a health facility, and only 15%
received postnatal care within 48 hours after giving birth.


Intrafamilial Power and Maternal Health Care in Mali

The studys sample comprised 544 randomly selected

households275 in Bandiagara and 269 in Bankass. To be
included in the study, a household had to contain a woman who had given birth in the previous 12 months (the
index woman), and both she and her husband had to be
present to be interviewed. Mothers-in-law were also interviewed when possible, to capture a range of opinions and
perspectives within a household. Parallel questionnaires
were administered separately to each household member.
Surveys included questions about background information and social and demographic characteristics, as well as
items regarding maternal health, gender and intrafamilial
power. The questionnaire administered to index women
also covered current contraceptive use, birth history, maternal health practices and care-seeking behavior during
the most recent pregnancy.
From the 544 households sampled, 544 women, 527
husbands and 356 mothers-in-law completed interviews.
Ten households were dropped because survey responses
indicated that the woman was not currently married or
had not given birth in the past 12 months, which yielded a
sample of 534 households with surveys from 534 women,
519 husbands, and 353 mothers-in-law.

Outcome variables. We created four dichotomous outcome variables as indicators of index womens maternal
health behavior during their last pregnancy: receipt of four
or more antenatal care visits, receipt of the first antenatal
care visit within the first trimester of pregnancy, delivery
at a health facility and receipt of an examination from a
skilled provider within 48 hours after delivery. Skilled
providers were operationally defined as nurses, midwives,
physicians and health or clinical officers.
Primary covariates. The primary covariates were scaled
measures based on eight sets of items assessing respondents attitudes toward or perceptions of traditional practices in pregnancy and childbirth, the value of women,
marital conduct and responsibilities, local health facilities,
the index womans efficacy, household trust and respect,
overall household power and decision-making power. For
each statement or question, respondents were prompted
to indicate their opinion or perceived level of influence
by pointing to the appropriate spot on a picture of a 10runged ladder, with the bottom rung indicating total disagreement or no influence and the top rung representing
total agreement or total influence. The items were administered to women, husbands and mothers-in-law, except for
those concerning trust and respect, which were asked only
of index women.
Traditional pregnancy and childbirth practices were
measured by respondents level of agreement with five
statements, such as a woman must obey her husband during pregnancy to make sure she has an easy delivery and
a woman should not bathe after sunset. The perceived
value of women was assessed by a set of six items, including women cannot make household decisions alone and


a woman should not start her own economic activities

without the consent of her in-laws. Opinions regarding
marital conduct and responsibilities were measured by
agreement with five statements, such as its a womans
responsibility to avoid getting pregnant and a man can
hit his wife if she refuses to have sex with him. To assess
attitudes toward the local health facility (referred to as the
CS-COM), the surveys included seven statements, such as
the CS-COM provides high-quality services. The index
womans efficacy was measured by respondents answers
to three questions about whether, if she wanted to, she
could decide to have only two children, deliver her baby
in a health facility or go to a health center alone. Overall
household power was measured by questions asking respondents how much power they perceived each member
of the household to have. Household decision-making
power was measured by assessing how much influence
respondents perceived specific household members
to have on decisions about how many children to have,
whether to circumcise a girl, where a woman should give
birth, whether to seek modern health care during childbirth and whether to sell the familys animals. From this
data on decision-making, we created a new set of scales
for each respondent group, by subtracting the rating of the
decision-making power of the index woman from that
of the husband. Finally, index women responded to five
items about household trust and respect, including I feel
that I am an important member of this family and I trust
my mother-in-law to help me if I need help.
For household power, a single scale was created to indicate index womens view of the balance of power at the
couple level by subtracting their perception of their own
power from their perception of their husbands power. For
example, if a woman perceived her power to be a four on
the ladder and her husbands power to be a 10, her household power score would be a six; higher scores indicate
greater power imbalances. Similar scales were not created
for husbands and mothers-in-law, because it was not possible to identify which responses corresponded to the index women in polygamous households.
To reduce the data from each of the remaining sets of
scale items to weighted indices representing the central
constructs, we performed principal components analyses separately on responses from women, husbands and
mothers-in-law using STATA version 12.0. Prior to principal components analyses, all scale items with reverse directionality in meaning to the rest of the items were reverse
coded. We then conducted preliminary reliability analyses
to identify items negatively correlated with the remainder
of the items in their set. Items that were negatively correlated with the data for any of the three respondent groups
were dropped from all analyses to ensure comparability in
the scales across the sample. The final indices were created
using the first factors (principal components) identified
through orthogonal variance maximizing rotation. Items
were assigned weights relative to their contribution to the
variance of the first factor.

International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

The resulting measures are noninterval indices, for

which higher scores indicate greater agreement with the
construct or greater perceived power. We refrain from
referring to values or units when describing the associations with these measures, as each index is comprised of
information extracted from a set of interrelated variables to
represent the domain of interest. (For index properties, see
Appendix Table 1.)
Additional variables. Control variables for womens ethnicity, age at marriage, parity and ability to decide whom
they married were included in analyses, given those characteristics documented associations with fertility and
reproductive health outcomes.3,31,32,36,52,53 In addition, research on polygamous unions suggests that a wifes rank
influences her status and health;5456 thus, we created a
marital status variable consisting of only wife, first wife in a
polygamous union and subsequent wife in a polygamous
union. Last, we included a measure of whether the woman
ever had a child die within the first year of life, because
this experience may influence subsequent maternal health
Age, educational attainment and employment status are also related to both power and reproductive
health.3,23,32,45,52 Yet, research on spousal power dynamics
suggests that the relative difference in status between a husband and wife is more important than absolute measures.31
Therefore, we combined data on these three demographic
indicators for women and for their husbands to create variables representing spousal differences. Because of the small
number of households in which both the husband and
wife were educated (n=13), we created a single category
to indicate equal education, which represents households
in which both partners had some education and those in
which both partners had no education. For consistency, we
used the same categorization for patterns of employment.

For our analysis, we restricted the sample to households in
which the index woman, her husband and her mother-inlaw all completed surveys, which resulted in a final sample
of 317 households. Compared with women from households with complete data, women from those in which the
husband or mother-in-law was not present were more likely to have married later (p=.005), to be older at the time of
the survey (p=.025) and to be in monogamous marriages
We conducted bivariate logistic regression analyses to
examine unadjusted associations between independent
variables and each of the four dependent variables; an alpha of .10 was used as the level of significance. After we
checked for collinearity, we included all independent variables found to be significant in bivariate analyses in multivariable logistic regression models. For each outcome measure, we started with a full model and then, one at a time,
removed the variables with the highest nonsignificant
adjusted p-values. After each removal, we examined the
beta estimates of the remaining factors; if an adjusted beta

Volume 39, Number 2, June 2013

coefficient changed by 10% or more, the dropped variable

was reentered into the model to control for confounding.
This process was repeated for each outcome until the most
parsimonious model was reached. All analyses were conducted using STATA version 12.0.
TABLE 1. Percentage distribution of women and couples, by
selected characteristics




Marital status
Only wife
First wife
Other wife


Age at first marriage

Dont know


Had a say in whom to marry





Child died by age 12 months



Age discrepancy
Dont know


Educational discrepancy
Wife educated, husband not
Equal educational attainment
Husband educated, wife not


Difference in employment status

Wife works, husband does not
Equal employment status
Husband works, wife does not



Received four or more antenatal care visits


Received first antenatal visit within the first trimester



Delivered in a health facility



Received postnatal care within 48 hours of delivery





In reference to index womans last pregnancy. Notes: Percentages may not

add to 100.0 due to rounding. Age discrepancy is the wifes age subtracted
from the husbands age.


Intrafamilial Power and Maternal Health Care in Mali

TABLE 2. Unadjusted odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) from bivariate logistic regression analyses examining womens likelihood of four
maternal health outcomes, by selected characteristics

Dogon (ref)
Marital status
Only wife (ref)
First wife
Other wife
Age at first marriage
15 (ref)
Dont know
Had a say in whom to marry
No (ref)
1 (ref)
Child died by age 12 months
No (ref)
Age discrepancy
59 (ref)
Dont know
Educational discrepancy
Wife educated, husband not (ref)
Equal educational attainment
Husband educated, wife not
Difference in employment status
Wife works, husband does not (ref)
Equal employment status
Husband works, wife does not

4 antenatal

First antenatal visit

in first trimester

Delivered in a
health facility

Postnatal care
within 48 hours
after delivery

1.21 (0.552.69)
0.89 (0.362.19)

0.69 (0.311.55)
0.48 (0.191.23)

0.34 (0.101.15)
1.31 (0.553.13)

0.73 (0.291.84)
1.05 (0.432.58)

1.08 (0.611.92)
0.88 (0.451.73)

1.10 (0.641.89)
0.90 (0.481.69)

0.68 (0.351.34)
1.62 (0.843.11)

0.69 (0.361.34)
1.64 (0.863.11)

0.39 (0.210.75)*
0.05 (0.010.38)*
0.24 (0.120.46)*

0.80 (0.421.50)
0.51 (0.181.49)
0.55 (0.301.04)

1.20 (0.602.39)
0.61 (0.182.08)
0.47 (0.220.98)*

1.16 (0.582.29)
0.96 (0.322.84)
0.43 (0.210.90)*

1.21 (0.742.00)

1.08 (0.681.73)

1.43 (0.832.46)

1.04 (0.621.76)

2.98 (1.088.20)*
3.86 (1.3511.00)*
2.14 (0.736.26)

1.45 (0.663.18)
1.45 (0.633.36)
1.34 (0.583.11)

0.71 (0.321.58)
0.62 (0.261.49)
0.52 (0.211.26)

0.88 (0.391.96)
0.76 (0.321.83)
0.69 (0.291.68)

0.85 (0.501.45)

1.06 (0.651.74)

0.77 (0.431.38)

0.97 (0.561.69)

1.18 (0.602.29)
1.09 (0.601.98)

0.96 (0.521.77)
0.76 (0.441.33)

1.11 (0.572.17)
0.58 (0.311.11)

1.46 (0.762.80)
0.55 (0.291.06)

2.47 (0.718.63)
1.68 (0.387.39)

3.43 (0.9811.94)
2.35 (0.559.96)

1.80 (0.516.33)
1.68 (0.387.39)

1.00 (0.352.85)
0.90 (0.243.31)

0.59 (0.291.18)
0.73 (0.351.55)

0.94 (0.481.85)
0.67 (0.321.40)

0.60 (0.301.24)
0.39 (0.170.88)*

0.67 (0.331.36)
0.42 (0.190.93)*

1.18 (0.931.49)
1.06 (0.841.34)
1.14 (0.901.44)

0.98 (0.751.27)
1.00 (0.771.31)
0.77 (0.591.01)

0.89 (0.691.16)
0.97 (0.751.26)
0.75 (0.570.97)*

1.49 (1.161.91)*
1.10 (0.871.39)
1.22 (0.961.55)

0.83 (0.641.07)
0.90 (0.691.16)
1.02 (0.781.33)

0.86 (0.671.12)
0.89 (0.691.15)
1.03 (0.801.34)

1.10 (0.871.39)
1.06 (0.841.34)
0.97 (0.771.23)

0.93 (0.711.21)
0.87 (0.661.13)
0.93 (0.711.20)

0.96 (0.741.24)
0.91 (0.701.18)
0.94 (0.731.21)

1.48 (1.141.92)*
1.30 (1.011.66)*
1.23 (0.971.58)

1.23 (0.931.62)
1.09 (0.831.43)
1.35 (1.011.81)*

1.38 (1.031.83)*
1.05 (0.811.36)
1.33 (1.001.77)*

0.98 (0.771.23)
0.98 (0.771.23)
0.99 (0.781.25)

1.65 (1.242.18)*
1.24 (0.941.62)
1.03 (0.791.34)

1.51 (1.151.97)*
1.22 (0.941.59)
1.07 (0.831.39)

1.05 (0.831.32)
0.89 (0.701.12)
0.86 (0.681.08)

0.87 (0.661.15)
1.14 (0.871.48)
1.37 (1.041.79)*

0.86 (0.651.12)
0.97 (0.751.26)
1.26 (0.971.63)

1.15 (0.911.47)

1.00 (0.771.30)

0.96 (0.751.24)

Greater agreement with traditional and cultural practices
0.93 (0.721.18)
1.05 (0.821.35)
0.97 (0.761.24)
Lower perceived value of women
1.07 (0.831.37)
0.91 (0.711.16)
1.01 (0.791.29)
Lower perceived equity in marital conduct and responsibilities
1.11 (0.871.42)
0.97 (0.751.24)
0.81 (0.641.04)
More positive attitudes toward health centers
1.12 (0.871.44)
1.22 (0.941.59)
1.14 (0.881.48)
Greater perceived efficacy of the index woman
0.10 (0.861.41)
0.86 (0.671.10)
1.34 (1.041.73)*
Greater perceived decision-making power
of the husband relative to the index woman
1.00 (0.781.28)
1.19 (0.931.53)
1.02 (0.801.31)
Index womans greater perceived household
trust and respect
1.22 (0.941.59)
Index womans greater perceived
power relative to husband
0.93 (0.841.03)

1.04 (0.951.14)

1.01 (0.911.12)

1.00 (0.901.10)

*p<0.05. p<0.10. Notes: ref=reference group. Age discrepancy is the wifes age subtracted from the husbands age. For indices, an odds ratio greater than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with increased odds of the outcome, while an odds ratio less than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with decreased odds
of the outcome.


International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health


Descriptive Statistics
Fifty-four percent of index women reported being their
husbands only wife, 27% were the first wife in a polygamous union, and 19% were a subsequent wife in a polygamous union (Table 1, page 61). More than half of women
reported marrying before the age of 20 (54%) and a similar proportion reported having a say in whom they married (55%). The vast majority (87%) had already delivered
one or more children at the time of their most recent birth;
the average parity was 2.9 prior births per woman (not
shown). One-third of women reported having experienced
the death of a child before age 12 months.
The mean age of index women was 25.2 years, and the
mean age of their husbands was 36.5 years (not shown);
among the 175 couples in which both partners knew their
age, husbands were an average of 10 years older. Educational attainment was low for both men and women, and
for 83% of couples, both spouses had the same level of
education. In contrast, husbands were more likely to be
employed: In 33% of couples, only the husband worked,
whereas only the wife worked in 14% of couples.
Women reported low levels of maternal health care for
their most recent pregnancy. Only 27% had received four
or more antenatal care visits, 34% had received their first
antenatal visit within the first trimester, 22% had delivered
in a health facility, and 24% had received postnatal care
from a skilled provider within 48 hours after delivery.

TABLE 3. Adjusted odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) from multivariable
logistic regression examining womens likelihood of having received four or more
antenatal visits for their last pregnancy, by selected characteristics

4 antenatal visits

Age at first marriage

15 (ref)
Dont know

0.42 (0.210.81)*
0.05 (0.010.38)*
0.21 (0.110.42)*

1 (ref)

3.31 (1.159.53)*
5.22 (1.7315.71)*
2.63 (0.858.15)

Mother-in-laws greater perceived efficacy of the index woman 1.34 (1.021.76)*

*p<0.05. p<0.10. Notes: ref=reference group. For indices, an odds ratio greater than one indicates that
higher reporting of the construct is associated with increased odds of the outcome, while an odds ratio
less than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with decreased odds of the

remained significant (Table 4). Compared with women

who were more educated than their husband, women educated at the same level as their husband had greater odds
of having received early antenatal care (odds ratio, 4.1).
Women whose responses reflected a lower perceived value
of women in society also had greater odds of early antenatal care (1.5), as did women with scores indicating more
positive attitudes toward health services (1.5).

Institutional Delivery
Frequency of Antenatal Care Visits
Four variables were associated with antenatal care frequency at last pregnancy in unadjusted analyses: the index womens age at first marriage and parity, as well as
mothers-in-laws views of appropriate marital conduct and
of their daughter-in-laws efficacy (Table 2). In the adjusted
analysis, all but the mothers-in-laws opinions regarding
marital conduct and responsibility were significant (Table
3). Compared with women who first married at age 15
or earlier, those who married later or did not know their
age at marriage had lower odds of having received four
or more antenatal care visits (odds ratios, 0.10.4). The
odds of receiving more frequent antenatal care increased
with higher parity and peaked among women for whom
the most recent birth was their fourth or fifth (5.2). Last,
womens odds of having received four or more antenatal
care visits were positively associated with their mother-inlaws perceiving that they had greater efficacy (1.3).

Timing of First Antenatal Care Visit

Receipt of the first antenatal care visit within the first trimester was associated at the bivariate level with educational attainment, womens and mothers-in-laws perceptions of the value of women, and the attitudes of all three
respondent groups toward health facilities (Table 2). In
the full adjusted model, only the associations with educational attainment, womens perceptions of the value of
women and their positive attitudes toward health facilities

Volume 39, Number 2, June 2013

In the unadjusted analyses, delivering in an institution was

associated with womens marital status and age at marriage, their age and employment discrepancy with their
husband, and their perceived self-efficacy (Table 2). Institutional delivery was also associated with mothers-in-laws
agreement with traditional practices, positive attitude toward the health facility and perception of the difference in
decision-making power between their son and daughterin-law. In the adjusted model, only four factors remained
independently associated with delivery in a health facility
TABLE 4. Adjusted odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) from multivariable
logistic regression examining womens likelihood of having received the first antenatal visit of their last pregnancy within the first trimester, by selected characteristics

First antenatal visit

in first trimster

Educational discrepancy
Wife educated, husband not (ref)
Equal educational attainment
Husband educated, wife not

4.10 (1.1514.62)*
2.55 (0.5811.21)

Lower perceived value of women


1.45 (1.121.89)*
1.17 (0.901.51)

More positive attitudes toward health centers


1.54 (1.172.01)*
1.17 (0.901.52)

*p<0.05. Notes: ref=reference group. For indices, an odds ratio greater than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with increased odds of the outcome, while an odds ratio less than
one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with decreased odds of the outcome.


Intrafamilial Power and Maternal Health Care in Mali

(Table 5). Compared with women who were the sole wage
earner in their marriage, women whose husband was the
sole wage earner had lower odds of having delivered in
a health facility (odds ratio, 0.4). Having a mother-in-law
whose index score indicated greater agreement with traditional and cultural practices surrounding pregnancy and
childbirth was also negatively associated with institutional
delivery (0.7). On the other hand, institutional delivery
was positively associated with womens perceptions of
their greater self-efficacy and with mothers-in-laws perception of the greater difference in decision-making power
between their son and daughter-in-law (1.8 and 1.6, respectively).

Postnatal Care
Similar to the result for institutional delivery, the unadjusted odds of womens having received postnatal care within
48 hours of delivery were associated with womens age at
marriage, difference in age from their husband, difference
in employment from their husband and perceived self-efficacy (Table 2). in addition, womens and mothers-in-laws
positive attitudes toward the health facility, and mothers-inlaws agreement with traditional practices and perception of
the difference in decision-making power between their son
and daughter-in-law were associated with postnatal care at
the bivariate level. Four of these associations remained significant in the adjusted model (Table 6). A mother-in-laws
greater agreement with traditional practices was negatively
associated with her daughter-in-laws receipt of postnatal
care (odds ratio, 0.7). However, a mother-in-laws belief
that her son had more decision-making power than his wife
TABLE 5. Adjusted odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) from multivariable
logistic regression examining womens likelihood of having delivered their last birth
in a health facility, by selected characteristics

Delivered in a
health facility

Age at first marriage

15 (ref)
Dont know

1.13 (0.532.41)
0.35 (0.101.49)
0.50 (0.221.11)

Marital status
Only wife (ref)
First wife
Other wife

0.59 (0.291.22)
1.41 (0.682.94)

Difference in employment status

Wife works, husband does not (ref)
Equal employment status
Husband works, wife does not

0.66 (0.301.47)
0.40 (0.160.98)*

Mother-in-laws greater agreement with traditional

and cultural practices

0.70 (0.520.94)*

Womans greater perceived self-efficacy

1.82 (1.312.54)*

Mother-in-laws greater perceived decision-making

power of her son relative to her daughter-in-law

1.64 (1.182.26)*

*p<0.05. p<0.10. Notes: ref=reference group. For indices, an odds ratio greater than one indicates that
higher reporting of the construct is associated with increased odds of the outcome, while an odds ratio
less than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with decreased odds of the


was positively associated with the outcome (1.4). Womens

scores on the indices representing more positive attitudes
toward local health services and greater perceived selfefficacy were also positively associated with their receipt of
postnatal care (1.4 and 1.6, respectively).
In this study, we collected parallel data from women in rural Mali, their husbands and their mothers-in-law, which
provide rich contextual insights into the layers of influence
that shape maternal health in the region. Our results indicate that the relevant factors and constructs vary considerably across the four maternal health outcomes, though
patterns in the associations hint at the underlying mechanisms and processes that drive power dynamics within a
In particular, our results point to the influential role of
mothers-in-law in determining patterns of maternal health
care. The negative associations between mothers-in-laws
greater agreement with traditional practices and womens
delivering in a health facility and their receiving postnatal care suggest that the decision to seek modern, institutional health care fallsat least in partin the domain of
the mother-in-law. Womens own opinions regarding traditional practices had no bearing on the care they received.
Mothers-in-law who adhere to and believe in the efficacy
of such practices may see institutional care as unnecessary or even detrimental, such that they discourage their
daughters-in-law from seeking care from trained providers.
In forming these beliefs and opinions, mothers-in-law may
be drawing on their own maternal health care experiences;
if they did not receive modern health care, they may be
unlikely to view it as important for their daughters-in-law.
A mother-in-laws perception of the balance of decisionmaking power between her son and daughter-in-law was
also found to be related to institutional delivery and receipt
of postnatal care. In households where the mother-in-law
reported that her son has more control than her daughterin-law over decisions such as where to give birth and how
many children to have, the index woman had greater odds
of having delivered in an institution and having received
timely postnatal care. These results are unexpected and
indicate the complexity of decision-making processes.
One possible explanation is that mothers-in-law who to a
greater extent consider fertility and childbirth to be mens
decisions may be less likely to intervene and impose their
own views. In contrast, mothers-in-law who perceive such
issues to be more in womens domain may assert their
dominance as the woman of higher status and insist on
a more traditional delivery. This interpretation assumes
that husbands are more accepting of modern, institutional
health care than their mothers, however, and merits further investigation.
In addition, mothers-in-laws perception of their
daughter- in-laws greater efficacy was positively associated
with receipt of the recommended number of antenatal care
visits and delivery at a health facility. A mother-in-law who

International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

supports and believes in the greater personal efficacy of

her daughter-in-law may indicate more equitable gender
norms in the household and greater trust and communication between the women. In turn, womens perception of
their own greater self-efficacy was found to be positively
associated with their delivering in an institution and receiving postnatal care. Other studies have also reported positive associations between self-efficacy and the adoption
of preventive health behaviors.41,44 Promoting self-efficacy
entails teaching skills and reducing perceived barriers: For
example, programs that encourage participants to practice
partner communication and to discuss and challenge problematic attitudes and norms have been shown to increase
self-efficacy and promote behavior change.57 Furthermore,
programs addressing these gender and power dynamics
among women currently of reproductive age have the potential to shift attitudes and norms regarding roles and decisions in the household, thus improving the experiences
of future generations of women.
A surprising finding was that women who had a lower
opinion of the value of women had greater odds of receiving early antenatal care. In the pronatal context of Malian
society, women who perceive the value of women to be
low may be more likely to view successful childbearing as
a womans responsibility and an essential determinant of
her social status. If antenatal care is perceived as a means
of having a healthy birth, it is possible that, for these women, early care-seeking is viewed as integral to fulfilling their
role as women.32 Further research exploring the link between maternal health behavior and womens perception
of the value of women is needed to validate and better understand this unexpected association.
Womens attitudes toward their local health center also
influenced their use of maternal health care. Although
such attitudes are not necessarily indicative of power dynamics, the fact that womens opinions influenced service
utilization, even after adjusting for all other factors, suggests that women had some control over their personal
health care use. In recognition of this association, health
centers should focus on improving the quality of services
and on making women aware of the range and quality of
services available to them. Investment in quality will require more than obtaining better equipment and stocking
supplies; our scale was based on items addressing womens perceptions of how they are treated at the facilities,
the overall service quality and the information provided.
This is consistent with findings from a variety of settings
that indicate that disrespect and abuse at health facilities
influence health-seeking behavior.33,5861
Together, our findings suggest a need for interventions
targeting a range of stakeholders at multiple levels. Decisions regarding use of maternal health care seem not to be
made solely at the individual or the dyadic level; the values
and opinions of other family members, and the broader
social and cultural context, appear to play an influential
role. Informed by these results, CARE USA and CARE
Mali have developed a package of interventions, including

Volume 39, Number 2, June 2013

TABLE 6. Adjusted odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) from multivariable
logistic regression examining womens likelihood of receiving postnatal care from a
skilled provider within 48 hours after delivery, by selected characteristics

Postnatal care within

48 hours after delivery

Age at first marriage

15 (ref)
Dont know

0.99 (0.482.07)
0.91 (0.282.94)
0.51 (0.201.28)

Age discrepancy
59 (ref)
Dont know

1.32 (0.652.67)
0.83 (0.361.90)

Difference in employment status

Wife works, husband does not (ref)
Equal employment status
Husband works, wife does not

0.83 (0.381.82)
0.46 (0.191.09)

Mother-in-laws greater agreement with traditional

and cultural practices

0.71 (0.530.94)*

Womans more positive attitudes toward health centers

1.40 (1.031.89)*

Greater perceived efficacy of the woman


1.63 (1.202.22)*
1.18 (0.871.61)

Mother-in-laws perceived greater decision-making power

of her son relative to her daughter-in-law

1.40 (1.031.90)*

*p<0.05. p<0.10. Notes: ref=reference group. Age discrepency is the wifes age subtracted from the husbands age. For indices, an odds ratio greater than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is
associated with increased odds of the outcome, while an odds ratio less than one indicates that higher reporting of the construct is associated with decreased odds of the outcome.

couple counseling on prenatal care and birth planning;

male-friendly services for prenatal care and delivery to encourage male engagement; and extended family meetings
to involve other decision makers, such as mothers-in-law
or brothers-in-law, in planning for pregnancy care and delivery. Community action groups have also been formed
to reinforce the acceptability of shifting social norms and
to increase community responsibility for the health of
pregnant women. By intervening at multiple levels within
the community, this combination of interventions aims to
tackle the prevailing social and cultural norms that negatively influence maternal health behaviors and outcomes,
complementing more traditional service-strengthening interventions in the health facilities.

Our study had several limitations. Because of the studys
cross-sectional design, we were unable to determine causality. All data were self-reported, which introduces possible recall and social desirability biases. Additionally, the
households included in the analyses represent a subset of
the original sample, which limits the generalizability of the
results. However, because a primary focus of this study
was to explore the influence of other family members,
the restriction to households in which a mother-in-law
completed the survey was necessary. Studies that allow
for comparisons in power dynamics between households


Intrafamilial Power and Maternal Health Care in Mali

with and without a mother-in-law and that explore the influence of other household members would be useful to
help clarify these patterns.
Because of sample size limitationsspecifically, the
small number of women in our sample who married at older agesthe association found between age at marriage and
frequent antenatal visits should be interpreted with caution. This finding seems to contradict the understanding
drawn from previous studies that higher age at marriage
grants women more time to obtain education,32 which confers greater social support, negotiation skills and appreciation for the importance of reproductive health services.30,32
Also of note, our measure of postnatal care within 48
hours after delivery may not reflect purposive healthseeking. Women who delivered in an institution likely
receivedor assumed that they receiveda postpartum
checkup by default. Future studies should develop alternative measures of postnatal care that more accurately
capture an element of agency in postpartum care seeking.
The small number of items related to each construct limited the internal consistency of the indices, as reflected by
low Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficients. Subsequent
studies should incorporate cognitive interviewing and indepth qualitative research to inform the development of
scale items and definitions, identify more items for inclusion and systematically validate the scales to test that they
truly capture relevant constructs. Finally, this exploratory
analysis focused solely on individual and household variables. Thus, it did not control for community-level factors
associated with reproductive health indicators in other
studies, such as accessibility of health facilities,8,15,62 exposure to mass media,9,36,45,52 average educational attainment
in the community8,37 and community norms.37 Future research should assess the combined effects at all three levels.

scripts and intrafamilial hierarchies impede preventive and

health-seeking behaviors. However, experience has shown
that neither gender constructs nor family dynamics are
static.31,64 Given the profound implications for health and
rights, there is a critical need for well-designed, evidencebased interventions to achieve a more equitable balance
of power within households and at the community level.


12. Mumtaz Z and Salway SM, Gender, pregnancy and the uptake
of antenatal care services in Pakistan, Sociology of Health & Illness,
2007, 29(1):126.

Although Mali has a strongly patriarchal society, it seems

that womenolder women in particularexert influence
over maternal health decisions. In this analysis, husbands
perspectives and opinions did not emerge as independent
predictors in any of the final models. Previous studies have
reported that husbands opinions and attitudes influence
fertility and childbearing,4,7,10,36,63 although few of these
studies have measured multiple complex constructs of
power, and fewer have considered the effects of mothersin-law and husbands together. Our results suggest that the
influence of mothers-in-law may overshadow the role of
men in maternal health decision making in some societies.
The slow progress in Sub-Saharan Africa toward the
goal of reducing maternal morbidity and mortality suggests a need for programs and policies that recognize the
influence of factors at the family, societal and cultural levels. Particularly in patriarchal societies with low gender
equity, intrafamilial power dynamics need to be addressed.
This study contributes to existing literature in finding that
women in Mali do not have independent control over
their own maternal health decisions; social norms, gender



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Intrafamilial Power and Maternal Health Care in Mali

APPENDIX TABLE 1. Proportion of variance explained by the first principal component and Cronbachs alpha reliability
coefficient, by respondent type

Traditional and cultural practices

Value of women
Marital conduct and responsibility
Attitudes toward the health facility
Perceived efficacy of the index woman
Difference in perceived decision-making
power between husband and wife
Perceived household trust and respect



of variance


of variance


of variance














Based on womens perceptions only. Note: na=not applicable.

Contexto: La evidencia proveniente de diversos entornos
sugiere que las mujeres tienen a menudo un control limitado
sobre sus propias decisiones de salud reproductiva. Con el fin
de aumentar la aceptacin de servicios y conductas de prevencin, es importante comprender cmo las dinmicas de poder
al interior de la familia y las actitudes de las mujeres, de sus
esposos y de sus suegras estn asociadas con las prcticas de
salud materna.
Mtodos: En 317 hogares ubicados en dos distritos rurales
de Mali central, las mujeres que haban dado a luz el ao
anterior, sus esposos y sus suegras contestaron a una encuesta
para medir sus actitudes en relacin a los conceptos de gnero, poder y salud. Se condujeron anlisis de regresin logstica
bivariada y multivariada con el fin de identificar asociaciones con cuatro resultados de salud materna: frecuencia de la
atencin prenatal, oportunidad de la atencin prenatal, parto
institucional y atencin postnatal.
Resultados: En los anlisis multivariados, las preferencias y
opiniones de las suegras fueron asociadas con las conductas
relacionadas con la salud materna de sus nueras. Las propias
percepciones de las mujeres acerca de su autoeficacia, el valor
de las mujeres en la sociedad y la calidad de los servicios en las
instituciones locales de salud tambin se asociaron independientemente con sus prcticas de prevencin y de bsqueda
de conductas saludables. Las preferencias y opiniones de los
esposos no fueron asociadas con ningn resultado.
Conclusiones: Las intervenciones que se centran en las mujeres o parejas pueden ser insuficientes a la hora de fomentar
la salud reproductiva de las mujeres en sociedades patriarcales
tales como Mali. Los futuros esfuerzos programticos y de investigacin deben tener en cuenta las normas de gnero y considerar la influencia de otros miembros de la familia, tales como
las suegras.

Contexte: Les donnes releves dans diffrents contextes
laissent entendre que les femmes ne disposent souvent que dun
contrle limit sur les dcisions relatives leur propre sant
reproductive. Pour accrotre ladoption de services et comportements prventifs, il importe de comprendre lassociation


entre, dune part, la dynamique du pouvoir intrafamilial et les

attitudes des femmes, des maris et des belles-mres et, dautre
part, les pratiques de sant maternelle.
Mthodes: Dans 317 mnages de deux districts ruraux du
Mali central, les femmes qui avaient accouch durant lanne
prcdente et les maris et belles-mres de ces femmes ont t
invits, chacun et chacune, rpondre un questionnaire
dvaluation de leurs attitudes lgard des notions de genre,
de pouvoir et de sant. Des analyses de rgression logistique biet multivaries ont t ralises pour identifier les associations
avec quatre issues de sant maternelle: frquence des soins prnatals, moment des soins prnatals, accouchement en milieu
institutionnel et soins postnatals.
Rsultats: Dans les analyses multivaries, les prfrences
et les opinions des belles-mres sont associes aux comportements de sant maternelle des belles-filles. Les perceptions personnelles des femmes concernant leur auto-efficacit, la valeur
des femmes dans la socit et la qualit des services au niveau
de ltablissement de sant local se rvlent aussi indpendamment associes leurs pratiques prventives et de recherche de
la sant. Les prfrences et opinions des maris ne sont associes aucune issue.
Conclusions: Les interventions axes sur les femmes ou les
couples ne suffisent peut-tre pas promouvoir la sant reproductive des femmes dans les socits patriarcales telles que celle
du Mali. La recherche et les efforts programmatiques futurs devront prendre en considration les normes de genre et linfluence
dautres membres de la famille, notamment les belles-mres.

The authors acknowledge the contributions of CARE Mali, particularly the Projet Espoir team, for their roles in data collection
and project implementation. They also acknowledge Benjamin
Schwartz, the director of the Health Equity Unit in CARE USA, for
reviewing and technical support. Finally, Henriette Bulambo and
Elizabeth Swedo, interns from Emory University, provided support
and quality assurance throughout data collection. This research
was supported by the Tides Foundation, with funds from Google.
The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the authorship or publication of this article.

Author contact: [email protected]

International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

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