CBCP Monitor Vol. 19 No. 08
CBCP Monitor Vol. 19 No. 08
CBCP Monitor Vol. 19 No. 08
Pope says Year of Mercy will
be time to heal, to help, to
forgive, A3
Misericordiae Vultus, B1
Vatican City - April 11, 2015. Pope Francis stands in front of the Holy Door at St. Peters Basilica on April 11, 2015 during the Convocation of the Year of Mercy. The Holy
Father publicly proclaimed a Jubilee for Mercy, which will begin Dec. 8 and end in November 2016. LOSSERVATORE ROMANO
Pro-lifers in red march in the early morning streets of Baguio on the day the Supreme Court ruled on the
constitutionality of the RH Law, April 8, 2014. CBCP NEWS
Four lay members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors met with one of Pope Francis top cardinal
advisers at the Vatican April 12 to voice their concerns about
the appointment of a Chilean bishop, accused of covering up
for an abusive priest. The four said in a written statement the
same day that Cardinal Sean P. OMalley of Boston, who is
also the protection commissions president, agreed to present their concerns to the Holy Father about the nomination
of Bishop Juan Barros to the Diocese of Osorno, Chile. The
bishop had been accused of covering up for a priest who
was known to have committed sexual abuse. Bishop Barros,
however, denied having had knowledge of Father Fernando
Karadimas criminal behavior, prior to news about the abuse
in the press. Commission member Marie Collins from Ireland
expressed her satisfaction with their discussion at the Vatican,
posting on her Twitter feed April 13 that she was heading
home after a good meeting with Cardinal OMalley. (CNS)
With an obligation to lead and protect everyone in their nations, government officials cannot be content to hope that
the poor collect the crumbs that fall from the table of the
rich, Pope Francis said in a message to the Summit of the
Americas. Thirty-five heads of state from North, Central and
South America met April 10-11 in Panama City, Panama, for
discussions under the theme, Prosperity with Equity: The
Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas. Cardinal Pietro
Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, was invited to the meeting
and read a message from Pope Francis to the participants, who
included U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President
Raul Castro. In his message, the pope said he liked the theme
of the gathering and hoped the leaders would find ways not
only to promote economic growth, but also to guarantee the
rights of the poor to the basic needs of land, jobs, shelter,
health care, education, security and a healthy environment
-- things no human being should be excluded from. While
everyone says they want greater equality and justice, the pope
said, unfortunately, it is still far from a reality. There continue
to be unjust inequalities that offend human dignity. (CNS)
CBCP Monitor
Vatican Briefing
Faithful in Indias Miao diocese pray in a candlelight vigil for persecuted Christians in the
Middle East, March 1, 2015. FR. FELIX ANTHONY/CNA
CBCP Monitor
Mercy in action
According to him, the Gospels
abound in stories of Christ pitying
the paralytic, the lepers, the lame,
the possessed, the blind, the needy,
the widows and orphans: those
whom Pope Francis calls people
in the peripheries.
To the peripheries
These are the people we must
go to, so that through us they will
experience the Mercy of God, he
Noting that the poor, the outcast, those in the margins cannot
experience the Divine Mercy unless
Religious sisters at the Training Center School of Love in Kkottongnaeon, South Korea CNA
For all of us the call remains to make fruitful the paths already traveled by many true
disciples of Jesus, the cardinal said, explaining that to bear fruit in this sense involves
looking at the present moment, which is
new, complex and challenging. (Elise Harris/
Lawyer-preacher Marwil N. Llasos discusses the Divine Mercy and how people whose
lives have been transformed by it are duty-bound to be merciful to others by following
the example of Jesus, Gods Mercy Incarnate. RAYMOND A. SEBASTIN
Mercy Incarnate
He described the Son of God
as no less than Mercy Incarnate
Himself from whose Sacred Heart
Blood and Water flow the Divine
Llasos explained that by dying
on the Cross, Jesus showed mankind how merciful God is.
We must take advantage of the
miracle of Gods Mercy. Because
we all know that there is no misery
that could be a match to the Mercy
of God, added. (Raymond A.
Sebastin/CBCP News)
CBCP Monitor
Signs of hope
Living Mission
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM
In Solidarity with
Jesus and Mary
Order amid
todays clutter
Candidly Speaking
Fr. Roy Cimagala
Pedro C. Quitorio
Ronalyn R. Regino
Design Artist
Nirvaana E. Delacruz
Gloria Fernando
Associate Editor
Marketing Supervisor
Roy Q. Lagarde
Ernani M. Ramos
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Kris Bayos
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Circulation Manager
Marcelita Dominguez
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the Areopagus Social Media for Asia, Inc. with editorial and business
offices at 3rd Flr. HHC Building, Victoria cor. Basco Sts.,
Intramuros, Manila. Editorial:
(632) 404-2182. Business:
(632) 404-1612.; ISSN 1908-2940
to live it.
Some techniques at keeping order, of course,
are helpful. The habit of acting on things immediately without unnecessary delay is one of
them. Keeping schedules and knowing to put
things in their proper places is another. Making plans or thinking ahead before acting is
still another.
But all these techniques can only go so far.
What is most basic about this whole business
about order is to know where order starts from.
We just should not content ourselves with our
own idea of order. That would often lead to a
certain and subtle form of disorder sooner or
We need to understand that order starts
always with God, and is kept and developed
properly with Him. After all, God is our Creator
and supreme lawgiver, who maintains everything in order, not only physical and worldly
order, but also and more importantly, moral
and spiritual order. Outside of Him, there can
only be disorder that unavoidably causes clutter.
This is a very important consideration because
Candidly Speaking / A5
CBCP Monitor
I WAS robbed.
Yes, last week, my kasambahay of four
years, whom we already regarded as family,
claimed that she was convinced by a gang of
budol-budol to make not one, but two trips
to my house, get personal valuables and hand
it over to people who supposedly told her that
she would earn a hefty amount in exchange.
Her incredible story reeked of inconsistencies
and it was clear to me that she fell to the lure
of an easy, sizable sum.
Like a good citizen but with a heavy heart,
I went through the motions of reporting the
incident to the authorities and they apprehended her. However, the authorities were not
unable to arrest the rest of the gang nor were
they able to retrieve any of the stolen valuables.
Like a good citizen, I faced the prosecutor and
relayed the entire story. Like a good citizen, I
allowed the wheels of justice take its course.
But I couldnt prevent my tears and my knees
from weakening when I heard that the case
of qualified theft was non-bailable and the
sentence could range from twenty years to
reclusion perpetua or lifetime imprisonment!
That seemed a little drastic to me but as they
say, the law is harsh, but it is the law.
Today, my daughter and I visited her in
jail. Again, my heart broke and my tears
fell. Our little ate was clutching a rosary and
there were novena booklets strewn around her
Duc In Altum
Atty. Aurora A. Santiago
young Christian students dead.
The President of the Kenyan
Bishops Conference urged the
Easter worshippers to pray for
peace and security in their country. In his message, Pope Francis condemned the assault by
Somali militants, calling it an
act of senseless brutality. His
Holiness condemns the senseless
brutality and prays for a change
of heart among its perpetrators.
No less than our very own,
His Excellency CBCP President
Archbishop Socrates Villegas also
asked for prayers for victims of
religious persecution. In his Easter Sunday message, Archbishop
Soc enumerated the forms of
corruption in the government
and the Mamasapano case as
among the countrys litany of
frustrations. He said that these
challenges are among the reasons
why many Filipinos are failing to
find joy in the Christian life. The
litany of frustrations includes
Yolanda, Mamasapano, the unsolved problem of government
corruption, the loneliness of our
OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers). Archbishop Soc prayed We
ask Jesus, the Victor over death,
to lighten the sufferings of our
many brothers and sisters who
are persecuted for his name, and
of all those who suffer injustice
as a result of ongoing conflicts
and violence.
He implored for peace for
Syria, Iraq, the Holy Land,
Libya, Yemen, Nigeria, South Sudan, Congo. Kenya, Ukraine. He
prayed for those who have been
kidnapped, and for those forced
to abandon their homes and their
Touch Me Not
Carolyn Moynihan
Candidly Speaking / A4
Family of Pinay on
Indonesias death row
getting death threats
THE family of Mary Jane Veloso
who is facing execution in Indonesia for drug smuggling is held
hostage by fear.
Velosos mother, Celia, said they
have received death threats after
they started giving media interviews about a person who allegedly
framed her daughter.
They said that are from an international [drug] syndicate. They
told us before not to entertain the
media because they will kill us all,
Celia said.
We believe it now because
after our media interviews, they
have come and gone several times
already. They would ask our neighbors [about us], but would leave
immediately when told where we
live, she said.
Celia alleged that Maria Kristina
Sergio, live-in partner of Mary
Janes god-brother, had earlier
warned them not to speak to anyone about her daughters case.
Sergio allegedly recruited Mary
Jane to Malaysia before deceiving
her to carry a luggage filled with
heroin to Indonesia.
Celia together with her husband,
Cesar, and Mary Janes two children, met with some officials of
the Catholic Bishops Conference
of the Philippines in Manila on
Friday to ask for help.
Gary Martinez, Migrante International chairperson, reiterated his call for the police authorities to arrest Sergio, adding
that it may help the government
in appealing for Mary Janes
Fr. Jerome Secillano, executive
secretary of the CBCP Public
Affairs Committee, said he will
immediately forward to the of the
bishops the concerns raised by
Mary Janes family.
Lets see what possible intervention the Catholic Church can do
about the security of the family,
he said.
As of now, the purpose is to discuss this and to listen to the parents
so we could determine what move
we are going to take, Secillano
said. (Roy Lagarde/CBCPNews)
CBCP Monitor
MILF Chief Peace Negotiator Mohagher Iqbal said the Catholic Church, as well as other faith-based groups are supportive of the BBL. In a briefing with members of the Foreign
Correspondents Association of the Philippines, Iqbal said there lies a need to go on a massive information campaign for the people and to engage lawmakers as the real battle
is in Congress. To his right is Chief Government Negotiator Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer. MELO M. ACUA
he stressed. He also mentioned future engagements with 18 surviving members of the 1987
Constitutional Commission.
Iqbal likewise cited the challenge of engaging
those who are against the BBLs passage, including
the majority of media practitioners, especially
after the Mamasapano incident. He said some
politicians and opposition groups are using the
BBL as tool of politics, while majority of the
Filipinos have not read nor studied the draft law.
Strong biases
He bewailed the fact there still lies anti-Moro
biases and prejudices which he described as
very strong in Luzon and the Visayas as there
are hostile opinion-makers, columnists, talk
show hosts and a lot more.
Should the BBL fails to be passed, the MILFs
clout, popularity and effectiveness will sink to
the lowest level as there will no longer be decommissioning of its weapons and combatants and
no Exit Agreement will be signed.
He candidly said the radicals will have
greater say on how the situation develops in
Mindanao. (Melo M. Acua/CBCPNews)
Netizens / A7
Cabinets / A1
National / A1
of Filipinos, he added.
Noting how the enforcement of RH could
impinge on their civil liberties, Atienza reasserted the need to ensure that the rights of
women and children will be protected in the
face of threats the law poses to the integrity of
the Filipino family.
The former Manila mayor also expressed disappointment over the failure of the government
to issue a clear version of the Implementing
Rules and Regulation of the RH Law which allegedly contain revisions based on the Supreme
Court (SC) ruling.
Pro-lifers appeal
Meanwhile, an alliance of pro-life and
pro-family groups led by Pro-Life Philippines
released a manifesto recently calling on the government to heed the judiciarys decision on RH.
Humanae Vitae
The Catholic Church maintains that Natural
Family Planning (NFP) Method is the only
morally acceptable way for couples to determine
the number of children they intend to have.
Proclaims / A1
Grant of indulgence
The Extraordinary Jubilee of
Mercy will open on Dec. 8 this
year, during the Solemnity of the
Immaculate Conception, to remind the faithful that no one has
penetrated the profound mystery
of the incarnation like Mary and
that her entire life was patterned
after the presence of mercy made
Its opening will also coincide
with the 50th anniversary of the
closing of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, another monumental phase in Church history
that marked a fresh undertaking
for all Christians to bear witness to
their faith with greater enthusiasm
and conviction.
During the Jubilee Year, the
Holy Doors of the four Papal
Basilicas in Rome will be opened
for the pilgrims to enter and gain
plenary indulgence.
According to the Holy Father,
the gift of indulgence will not
be limited to Rome as a similar
door may be opened in churches,
sanctuaries, and shrines around
Practicing mercy
Pope Francis called on the faithful to open their hearts and gaze
more attentively on the Lords
mercy so they may adapt the same
in their lives.
Wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must
be evident. In our parishes, communities, associations and movements, in a word, wherever there
are Christians, everyone should
find an oasis of mercy, he said.
In this Jubilee Year, let us allow
God to surprise us. He never tires
of throwing open the doors of his
heart and repeats that he loves us
and wants to share his love with
us. The Church feels the urgent
need to proclaim Gods mercy,
he added.
[The Church] knows that her
primary taskis to introduce
everyone to the great mystery of
Gods mercy by contemplating the
face of Christ. The Church is called
above all to be a credible witness to
mercy, professing it and living it as
the core of the revelation of Jesus
Christ, the Pope said.
CBCP Monitor
Augustinians open
Kalinga mission
Fr. Roy Remulta is one of the three Augustinian missionaries who are currently in
Lubuagan, Kalinga to re-evangelize the area. KINGBERT R. ANCOG
BBL / A1
Armed, dangerous
The prelate expresses worry over
what he describes as the BIFF
[Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom
Fighters] phenomenon, with its
members who are armed and
They have given the nation concrete demonstration of the trouble
they can cause. Shall we negotiate
with them later and hammer another
deal? While the MILF has promised
to keep them in check, it has also been
relevantly pointed out that relatives,
though belonging to different organizations and associations, will not so
easily restrain each other! he notes.
Villegas observes likewise of the
remnants of the Abu Sayaff Group
(ASG), as well as of the Jemmayah
Isalmiyah (JI), which while many
judge to be already a spent force,
its presence or demise in Mindanao
has yet to be ascertained.
The prelate also asks what will
be the future of traditional institu-
Veils / A1
she said.
After learning more and praying
about veiling for quite a while, Ly
found her Eucharistic life intensified and focused by the practice.
Veiled for Christ
For Rigor, who is in her mid-20s,
wearing a veil is a physical cue for
an interior disposition.
I found it so beautiful when
I was researching and watching
videos about how the veil should
be used as a way not to attract
people to ourselves but its for us,
as a woman, to point to Christ. It
teaches me to be more humble,
more modest, she explained.
Though veiling has yet to become
as mainstream as it was before
Vatican II, for young women like Ly
and Rigor, the practice is a devotion
both sweet and compelling.
After researching about it and
knowing the reasons why women
veil, I cant not veil anymore, no
matter what the situation is. Even
if Im at Mass in a shack somewhere
it doesnt matter because its still the
same Lord, its still the same God..
Its our Lord, Ly said. (Nirvaana
Ella Delacruz/CBCP News)
Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) is a faith-based organized involved in development, missiology and crosscultural studies within an Asian context. PHOTO TAKEN WILLIE VILLARAMAS FACEBOOK ACCOUNT
Prayer, faith
Maggay stressed that ISAACs
compassion for the survivors continued to move them 18 months
after Yolanda, even as international
NGOs started packing up after
carrying out relief and rebuilding
Prayer and faith she pointed up
are among the factors that make
aid services succeed.
There is a God who watch us
over to whom we are account-
Caceres Commission on Women Director Fr. Xavier Royong Amoroso celebrates the Holy
Healing / A1
CBCP Monitor
Culture of Poverty
The Face of Christ in the Filipino Poor: The
Philippine Church after PCP II Cotabato
Archbishop Orlando B. Cardinal Quevedo; The
Face of Poverty in the Scriptures Sorsogon
Bishop Arturo Bastes, The Face of Poverty in
the Overseas Filipino Workers Grace Princesa,
Ambassador to UAE
Theme 2: Way- Richness and Poverty in
Filipino Culture
Richness and Poverty in the Filipino Teleserye
Evangeline Pascual; Richness and Inequality
in the Filipino Health Care System Dr. Mariella Sugue Castillo; Addressing the Indifference
to Poverty Fr. Norman Melchor Pea, SSP
Theme 3: Life Bridging the Gap Culture
of Poverty and the Poverty of Culture, Evangelical Witness to Justice and Peace Caceres
Archbishop Rolando Tria Tirona; Leadership
and Livelihood Programs Among Filipinos
Dr. Cristina Liamzon; Empowered in Poverty
Personal Testimonies and Dialogue
Conclusion: Bridging the Gap Culture of
Poverty and the Poverty of Culture Sr. Mercelyn Galicia, DC.
For registration, fees, and other concerns,
interested parties may email culturelegazpi@
gmail.com or [email protected], or
St. Camillus Hospital of Mati continues to provide medical and pastoral care for the
sick of Davao.
CBCP Monitor
Misericordiae Vultus
1. JESUS Christ is the face of the Fathers
mercy. These words might well sum up the
mystery of the Christian faith. Mercy has
become living and visible in Jesus of Nazareth, reaching its culmination in him. The
Father, rich in mercy (Eph 2:4), after
having revealed his name to Moses as a
God merciful and gracious, slow to anger,
and abounding in steadfast love and
faithfulness (Ex34:6), has never ceased
to show, in various ways throughout
history, his divine nature. In the fullness
of time (Gal4:4), when everything had
been arranged according to his plan of
salvation, he sent his only Son into the
world, born of the Virgin Mary, to reveal
his love for us in a definitive way. Whoever
sees Jesus sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9).
Jesus of Nazareth, by his words, his
actions, and his entire person [1]reveals
the mercy of God.
2. We need constantly to contemplate
the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring
of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation
depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals
the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.
Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by
which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the
fundamental law that dwells in the heart
of every person who looks sincerely into
the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the
path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts
to a hope of being loved forever despite
our sinfulness.
3. At times we are called to gaze even
more attentively on mercy so that we may
become a more effective sign of the Fathers action in our lives. For this reason I
have proclaimed anExtraordinary Jubilee
of Mercyas a special time for the Church;
a time when the witness of believers might
grow stronger and more effective.
The Holy Year will open on 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This liturgical feast day
recalls Gods action from the very beginning of the history of mankind. After the
sin of Adam and Eve, God did not wish
to leave humanity alone in the throes of
evil. So he turned his gaze to Mary, holy
and immaculate in love (cf. Eph 1:4),
choosing her to be the Mother of mans
Redeemer. When faced with the gravity
of sin, God responds with the fullness of
mercy. Mercy will always be greater than
any sin, and no one can place limits on the
love of God who is ever ready to forgive.
I will have the joy of opening the Holy
Door on the Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception. On that day, the Holy Door
will become a Door of Mercy through
which anyone who enters will experience
the love of God who consoles, pardons,
and instils hope.
On the following Sunday, the Third
Sunday of Advent, the Holy Door of the
Cathedral of Romethat is, the Basilica
of Saint John Lateran will be opened.
In the following weeks, the Holy Doors of
the other Papal Basilicas will be opened.
On the same Sunday, I will announce
that in every local Church, at the cathedralthe mother church of the faithful
in any particular area or, alternatively,
at the co-cathedral or another church of
special significance, aDoor of Mercywill
be opened for the duration of the Holy
Year. At the discretion of the local ordinary, a similar door may be opened at
any Shrine frequented by large groups of
pilgrims, since visits to these holy sites are
so often grace-filled moments, as people
discover a path to conversion. Every Particular Church, therefore, will be directly
involved in living out this Holy Year as
an extraordinary moment of grace and
spiritual renewal. Thus the Jubilee will
be celebrated both in Rome and in the
Particular Churches as a visible sign of the
Churchs universal communion.
4. I have chosen the date of 8 December
because of its rich meaning in the recent
history of the Church. In fact, I will open
the Holy Door on the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican
Ecumenical Council. The Church feels a
great need to keep this event alive. With
the Council, the Church entered a new
phase of her history. The Council Fathers
strongly perceived, as a true breath of the
Holy Spirit, a need to talk about God to
men and women of their time in a more
accessible way. The walls which too long
had made the Church a kind of fortress
were torn down and the time had come to
proclaim the Gospel in a new way. It was
a new phase of the same evangelization
that had existed from the beginning. It
was a fresh undertaking for all Christians
to bear witness to their faith with greater
enthusiasm and conviction. The Church
sensed a responsibility to be a living sign
of the Fathers love in the world.
We recall the poignant words of Saint
John XXIII when, opening the Council,
he indicated the path to follow: Now the
Bride of Christ wishes to use the medicine
of mercy rather than taking up arms of
severity The Catholic Church, as she
holds high the torch of Catholic truth at
this Ecumenical Council, wants to show
herself a loving mother to all; patient,
kind, moved by compassion and goodness
toward her separated children.[2]Blessed
Paul VI spoke in a similar vein at the
closing of the Council: We prefer to
LOsservatore Romano
Pope Francis at St. Peters Basilica on April 11, 2015 during the Convocation of the Year of Mercy, where His Holiness publicly proclaimed a Jubilee for Mercy, which will begin Dec. 8 and end in November 2016.
go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God!
May the balm of mercy reach everyone,
both believers and those far away, as a
sign that the Kingdom of God is already
present in our midst!
6. It is proper to God to exercise
mercy, and he manifests his omnipotence
particularly in this way.[5]Saint Thomas
Aquinas words show that Gods mercy,
B2 Updates
CBCP Monitor
Misericordiae Vultus
Misericordiae Vultus / B1
LOsservatore Romano
Vatican City - April 11, 2015. Pope Francis in front of the Holy Door at St. Peters Basilica on April 11, 2015 during the Convocation of the Year of Mercy, where
Pope Francis publicly proclaimed a Jubilee for Mercy, which will begin December 8th and end in November 2016.
CBCP Monitor
Features B3
By Archbishop Socrates B.
I WRITE these thoughts as a Filipino and as a believer in Christ. I
speak neither for the Catholic
hierarchy nor for my people in
Lingayen Dagupan. I speak from
my heart, molded by the five years
of my ministry in Bataan, land
of valor, land of peace. What did
Bataan teach me about peace? What
does Bataan say to me about the
draft Bangsamoro Basic Law?
Principled Peace
All must work for peace in Min-
more than passing fancy, dangerously cheap compromise and perilous dtente.
It is my position that all suggestions, insinuations or hints that the
Constitution will be amended to
accommodate the provisions of the
BBL cease. The Constitution is not
Isabela City residents read the handouts about the details of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) during a public forum on the Bangsamoro in May 2014.
Organized by the Catholic Church and local government officials, forum aimed to orient the public on the peace agreement signed in March 2014.
but of justice!
Religious freedom is the reason
that the people of Mindanao should
not be compelled to submit to a
secular regime if they believe they
should be practicing their religion
even in their civil and political lives.
Religious freedom does not only
mean that there should be room
Misericordiae Vultus / B2
Pope Francis
Divine Mercy Sunday Homily
Mr President,
With these words, I would like to convey my greeting to all the
members of the International Commission against the Death Penalty,
to the group of countries that support it and to those who cooperate
with the organization over which you preside. Furthermore, I would
like to express my personal gratitude, and also that of men of good
will, for your commitment to bring about a world free from the
death penalty and for your contribution toward the establishment of
a universal moratorium on executions throughout the world, in order
to abolish capital punishment.
I shared several ideas on this subject in my letter of 30 May 2014
to the International Association of Criminal Law and to the Latin
American Association of Criminal Law and Criminology. In my
address to the five large world associations dedicated to the study of
criminal law, criminology, victimology and issues of imprisonment
on 23 October 2014, I took the opportunity to go deeper into these
issues. On this occasion, I would like to offer you some suggestions by
which the Church may contribute to the Commissions humane effort.
The Magisterium of the Church, beginning from Sacred Scripture
and from the experience of the People of God for millennia, defends
life from conception to natural death, and supports full human dignity
as in the image of God (cf. Gen 1:26). Human life is sacred because
from its beginning, from the first moment of conception, it is the
fruit of the creative action of God (cf. Catechism of the Catholic
Church, n. 2258), and from that moment, man,the only creature ...
that God wanted for his own sake, is the recipient of Gods personal
love(cf.Gaudium et Spes, n. 24).
States can kill by their action when they apply the death penalty,
when they lead their people to war or when they perform extrajudicial
or summary executions. They can also kill by omission, when they
do not guarantee their people access to the basic necessities of life.
Just as the commandment Thou shalt not kill sets a clear limit in
order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say
thou shalt not to an economy of exclusion and inequality (Evangelii
Gaudium, n. 53).
Life, human life above all, belongs to God alone. Not even a
murderer loses his personal dignity, and God himself pledges to
Vatican City - April 11, 2015. Pope Francis at St. Peters Basilica on April 11, 2015 during the Convocation of the Year of Mercy, where Pope Francis publicly proclaimed a Jubilee
for Mercy, which will begin Dec. 8 and end in November 2016.
File Photo
CBCP Monitor
Cause of Co-foundress of
Adoration Sisters opens
IN an official letter dated February 25, 2015, the Holy See
has given the go signal for the
beatification process for Adolfine
Tonnies (Mother Mary Michael)
the Co-foundress and the first
Superior General of the Holy
Spirit Adoration Sisters. On
March 19 the so-called Nihil
Obstat signed by Cardinal Angelus Amato was received. It opens
the way for the beginning of the
beatification process, which first
begins at the diocesan level.
On August 26, 2014, on the
occasion of the centenary celebration of the mother house of the
Sisters in Steyl (Netherlands),
the request together with all the
necessary documents regarding
the opening of the process was
presented to the Bishop of the
Diocese of Roermond, Fans
Adolfine Tonnies was born on
January 7, 1862 in Horst-Emscher
(today Gelsenkirchen-Horst).
Having completed her schooling
and subsequent teacher training
in Muenster, she worked for ten
years as a teacher in the North
German town of Rendsburg.
Bataan / B3
CBCP Monitor
Roy Lagarde
The proliferation
of the various
images of the
Child Jesus
among the
Filipino people
bears witness to
the continuous
deepening and
taking root of our
faith and devotion
to the Son of God
in the form of
a Child.
and, at the same time, an invitation for us to
thank God for the countless blessings that
He unfailingly showered us through our
devotion to His only begotten Son who,
in the fulness of time (cf. Gal 4:4), took
the form of a man, becoming a small child.
May our Lord Jesusthe Way, the
Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6)continue
to bless and guide our people. May He
help us deepen our faith in and love for
the Heavenly Father and teach us to remain
obedient to Him at all times. We ask this
through the motherly intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.
Sincerely yours in the Santo Nio,
Archbishop of Cebu
Thursday of the Lords Supper
2 April 2015
Misericordiae Vultus / B5
Misericordiae Vultus / B7
A betrayal to Mindoro
ALYANSA Tigil Mina (ATM), a coalition of more than a hundred environmental advocates and organizations along with the
Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines-National Secretariat for Social Action (CBCP-NASSA) and Alyansa Laban sa
Mina (ALAMIN), a Mindoro-based peoples organization against
mining, express their frustration and utmost disappointment with
the reinstatement of Mindoro Nickel Project of Intex Resources
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).
In November 2009, hopes rose for the people of Mindoro when the
DENR temporarily revoked Intexs ECC due to anomalies on how the
company acquired the certificate in question. The people of Mindoro
stood their ground and resisted the entry of the mining company for
more than a decade. However, the Aquino administration opted to
pursue corporate capitalist interest over the threat to peoples lives
and the environment when it reinstated the revoked ECC.
According to ALAMIN, the people of Mindoro are now in rage
because of this very unfortunate event. Intexs ECC reinstatement
is a symbol of the Office of the President and the Depertment
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) undeniable
betrayal of the Mindoreos welfare and trust.
Jaybee Garganera, National Coordinator of Alyansa Tigil Mina
called on the Office of the President and DENRto revoke the
reinstatement of Intexs ECC as the action taken by the respective
offices has no valid grounding and contrary to the position of the
local government and the affected communities. He further stated
that Malacaang and DENR should be ashamed of themselves
for putting corporate business interest above the best interest of
Mindoreos and the environment.
Mindoreos are one in opposing mining in the province, as this
will destroy our fragile ecosystem. The people of Mindoro does not
deserve this kind of betrayal from the government, the very same that
should be upholding and protecting our rights and our environment.
Said Fr. Edu Gariguez, Executive Director of CBCP-NASSA
We will not let this betrayal extinguish our fire of passion to
protect our lands and mountains against corporate greed, pursued
in collusion with our own government. Intex had long been trying
to start their mining operation, with all their deceptive strategies
and alleged bribery. They will never win. The Mindorenos will
continue to heroically stand their ground to save and protect the
province from outright destruction. Gariguez concluded.
14 April 2015
CBCP Monitor
Toby Hudson
4th Sunday of Easter, John 10:11-18 (B) Good Shepherd Sunday; April 26, 2015
Bo Sanchez
allow me to go to my friends
house across the street without
a chaperone for two minutes!
My parents are absolutely, completely, totally unfair!
I laughed and never understood how our parents could be
so different.
Today, 30 years wiser, I now
Has your husband been verbally abusing you for ten years
Do you feel that your friends
totally ignore you?
Let me give you a bitter pill
to swallow: Partly, you created
their response towards you.
You taught them how to treat
About that boss that is unfairly
treating youjust MAYBE, you
showed a negative attitude in the
office and your boss is responding with hostility.
About that verbally abusing
husbandjust MAYBE, you
made your husband think its
acceptable behavior that he maltreat you because you tolerate it
again and again.
About the friends who totally ignore youjust MAYBE,
theyre simply respecting the
w a l l yo uve e re c t e d a ro u n d
Stop blaming others.
Take responsibility.
Now go change your life.
CBCP Monitor
File Photo
In a peaceful protest, members of civil society call on First World countries to cut down on their emissions to address global warming.
Misericordiae Vultus / B5
[1]Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical
Council, Dogmatic Constitution on
Divine RevelationDei Verbum,4.
[2]Opening Address of the Second
Vatican Ecumenical Council,Gaudet
Mater Ecclesia,11 October 1962, 2-3.
[3]Speech at the Final Public Session
of the Second Vatican Ecumenical
Council, 7 December 1965.
[4]Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical
Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the
ChurchLumen Gentium,16: Pastoral
Constitution on the Church in the Modern WorldGaudium et Spes, 15.
[5]Saint Thomas Aquinas,Summa
Theologiae, II-II, q. 30, a. 4.
[6]XXVI Sunday in Ordinary Time. This
Collect already appears in the eighth
century among the euchological texts of
the Gelasian Sacramentary (1198).
[7]Cf.Homily 22:CCL, 122, 149-151.
[8]Apostolic ExhortationEvangelii
Gaudium, 24.
[9]No. 2.
[10]Saint John Paul II, Encyclical
LetterDives in Misericordia, 15.
[11]Ibid., 13.
[12]Words of Light and Love, 57.
[13]Homilies on the Psalms,76, 11.
Death Penalty / B4
doing, because the world needs witnesses of the mercy and the tenderness of God.
I take my leave while entrusting
you to the Lord Jesus who, in the
days of his earthly life, did not want
his persecutors to be harmed in his
defense: Put your sword back into
its place (Mt 26:52), was captured
and unjustly condemned to death,
and who identified withall prisoners, whether guilty or not: I was in
prison and you came to me (Mt
25:36). May He, who before the
adulterous woman did not question
her guilt, but invited the accusers
to examine their own consciences
before throwing a stone at her (cf.
Jn 8:1-11), grant you the gift of
wisdom, in order that the action you
undertake in favor of the abolition
of this cruel punishment, may be
appropriate and fruitful.
I ask you to pray for me.
From the Vatican, 20 March 2015
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Brooklyn mobster and hitman Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson) and his underworld boss
Shawn Mcguire (Ed Harris) are
long time best friends. Shawns son
Danny (Boyd Holbrook) doublecrosses some drug dealers and
kills them. Jimmys estranged son
Mike (Joel Kinnaman) witnesses
the crime. Danny hunts down
Mike, catches him at home, and
when about to shoot him is shot
dead insteadby Jimmy himself.
Jimmy confesses to Shawn that he
has killed Danny to save Mikes
life. Burning with vengeance,
Shawn deploys his gang and expert
assassin (Common) to kill Jimmy
and Mike. Father and son run all
night for their lives and those of
Mikes family.
Run All Night is heavily charged
with dramatic plotlines that delve
deep into the very core of the
main characters motivations.
Much of the revelations are done
through expository dialogue but
the actors strength of delivery
and proven caliber deliver those
verbose sequences with compelling ease. The story is plotty but
not complicated and the audience
could easily follow the journey of
the characters. However, the heavy
plot could sometimes turn away
the story from its main focus. The
film shines through in the scenes
where there is minimal action. In
fact, the action sequences seem to
be out of place sometimes and the
inclusion of an expert assassin feels
a little off. But then, the impeccable acting and characterization
Moral Assessment:
CINEMA rating: V 14
Moral Assessment
Buhay Parokya
In the dystopian society of post-war Chicago, society is divided into five
factions according to their most dominant personality trait and are tasked
to uphold a specific quality: Dauntless for bravery, Erudite for knowledge, Candor for truth, Amity for peace and Abnegation for selflessness.
Those who belong to more than one faction are called Divergents and
are considered a threat to human existence. Tris Prior (Woodley), former
Abnegation and trained in Dauntless was discovered to be a divergent
in the previous movie while ambitious Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews
(Winslet) spearheaded the attack on the entire Abnegation faction in order
to gain control of the system. Insurgent begins where Divergent ends. We
see the surviving Abnegation and Dauntless members hiding in Amity
and Candor as Jeanine hunts down remaining Divergents in order to
unlock a box that supposedly contains data from the citys founders and
eventually end the Divergent problem. Meanwhile, Tris, Four (James) and
the remaining Dauntless seek refuge with the Factionless whose leader,
Evelyn Eaton (Watts), is also Fours mother who wishes to join forces
and overthrow Jeanine and the entire faction system.
One needs to be familiar with
the series to be able to appreciate the film. But even with its
literary counterpart to provide DIRECTOR: Robert Schwentke
the needed depth and texture, LEAD CAST: Shailene Woodit is difficult to sympathize with
ley, Ansel Elgort, Theo
them as they barely transcend the
James, Kate Winslet
cardboard like characters. The sets SCREENWRITER: Brian
Duffield, Akiva Goldsman,
and production design are able
Mark Bomback based on
to give layers in the characters
Veronica Roths novel
more than the performances and
dialogues. The storyline is a little GENRE: Adventure, Sci-Fi,
more cohesive but still fails to
deliver a convincing argument DISTRIBUTOR: Summit Entertainment
about the faction system and LOCATION:
the divergent and why and how RUNNING TIME: 119 minutes
it works. As an action film, the Technical Assessment:
movie delivers breathtaking chase
you are left with a very thin plot CINEMA rating: V14
that forces audience to believe
the protagonist has valid issues to overcome and the antagonist is a
real threat to the world. Even the concept of simulation, serums and
making a single choice to define ones person is a little weak (both
in the film and in the novel). On the technical side, the production
design and scoring successfully interprets Roths idea of faction system
and action events.
Does the greater good justify trampling over the rights and humanity
of the few? We have heard this line from leaders who sought to rationalize
their violence and cruelty. And we always hear this as an excuse for the
so many inconveniences we suffer everyday. Jeanine Matthews defends
her decision to slaughter an entire faction or force a group to kill each
other or jump to their death for in order to ensure that society remains
intact. So did one dictator when he had opposition leaders rounded up
and incarcerated. So did Caiaphas when he insisted on having Pilate
crucify Jesus. But whose good are they really referring to? We have to
examine our choices. It one thing to exercise tough love in order to serve
a greater purpose but that purpose should always have as an end result
love, respect and selflessness.
Further, the exercise of one virtue does not mean neglecting all othersbravery does not mean violence and aversion to peace, truth does
not mean tactlessness and being inconsiderate. While virtues are nonnegotiables, they do not exist in black and white. That is why human
beings are virtuous because it takes discernment and conscience as well.
The film successfully underlines that Divergents (those with two or more
dominant traits/virtues) are the instruments for society to survive and
humanity to flourish.
CBCP Monitor
Technical Assessment
Below average
Above average
Brothers Matias
The Cross
Most Rev. Bishop Vicente M. Navarra together with some brother Knights releasing white balloons before the end of the March for Life held in Bacolod City.
The Knights of Columbus Visayas Jurisdiction held March for Life rallies in the
Provinces of Bacolod and Iloilo last March
6 and March 15, 2015, respectively. The
two events would have not been successful
without the support of the various councils
in the aforementioned cities.
The March for Life in Bacolod City
was spearheaded by Provincial Deputy
Norlo Gonzales and actively supported
and participated in by Most Rev. Bishop
Vicente M. Navarra, D.D. Bishop of the
Archdiocese of Bacolod. Moved by his
passion and excitement, Bishop Navarra
issued a Pastoral Letter, encouraging
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Seminar. A seminar on Setting the Foundation for ISO: 9001:2015 was conducted for the quality
auditors, officers and staff of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) last March 27 to 28, 2015 at the KCFAPI Social
Hall in Intramuros, Manila. The seminar was spearheaded by Ms. Rosario Charit H. Quintos and Ms. Ma. Cecilia M. Fabian of the ROSEHALL Management
Consultants, Inc. (KCFAPI NEWS)
Alonso L. Tan
Chairmans Message
Curia Settings
The Cross
Presidents Message
The Walk for Life organized by the
Luzon Jurisdiction last March 21, 2015
was another resounding success. Attendance was estimated roughly at around
8,000 to 10,000 delegates, others claim
it was even more. It was participated in
mainly by brother knights with their
families from the dioceses of Antipolo,
Cubao, Kalookan, Imus, Malolos, Manila, Novaliches, Pasig, Paraaque and
San Pablo. A small delegation from
Laoag also joined by walking from Laoag to Manila for fourteen
days. How we wish this noble feat could be emulated elsewhere.
The Walk for Life is normally being held on a Saturday
closest to March 25, the Feast Day of the Annunciation and also
known as the International Day for the Unborn which started
in Argentina in 1999. This years edition is already on its seventh
staging since 2009 and was primarily conceptualized to oppose
the enactment into law of the then proposed Reproductive
Health Bill. After several years of opposing the RH bill by different pro-lifers and anti-RH Bill advocates, it was hastily passed
into law in 2012. Within one week from its second reading last
Dec. 12, followed by its third reading on December 17, the RH
Bill was enacted into law by President Benigno Aquino III on
December 19. Noting how fast the RH Bill was processed, the
President in all probability was not able to read the entire law
nor was he able to weigh its consequences and negative impact
to society more particularly to the Filipino family.
Other than the members of the knights families, the Daughters of Mary Immaculate International (DMII) mainly from
the diocese of Malolos together with their junior counterpart,
the Squirettes of Mary also joined in the Walk for Life. The
Columbian Squires, the junior Order of the Knights of Columbus likewise participated as well as several units of the Catholic
Youth Organization (CYO) and about 500 high school students
from Manila High School. There were also around 40 Honor
Guards in full regalia who joined the annual walk.
The participants assembled in front of the KCFAPI Headquarters at Gen. Luna St. in Intramuros, Manila where the
Luzon Jurisdiction Office is housed. The walk started at around
6 in the morning and culminated at the San Andres Gym in
Malate, Manila. The first batch of participants arrived at the San
Andres Gym at around 7:30 am and the last batch at around
9:00 am which filled the gym to its maximum capacity. It was
noted however, that a good number of participants were not
able to enter the gym for lack of space.
The event started with a concelebrated Mass with Luzon
State Chaplain, Most Rev. Honesto Ongtioco, Bishop of Cubao
as main celebrant and Assistant State Chaplain Msgr. Pedro
Quitorio III and Fr. William Araa as co-celebrators. A short
program immediately followed which started with the Welcome
Remarks and reading of Supreme Knight Carl A. Andersons
message by KC Luzon State Secretary, Bro. Raoul A. Villanueva.
The program likewise included some entertainment from KCFAPI employees and the Squirettes of Mary as well as speeches
from State Chief Squire, Mr. Rae Vincent B. Evangelista, KC
Luzon State Jurisdictions Asst. State Chaplain, Msgr. Pedro
C. Quitorio III and yours truly KC Luzon Jurisdiction Luzon
Deputy and KCFAPI President, Bro. Arsenio Isidro G. Yap.
The program ended at around 11:00 am with the group singing of Habang May Buhay led by KCFAPI employees. The
song was chosen as the theme song for the event since it was first
staged in 2009. The song promises to fight till the end of time,
to offer oneself to protect a loved one for as long as blood flows
in our veins. It is in this similar context that we, the members
of the Order of the Knights of Columbus will be fighting for
the rights of the unborn, to protect and preserve the sanctity of
life, marriage and the family and to oppose any law that would
be contrary to our number ONE advocacy, The Right to Life.
[When I was told that the next issue of The Cross will be about the
Lenten Season, I thought about
writing on this topic : Recollection. This is because the action
is not time-bound and the depth
and effect depend on the degree of
relationship with our Creator.]
Once In a while, I go through a
Day of Recollection. Some people,
however, make their annual and
even monthly Recollection. These
are people who usually take their
spiritual growth seriously. I would
like to admit that I am not faithful to
this task. Perhaps I should consider
doing this activity regularly as well.
So I ask myself: why do I make
the Recollection? The prefix RE
means to repeat, to do again; therefore, to make a Recollection, I am
supposed to collect again and again
my awareness of my activities,
attitudes, graces, favours received
and even my weaknesses and
shortcomings. A day of recollection, is indeed a time of gathering,
collecting repeatedly, the different
areas of our life, and looking into
how our relationship with God is.
Why again and again? Because
we are not faithful; we change; we
are not consistent with our good
intentions. Because we know that
our good God understands our
frail spirits and that He is a God of
Michael P. Cabra
My Brothers Keeper
Roberto T. Cruz
The Cross
An Exceptional Missionary
By SK Carl A. Anderson
CATHOLICS committed to St.
John Paul IIs vision of the common spiritual heritage of the Western
Hemisphere, outlined in his apostolic
exhortation Ecclesia in America, joyfully welcomed the announcement
that Pope Francis will soon canonize
Blessed Junpero Serra.
The founder of the first nine of
21 missions along the California
coast during the 18th century,
Father Serra was described by a
contemporary as zealous, chaste,
humble, poor and obedient, having all these virtues equally in the
highest degree. [At his death] no
words could express the grief of the
Indians of that mission who called
our venerable father a holy man, an
angel sent by God for their relief.
Only recently has Blessed
Junpero Serra become controversial, because some allege that his
treatment of the native people was
By James B. Reuter, SJ
Part XVIII of Chapter One of The Gentle Warrior series
Adrian K. Jimenez
LENTEN RECOLLECTION. The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) held their Lenten recollection last March 20 at the Fr. Willmann
Bldg inside the KCFAPI compound in Intramuros, Manila with the theme Make Your Hearts Firm (James 5:8). The said recollection was facilitated by Fr. Jason Laguerta
of the Parish of the Holy Cross in Makati. (KC NEWS)
The Cross
Forty parishes and more than ten communities across Metro Manila have already been visited as of March 31, 2015 to promote the Cause of Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ.
Reunion of Luzon State Circle Officers. Columbian Squires, past State Circle Officers and Luzon State Officials during the reunion and recognition night
held at the Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ building in Intramuros, Manila.
Youth Encounter with the Pope (during his visit in the Philippines last
January) and special citations to Bro.
Ivan V. Parayno of Council 10291
who placed 5th placer on the National
Engineering Board Examination and
to Bro. Matthew Harvey T. Peralta
of Council 11990, 8th placer in the
recently concluded National Civil
MEDICAL AND DENTAL MISSION IN GENERAL SANTOS. The Knights of Columbus Council 4639 of Mindanao Jurisdiction conducted a medical and
dental mission at the General Santos City in coordination with the PNP12-Health Services last March 18, 2015. More than 90 students and teachers
benefited from the said Medical and Dental Mission. (MindaNews)
PRODUCERS FORUM. Updates on the new insurance plans and rates were discussed by the Fraternal Benefits Group of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal
Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) led by its Vice President for FBG Gari San Sebastian and Fraternal Benefits Services Manager Michael Cabra last
March 30, 2015. The participants were fraternal counselors from various areas in the Philippines who visited the Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ Museum after their
one-day forum. (FBG NEWS)