Gender Equality in Islam
Gender Equality in Islam
Gender Equality in Islam
in Holy Quran
Persecution of women in Muslim- majority countries makes headlines on almost
daily basiseverything from stonings of allegedly adulterous women to child
marriages. Ironically, both proponents and critics of these restrictive policies are
quick to justify their actions or blame principles within Islam. However, even a
cursory view of Islamic injunctions on womens rights reveals otherwise.
(This essay was originally published in the March 2013 issue of the Ahmadiyya
Gazette USA)
When I am asked about the question of gender equality in Islam, I reply that there is
a short answer and a long answer. However, people insist that only the short answer
be given. But the short answer whether it is affirmative or negative can be
misleading. Therefore, the long answer will be addressed first here.
In ancient India, widows were forced to be burnt alive on the pyre of their dead
In pre-Islamic Arabia, female infants were buried alive. Female infanticide still
occurs in many countries.
In England, prior to the enactment of the Married Womens Property Act of 1882,
any income earned or any property inherited by a woman automatically became the
property of her husband. Around that time, John Stuart Mill, the preeminent British
political scientist, wrote that In this respect the wifes position under the common
law of England is worse than that of slaves [2]. Similar conditions prevailed in
France before 1930.
Under the Pakistani hudood ordinances enacted in 1977, a woman who brings
charges of rape is asked to produce four Muslim male eye-witnesses of the incident,
and if she fails to produce the witnesses, she is charged and punished for the crime
of adultery [3].
In 2002, the Saudi religious police forced fleeing young girls back into a blazing
school building in Mecca, because the girls had not put on their abyas.
And recently, we learnt with horror about the Talibans near-fatal attack on a fifteenyear-old Pakistani girl for the crime of championing the cause of womens
education [6].
The list of enormities against women is long and excruciating. But their
rationalizations are even worse.
Innate Equality
Social conditions and prevailing cultural values play a crucial role in the perception
of what gender equality means. So let us ask: Are men and women equal? Or are
some more equal than others? Are men and women equal in intellectual abilities? Or
are there innate differences? These are sensitive questions, but critical ones, since
demands for equal rights and opportunities presuppose equal abilities.
On the one hand, only 13 women have been awarded Nobel prizes in science so far
[9]. But on the other hand, a total of 12 men of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, and Arab
origins have received the Nobel prizes in science [9]. For either of these two groups,
the small numbers cannot be attributed to innate differences in ability. Research in
this area has identified important cultural and societal factors such as lack of
opportunity, role models, and motivation that seem to explain such under
Let us put this in perspective. We still live in a mans world. But the womens
movements have made significant contributions towards raising consciousness. It is
only during the latter half of the last century that women started going for higher
education in any significant number. The gap between male and female
representation in the physical sciences is being constantly narrowed.
In the Islamic worldview, biological differences between men and women are
recognized and the supreme virtue of motherhood is extolled, but for the Quran
biology is not destiny.
The Holy Quran expresses the moral and spiritual equality of men and women by
balancing virtues and rewards for both genders in identical terms.
Surely, men who submit themselves to God and women who submit themselves to
Him, and believing men and believing women, and obedient men and obedient
women, and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast in their faith and
steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men
who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast,
and men who are chaste and women who are chaste, and men and women who
remember Allah much Allah has prepared for all of them forgiveness and a great
reward. [33:36]
The ethical qualities enumerated by the Quran for both men and women also have
social and political dimensions with far reaching implications.
It is remarkable that the Quran makes absolutely no statements about the inherent
ethical or intellectual superiority of men over women. On the contrary, it says:
O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you
tribes and sub-tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable
among you, in the sight of Allah, is the one who is the most righteous among you.
Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. [49: 14]
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) echoed the same
principles of equality and egalitarianism in his last sermon.
All of you are equal. Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human
beings equal to one another. No one has any claim of superiority over another. The
most honored among you in the sight of God is the most righteous among you. [13]
Most of us have heard the Prophets last sermon hundreds of time but rarely, it
would appear, in the context of gender equality.
But one of the central messages of the sermon is that the content of our character
to borrow a phrase from Dr. King not the configuration of our chromosomes that
Nevertheless, the Quran has prescribed different rights and obligations for men and
women under some specific conditions. Let us examine some of these Quranic
The commandment for the hijab is given in two verses (24:31, 33:60) in the Quran;
neither explicitly prescribes covering of the face. The Quran commands both men
and women to restrain their eyes and guard their chastity, but it requires women to
wear a head covering or an outer garment to prevent them from being treated as
mere sex objects. Further, the specific Quranic command (33:44) for sequestering
the wives of the Holy Prophet is not to be applied to all believing women.
The system of the hijab or purdah which comprises a wide spectrum of practices
is seen in the West as emblematic of gender inequality and as a tool for the
seclusion and subjugation of women. This perception is often based on the way
purdah is practiced in Muslim countries. However, Dannenbaum [14] found that
some women find the hijab liberating and noted that there is an element of cultural
imperialism in the Wests criticism of the hijab that does not result in segregation.
Germaine Greer, a prominent feminist, observed [15]: What more could women
want? Freedom; freedom from being looked at; freedom from self-consciousness;
freedom from the duty of sexual stimulation of jaded male appetite; freedom from
the uncomfortable clothes that must be worn to titillate Now it is even more
important to underline womens right to reject male advances and the right to
chastity. This observation, although coming unexpectedly from a feminist,
underscores the spirit of the hijab.
Many believe that the verse (2:283) relating to witnessing financial transactions
imply that two females are equivalent to one male. But according to Hadhrat
Khalifatul-Masih IVRA [16] and Hadhrat Zafrulla Khan [17], the provision is
concerned only with the preservation of evidence and not with the weight to be
attached to the testimony. Nor can this provision be generalized beyond the
specified scope of financial transactions.
The Quran (2:229, 4:35) describes respective roles of a married couple and says
that husbands and wives have rights in equitable reciprocity, but the husband has a
supervisory role in the marriage, since he is responsible for the financial upkeep of
the family. However, the supervisory role is limited in legal terms. Furthermore, this
relative difference of roles cannot be used to deduce an inferior civil and legal
position for women.
In the Islamic inheritance laws, the share of a female is half of her male sibling.
Clearly, the amounts of inheritance for men and women, in general, are unrelated.
The difference in the share is explained by the greater financial responsibility given
to men. Nonetheless, other inequalities cannot be deduced from the inheritance
It is evident that the specific and well-defined imparities in the Quran cannot be
and must not be construed to sanction a universal gender inequality.
Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masih IIRA described the status of women before the advent of
Before the advent of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
women in all countries were in the position of slave and chattels, and their slavery
could not but have affected adversely even on men. [1]
When we ponder upon the wisdom contained in these words, we realize that the
subjugation of women leads to the suppression of mens minds.
The Holy Prophet declared that God has particularly entrusted him with the task of
safeguarding the rights of women. He proclaimed in the name of God that man and
woman by virtue of their humanity were equal to each other. [1]
The Holy Prophet promoted education and welfare of woman. The Prophet declared
that it was incumbent upon every Muslim man and every Muslim woman to acquire
knowledge. He commanded that the rights of women are sacred; see to it that the
rights of women are granted to them.
Paul Findley, a U.S. Congressman, who studied Islamic history, wrote that Islam
may be the single most liberating influence on the status of women in recorded
history [18].
However, over the centuries, many evils crept back into Muslim societies, as
indigenous cultural values, patriarchal traditions, dormant misogyny, and the power
dynamics between genders reasserted themselves in the guise of religious
orthodoxy. This retrogressive trend has been correctly attributed to the medievalminded Muslim clergy in the succinct phrase [16] of Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masih IVRA.
In his book The Revival of the Religious Knowledge, Al-Ghazl, an influential Muslim
theologian, advocated [19] that women be kept ignorant: She must not be wellinformed nor must she be taught to write. She should stay at home. If you relax
the womans leash a tiny bit, she will take you and bolt wildly. Their deception is
awesome; their guile is immense and contagious. Wickedness and feeble mind are
their predominant traits.
Ghazali, who lived in the 11th century, is a typical example of the medieval-minded
clergy. But even today, the medieval mindset remains at large. An article [6] in the
Review of Religions accurately analyzed the workings of the medieval-mindset
trapped in the 21st century: Womens empowerment is a threat to their ideology,
and whilst attempting to obliterate any attempts that jeopardize their established
dogma, they cite Islam as a way of justifying it.
This hadith, which was rejected by both Bukhari and Muslim, contradicts the sole
Quranic criterion for honor. Let us set aside for a moment the entirely un-Islamic
question of prostration to humans and consider. If preeminence is to be established
and obeisance is to be paid, it stands to reason that obeisance must be paid by an
impious husband to his pious wife not vice versa.
After centuries of moral decline and medieval-minded thinking, the modern age
needed a new mission that renews the moral and spiritual revolution of the Holy
Prophet that is the mission of the Promised MessiahAW and of his khalifas.
The Promised MessiahAW gave the golden rule that rectifies the inverted
relationship by using the Quran as the touchstone for the hadith.
It is a fact that there exist a large number of fabricated ahadith, which have caused
a great deal of disruption in Islam. If there is a hadith which stands in
contradiction of what has been stated in the Quran, you should exercise your
reasoning to reconcile its interpretation, but where no such reconciliation is
possible, the hadith should be rejected and thrown aside, since it cannot be taken to
have come from the Holy Prophet. [20]
More than a century ago, the Promised MessiahAW made an observation about the
permissibility and scope of pre-nuptial agreement. It is a statement far ahead of its
time and quite in accord with the demands of justice.
Women have the right to lay down the condition that the husband will, under no
circumstances whatsoever, marry another woman. If this condition is laid down
before marriage, the husband will be guilty of breach of contract, if he goes on to
marry another. If the first wife feels that her right as a wife will be placed in
jeopardy by the second marriage of her husband, she can seek a way out by
demanding a divorce; and should the husband be unwilling to comply with her
demand, she can enforce separation through the court. [21]
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVRA wrote about the true concept of gender segregation.
Women, in short, were to have an independent status. All the spiritual rewards
were open to her. Even in this life she could take part in the different
departments of civil administration. In this regard, she was to have the same
consideration paid to her as that accorded to man. [1]
The status of women was raised to such a high standard that they could not be
treated as helpless commodities. They were given an equal share in the affairs of
life. Whereas previously they were distributed as chattels of inheritance, now they
could inherit estates of their fathers. They could also stand up to their husbands and
talk back to them. They could reason with them and, of course, had the full right to
disagree. [16]
So is gender equality in Islam a myth or reality? The short answer to this question,
long overdue, must be given in conclusion. It is what we make it to be.
The Holy Quran proclaims, There is no doubt that it is a perfect book, and guidance
for the righteous [2:3]. May we be guided by the Holy Quran in building a fair
community and a just society, where women and men are given fundamental
equality, full responsibility, all the opportunity, and true dignity.
A.C. Grayling, Math in School Should be Cool, New Scientist, October 25, 2008
Sharon Bagley, Math is Hard, Barbie Said, Newsweek, October, 27, 2008
Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Muhammad: Seal of the Prophets, Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1980
Tom Dannenbaum, Is There Anything More to Western Criticism of Veiling in Islamic
Societies Than Cultural Imperialism? (Masters Thesis), Stanford University, 2003
Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Islams Response to Contemporary Issues, Islam
International Publications, Ltd. 1992
Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Women in Islam, Islam International Publications, Ltd.
Paul Findley, Silent No More: Confronting Americas False Images of Islam, Amana
Publications, Maryland, 2001
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Our Teaching (Kashti-e-Nooh), Islam International
Publications, Ltd., 1998
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Chashma-e-Marifat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 23, p.
246-248, Islam International Publications, Ltd., 2001
Ian Adamson, A Man of God, George Shepherd, 1990
R. Ahmed, et al, An Overview of National Education Data, The Ahmadiyya Gazette
USA, October 2012
Rafi Ahmed is a computer scientist, who has published over 25 research papers in
peer-reviewed journals. He is the inventor of 17 U.S. patents. His articles have
appeared in an encyclopedia and database system text books. He has given invited
talks at international conferences and academia.