Estimation of Software Defects Fix Effort Using Neural Networks

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Estimation of Software Defects Fix Effort Using Neural Networks

David Rine
Department of Computer Science
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030

Hui Zeng
School of Information and Technologies
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030

Software defects fix effort is an important software
development process metric that plays a critical role in
software quality assurance. People usually like to apply
parametric effort estimation techniques using historical
Lines of Code and Function Points data to estimate effort of
defects fixes. However, these techniques are neither efficient
nor effective for a new different kind of projects fixing
defects when code will be written within the context of a
different project or organization. In this paper, we present a
solution for estimating software defect fix effort using Selforganizing Neural Networks.

1. Introduction
Accurately estimating software defects fix effort within a
software development organization can improve the
management and control of an organizations software
quality costs, resources directed toward software quality,
and software maintenance efforts. Recently several
researches show special interested in estimation of defects
fix effort [1][2]. Most general techniques applied to
estimate software development effort use parametric project
size techniques using as Line of Code (LOC) and Function
Points (FP) that are based on certain historical data.
However, these estimation techniques do not perform well
when they are used to estimate defects fix time [3]. The
main reason is because defects fixes are not based on
counting lines of rewritten code or function points within
the application, but instead are based upon counts of defects
and efforts in fixing them. There are no good relationships
between project size and defects fix time. For example, a
hidden bug may cause much more fix effort than general
public bugs. Moreover, because defects exist in various
domains, it is not easy to use FP approach to cluster all
defects in the proper domains. Numbers of defects in
different domains cause different defects fix time. Another
limitation is parametric techniques require adequate
historical data, and they fail to offer much help when
estimating defects fix effort prior to a new project without
enough historical data.

techniques . The drawback is that NNs are not easy to

represent and fewer statistical techniques can be applied.
For an example, if the input data are categorized in looselystructured free text [5], it is really tough for neural network
to implement estimation.
In this paper, we present a non-parametric estimat ion
solution by using Neural Networks that can handle some
symbolic input data categorized in loosely-structured free
text for defect fix effort estimation.

2. Experiment Design and Results

Our experimentation estimates defects fix effort is based on
NASA IV&V Facility Metrics Data Program (MDP) data
repository [6]. The MDP static defects data report contains
defect data that remains constant throughout the life cycle
of that defect. The critical problem is that defects fix effort
in MDP is only based on each actual defect, not based on
each type of defect. Moreover, there are no rigorous
categories for these defects, and they are only categorized in
loosely-structured free text [5]. In this paper, 106 samples
corresponding to 15 different software defects fix efforts
from MDP dataset KC1, after removing incomplete data to
assess the performance on estimation. KC1 is one of metrics
dataset with projects of C++ developments. Table1 depicts
input variables of the estimation.
Input Variable







The actual number of
man hours the fix took to
The severity of the defect
the stage in which the
defect was found
The mode the system
was operating in
Specific reason for
closure of error report
The actual number of
SLOC changed or added

Acceptance Test, Analysis,
Customer Use, Engineering
Test Inspection, Mission
Critical, Planned Test,
Regression Test, Release_I&T
DEV02, DEV03,
DEV04, OPS, Other, TS1,TS2
Configuration, COTS/OS,
Design, not a bug, source code

Table 1: Input Variables for Defect Fix Effort Estimation

2.1 Feature Extraction

Neural networks as one category of non-parametric
techniques are usually suggested in estimation with
incomplete historical data [4]. The advantage of neural
networks (NN) is that they do not require more
understanding with input data. They are self-adaptive

The sixth variable , SLOC_COUNT, is an interval-valued

variable whose value was normalized between 0 and 1.
Manhattan distance was computed to generate its
dissimilarity matrix between every two samples. Four
nominal variables including Severity, How_Found, Mode,

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 2004 IEEE

and Problem_ type were converted to binary variables. A

contingency table shown in Fig.1 for binary data type was
generated. An asymmetric dissimilarity was then produced
based on the Jaccard coefficients shown in Eqn.1.

3. Performance Evaluation

Sample j

Sample i



c+ d


a+c b+d

Figure 1. The contingency table for binary variables

d (i , j) =

network. The simulation of testing can assign 106 vectors

to corresponding clusters. The probability of the Fix_Hour
can then be estimated.

b+ c
a + b +c


For n sample, n(n-1)/2 dissimilarity vector matrices can be

generated. In our experiment, two-thirds of n samples
where n=106 were used for training a self-organizing neural
network. The remaining of the one-third is reserved for
testing the estimation performance of neural network. Two
attributes of dissimilarity measurement derived from
normalized SLOC_COUNT and Jaccard coefficients from
four nominal variables are used as network input.
2.2 Self Organizing Maps (Kohonen Networks)
Kohonen network (Kohonen, 1990) is an unsupervised
network that has the abilities of Self-Organization. Among
the architectures and algorithms suggested for artificial
neural networks, the Self-Organized Map (SOM) has the
special property of effectively creating spatially organized
internal representations of the various features of input
signals and their abstractions. SOMs belong to a category of
NNs in which the neighboring cells compete in their
activities by means of mutual lateral interactions, and
develop adaptively into specific detectors of different signal
patterns. The spatial location or coordinates of a cell in the
self-organizing map match up to a particular domain of
input signal patterns. The training group is used to train the
weights of self-organizing NNs. After the network was
well trained, all 68 samples were clustered into certain
clusters to form a feature map. The probability distribution
corresponding to various Fix_Hour values within each
cluster was derived. The testing samples followed the same
procedure as training samples for feature extraction and
carried out a set of dissimilarity vector for each sample.
Each vector was simulated by fed in the trained selforganizing map and produced an unknown probability
distribution. We then compare this unknown distribution
against the previous found probability distribution and
validate performance.
2.3 Probabilistic measurement for fix effort
After SOM training, the known values of defects fix effort
represented by variable Fix_Hour were assigned to the
found clusters. The probability distribution of Fix_Hour
within each cluster was computed. During the testing
phase, each unseen sample was compared to all training
sample vectors to generate 106 dissimilarity vectors. These
vectors were fed into already trained self-organizing neural

In order to evaluate the performance of our estimation effort

prediction model, we used magnitude of relative error
(MRE) as our evaluative measure [4]. As the histograms of
defects fix effort can be grouped as 6 groups, we calculated
average MRE and maximum MRE within each histogram.
We also evaluated the estimation performance by using
another NASA MDP dataset KC3 as our other testing data.
KC3 is a metrics dataset with projects of Java
developments. 70 defects data samples of KC3 are used in
the estimation. The average MRE is from 7% to 23% and
the maximum MRE is from 23% to 83% by using dataset
K1, which indicates that the performance of estimation by
using our method is robust, i.e. less than the excellent effort
estimations norm of 30%. However, when we evaluate the
estimation performance by using KC3 70 defects data as
testing data, a poorer estimation result is derived, the
average MRE is from 40% to 159%, and the maximum
MRE increases from 180% to 373%.

4. Conclusions
We present our strategic solution of estimating software
defects fix effort by using dissimilarity matrix and selforganizing neural networks for software defects clustering
and effort prediction instead of existing project size
techniques , in which defects fix effort (time) can be
estimated by the number of defects in various domains. The
experimental results indicate good performance when
applied to estimates for similar software development
projects. However, poorer performance results when
applied to defects fix effort estimated for software projects
with totally different development environments.
Estimation techniques only perform well in family oriented
software development environments, like product line

5. References
[1] A. Mockus, D. Weiss, and P. Zhang, Understanding and
Predicting Effort in Software Projects, 25th International
Conference on Software Engineering. May 03 - 10, 2003
[2] S. Chulani, Bayesian Analysis of Software Cost and Quality
Models, Ph.D Dissertation, Univ. of South California, 1999
[3] K. Manzoor, A Practical Approach to Estim Defect-fix Time,
[4] M. R. Lyu, Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering,
McGraw Hill, 1996.
[5] T. Menzies and R. Lutz, Better Analysis of Defect Data at
NASA, the 15th Intnl Conf. on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering, July, 2003.
[6] NASA Metrics Data Program Site.
[7] Kohonen T. The Self-Organizing Maps, Proceedings of the
IEEE, 1990 78, 1464-1480

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 2004 IEEE

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