Chapter 7 - Motivation Concepts (DONE)
Chapter 7 - Motivation Concepts (DONE)
Chapter 7 - Motivation Concepts (DONE)
accept responsibility
Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory
o Hygiene Factors (extrinsic, related to dissatisfaction): company
policies, salary, work conditions
o Motivators (intrinsic, related to satisfaction): growth,
responsibility, achievement
o Limitations:
Participants had self-serving bias
Bias or errors of observation
No overall measure of satisfaction was used
Assumption: a strong relationship between satisfaction and
McClellands Theory of Three Needs
o Need for Achievement (nAch): The drive to excel, to achieve
in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed
o Need for Power (nPow): The need to make others behave in a
way that they would not have behaved otherwise
o Need for Affiliation (nAff): The desire for friendly and close
interpersonal relationships
o Good research support but not practical
Self-determination Theory
o People prefer to feel they have control over their actions
o Acknowledges that extrinsic rewards can improve even intrinsic
motivation under specific circumstances
Cognitive Evaluation
o Providing an extrinsic reward for behavior that had been
previously only intrinsically rewarding tends to decrease the
overall level of motivation
o Implications:
Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are not independent
Extrinsic rewards decrease intrinsic rewards
Pay should be non-contingent on performance
Verbal rewards increase intrinsic motivation; tangible
rewards reduce
o Self-concordance: When the personal reasons for pursuing
goals are consistent with personal interests and core values
Verbal Persuasion self fulfilling prophecies
Arousal emotionally aroused/hyped
Expectancy Theory (VIE)
o Expectancy: Effort-performance relationship
o Instrumentality: individual performance-organizational rewards
o Valuation: Organizational rewards-personal goals relationship
Equity Theory - ratios
o Employees compare their ratios of outcomes-to-inputs of relevant
o Underrewarded states cause anger; Overrewarded states
cause guilt
o Tension motivates people to act to bring their situation into
o Relevant Others
Self-Inside - persons experience in a different job in the
same organization
Self-Outside - persons experience in a different job in a
different organization
Other-Inside - another individual or group within the
Other-Outside - another individual or group outside of the
Organizational Justice
o Distributive Justice: Fairness of outcome
o Procedural Justice: Fairness of outcome process
o Interactional Justice: Being treated with dignity and respect
Job Engagement
Match between the individuals values and the organizations
Leadership behaviors that inspire workers to a greater sense of mission
Construct is partially redundant with job attitudes but may also predict
work outcomes better than job attitudes.