Samrani Spring NL 2015

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Volume 5, Issue 1

Spring 2015

Wings of Healing
South Sudan

Helping Build a New Nation

His Banner Over Me is Love!

As I continue this walk of dealing
with health issues, I am feeling
Loved! As I receive cards, boxes,
gifts and support from all of you,
I place the cards on this picture
that hangs over my bed.

I have started 20 weeks of

chemotherapy which will be
followed by directed radiation,
daily, for 6 weeks ending sometime in October. I will most
likely be here until the end of

But for you who fear my name the Sun

of righteousness arises with healing in his
wings; and you shall spring forth like
calves from the stall.

had a pinpoint of cancer cells, my

right breast will be removed in
2016 and then reconstruction considered.
I need you to continue praying for
me and the staff that is working so
diligently to keep things running in
my absence.

Malachi 4:2

I personally need your love!
You have been so great at
this so far. Keep it up!!!

Send checks to:
CornerStone International
PO Box 192
Wilmore, KY 40390
Write: Wings of Healing in
the memo, please.
EFT is available for automatic
monthly donations.
See website:

Prayer Points

Peace in South

God to equip board/


My health

Our students to grow

in the knowledge of
His will for their lives

Continued seeking God

and growth in our
hearts for the things of
God in 2015!

Thank you all for your encouragement and LOVE!

Things are not quite as we
expected when I reported to
you in December.

the year. It all depends how I

react to treatment and on future

After the left mastectomy in

January, extensive pathology was
done on the tumor and lymph
nodes. They found the tumor is
actually 2 types of cancer while
the biopsy only revealed one
type. So the plan changed.

I am working with my oncologist

to find the proper treatment that
will allow me to return to South
Sudan at the earliest time. Also,
because of the type of tumor, its
size and the fact that the first of 9
lymph nodes that were biopsied

Give me a call or plan a

visit if you are in Spokane.
Seeing your faces makes
me happy!

Pray for the staff and

board of WoH to make
wise and God-directed

Pray for my healing, quick

recovery and that I glorify
His name!

Increase your monthly

giving for Wings of
Healing in South Sudan. It
is very important to keep
things going there.

Blessed by All of You!!

God has been answering our
prayers for assistance through
you while I am in this country
that is no longer my home!
All my healthcare has been
through the VA system and they
have been wonderful. The Homeless Veterans organization
quickly helped me get into a cute,
HUD-assisted apartment that is
$248 out of pocket monthly.
Several friends from Wilbur and
Ione churches stayed with me
after the surgery. A gift of time,
priceless. Thanks so much!

CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 1.800.859.4578

Right now, my mom is with me

as I go through the chemo and
A donor gave enough to buy a
vehicle so I can get to all my
appointments. I drove my family
(daughter, son-in-law, grandson
and mom) to Seattle to meet my

brother and his kids before I

started treatment. Fun!!
Words of encouragement in cards,
calls and personal visits have
lifted my spirit. Giving has
increased so that children can go
to school, people can get medical
treatments, visitors can stay and
Johnson can continue building the
Your prayers carry me!
With all my heart I thank you!

Love, Amanda

Wings of Healing
South Sudan

Page 2

Food Distribution to HIV/AIDS Community

Shortly after civil war erupted in
December 2013, Denise Carlson
(now with Missions 1040 in N.
Uganda) introduced WoH to
Kristy Scott of World Emergency
Relief (WER), to apply to receive
and distribute relief food.

are in a helping community. Many

are receiving antiretroviral therapy
when it is available. But, like all
the healthcare in South Sudan, it
often is not available. This makes
it very difficult to live with this

After much prayer, correspondence and fundraising, the container of dried, protein rich soup
mixes arrived at WoH on October

Several of our scholarship

students have HIV positive
parents. One student, Mary, has
been with us 3 years and is in high
school. Her father left her mother,
six years before Mary came to us,
when her mother was getting sick
from the HIV/AIDS. He went and
found another wife.

The latest distribution went to the

Loving Club. They are a group of
registered HIV/AIDS victims that

Our Mary came one day and told

me her father had finally returned
to Kajo-Keji, to be buried.
Many of the cultural norms in
South Sudan make it very hard to
stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Notice that those waiting in the
pictures are mostly women. Men
typically refuse to be tested and if
they test positive, they abandon
their families and start again
somewhere else.
WoH is teaching in the schools to
reach this next generation. An
effort must be made, not only to
support the women and
children affected by this disease,
but also to raise up men who will
speak about the risks of unprotected, promiscuous, sexual

Heave-Ho, this is heavy stuff!

Everyone signs for their food

Loving Club members waiting

Johnson teaching about using

the protein-rich soup mix

Updates on Mercy!!
We took Mercy to Kampala,
Uganda for a CT Scan and initial
evaluation last September to
address the tumor that has been
growing near her eye for 4 years.
Good news, the eye is spared!
Even more, God news! Kristy at
WER said that one of their partners

saw Mercys picture and they

want us to apply for assistance
for her surgery. At the current
exchange rate, the surgeons cost
will be $2593. With visas, transport, room and board, medications, tests and hiring a caregiver,
it will be around $3,300 to complete her care.
Social issues make the situation
more desperate. Mercys mother,
Drania Grace, is disabled due to
childhood polio. Her father isnt
there to help with support, as
with many families around the
world. Mercys grandfather and
brother help with basic needs but
there is no extra.
Grace works hard to care for
them both and makes a bit of

CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 1.800.859.4578

money selling vegetables that she

grows. They truly live on less than
the cost of a latte each day.
Mercy has never attended school.
We hope that after she has recovered from surgery she can start her
education. Her disfiguration is a
huge reason she has not attended
school and is missing out on many
fun childhood activities.
Pray for Mercy and her mother
during this time that we are seeking funds for her surgery.
"The King will answer and say to
them, 'Truly I say to you, to the
extent that you did it to one of
these brothers of Mine, even the
least of them, you did it to Me.'
Matt 25:40

Mercys mother, Grace

Wings of Healing
Page 3
South Sudan

Page 3

Construction Continues!
While I am stateside activity continues at Wings of
Healing compound. As I reported in our last newsletter
bricks will be made and the next construction started.
With the change in my treatment plan and the extended
time stateside Johnson has consented to stay and run the
compound while working on construction that was
planned for this year. Pray for him as he is away from his
family in Uganda sometimes 3 months at a time.
Johnson has been very busy getting the bricks mixed,
molded, stacked and fired. It is quite an interesting
process. Because we have 2 projects this year he made
sure that we will have plenty of bricks.
As you know the shipping container of relief food was
delivered last October and we purchased the container,
through generous donations, to give us much needed
secure storage.
Our original garage was made from teak poles. Over the
last few years the weather and termites have caused
weakening of the structure. A new more stable structure
made of bricks is the current project.
In the drawing you can see that we are using one roof to
tie the garage to the storage container with an area inbetween for a sitting area. The chicken house will remain
where it stands.
The sitting area will be approximately 8x40 feet and
covered. This will serve as a waiting area for visitors and
also be used to do teaching and have meetings. Oh and
mad dashes to find cover when a downpour arrives, we
have met many of our neighbors that way!

Molded bricks being sun dried

Sun dried bricks being stacked

20,000 bricks ready for fire!

Bricks ready for building

The balance of bricks will be used to build our piote

(multipurpose building). This building will be the main
dining hall and meeting space. The plan is 30x60 feet
with a half wall and screening in the upper area for air
movement and comfort. Our hope is to have the garage
addition finished and be able to start the piote by July.
Thank you all for being so generous during this time I am
on medical furlough. Your donations are keeping things
running on the compound, funding 12 students, meeting
medical needs for some long term patients and paying for
most of the construction.

Girls are a Gift!

I introduced you to Juru Rose 2 years ago when
her mother gave her to me so she would be safe,
she is now 16 years old and flourishing.

Field rat is a very

acceptable addition
of meat to the rice
and beans diet that
is our staple. Most
big game left during
the war. Tastes like

At that time she was enrolled in boarding

school, this year she started living at home with
us at WoH. She is a great help around the place
when shes not too busy giggling with her
friends or playing soccer with our young boys
who play 3 days a week or more.
Top of her Class!
CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 1.800.859.4578

Tastes like chicken?

Page 4

Wings of Healing
South Sudan

Thoughts from My Heart!

Wings of Healing-South Sudan
Helping Build a New Nation

Current Contact (Spokane)

406 E Montgomery #9 Spokane, WA 99207

PO Box 214 Moyo, Uganda Send cards, letters...

PO Box 272 Wilbur, WA 99185
+211 956 034 611 SS cell Call my cell phone from
+256 788 815 464 UG cell your Skype account!
+1 509 641 2376 USA cell Call me!!! Lets chat!
Email: [email protected]
New website.

Many would say a diagnosis of breast cancer is a reason to mourn and lament.
I am finding it is an opportunity to thank God for the work He has done in the
last decade in my life, preparing me for such a time as this, and the work He
will do through me and in me as I continue on this path ahead. Yes, occasionally I falter and let doubt and fear creep in but then I remember Who has me
in His hands and quickly my peace and joy return.
My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments;
For length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute
in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths

Johnson is a Blessing!
Musisi Johnson is the
father of seven, 2 girls
and 5 boys ranging
from toddler to
college student. He
has a true fathers
heart and has
supported many more
children in their need
during his 20-plus
years with his lovely
wife Regina.
He is giving a
sacrifice of love to
WoH by graciously
consenting to be
away from his
family (12 hour
drive) to give this
year to the ministry
while I am away.
Carpenter, mason, electrician, board member, father, husband, son,
I know him well.
friend and faithful servant
People would say
we act like siblings
but he always addresses me as Momma Amanda which warms my heart. He gets up and goes
and goes and goes! He works like a young man. Many dont keep up!
He reported that in the last two months he has given transport to 3 people in need of medical
treatment, 14 miles away in a country where everyone travels by footing. A trip like this
always involves at least 3 people; patient, caregiver and someone to purchase medicines and
food and deliver them to the hospital.
He helped a women who had a stroke, a mother with a delayed delivery and a severely ill child.
The mother delivered a healthy child with no complications, the ill child recovered well but,
sadly, the woman who had the stroke did not survive the crisis. There is just no available
treatment for severe illness unless you travel for hours over bad roads to another country.
CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 1.800.859.4578

Goals for 2015, Update!


Mold, stack and fire 20,000 bricks:

for building the garage and dining/
teaching hall. Completed, praise God!


Community Health Evangelism

Trainers I course: The Banmans are
helping coordinate this in my absence.
In planning stage!


The 40-foot shipping container: move

into place, put on blocks (done), build a
ramp and put a roof on top In progress!

Thank you for taking this journey

with us as we serve needy,
vulnerable and broken people.

Spread the fame of Jesus!
Be more like Him!

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