SI RoutingSurvey
SI RoutingSurvey
SI RoutingSurvey
Abstract In the past few years there has been a lot of research on the application
of swarm intelligence to the problem of adaptive routing in telecommunications networks. A large number of algorithms have been proposed for different types of networks, including wired networks and wireless ad hoc networks. In this paper we give
an overview of this research area. We address both the principles underlying the research and the practical applications that have been proposed. We start by giving a
detailed description of the challenges in this problem domain, and we investigate how
swarm intelligence can be used to address them. We identify typical building blocks of
swarm intelligence systems and we show how they are used to solve routing problems.
Then, we present Ant Colony Routing, a general framework in which most swarm intelligence routing algorithms can be placed. After that, we give an extensive overview
of existing algorithms, discussing for each of them their contributions and their relative
place in this research area. We conclude with an overview of future research directions
that we consider important for the further development of this field.
1 Introduction
Swarm intelligence (SI) deals with collective behaviors that result from the local interactions of individual components with each other and with their environment (Bonabeau
et al. 1999). On the one hand, this includes the study of collective behaviors in nature,
such as nest building, foraging, and item sorting in insect societies, and swarming,
flocking, herding, and schooling behaviors in vertebrates. On the other hand, from an
engineering point of view, it refers to the bottom-up design of distributed systems that
display forms of useful and/or interesting behavior at the global level as a result of the
actions of a number of units interacting with one another and with their environment
at the local level. In this paper, we refer to the latter also as SI design.
In recent years, SI design has been applied to a wide variety of problems in combinatorial and continuous optimization, telecommunications, robotics, etc., often with
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Studies (IDSIA)
Galleria 2, 6928 Manno, Switzerland
E-mail: {frederick,gianni,luca}
excellent results (e.g., for extensive literature reviews see Bonabeau et al. 1999; Dorigo
et al. 1999; Dorigo and St
utzle 2004; Di Caro 2004; Engelbrecht 2006; Ducatelle 2007).
Two of the most popular and successful examples of the SI approach are Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) (Dorigo et al. 1996, 1999; Dorigo and St
utzle 2004) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Kennedy and Eberhart 1995, 1999; Kennedy et al.
2001). ACO takes inspiration from the pheromone-mediated ability of ant colonies to
find shortest paths between their nest and sources of food (Goss et al. 1989; Dorigo
et al. 1999) to define a metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization based on the use of
ant-like agents and stigmergic communication of artificial pheromone information. PSO
translates the flocking behavior of birds into a framework based on information-sharing
particle-like agents to find extremal points in optimization problems.
In this paper, we focus on the application of SI design to one particular class of optimization problems, namely adaptive routing in telecommunications networks. Routing
is the task of directing flows or units of data from their source to their destination while
optimizing one or more criteria. Examples of optimization criteria are the average or
maximum delay experienced by data packets or the variability in delay. An adaptive
routing algorithm is one that modifies its routing solution online, in order to account
for changes in the network, such as variations in the data traffic load or in the network
topology. The typical structure and functioning of telecommunications networks in
which the global routing strategy is the collective result of decentralized decisions made
by individual nodes based on local observations maps surprisingly well to the typical
distributed approach advocated in the SI paradigm. Consequently, a lot of successful
adaptive routing algorithms have been developed based on SI ideas. Our aim here is
to discuss the relationships between SI design and the design of network routing algorithms, and to provide an overview of the theory and practice in this field. Since
the large majority of existing SI routing algorithms refers to the ACO framework, we
mainly focus on this class of implementations of the SI paradigm. Nevertheless, we also
describe other SI approaches, such as, for example, bee-inspired algorithms (Farooq and
Di Caro 2008; Farooq 2009).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. First, in Section 2, we explain the
problem of routing in telecommunications networks. In particular, we discuss typical
challenges that are present in different types of networks, and describe traditional
approaches to routing. Next, in Section 3, we hold a high level discussion about the
application of SI to routing. Then, in Section 4, we discuss AntNet, a prototypical
example of a SI algorithm for routing in wired networks, and we derive from it a basic
recipe for the construction of SI routing algorithms. Subsequently, in Section 5, we
look at this recipe from a different point of view, and present the general Ant Colony
Routing framework. This will provide the reader with a deeper insight into the basic
workings of the approach and open the door for new applications of these ideas. After
that, we give an overview of existing SI algorithms for routing. In Section 6, we discuss
algorithms for wired networks, and in Section 7, we discuss algorithms for wireless
networks. Finally, in Section 8, we conclude the paper discussing future developments
that we consider important for this field.
the communication links that are available between them (Chen and Nahrstedt 1998;
Tanenbaum 2002). Links can be directed or undirected and can be heterogeneous in
terms of physical implementation (wired or wireless), transmission capacity, propagation time, reliability, etc. Data load is injected into the network concurrently at source
nodes, and needs to be forwarded to assigned destination nodes. The task of a routing algorithm is to find paths through the network graph that connect source and
destination nodes, while optimizing predefined criteria and possibly satisfying certain
constraints. Routing path information is commonly stored at the nodes in so-called
routing tables. The best solution for the routing problem can vary, when there are
changes to the network graph, such as, for example, the appearance or disappearance
of links or nodes, or when there are variations in the network data load. A routing
algorithm can either choose to ignore this variability and calculate one set of routes
that will be used without change, in which case we speak of static routing, or it can
choose to adapt and update its routes while the network is in use, in which case we
speak of dynamic or adaptive routing. Most existing routing algorithms are at least to
some degree adaptive, and in what follows we will focus on this class of algorithms.
The problem of adaptive routing is most naturally solved with a distributed approach. This is because centralized approaches have, in general, inherent limitations in
terms of scalability and fault-tolerance. Moreover, in most existing networks nowadays,
nodes have at least some capabilities for both network monitoring and data processing,
so that the network can form a distributed monitoring and computing system. In this
system, nodes locally monitor the network status, exchange this information with their
neighbors, and autonomously calculate the routing tables to be used to forward data.
A wide range of different routing algorithms exist in the literature. They can be
classified according to several criteria. One criterion concerns whether data need to
be routed to a single destination (unicast), a group of destinations (multicast), or all
nodes in the network (broadcast). Here we mainly restrict the discussion to unicast
routing, which is the most widely employed in practice. Another important criterion
concerns the nature of the technology that is used to create the network. Especially the
distinction between the use of wired and wireless links to connect the nodes is relevant.
Wired links usually have high capacity, are point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, and
are quite reliable. Changes in the network are the result of variations in traffic patterns,
and of removal, addition, or failure of network resources, which, however, happen at a
much lower rate than the changes at the level of traffic patterns. Wireless links usually
have lower capacity than wired links, offer less reliable data transport (i.e., link failures
can be quite frequent), and need some arbitration mechanism to control the access to
the shared wireless medium. Moreover, they can easily be reconfigured to connect to
different nodes. In particular, wireless links can be effectively used to connect mobile
users. Because of all these characteristics, networks containing wireless links can present
a high rate of change both in terms of topology and traffic patterns.
In what follows, we give a short introduction to routing in both wired and wireless
networks. Concurrently, we explain some terms that will be used in the rest of this
paper, namely proactive versus reactive routing, and top-down versus bottom-up design
of routing algorithms. The former terms represent a common way to classify routing
algorithms, especially in the area of wireless networks (see Royer and Toh 1999). The
latter terms refer to a classical distinction in the approach to designing distributed
systems (see, for example, Crespi et al. 2008).
request message over the network, and in case this message reaches the destination, a
route reply message is sent back to set up a route. This route is then used for message forwarding until it breaks due to changes in the network. After that, the same
procedures is repeated.
Reactive routing algorithm depart fundamentally from the top-down approach to
the design of routing algorithms described earlier. There is no attempt to build a
distributed algorithm that solves the global routing problem. Each node in the network
is given the tools to act individually, and the total routing solution that is found results
from these individual actions. We can refer to this as a bottom-up approach to the design
of routing algorithms.
The agents are expected to have minimal skills to solve the task at hand, and interact with each other using relatively simple protocols. Moreover, they are situated
entities that only perceive, act, and communicate within a small portion of the environment in which they live (e.g., ants communicate in an indirect way by locally
laying and reacting to pheromones). The behavior of the SI system as a whole is the
synergistic result of the combination of the actions of these individual agents and their
interactions with each other and with their environment. No centralized controller is
strictly required. Through interactions and communications the agent system is able
to self-coordinate and/or self-organize.
A key characteristic is the fact that the expected system level behavior transcends
the limited capabilities of the composing agents. In this context, the term emergent behavior is often used, as a complex behavior of the system emerges from the combination
and non-linear superposition of simpler behaviors of the agents. This means that the
systems components, the agents, can be relatively simple and computationally light, if
this reduction in individual complexity and effectiveness in task solving is counterbalanced by the use of a relatively large population of agents and by the implementation
of effective means and protocols for interaction and communication. A good example
is the earlier mentioned behavior of ant colonies, where the simple pheromone laying
and following behavior of the ants allows the colony as a whole to solve a shortest path
problem that is far beyond the capabilities of each individual ant.
Finally, another important aspect in SI design is the use of stochasticity. In the
example of the ant colonies, ants have a certain preference for going to areas of higher
pheromone intensity, but this is by no means a deterministic choice: some ants can
still end up on paths that carry less pheromone. Stochastic decision making stimulates
exploration, and allows the system to overcome limitations due to the partial and noisy
view of the environment that is available to each of the individual, situated agents.
communication errors, or other system failures. This is due to the redundancy among
the multiple agents in the system. A third advantage is scalability with respect to
problem size and/or system size. The main ingredients that allow scalability are the
intrinsic redundancy and parallelism in the system, as well as the use of simple interaction protocols. Finally, SI systems are usually easily portable across different problem
scenarios. This is a result of the above-mentioned properties of adaptivity, robustness
and scalability.
All these advantages make SI design interesting for modern networks such as the
wireless ad hoc networks described in Section 2, for which the design of well performing
top-down approaches has proved to be challenging.
the shortest path between a nest and a food source is mapped onto the task of finding
the shortest path between source and destination nodes in the network. The agents
solving this task are artificial ants that travel to assigned destinations. Each node in
the network maintains a probabilistic routing table, which plays the role of artificial
pheromone: ants are stochastically forwarded through the network using the information in these routing tables, and the tables are in turn updated using feedback from
the ants about the quality of the paths they have followed. Here, we first give a brief
description of the algorithm as a prototypical example of what SI routing algorithms
look like. Then, we use this example to derive some basic principles that are present
in most SI routing algorithms.
Stochastic data forwarding provides load balancing on a per packet basis. Pheromone
values are raised to a power higher than 1, in order to increase the probability of taking
paths with higher pheromone values. This way, data are only routed over the best paths
and are not used for exploration like the ants.
In extensive simulation studies (Di Caro and Dorigo 1998a; Di Caro 2004) AntNet
was compared to traditional routing algorithms, as well as to other adaptive algorithms,
such as the Q-routing of Boyan and Littman (1994). It was shown to give superior
performance in a wide range of different test scenarios. AntNet was also tested in real
networks, showing good performance (Yang et al. 2002; Verstraete et al. 2006).
load is spread over the available paths on a per packet basis. This allows the routing algorithm to make better use of available network resources and obtain better
throughput. The use of pheromone in this process ensures that data is focused on
the best paths. If pheromone is always kept up-to-date, by using sufficient ants,
data load balancing automatically follows the changes in the network. An important aspect in the stochastic forwarding of data is that it uses a different formula
than the ants, focusing more on the best pheromone. This way, ants are more
explorative, while data packets concentrate on exploiting the routing information
provided by the ants. Using separate mechanisms for exploration and exploitation
allows to build a flexible system.
It is clear that ACR views SI routing from a different angle than we have done so
far. In this new view, the active components in the SI system are not so much the ants,
but rather the static managers in the nodes. They act as a society of learning agents,
that essentially solve a reinforcement learning problem (Sutton and Barto 1998): they
jointly learn a policy based on information about the status of the network, which can
be considered a feedback signal about their actions. The ants are a tool in this learning
process, used by the managers to get the observations they need. At this point, there is
no reason why ants should be generated periodically and towards random destinations,
as done in AntNet. The managers can be quite flexible in their use of ants. For example,
they could send ants to a specific destination in response to a certain event such as the
start of a new session or the failure of a link in the network, or they could increase the
ant generation rate when they sense that there is a change in the network status and
they want to find out more about it. Moreover, by varying ant parameters, the manager can create heterogeneous ants with different behaviors. Ants can, for example, be
made more or less exploratory, they can measure different properties of the network,
and so on. Or, they can be created to perform actions in the network, in which case
we speak of effector agents. All this leads to a high level of diversity in the society of
mobile agents living in the network. Such diversity is important for multi-agent systems operating in a non-stationary environment, as it improves robustness, adaptivity
and task distribution. Finally, we point out that the way the node managers use the
gathered information to learn their policy can take different forms. For example, the
AntNet-SELA algorithm of Di Caro and Vasilakos (2000), which adapts AntNet for
QoS routing, presents an approach where the node managers are stochastic estimator
learning automata (SELA) (Vasilakos and Papadimitriou 1995). In general, models for
the design of the learning process can be derived from the field of reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto 1998). One example could be policy search learning (Peshkin
2002), which has been applied to network routing by Peshkin and Savova (2002). More
in general, the application of learning schemes to network control is receiving increasing
attention, in particular in the context of the autonomic networks (Kephart and Chess
2003) and cognitive networks (Mahmoud 2007; Fitzek and Katz 2007) paradigms.
(datagram) networks, packets are sent in the network without requiring the creation of
an end-to-end connection, physical or virtual. Each relay node deals with the packet
independently of the other nodes and makes use of packet header information to decide
how to route the packet. Each packet can be sent over a different path. This can be done
according to a best effort scheme, in which there is no implemented system to control
the quality of the data delivery, or according to a QoS scheme, in which certain (hard
or soft) guarantees are given regarding the characteristics of the data transport (e.g.,
in terms of maximum delay or available bandwidth). The AntNet algorithm described
in Section 4.1 was developed for connectionless best effort networks.
of pheromone laid by ants of other colonies. This mechanism is expected to favor the
establishment of multiple disjoint paths.
A different approach is taken by Wittner and Helvik (2006) in the CE-ants algorithm, inspired by the cross-entropy (CE) metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization (Rubinstein 2000). The CE method is based on the repeated sampling of paths and
on the consequent adaptive adjustment of a parameter, that biases path sampling, to
minimize the cross-entropy between the used generation probabilities and the optimal
importance sampling probabilities. In practice, many CE algorithms have strong similarities with ACO algorithms. The same is true for CE-ants: the general architecture is
quite similar to AntNet. The main difference lies in the formulas used for pheromone
updating, which bear the signature of the CE method. CE-ants has been applied to
a variety of routing related problems, in both connection-oriented and connectionless
networks, such as the problem of finding protection cycles (Wittner et al. 2005), and
the problem of finding primary and backup paths (Wittner and Helvik 2002).
The work described in (Ngo et al. 2006) and other papers by the same authors
addresses the problem of setting up a primary path between a source and a destination
and one or more disjoint backup paths. The authors specifically consider the case
of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) networks. The wavelength assignment for
the routing paths is realized in a dynamic on-demand fashion. A similar problem is
tackled by Vrancx et al. (2005) using multiple types of ants. Ants cooperate with those
of the same type and are in competition with those of different types. In this way
the paths found by ants of different types will likely be mutually disjoint and can be
used for backup purposes. The first to address the problem of routing and wavelength
assignment in WDM networks using a SI approach were Navarro Varela and Sinclair
(1999), who also were the first to introduce the idea of multiple ant types and the
related notion of attraction/repulsion.
Differences with AntNet include the use of a momentum term in pheromone updating,
and the fact that pheromone is updated for all intermediate nodes as destinations.
The Ants Routing algorithm of Subramanian et al. (1997) builds on ABC, and
makes use of the same mechanism of updating pheromone toward the source while
traveling. It is meant for networks with frequent topology changes, for example due to
node and link failures. The main difference with respect to ABC is the use of so-called
uniform ants. These are different from regular ants in the sense that they do not have
a specific destination and do not follow pheromone. Instead, they wander through the
network choosing each next hop according to a uniform distribution, until they reach a
maximum time-to-live, after which they are discarded. The use of uniform ants improves
exploration, which is important when one wants to keep up with frequent changes. A
disadvantage is that the uniform ants can lead to inefficiencies, due to the overhead
they cause and the suboptimal paths they follow. Rothkrantz and van der Put (1998)
describe ABC-backward, which combines ABC with elements from from AntNet, such
as the use of backward ants and the use of the ants trip time for pheromone updating.
Heusse et al. (1998) have proposed the Co-operative Asymmetric Forward (CAF)
mechanism. It shows how forward ants can update routing information about the path
to their source without sending a backward ant and without assuming symmetric path
costs. The main advantage is that the overhead created by backward ants is avoided.
Daneshtalab et al. (2006) present an AntNet-like algorithm for routing in the specific and relatively novel domain of networks-on-chip (NoC). These are sub-micron
scale networks that connect the elements on an integrated circuit. The implementation is an adaptation of AntNet to the constraints imposed by NoCs. The algorithm
shows superior performance compared to other routing models in terms of ability to
effectively balance the load, while minimizing energy consumption and the heating of
the integrated circuits.
A number of other algorithms use biological metaphors that are different from the
ant foraging behavior, but nevertheless follow a similar approach to routing as described in the general ACR template. The BeeHive algorithm of Wedde et al. (2004)
is inspired by the foraging behavior of honey bees. Similar to AntNet, it gathers routing information using path probing packets (called bee agents here), and it builds
stochastic routing tables for data forwarding. Different from ants in AntNet, bees are
deterministically flooded (with a maximum number of hops) instead of unicast along
a probabilistically chosen path to a specific destination. Also different from AntNet,
the network is divided into regions, so that not all destinations need to be put in the
routing table of each node and better scalability can be provided. The basic algorithm
and its multiple derivations have been extensively tested both in simulation and in
real networks (Farooq 2009). The GA-agents algorithm of Liang et al. (2002) is based
on the use of a distributed genetic algorithm (GA). Each node maintains a GA population, in which each individual represents a path in the network. Paths are encoded
as a sequence of turns. Individuals are evaluated by letting them probe the path they
represent. This way, they are similar to the ants in AntNet. Typical GA operations
such as mutation and selection are executed to find the best paths.
routing information between all pairs of nodes in the network at all times, while reactive
algorithms only gather information for nodes that are currently involved in a data
communication session (Royer and Toh 1999). Reactive algorithms are more efficient
and are preferred when the network is large or highly dynamic (Broch et al. 1998). In
what follows, we first discuss proactive SI routing algorithms, and then reactive and
hybrid ones (which contain both reactive and proactive elements). Finally, we describe
SI algorithms for QoS routing in wireless ad hoc networks.
Shen (2005), is another algorithm that follows the same approach. It only uses ants at
route setup time. A mechanism using forward and backward ants is applied, and like in
Termite and ARA, data packets also deposit pheromone, in order to reinforce the paths
they use. Data are routed deterministically over the best paths. ANSI evaluates paths
based on the congestion rates of nodes along the path. ANSI was shown to perform
better than AODV in simulation.
The BeeAdHoc (Wedde and Farooq 2005; Farooq 2009) algorithm, from the same
authors of BeeHive, is based on the foraging bees metaphor, and adopts a different
approach, based on the use of four different types of agents. Scout agents are reactively
broadcast using an increasing time-to-live heuristic in order to progressively enlarge the
flooding area. When a good path is found, this is held by a different agent and made
available at the nodes for data packets, that are source-routed. In this way multiple
paths can be used and no routing decision is taken at the intermediate nodes. BeeAdHoc
is explicitly aimed at minimizing end-to-end delay and energy consumption. In a set
of extensive simulation and real world experiments, BeeAdHoc has shown performance
superior to AODV and DSR.
A few algorithms mix the purely reactive approach to routing with some proactive
elements, so that they can be labeled hybrid. A first example is the Emergent Ad
Hoc Routing Algorithm (EARA) of Liu et al. (2005). Like the algorithms discussed
above, it uses ants to set up paths at the start of a communication session. However,
it does not stop there, and keeps on sending ants to the destination for as long as the
session is active. New paths are detected using ants that do random walks through
the network. A very similar approach is followed in Ant Routing Algorithm for Mobile
Ad hoc networks (ARAMA) (Hussein et al. 2005), that also makes use of pheromone
evaporation, composite pheromone metrics, and so-called negative backward ants: when
a forward ant incurs in a loop or expires its time-to-live, a backward ant is generated to
decrease the pheromone along the path. In AntHocNet (Ducatelle et al. 2005; Di Caro
et al. 2008), the updating of pheromone and the discovery of new paths is not only
executed by ants, but is also guided by a secondary process that follows the dynamic
programming scheme commonly used in traditional, top-down approaches to routing in
wired networks (see Section 2). AntHocNet was shown to outperform AODV and other
state-of-the-art algorithms in a wide range of different open space and urban scenarios.
Kalaavathi and Duraiswamy (2008) add a mechanism to AntHocNet in order to favor
the establishment of node-disjoint multiple paths. A little improvement in performance
has been observed in a set of experiments with 30 personal digital assistants (PDAs).
Finally, we mention a slightly different approach presented by Marwaha et al. (2002),
which combines AODV and ants. The algorithm uses the basic AODV approach to
gather routing information for ongoing communication sessions, while ants performing
random walks through the network independently of communication sessions, source
or destination nodes, update existing routing tables based on the history of the nodes
they have visited. This algorithm was shown to outperform both AODV and Ants
order to support QoS, nodes check resource availability before they forward an ant, so
that paths are only set up when their QoS requirements can be met. In case available
resources change and an existing path can no longer rely on the necessary resources,
nodes send so-called anti-ants to erase the path and inform downstream nodes that they
need to find a new path. In simulations, ADRA was found to outperform the DSR routing algorithm of Johnson and Maltz (1996), especially in more dynamic scenarios. In
Ant colony based Multi-path QoS-aware Routing (AMQR), Liu and Feng (2005) use
ants to set up multiple, link disjoint paths. The source node stores information about
the paths followed by different ants, and combines it to construct a topology database
for the network. Based on this database, it calculates n different link disjoint paths,
and it sends data packets over these different paths. Pheromone is updated by the data
packets. The use of a topological database is an approach that is different from most
other SI routing algorithms, but can also be found in the AntNet-SELA algorithm for
QoS routing in wired networks. It allows the source node to have better control over the
paths that are set up. In simulation tests, AMQR was shown to outperform ADRA and
DSR, especially in low mobility scenarios. EARA-QoS (Liu et al. 2005) is derived from
the previously mentioned EARA and makes use of cross-layer multiple-criteria metrics
to offer DiffServ routing. EARA-QoS includes in the probabilistic rule two different
heuristics based on MAC-layer measures for delay and congestion and adopts a mechanism based on sequence numbers to provide multiple loop-free paths. The algorithm
is a hybrid one, combining on-demand path finding with periodic ant generation for
path maintenance. Simulation results show that EARA-QoS can provide good performance and can outperform AODV. Asokan et al. (2007) propose Swarm-based Distance
Vector Routing (SDVR), a straightforward on-demand implementation of an AntNet
scheme that uses multiple pheromone tables, one for each different QoS parameter,
and combines them at decision time. A pheromone evaporation mechanism is used to
reduce the attractiveness of old paths. In a number of simulation experiments, which
do not involve strict QoS requirements, SDVR systematically outperforms AODV in
small networks. Finally, Zhang and Xu (2006) adopt PSO-based approach to effectively
search the path space in the case of multiple QoS metrics including power consumption.
Finally, there are a few other domains of research that are closely related to SI.
It is important to compare the different approaches and promote cross-fertilization
of techniques. Of particular interest in this respect is the case of gossip/epidemics
algorithms (Eugster et al. 2004). These algorithms, derived from models of spreading
of epidemics and of information gossiping in human networks, have a clear link with
swarm intelligence. In fact, they are a bottom-up approach based on the metaphor
of a biological network and they rely on purely local information exchanges and selforganized behaviors. Because the study of gossip algorithms is a well consolidated
and continuously growing domain of research in networking, we have decided not to
discuss gossip routing in this paper. On the other hand, gossip-based techniques can be
fruitfully integrated into a SI architecture (examples of this way of proceeding can be
found in (Shen and Rajagopalan 2007; Gueret et al. 2006)). In particular, we see gossip
peer-to-peer information exchanges between neighbor nodes as complementary to the
typical path sampling of ACO and SI routing. For instance, we can envisage the use
of gossip techniques for the cooperative information exchange and coordination among
the node managers of an ACR algorithm.
Acknowledgements The authors thank the reviewers for the very useful comments. Special
thanks go to the editor-in-chief, Marco Dorigo, for taking care of the review process and for
providing a number of invaluable suggestions to improve the overall quality and readability of
the paper.
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