MGMT2010 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Principles and Practices S22014

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UNSW Australia Business School

School of Management

Innovation & Entrepreneurship:
Principles and Practices

Course Outline
Semester 2, 2014
Part A: Course-Specific Information
Part B: Key Policies, Student Responsibilities
and Support
CRICOS Code 00098G

Table of Contents



2.1 Teaching Times and Locations

Units of Credit


2.2 Summary of Course

2.3 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses
2.4 Student Learning Outcomes



3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course

3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies



4.1 Formal Requirements

4.2 Assessment Details
Readiness Assurance Tests (10%)



Interview an entrepreneur (5%)


Forming a Team (5%)


Weekly Business Canvas Updates (10%)


Finding and Interviewing a Mentor (5%)


Homepage (10%)


Demo Video (15%)


Live Pitch (20%)


Written Business Description (20%)


Peer Evaluation (variable %)


Bonus Marks (Variable %)


Late Submission
















3.1 Workload
3.2 Attendance
3.3 General Conduct and Behaviour
3.4 Occupational Health and Safety
3.5 Keeping Informed





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Lecturer-in-charge: Dr Martin Bliemel
Room Level 5, West Wing, UNSW Australia Business School
Phone No: 9385 5671
Email: [email protected]
Consultation Times by appointment. Often an email is enough to clarify minor inquiries.


Teaching Times and Locations

Sessions start in Week 1(to Week 12): The Time and Location are:
Tue 12:30 - 15:30 at Business School G26 (new, ground floor space in Business School
called The Place)
3-hour blocks include workshops, tutorials, guest talks, quizzes, pitches, etc. Most course
materials will be provided in advance online. Please come to each class prepared!

2.1.1 Units of Credit

The course is worth 6 units of credit.
This course is taught in parallel to both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students
as MGMT2010 and MGMT5611, respectively. UG and PG courses draw on the same
principles. However PG will include more depth to the pre-readings. PG students may attend
guest speaker sessions held for the UG stream.


Summary of Course

The course provides you with an introduction to the concepts and skills necessary to
successfully commercialise new ideas. Entrepreneurship is about more than just starting a
business. It is also about identifying good opportunities and then creating, communicating,
and capturing value from those opportunities. This includes innovation in corporate and nonprofit settings. Emphasis will be placed on the setting of new venture formation. This course
will provide experiential learning opportunities for you to develop real skills in analysing
business opportunities, and articulating these opportunities in multiple formats (video, live
and written). To bring the real world into the classroom, guest entrepreneurs will come to
class and share their experiences with you and/or run workshops. Vice-versa, this course
also provides opportunities to get you out of the classroom and learn by doing.


Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses

The course has the aim of introducing students to the process of starting a new venture or
initiative in any industry. The course is an introductory course designed for undergraduate
students of all faculties and has no prerequisites. Guest speakers are occasionally
coordinated with MGMT5611 Entrepreneurship & New Venture Management and are open
to anyone at UNSW (space permitting). This course may be taken as a free elective for
Business School students, as a general education requirement for non-Business School
students, or as the first core course towards the Diploma in Innovation Management
(Program 3461). As a result, your most of your classmates will be outside your faculty.
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Student Learning Outcomes

The Course Learning Outcomes are what you should be able to DO by the end of this
course if you participate fully in learning activities and successfully complete the assessment
The Learning Outcomes in this course also help you to achieve some of the overall Program
Learning Goals and Outcomes for all undergraduate coursework students (at least in in the
Business School). Program Learning Goals are what we want you to BE or HAVE by the
time you successfully complete your degree (e.g. be an effective team player). You
demonstrate this by achieving specific Program Learning Outcomes - what you are able to
DO by the end of your degree (e.g. participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams).

Business School Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes

1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and global
You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global
2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective problem
You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose
appropriate and well-justified solutions.
3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.
You should be able to:
a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation for the
intended audience, purpose and context, and
b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a
professional manner.
4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.
You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own teamwork, and
on the teams processes and ability to achieve outcomes.
5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of the
ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice.
You should be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business decisionmaking and practice, and
b. Identify social and cultural implications of business situations.

For more information on the Undergraduate Coursework Program Learning Goals and
Outcomes, see Part B of the course outline.
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The following table shows how your Course Learning Outcomes relate to the overall Program
Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed (they may also be
practised in tutorials and other activities):
Program Learning Goals
and Outcomes
This course helps you to
achieve the following
learning goals for all
Business School
coursework students:

Critical thinking
and problem







environmental and
Social and cultural


Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, you
should be able to:

Course Assessment
This learning outcome
will be assessed in
the following items:

Identify and systematically evaluate

opportunities to design new
organisations that solve problems or
make lives better and, therefore, are
likely to attract customers.
Identify and synthesize sources of
additional information, education, and
advice for new organizations.


Present a convincing business

description to communicate the value the
new venture provides to customers,
investors and other stakeholders.
Articulate which business metrics matter
and how you expect to perform
according to them.
Present a convincing business pitch to
communicate the value the new venture
provides to customers, investors and
other stakeholders.
Articulate which business metrics matter
and how you expect to perform
according to them.
Coordinate a team to develop and
launch and manage the new venture.

Final 4-pager
Bonus marks


Interview mentor
Demo video
Final pitch
Bonus marks

Not specifically assessed in this course.

All except RATs

(and maybe Bonus

Not specifically assessed in this course.




Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course

Innovation and entrepreneurship is an inherently applied and unpredictable topic. Some of it

can be learned (second-hand) by reading and listening to others. However, research on
entrepreneurship education shows that much of it is best learned (first-hand) by taking
action, dealing with inevitable obstacles and unanticipated consequences, and finding ways
of working around or with them. Thus, learning in the course emphasizes that you must take
actions, such as telling others about your new business idea, and be ready to analyse the
results of those actions. You are encouraged, through experiential-learning not to simply
learn about entrepreneurship, but get what its like to be an entrepreneur and act
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Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies

Class meetings will involve a diverse assortment of experiential entrepreneurship education

methods. The goal of the course materials is for students to become familiar with relevant
theoretical concepts. The goal of the workshops is to then apply and internalize these
concepts by taking action and to learn to work as a team. It is important that you prepare for
each session by completing assigned readings or podcasts before the session. That way,
each sessions usefulness can be maximized without unnecessarily repeating course


Formal Requirements

In order to pass this course, you must:

1. achieve a composite mark of at least 50; and
2. make a satisfactory attempt at all assessment tasks (see below).
Composite marks from 50 to 64 receive Pass (PS). Composite marks from 65 to 74 receive
Credit (CR). Composite marks from 75 to 84 receive Distinction (DN). Composite marks 85
and higher receive High Distinction (HD).


Assessment Details

The following table provides essential information about each assignment assessed in the
course. The paragraphs following the table provide additional information. Students should
keep a copy of all work submitted for assessment.
Course Assessment Item


Mode & Length

4.2.1 Weekly Readiness

Assurance Tests (RATs)


Individual: 5-minutes, in

4.2.2 Interview an entrepreneur


Individual+: 1-2 pages,

submit by email

4.2.3 Form teams


Individual: submit by email

4.2.4 Weekly business canvas



4.2.5 Find & Interview mentor


4.2.6 Home page

4.2.7 Demo video


4.2.8 Live Pitch


4.2.9 Written Business



4.2.10 Peer evaluation


4.2.11 Bonus marks


Team: file upload and

comments in moodle, send
confirmation email
Team: 1-2 pages, submit by
Team: submit URL by email
Team: submit URL by email
Team: 3-min pitch + Q&A in
Team: 4 pages, submit by
Individual: 5-10 minutes, in
Individual+: 1-2 pages, by

Due Dates
Week 2-12
(beginning of
Week 2 (before
Week 3 (by end of
Week 4-12 (before
Week 4 (before
End of Week 6
End of Week 7
Week 13
(in session)
End of Week 13
End of Weeks 7 and

We will use WebPA for the peer evaluations. See for a worked
example of the Scoring Algorithm. Failure to submit will result in a 2.5% penalty for each of the two rounds of peer

4.2.1 Readiness Assurance Tests (10%)

Starting in the second week, there will be a quick (max 5 minutes) Readiness Assurance
Test (RAT) to see if you have prepared for each session. Each RAT will have a random
selection of questions related to the session. The RATs will be administered online in the
Moodle environment. They will open 20 minutes before start of class, and close 10 minutes
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after start of class. Once started, they will time out after 5 minutes. The combination of all
RATs will be worth 10% of your final mark.

4.2.2 Interview an entrepreneur (5%)

By the beginning of week 2, you are expected to have interviewed an entrepreneur about
their business. Entrepreneurs can range from your local convenience store owner through to
Richard Branson. For this assignment, access to their time is more important than their social
It is recommended that you follow the 1-page outline provided (in Moodle) and keep the
interview to less than 30 minutes. The purpose of the interview is to expose you to the
motivations of entrepreneurs to launch and run businesses, and hear how they think about
their business (e.g., are they working on their business, or in it?). The interviews can be done
individually or in groups up to 3 people. This assignment is worth 5% of your final mark. To
complete the assignment, email me 1-2 pages of notes from the interview.

4.2.3 Forming a Team (5%)

Students must form inter-disciplinary teams of 4-6 to do the team-based assignments.
Please do NOT rush into forming teams with the person nearest you in the first lector. First,
get to know a few classmates. The purpose of forming inter-disciplinary teams is because
this process mimics the experience entrepreneurs go through when assembling their
founding teams, and because inter-disciplinary teams reflect the reality of better performing
ventures and most work environments.
To complete the team formation portion of this assignment, one student in each group must
send me an email by the end of class in week 3 that confirms:
1. the names of all students in the group
2. there is at least one commerce or business student in the group
3. there is at least one engineering or science student in the group
4. there is at least one international or study abroad student in the group
5. at least one student in the group is fluent in English.
Note: Individual students in each team can fulfil multiple criteria; e.g., an international student
with an engineering major fulfils both (3) and (4).
Templates will be provided with which to facilitate discussion about your expectations for the
course (high marks, high experience, easy credits, etc.). This assignment is due by the end
of the third session and worth 5% of your final mark. Individuals who have not joined or
formed a team by then will not receive full marks.

4.2.4 Weekly Business Canvas Updates (10%)

Based on feedback from past cohorts, students wanted more frequent feedback about their
progress in the course. To facilitate this feedback, each team must upload a weekly business
canvas update that includes:
- The most recent version of their business canvas.
- A count of business model hypotheses generated
- A count of those that were tested and (in)validated, with supporting evidence or
comments as to why the hypothesis worked/failed. For each tested hypothesis, I
recommend comments structured as follows:
o Hypothesis: What we thought or assumed
o Experiment: What we did to (in)validate that idea or assumption
o Result: What we found out (could include a serendipitous by-product of your
experiment, too!)
o Implications: What we are going to do next (if anything)
This process will be handled within Moodle. Based on the updates, I can then provide
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tailored feedback about recent progress. Also, each week I will generate a tally of each
teams total hypothesis counts, to be made visible to the cohort. This tally will help give each
team a sense for how they are progressing relative to other teams.
Business canvas updates are due before the beginning of each session, starting with session
4. The combination of all updates will be worth 10% of your final mark.
Towards the beginning of each session, all teams will perform a quick ~2 minute pitch
reflecting the latest version of their business idea. These pitches are purely for feedback and
peer learning and will not be marked.

4.2.5 Finding and Interviewing a Mentor (5%)

By the beginning of week 4s session, teams must also find their own mentors. Team are
also required to interview them, following the same process as interviewing entrepreneurs
(4.2.2). The purpose of finding a mentor is to get you to talk about your ideas with real
people, who are willing to help you while you are completing this course.
There are two parts to completing the mentoring portion of this assignment. First, at least one
mentor per team is required. A mentor is someone in industry who has been an
entrepreneur, founder or senior level manager for at least 3 years, and who has agreed to
mentor you according to the mentoring guidelines provided. Please be sure to email them a
copy, too! My expectation is that you discuss your business idea for this course with the
mentor(s) at least once a week by email, skype, phone, or (ideally) in person. Second, one
student in each group must send me an email by the end of class in week 4 that confirms:
1. the name, email, phone number of the mentor
2. their bio or a URL to their LinkedIn page
I will contact the mentors to confirm their interest.
Once you have found a mentor, you must interview them about their most recent business
using the 1-page business outline as a guide. Please be sure to ask what their revenue
model is, even if they wish to keep exact financial numbers private. This assignment is worth
5% of your final mark. To complete the assignment, email me 1-2 pages of notes from the

4.2.6 Homepage (10%)

This assignment is still experimental and has not yet been done in this course. This
assignment is designed to help you learn how to present a new business idea online. We are
fortunate to have Googles Industry Manager join one of our sessions to learn about various
tools from google (e.g., plus, adwords, analytics, youtube, etc.) and how to promote your
product or service online. By creating a homepage and learning how to attract and track
visitors you are preparing for the next assignment, too.
This assignment is with 10% of your mark. To complete this assignment, email me the URL
of your teams homepage by the end of session for Week 6. To be determined: please also
include a google analytics code snippet for me to automatically track the traffic on your page
(to be provided later).

4.2.7 Demo Video (15%)

By the beginning of Week 7s session, each team must upload a 3-minute product or service
pitch video. Search YouTube for STRE2010 or MGMT2010 for examples of past pitches
(note, most of these were business pitches, whereas you are now asked for product/service
pitches). The videos also help show your mentors, friends, family, alumni and the public your
accomplishments. I will mark the videos based on the same criteria as the final live pitches
and written business descriptions, but with less emphasis on the viability aspect (see below
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regarding Traction, Viability and Realism).

To complete the video portion of this assignment (15%), each group must:
1. embed the video in their homepage
2. email me a link to the YouTube clip
3. copy your mentor(s) in the email

4.2.8 Live Pitch (20%)

This assessment will test your ability to design a viable new business and to communicate
that design in a way that can attract investors, partners or other significant stakeholders. In
this assessment, the emphasis will be on your ability to communicate orally and to interact
with an interested audience.
All teams must make a live oral pitch of their business idea to the class and a group of
judges (for example, entrepreneurs, investors, or business advisors). Each team will have a
strict limit of 3 minutes for presentation and up to 3 minutes to answer questions from judges.
Not all members of your team are required to speak, but all should be available to answer
questions (e.g., handle questions specific to their contribution, like marketing, finance,
design, market research, etc.). Dress professionally; research shows it makes a difference in
how you are regarded. Lots of rehearsal will greatly improve your presentation. Good use of
visual aids, props, prototypes, mock-ups or demos are highly encouraged and will help you
clearly articulate your idea.
To make the transition between teams faster, each team must email me any slides by 5pm
the day before the quiz/pitch day.
Judges will be given judging packs, with the following criteria, and they will judge your
pitches as if they are well developed ideas:
1. Traction: (how good is the solution?)
- Identification of the problem to be solved
- Your solution (for a typical customer)
- Assessment of market size (and total addressable market)
2. Viability: (how profitable is the business that delivers the solution?)
- Marketing plan and differentiation from competitors
- Revenue model, incl. expenses and operating costs
- Financial statements
3. Realism: (how likely is it that this team can develop this business?)
- Identification of risks (e.g. competitive responses or regulatory requirements)
- Relevant backgrounds of your team and plans for attracting missing

4.2.9 Written Business Description (20%)

This assessment will test your abilities to design a viable new business and to concisely
communicate that design in a way that will attract investors, suppliers, employees, and
customers. The assignment is designed to challenge you to articulate just enough business
information to interest potential investors to invite you to do a longer board room presentation
(not part of this course).
To complete this assignment (20%), each group must
1. e-mail the final version to me by 5pm on the Friday of Week 13 (See Course
Schedule at the end of this outline for specific dates).
Each final description must meet these criteria:
1. at least 2, and no more than 4 pages long; no cover page or table to contents!
2. at least 2 pages must be text (so the description isnt purely graphical)
3. the remaining 0-2 pages may be used for more text, graphics, figures, or tables.
these can be mixed in with the minimum 2 pages of text, mentioned above
4. appendices may only include references such as links to publications, market
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research reports, industry reports, etc. and are limited to 1 page

5. formatting:
o 10 point Times New Roman font
o Single line spacing
o A-4 paper dimensions
o margins no smaller than 2 cm
6. include the name of the team/business, and contact information (can be in the header
or footer of the first page)
Teams are strongly encouraged to start work on this assignment early and e-mail drafts to
me for feedback. Feedback on drafts will not be available in the final week before the 4pagers are due. Use simple sentences, clear language and concrete examples wherever
possible, and avoid buzzwords, jargon and abstractions if possible.
NOTE: Assessment will be done using the same judging criteria for the Live Pitch (see
Traction, Viability and Realism, above).

4.2.10 Peer Evaluation (variable %)

Part of the learning experience will involve your ability to work in/as a team. Teams do better
when the members cooperate and help each other, rather than everyone insisting on having
their own way. Team friction almost always results in lower scores, no matter how smart you
each may be. Effective teams surface more observations, ideas, and tactics than ineffective
teams. Therefore, team organization should be a serious priority. In order for a team to do
well, each member must be actively involved in the assignments. Failure to actively
participate cheats both you and your other team members. Thus, there is little tolerance for
free riding. It is primarily your responsibility to eliminate free riding (this also applies to
rewarding outstanding contributions).
The incentive alignment mechanism will be peer evaluations. Using the WebPA peer
evaluation tool (, individual members who have
not contributed adequately to the team activities will have the final marks for team
assignments adjusted to more accurately reflect their actual contribution level. Likewise,
team members who have contributed above and beyond the team average will also have
their team-based marks adjusted upwards.
You do not get to see each others evaluations. Evaluations should be based on
consideration of the following criteria:
1. Attendance at meetings,
2. Level of preparedness to participate in meetings,
3. Willingness to contribute to analysis, decisions, and presentation,
4. Timely delivery of contribution,
5. Quality of contribution,
6. Attendance and participation in presentation rehearsals,
7. Cooperative orientation, and
8. Leadership support provided.
Peer evaluations are due within one hour of the end of Week 7s session and within one
hour of submission of the Written Business Description (end of Week 13). We will use
WebPA for the peer evaluations. See for a
worked example of the Scoring Algorithm.
To complete the WebPA assessments, follow the instructions in your email (to be sent ~1
weeks before they are due). Failure to submit results in a 2.5% penalty per round.

4.2.11 Bonus Marks (Variable %)

From time to time, opportunities may arise to participate in events in the local start-up
ecosystem, including pitch competitions and networking events (e.g, Sydstart, StartupCamp
Sydney, TiE competitions, Sydney Angels, Heads over Heels, The Entourage, Tech23, etc.).
By participating in such an event, you are much more likely to experience and learn about
entrepreneurship than almost any other method, because these
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events provide an interactive environment in which to develop many of the program learning
goals and outcomes.
If you place in a pitch competition, extra credit will be added to your individual marks. If you
pitch as a team, then this extra credit is available for each member who participated in the
pitch event. Note that you do NOT have to pitch the same idea that you are using for your
course work. The pitch could be about another business idea you want to start-up. Extra
credit for placing in pitch competitions is:
- Top 10 finalists 2.0%;
- 5th place 2.5%;
- 4th place 3%,
- 3rd place 3.5%,
- 2nd place 4%,
- 1st place 5%.
You can rack up more extra credit (and experience!) by pitching at multiple events.
To claim the bonus marks, you must:
1. Gain my approval of the event before the event (a quick email exchange to confirm
should do). Some pre-approved events will be mentioned in the beginning of each
class. You are welcome to suggest others that I may not be aware of, but remain
subject to my approval.
2. Write a short reflective summary (min 1 page, max 2 pages) of the event as it relates
to the course content and your business idea. The summary should be single line
spaced, 10-point font, times new roman and include:
o A brief summary of what happened (format of the event, speakers, people
met), ideally including a copy of the URL announcing the event or winners.
o Examples of course materials that you applied (or observed them being
applied by others at the event)
o A reflective summary of the impact that the event had on your business idea
(either your teams idea or your own personal one)
Bonus marks may be claimed until the beginning of exam week.

4.2.12 Late Submission

Late submissions will not be accepted, except under extreme circumstances which remain
subject to my approval (e.g., major medical conditions, natural disasters). Attempting to
submit late and generate false pretences and excuses to do so only wastes everyones time,
and is unprofessional, disrespectful, and irritating. I will not tolerate such behaviour, nor will
many others you have yet to encounter over your respective career paths.

Quality Assurance
The Business School is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student
experience in all its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks may
be used for quality assurance, such as to determine the extent to which program
learning goals are being achieved. The information is required for accreditation
purposes, and aggregated findings will be used to inform changes aimed at improving
the quality of Business School programs. All material used for such processes will be
treated as confidential and will not be related to course grades.

This course includes experiments in teaching methods that may or may not be repeated from
one session to another. Given the success of student teams from using facebook groups in
the past, we will probably continue using facebook for this session to improve interaction
among students (and the lecturer):
URL: to be determined. May include alumni from past cohorts who have expressed an
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interest in watching and encouraging your progress.

We will use Moodle as per some assignments above (RATs, business canvas updates), and
to host the static content for the course (e.g., slides, handouts, templates):
The textbook for this course is:
1. Reis, E., 2011. The Lean Startup. Crown Business. Available in the UNSW
Bookshop and Library. ~$20 at (US), ~$10 on kindle, ~$30 at


Each year feedback is formally sought from students and other stakeholders about the
courses offered in the School and continual improvements are made based on this feedback.
This course constantly evolves and is evaluated towards the end of the semester using the
Course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement (CATEI) Process. As a result of
feedback, the course design and assessments have regularly been improved. The course
design is also influenced by concurrent curriculum design at other universities. We will
encourage you to use the CATEI Process (to be described in class later) at the end of the
semester to evaluate the course. Improvements are also likely to be made in response to
that feedback.
Informal feedback about the course design is always appreciated, anytime!

The course includes a number of opportunities to interact with external stakeholders.
Stakeholders include potential customers, suppliers, professional service providers, lawyers,
investors, advisors, and many more. As part of the interactive emphasis of the course, some
of the evening seminars are run by guest speakers. Because speakers schedules change,
the schedule below is tentative and will likely change.
There used to be a paranoid notice here saying dont share your ideas outside the classroom
and dont rip each other off. Not anymore. Please share your ideas with anyone else who will
listen and give you feedback. Feel free to talk about your classmates pitches, too, so you
can compare feedback about their pitches and yours. At the end of the day, its not the idea
that matters, its how well it was articulated, implemented and executed. Your business idea
can be ripped off, but your passion for your idea is unique and rare, and technical ideas can
be protected.
If its a great idea, chances are others will have it, too:
Sometimes, great ideas seem to be everywhere at once. Newton and Leibniz
independently developed the fundamentals of calculus, creating controversy at the
turn of the 18th century; Darwin and Wallace rolled out the theory of evolution in
separate papers in 1858. In October 2003, when Mark Zuckerberg sat down in his
dorm at Harvard, drunk and alone, the idea of using the Web to connect people
seemed as pervasive as iPods on the campus quad.
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Course Schedule (Tentative)

In progress. See attached.

Course materials will evolve on an ongoing basis as new teaching, research and media
content emerges.
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The UNSW Australia Business School Program Learning Goals reflect what we want
all students to BE or HAVE by the time they successfully complete their degree,
regardless of their individual majors or specialisations. For example, we want all our
graduates to HAVE a high level of business knowledge, and a sound awareness of
ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business. As well, we want all
our graduates to BE effective problem-solvers, communicators and team participants.
These are our overall learning goals for you.
You can demonstrate your achievement of these goals by the specific outcomes you
achieve by the end of your degree (e.g. be able to analyse and research business
problems and propose well-justified solutions). Each course contributes to your
development of two or more program learning goals/outcomes by providing
opportunities for you to practise these skills and to be assessed and receive feedback.
Program Learning Goals for undergraduate and postgraduate students cover the same
key areas (application of business knowledge, critical thinking, communication and
teamwork, ethical, social and environmental responsibility), which are key goals for all
Business School students and essential for success in a globalised world. However,
the specific outcomes reflect different expectations for these levels of study.
We strongly advise you to choose a range of courses which assist your development of
these skills, e.g., courses assessing written and oral communication skills, and to keep
a record of your achievements against the Program Learning Goals as part of your
Business School Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes
1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and
global contexts.
You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global
2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective
problem solvers.
You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose
appropriate and well-justified solutions.
3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.
You should be able to:
a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation
for the intended audience, purpose and context, and
b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a
professional manner.
4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.
You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own
teamwork, and on the teams processes and ability to achieve outcomes.
5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of
the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice.
You should be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business
decision-making and practice, and
b. Identify social and cultural implications of business situations.
CRICOS Code 00098G



The University regards plagiarism as a form of academic misconduct, and has very
strict rules regarding plagiarism. For UNSW policies, penalties, and information to help
you avoid plagiarism see: as well as
the guidelines in the online ELISE and ELISE Plus tutorials for all new UNSW students:
To see if you understand plagiarism, do this short quiz:
For information on how to acknowledge your sources and reference correctly, see:
For the Business School Harvard Referencing Guide, see Business School
Referencing and Plagiarism webpage (Business School >Learning and
Teaching>Student services>Referencing and plagiarism)
For information for staff on how UNSW defines plagiarism, the types of penalties that
apply and the protocol around handling plagiarism cases, see:


Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to university policies in relation to
class attendance and general conduct and behaviour, including maintaining a safe,
respectful environment; and to understand their obligations in relation to workload,
assessment and keeping informed.
Information and policies on these topics can be found in the A-Z Student Guide: See, especially, information on
Attendance and Absence, Academic Misconduct, Assessment Information,
Examinations, Student Responsibilities, Workload and policies such as
Occupational Health and Safety..



It is expected that you will spend at least nine to ten hours per week studying this
course. This time should be made up of reading, research, working on exercises and
problems, and attending classes. In periods where you need to complete assignments
or prepare for examinations, the workload may be greater.
Over-commitment has been a cause of failure for many students. You should take the
required workload into account when planning how to balance study with employment
and other activities.
We strongly encourage you to connect with your Blackboard or Moodle course
websites in the first week of semester. Local and international research indicates that
students who engage early and often with their course website are more likely to pass
their course.
Information for staff and students on expected workload:



Your regular and punctual attendance at lectures and seminars is expected in this
course. University regulations indicate that if students attend less than 80% of
scheduled classes they may be refused final assessment.
CRICOS Code 00098G


Reference for 80% guideline is at:


General Conduct and Behaviour

You are expected to conduct yourself with consideration and respect for the needs of
your fellow students and teaching staff. Conduct which unduly disrupts or interferes
with a class, such as ringing or talking on mobile phones, is not acceptable and
students may be asked to leave the class. More information on student conduct is
available at:


Occupational Health and Safety

UNSW Policy requires each person to work safely and responsibly, in order to avoid
personal injury and to protect the safety of others. For more information, see


Keeping Informed

You should take note of all announcements made in lectures, tutorials or on the course
web site. From time to time, the University will send important announcements to your
university e-mail address without providing you with a paper copy. You will be deemed
to have received this information. It is also your responsibility to keep the University
informed of all changes to your contact details.


You must submit all assignments and attend all examinations scheduled for your
course. You should seek assistance early if you suffer illness or misadventure which
affects your course progress.
General Information on Special Consideration:
1. All applications for special consideration must be lodged online through
myUNSW within 3 working days of the assessment (Log into myUNSW and
go to My Student Profile tab > My Student Services channel > Online Services
> Special Consideration). You will then need to submit the originals or certified
copies of your completed Professional Authority form (pdf - download here) and
other supporting documentation to Student Central. For more information,
please study carefully the instructions and conditions at:
2. Please note that documentation may be checked for authenticity and the
submission of false documentation will be treated as academic misconduct. The
School may ask to see the original or certified copy.
3. Applications will not be accepted by teaching staff. The lecturer-in-charge will
be automatically notified when you lodged an online application for special
4. Decisions and recommendations are only made by lecturers-in-charge, not by
5. Applying for special consideration does not automatically mean that you will be
granted a supplementary exam or other concession.
6. Special consideration requests do not allow lecturers-in-charge to award
students additional marks.
CRICOS Code 00098G


Business School Policy on requests for Special Consideration for Final Exams in
Undergraduate Courses:
The policy of the School of Management is that the lecturer-in-charge will need to be
satisfied on each of the following before supporting a request for special consideration:
1. Does the medical certificate contain all relevant information? For a medical
certificate to be accepted, the degree of illness, and impact on the student,
must be stated by the medical practitioner (severe, moderate, mild). A
certificate without this will not be valid.
2. Has the student performed satisfactorily in the other assessment items?
Satisfactory performance would require at least 50% in each assessment
and meeting the obligation to have attended 80% of tutorials.
3. Does the student have a history of previous applications for special
consideration? A history of previous applications may preclude a student
from being granted special consideration.
Special Consideration and the Final Exam:
This course does not have a traditional final exam. See above policy on requests for
special consideration and coordinate a resolution with the lecturer-in-charge.
The Business Schools Special Consideration and Supplementary Examination Policy
and Procedures for Final Exams for Undergraduate Courses is available at:


UNSW and Business School provide a wide range of support services for students,
Business School Education Development Unit (EDU) Click on Student Services.
Provides academic writing, study skills and maths support specifically for Business
School students. Services include workshops, online resources, and individual
consultations. EDU Office: Level 1, Room 1033, Quadrangle Building. Phone:
9385 5584; Email: [email protected].
Business School Student Centre
Provides advice and direction on all aspects of admission, enrolment and
graduation. Office: Level 1, Room 1028 in the Quadrangle Building; Phone: 9385
Moodle eLearning Support
For online help using Moodle, go to: For
technical support, email: [email protected]; Phone: 9385 1333.
UNSW Learning Centre (
Provides academic skills support services, including workshops and resources, for
all UNSW students. See website for details.
Library training and search support services
IT Service Centre: Provides technical support for problems logging in to websites,
downloading documents etc.
Office: UNSW Library Annexe (Ground floor). Ph: 9385 1333.
UNSW Counselling and Psychological Services Provides free, confidential service for
problems of a personal or academic nature; and workshops on study issues such
CRICOS Code 00098G


as Coping with Stress and Procrastination. Office: Level 2, East Wing,

Quadrangle Building; Phone: 9385 5418.
Student Equity & Disabilities Unit
Provides advice regarding equity and diversity issues, and support for students
who have a disability or disadvantage that interferes with their learning. Office:
Ground Floor, John Goodsell Building; Phone: 9385 4734; Email:
[email protected]
CRICOS Code 00098G


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