Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 591 (2006) 9398
Stripping analysis has been widely recognised as a powerful tool for trace metal analysis. Its remarkable sensitivity is attributed to the
combination of a preconcentration step coupled with pulse measurements that generates an extremely favourable signal-to-background
ratio. Mercury-based electrodes have been traditionally employed for achieving high reproducibility and sensitivity of the stripping technique. However, because of the toxicity of mercury, new alternative electrode materials are highly desired, particularly for on-site monitoring. Recently, the use of bismuth thin lms, deposited in situ on platinum or glassy carbon substrates, has been proposed as a possible
alternative to mercury: bismuth is environmentally-friendly, with a low toxicity and a widespread pharmaceutical use. In this paper, the
preparation of bismuth lm electrodes by electrodeposition on a copper substrate and their adsorptive stripping performances are presented. Bismuth lm electrodes were prepared ex-situ by pulsed potential electrodeposition. The analytical performances of these electrodes for adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry of nickel were evaluated in nondeaerated solutions. Well-dened peaks along with
low background current were obtained in ammonia buer by square wave voltammetry, using dimethylglyoxime as complexing agent.
Linear calibration curves were obtained for Ni2+ concentrations ranging from 1 10 8 to 1 10 7 mol L 1 and from 1 10 7 to
1 10 6 mol L 1 with relative standard deviations of 5% (n = 15) at 1 10 7 mol L 1 level. The analytical methodology was successfully
applied to monitor Ni2+ content in industrial electrolytic baths, ground water and tap water. These results open the possibility to use
bismuth lm electrodes as an alternative to mercury-based electrodes for nickel analysis.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry; Bismuth lm electrodes; Copper substrate; Nickel analysis; Natural waters; Industrial wastes
1. Introduction
Electrochemical stripping analysis has long been recognized as a powerful technique for trace heavy metal detection in environmental samples. Its remarkable sensitivity is
attributed to the combination of an eective preconcentration step with pulse measurement techniques that generates
an extremely favorable signal-to-background ratio. Two
electrode systems, the mercury lm electrode and the hanging mercury drop electrode, have been traditionally
employed for achieving high reproducibility and sensitivity
of the stripping technique [13]. The excellent perfor*
0022-0728/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
compared to platinum and glassy carbon substrates, previously tested in literature reports. Indeed, copper is a
metal far from expensive, easy to manufacture and lends
itself to the realization, by lithography, of microsensors
of various sizes and geometries. It would then be easy
to adapt these microsensors by electrochemical bismuth
2. Experimental
2.1. Apparatus
Stripping analysis was performed using square wave voltammetry (SWV) with a POL 150 potentiostat linked to a
polarographic stand MDE 150 and monitored by the
Tracemaster 5 software (Radiometer Analytical S.A.,
France). A copper disk electrode (diameter 3.1 mm,
Aldrich, France) served as substrate for bismuth deposition. Bismuth lm electrodes were prepared by electrodeposition of a bismuth lm from a stirred external plating
solution, using a Voltalab 40 potentiostat monitored by
the Voltamaster 5.0 software (Radiometer Analytical
S.A., France). Reference and auxiliary electrodes were an
Ag/AgCl sat. KCl electrode and a platinum wire (Radiometer Analytical S.A., France), respectively.
A LEICA scanning electron microscope (model Stereoscan 440) was used to determine the grain size of bismuth
2.2. Reagents
All solutions were prepared with distilled water. Bismuth(III)
dimethylglyoxime (DMG, >99.0%) and ammonium chloride
(>99.5%) were purchased from Acros Organics (France).
Nickel nitrate hexahydrate (99.999%) was supplied by
Aldrich (France). Nitric acid (65%) was purchased from
Carlo Erba Reagenti RPE (France) and sulfamic acid
(>99%) was supplied by Chimie-Plus (France). Ammonia
solution (25%) was purchased from Laurylab (France),
and gelatin powder was supplied by Prolabo RP (France).
2.3. Measurement procedures
Stripping analysis of nickel was carried out in
0.01 mol L 1 ammonia buer (pH 9), containing
10 3 mol L 1 DMG as the complexing agent. Prior to
use, the BiFE was activated in the measurement solution
using cyclic voltammetry at a scan rate of 50 mV s 1
between 700 and 1300 mV vs Ag/AgCl (three cycles).
A preconcentration potential of 700 mV vs Ag/AgCl
was applied to the working electrode under stirring conditions. After an equilibration period of 15 s, the stripping
voltammogram was recorded in the quiescent solution by
applying a negative-going potential scan using square-wave
voltammetry (SWV) with a frequency of 10 Hz, a potential
step of 5 mV and a pulse amplitude of 50 mV.
All measurements
ning electron microscope (SEM) images of bismuth electrodeposits on the copper substrate, using potentiostatic and
pulsed electrodeposition, respectively. It appears obviously
that deposits realised under potentiostatic conditions are
characterized by a larger grain size (14 lm) than using
pulsed procedure (0.10.5 lm).
The pulse procedure lead to a greater electrode eective
surface and consequently to higher measured currents, as
observed experimentally during trace nickel analysis.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Evaluation of BiFE suitability for nickel analysis
Preliminary experiments were run in ammonia buer
0.1 mol L 1 electrolyte and Fig. 2a shows typical AdSV
responses of ammonia buer, DMG and Ni(DMG)2 complex. These responses were compared to those obtained
using the hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE)
(Fig. 2b).
The stripping voltammograms obtained using the
HMDE are in agreement with what was published in previous literature for similar experimental conditions (pH
9, ammonia buer, DMG as complexing agent) [7]. A
well-dened stripping peak is obtained at 950 mV vs
Ag/AgCl during the cathodic scan following the
Ni(DMG)2 complex adsorption onto the HMDE. Similar
voltammograms are obtained using the BiFE, although a
higher background current is observed. This high capacitive current can be explained by the roughness of the bismuth deposit compared to the mercury drop surface,
leading to a thick capacitive layer. Moreover, the stripping
peak corresponding to the reduction of the Ni(DMG)2
complex appears to be larger and 50 mV more cathodic
using the BiFE than the HMDE.
Finally, the preconcentration time is much longer using
the BiFE than using the HMDE, but the necessary sample
Fig. 1. SEM images for bismuth electrodeposition on the copper substrate: (a) potentiostatic electrodeposition; (b) pulsed electrodeposition. Energy of
primary electrons beam: 20 keV.
i (A)
y = 1.6343 x
R2 = 0.9989
[Ni ] x 10 mol.L
Fig. 2b. Square wave polarogram recorded at the HMDE in 0.1 mol L 1
ammonia buer supporting electrolyte. Frequency 10 Hz. Potential step
5 mV. Pulse amplitude 50 mV. Accumulation time 60 s. Accumulation
potential 400 mV vs Ag/AgCl. Deaeration time 300 s. 1: Supporting
[DMG] = 9.5 10 4 mol L 1,
[DMG] = 9.5
10 4 mol L 1 + [Ni2+] = 1 10 6 mol L 1.
Fig. 3 shows the calibration curve of nickel for concentrations ranging from 10 7 to 10 6 mol L 1 for a preconcentration time of 600 s. As the limit of detection for
600 s accumulation was approximately 1 10 7 mol L 1,
lower concentrations of nickel were detected for a longer
preconcentration time, namely 900 s (Fig. 4).
As can be noticed in Fig. 2, a linear calibration curve
was obtained with good correlation coecient in the 10 7
to 10 6 mol L 1 concentration range. The calibration curve
obtained in the 10 8 to 10 7 mol L 1 concentration range
(Fig. 4) is also linear, although a constant residual current
is observed for all measurements. The BiFE is characterised by a very good reproducibility: repeated sets of eight
replicate measurements were performed at nickel concentrations of 10 6 and 10 7 mol L 1 and provided values
reproducible within 5%.
It can be noticed from results shown in Figs. 3 and 4
that the calibration curve presenting the highest slope is
the one established for the shortest accumulation time.
i (A)
Fig. 2a. Square wave voltammogram recorded at the BiFE in 0.1 mol L 1
ammonia buer supporting electrolyte. Frequency 10 Hz. Potential step
5 mV. Pulse amplitude 50 mV. Accumulation time 300 s. Accumulation
700 mV vs Ag/AgCl. 1: Supporting electrolyte,
2: [DMG] = 9.5 10 4 mol L 1, 3: [DMG] = 9.5 10 4 mol L 1 +
[Ni2+] = 1 10 6 mol L 1.
y = 0.0985x + 0.5656
R2 = 0.9995
[Ni ] x 10 mol.L
Mineral water
Ground water
Industrial electrolytic bath
1.807 (2%)
2.502 (4%)
1,020,000 (3%)
1.821 (4%)
2.487 (7%)
1,030,000 (5%)
This is opposite to what is usually observed using accumulation-based techniques. This might be explained by an
increase of the capacitive layer thickness at the electrode
surface with accumulation time, due to DMG molecules
adsorption. Indeed, in absence of nickel, a greater increase
of the measured current with accumulation time is
observed using the BiFE than using the HMDE. The
roughness of the bismuth deposit compared to the HMDE
surface could explain this unusual behaviour of the BiFE.
Further experiments must be undertaken in order to clear
up this point.
3.3. Application to nickel analysis in real samples
The BiFE was then applied to nickel analysis in several real samples: mineral water, characterized by a relatively simple matrix, and more complex samples like
ground water and an industrial electrolytic bath purchased from Mac Dermid S.A (France). This latter contains other metal traces such as lead or bismuth. The
results obtained with the BiFE were compared to polarographic measurements. Electrochemical measurements
were performed as previously described, using the standard addition method. Pulse polarographic measurements were carried out at the hanging mercury drop
electrode (HMDE).
Ammonia buer was used, the concentration of which
was 0.1 mol L 1. The Mac Dermid solution has been
diluted 1000 times because of its high concentration of
nickel. The analytical procedure was the same using both
electrode materials and is as follows. 10 mL of ammonia
buer were introduced in the electrochemical cell along
with 500 lL of a 0.02 mol L 1 DMG solution. The background signal was then recorded before the appropriate
volume of sample is added. The electrolytic solution was
then carefully stirred during 120 s. In the case of polarographic measurements, the solution was deaerated during
300 s by nitrogen bubbling. Preconcentration times were
120 s and 600 s for the HMDE and the BiFE, respectively.
Table 1 presents the results obtained.
As can be noticed in Table 1, similar results were
obtained with the two electrode materials, conrming the
potentiality of the BiFE to become an alternative to mercury-based electrodes for trace nickel analysis. Although
the preconcentration time is much longer using the BiFE,
the necessary sample deaeration using the mercury drop
electrode leads to similar analysis durations.
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