Anylogic Asphalt Paving Simulation
Anylogic Asphalt Paving Simulation
Anylogic Asphalt Paving Simulation
Zuhair Haddad
Amr Elsersy
Although research into simulation of construction continues to advance and thrive in the academic world,
application of simulation in the construction industry remains limited. Stakeholders on construction projects have yet to adopt simulation as their default tool of choice for managing large complex projects, instead of traditional techniques, which are often inadequate. This paper describes the building of an asphalt
paving simulator, as an example of the rigor and effort required in developing construction simulation
models, and then briefly describes an alternative model building method currently being researched which
may potentially make it easier and faster for stakeholders to quickly build simulation models on construction projects.
As construction projects become large, complex and tough to manage using traditional techniques, computer simulation can be used effectively to design and analyze construction processes regardless of the
complexity or size (Abourizk 2010).
Computer simulation models can be built to characterize the construction activities of a scope of work
ranging from a full blown large and complex project to a sub-area of an industrial facility or to a floor or
room of a building. The process of building a simulation model includes four distinct phases: product abstraction phase, process abstraction and modeling phase, experimentation phase, and decision making
phase (Abourizk 2010). The effort and technical expertise needed to build a simulation model and then
run experiments compared with the uniqueness and relatively short life cycle of a construction project
contribute to the slow adoption of simulation by the industry (Mohamed 2005).
While building a new model, simulation practitioners find themselves going through the full fourphase process in its entirety. This rigorous and time consuming cycle is typically repeated for every new
construction simulation model to be built. Accordingly, when faced with a new situation to analyze or a
question to be answered, stakeholders on large and complex projects, even those who are familiar with the
usefulness of simulation and value its role, have to make the choice between either using simulation techniques to approach the problem, or resorting to traditional tools. Time permitting and with the right resources and expertise, the choice would be simulation. However, time and know-how lacking the more
prevalent situation, the decision is often to fall back on traditional techniques that would yield a result
quickly and with much less effort, even though stakeholders understand the relative inadequacy of the
traditional tools. An approach to remedy such a situation would be to diminish the time and skills required to build a simulation model.
978-1-4799-2076-1/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE
Asphalting operations are a main constituent of road construction projects. Asphalting operations involve
numerous interactions between the many participants in the process including the paving machines,
trucks, loaders, rollers, asphalt plants, and material sources. Loaders load trucks with aggregate material
for the sub-base laying operation. Trucks transfer the sub-base layer material to the paving machine.
Trucks form a queue at the paving machine and wait for their turn to unload into the paving machine
while it is laying the fill material. Rollers follow the paving machine at an appropriate distance and compress the layers. The same operation is repeated for asphalt. Trucks are loaded with asphalt from the asphalt plants. The trucks then haul the material to the paving machines and form a queue, waiting for their
turn to unload the material into the paving machine, which is laying an asphalt base course or wearing
course. Appropriate rollers follow the asphalting machine to compress the asphalt layer.
Figure 5: DES flow #3 - asphalt material delivery to site for base course operation
Figure 7: DES flow #5 - asphalt material delivery to site for wearing course operation
Possible Benefits
The proposed methodology describes a new approach for creating construction simulation models with
potential benefits to target user groups, including:
1. Enabling target users to build special purpose simulation models quickly and with little simulation model development skills.
2. The proposed approach may allow integration with other construction management systems by allowing simulation flows to be dynamically constructed using data.
Future Work
The proposed alternative methodology is still a very theoretical approach, in its early stages, and which
needs to be developed, implemented and evaluated. Immediate future work will include:
1. Examining diverse construction simulation model building efforts to gather more information and
2. Further development of the conceptual model.
3. Further classification of the appropriate target user group(s).
4. Developing the modular input data structure components.
5. Identifying the appropriate simulation environment in which to apply it.
6. Verification and validation using real world test cases.
This paper presented the thinking behind developing a new framework for making the process of building
simulation models more accessible to stakeholders without simulation expertise. The framework proposes
identifying a common set of data structures that will carry product, process and environmental information, developing an algorithm that can compile that data into suitable inputs for simulation, and developing a generic discrete event simulation engine capable of self-replication and processing of the input
data to produce a typical DES history of the model. The main potential benefit of the framework is enabling target users to build simulation models quickly and with minimal simulation model building skills.
Further work is still needed to develop the framework and implement it on real world test cases.
The asphalting model described in this paper was developed and implemented at Consolidated Contractors Group (CCC) to aid in estimating, planning and managing asphalting operations on major road construction projects.
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