Congenital Cataract
Congenital Cataract
Congenital Cataract
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Congenital Cataract
Author: Mounir Bashour, MD, CM, FRCS(C), PhD, FACS; Chief Editor: Hampton Roy Sr, MD more...
Updated: Mar 5, 2014
A cataract is an opacification of the lens. Congenital cataracts usually are diagnosed at birth. If a cataract goes
undetected in an infant, permanent visual loss may ensue. Not all cataracts are visually significant. If a lenticular opacity
is in the visual axis, it is considered visually significant and may lead to blindness. If the cataract is small, in the anterior
portion of the lens, or in the periphery, no visual loss may be present.
Unilateral cataracts are usually isolated sporadic incidents. They can be associated with ocular abnormalities (eg,
posterior lenticonus, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, anterior segment dysgenesis, posterior pole tumors),
trauma, or intrauterine infection, particularly rubella.
Bilateral cataracts are often inherited and associated with other diseases. They require a full metabolic, infectious,
systemic, and genetic workup. The common causes are hypoglycemia, trisomy (eg, Down, Edward, and Patau
syndromes), myotonic dystrophy, infectious diseases (eg, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes
simplex [TORCH]), and prematurity.
The lens forms during the invagination of surface ectoderm overlying the optic vesicle. The embryonic nucleus
develops by the sixth week of gestation. Surrounding the embryonic nucleus is the fetal nucleus. At birth, the
embryonic and fetal nuclei make up most of the lens. Postnatally, cortical lens fibers are laid down from the conversion
of anterior lens epithelium into cortical lens fibers.
The Y sutures are an important landmark because they identify the extent of the fetal nucleus. Lens material peripheral
to the Y sutures is lens cortex, whereas lens material within and including the Y sutures is nuclear. At the slit lamp, the
anterior Y suture is oriented upright, and the posterior Y suture is inverted.
Any insult (eg, infectious, traumatic, metabolic) to the nuclear or lenticular fibers may result in an opacity (cataract) of
the clear lenticular media. The location and pattern of this opacification may be used to determine the timing of the
insult as well as the etiology.
United States
Incidence is 1.2-6 cases per 10,000.
Incidence is unknown. Although the World Health Organization and other health organizations have made outstanding
strides in vaccinations and disease prevention, the rate of congenital cataracts is probably much higher in
underdeveloped countries.
Visual morbidity may result from deprivation amblyopia, refractive amblyopia, glaucoma (as many as 10% post
surgical removal), and retinal detachment.
Metabolic and systemic diseases are found in as many as 60% of bilateral cataracts.
Mental retardation, deafness, kidney disease, heart disease, and other systemic involvement may be part of the
Congenital cataracts usually are diagnosed in newborns.
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