Understanding The Evidence: Wind Turbine Noise The Expert Panel On Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health
Understanding The Evidence: Wind Turbine Noise The Expert Panel On Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health
Understanding The Evidence: Wind Turbine Noise The Expert Panel On Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health
This report should be cited as: Council of Canadian Academies, 2015. Understanding the
Evidence: Wind Turbine Noise. Ottawa (ON): The Expert Panel on Wind Turbine Noise
and Human Health, Council of Canadian Academies.
Disclaimer: The internet data and information referenced in this report were correct,
to the best of the Councils knowledge, at the time of publication. Due to the dynamic
nature of the internet, resources that are free and publicly available may subsequently
require a fee or restrict access, and the location of items may change as menus and web
pages are reorganized.
2015 Council of Canadian Academies
Printed in Ottawa, Canada
Finally, the Panel is grateful for the support it received from the staff members
of the Council of Canadian Academies who were assigned to this assessment.
They are a dedicated and accomplished team of scholars and professionals,
and it has been an honour and a pleasure to work with them.
I would like to extend my personal appreciation to the Panel members for
their cooperation, rigour, patience, and devotion to the task.
Tee L. Guidotti
Chair, Expert Panel on Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health
Report Review
Report Review
This report was reviewed in draft form by the individuals listed below a
group of reviewers selected by the Council of Canadian Academies for their
diverse perspectives, areas of expertise, and broad representation of academic,
industrial, policy, and non-governmental organizations.
The reviewers assessed the objectivity and quality of the report. Their
submissions which will remain confidential were considered in full by
the Panel, and many of their suggestions were incorporated into the report.
They were not asked to endorse the conclusions, nor did they see the final
draft of the report before its release. Responsibility for the final content of this
report rests entirely with the authoring Panel and the Council.
The Council wishes to thank the following individuals for their review of
this report:
Prudence Allen, Director and Associate Professor, National Centre for Audiology,
Western University (London, ON)
Franois Benoit, Scientific and Administrative Lead, National Collaboration
Centre for Healthy Public Policy, Institut national de sant publique du Qubec
(Montral, QC)
Arline L. Bronzaft, Consultant and Professor Emerita, City University of
New York (New York, NY)
Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins
University (Baltimore, MD)
Wendy Heiger-Bernays, Associate Professor of Environmental Health, Boston
University School of Public Health (Boston, MA)
Stefan Oerlemans, Senior Key Expert Aeroacoustics, Siemens Wind Power
(Brande, Denmark)
Stphane Perron, Physician and Clinical Adjunct Professor, Montral
Public Health Department, Universit de Montral and McGill University
(Montral, QC)
Bo Sndergaard, Senior Consultant, Department of Acoustics, Grontmij
(Aarhus, Denmark)
Jian Wang, Full Professor, School of Human Communication Disorders,
Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)
The report review procedure was monitored on behalf of the Councils Board
of Governors and Scientific Advisory Committee by Susan A. McDaniel, FRSC,
Director, Prentice Institute; Canada Research Chair in Global Population and Life
Course; Prentice Research Chair in Global Population and Economy; Professor of
Sociology, University of Lethbridge (Lethbridge, AB). The role of the report review
monitor is to ensure that the Panel gives full and fair consideration to the submissions
of the report reviewers. The Board of the Council authorizes public release of an
expert panel report only after the report review monitor confirms that the Councils
report review requirements have been satisfied. The Council thanks Dr. McDaniel
for her diligent contribution as report review monitor.
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Demand for renewable energy, including wind power, is expected to continue
to grow both in Canada and globally for the foreseeable future. The wind
energy sector in Canada has grown at an ever-increasing pace since the 1990s,
and Canada is now the fifth-largest market in the world for the installation
of new wind turbines. As the sector grows, the wind turbines being installed
are getting more powerful. The first megawatt-scale turbines were installed in
Canada in 2004, with 3 megawatt models arriving in 2008; larger models up
to 7.5 megawatt are currently being tested internationally. To produce this
power, turbines have also increased in size. As wind turbines become a more
common feature of the Canadian landscape, this new source of environmental
sound has raised concerns about potential health effects on nearby residents.
Determining whether wind power causes adverse health effects in people is
therefore important so that all Canadians can equitably share in the benefits
of this technology.
The Panel defined health in a way that is consistent with the World Health
Organizations concept of health: a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
(WHO, 1946). The Panel interpreted noise to include both objective measures
of acoustic signals in the environment (sound), as well as subjective perceptions
of sound sensations that are unwanted by the listener (noise). As there are a
variety of wind turbines available worldwide, with differing sound characteristics,
the Panel focused specifically on the type that constitutes almost all of the
installed turbines in Canada: modern, three-bladed, tower-mounted, utilityscale (500 kilowatt capacity or more), upwind, horizontal-axis wind turbines
that were land-based.
Based on its expertise and review of empirical research, the Panel made findings
in the following areas:
Acoustic characteristics of wind turbine noise;
Evidence of causal relationships between exposure to wind turbine noise
and adverse health effects;
Knowledge gaps and further research; and
Promising practices to reduce adverse community response.
Other aspects of the Charge, such as the prevalence of adverse health outcomes
in Canada, could not be answered because of a lack of data.
Executive Summary
Reviews and
Legal Decisions
Web Pages
Reported Adverse
Health Effects
Conceptual Framework
Weight and Summary of Evidence
of a Causal Relationship
Lack of causality
Conceptual Framework:
Figure 1
Evidence Assessment Process
Brown lines show information used in defining potential health outcomes and building a model
of pathogenic mechanisms; blue lines show the literature review process with reference to causal
associations between wind turbine noise and each potential health effect.
Sound emissions from a wind turbine increase with greater wind speed at
the height of the blades, up to the turbines rated wind speed (speed at which
it generates maximum power), above which sound does not increase.
Sound from wind turbines can exhibit periodic amplitude modulation, often
described as a swishing or thumping sound. The causes and consequences
of this periodic amplitude modulation are areas of ongoing research, as
wind turbine designers and manufacturers seek ways to reduce or mitigate it.
Most sound from wind turbines is produced by interactions between the
surface of the blade and the air flowing over it (aerodynamic processes), which
is strongest near but not at the blade tips. Mechanical noise from the
physical movements of the gearbox, generator, and other components produces
low-frequency tones in some cases.
2. Standard methods of measuring sound may not capture the
low-frequency sound and amplitude modulation characteristic
of wind turbine noise
Measurement of sound for health surveillance and research uses standard
methods. The most commonly used methods include A-weighting, which
emphasizes the frequencies according to human hearing sensitivity, and deemphasizes low and very high frequencies. Although A-weighted measurement
is an essential method, it may fail to capture the low-frequency components
of wind turbine sound. In addition, measurement is often averaged over time
(Leq), which does not convey changes in sound pressure levels occurring in
short periods (for example, within a second). Time-averaged measurement
may thus fail to capture amplitude modulation.
A-weighted measurements are an important first step in determining peoples
exposure to audible sound in most cases, but more detailed measurements may
be necessary in order for researchers to fully investigate the potential health
impact of specific sources of wind turbine noise. The metrics of sound exposure
most relevant to potential health outcomes are not completely understood,
however, and remain an important area for further research.
The relevant empirical evidence was reviewed and weighted in order to determine
the strength of evidence for a causal link between wind turbine noise and each
potential adverse health effect.
Executive Summary
External Stimuli
Sound Pressure Level
Frequency Characteristics
Tonal Components
Amplitude Modulation
Modifying Factors
Noise Sensitivity
Pre-Existing Conditions
Personal Attitudes
Visual Impacts
Health Outcomes
Nervous System
Quality of Life
Endocrine System
Cognitive and
Figure 2
Summary of Evidence for Causal Pathways Between Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise
and Adverse Health Effects
Executive Summary
Conclusions about causal relationships are therefore lacking for most of the health
effects postulated in a wide variety of sources reviewed by the Panel, mainly as a result
of lack of evidence or problems with the quality of evidence. However, research
on environmental noise has shown that annoyance can be a contributing factor or
precursor to adverse health effects such as sleep disturbance, stress and cardiovascular
diseases. The Panel thus developed a conceptual framework of pathways through
which sound from wind turbines could plausibly result in health outcomes.
Figure 2 shows this framework and summarizes the Panels findings on the potential
causal pathways between exposure to wind turbine noise and the development
of adverse health effects, or the exacerbation of existing health conditions.
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................. 1
Fundamentals of Acoustics.............................................................22
Sources of Sound from Wind Turbines..........................................32
Wind Turbine Sound Levels and Spectra......................................34
Chapter Summary...........................................................................40
Assessment of Evidence........................................................ 51
Table of Contents
6.1 Annoyance.......................................................................................67
Sleep Disturbance ..........................................................................74
6.3 Stress................................................................................................78
Cardiovascular Diseases .................................................................80
6.5 Diabetes...........................................................................................83
Effects on Hearing..........................................................................85
6.7 Tinnitus...........................................................................................86
Effects of Non-Audible Sound on the Inner Ear...........................87
Cognitive and Mental Performance...............................................90
6.10 Psychological Health......................................................................92
6.11 Quality of life..................................................................................93
6.12 Other Health Impacts ....................................................................93
6.13 Chapter Summary...........................................................................94
Engineering Technologies............................................................108
Promising Practices to Monitor Noise.........................................111
Increasing Acceptance..................................................................114
Chapter Summary.........................................................................117
Conclusions..................................................................................... 119
Final Thoughts..............................................................................124
Glossary........................................................................................... 126
References...................................................................................... 132
Chapter 1 Introduction
Wind energy is increasingly seen as a viable source of renewable energy that does
not emit greenhouse gases during operation and has a limited environmental
footprint. In 2013, the total wind energy capacity installed worldwide approached
320 gigawatts (GW), with more than 35 GW of new capacity installed in that year
alone (GWEC, 2014). In Canada, the total wind energy capacity installed was
9.2 GW at the end of 2014, distributed over 206 wind projects with more than
5,114 individual turbines (CanWEA, 2014). Renewable energy demand and wind
energy capacity are expected to continue to increase for the foreseeable future.
Wind energy capacity has increased in Canada since the 1990s, but in recent
years a growing number of individuals and organizations have expressed
concern that sound (see Box 1.1) emitted by wind turbines near peoples
homes may represent a risk to public health. Wind turbines are often located
in rural areas with low levels of background noise, making the noise of wind
turbines noticeable to some nearby residents. Sound from wind turbines is
characterized by:
periodic amplitude modulation (swishing or thumping characteristics);
unpredictable changes in sound levels depending on wind at the height of
the blades;
increased sound because of higher wind velocity due to increasing height
above the ground; and
a broad spectrum of frequencies.
Box 1.1
On the Use of Terms Noise and Sound in this Report
In the context of this report, sound* and noise are used largely interchangeably,
without affecting the interpretation of the meaning. However, where the Panel
describes a simple acoustic signal (e.g., in defining the properties of acoustics, or
an acoustic signal before it is cognitively processed), the neutral term sound is used.
Where the Panel describes a sound that is cognitively processed and that may be
perceived as unpleasant or unwanted, the term noise is used.
* Italicized words and terms are defined in the Glossary.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1 .1
In May 2012, the Government of Canada, through the Minister of Health (the
Sponsor), asked the Council of Canadian Academies (the Council) to conduct
an assessment of the question:
Is there evidence to support a causal association between exposure to wind turbine
noise and the development of adverse health effects?
The Sponsor also submitted the following sub-questions:
Are there knowledge gaps in the scientific and technological areas that need to be
addressed in order to fully assess possible health impacts from wind turbine noise?
Is the potential risk to human health sufficiently plausible to justify further research
into the association between wind turbine noise exposure and the development
of adverse health effects?
How does Canada compare internationally with respect to prevalence and nature
of reported adverse health effects among populations living in the vicinity of
commercial wind turbine establishments?
Are there engineering technologies and/or other best practices in other jurisdictions
that might be contemplated in Canada as measures that may minimize adverse
community response towards wind turbine noise?
To address these questions, the Council convened the Expert Panel on Wind
Turbine Noise and Human Health (the Panel), which included 10 Canadian and
international experts from relevant medical and engineering fields. This report
presents the results of their deliberations and analysis.
1 .2
A wide range of health impacts have been attributed to sound from wind turbines,
involving not only effects consistent with a narrow definition of health, but also
aspects of well-being and quality of life. The Panel therefore decided to take
a broad approach that would include the breadth of concerns that have been
raised by the public.
The Panel thus decided to guide its deliberations using the World Health
Organizations concept of health as a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1946).
Grey literature refers to documents in electronic and print formats that are not controlled by
commercial publishing; i.e., where publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body
(GreyNet International, 2014).
Chapter 1 Introduction
There have been several reviews of health effects of wind turbine noise over
the past 10 years. This report, however, differs from previous reviews in the
following ways:
a Canadian context and focus, with international comparisons where possible;
a review of claimed health outcomes attributed to wind turbine noise drawn
from a variety of sources (from peer-reviewed primary studies to web pages);
the use of a broad evidence base, including peer-reviewed literature but
also grey literature, a book, a graduate thesis and other sources of direct
evidence related to utility-scale wind turbines, as well as broader literature
on biological effects of noise;
identification of knowledge gaps and areas of research that are justifiable
because of the plausibility of potential adverse health effects; and
a consideration of promising practices to minimize adverse responses to
wind turbine noise.
1 .3
The Sponsor of this assessment, Health Canada, also conducted a separate study
of wind turbine noise and health, begun in July 2012. Preliminary results of
this epidemiological study were released in November 2014. As the Panel had
retrieved the primary evidence used to assess the health effects of wind turbine
noise in August 2014 (see Appendix B) and was finalizing this report when the
preliminary study results from Health Canada were released, the Panel was
unable to incorporate those results in its deliberations. However, the results of
the Health Canada study are presented in Box 7.1.
Like all Council assessments, this assessment was researched and written
independently by the Panel in response to the Sponsors questions. The Sponsor
was not involved in Panel deliberations or given access to drafts of the report.
1 .4
Wind Energy Context
Health Surveillance
Chapter Summary
Key Findings
Canada ranked fifth in the world for new wind energy capacity installed during
2013, and ninth in the world in terms of total installed wind energy capacity at
the end of 2013.
Most of Canadas installed wind energy capacity is located in Ontario, Quebec,
and Alberta.
The pace of wind energy development has varied among Canadian provinces.
Wind energy capacity in Alberta has grown slowly but steadily since 1993, driven
by market forces and green energy marketing programs by utilities, while capacity
in Ontario has expanded rapidly since 2006 as a result of provincial government
incentives. Capacity in Quebec has grown steadily since 1999 but accelerated
dramatically in 2013.
Wind energy development in Canada is subject to regulations at the federal,
provincial, and municipal levels, and risks associated with wind turbine noise are
managed differently in different jurisdictions. There are no national standards for
setbacks or noise limits in Canada, although the noise limits across Canadian
jurisdictions are comparable to those used internationally.
Most wind energy projects in Canada are located in rural communities, yet most
of the electricity they produce feeds demand in larger urban centres. Individual
wind turbines occupy relatively little land area, requiring only enough land
for the foundation at the base of the turbine and for an access road. However,
turbines are tall structures, often exceeding a height of 80 metres at the hub
(see Chapter 3), and can have a visual and auditory presence in an otherwise
quiet rural landscape. Wind turbines usually do not prevent other uses of the
surrounding land, such as agriculture, hiking, hunting, or highways, provided
these uses are not negatively affected by wind turbine operation. However, the
construction phase may cause short-term disruptions. Some rural landowners
can supplement their income by leasing a small portion of land to a wind
turbine operator. Wind project operators argue that, because wind turbines
require regular maintenance and monitoring, they create technical jobs in the
communities where they are installed.
2 .1
Devices capable of converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical
energy are referred to as wind turbines. Wind turbines are classified by various
design characteristics, including axis of rotation, position of the blades (rotor
orientation), number of blades, rotor control, and alignment with the wind
(see Manwell et al., 2010).
In this report, a wind turbine refers to a device that is:
Modern: Able to convert kinetic energy in wind to electricity by mechanically
turning blades mounted on a rotor connected to a generator. Modern wind
turbines almost always have three blades.
Horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT): Having a main axis of rotation parallel
to the ground (like the axle of the wheels on a truck).
Upwind: Having blades that rotate in front (upwind) of a supporting tower.
Utility-scale: Connected to an electrical grid, and having a power rating of
at least 500 kilowatts (kW). Most utility-scale wind turbines currently sold
worldwide are rated at 1.5 megawatts (MW) or more, and designs are expected
to continue to increase in capacity and size. Some authors have described
these as industrial wind turbines.
Onshore: Located on land.
These are the characteristics of most modern wind turbines used in
the wind energy industry worldwide (Manwell et al., 2010) and describe
the vast majority of wind turbines installed for utility-scale electricity
generation in Canada. Figure 2.1 shows that all but a few turbines installed
in Canada have a rated power of at least 500 kW, while growth in capacity
since 2005 has been from turbines with increasingly larger power ratings
(at least 2 MW). Note that most utility-scale wind turbines sold today have a
power rating of at least 1.5 MW, but several important studies of health effects
of wind turbine noise are in the context of older and slightly smaller turbines,
all of which have a power rating of at least 500 kW.
Total Installed Wind Power Capacity
in Canada (MW)
Figure 2.1
Number of Turbines and Total Installed Wind Power Capacity in Canada,
by Power Rating, 19922013
The vast majority of wind turbines (top panel) and installed wind power capacity (bottom panel) in
Canada consist of turbines with a rated power of 500 kW or more. Most growth in capacity since 2005
has come from the installation of larger turbines with a rated power of at least 2 MW.
This report will not consider wind turbines that have a vertical axis of rotation,
have a downwind design, are located offshore, or are designed to provide power
to a single dwelling (residential scale). Canada had no offshore wind energy
facilities at the time of this report writing. Other designs are not considered
because they are not used for utility-scale electricity generation, and some have
very different acoustical properties (Wagner et al., 1996; Oerlemans, 2011).
Downwind turbines, for example, are known to produce high levels of infrasound
and low-frequency sound, which is one reason why they have not become an
industry standard (Jakobsen, 2005; van den Berg, 2011). This report therefore
discusses the technologies currently used in Canada and technologies likely
to be used in the future.
The major components of a modern utility-scale wind turbine are illustrated
in Figure 2.2. The shape of the blades creates aerodynamic lift and drag when
wind flows around them, much like the wing of an airplane. On a wind turbine,
however, these forces are used to generate torque, which causes the blades to
spin the rotor on its axis, creating mechanical power that is converted into
electricity in a generator housed in the nacelle.
Blade Tip
Leading Edge
Trailing Edge
(hub + blades)
Figure 2.2
Components of a Typical Modern Utility-Scale Wind Turbine
The major components typical of a modern wind turbine, as discussed in this report, are shown
here in this image of a General Electric 1.5 MW wind turbine at the Melancthon Wind Facility near
Shelburne, Ontario. The rotor consists of three blades mounted on a central hub, which rotates as
a single unit in response to wind flow over the blades. Each blade has a leading edge and a trailing
edge behind. The hub connects the rotor to a generator and other mechanical components inside
the nacelle, which converts the mechanical energy of the rotor movements into electrical energy. The
nacelle and rotor are mounted on top of the tower, which carries cables that connect the generator
to an electricity grid. The entire turbine is anchored by the foundation.
Wind turbines are often described in terms of rotor diameter (the diameter
of the swept area of the blades, roughly equal to twice the blade length plus
the hub diameter), and hub height (the height of the hub on the tower). Hub
height is usually 1 to 1.5 times the rotor diameter (Manwell et al., 2010). For
example, one of the most common wind turbines installed in Canada is the
GE 1.5s, manufactured by General Electric. It has a rotor diameter of
70.5 metres (231 ft.), a hub height ranging from 65 to 100 metres (213 to
328 ft.), weighs 157 tonnes, and is capable of producing up to 1.5 MW of
electricity in 12 metres per second (m/s) winds (GE, 2004). The largest wind
turbine currently being manufactured for onshore use, the Enercon E-126,
has a hub height of 135 metres (443 ft.), a rotor diameter of 126 metres
(413 ft.), and a rated power of 7.5 MW it is not currently installed in Canada.
Technical specifications of some commonly used wind turbines are listed in
Table 2.1. These are examples for illustrative purposes only, and the table is
not intended to present a comprehensive list, nor an endorsement of available
wind turbine models.
% of
Capacity (end
of 2013)
Vestas V80
Vestas V47
Rated Wind
Speed (m/s)
Cut-In Wind
Speed (m/s)
Sound Power
Level dB(A) *
Rated Power
Hub Height
Diameter (m)
GE 1.5s
and Model
Cut-Out Wind
Speed (m/s)
Table 2.1
Examples of Utility-Scale Wind Turbines and Their Specifications
GE 1.5sle
Cut-Out Wind
Speed (m/s)
% of
Capacity (end
of 2013)
Rated Wind
Speed (m/s)
Cut-In Wind
Speed (m/s)
Sound Power
Level dB(A) *
Rated Power
Hub Height
Diameter (m)
and Model
V164 **
Data Source: van den Berg et al., 2008; Bauer, n.d.; CanWEA, personal communication, 2014
The models listed are examples of common utility-scale wind turbines in use in Canada and/or in other
countries, and do not account for 100% of Canadian capacity; this list is not exhaustive. All models
and technical specifications are the same for those used in other countries (wind turbines are also
sold in a global marketplace).
* The sound power level of a wind turbine, measured in decibels (dB), varies with wind speed: this
column shows the highest estimated sound power level for wind speeds between 3 and 11 m/s at
10m height in a neutral atmosphere and a standard ground roughness (van den Berg et al., 2008).
Note that these are sound power levels, which estimate total sound emission by the wind turbine;
the sound pressure level (sound immission at a receiver) is a function of the power level, distance,
and other factors (see Section 3.1.1).
** Designed exclusively for offshore use.
For comparison, a Canadian football field (CFL) is 100.6 metres (110 yards)
between goal lines and 59.4 metres (65 yards) wide. Smaller wind turbines are
about as tall as a football field is long, when measured from the base of the tower
to the top of the spinning blades (hub height plus half the rotor diameter).
Most turbines, however, would be too large to fit inside a football field if lying
flat on the ground, and, for some larger turbines, the tower alone is about as
tall as a football field is long. A single blade from most wind turbines would
cover the width of a football field, while the largest would exceed this width.
All wind turbines require a minimum wind speed at hub height to generate
power, called the cut-in wind speed, and have a maximum cut-out wind speed;
between these two wind speeds, determined on the basis of engineering and
design constraints, the turbine will deliver power safely. When the wind speed
exceeds the cut-out rating, control systems adjust the pitch of the blades so that
the rotor stops turning, and power production is cut off to prevent damage to
the turbine. The maximum power output of the generator is the rated power or
nameplate capacity (in kW or MW), which occurs at the rated wind speed at hub
height. For example, the rated power of the GE 1.5s wind turbine is 1.5 MW,
which is the power produced at a rated wind speed of 12 m/s at hub height
(see Table 2.1).
Wind slows down near surfaces, due to friction, creating a steep gradient of
wind speed between the ground and increasing height, an effect called wind
shear (Manwell et al., 2010). Taller turbines can take advantage of higher wind
speeds farther above the ground to produce greater amounts of energy. Taller
turbines can also accommodate larger blades. The use of fewer turbines with
larger rotor diameters can produce more energy per unit of land area and
is generally more cost-effective than a larger number of smaller turbines
(EWEA, 2005). These factors create incentives to build increasingly larger and
taller turbines, which are limited in size primarily by available construction and
transportation technologies.
2 . 2
Wind turbines are expected to have an operating life of 20 to 25 years, and current
capacity in many countries represents many years of cumulative investment.
Five countries accounted for 72% of the global wind energy capacity as of the
end of 2013: China, United States, Germany, Spain, and India (GWEC, 2014)
(Figure 2.3). Canada ranked ninth in the world in terms of installed capacity,
contributing around 2.5% of global wind energy production. However, Canada
ranked fifth in terms of new capacity installed in 2013, making it one of the
fastest-growing markets. Only China, Germany, United Kingdom, and India
added more wind energy capacity than Canada during 2013.
Canada had 9,219 MW of installed wind energy capacity as of the end of 2014,
which meets about 4% of Canadas electricity demand (CanWEA, 2014).
CanWEA (2008) argues that wind energy could satisfy 20% of Canadas electricity
demand by 2025. This would require the installation of about 50,000 MW of
additional capacity (roughly six times the current capacity), occupying a total land
area about the size of Prince Edward Island, but distributed over 450locations
across Canada. However, the National Energy Board the independent
federal agency that regulates oil, gas, and electric industry development in
Canada has forecast that total wind capacity will likely reach only 16,000MW
by 2035 (NEB, 2013). Many provinces in Canada have targets for wind power
or for renewable energy including wind.
Figure 2.3
Total Installed Wind Energy Capacity Worldwide, 2013
The total height of the bars indicates the cumulative installed capacity for wind energy at the end
of 2013, with the blue section at the top of each bar indicating the amount of wind energy capacity
installed (and coming online) during 2013. Canada ranks ninth in the world in terms of total wind
energy capacity in 2013, but was fifth in terms of newly installed capacity that year.
As of the end of 2013, 77% of Canadas installed wind energy capacity was in
Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta, but these provinces have had differing histories
of wind energy development (Figure 2.4). The first wind project in Canada
was installed in Alberta in 1993, and consisted of a single 150 kW turbine
(CanWEA, personal communication, 2014; Ferguson-Martin & Hill, 2011).
Wind capacity in Alberta has grown slowly but steadily since 1998, whereas
capacity in Ontario expanded rapidly after 2005. As a result, Ontario has
quickly become the province with the most installed capacity in Canada
(Figure 2.4). In Quebec, wind energy was introduced in 1998, and capacity
increased sporadically, roughly keeping pace with Alberta, until 2013, when
capacity increased by 78%.
Wind energy development across Canada is determined only in part by how
windy an area is that is, by the availability of wind resources. Wind energy
projects are generally not pursued unless they are both economically viable
and socially acceptable (Toke et al., 2008; Ferguson-Martin & Hill, 2011).
Development appears to depend on a combination of institutional factors
Figure 2.4
Installed Capacity for Wind Power by Province, 19922013
The size of the circles on the inset map is proportional to the total installed capacity in each province
or territory at the end of 2013. As of 2013, Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta together account for 76.8%
of Canadas total installed wind energy capacity. Although Alberta and Quebec have historically
had the greatest installed capacity for wind power, Ontarios capacity has grown rapidly since 2005,
exceeding that of other provinces since 2008. In contrast, installed capacity in Alberta has grown
slowly over a longer period of time, while capacity growth in Quebec has been intermittent but has
accelerated in recent years.
such as how the landscape is valued by stakeholders (for alternative uses) and
whether there are government policies (e.g., incentive programs, processes
for planning and approval of projects) (see Ferguson-Martin & Hill, 2011).
Wind facilities also have to be able to sell their electricity to a nearby electricity
grid that is physically compatible. The grid must be able to accept the multiple
smaller and variable inputs generated by wind turbines, in contrast to the fewer
large inputs from nuclear plants, hydroelectric dams, or other traditional sources
of electricity. The structure of the electricity market affects how competitive
wind energy is relative to alternatives such as nuclear, hydroelectric, or coal
sources. If a government offers tax incentives, or requires utilities to buy wind
energy at a minimum price, such factors can make wind energy more viable.
Like development of all energy sources and utilities, effects of wind energy
development on the health of workers and nearby residents are regulated; they
fall within the purview of public health. Surveillance of any health effects is
complicated by the fact that responsibility for public health is divided among
various jurisdictions in Canada. The federal government has powers over spending
(e.g., provincial transfers and research funding), and various aspects of public
health and safety, whereas provinces have jurisdiction over the provision of
health care services, hospitals, and matters of a local nature. The Public Health
Agency of Canada (PHAC) was established in 2004 in part as a response to the
2002 SARS outbreak, which highlighted the need for better surveillance, data
sharing, and collaboration within and between jurisdictions (Health Canada,
2003b; PHAC, 2008). Health surveillance gathers critical information about
trends in the general population, often providing early warning signs of public
health emergencies, and of the effects of various factors on public health.
Health surveillance can be passive or active. Passive surveillance in Canada
often takes the form of compiling health records, reports, and vital statistics
(births and deaths) at the local level, by local and regional health units, which
are reported up to a provincial agency, and then shared at the national level
through agencies such as PHAC. Passive surveillance can capture high-level
trends in the population but is often poorly suited to tracking rare conditions
or to establishing a causal link to a novel factor in the environment. Active
surveillance, through information-gathering approaches such as surveys, requires
more resources but can better target specific conditions or factors that might
influence health. Canadas passive health surveillance system does not collect
information about exposure related to wind turbines, such as sound levels,
distance, or visual presence. The Panel also found no active surveys in Canada
that could be used to compare the prevalence of health conditions associated
with wind turbines to the prevalence in the general population, or to the
prevalence in different regions, in Canada or internationally (see Chapter 5).
2 . 4
Wind energy has been developed in Canada since 1993, but capacity has increased
dramatically since 2006. The history of wind energy development has differed
among provinces, not only because of differences in available wind resources,
but also as a result of economic viability, electricity grid infrastructure, social
acceptability, and government policies and regulations at all levels. Ontario and
Quebec have dramatically increased capacity in recent years, while capacity in
Alberta has grown steadily over a longer period of time. Canadian capacity is
expected to increase further, with the industry estimating that it could satisfy
20% of electricity demand by 2025, although National Energy Board estimates
are more conservative. In 2013, Canada ranked fifth in the world in terms
of newly installed wind energy capacity, and ninth in terms of total installed
capacity. However, this fast growth has created new social situations. Wind
turbines have a visual and auditory presence in some rural areas, and are a
divisive and polarizing issue in some communities. Uncertainty around their
benefits and impacts, and how to measure them, has contributed not only to
public unease, but also to a lack of consistency in noise regulations. Sound
levels from wind turbines are regulated by setbacks and noise limits, which
vary across jurisdictions in Canada. This new energy source in the Canadian
economy thus creates novel challenges for the energy industry, regulatory
organizations, and communities.
Wind Turbine Acoustics
Fundamentals of Acoustics
Chapter Summary
Key Findings
Wind turbines produce sound through multiple mechanisms with varying
characteristics. These signals are then modified as they travel through the environment.
Measuring sound from any source is complex, involves many dimensions
(e.g., sound pressure level, frequency, frequency weighting, time weighting), and
requires special equipment and procedures.
Wind turbines are a particularly complex and distinctive source of sound, which
can span a wide range of frequencies including low-frequency tones. These in
turn can travel longer distances and are less impeded by building materials than
higher-frequency sound. Turbine sound is also characterized by amplitude modulation,
often described as a swishing or thumping sound.
Low-frequency components may not be captured properly by standard frequencyweighted measurements (e.g., dB(A)), and amplitude modulation is not captured
by time-averaged measurements (e.g., Leq). It is also difficult to separate out other
background sound such as the wind itself.
Simple metrics of sound are an important first step in determining audible sound
exposure in most cases, but more detailed measurements may be necessary in
order for researchers to fully investigate the potential health impact of specific
wind turbine noise sources.
In any discussion about evidence of wind turbine noise affecting human health, it
is helpful to describe the characteristics of the sound produced by such technology.
These characteristics underlie the possible effects of sound from wind turbines on
the human body, which will be explored further in later chapters.
This report provides only a brief overview of wind turbine acoustics, and readers
interested in additional details or technical aspects of the issues presented in this
chapter may refer to the sources cited. The information presented is current as of
this writing, but the pace of technology development in the wind energy industry
is rapid, and some details or design aspects may change over the coming years.
Although fundamental aspects of acoustics and sound measurement are likely to
stay the same, research into the mechanisms of sound production by wind turbines
continues to try to address many knowledge gaps, including some identified in
this report.
3 . 1
Sound is a pressure wave that travels through a medium; in the case of sound from
wind turbines, the medium is air (ANSI/ASA S1.1, 2013). As a pressure wave, sound
consists of tiny alternating increases and decreases around atmospheric pressure,
which travel (propagate) through the air. Sound is described by several features, such
as the frequency of pressure oscillations that make up the wave, and the amplitude
of the oscillations (sound pressure), both of which can change over time. Noise is
often used to describe sound that is unwanted, for a variety of reasons, depending
on the context in which it is perceived (see Chapter 4).
Measuring exposure to sound from wind turbines is complex because it is challenging
to (1) detect and record sound at low frequencies, (2) summarize information
about sound pressure levels over a period of time and a range of frequencies, and
(3) isolate acoustic signals from wind turbines in an environment with many other
sources of sound. Measurements must take all three challenges into account to
provide information that is relevant to potential health impacts, although, for some
health effects, the important characteristics remain uncertain (see Chapters 6 and 7).
3.1.1 Sound Pressure Level, Sound Power, and the Decibel Scale
Sound power indicates the total amount of sound being produced by a given source,
measured in watts (W, the standard unit of power). Sound pressure, on the other
hand, indicates the amplitude of pressure fluctuations in a sound wave travelling
through air at a particular location, called the receiver, and is measured in standard
units of Pascals (Pa). Sound power represents the acoustic output from a source in
all directions, whereas sound pressure describes only the portion that reaches the
receiver. Therefore, sound pressure is a relevant measure of exposure to sound.
Sound pressure depends in part on sound power, although other factors in the
environment play a role, as will be discussed in the next section.
Although the two concepts are related, it is important to keep in mind the differences
between sound power and sound pressure, particularly since both are typically
converted to levels measured in decibels (dB). The decibel scale is used for many
measures that are expressed as a level, by taking a measurement relative to a reference
value and converting it to a logarithmic scale. The reference value is always in
the same units as the raw measurement, and therefore different measures have
their own reference values. For sound pressure levels in air, the reference value of
20 Pa (2 10-5 Pa) is equivalent to 0 dB, which is close to the limit of normal
human hearing at a frequency of 1 kHz. The reference value for sound power levels
is 1 10-12 W, which is equivalent to 0 dB.
The decibel scale is logarithmic, compressing large linear ranges into smaller
numerical differences. A doubling of sound pressure translates to a 6 dB increase
in sound pressure level. When sound measurements from different sources are
combined, the resulting dB value is not a simple sum of the two values; each
must be converted to linear units before applying calculations, then converted
back to dB (see Crocker, 2007; Leventhall, 2011). In general, non-coherent
sounds (those that are not in perfect phase with each other) behave as follows:
Combining two sounds of equal pressure level (dB) increases the sound
pressure level by 3 dB.
If the difference between pressure levels of two sounds is greater than 15 dB,
adding the lower level has a negligible effect on the higher level.
(Manwell et al., 2010)
Sound pressure level is calculated as an average level over a time interval and
integrated over a specific range of frequencies. This produces a single number, which
can be convenient for comparing sounds with similar frequency components and
variation in time. However, information about frequency and time can be measured
and described a number of different ways, leading to different conclusions when
comparing sound exposure. Not all decibel values are comparable; some methods
might provide similar values for sounds that actually have very different qualities.
The challenge of any measurement technique is identifying which characteristics
are important and capturing and highlighting the important information.
The sound power level of a wind turbine is estimated using measurements
under controlled conditions, including distance and wind speed, specified
by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61400-11 standard
(Hessler, 2011). The sound power level of utility-scale wind turbines is typically between
95 and 110 dB(A),2 depending on the size and design of the turbine
(van den Berg et al., 2008; Leventhall, 2011; Mller & Pedersen, 2011). Wind turbines
with a larger rotor diameter or rated power generally have a higher sound power
level, but there is variation among designs and models. Furthermore, overall sound
power levels have decreased in newer generations of wind turbines of the same
size (Hau, 2006); as wind turbine design and construction evolves, larger turbines
produce sound power levels similar to older, smaller turbines. There is some evidence
that sound produced by larger turbines has more low-frequency components, but,
again, this varies among designs and manufacturers (Mller & Pedersen, 2011).
See Section 3.1.3 for an explanation of A-weighted sound pressure levels (frequency weighting).
The sound pressure level at a receiver ultimately depends on how this overall sound
emission changes while travelling, or propagating, through the environment between
the source and the receiver. There are currently no international standards for
measuring sound from wind farms at a receiver, although there are many technical
considerations to take into account (Hessler, 2011).
3.1.2 Sound Propagation
The pathways of transmission between a source and receiver can modify the sound
characteristics in a variety of ways. Therefore, the movement of sound in the
environment is affected by the properties of the medium (air) as well as by physical
structures in the path between the source and receiver.
Under ideal, theoretical conditions, sound from a point source spreads out
in all directions, like the surface of an expanding sphere, with the sound
pressure declining by 6 dB for every doubling of distance (Bullmore, 2011).
This assumes that sound is emitted equally in all directions, that the air is of
uniform density, and that nothing will absorb or reflect the sound waves. In
reality, the propagation of sound depends on several factors, including:
distance between the source and receiver: this determines the extent to which
other factors influence sound during propagation;
meteorological conditions: wind speed, direction, wind shear, turbulence,
and temperature gradients;
air density, which is affected by air temperature and humidity; and
ground characteristics: topography, surface features, and other factors that
may absorb or reflect sound.
(Hau, 2006; Crocker, 2007; Manwell et al., 2010; Bullmore, 2011)
A source of sound can be described by its sound power level as a function of
frequency or over a frequency range. However, sound power level and frequency
range are modified by transmission, absorption, reflection, or refraction of sound
travelling to the receiver. Many of these factors depend on distance and frequency,
and they can interact.
As sound travels through air, some acoustical energy is absorbed by the atmosphere.
Higher frequencies are absorbed much faster than lower frequencies over the
same distance (Bullmore, 2011). Higher frequencies are also reflected or absorbed
to a greater degree by surfaces in the environment, including the ground.
Low frequencies, however, are diffracted to a greater degree around barriers
(Bullmore, 2011). Therefore, the sound pressure level of low-frequency sounds
declines less with distance than the level of high frequencies.
Furthermore, gradients in air density or wind speed create small local changes in the
speed of sound, causing sound waves to be refracted (Jakobsen, 2005; Crocker, 2007;
Bullmore, 2011). For example, high wind shear occurs when wind speed increases
quickly with height above the ground; with such a strong gradient in wind speed,
sound is refracted upwards at locations upwind of the source, and down towards
the ground at locations downwind of the source. This leads to lower sound pressure
levels at locations on the ground upwind, and higher levels downwind of a source
such as a wind turbine. At the same time, wind speeds at ground level are very low,
and do little to mask other sounds.
Building construction and materials also heavily modify sounds. Most residential
building materials, including windows and walls, affect the transmission of highfrequency sound, causing declines in sound pressure level. However, such materials
transmit low-frequency sound to the interior with little loss in pressure level
(HGC Engineering, 2010; Madsen & Pedersen, 2010; Sndergaard, 2011). Sound
waves can also induce vibrations in structures if the frequency of the sound matches
the fundamental acoustic resonance frequency of the materials. Sound frequency
is inversely related to wavelength (the distance between pressure fluctuations),
and wavelengths can be more than 10 metres long for frequencies below 30 Hz.
Sounds interact with physical structures, such as a house, very differently when
the wavelength exceeds the size of the structure. Rather than acting as a barrier to
sound, a structure smaller than the wavelength is effectively surrounded by oscillating
pressures, which can induce vibrations and sound within the structure at the same
frequency as the sound (Findeis & Peters, 2004).
Low-frequency indoor sound can resonate depending on the condition of building
materials, such as size and shape. This resonance creates a standing wave with
alternating areas of amplified and muted sound pressure levels within a room
(Hubbard, 1982; Findeis & Peters, 2004). Because sound levels can vary within
different areas of a room or dwelling, particularly when such resonance occurs, it is
difficult to predict or even measure average indoor sound levels to which a resident
might be exposed (Pedersen et al., 2007b).
In general, distance also results in a decline in sound pressure levels, which involves
higher frequencies more than lower frequencies. This effect is not unique to wind
turbine sound, but accentuates the low-frequency components of any source indoors
and over longer distances. However, distance alone is a poor predictor of overall
sound pressure levels (see Tachibana et al., 2014).
Current knowledge about the characteristics of sound emitted by wind turbines,
and the environment through which those sounds travel, can be combined to build
models of how sound from wind turbines travels to receivers, such as neighbouring
residents. Models are used to predict outdoor sound pressure levels for planned
wind turbines before they are built, in order to identify and avoid potential cases
of unacceptably high sound pressure levels at nearby residences (Box 3.1).
Box 3.1
Models of Exposure to Sound from Wind Turbines
Mathematical models can use information about a sound source, such as sound power
level, for a range of frequencies and environmental factors in order to predict the
propagation of sound and resulting sound pressure levels across a landscape. When
planning a wind energy project, developers use such models to predict sound levels
and identify potential noise problems before the turbines are built, as well as to
select locations that would minimize sound exposure for nearby residents. Planning
must involve models, because actual measurements cannot be taken until a turbine
is built and installed, which is an expensive endeavour.
Standard modelling approaches have been developed to predict sound propagation
in general (e.g., ISO 9613-2, Nord 2000, HARMONOISE 2002), and specifically
for wind turbines (e.g., VDI 2714, Concawe, DIN 45645-1) (Wagner et al., 1996;
Hau, 2006; Bullmore, 2011; Burton et al., 2011; Evans & Cooper, 2012). These models
vary in levels of detail, in their reliance on empirical data, and in analytical approaches
that take into account aspects of turbine design (Wagner et al., 1996; Oerlemans &
Schepers, 2009; Evans & Cooper, 2012). Models may not be appropriate if they are
based on data from older designs for wind turbines. Most prediction methods are
specific to outdoor sound levels, with indoor levels often estimated by adjusting
predicted outdoor levels. The greater challenge, however, is accounting for the large
degree of variability in wind and atmospheric conditions, which affect sound emission
and propagation and add uncertainty to models.
Models of sound exposure are also used in many studies of health effects (Pedersen &
Persson Waye, 2007; van den Berg et al., 2008; Pedersen et al., 2009). Taking
measurements across hundreds of survey respondents is expensive and requires
special expertise, whereas models can provide a more relevant measure of exposure
than distance alone, by taking into account source characteristics and propagation
in the environment.
Figure 3.1
Example Frequency Spectra of Sound from a Wind Turbine
The spectra in this figure are based on sound from a 1.3 MW wind turbine, measured at 70 metres. The
overall sound pressure level of the sound is 33dB(A). A spectrum of narrower frequency bands shows more
detail, with spikes indicating possible tones at those frequencies. The hearing threshold shown is for an
average person responding to tones in a quiet room with no background noise. Unlike the logarithmic
scale of octave bands, narrow-bands are the same width along the entire frequency range (1.3 Hz, in
this case, analyzed using a form of narrow-band frequency analysis called fast Fourier transform (FFT))
and provide highly detailed information about the frequency components of a sound measurement.
The frequency spectra presented in Figure 3.1 are based on real measurement
data for a wind turbine, but are representative of the conditions specific to that
measurement. As discussed in Section 3.1.1, many factors affect the frequency spectra
and overall sound pressure level at a given location, including the characteristics
of the source (turbines), distance from the source, atmospheric conditions, and
terrain. Therefore, different conditions and turbines might lead to slightly different
frequency spectra (see Section 3.2 for more examples).
Comparing frequency spectra to the threshold of human hearing is not always
straightforward, as suggested by Figure 3.1. Standard hearing thresholds for humans
are based on measurements made under highly controlled conditions and may
not reflect audibility in real-world conditions. These thresholds are also median
values for a population sampled, and there is individual variation at all frequencies
(see Section 4.3).
This report refers to frequencies between 200 Hz and 2 kHz as mid-range, while
high-frequency sound includes frequencies between 2 and 20 kHz. Sound frequencies
above 20 kHz are known as ultrasound and are generally inaudible to humans, due
to the sharp drop in sensitivity of the human ear to these frequencies.
At the low end of the frequency range, sound at frequencies below 20 Hz is typically
referred to as infrasound. Infrasound is often described as inaudible, although, as
discussed above, measurements indicate that it can be heard at sound pressure levels
above 70 to 100 dB by an average person (Watanabe & Mller, 1990). Although
human hearing does respond qualitatively differently to infrasound (<20 Hz) and
ultrasound (>20,000 Hz), the boundaries between these and other frequency ranges
are arbitrary, as the changes in hearing thresholds occur over a range of frequencies
around these boundaries (see Section 4.3).
Low-frequency sound has different meanings, depending on the context and application,
and has no standard definition. The upper limit ranges from 100 to 250 Hz or
sometimes even 500 Hz (Berglund et al., 1996; Persson Waye, 2005), while the
lower limit ranges from 20 Hz (the upper limit of infrasound) to 10 Hz or even
5 Hz (Leventhall, 2009). In this report, low-frequency sound refers to sound in
frequencies between 20 and 200 Hz, acknowledging that the exact range may vary
in individual studies.
Frequency Weighting
Sound levels are often summarized across the range of frequencies measured. This
value can be adjusted, within sound measurement equipment or after recording, to
provide greater weight to certain frequencies of interest. An overall sound pressure
level trades off the complexity of frequency components for the simplicity of a single
value. Simpler metrics make it easier to compare different sounds, but comparisons
Weighting (dB)
Fequency (Hz)
Figure 3.2
Common Weighting Methods for Sound Pressure Level Measurement
Positive values on the vertical axis indicate that sound levels at that frequency are increased
(up-weighted) at the indicated frequency; negative values mean that sound levels at that frequency
are reduced (down-weighted) by the amount indicated on the vertical axis. Shaded areas indicate
infrasound (frequencies below 20 Hz) and ultrasound (frequencies above 20 kHz). Z-weighting indicates
linear, unweighted measurements in which sound levels are not adjusted based on frequency. A- and
C-weighting were originally intended to mimic the response of the human ear, by down-weighting
low-frequency sounds and infrasound. G-weighting emphasizes sound frequencies between 10 and
30 Hz. The G-weighting curve shown is an approximation on a log-scale.
Leq, LAeq
Equivalent continuous sound level: A steady sound pressure level that would produce
an equivalent level over the period of measurement. There is no weighting given to
any portion of the time period measured, which is indicated in the subscript after a
comma. Frequency-weighting is indicated by the appropriate subscript (A, C, G, etc.).
E.g., LAeq,1hr is the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level over 1 hour.
An average A-weighted sound pressure level over a year (LAeq,1yr), where 10 dB(A) is added
to night-time levels. Night-time is usually defined as 11 pm to 7 am, or 10 pm to 6 am.
Similar to the Ldn, except that 5 dB(A) are also added to levels during evening hours,
6 to 10 pm or 7 to 11 pm.
Lnight,outside A yearly average of night-time sound pressure levels (LAeq,night over a typical year),
measured outside. This is often used as a long-term indicator for night noise levels
in Europe.
The maximum sound pressure level observed over the measurement period.
L10, L50,
The level exceeded during a percentage of the measurement period, indicated by the
subscript number. For example, L10 indicates the sound level exceeded 10% of the time
and gives an idea of the upper extremes over this period.
(WHO, 2009; Mnzel et al., 2014)
The time interval of a measurement has several implications for the way it is
interpreted and compared with other measurements. Long-term averages can be
useful indicators of sound exposure relevant to health (WHO, 2009), but shorter
intervals can provide much more detail about how sound varies over time. In
general, shorter measurement intervals capture larger variations. However, longer
intervals such as Leq are often used, and these fail to capture short-term effects such
as amplitude modulation (see Figure 3.6).
3 . 2
100 kW
1 MW
10 MW
Rated Power
Reproduced with permission from Mller & Pedersen, 2011; Mller et al., 2011
Figure 3.3
Apparent Sound Power Level (LWA) of Wind Turbines as a Function of Rated Power
These data are based on the measurements of 61 wind turbines from a range of models in Europe,
downwind at 8 m/s, according to IEC 61400-11 standards. Each turbine is shown as a diamond symbol.
A regression line is shown, with 90% confidence intervals shown as dashed lines. Turbines with a higher
rated power tend to have a higher sound power level, but there is variation in sound power level
among models of the same rated power. The slope is close to 10 dB per decade (9.7) corresponding
to equal acoustic power per electrical power.
3 . 3
Hearing thresholds for
pure tones (ISO 389-7
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3.4
One-Third Octave Band Unweighted Sound Pressure Level Measurements
Around 29 Wind Facilities in Japan
One-third octave band spectra are overlaid for 164 outdoor locations around 29 wind facilities across
Japan, from about 100 to 1,000 metres from the nearest wind turbine. Each spectrum is based on
a 10-minute measurement period at night, and sound pressure levels are unweighted (dB(Z)). Data
from four coastal sites were excluded because wind turbine sounds could not be detected above
background noise from waves and wind. Spikes in individual spectra suggested the presence of
low-frequency tones in some cases. These unweighted spectra corresponded to average night-time
levels between 25 and 50 dB(A), with most being between 35 and 45 dB(A). Levels of infrasound
appeared to be below the median threshold of human hearing (based on laboratory experiments);
infrasound was measured at a range of 46 to 75 dB(G), with the peak of the distribution around
61 to 65 dB(G). Hearing thresholds (ISO 389-7:2005) are shown for comparison, but this threshold is
based on measurements using pure tones and varies among people; frequency components above
this line are not necessarily audible, nor are frequencies just below this line necessarily inaudible.
Tachibana et al. (2014) report outdoor measurements from multiple locations around
29 wind facilities, ranging from 100 to 1,000 metres from the nearest wind turbine.
The combined spectra are presented in Figure 3.4, which shows some variation in
levels at all frequencies, but an overall consistent shape, with levels dropping by
about 4 dB per octave. Peaks in the low-frequency and infrasonic ranges (<250 Hz)
suggest low-frequency tones present in a few cases. The average level for 10-minute
night-time periods ranged between 25 to 50 dB(A) across all outdoor measurements,
with most being between 36 and 45 dB(A) (Tachibana et al., 2014).
Other sounds with similar A-weighted levels include an average living room, quiet
office, light car traffic more than 20 m away, an air conditioning unit more than
60 m away, or the wind itself (Wagner et al., 1996; Colby et al., 2009; Fortin et al., 2013),
although these sounds may vary over time in different ways than wind turbines, or
have different frequency components. In some cases, background noise from wind
and waves can be at similar or higher levels, making it difficult to isolate the sound
from wind turbines (Hepburn, 2006; Tachibana et al., 2014). Two sounds with the
same A-weighted overall pressure level may not be associated with the same health
effects, however, as other characteristics may be more relevant, such as maximum
levels, long-term exposure, or interpretation of the sound by its hearer.
Although pressure levels of sound from wind turbines tend to decline with increasing
frequency, the mid-range and high frequencies are often the most audible, due to
the sensitivity of the human ear. As mentioned above, assessing audibility based on
spectra such as those in Figure 3.5 is difficult because of differences in the way the
sounds and hearing threshold are measured (see Chapter 4 for additional details).
Infrasound (<20 Hz) levels in the Japanese measurements were below human
hearing thresholds, based on laboratory studies using recordings of the sounds
(Tachibana et al., 2014). Above 20 Hz, the same lab studies found that the recorded
sounds from these wind turbines were indeed audible. This is consistent with many
other studies that have concluded that average infrasound levels from modern wind
turbines at outdoor locations are below the human hearing threshold, even as close
as 100 m from the turbine (Jakobsen, 2005; HGC Engineering, 2010; Madsen &
Pedersen, 2010). Hepburn (2006) found that infrasound levels were not significantly
above background levels at 1,000 metres from wind turbines at the Castle River
Wind Farm in Alberta; infrasound levels ranged from 53 to 62 dB(Z) in low wind
conditions to 76 to 82 dB(Z) in high wind conditions, which is consistent with the
measurements by Tachibana et al. (2014).
The general spectra shown in Figure 3.5 include measurements at a range of distances.
The spectrum from an individual turbine is expected to shift toward dominance of
lower frequencies at increasing distance, combined with an overall decline in sound
pressure level, as discussed in Section 3.1.2. Figure 3.5 shows predicted A-weighted
spectra at increasing distance from a wind turbine, based on a measured overall
sound pressure level of 45 dB(A) at 300 metres. At further distances, the frequencies
likely to dominate what is heard (i.e., A-weighted) shift towards lower frequencies,
while the overall sound pressure level decreases.
1, 0
1, 0
1, 0
2, 0
2, 0
3, 0
4, 0
5, 0
6, 0
8, 0
10 00
1/3-octave band (Hz)
300 m
500 m
1,000 m
3,000 m
5,000 m
10,000 m
Wind farm
Data Source: Sndergaard, 2011. Reproduced with permission from Multi-Science Publishing Company
Figure 3.5
Predicted Sound Spectra at Various Distances from a Wind Turbine
Estimated sound spectra were generated using the Nord2000 turbine, assuming flat farmland and
a wind speed of 8 m/s. Predictions were based on a measured sound spectrum of 45 dB(A) at 300 m
from a typical wind turbine with a hub height of 90 m (solid bold line in the figure). The dotted
line labelled Wind farm shows a spectrum from a wind facility with multiple turbines that also has
an overall sound pressure level of 45 dB(A). These model predictions show how dominant A-weighted
frequencies tend to shift toward lower frequencies at increasing distance from a wind turbine.
As described in Section 3.2, the rotating blades on a wind turbine can lead to
sound emissions at levels that fluctuate periodically from the perspective of a
stationary observer a phenomenon called periodic amplitude modulation. Amplitude
modulation is described by modulation depth, the difference between the lowest
and highest sound pressure levels, and the modulation frequency, which is the rate
at which the sound pressure level alternates between the lowest and highest levels.
Modulation frequency should not be confused with the frequency range of the
sound in which pressure levels are changing. Although both may be described in
Hz, amplitude modulation typically fluctuates at a similar rate to the blade-pass
frequency, which is around 1 Hz (meaning there is one second between each
blade passing the same point), whereas such amplitude modulation can affect
a range of sound frequencies produced by wind turbines. While other sources
of environmental noise, such as road traffic, also exhibit amplitude modulation
(the sound pressure level changes over time), sound from wind turbines is
distinct in that the amplitude modulation repeats regularly with the rotation
of the blades it is periodic and often described as swishing or thumping,
depending on the sound frequencies involved.
There are few published measurements of amplitude modulation from wind
turbines, and modulation depth is sometimes measured using different metrics
(RenewableUK, 2013; Tachibana et al., 2014) (see Figure 3.6). Available data
suggest that modulation depth ranges from non-existent to about 5 dB, with
most being between 2 and 3 dB (Oerlemans & Schepers, 2009; van den Berg &
Bowdler, 2011; Tachibana et al., 2014). A modulation depth of 2 dB or more is
considered audible (van den Berg & Bowdler, 2011), so amplitude modulation
in wind turbine sounds is likely perceptible in many cases, but not all. Most
amplitude modulation occurs at mid-range sound frequencies between 200
and 1,000 Hz, which is often described as a swishing sound (Bowdler, 2008;
van den Berg & Bowdler, 2011; RenewableUK, 2013).
RenewableUK a not-for-profit energy trade association for renewable energy
companies in the United Kingdom has published a collection of research
reports that distinguish between normal and enhanced or other amplitude
modulation, which exhibits greater modulation depth, lower frequencies, or
other characteristics outside the normal range (RenewableUK, 2013). Normal
amplitude modulation can be explained by air flow at the trailing edge and
blade movement, as described above, and tends to be strongest perpendicular to
the wind direction, in the same plane as the wind turbine rotor (Oerlemans &
Schepers, 2009; van den Berg & Bowdler, 2011; RenewableUK, 2013). Other
amplitude modulation is thought to be due to wind gusts, local turbulence, or
other non-uniform wind conditions that interact with turbine blades rotating in a
periodic manner (RenewableUK, 2013). Enhanced amplitude modulation tends
to occur for brief periods, but the modulation depth can approach 10 dB, often
at low frequencies (1 to 2 kHz), and the sound can travel for longer distances
downwind than normal amplitude modulation (Bowdler, 2008; van den Berg
& Bowdler, 2011; RenewableUK, 2013). Enhanced amplitude modulation is
sometimes described as thumping, and distinguished from swishing by greater
modulation depth and lower frequency components. The causes and types of
amplitude modulation are a topic of ongoing research, including investigation
into how the modulation character is propagated outdoors (van den Berg &
Bowdler, 2011; RenewableUK, 2013).
1s Leq
1s LAsmax
1s LAfmax
Time (mm:ss)
Data Source: Kaliski, 2014. Reproduced and adapted with permission from RSG, Inc.,
(funded by MassCEC and co-managed with MassCEC by MassDEP)
Figure 3.6
A-Weighted Sound Metrics for a Wind Turbine Over a 10-Second Period
This graph shows several metrics for the same sound measured 260 metres crosswind from a single
wind turbine (size or model not specified). All metrics are A-weighted. LAs indicates slow measurements,
integrated over one second intervals, whereas LAf indicates fast measurements integrated over oneeighth second intervals: these intervals overlap, so that there is more than one instantaneous LAs
measurement per second of observation (each LAs measurement integrates over the previous second).
The major difference is that fast measurements respond to shorter changes in sound pressure level.
The Leq and maximum levels for LAs and LAf are also indicated for each one-second interval over the
measurement period. These values illustrate the ability of shorter intervals (LAf) to capture larger
variations and therefore affect the magnitude of other metrics, such as LAmax, for the same sound.
The time series also shows regular amplitude modulation of wind turbine sound, which appears to
be more extreme when using fast measurements (LAf) but would not be apparent to short- or longterm equivalent averages (Leq).
3 . 4
The Panel acknowledges that a standard A-weighted average sound level (LAeq) is
not intended to capture the full complexity of sound, but often provides a useful
first approximation of long-term sound exposure. Comparisons based on such
overall average levels, however, can fail to take into account important differences
in frequency content or amplitude modulation. When sound conditions are
unusual or of particular concern, more detailed measurements may be needed
to identify problems. The most appropriate sound metric is a function of both
the source and the sound characteristics of interest.
Hearing and Perception of Sound
Non-Auditory Pathways
Sound Perception
Chapter Summary
Key Findings
Sound can affect the human body through auditory and non-auditory pathways.
The auditory pathway involves sounds reaching the cochlea through air and bone
conduction, where they are converted into neural signals by the hair cells. Sounds
can also stimulate the vestibular system and/or cause whole-body vibration under
certain conditions. At commonly specified setback distances from wind turbines,
the dominant sound pathway is through air conduction.
Absolute hearing thresholds have been standardized for a reference population of
young adults. These represent the lowest sound pressure levels at which the average
young adult with normal hearing can hear a pure tone sound signal at different
frequencies in controlled quiet conditions. However, hearing thresholds can vary
widely in the general population as a result of age, prior exposure to loud sounds
or ototoxic agents, medical conditions, and many other factors.
In everyday environments where there are background noise signals, the detection
of sounds also depends on the levels of competing masking sounds. In the context
of wind turbine noise, it is appropriate to consider masked hearing threshold. This
is the sound pressure level at which a sound can be heard in the presence of other
sound (competing acoustic signals). The perceptual attributes of sounds heard in
the environment depends on their spectral content (e.g., tonal versus broadband),
temporal characteristics (e.g., continuous or modulated), loudness (subjective
perception of sound intensity), and many other factors.
Sound may have emotional and psychological effects that also need to be taken
into account.
To explore how sound from wind turbines can affect individuals, it is important
to understand how it is processed by the human body and how the same sound
may affect people differently depending on physiological and psychological
factors or pre-existing medical conditions. This chapter describes how sound
is processed by the body through the auditory pathway, and how it can activate
non-auditory body structures such as the vestibular system. Finally, the chapter
explores how individuals may be affected differently by sound and provides an
overview of non-acoustic modifiers of sound perception.
4 . 1
In order to be processed by the brain, sound has to reach the inner ear, which
converts sound into neural signals (Figure 4.1). The human ear can be divided
into three main sections:
The outer ear, composed of the pinna and the auditory canal, directs airborne
acoustic signals to the tympanic membrane (eardrum).
The middle ear, including the eardrum and delicate ossicular chain (ossicles
or tiny bones), converts acoustic vibrations into mechanical vibrations that
are transmitted to fluid-filled chambers in the inner ear.
The inner ear is composed of the cochlea and vestibular end-organs. Hair
cells in the cochlea detect waves created by the mechanical signals from the
middle ear, and convert them into electrical signals that are transmitted to
the brain via the cochleovestibular (VIIIth) cranial nerve.
Auditory canal
Auditory nerve
Eustachian tube
Outer ear
Middle ear
Inner ear
Figure 4.1
Sound Pathway from the Environment to the Brain
Airborne sound enters the ear through the outer ear and vibrates the tympanic membrane of the
middle ear. The ossicular chain transmits the mechanical vibrations into fluid-filled chambers of the
inner ear. Hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear convert vibrations in the fluid into electrical signals
that are carried to the brain by the auditory nerve. Mechanical vibrations in the middle ear can also
result from skull vibrations conducted by bone from other parts of the body.
Airborne sound causes vibration of the eardrum and ossicles in the middle
ear. In the inner ear, the fluid within the cochlea moves in response to these
vibrations. The sound pathway described is called air conduction but is not the
only pathway for a sound to be perceived by the brain. Acoustic signals can also
cause vibrations that are conducted to the inner ear through bones. This bone
conduction pathway is also involved in hearing; when we speak, we hear our own
voice largely through bone-conducted sound (Hansen & Stinson, 1998). Bone
conduction is an important pathway when the head (or body) is connected to
a vibrating object, either internally (e.g., vocal apparatus) or externally (e.g.,
mechanical stimulator placed on the skull). By contrast, in response to external
sounds, bone conduction is 40 to 60 dB lower than airborne conduction in
normal-hearing individuals (Berger et al., 2003). As a result, bone conduction
is a significant pathway for external sounds only when the airborne pathway is
blocked (e.g., by use of a high-attenuation hearing protector). These conditions
do not apply to sound exposure from wind turbines.
Auditory signals are processed at many levels in the auditory pathway, including
at the brainstem and midbrain levels, but are not perceived consciously as
sound until there is activation of the auditory cortex.
4 .2
Sound may also activate other parts of the body that are not part of the auditory
pathway, such as the vestibular system, or cause whole-body vibration through
direct mechanical stimulation of tissues.
4.2.1 Vestibular System
The vestibular system is part of the inner ear that contributes to balance and
spatial orientation. It may be activated by certain sound signals and is therefore
relevant in the context of possible effects of sound. The vestibular system is
composed of semicircular canals, which detect rotational movements (angular
accelerations) of the head, and the otoliths, which detect gravitational pull and
linear movements of the head. The vestibular system has some very important
functions that we rarely notice until things go wrong. For example, the stability
of the eyes is controlled by detection of head movements via the semicircular
canals. Balance is achieved in large part by input signals from the vestibular
system, which are combined with visual inputs and signals from the somatosensory
system to allow us to stand upright and generally orient ourselves in space.
In their normal balance function, the hair cells of the vestibular system are
typically activated by much slower movements of inner ear fluids than hair cells
in the cochlea. As a result, the vestibular hair cells are generally sensitive to
relatively low vibration frequencies. For example, the otolith organs are most
sensitive to acoustic signals around 100 Hz (Todd et al., 2008). The input from
the vestibular system is transmitted to the vestibular cortex of the brain, which
processes the information.
4.2.2 Whole-Body Vibration
Typically, to achieve whole-body vibration, direct mechanical stimulation from a
vibratory source (e.g., working with power tools) is required. However, acoustic
exposure at high sound pressure levels can also induce some amount of wholebody vibration (Takahashi, 2011). The levels of acoustic energy generated
by wind turbines, at commonly specified setbacks and/or sound levels (see
Chapters 2 and 3), are much lower than typically needed to affect body tissues.
4 . 3
ISO 389: 2004
Watanabe & Mller, 1990
2.56 sd (99%)
40 60 100
Frequency (Hz)
Data Source: ISO 389: 2004; Watanabe & Mller, 1990; Kurakata & Mizunami, 2008
Figure 4.2
Absolute Human Hearing Thresholds
The central solid or dashed line indicates the sound pressure level (dB SPL) at which a typical young
adult can hear a pure tone under controlled conditions, at the frequency along the bottom axis. The
line indicates the median threshold: half of the population are more sensitive and can hear sounds at
lower pressure levels, while the other half are less sensitive and can hear sounds only at higher pressure
levels. The shaded blue bands around the line indicate the amount of variation: the darkest blue band
indicates the range of sound pressure levels at which approximately 68% of people can hear a tone
at a given frequency (one standard deviation) (see Leventhall, 2009). The lower the frequency, the
higher the sound pressure level needed for the sound to be heard. For example, infrasound (typically
a sound at a frequency under 20 Hz) can be heard only above 70 to 100 dB (Watanabe & Mller, 1990).
Box 4.1
Sensitive Groups and Pathologies
When considering the effects of acoustic signals through hearing or vestibular
pathways, it is important to be aware that certain individuals may have a lower hearing
threshold than normal and may thus be more sensitive to sound. As noted above,
even among people with normal hearing, thresholds can vary by as much as 20 dB.
There are also some conditions involving a heightened sensitivity to sound and a
lowering of hearing thresholds. For example individuals with hyperacusis can have an
unusual intolerance to ordinary environmental sounds that are normally tolerated
by the majority of people (Baguley, 2003). This condition may be relatively common,
with prevalence estimates ranging from 8 to 15% of the population. In regard to
possible sound activation of the vestibular system, some pathological conditions are
known to lower vestibular activation thresholds (e.g., enlarged vestibular aqueduct,
perilymphatic fistula, or superior semi-circular canal dehiscence). However, even in
these cases, the sound pressure level required for vestibular system activation is
much higher than that present in wind turbine noise (Harrison, 2014).
Box 4.2
Sound, Noise, and Loudness
Sound pressure is an objective measure of the amplitude of a sound wave. Loudness
is the subjective perception of the intensity of a signal after it has been detected
by the ear and processed in the auditory system. Noise can be described as an
unwanted sound. It may be a competing acoustic signal in the environment that
masks a sound of interest, or it can be a sound percept that individuals are trying
to separate out or ignore. In this respect, noise is subjective, and depends on the
individual and the context.
4.3.3 Loudness
When a sound or noise reaches the human ear and is above the masked
hearing threshold, the magnitude of the sensation in response to that sound
is termed loudness. Hence, loudness is the intensity of an auditory sensation;
it is related to, but distinct from, the physical acoustic signal that generated
it. In everyday terms, sounds are usually ordered on a scale extending from
soft to loud (Olson, 1972). Loudness is a subjective perception of the intensity
of a signal and depends not only on the characteristics of sound but also its
duration, its perception by the brain, and the presence of other sounds. Like
variations in the threshold of hearing, perception of loudness also varies from
person to person.
4 .4
Sound may have an effect on the brain through direct and indirect mechanisms.
The primary auditory pathway projects to the core auditory cortex and is
responsible for hearing (i.e., the percept of sound). The indirect or non-primary
pathway is a parallel ascending system mainly activating cortical association
areas and the limbic system (e.g., amygdala). This pathway is responsible
for the emotional response to sound stimuli. When defining the impact of
exposure to a sound, and the subsequent physiological stress reactions, both
mechanisms must be considered. The physical acoustic signal characteristics,
such as spectral (e.g., tonal versus broadband) and temporal (e.g., continuous
or modulated) characteristics, are perceived via the direct pathway, and the
emotional content of sounds activating the limbic system through non-primary
pathways (Spreng, 2000; Babisch, 2002; Mnzel et al., 2014). When a sound
is perceived as unpleasant, intrusive, or disturbing, it is sometimes referred
to as noise.
4 . 5
Sound reaches the inner ear through air conduction and bone conduction.
Signals are then converted into neural signals by hair cells in the inner ear and
are processed by different parts of the brain, both consciously and subconsciously.
Acoustic signals, especially those at low frequencies, can also stimulate the
vestibular system, and this stimulation occurs at lower levels for people with
certain conditions. Direct contact with a vibratory source or higher sound pressure
levels are typically needed to induce significant amounts of whole-body vibration.
Auditory perception can be described by auditory sensitivity, masked hearing
threshold, and loudness. Hearing thresholds reflect a persons auditory sensitivity
and ability to notice a sound in the environment. Absolute hearing thresholds
(in quiet surroundings with focused concentration) vary greatly in the general
population, by as much as 20 dB. Masked hearing thresholds tend to be
higher than absolute thresholds, and reflect the ability of people to notice
a particular sound in the presence of other competing sounds. Loudness is
the intensity of the auditory sensation, and its perception varies from one
individual to another. Some people may be more sensitive to sound than the
general population, either due to higher auditory sensitivity (lower hearing
threshold) or sound perception.
Sound signals are processed in various parts of the brain, through direct and
indirect mechanisms. In reviewing the evidence regarding potential health
effects of wind turbine noise, the Panel was informed by a schema proposed
by Babisch (2002) suggesting that both the direct and indirect effects of noise
lead to physiological arousal (see Chapter 5).
Assessment of Evidence
Chapter Summary
Assessment of Evidence
Key Findings
The Panel identified 32 reported symptoms and health conditions attributed to
exposure to sound from wind turbines, based on a broad survey of peer-reviewed
and grey literature, web pages, and legal decisions.
The adverse health effects most widely attributed to wind turbine sound are
annoyance, sleep disturbance, and stress-related symptoms. This does not provide
evidence of causation, but does indicate a level of concern related to these possible
health effects.
The empirical research available to assess the support for a causal relationship
between wind turbine noise and adverse health effects is composed of a great
variety of sources, including peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, a graduate
thesis, a book, and grey literature.
More than 300 publications were found through a comprehensive search, and
these were narrowed down to 38 relevant studies.
To respond to the Charge, the Panel developed an approach based on the concepts
of evidence-informed public health proposed by the National Collaborating Centre
for Methods and Tools at McMaster University in 2008 (Ciliska et al., 2008). Broadly
speaking, when considering a public health issue, existing evidence concerning
the problem and its solution is found and weighed according to the strength of
its methods and findings; conclusions are based on the weight of evidence. In
using this approach, the Panel followed three major steps:
Define the issue: The Panel began by compiling, from a broad range of
sources, a list of health effects that have been attributed to wind turbines.
The health effects identified provided key terms used to search for relevant
empirical research.
Search and appraisal: The Panel searched for and appraised empirical
research papers discussing the effect of wind turbine noise on human health.
Synthesis: The Panel used Bradford Hills guidelines as a basis to weigh the
body of evidence and screen for plausibility of causation between exposure
to sound from wind turbines and specific health effects (Bradford Hill,
1965). In addition to empirical research specific to wind turbines, review
articles and results from research on other environmental noise sources were
used when appropriate, and when empirical evidence from wind turbines
was lacking. The Panels findings concerning causation, and the state of
evidence in each case, were summarized using standard language (HCN, 1994;
IARC, 2006). Figure 5.1 illustrates the major steps of the review process
undertaken by the Panel.
Reviews and
Legal Decisions
Web Pages
Reported Adverse
Health Effects
Conceptual Framework
Weight and Summary of Evidence
of a Causal Relationship
Lack of causality
Conceptual Framework:
Figure 5.1
Evidence Assessment Process
Brown lines show information used in defining potential health outcomes and in building models
of pathogenic mechanisms; blue lines show the literature review process with reference to causal
associations between wind turbine noise and each potential health effect. Empirical research, grey
literature, and sources such as legal decisions and web pages guided the Panel in listing health effects
possibly linked to wind turbine noise. Consideration of these health effects served the development
of a conceptual framework and search for empirical research specific to the effect of wind turbine
noise on human health. The empirical evidence resulting from this search was critically appraised and
constituted along with broader literature on the health effects of environmental noise. The body of
evidence for each proposed adverse health effect was reviewed based on Bradford Hills guidelines.
Findings were summarized in the report using language adapted from the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC). The conceptual framework was updated, taking into account these
findings, and presented in Figure 7.1.
5 .1
Many reviews have been published on wind turbines and health, several
in the past five years alone. Among these recent reviews are those
commissioned by various orders of governments (HGC Engineering, 2010;
NHMRC, 2010, 2014; Masotti & Hodgetts, 2011; Ellenbogen et al., 2012;
Rod, 2012; Brisson et al., 2013; Hodgetts & OConnor, 2013; Merlin et al., 2013),
nonprofit organizations (e.g., Sierra Club Canada, 2011), and industry
organizations (e.g., Colby et al., 2009). Other reviews were either published in
peer-reviewed journals (e.g., Roberts & Roberts, 2013) or self-published online
(e.g., Frey & Hadden, 2012). In general, these reviews were inconsistent with
regard to their findings on the effects of wind turbine noise on human health
and were not used in the critical evaluations. However the Panel used them to
help guide and frame issues in the current context and in ensuring that key
findings were communicated clearly.
5 . 2
The Panel began by identifying health conditions and symptoms that have
commonly been attributed to wind turbine noise. The Panel took a broad
approach to assembling such a list, including a review of the scientific peerreviewed literature related to wind turbine noise, as well as a sample of lay
literature such as web pages, self-published reports or books, and legal decisions.
Each source was scanned for mentions of symptoms attributed to wind turbine
noise. These documents were not assessed by the Panel, and the evidence
supporting claims of association was not evaluated at this stage.
Twenty internet sites (36 web pages) were identified from references in recent
reviews, empirical literature, and a bibliography compiled from submissions
to Health Canada during consultations on the design of a wind turbine noise
and health study (Health Canada, 2013a). The Google search engine was
used to search each site (web domain) for pages published since 2009 that
discuss wind turbine sound and human health.3 These pages included blog
posts, individual accounts, and other types of web documents. Some sites also
had pages devoted primarily to summarizing health effects of wind turbines,
easily identifiable from the home page, and those were also scanned as part
of the process. In addition, decisions from Environmental Review Tribunal
(ERT) hearings in Ontario, Canada, were scanned for health effects claimed
by appellants or described by expert witnesses.
Only health effects attributed to wind turbines reported in the last five years
(from 2009 to 2014) were included, to ensure that they are current and relevant
to modern utility-scale wind turbines. Older wind turbine models and designs
produce higher levels of sound, including infrasound and low-frequency sound,
than modern wind turbines (see Section 2.1). In addition, sound propagation
factors differ between the new and old turbines owing to the height of the
wind turbines.
3 Search terms used: (wind turbine* or wind farm*) and (sound or noise) and (health or
sick or symptom*). If no results were found, a second search was attempted using the terms:
wind turbine noise health.
Table 5.1 presents 32 health conditions that have been attributed4 (proposed
but unconfirmed) to wind turbine noise in various types of sources (e.g.,
self-reported individual case, compiled list). This list was the starting point
for the Panel to assess the evidence for causal relationships between these
outcomes and wind turbine noise but does not constitute in any way evidence
for causal relationship.
Sleep disturbance
Stress, tension
Condition or Symptom
Number of Sources Reviewed
Vibroacoustic disease
Web Page
Table 5.1
Proposed, but Unconfirmed, Adverse Health Effects Attributed to Wind Turbine Noise
in at Least Three Documents Reviewed
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular disease
Endocrine System
Immune System
Impaired immunity
Musculoskeletal System
Back pain
Joint pain
Shaking (palsy)
This list is not exhaustive and is meant to capture the major issues only. A single source document
may contribute to multiple conditions and symptoms (dots) in the table.
Vertigo, dizziness
Web Page
Condition or Symptom
Vision problems
Hearing loss
Psychological Health
Psychological distress
Respiratory System
This list was used as a starting point for the Panel to assess the evidence for causal relationships
between these health outcomes and wind turbine noise. It includes health effects attributed to wind
turbine noise, without assessing the strength of evidence. It includes self-reported individual reports
and compiled lists from various sources such as web pages, and grey and peer-reviewed literature. A
dot corresponds to one or more mentions for the given type of document, but only symptoms
mentioned in at least three separate documents of any type are presented. Symptoms associated with
wind turbine syndrome (Pierpont, 2009) are considered individually in the list above.
5 .3
The Panels ability to assess the prevalence of adverse health effects related
to wind turbine noise in Canada was limited by a lack of available data. Public
health surveillance for chronic diseases falls under the responsibility of federal,
provincial, and territorial governments (Health Canada, 2003a). However, no
formal processes or surveillance programs exist in Canada to capture potential
health outcomes resulting from wind turbine noise. Neither did the Panel identify,
through its literature review, research studies in Canada or internationally that
had estimated prevalence. In the absence of such data, estimates of disease
burden attributable to wind turbine noise could be derived from data on (1) the
diseases causally associated with wind turbine noise; (2) the incidence of each
such disease in the general population; (3) the proportion of the population
exposed to wind turbine noise; and (4) the incremental risk of developing the
disease associated with exposure to wind turbine noise. However, calculating
such estimates is currently challenging because of a paucity of data with respect
to all four of the necessary parameters.
In 2013, the Pembina Institute studied documented formal noise complaints
concerning wind turbines in Alberta made to various authorities. This study
includes noise complaints to regulatory bodies, municipalities, and wind
farm operators, covering approximately 90% of the wind energy capacity in
the province (Thibault et al., 2013). This study found five noise complaints
related to wind turbine operations between 2007 and 2011 across Alberta. They
concluded that noise complaints to authorities related to wind turbines had
been infrequent and measurably fewer than complaints related to conventional
energy activities such as oil and gas operations (Thibault et al., 2013).
There are limitations to using complaints to estimate prevalence of health
outcomes. Alberta may not represent the whole of Canada, and the situation
may be different in other parts of the country. For example, there are likely
many more noise complaints in Ontario, given the many cases before the
Environmental Review Tribunal. No systematic review by independent parties
of noise complaints across jurisdictions in Canada has been performed, likely
because of the lack of consistency in reporting mechanisms for such complaints
or health reports, the collection of complaint information, and whether
complaints are even related to health (as opposed to economic disparity or
visual impacts, for example). However, there are studies of noise complaints in
other countries, such as Australia, where policies require that noise complaints
made to wind project developers are collated and made available to the public.
Such policies allow for an analysis of these complaints, showing uneven patterns
of complaints focused on specific projects within the country, several years
The Panel developed a framework (Figure 5.2) that included the proposed but
unconfirmed adverse health effects of wind turbine noise described in Table
5.1, as well as possible mechanisms relating noise and health to the various
component characteristics of wind turbine noise. This framework was used to
guide the search for, and evaluation of, relevant evidence concerning these
causal relationships between wind turbine noise and the health outcomes in
Table 5.1. The analysis is presented in Chapter 6, and an updated figure (after
review of the evidence and the final conclusion of the Panel) can be found
in Chapter 7.
External Stimuli
Sound Pressure Level
Low Frequency Sound
Amplitude Modulation
(inner ear,
Other Physical
(not mediated
by auditory
Modifying Factors
Noise Sensitivity
Health Condition
Coping Ability
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose
Cognitive and
Figure 5.2
Proposed Elements of Potential Relationships Between Wind Turbine Noise and
Adverse Health Effects
This framework includes proposed physical mechanisms, some of which are mediated by effects on
auditory and vestibular receptors, as well as proposed effects mediated by a persons cognitive and
emotional response to sound.
5 .5
5 All wind turbines in Canada are modern (in the last 20 years) and few (1.6%) are not
utility-scale (<500 kW). See Figure 2.1.
5 . 6
analogy, these guidelines were proposed by Bradford Hill (1965) for evaluating
the plausibility of causal relationships based on observational studies, even in
the absence of randomized controlled experiments.
A critical appraisal guided the Panel in assessing and assigning weight to
the evidence linking wind turbine noise to health effects. The Bradford Hill
guidelines were used to guide Panel deliberations and to structure the summaries
of evidence (Chapter 6), keeping in mind that they are not intended to be
strict guidelines, and should be applied to a body of evidence rather than to
individual studies. The final determination of causality was ultimately based
on the Panels judgment of the findings.
5.6.3 Summarizing Findings
The Panel further adopted standard language to summarize the findings of causal
relationships, following a framework similar to that used by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 2006), also adopted by the Health
Council of the Netherlands (HCN, 1994). According to this scheme, the overall
strength of evidence for a causal relationship falls into one of four categories:
Sufficient evidence of a causal relationship: A relationship was observed
between exposure to sound from wind turbines and a specific health effect
in studies in which chance, bias, and confounding factors can be ruled out
with reasonable confidence.
Limited evidence of a causal relationship: An association was found between
exposure to sound from wind turbines and a health effect for which causal
interpretation is considered by the Panel to be plausible, but for which chance,
bias, and confounding factors cannot be ruled out with reasonable confidence.
Inadequate evidence of a causal relationship: The available studies are of
insufficient quality, or lack the consistency or statistical power to permit a
conclusion about the presence or absence of a causal relationship.
Evidence suggesting lack of causality: Several adequate studies covering
the full range of exposure are available that are mutually consistent in not
showing a positive association between exposure and effect at any observed
level of exposure.
5 .7
The Panel identified 32 potential adverse health effects attributed to wind turbine
noise, with sleep disturbance, annoyance, and stress effects being mentioned
the most often in the sources reviewed. Literature on the outcomes identified
was searched and reviewed systematically. A total of 38 empirical studies were
selected and assessed for methodological quality, and these were supplemented
by relevant peer-reviewed articles from the environmental noise literature. The
Panel used the causation guidelines of Bradford Hill to inform and structure the
review, and a framework adapted from the International Agency for Research
on Cancer to summarize the findings for evidence of causal relationships.
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health
Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Sleep Disturbance
Cardiovascular Diseases
Effects on Hearing
Psychological Health
Quality of Life
Chapter Summary
Key Findings
Primary evidence is available for some, but not all, health effects attributed to wind
turbine noise. The following findings are based on available primary evidence, mainly
from population-based studies and in some cases experimental studies:
The current state of the evidence is sufficient to conclude that a causal relationship
between exposure to wind turbine noise and annoyance can be established;
however, knowledge gaps remain with regard to the influence of specific sound
characteristics, such as amplitude modulation, low frequency content, or visual
aspects of wind turbines, which are difficult to study in isolation.
The current evidence is limited with regard to the relationship between exposure
to wind turbine noise and sleep disturbance. The available evidence suggests that
a direct or indirect mechanism might exist, but confounding factors cannot be ruled
out with reasonable certainty.
The available evidence is inadequate to establish the presence or absence of a
causal relationship between exposure to wind turbine noise and stress. Similar to
sleep disturbance, available evidence suggests that a direct or indirect mechanism
might exist; however, the evidence lacks methodological and statistical strength.
The Panel concluded that there is evidence of no causal relationship between
exposure to wind turbine noise and hearing loss.
While statistically significant associations between exposure to wind turbine noise
and diabetes and tinnitus have been found, these associations are not consistent
across studies and evidence remains inadequate to determine the presence or
absence of causal relationships.
Primary research has also addressed cardiovascular diseases, effects of non-audible
sound, cognitive and mental performance, psychological health, and general
quality of life; however, evidence remains inadequate to determine the presence
or absence of causal relationships between exposure to wind turbine noise and
any of these health effects.
Using its search and assessment process (Chapter 5), the Panel reviewed
evidence on adverse health effects, and assessed and summarized the current
body of evidence. This chapter reviews the potential health effects identified
in the preliminary scan of health outcomes (Table 5.1) and offers the Panels
conclusions about the state of the evidence regarding each outcome. Table
B.2 (in Appendix B) summarizes the evidence from empirical research on
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
health impacts of wind turbine noise. The Panel identified the datasets that
have been used in the papers reviewed in this report and gave each dataset a
code identifying the country of a study and the year the study was undertaken
(e.g., NL-07), as presented in Table B.2. This table also provides an overview of
the key methodological aspects of each study. The following sections provide
a detailed review of the evidence for all health outcomes that have been the
subject of population-based studies or laboratory experiments. The Panels
findings with regard to these outcomes are summarized in Chapter 7. The
Panel also considered possible causal mechanisms linking exposure to wind
turbine noise and other health outcomes that have been mentioned in case
series or other sources, but have not yet been the subject of empirical research.
6 .1
respondents who were annoyed (i.e., those who reported being rather annoyed,
annoyed, or extremely annoyed on a five-point verbal scale) by exposure
to wind turbine noise outdoors increased from 27.1% at 35-40 dB(A) to 63.6%
at 45-50 dB(A). Similarly, the percentage of subjects annoyed by exposure to
wind turbine noise indoors increased from 18.6% at 35-40 dB(A) to 23.4% at
40-45 dB(A), but decreased to 18.2% at 45-50 dB(A). In the Japanese study
(Yano et al., 2013), the share of respondents who were very or extremely
annoyed increased from 9.7% to 22.6% as night-time exposure levels increased
from 30 to 45 dB(A).6
To date, few studies have used actual measurements of noise exposure rather
than estimated exposure levels. Sound measurements in the field are costly, timeconsuming, and difficult to conduct consistently across large population groups.
Therefore, studies using sound measurements have been field experiments
rather than population-based studies. Bockstael et al. (2012) conducted regular
sound measurements at eight households located between 270 metres and
approximately 750 metres from the closest of three wind turbines. The authors
found that noise exposure and annoyance depended on wind speed, wind
direction (i.e., angle of the rotating turbine to the exposed households), as
well as the energy output of the wind turbines. Magari et al. (2014) conducted
short-term indoor and outdoor sound measurements at 52 households located
approximately 400 to 800 metres from the closest turbine of a large wind park.
Average LAeq measures were 47 dB(A) (standard deviation: 11.5 dB(A)) indoors
and 45.3 dB(A) (standard deviation: 8.2 dB(A)) outdoors. The researchers
also surveyed residents, and their survey results did not support an exposureresponse relationship between short-term indoor or outdoor noise exposure
and self-reported annoyance. However, the data did show correlations between
measured noise exposure and concern about health effects, and between noise
exposure and the prevalence of sleep disturbance and stress. The authors
noted that larger cohort studies with sound measurements taken indoors
and outdoors are necessary to verify the divergent results from studies using
calculated exposure measures. Zajamsek et al. (2014) presented a method to
simultaneously record time-series noise data and corresponding annoyance
ratings submitted by exposed subjects. The authors tested the method at two
homes at a distance of 2.5 km and 8 km from the nearest wind turbine. While
the recordings showed sound patterns that correlated with the wind turbines
energy output, the overall noise level and annoyance of residents at these
6 Although all studies used a five-point verbal scale, the terminology used is different among
papers. For example extremely and very annoyed in Yano et al. (2013) corresponds to
extremely annoying and annoying in Zajamsek et al. (2014) and very annoyed and rather
annoyed in Pedersen (2011). There are therefore differences due to language but the results are
considered comparable.
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
distances were better explained by the prevailing wind speeds at the residences
(Zajamsek et al., 2014). In population-based studies with large sample sizes
included in this review, the relative risk of being annoyed by wind turbine
noise increased with estimated outdoor sound pressure levels, suggesting that
annoyance follows an exposure-response relationship (see Figure 6.1).
Similar exposure-response relationships based on sound pressure level
were also found in laboratory experiments involving humans. Among these,
Lee et al. (2011) conducted an experiment to identify the role of amplitude
modulation on annoyance, using recorded samples of sound from wind turbines
to simulate amplitude modulated exposure with modulation depth between
5 and 12 dB at equivalent sound pressure levels between 35 and 55 dB(A). The
results showed that annoyance increased with both the equivalent sound pressure
level of exposure and the amplitude modulation depth of wind turbine sound.
Seong et al. (2013) investigated annoyance using sound samples representing
exposure at different distances and angular positions relative to the direction
of the wind hitting a wind turbine, with LAeq ranging approximately from
25 to 50 dB(A). Maffei et al. (2013) and Ruotolo et al. (2012) used audiovisual simulations of distance, including recordings of real-world exposure, as
auditory stimuli. Fastl and Menzel (2013) showed that annoyance decreased
with sound pressure level in subjects exposed to amplitude modulated
sound stimuli between 50 and 38 dB(A). While none of these experiments
(Ruotolo et al., 2012; Fastl & Menzel, 2013; Maffei et al., 2013) were specifically
designed to investigate the exposure-response relationship, the results consistently
showed that increasing levels of sound from wind turbines are associated with
higher levels of annoyance among those exposed.
Annoyance can be caused by a multitude of factors, including several that often
occur together with exposure to wind turbine noise, such as visual impacts
of wind turbines. The studies reviewed by the Panel controlled for different
combinations of contributing factors, including self-identified noise sensitivity
(Pedersen & Persson Waye, 2004, 2007; Pawlaczyk-uszczyska et al., 2013);
background noise from road traffic (Bakker et al., 2012); possible masking of wind
turbine noise from other noise sources (Pedersen et al., 2010; Van Renterghem
et al., 2013); self-identified personal attitudes (Pedersen & Persson Waye, 2004;
Pawlaczyk-uszczyska et al., 2013); the influence of background sound on
annoyance from wind turbine noise (Bolin et al., 2012), participation in economic
benefits from wind turbine operation (Pedersen & Persson Waye, 2004; Janssen
et al., 2011); and characteristics of living environments (Pedersen & Larsman, 2008).
The observed association between wind turbine noise and annoyance generally
remained after controlling for these factors. Regardless, while cross-sectional
studies can control for these factors when assessing the relationship between
wind turbine noise and annoyance, they suffer from an inability to determine
the temporality of the relation (i.e., whether exposure to wind turbine noise
leads to negative attitudes or whether negative attitudes affect noise perception).
A factor in perception of and annoyance due to wind turbine noise is the
visual impact of turbines. In several studies, residents in direct line of sight
of a wind turbine were more likely to be annoyed than those who could not
see a wind turbine (Pedersen & Persson Waye, 2004; Pawlaczyk-uszczyska
et al., 2013). Similarly, residents who valued the visual appeal and quietness of
rural landscapes were more likely to be annoyed than those who viewed the
countryside as a place for economic opportunity (Pedersen & Persson Waye,
2004; Mulvaney et al., 2013). Laboratory experiments using short-term exposure
to infrasound have shown that positive and negative expectations can influence
self-reported symptoms and impacts on mood in positive and negative directions,
respectively (Crichton et al., 2014a, 2014b). Bockstael et al. (2013) found that
subjects who could recognize sound from wind turbines among other types of
environmental sound were more likely to be annoyed than subjects who noticed
the sound without recognizing its source. The authors suggested these results
could support a hypothetical causal pathway in which noticing a wind turbine
is followed by an appraisal step, the outcome of which influences the degree
of annoyance (Bockstael et al., 2013).
Pedersen et al. (2009) noted that their study design could not exclude the
possibility that negative attitudes to wind turbines are caused in part by noise
exposure or that annoyance is more strongly associated with visual intrusion than
with sound exposure (see also Ellenbogen et al., 2012). Pedersen and Larsman
(2008) used a series of models to simultaneously account for different aspects of
attitude including visual attitude and other impacts of wind turbines, and found
that the association between wind turbine noise and annoyance is significant
even when other factors are considered, but that a negative visual attitude
would enhance the risk for noise annoyance for people living on flat terrain.
Janssen et al. (2011) used the responses from the Swedish and the Dutch studies
(SWE-00, SWE-05, NL-07) to compare the exposure-response relationship for
annoyance from wind turbine noise with annoyance associated with air, road,
and rail transportation noise. The authors found that annoyance from wind
turbine noise occurred at relatively low sound pressure levels of 40 to 45 dB(A).
The model predicted that the percentage of persons annoyed by wind turbine
noise indoors was higher than the percentage annoyed by other sources of
sound at the same sound pressure level and grew faster when sound pressure
levels increased (Figure 6.1).
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
% Highly Annoyed
% Annoyed
L den
L den
Reproduced with permission from Janssen, S. A., Vos, H., Eisses, A. R., & Pedersen, E. (2011). A comparison
between exposure-response relationships for wind turbine annoyance and annoyance due to other noise sources.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, 3746-3753. Copyright 2015, Acoustical Society of America
Figure 6.1
Comparison of Annoyance Due to Wind Turbine Noise and Transportation Noise
Comparison of the percentage of residents annoyed (left) or highly annoyed (right) indoors due
to wind turbine noise (wind) and due to traffic noise (air, road, rail), based on data from datasets
SWE-00, SWE-05, and NL-07. For comparison, sound exposure measures are expressed as Lden values
calculated using the A-weighted immission levels determined in the original studies in accordance
with the European Union environmental noise guidelines. Lden (day/evening/night sound level, also
referred to as community noise equivalent level or CNEL) expresses the average sound level over a
24-hour period with a penalty of 5 dB added for the evening hours (7 pm to 10 pm) and a penalty of
10 dB added for the night-time hours (10 pm to 7 am). The calculation of Lden is based on a complex
protocol that includes correction factors for specific conditions affecting noise exposure at the location
of each respondent, such as prevailing wind speeds and direction or topography.
Earlier research suggested that the higher risk of annoyance was related to
the specific sound characteristics of wind turbine noise, including amplitude
modulation and tonality. For example, participants in an experimental study
described wind turbine noise as lapping, swishing, or whistling, and perceived
these sound characteristics as annoying (Persson Waye & hrstrm, 2002).
In another experiment, Lee et al. (2011) used stimuli based on recorded
sound samples that were processed to simulate sounds with different levels
of modulation depth. They showed that the amplitude modulation of sound
from wind turbines is perceived as more annoying than continuous sound with
the same frequency and average sound level. Based on a similar experiment,
Seong et al. (2013) suggested that a measure of weighted maximum sound
level that captures the peaks of amplitude modulation (LAFmax), rather than
daily averages (LAeq), is the best predictor for the risk of annoyance. A recent
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
represents a major physiological response, but increased cortisol levels have also
been found in individuals who have been exposed to increased noise during
sleep without conscious awakening (Ising et al., 1999). Similarly, the effects of
noise on sleep can lead to the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
(a division of the autonomic nervous system), an unconscious response that
may not be noticed by the person experiencing the disturbance. This can result
in the release of hormones such as adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline
(norepinephrine), and cortisol, and can precipitate further sleep disturbance in
the long run (Maschke & Hecht, 2004). Long-term daytime noise exposure, for
example, leads to an increase in night-time minimum levels of cortisol, which
means a reduction in sleep quality (time spent in deep sleep) and increases
the chance of night-time arousal (Fruhstorfer et al., 1985). The term sleep
disturbance thus describes two different mechanisms: the acute awakening
caused by noise exposure, which is accompanied by night-time release of stress
hormones; and long-term effects of daytime or night-time noise exposure that
change the pattern and intensity of stress hormone release, and thus affect
sleep quality even in the absence of acute disturbance at night.
Two out of the three data sets analyzed in Pedersens (2011) re-analysis (SWE-00
and NL-07) showed a statistically significant association between exposure to
sound from wind turbines and self-reported incidences of sleep interruption.
All three studies also showed a significant association between annoyance
and sleep interruption. Furthermore, sleep interruption was associated more
strongly with annoyance due to noise experienced indoors across the three
studies (Pedersen, 2011). Study SWE-05, in which the turbines were not always
visible as a result of differentiated topography, showed a weaker increase in
annoyance with increasing sound pressure levels outdoors, but a stronger
increase in annoyance with increasing sound pressure levels indoors, as well
as a stronger association between sleep interruption and annoyance indoors
(Pedersen, 2011). These findings suggested that sleep interruption was related
to annoyance rather than exposure to the sound from wind turbines directly.
Thus, sleep disturbance could both be a cause and a consequence of annoyance
related to exposure to sound from wind turbines.
Using data from the Dutch study (NL-07), Bakker et al. (2012) found that
one-half of the respondents reported sleep disturbance at a sound pressure
level of 45 dB(A) and above. Pedersen (2011) and Bakker et al. (2012) both
noted that it was unclear whether sleep disturbance was a direct consequence
of exposure to wind turbine noise, or an indirect consequence of the state of
annoyance caused by exposure to wind turbine noise and other contributing
factors in the vicinity of a subjects dwelling.
Nissenbaum et al. (2012) used the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
and the Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS) to investigate whether there
was an association between the residence distance from wind turbines
(<1.5 km vs. >3-7 km) and sleep quality or daytime sleepiness. While the authors
concluded that the sleep of residents living closer to wind turbines was negatively
affected, other researchers have suggested that the studys limitations, including
possible selection bias, small sample size, and poor exposure data, did not allow
for such a conclusion (Ollson et al., 2013). Bearing these limitations in mind,
the Panel noted that the study did show an association between the exposure
to sound from wind turbines and impacts on sleep in a different region from
the Dutch and Swedish studies, and using a different methodology. The Panel
found one study (unpublished at the time of writing) investigating the impact
of exposure to wind turbine noise on a population in rural Ontario. Based on
sleep diaries and actigraphy-derived measures of sleep quality, the study found
that residents living between 474 metres to 1085 metres from the closest wind
turbine had slightly lower sleep efficiency, longer sleep onset latency, and
longer wake after sleep onset; however, none of these differences was statistically
significant. The study was limited by small sample size (23 participants and
110 person-night observations) and relatively low wind speeds and wind turbine
performance during the observation period (Lane, 2013). The WindVOiCe
self-reported survey reported what the authors described as a moderately
significant association (p-value = 0.0778, which is greater than conventional
statistical significance where p = 0.05) between sleep disturbance and distance
to wind turbines (Krogh et al., 2011).
The Panel found no sleep studies or experiments that measured the effect of
wind turbine noise on sleep physiology using standard methods such as brain
wave measurements (electroencephalography or EEG).
Other types of environmental noise have been linked to impacts on sleep. For
example, sleep disturbance has been shown to be a direct consequence of exposure
to traffic and aircraft noise (hrstrm & Rylander, 1982; hrstrm, 1989; Perron
et al., 2012). In a review of existing evidence, WHO (2009) found that exposure
to sound pressure levels as low as 32 dB(A) had biological effects on sleep quality.
In a review of noise and sleep, Muzet (2007) noted that external sound stimuli
triggered autonomic responses, such as heart rate change and vasoconstriction,
even when the person remained asleep. In a laboratory study, Basner et al., (2011)
(N=72 participants) showed that exposure to rail, road, and air traffic noise
led to statistically significant changes in sleep continuity (measured as a
combination of time to sleep onset, number of arousals, number of awakenings,
and number of sleep state changes). Furthermore, there was a difference in
measured impacts on sleep structure and continuity and subjective evaluations
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
of different types of traffic noise on sleep quality. While road traffic noise
led to the most prominent changes in sleep structure and continuity, air and
rail traffic noise exposure at night were perceived to be more disturbing
(Basner et al., 2011). In research on the effect of the temporal variability of
environmental noise, continuous noise was found to have a statistically smaller
effect on sleep quality than intermittent noise (hrstrm & Rylander, 1982;
Persson Waye et al., 2003). Intermittent noise mainly affects deep sleep, while
continuous noise at exposure levels between 36 and 55 dB(A) has been shown
to decrease the time spent in REM sleep (Eberhardt et al., 1987).
As noted above, there are currently no studies that have investigated the specific
impacts of exposure to low-frequency sound emitted by wind turbines. The Panel
found two field studies in the context of other environmental noise that have
explored whether exposure to low-frequency sound leads to specific impacts on
sleep (Nagai et al., 1989; Persson Waye & Rylander, 2001). Nagai et al. (1989)
described effects on people exposed to low-frequency sound from road traffic
at levels between 72 and 85 dB(A). Subjects were also exposed to shaking and
rattling windows caused by a superhighway. The combination of these disturbances
led to insomnia and excessive tiredness (Nagai et al., 1989). Another study
showed that people who were exposed to sound from heat pump or ventilation
installations in their homes (26-36 dB(A), corresponding to 49-60 dB(C))
were significantly more likely to report annoyance and experience disturbed
concentration and rest than residents exposed to noise from similar sources
but without the low-frequency components (Persson Waye & Rylander, 2001).
6.2.1 Summary of the Evidence on Sleep Disturbance
An association between wind turbine noise and sleep interruption or reduced
sleep quality has been found in some observational studies, but not consistently
across all studies reviewed. A direct association between exposure to wind
turbine noise and sleep disturbance was observed in only two population-based
studies, whereas sleep disturbance was consistently associated with annoyance
due to noise exposure in three studies. Furthermore, the exposure-response
relationship is currently unclear. The Panel therefore concluded that the
current evidence for a causal relationship is limited. The evidence related to
wind turbines is generally in line with findings from studies on the impacts of
other sources of noise on sleep. While sleep disruption has been investigated in
several studies, the resulting evidence base is smaller (fewer and less consistent
studies, fewer participants per study) than for the relationship between wind
turbine noise and annoyance.
The main knowledge gap concerns the nature of the mechanism. It is unclear
whether sleep disruption can result directly from exposure to wind turbine
noise, and what proportion of the observed sleep disruption is an indirect
consequence of annoyance. There are currently no experiments or sleep
studies available that demonstrate the impact of sound from wind turbines on
the brain physiology of sleep, as gauged by traditional sleep measures such as
EEG. Further knowledge gaps include the impact of specific characteristics of
sound emitted by wind turbines, such as low-frequency components or periodic
amplitude modulation, on sleep.
6 . 3
The term stress is broad and generally includes conditions of a physical, biological,
or psychological nature that strain the adaptive capacity of a person up to or
beyond his or her limits (Welford, 1974; Gemmert & Van Galen, 1997). Stress
conditions for humans include factors such as extreme temperatures, heavy
workloads, noise, or social pressures (Broadbent, 1971; Van Gemmert & Van
Galen, 1997). These stressors are typically classified as emotional (caused by
emotions or relating to personality traits), cognitive (related to mental load when
the person is faced with complex tasks), or physical (related to physical loads
originating in the physical environment) (Van Gemmert & Van Galen, 1997).
The same stressor can have multiple effects. For example, noise may interfere
with cognitive activity and trigger an emotional response to the source of noise.
Environmental noise is a common physical stressor for people in urban areas
or in other areas exposed to high levels of community noise (Van Gemmert &
Van Galen, 1997). Noise exposure can lead to stress directly as a physical
effect, or indirectly as a consequence of annoyance. Babisch (2002) provided a
comprehensive review of a direct mechanism for a stress response to noise. Noise
exposure activates the sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems, resulting
in increased levels of stress hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine,
and cortisol. These hormones affect metabolism and antibody immunity,
and act as mediators along the pathway from noise to stress-related disease
(Babisch, 2002). Changes in levels of these hormones also result in physiological
effects, including changes in blood pressure or blood clotting factors
(see Babisch et al., 2003 for a summary of research on the general stress model).
Noise can also cause stress indirectly through annoyance. Kalveram et al.
(1999) suggested that noise, in combination with information about the noise
source, leads to annoyance. This can convey a possible loss of fitness signal,
signifying fitness would decline if the individual stays in the same situation
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
(Kalveramet al., 1999). Such a signal can motivate retreat, aggression, stand-by,
or coping behaviour. While stress responses are normal and generally beneficial,
they are thought to become pathological if chronic or frequently repeated,
especially without appropriate resolution. In line with this model, Babisch
(2002) suggested that noise annoyance leads to physiological arousal and stress.
None of the three datasets analyzed by Pedersen (2011) showed a statistically
significant association between exposure to estimated A-weighted sound
pressure levels of wind turbine noise and self-reported perceptions of stress;
however, all three studies reported a positive association between annoyance
from wind turbine noise outdoors and stress (Pedersen, 2011). The study
designs did not allow conclusions about cause and effect: annoyance may be a
consequence of stress, or vice versa. Using data from the Dutch study (NL-07),
Bakker et al. (2012) found that psychological distress was indirectly correlated
with sound exposure in respondents who noticed wind turbine noise, with
noise annoyance acting as a mediator.
In a review article, Baqtasch et al. (2006) noted that stress related to wind
turbines was among the variables related to annoyance. Growing turbine sizes
have also raised concerns that the sound spectrum emitted has shifted toward
lower frequencies (Mller & Pedersen, 2011); however, Shepherd et al. (2011)
also highlighted links among turbine noise, stress, and annoyance, speculating
that these links were exacerbated because chronic noise exposure is a potent
psychosocial stressor, leading to chronic stress (Shepherd et al., 2011).
Pedersen (2011) suggested that cognitive stress theory could explain the
association between annoyance from wind turbine noise and stress, (see also
Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). According to this theory, an individual in an
already stressful situation would evaluate wind turbine noise as an additional
threat to restoration. Since the source of the noise is beyond the individuals
control, the response is manifested as annoyance. It is worth noting, however,
that people who reported being annoyed by wind turbine noise also reported
more symptoms related to stress and resulting secondary effects, such as feeling
less well-rested, and considered their environment as less suited to rest and
restoration (Pedersen et al., 2007a; Pedersen & Persson Waye, 2008).
While the association between annoyance from wind turbine noise and stress has
been found consistently in all studies that investigated stress-related variables,
stress has not been associated directly with exposure to wind turbine noise. The
Panel did not find any studies or experiments that explored whether stress can
result directly from the specific characteristics of wind turbine noise.
Indirect stress response via annoyance has also been studied in the context of
other sources of environmental noise, namely traffic noise exposure. Annoyance
and chronic stress have been linked in numerous studies (most often involving
occupational environmental noise or traffic noise); however, a causal relationship
has not been shown. Rylanders (2004) review noted, for instance, that there
are no data available on the relationship between annoyance and cortisol
in saliva (an indicator of stress) under conditions of either acute or chronic
environmental noise exposure.
6.3.1 Summary of the Evidence on Stress
The Panel found no evidence of a direct association between wind turbine
noise and stress. However, several studies showed indirect associations between
annoyance due to wind turbine noise and stress. Stress was associated with
annoyance due to wind turbine noise exposure outdoors in three studies, but
due to wind turbine noise exposure indoors in only one study. Furthermore,
stress has not been the main outcome investigated by existing studies. The
datasets that presented results related to stress (SWE-00, SWE-05, NL-07), and
the resulting studies that investigated the relationship with stress (Pedersen
& Persson Waye, 2008; Pedersen, 2011; Bakker et al., 2012), were limited to
self-reported data, which are treated inconsistently across different studies.
Available studies are of insufficient quality with regard to stress and lack the
statistical power to permit a conclusion regarding the presence or absence of a
causal relationship between wind turbine noise and stress. The Panel therefore
concluded that the current state of the evidence of a causal relationship
is inadequate.
The Panel noted, however, that the patterns of self-reported stress reactions
are generally consistent with associations between stress reactions observed in
a large body of research on the impacts of other environmental noise. These
associations have not yet been tested for wind turbine noise using comparable
methods. It is therefore unknown whether wind turbine noise has effects on
stress comparable to those of other types of noise. Further knowledge gaps
involve the nature of the underlying mechanism, in particular whether stress
can be caused directly through exposure to wind turbine noise or whether it
is an indirect consequence of annoyance, sleep disturbance, or both.
6 . 4
Cardiovascular diseases are a group of conditions affecting the heart and blood
vessels (e.g., coronary artery disease). Cardiovascular diseases also result from
multiple causes related to risk factors such as diet, physical inactivity, tobacco
use, the environment, or hereditary preconditions (WHO, 2013). These diseases
have high prevalence in the general population. For example, cardiovascular
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
diseases were responsible for 32% of all premature deaths across Canada
in 2004, and were the second largest contributor to health care costs in 2000
(PHAC, 2009). The complex relationship between multiple risk factors and
effects makes it difficult to associate the risk of cardiovascular disease with a
single cause such as wind turbine noise. No high-quality studies designed to
examine cardiovascular disease outcomes and their relationship to exposure
to wind turbine noise have been conducted to date.
It is known that noise can act on individuals as a physiological stressor, inducing
a vegetative response (such as blood pressure elevations), causing somatic (such
as hypertension) and psychosomatic responses, which in turn, may affect the
risk of disease (van Kempen & Babisch, 2012). However, evidence from studies
of road traffic noise showed that there appeared to be no increased risk of
cardiovascular disease resulting from exposure to sound pressure levels below
60 dB(A) during the day (Babisch, 2008) or 55 dB(A) at night (Babisch, 2011).
Research on other types of environmental noise has shown that cardiovascular
disease might also be indirectly linked to noise exposure via chronic annoyance
and stress. For instance, chronic annoyance has been used as an indicator
of increased risk for persistent imbalance in the physiological stress system
(Barregard et al., 2009; Pedersen, 2011). This imbalance can lead to high blood
pressure and other manifestations of cardiovascular disease if the exposure is
prolonged (Barregard et al., 2009). The pathway through which noise affects
blood pressure is not yet fully understood. Stansfeld (2003) proposed that
the effect could be mediated through an intermediate response such as noise
annoyance; however, current evidence is insufficient to support this pathway.
Willich et al. (2006) found an association between chronic noise burden and
the risk of myocardial infarction. They noted that this finding was consistent
with a causal mechanism based on a conceptual stress model in which sound
pressure levels and/or annoyance by noise may enhance psychological stress.
Suls (2013) reviewed evidence for an association between annoyance and anger
or hostility, which are known risk factors for stress.
Furthermore, there is evidence that sleep disturbance caused by traffic noise
can lead to cardiovascular effects. For example, a laboratory experiment
(number of participants =38) simulating freight train noise exposure (at
40 dB(A) and 50 dB(A)) showed that railway noise at night had an effect on the
cardiovascular system of sleeping subjects (Tassi et al., 2010; Croy et al., 2013).
Pedersen (2011) found no statistically significant association between wind
turbine noise exposure or annoyance and either self-reported high blood
pressure or self-reported cardiovascular disease in any of the three studies that
she re-analyzed. Using the two Swedish studies (SWE-00, SWE-05), Pedersen
and Persson Waye (2008) examined the relationship between noise annoyance
from wind turbines and cardiovascular disease. Their findings suggested no
differences in self-reported rates of cardiovascular diseases between respondents
reporting that they were annoyed by wind turbine noise and other respondents
(Pedersen & Persson Waye, 2008). The sample sizes of the studies analyzed
in Pedersen (2011) and Pedersen and Waye (2008) are relatively small, given
the need to examine what would be expected to be minor increases in relative
risk, and potentially large misclassification errors and other sources of bias.
The cardiovascular effects of various sources of noise, such as road traffic
noise, community noise, and occupational noise, have been extensively
researched (Babisch, 2008; van Kempen & Babisch, 2012). A meta-analysis of
43 epidemiologic studies published between 1970 and 1999 investigating the
relationship between noise exposure and blood pressure or ischemic heart
disease found small increases in blood pressure as a result of occupational
noise exposure (van Kempen et al., 2002). The review also showed a significant
association between exposure to either occupational or air traffic noise at
45 to 75 dB(A) (LAeq,16hr) and hypertension (van Kempen et al., 2002). Another
meta-analysis of effects of road traffic noise on annoyance and health found
a positive and significant association between noise annoyance and the risk
of arterial hypertension (Ndrepepa & Twardella, 2011).
Studies by Bakker (2012) and Shepherd et al. (2011) suggested that annoyance
acts as a mediator or pathway in a causal chain between exposure to wind turbine
noise and impacts on health or quality of life. This is supported by the finding
that annoyance was a significant effect modifier with respect to the association
between aircraft noise and hypertension (Babisch et al., 2003). Sound pressure
level and noise annoyance were found to be equally good predictors of the impact
of aircraft noise on health. Another related study suggested that sound pressure
level and noise annoyance may both serve as explanatory variables for the link
between chronic noise exposure and cardiovascular disease, although sound
pressure level is often a stronger predictor (Babisch et al., 2013). Annoyance
and disturbance due to road traffic noise have also been associated with a
higher incidence of ischemic heart disease; however, when study subjects had
conditions predisposing them to cardiovascular disease, noise exposure did
not change the risk of ischemic heart disease (Babisch et al., 2003).
Chronic environmental noise exposure in general has been associated with an
increased risk of myocardial infarction, consistent with the hypothesis that there
is an association between long-term noise exposure and risk of cardiovascular
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
7 This means that for every 100 cases that would be expected in the general (unexposed)
population based on the average rate of type 2 diabetes cases, there were 111 actual cases
found in the exposed group.
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Tinnitus is the general term for perceived sound perception (for instance,
roaring, hissing, or ringing) that cannot be attributed to an external source
(WHO, 2011). Previous research has identified a wide range of possible causes
of tinnitus, including noise-induced hearing loss, neurological disorders, stress,
metabolic disorders, and psychiatric disorders. The specific pathways that lead
to tinnitus are not yet fully understood, despite relatively high prevalence in
many populations (Henry et al., 2005).
One of the three studies analyzed in Pedersen (2011) showed a statistically
significant association between exposure to wind turbine noise and self-reported
cases of tinnitus (SWE-00). No association was found with annoyance due to
wind turbine exposure outdoors or indoors. In research on other sources from
environmental noise, approximately 10% of patients with tinnitus recorded in the
Oregon Tinnitus Clinic Database self-reported long-duration noise as the cause
of their tinnitus (Henry et al., 2005). The WHO (2011) suggests that, globally,
3% of the population could suffer from tinnitus caused by environmental noise
exposure. Tinnitus is also associated with hearing loss. In one study conducted in
Britain, 16.1% of men who reported severe difficulties in hearing also reported
having tinnitus, compared with 5% in those with slight or no difficulties in
hearing. The respective numbers among women were 33.1% and 2.6% (Palmer
et al., 2002). In a literature review, Henry et al. (2005) showed that the majority
of tinnitus patients are also affected by some degree of hearing loss, with rates
ranging from 50 to 80% depending on study design and age of the subjects
studied. On the other hand, tinnitus is also common among people who do
not have any measurable hearing loss (Eggermont, 2005).
Most studies of noise-induced tinnitus have focused on impulse noise
(e.g., explosions or gunshots) or short-term exposure to intense sound
(e.g., loud music, occupational noise), which are at much higher sound pressure
levels than wind turbine noise. No studies could be found of associations
between tinnitus and low-frequency noise or infrasound.
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Several reports have suggested that symptoms, such as vertigo, nausea, ear
pressure, or vision problems, could be caused by non-audible sound emitted
by wind turbines, such as infrasound and low-frequency sound below a persons
hearing threshold (Pierpont, 2006; 2009; Jeffery et al., 2013; Ambrose et al., 2012).
The Panel found no evidence from epidemiological studies or experiments that
specifically investigated impacts of non-audible sound emitted by wind turbines
on the ear. However, research has explored possible pathways through which
infrasound or low-frequency sound might affect the ear, including damage to
the inner ear, stimulation of the cochlea, or stimulation of the vestibular system.
Stimulation of the Cochlea
The hair cells of the cochlea are the main organ of human sound perception.
Sound waves stimulate the inner hair cells, which transform the sound into
a neural signal that is perceived by the brain as sound. The inner hair cells
are known to be less sensitive to infrasound ( 20 Hz) or low-frequencies, and
rather high sound pressure levels are needed to provoke a sensation especially
for the infrasound range (see Chapter 4); however, it is unclear whether there
are other pathways of stimulation.
Using cochlear monitoring, Hensel et al. (2007) showed that cochlear processing
was altered after exposure to infrasound of 6 Hz at a sound pressure level of
130 dB. Based on this and other research, Salt and Hullar (2010) suggested
that low-frequency sound can stimulate the outer hair cells at sound pressure
levels 40 dB below the threshold of hearing, when the inner hair cells are not
stimulated. The study showed that cochlear potentials generated by hair cell
transduction in guinea pigs can be recorded in response to 5 Hz infrasound,
although these potentials are not perceived by the brain as sound because they
are transmitted via a different neural pathway. In a subsequent animal study,
Salt et al. (2013) showed that infrasound at 5 Hz can produce an electrical
response in the cochlea larger than that produced by tones at other frequencies
between 50 and 1,000 Hz at levels as low as 60 to 65 dB. Based on these results,
the authors argued that the apical region (tip) of outer hair cells may be more
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Cognitive abilities develop early in life (Diamond, 2002). Stansfeld et al. (2005)
hypothesized that environmental noise could impact the mental performance of
young children. As well, ambient environmental noise could distort awareness
of speech sounds (Bryant & Bradley, 1985). Several early studies conducted
by Hockey and colleagues identified other potential pathways through which
noise exposure may influence cognitive performance in adults (Hockey, 1984;
Robert & Hockey, 1997). These studies suggested that noise may affect the
performance of specific tasks and that, while noise increases levels of alertness,
it does not increase mental performance speed, but rather reduces cognitive
performance accuracy and short-term memory performance.
The Panel found no epidemiological studies of impacts of wind turbine noise
on cognitive performance. Evidence is currently limited to two laboratory
studies. Ruotolo et al. (2012) showed that executive control and semantic
memory deteriorate with auditory and visual stimuli that simulate increasing
proximity to a wind energy facility. Visual features appeared to amplify the
negative impact on executive control. No impact was found on short-term
verbal memory. These results suggested that wind turbines may have selective
effects on cognitive performance, with stronger impacts on tasks that demand
high levels of executive control.
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Chapter 6 Current Evidence Related to Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Two studies have investigated the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related
quality of life. Shepherd et al. (2011) conducted a cross-sectional study with a
control group in New Zealand using the short version of the WHOs quality
of life survey. The results supported findings from cross-sectional studies of an
exposure-response relationship between wind turbine noise and annoyance,
and showed that several domains of quality of life were negatively affected for
respondents living close to wind turbines (perceived sleep quality, energy levels,
environmental quality of life, and amenity). A two-year follow-up study by McBride
et al. (2013) showed that the difference in quality of life between the two groups
remained stable over time. Mroczek et al. (2012) conducted a randomized
cross-sectional study using the SF-36 General Health Questionnaire. The results of
this study did not show a significant difference in health-related aspects of quality
of life between residents living closer to wind turbines and those living further
away. The authors noted, however, that the study design did not include a number
of factors that influence quality of life, such as economic opportunity provided
by wind turbines and socioeconomic differences between areas. Such omissions
may lead to observed differences that are not related to wind turbine noise. The
WindVOiCe self-reported survey did not find that quality of life was significantly
altered for people living closer to wind turbines (Krogh et al., 2011).
6.11.1 Summary of the Evidence on Quality of Life
To date, very limited evidence is available on the specific impact of wind turbine
noise on quality of life. Moreover, the different studies available reach different
conclusions. The Panel found, therefore, that current evidence is inadequate
to determine the presence or absence of a causal link.
The previous sections in this chapter have discussed health outcomes that have been
the subject of population-based studies or laboratory experiments. Anumber of
other health impacts have been frequently attributed to exposure to wind turbine
noise in case series, informal surveys, complaints, the media, and other sources.
The Panel reviewed the evidence selected according to the process outlined in
Chapter 5, and reported on all health outcomes for which at least one populationbased study found a statistically significant association or for which at least one
laboratory experiment has been published. The main health outcomes that
emerged were annoyance, sleep disturbance, and stress:
The Panel concluded that the current evidence is sufficient to establish a
causal relationship between exposure to wind turbine noise and annoyance.
The Panel concluded that current evidence for a causal relationship is limited
to establish a causal relationship between exposure to wind turbine noise
and sleep disturbance.
The current evidence of a causal relationship is inadequate to reach a conclusion
concerning the presence or absence of a relationship between exposure to wind
turbine noise and stress, although the effect may be indirect, via annoyance.
The Panel concluded that there is evidence of no causal relationship between
hearing loss and exposure to broadband noise at sound pressure levels
associated with wind turbines, at any distance.
The Panel concluded that the current evidence is inadequate to determine the
presence or absence of causal links between exposure to wind turbine noise
and the other health outcomes listed in Table 5.1. A more detailed description
summary is given in Chapter 7.
Overview of the Evidence, Knowledge
Gaps, and Research Needs
Further Research
Chapter Summary
Key Findings
Much of the evidence reviewed by the Panel suffered from methodological limitations:
inadequate control for selection bias and confounding factors; small sample size
that limited statistical power; lack of longitudinal studies; and lack of measurement
to assess exposure.
The Panel identified specific gaps in knowledge for each health condition studied,
such as the visual impact of wind turbines on annoyance or the possible pathways
leading to sleep disturbance or stress.
There is a lack of longitudinal studies as well as a paucity of research on sensitive
In measurement of wind turbine sound, long-term equivalent A-weighted levels are
most often used, but this measure fails to capture wind turbine sound characteristics
such as amplitude modulation and low frequencies.
This chapter reviews the main findings related to wind turbine noise and health
outcomes and describes the knowledge gaps and research needs for relevant
adverse health effects. The Panels findings with regard to each adverse health
effect are summarized in Tables 7.1 and 7.2.
7 . 1
In addition, the Panel found no evidence that wind turbines routinely produce
infrasound at levels significantly higher than other environmental sources,
such as the wind itself, or at levels associated with the known health effects
of infrasound. However, in some cases and in certain types of dwellings, lowfrequency sound may be more pronounced indoors because low frequencies
are less attenuated by walls and windows and because of structure resonance.
The Panel also found that exposure to wind turbine noise is unlikely to cause
hearing loss.
Factors Influencing Responses
External Stimuli
Sound Pressure Level
Frequency Characteristics
Tonal Components
Amplitude Modulation
Modifying Factors
Noise Sensitivity
Pre-Existing Conditions
Personal Attitudes
Visual Impacts
Health Outcomes
Nervous System
Quality of Life
Endocrine System
Cognitive and
Figure 7.1
Summary of Evidence for Causal Pathways Between Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise
and Adverse Health Effects
As discussed in Chapter 6, there is sufficient evidence to support a causal relationship for annoyance
only. The current evidence is limited with regard to the relationship between exposure to wind turbine
noise and sleep disturbance. The available evidence is inadequate with regard to stress; however,
general evidence suggests that stress may be aggravated by annoyance and sleep disturbance. Research
on the health effects of noise in general also suggests a strong relationship between long-term
stress and cardiovascular or other diseases. Nevertheless, the causal mechanisms remain uncertain,
particularly for wind turbine noise. Multiple pathways may be responsible for individual outcomes and
population-level rates of adverse health effects. The absence of a causal relationship between wind
turbine noise and hearing loss is not represented in this figure. See Table 7.1 for more information.
Level of
Possible Pathways
Knowledge Gaps
Condition or
Level of
Possible Pathways
Knowledge Gaps
System and
Adequate epidemiological
Effects of long-term exposure.
Nature of the mechanism.
Adequate epidemiological
Effects of long-term exposure.
Nature of the mechanism
and comparability to the
effect of other types of
environmental noise.
Evidence of
no causal
Condition or
Level of
Possible Pathways
Knowledge Gaps
or Task
General understanding
of possible links between
noise exposure and
psychological disorders.
Quality of Life
No mechanism identified or
postulated. Exposure to wind
turbine noise affects several
categories that are used to
measure quality of life, many
of which overlap with the
health impacts reviewed here.
The conditions and symptoms listed here are those attributed to wind turbine noise from various
sources (see Table 5.1), for which the Panel found empirical research specific to wind turbine noise.
Table 7.2
Health Effects that Have Not Yet Been the Subject of Empirical Population-Based
Research on Wind Turbine Noise
Condition or Symptom
Possible Pathways
Immune System
Impaired immunity
Musculoskeletal System
Back pain
Joint pain
Muscle pain (myalgia)
Shaking (palsy)
Condition or Symptom
Possible Pathways
Nervous System
Disturbances of skin
Effects of non-audible
sound (inner ear, cochlea,
vestibular system)
Sensation of
internal vibration
Vertigo, dizziness
Vision problems
Respiratory System
The conditions and symptoms listed here are those attributed to wind turbine noise from
various sources (see Table 5.1), for which the Panel found no empirical research specific to
wind turbine noise. In each case, the evidence is inadequate with respect to a causal link
with wind turbine noise.
In view of the relative novelty of research on health effects of wind turbine noise,
the Panel found it useful to review the general quality of the evidence available
in comparison with research on the health impacts of other environmental
stressors, and to provide an overview of limitations and general knowledge gaps.
Selection Bias
All population-based studies, and most of the experiments reviewed by this
Panel, were based on self-reported data on health impacts. Self-reported surveys
of environmental stressors are susceptible to selection bias (i.e., people who
are affected by an environmental impact are more likely to respond to a survey
than those who are not) (Rief et al., 2011). In order to reduce selection bias in
self-reported cross-sectional surveys, researchers may hide the true intent of
surveys from respondent to the extent possible. The three largest cross-sectional
studies reviewed (SWE-00, SWE-05, NL-07) stated that the questionnaires used
were masked as general surveys on quality of life. Other studies noted that they
used similar methodologies, but do not explicitly state whether questionnaires
were sufficiently masked to avoid selection bias. The Panel therefore noted that
the current evidence base may be affected by some degree of selection bias.
Confounding Factors
Factors other than noise may be responsible for a health outcome. If those same
factors are also associated with exposure to wind turbine noise (for example,
if those living closer to wind turbines happen to be older than average), it is
possible that a confounder (in this example, age) is causing the increase in
adverse health effects, and not the sound from wind turbines. Age, health
history, pre-existing medical conditions, and attitudes towards wind turbines
or visual impacts are factors that might be considered potential confounders
and need to be controlled in the study analysis. While the cross-sectional
studies reviewed for this assessment made reasonable efforts to control for
those potential confounding factors, it is unlikely that they were able to control
them completely.
Sample Size
In observational epidemiological studies, the number of people in the study
(sample size) is important, for a number of reasons. The actual number
required depends on the study design, but, generally speaking, studies must
have adequate numbers of participants to ensure that different exposure levels
are adequately represented (e.g., exposed and control groups) as well as, for
example, all demographic categories (old and young, male and female, etc.) in
order to control for potential confounding. Researchers must also ensure that
the sample size is sufficient to rule out a result occurring by random chance. This
is called statistical significance and depends on a number of factors, including
the anticipated increase in risk for disease among the exposed persons. In
the studies reviewed by the Panel, sample size was sufficiently large to capture
annoyance and sleep disturbance, while sample sizes may have been too small
to detect other health effects such as cardiovascular diseases, for which the
anticipated increase in risk among the exposed would be quite small.
Exposure Monitoring
The Panel observed that most of the studies estimated exposure to indoor
or outdoor wind turbine noise using computer-based models, rather than
direct observations. A combination of measurements, modelled exposure, and
outcomes is needed to settle the question of how to estimate exposure and its
effects. In addition, the Panel noted that studies most often used a long-term
equivalent A-weighted level (LAeq) to describe sound exposure. However, such
approaches do not capture sound characteristics such as amplitude modulation.
Identifying specific wind turbine sound characteristics may help to better
understand the cause of certain health outcomes such as annoyance. This is
discussed in further detail in Section 8.2.
Most epidemiological studies of wind turbine noise lacked sufficient power
to detect meaningful health effects, or were designed in a way that could not
convincingly rule out bias in responses or confounding factors. As a result,
the evidence for a causal relationship between exposure to wind turbine
noise and many health effects was inconsistent or unclear. In addition to the
issues described above (selection bias, confounding factors, sample size, and
exposure monitoring), the Panel also identified an absence of longitudinal
health studies. However, the Panel recognizes, in the context of research on
the health effects of wind turbine noise exposure, the difficulty of recruiting
large samples of participants and following them over time.
7 . 3
Box 7.1
Health Canadas Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study
In 2012, Health Canada started a large-scale cross-sectional epidemiological study
involving approximately 2,000 dwellings. The aim of this study was to measure
potential health outcomes in areas exposed to sound from wind turbines. This
study was developed by Health Canada in collaboration with Statistics Canada to
provide an evidence base and inform policies and practices in Canada regarding the
development of wind energy projects. Among the outcomes measured by the Health
Canada study were:
Sleep disturbance, measured with a sleep watch that gauges sleep onset, sleep time,
and efficiency. Self-reported sleep quality was also assessed with a questionnaire.
Stress, measured by cortisol concentration in hair samples, blood pressure, and
heart rate, as well as by a questionnaire (perceived stress).
Self-reporting annoyance (indoor and outdoor), measured by self-reporting.
Quality of life, measured using a questionnaire.
Health Canadas preliminary findings were made publicly available in November 2014.
The Panel reviewed those findings but, as they were preliminary, it could not integrate
this research into the evidence considered in Chapter 6. However, the Panel observed
that the findings from this study were mainly concordant with its own findings. The
main results are presented below.
Of the dwellings selected, 1,238 households (78.9%) agreed to participate in the
study. Both self-reported conditions and physiological measurements were described
in the preliminary results. Regarding self-reported conditions, the study did not find
associations between wind turbine noise exposure and self-reported sleep, self-reported
illnesses (such as dizziness, tinnitus, and headaches), and chronic diseases (such as
heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes). The study also did not find any
association between noise exposure and self-reported perceived stress and quality of
life. However, it found an association between increasing levels of wind turbine noise
and annoyance towards wind turbine characteristics (noise, shadow flicker, blinking
lights, vibrations, and visual impacts). Health Canada also captured physiological
measures related to stress and sleep quality and found that the measures (e.g., hair
cortisol levels, blood pressure, sleep watch) were consistent with self-reported results
(no association between cortisol concentration, blood pressure, sleep efficiency, and
exposure to wind turbine noise was found).
(Health Canada, 2014a, 2014b)
7 . 4
After its review of the evidence, the Panel returned to the framework proposed
in Chapter 5 that outlined possible relationships between wind turbine noise
exposure and health effects. Based on the literature reviewed, including studies
of other types of environmental noise, the Panel proposes a complex model of
causal pathways (Figure 7.1), in which characteristics of wind turbine noise (lowfrequency, tonality, and amplitude modulation) are modified by visual impact,
personal attitudes, noise sensitivity, and existing medical conditions. These
can lead to direct health effects via hearing, and to cognitive and emotional
responses via processing in the brain.
To confirm possible pathways, knowledge gaps need to be filled. For each
health outcome, knowledge gaps are outlined to help inform the research
agenda. For many other health symptoms for which no studies specific to wind
turbines were found, plausible pathways are suggested based on the literature.
Many of the studies reviewed had limitations or design weaknesses that affected
the quality of the evidence. Population-based studies that relied on self-reported
surveys were susceptible to selection bias, but many did not explain any steps
taken to avoid this.
Relationships among noise exposure, chronic annoyance, sleep disturbance,
and stress are a particularly fruitful area for further research to elucidate
pathways. Future research into specific health outcomes is needed to understand
the general incidence and prevalence of the health outcome, the population
exposed to wind turbine noise, and the risks associated with exposure.
Promising Practices
Engineering Technologies
Increasing Acceptance
Chapter Summary
Promising Practices
Key Findings
Wind turbine designs that may lessen sound production are being explored;
however, technological development is unlikely to resolve, in the short term, the
current issues related to perceived adverse health effects of wind turbine noise.
Sound pressure levels can vary widely within a structure even within the same
room because of interference of sound waves reflected from walls. Improved
measurement protocols have been proposed to more accurately account for this
variation in indoor sound.
Further studies focused on amplitude modulation are needed to better understand
the potential impact of wind turbine noise on human health. Locals in some countries
have recommended the use of measures that capture this characteristic.
Impact assessments and community engagement give communities greater knowledge
and control over wind energy projects.
The previous chapters demonstrate the complex nature of wind turbine sound
production, propagation, and potential effects on humans. The Sponsor
specifically requested that the Panel consider practices in engineering and other
fields that could minimize adverse community response to wind turbine noise.
In light of its findings, the Panel has identified several promising strategies,
which are presented in this chapter:
Reducing sound emission at the source through technological improvements;
Better monitoring and understanding of the characteristics of sound from
wind turbines through adequate measurement methods, both indoors
and outdoors.
Implementing adequate impact assessments and community
engagement activities.
8 . 1
structure (Hau, 2006). These and other advances in design and manufacturing
can generally reduce mechanical noise below the level of aerodynamic noise
from the blades (Oerlemans, 2011).
Aerodynamic noise is produced by air flow interacting with different parts of
the blade (see Section 3.1.2). No single technology was identified that will
drastically reduce the sound output of modern utility-scale wind turbines,
but the Panel did identify noise reduction technologies and practices that are
actively being studied (Barone, 2011; Oerlemans, 2011):
pitch control optimization;
blade modifications; and
technologies to manage curtailment to minimize both noise and loss of power.
8.1.1 Pitch Control Optimization
Modern utility-scale wind turbines use information from wind sensors on the
nacelle to automatically make physical adjustments to parts of the turbine, such
as the blade pitch and rotational speed, in order to generate the maximum power
possible (Manwell et al., 2010). Pitch control systems allow the blades to be rotated
around their long axis (from the hub to the blade tip). This allows a degree of
control over the angle of attack, or the angle at which air hits the leading edge
of the turbine blade. Reducing the angle of attack can reduce noise emissions,
but only by sacrificing some power production (Oerlemans, 2011). Theoretical
and empirical research continues to identify optimal pitch control settings
that strike a balance between power and sound output (Manwell et al., 2010;
Bakker et al., 2012). Applying these settings in response to continually changing
wind speed and direction, however, poses additional challenges.
8.1.2 Trailing Edge Modifications
Even with optimal blade pitch, the most common source of aerodynamic
noise is interaction between air flow and the trailing edge of the turbine
blades (see Section 3.1.2). Modifying the physical shape or properties of the
blades trailing edge can therefore affect the level and characteristics of sounds
produced. Aeroacoustic theory suggests that serrations or brushes along the
trailing edge of the blade would decorrelate the sound and make it propagate
less effectively, and would thus reduce aerodynamic sound emissions. In fullscale tests, trailing edge serrations were most effective at high wind speeds,
reducing noise by up to 5 dB in 10 m/s winds (Barone, 2011; Oerlemans, 2011).
Noise levels were reduced on average by about 3 dB, but at low wind speeds,
additional high-frequency noise was produced, reducing the effectiveness of
the blade serrations. Although trailing edge serrations have shown potential
for reducing wind turbine noise, the mechanisms responsible are still not well
understood (Barone, 2011).
8.1.3 Curtailment
Curtailment generally refers to sacrificing some power generation to reduce
sound output to below an acceptable threshold. As described above, this might
include adjusting blade pitch to reduce the angle of attack, or reducing the
rotation speed of the turbines, if possible (Oerlemans, 2011). In extreme cases,
wind turbines may have to be shut off to prevent sound emission.
Curtailment is often a last resort if other adjustments cannot reduce noise
emissions below applicable limits. It is more commonly used at night, or when
the wind is blowing from certain directions or above certain speeds, in order
to reduce exposure levels for residents at particular locations (EPA, 2011).
Identifying conditions under which curtailment is necessary can help reduce
the need to apply it. Therefore, better sensors and automated systems offer
another approach to limiting the amount of power that must be sacrificed to
reduce noise levels. If certain levels or types of turbulence are known to cause
enhanced amplitude modulation, meteorological sensors (e.g., LIDAR or
SODAR) could be used to detect such weather conditions before they reach
a turbine, and operations could be adjusted accordingly, by changing blade
pitch or reducing power output (RenewableUK, 2013).
8.1.4 Continual Technological Improvement in a Global Market
The technologies described above are examples of promising methods for
reducing noise levels in some situations, but the Panel notes that no single
solution is likely to address all noise concerns in the short term. Nevertheless,
ongoing research in wind turbine design and manufacture means that there
is continual technological development in this area. Over 20 years, many small
improvements have combined to reduce the overall sound power level of wind
turbines for the same rotor diameter. This allows the use of larger turbines
with the same level of noise emissions.
The Panel also notes that wind turbine manufacturers sell their products
on a global market. An individual country such as Canada would therefore
have a limited ability to influence technology trends through turbine design
standards, since wind turbine manufacturers sell their products around the world
(see Chapter 2). Most standards for wind turbine design, manufacture, and sound
measurement are set by international organizations, such as the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).
Canadian regulations could affect which wind turbine technologies are used
here. Noise limits and regulations are often set at national, provincial, and even
local levels. Therefore, while regulations and noise limits may not be able to
directly affect technology development, they may determine which technologies
are used, and how they are applied.
8 .2
Box 8.1
Improved Indoor Sound Pressure Measurement
Because of interference among sound waves within a structure, the sound pressure
level at low frequencies may vary as much as 20 to 30 dB. Adequate measurement
of areas of the room with high sound pressure levels is critical for assessing the
causes of annoyance. Pedersen et al. (2007b) studied typical indoor measurement
methods and concluded that these methods are not optimal and suggested a new
methodology. This methodology is based on the average of measurements of sound
pressure levels taken in four corners of a room at a maximum distance of 0.1 metres
from the room boundaries (Pedersen et al., 2007b).
Box 8.2
Improved Capturing of Amplitude Modulation
A recent report reviewed the various methods of sound measurement to best
characterize the sound from wind turbines (Kaliski, 2014). The report was prepared
for the Massachusetts Wind Turbine Noise Technical Advisory Group (WNTAG), which
provides advice to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(MassDEP) concerning noise regulations and policies for wind turbines (CoM, 2014).
As part of its activities, WNTAG has logged about 120 million wind turbine sound
records captured in 150 different conditions (e.g., meteorological, operational),
which constitute an important base for better understanding the characteristics of
sound from wind turbines.
The report suggested that the best measure to capture amplitude modulated sound
is the fast response sound level (LAf),* which is already used by MassDEP to assess
short duration repetitive sound. Using 1 second LAfmax allows for comparison of
background and operating sound levels during similar wind speeds, without ignoring
amplitude modulation peaks (Kaliski, 2014). Use of such short-period measurements
to capture amplitude modulation has also been suggested in conclusions from primary
research (RenewableUK, 2013). Such measurements have been shown to be a good
predictor of the risk of annoyance (Seong et al., 2013) (see Chapter 6).
* For more information on time-weighted sound metrics, see Figure 3.6.
8 . 3
Box 8.3
Assessing the Impact of Wind Turbine Development:
the Irish Example
In the Republic of Ireland, the Department of the Environment, Community and Local
Government (DECLG), the regulatory body responsible for wind energy development,
requires developers to conduct full impact assessments to evaluate the areas of safety
(setback), environment (heritage of site, noise, shadow flicker, and visibility), ecology,
as well as social and economic sustainability. These guidelines cover activities from
pre-application consultations to decommissioning and reinstatement. In particular, the
DECLG suggests that the developer engages in consultations with the local community
at the early stage of the planning process, allowing the communities to have an input.
Appropriate mitigation and compensatory measures must be established before
construction to prepare for impacts or changes that were previously unanticipated.
(DEHLG, 2006)
Box 8.4
Guidelines for Engaging Communities
The Australian Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC) has developed
a series of guidelines to assist developers in addressing stakeholder participation in
wind energy development. The goals of these guidelines are to provide:
Principles and considerations for wind energy developers for planning and delivering
stakeholder participation activities.
Recommendations for stakeholder input to the assessment and how to manage
key study areas (including noise).
These guidelines cover the various stages of wind energy project development:
site selection, project feasibility, planning application, construction, operation, and
decommissioning. For each project stage, the EPHC recommends specific milestones
be met, such as continuously seeking feedback and input from stakeholders at the
project feasibility and planning stages to better understand their concerns and
opinions. Regarding noise, the guidelines recommend measuring background noise
at the project feasibility stage and the construction stage, as well as conducting
noise monitoring at identified stakeholder properties. Although these guidelines
have been developed in Australia, the general principles of risk management and
communication can easily be applied to the Canadian context.
(EPHC, 2010)
Chapter 9 Conclusions
Final Thoughts
This chapter synthesizes the findings and evidence of the previous chapters
to summarize the Panels response to the Charge. The main question and
sub-questions asked by the Sponsor are answered individually.
Chapter 9 Conclusions
The Panel identified specific knowledge gaps for each health condition studied,
where specific types of evidence would help clarify the strength of associations,
avoid bias, or eliminate possible confounding factors with respect to exposure
to wind turbine noise. For example, it is unclear whether annoyance is caused
by wind turbine noise alone, or whether factors such as visual impacts and
personal attitudes modify the noise-annoyance relation. The possible pathway
that could lead to sleep disturbance or stress is also unclear. It is similarly
unclear whether the possible pathway that could lead to sleep disturbance or
stress is the direct result of exposure to wind turbine noise or is the result of
annoyance as a mediating factor. The Panel also noted that knowledge gaps
concerning potentially sensitive populations such as children and infants, as
well as individuals with certain clinical conditions, complicate any attempts
to assess the level of health risk associated with exposure to sound from wind
turbines. In addition, the Panel noticed the lack of data on adverse health effects
at the population level, which could be gathered through rigorous research
designs to minimize bias and confounding factors, and could link outcomes
to exposure measurement.
Reviewing the evidence, the Panel observed that most of the cross-sectional studies
used standard modelling approaches to predict sound levels. Combinations
of measurements, modelled exposure, and outcomes are needed to settle the
question of how to estimate exposure and its effects. In addition, modelling
and some measurement approaches do not capture many sound characteristics
relevant to wind turbines, such as amplitude modulation. Being able to link
those specific wind turbine sound characteristics to effects may help researchers
to better understand the cause of certain health outcomes such as annoyance.
In reviewing the literature, the Panel identified many research and knowledge
gaps concerning pathways and causality. However, the Panel notes that it was not
within its mandate to assess whether specific research should be prioritized over
other public health research, or to provide recommendations on any specific
type of research. The Panel can comment on lines of research that would be
useful in addressing existing knowledge gaps.
For many adverse health effects, questions and uncertainties remain. Of the
wide range of reported health effects attributed to wind turbine noise exposure,
many are possible secondary outcomes of long-term sleep disturbance or
stress, but may have other causes. In particular, cardiovascular diseases, a set
of conditions responsible for almost one third of the deaths in Canada, are
known to be affected by long-term annoyance, sleep disruption, and stress. It
would therefore be beneficial to improve understanding about the potential
risks arising from long-term exposure to wind turbine noise, and to further
study the causal relationship between exposure to wind turbine noise and sleep
disturbance and stress.
Although sound from wind turbines appears to be at levels similar to other
common sounds in the environment, some characteristics are more common in
sound from wind turbines than in sound from other sources, such as periodic
amplitude modulation (causing a swishing or thumping sound), and
variations linked to wind speed at the height of the blades (which can be 60 to
100 metres or more above the ground). Continued research could help identify
measurements of sound exposure that are most relevant to possible health
effects, as well as improve our understanding of the mechanisms responsible
for annoyance or other plausible health effects of exposure to sound from
wind turbines or other sources. In particular, the Panel noted that periodic
amplitude modulation may be a critical component of sound from wind turbines
that triggers annoyance.
The Panel found insufficient data available for Canada to answer this question.
However, in terms of the nature of health effects, there is no reason to believe
that potential health effects for our population would be significantly different
than those for other nations. The conclusions concerning health effects drawn
from studies worldwide would therefore be applicable to Canada. In terms of
Chapter 9 Conclusions
to reductions in sound power level for wind turbines of a given size. Such
continual technological improvement is expected to lead to further reductions
in sound output.
However, no silver-bullet technology is expected to resolve all problems
of sound from wind turbines, especially in the short term. Therefore, other
measures will continue to be relevant.
Wind turbines are sold on a global market, and regulations in a single country
such as Canada are unlikely to provide sufficient incentive to further reduce
their sound power. However, there is a global initiative across the wind energy
industry to continually reduce the sound power of wind turbines in order to
increase social acceptability across all markets. As well, regulatory measures
taken in a particular jurisdiction (country, province) determine which available
technologies and practices can be used to achieve local goals.
Thus, regulation is an important tool to control exposure to wind turbine
noise and, consequently, its potential health impact on the public. The Panel
reviewed best practices for improved measurement of background noise, indoor
sound, night-time sound, and amplitude modulation. The Panel suggests that a
combination of those practices would provide a better understanding of noise
exposure and inform noise guidelines or regulation by the various orders of
governments (federal, provincial, and municipal).
Finally, the Panel reviewed best practices for impact assessment and community
engagement. In the past, failure to engage with the community has increased
negative attitudes among the public toward wind projects and the wind industry.
By contrast, health and environmental impact assessment and community
engagement, from the inception of projects throughout the project lifecycle
including after installation, can provide an opportunity to adapt to community
feedback and concern.
9 . 1
Chapter 9 Conclusions
This report has found sufficient evidence that exposure to wind turbine noise
(possibly in combination with other factors) can contribute to annoyance, and
that such exposure does not lead to hearing loss. However, for many other
adverse health effects investigated, there was inadequate evidence to reach
conclusions concerning the absence or presence of a causal link.
The Panel stresses that, given the nature of the sound produced by wind
turbines and the limited quality of available evidence (small sample sizes, small
number of studies available, lack of comprehensive exposure measurement),
the health impacts of wind turbine noise cannot be comprehensively assessed
at this time. Furthermore, in noting the challenges of undertaking research on
health impacts caused by multiple factors (large cohort studies, longitudinal
studies, double-blind experiments), the Panel emphasizes that providing
high-quality evidence would require a major research effort.
Absolute hearing threshold is the lowest sound pressure level at which
a person can hear different frequencies in a very quiet environment with
focused concentration.
Air conduction of sound is the conveyance of sound through the external
auditory canal and middle ear to the inner ear (Dorland, 2011).
Amplitude modulation refers to changes in sound pressure over time. It has
two characteristics: the difference between the highest and lowest sound pressure
levels (modulation depth), and the frequency range in which variations in sound
pressure occur (modulation frequency, not to be confused with the frequency
of the sound itself) (van den Berg & Bowdler, 2011). Amplitude modulation can
also be periodic, with changes in sound pressure occurring at regular intervals.
In the case of sound from wind turbines, the amplitude is modulated at the
same rate as the rotation of the blades (the blade pass frequency).
Association describes a relationship between two variables that makes them
statistically dependent. An association does not necessarily mean that one
variable is causing the other, as the association may be due to another, unknown
variable; it may also be unclear which variable is affecting the other.
Bone conduction of sound is the conveyance of sound to the inner ear through
the bones of the skull (Dorland, 2011).
Broadband see Frequency.
Case definition is a set of standard criteria for deciding whether a person has
a particular disease or health-related condition (Columbia University, n.d.).
Cut-in wind speed is the minimum wind speed for a wind turbine to
generate power.
Cut-out wind speed is a maximum wind speed for a wind turbine to
generate power.
dB(A), dB(C), dB(G) all refer to sound pressure level measurements that have been
adjusted according to a weighting filter, indicated by the letter in parentheses
following dB (decibel). For example, dB(A) or dBA indicates A-weighted
sound pressure levels. This weighting de-emphasizes sounds at low and very
high frequencies in a way that approximates the sensitivity of the human ear
to sound at low pressure levels (Leventhall, 2011). C-weighting de-emphasizes
low frequency sound less than A-weighting, whereas G-weighting emphasizes
infrasound more than other frequencies. See Section 3.1.1 for a more detailed
discussion of sound measurement and weighting filters.
Epidemiology is the science that studies the patterns of diseases and factors
associated with outcomes in a population.
Exposure is the condition of being subjected to something (e.g., sound) that
could have a detrimental effect. In this report, the type of exposure is always
mentioned (e.g., exposure to wind turbine sound).
Frequency of sound is the number of pressure waves per second, measured in
Hertz (Hz). Frequency is perceived as tone or pitch, with higher frequencies
having a higher tone: Middle C is 261.6 Hz. The human ear is most sensitive
in the 2 kHz to 5 kHz range, which is roughly the range of the highest octave
on a piano. Sound at a single frequency is called a pure tone, whereas sound
composed of a wide range of frequencies is described as broadband.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1946).
Infrasound is sound at frequencies below 20 Hz; when physiological effects are
discussed, a lower bound of 1 Hz is often used (ANSI/ASA S1.1, 2013). Infrasound
is audible at high sound pressure levels, typically above 70 to 100 dB, with higher
thresholds at lower frequencies (Watanabe & Mller, 1990).
Latency period is the time period between exposure and development of disease.
Loudness refers to a persons subjective sound perception or magnitude of
resulting sensation when a sound impinges on the ear. By contrast, sound pressure
is an objective measure of the energy in a sound wave. Sound and noise are often
measured by sound pressure level, but this is not always a reliable indicator
of loudness how these sounds are perceived by people since loudness
is affected not only by sound pressure but also by personal physiological and
psychological factors.
Setback, in land use, is the distance that a building or structure is set back from
any place that is deemed to need protection; in the case of wind turbines, it is
distance to the closest building or residence. Setbacks are commonly used to
limit noise exposure and other hazards from wind turbines.
Sound is a pressure wave (oscillation) that travels through a medium such
as air (ANSI/ASA S1.1, 2013). Sound can also refer to an auditory sensation
evoked by the pressure wave.
Sound power level (LW) is a measure of sound produced at a source, in
contrast to the sound pressure level, which is measured at a receiver location. Both
are measured in decibels (dB), which represent power relative to a reference
value, on a logarithmic scale. The reference level (0 dB) for sound power is
1 10-12 W. Sound power is a characteristic of the source, used to predict the
propagation of sound in an environment (Crocker, 2007; Leventhall, 2011).
Sound pressure level (sound level; acoustic pressure; SPL; Lp) is an objective
measure of the amplitude of sound: the magnitude of fluctuations in pressure
around atmospheric pressure. The value at a given location depends on the
characteristics of the source, and the transmission of sound between the source
and the receiver, where the sound pressure level is measured. Sound pressure
levels are measured in decibels (dB), which represent pressure fluctuations in
Pascals (Pa), relative to a reference value, on a logarithmic scale. The reference
level (0 dB) for sound pressure is 20 Pa (2 10-5 Pa), which is close to the
human hearing threshold at a frequency of 1 kHz.
Stress is defined as conditions of a physical, biological, or psychological nature
that strain the adaptive capacity of a person up to or beyond his or her limits
(Welford, 1974; Gemmert & Van Galen, 1997).
Superior canal dehiscence is a health condition resulting from a loss of
bone that covers the superior canal of the vestibular system. It may allow
communication between the superior canal and the cranial cavity, which can
cause loss of air-conducted hearing in low and middle frequencies ( 2,000 Hz);
in some cases it can also increase the threshold of bone-conducted hearing,
which may increase sound sensitivity.
Wind energy facilities (e.g., wind energy projects, wind farms) consist of
multiple wind turbines in a defined geographic area, owned and operated to
generate electricity at utility scales, and connected to the main electrical grid.
Wind turbines, as used in this report, refer to modern utility-scale devices that
generate electricity from the kinetic energy of the wind. These typically consist
of three blades, each roughly 40 metres long or more, attached to a rotor and
horizontal nacelle, mounted on a tower roughly 80 metres tall or more, with
the blades spinning in front (upwind) of the tower. The focus of this report
is onshore turbines connected to an electricity grid; offshore wind turbines,
or smaller devices used to provide electricity to a single building, are outside
the scope of this report.
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Energy from Gas Hydrates: Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges for
Canada (2008)
Small Is Different: A Science Perspective on the Regulatory Challenges of the
Nanoscale (2008)
Influenza and the Role of Personal Protective Respiratory Equipment: An
Assessment of the Evidence (2007)
The State of Science and Technology in Canada (2006)
The assessments listed below are in the process of expert panel deliberation:
STEM Skills for the Future
The Potential for New and Emerging Technologies to Reduce the Environmental
Impacts of Oil Sands Development
RISK: Is the Message Getting Through?
Energy Use and Climate Change: A Synthesis of the Latest Evidence