Applying The Kingdom - Myles Munroe
Applying The Kingdom - Myles Munroe
Applying The Kingdom - Myles Munroe
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Scripture quotations are from the HOLY BIBLE , NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION
or drink; or ab out your b ody, what you will wear. Is not life more
imp ortant than food, and the b ody more imp ortant than clothes? So
do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we
drink? or What shall we wear? (Matthew 6:25,31).
Henry Arnold
voices pulling at you and identify those that are the most
important. The best way to minimize confusion is to get
into the habit of deciding beforehand how you will spend
your time each day. Personally, I plan out my time and
focus for each day the day before. I have found that
knowing where I am headed as I go into each day helps me
avoid unnecessary distractions along the way. You cant
give your time or attention to every competing voice, so
let your priorities help you zero in on those that are the
most important. Let the others go.
Coming full circle, then, we see that the key to success is
e ective use of time, and the key to e ective use of time is
correct priorities. The only way to spend your time
currency e ectively is to identify the correct priorities for
your life. If you do not know what you are supposed to do,
where you are supposed to go, or how you are going to get
there, you are in constant danger of abusing your currency
and allowing others to do the same. Take it from me,
nothing is more rewarding than to wake up in the morning
knowing exactly what to do and knowing that what you are
doing is right and correct.
Notice that I did not use the word good. Good is not
always right. Many times we end up abusing our currency
because we are distracted by good things that take the place
of right things, thereby causing us to be busy, but not
God is not impressed with busyness. The only way to
live e ectively is to use your time on the correct priorities
for your life. Some of your priorities may be good, but not
correct. It is important to learn the di erence. Time wasted
Cursed is the ground b ecause of you; through p ainful toil you will
eat of it all the days of your life. It will p roduce thorns and thistles
for you, and you will eat the p lants of the field. By the sweat of your
b row you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since
from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return
(Genesis 3:17-19).
9. Significance1
Maslow discovered that in every culture, the driving
priority was rst to acquire the basic things necessary for
survival, such as food, water, and shelter and protection
from the elements and predators. Until these fundamental
needs were secured and assured, nothing else mattered.
Once basic survival was no longer an issue, more focus was
given to the aesthetic needs of self-actualization and a
feeling of signi cance. Essentially, Maslow was correct: his
hierarchy of needs accurately identi es the progressive
motivations that drive human culture.
Man, in his never-ending struggle for survival and
signi cance, and separated in spirit from the God who
created him, invented religion as a vehicle in his attempt to
nd the lost kingdom state of rulership and control earths
resources to meet his needs. A careful study of all forms of
religion reveals that all religions are designed and built on
the promise of meeting needs. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam,
Judaism, Confucianism, Scientology, Bahai, Christian
Science, Spiritism, animism, humanismyou name it
they all, without exception, seek to draw followers by
promising to make their lives better, improve their
circumstances, give them some sense of control over their
environment, and o er answers to the questions of death
and the after life. To this list we must add institutional
ChristianityChristianity in its most rigid, regulated,
ritualistic, legalistic, and strati ed form, is a religion run
and controlled by men.
A second common characteristic of religion is that all
or drink, or ab out your b ody, what you will wear. Is not life more
imp ortant than food, and the b ody more imp ortant than clothes?
Look at the b irds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away
in b arns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much
more valuab le than they? Who of you b y worrying can add a single
hour to his life?
And why do you worry ab out clothes? See how the lilies of the eld
grow. They do not lab or or sp in. Yet I tell you that not even
Solomon in all his sp lendor was dressed like one of these. If that is
how God clothes the grass of the eld, which is here today and
tomorrow is thrown into the re, will he not much more clothe you,
O you of little faith? (Matthew 6:25-30)
Notice that the rst thing Jesus says is, Dont worry
about your life. Yet that is exactly what we do. Our days
are lled with worries about the very things Jesus said we
should not worry about: food, drink, clothingall the basic
necessities of life. Our every waking moment is lled with
thoughts and worries about how to get ahead and stay
In our world today most people approach life in one of
two ways: either they work to live or they live to work.
Jesus said that both approaches are wrong. He said, Is not
life more important than food, and the body more
important than clothes?
There is more to life than working, even to acquire basic
rst His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will b e
given to you as well. Therefore do not worry ab out tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry ab out itself. Each day has enough troub le of
its own (Matthew 6:31-34).
of God our one priority, all these other things that we have
spent our lives pursuing will turn around and pursue us!
They will chase us down! This is a fundamental principle
of the Kingdom of God.
Seek rst the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
things shall b e added to you (Matthew 6:33 NKJV).
said, No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the
one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money
(Matt. 6:24).
By our Manufacturers design, we are not equipped to
serve two masters. One will always take precedence over
the other. There is room in our hearts for one and only one
top priority, and Jesus said that top priority must be the
Kingdom of God. This is why He said we are to seek first
Gods Kingdom and righteousness.
The Kingdom of God is so vast that our pursuit of it will
ll us to capacity so that we have no room for other
priorities. It also will satisfy us so completely that we have
n o need of other priorities. All the priorities that we
recognize as essential or bene cial to life will be satis ed
when we set our hearts to seek rst the Kingdom of God.
This is His promise to us. But He requires our exclusive
allegiance. He demands from us our whole heart, our
undivided loyalty.
not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false
testimony, honor your father and mother. All these I have kep t
since I was a b oy, he said.
When Jesus heard this, He said to him, You still lack one thing. Sell
everything you have and give to the p oor, and you will have
The rich young ruler went away from Jesus sad because
the price of entering the Kingdom of God and gaining
treasure in Heaven was more than he was willing to pay.
This prompted Jesus to reiterate further to His followers
how to do.
Even more important, He wants us to seek and nd His
Kingdom. He gave us this promise: You will seek Me and
nd Me when you seek Me with all your heart (Jer. 29:13).
Finding God is the same as nding His Kingdom because
the two are inseparable. And Jesus assures us: Do not be
afraid, little ock, for your Father has been pleased to give
you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).
With these scriptural truths and assurances in mind, lets
take a closer look at our divine priority mandate, Seek
rst His kingdom and His righteousness. A mandate is a
command issued by a ruler. Jesus charge to us to seek rst
the Kingdom and righteousness of God is a command, not a
suggestion. If we claim to be His followers and call Him
Lord, we must obey Him. Otherwise, He is not our Lord,
we will never nd the Kingdom and never experience the
fulfillment of our life purpose.
7. Only righteous people will enter the Kingdom.
8. When we are justi ed in Christ, we receive a royal
pardon from the King.
9. The word righteous means right positioning, to be
in correct alignment with the ruling standard.
10. None of us are righteous.
11. Jesus came and died so we could enter the Kingdom.
1. Myles Munroe, Rediscovering the Kingdom: Ancient Hope
for Our 21st Century World, (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny
Image Publishers, Inc., in partnership with Diplomat
Press, Nassau, Bahamas, 2004.)
2. Myles Munroe, Kingdom Principles: Preparing for
Kingdom Experience and Expansion, (Shippensburg, PA:
Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., in partnership with
Diplomat Press, Nassau, Bahamas, 2006.)
laws and rights that will govern the nation. It spells out
what the government expects from the citizens and what
the citizens can expect from the government. Furthermore,
it speci es the penalties for violating the law as well as the
legal recourses available for those whose rights have been
violated to receive justice.
Like the nations of the earth, the Kingdom of God also
has a constitutionthe Bible. Unlike many earthly nations
where the people write the constitution, in the Kingdom of
God the King Himself wrote the constitution. In a kingdom,
the kings word is law. The citizens cannot debate it,
challenge it, or change it. So in relation to the Kingdom of
God, all of us stand either in alignment or out of alignment
with Kingdom law, the Word of God. We are either
righteous or unrighteous. It is a matter of positioning.
Righteousness means right positioning with the
government. It is when a person takes up citizenship in a
country and pledges to obey its laws. Those are simple
requirements. When Jesus said, Seek rst the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness, He was saying, Seek to
become a citizen of the Kingdom of God and then stay in
alignment with the governments law. If you do those two
thingscitizenship and obedience to the lawsthen
everything you need will be added to you. What could be
So, there are two priorities for us: Kingdom and
righteousness. Kingdom is the horizontal dimension that
it to us.
Righteousness is also the standard by which the King
dispenses judgment:
He will judge the world in righteousness; He will govern the p eop les
with justice (Psalm 9:8).
Alignment with God and His Word places you under His
protection. Living with integrity will build you a good
reputation that will hold you in good stead when you come
under attack from the unscrupulous. A wicked man,
however, eventually will be undone by his own
Notice that the Lord detests the way of the wicked. God
loves wicked people, but He hates their wicked ways. He
wants to change their hearts so they will pursue
righteousness instead of wickedness. Remember, all of us
once were wicked in Gods sight until we were transformed
through the blood of Christ, brought into right standing
with God, and made citizens of His Kingdom. Not only
does God love the righteous, He loves those who want to
do right. He will move Heaven and earth to help an honest
seeker of righteousness find it.
The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according
to the cleanness of my hands He has rewarded me. For I have kep t
the ways of the Lord; I have not done evil b y turning from my God.
All his laws are b efore me; I have not turned away from His
decrees. I have b een b lameless b efore Him and have kep t myself
from sin. The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness,
according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight (Psalm 18:2024).
Why does the Lord take care of us? Why does He give us
green pastures and quiet waters? Why does He restore our
soul and lead us in paths of righteousness? For the sake of
His name. For the sake of His reputation. He is saying to
us, Do right, please, so I can protect My Name. Do right,
so I can take care of you and show Myself to be a good and
benevolent King. Dont call me Lord and then not do what
I say. Let me show the world how a Kingdom citizen lives:
in peace, prosperity, abundance, and security.
Vindicate me in your righteousness, O Lord my God; do not let them
gloat over me (Psalm 35:24).
8. Holiness is a manifestation of righteousness.
9. The pursuit of righteousness is the fundamental
operating principle for citizens of the Kingdom of
10. Righteousness is its own reward.
11. Righteousness is not only personal but also
12. Righteousness brings reward and the link between
the two is obedience.
13. Righteousness is the solution to poverty.
14. 14. Righteousness guarantees that we will receive all
the rights that are ours under Kingdom law.
1.W. E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger, and William White, Jr.,
Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New
Testament Words, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,
1984, 1996), Old Testament section, 206.
thing. Money is a thing. All of these are just things, and our
pursuit of things is destroying us. Our obsession with
things is a hunger we will never satisfy. It will gnaw away
at us relentlessly so that the more we get, the hungrier we
become. As long as we pursue things, we will never know
true peace, contentment, or joy. Somehow we must be
delivered from our slavery to things. Deliverance is found
in only one place: in pursuit of the Kingdom and
righteousness of God.
It is a matter of exchanging one hunger for another. Our
hunger for things will never be satis ed. But Jesus said,
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be lled (Matt. 5:6). How hungry are you?
What are you hungry for? Is your hunger for the Kingdom
greater than your hunger for things? Do you thirst for
righteousness more than you thirst for material prosperity?
King David of Israel wrote, Delight yourself in the Lord and
He will give you the desires of your heart (Ps. 37:4). If the
Kingdom and righteousness of God are your chief desire
and delight, He will take care of everything else.
When Jesus said, Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness, He used in nitives, which mean
continuing action. If you say, Im hungry, or Im
thirsty, you are referring to a temporary condition that
will be satis ed once you have some food or drink. If,
however, you say, I hunger, or I thirst, you are
speaking of continuous desires: you continue to be hungry
and you continue to be thirsty.
Imagine being stranded in the desert under the baking
sun without food or water. After a couple of days (maybe
As the Son of God, Jesus was without sin and did not
need to be baptized for repentance of sin. And John clearly
recognized Jesus as being greater than he. Why then did
Jesus say, Let it be so now in order to ful ll all
righteousness? In essence, He was saying to John, This is
not a matter of greatness, but a matter of positioning.
According to the law of the Lord, you are the one with
authority on earth right now. I have to get under you. Its
not a matter of what you think or who I am, but a matter of
my positioning. I have to be in alignment with My Father,
and you, John, are the alignment. I have to get under you
in order for Me to be under Myself.
down from Heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who
understand, any who seek God. All have turned aside, they have
together b ecome corrup t; there is no one who does good, not even
one (Psalm 14:1-3).
that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not
counting mens sins against them. And He has committed to us the
message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christs amb assadors,
as though God were making His ap p eal through us. We imp lore you
on Christs b ehalf: Be reconciled to God. God made Him who had no
sin to b e sin for us, so that in Him we might b ecome the
righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
9. Righteous positioning, which is based on obedience,
is so important that it is the standard of measure in
the Kingdom of God.
10. Our righteousness comes from God.
11. Jesus Christ Himself is our righteousness.
12. When we become rightly positioned with the
government of God, He commissions us to spread
the word of His righteousness to others so they too
may become rightly positioned with Him.
foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the p rosp erity of the
wicked. They have no struggles; their b odies are healthy and strong.
They are free from the b urdens common to man; they are not
p lagued b y human illsThis is what the wicked are likealways
carefree, they increase in wealth. Surely in vain have I kep t my heart
p ure; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence. All day long I
have b een p lagued; I have b een p unished every morning (Psalm
73:2-5, 12-14).
generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he
has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under comp ulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is ab le to make all grace
ab ound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you
need, you will ab ound in every good workNow he who sup p lies
seed to the sower and b read for food will also sup p ly and increase
your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your
righteousness. You will b e made rich in every way so that you can
b e generous on every occasion(2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 10-11a).
What does this mean in practical terms? Simply this: if
you line yourself up with God in righteousness, He will
extend His scepter, He will direct His favor toward you
and things that youve worked all your life for He will give
you in two minutes. Thats the power of kingly authority.
Authority is better than work. In fact, authority can cancel
or override a lifetime of work. A king has authority over
his entire kingdom.
The Bible says that the way to get Gods authority to
work for us is by maintaining righteousness in our lives.
That is why Jesus told us to seek rst Gods Kingdom and
His righteousness and then everything would be added to
us. The righteousness must come before the addition. But
when God has decided to add the addition to you, nothing
in Heaven or on earth will keep Him from giving it to you.
God not only hears and answers the righteous when they
call, but He also delivers them from and through the
difficulties of life:
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them
from all their troub les. The Lord is close to the b rokenhearted and
saves those who are crushed in sp irit. A righteous man may have
many troub les, b ut the Lord delivers him from them all; He p rotects
all his b ones, not one of them will b e b roken. Evil will slay the
wicked; the foes of the righteous will b e condemned. The Lord
redeems His servants; no one will b e condemned who takes refuge
in Him (Psalm 34:17-22).
(Proverbs 13:21-22).
This is what the Sovereign Lord says: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a
tested stone, a p recious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one
who trusts will never b e dismayed. I will make justice the measuring
line and righteousness the p lumb line (Isaiah 28:16-17a).
books, and pad their invoices? They are after things. Why
does a drug dealer peddle his product to young kids and
get them addicted? He is after things.
The lure of things is so powerful that even many
Kingdom citizens who once were serious about their walk
with God and their righteous positioning have been
seduced by it. Once they could be seen at the church
building every time the doors were open, at worship, at
prayer meetings, at Bible study, participating in ministry
projects. Now, however, they are almost never around.
When you ask them why, they are always ready with an
excuse: Well, you know how it is. Times are tough. The
economy is on the ropes and Ive got to build my business.
I dont have time for church right now. Ive got to turn a
pro t. When I make a little more money, Ill come back
and bless God with a portion. Or, I have to work as
much overtime as I can get. We just bought a new car and I
have to make sure we can meet the payments. Or, I had
to take a second job because my regular job doesnt pay
enough, and with my new job I have to work on Sundays.
On the surface these may sound like reasonable
arguments, but in reality they take the exact opposite
position to Jesus when He said, Seek rst the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added
to you. These folks have gotten things topsy-turvy. They
have stopped seeking the Kingdom and righteousness and
begun working for the things that should be added. And in
so doing they move out of position and shut themselves o
from access to the blessings, benefits, favor, protection, and
promotion that belong by right to every Kingdom citizen.
The Kingdom of God works the same way (except that,
unlike many earthly governments, the King of Heaven is
not hesitant or reluctant to honor the rights of His citizens).
When you stand before God with the Kingdom constitution
in your hand and say, Thus says the constitution, the
King will back you up because He stands behind His Word,
His name, and His integrity. Access to the things of the
Kingdom is a matter of knowing and claiming your rights.
There is no begging involved. Simply keep your pipeline
cleanstay in positionand you can con dently expect
everything the King has promised.
things of the Kingdom of Heaven. Self-su ciency and selfe ort are the wrong keys. As we saw in the previous
chapter, disposition (Kingdom citizenship) and position
(righteousness) are the keys that will open that door. If you
want the Kingdom principle of addition to work for you,
make sure rst of all that you have become a Kingdom
citizen through the new birth by faith in Christ and, second
of all, that you are living in alignment with Kingdom law.
If those two things are in place, the King will add
everything else to your life.
The Kingdom principle of addition operates on
obedience: faithful observance of Kingdom law and clean
living. These are the same standards God has always
required of His people. Consider these words that Moses
spoke to the ancient Israelites:
You will again ob ey the Lord and follow all His commands I am
giving you today. Then the Lord your God will make you most
p rosp erous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your
womb , the young of your livestock and the crop s of your land. The
Lord will again delight in you and make you p rosp erous, just as He
delighted in your fathers, if you ob ey the Lord your God and keep
His commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law
and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul (Deuteronomy 30:8-10).
we must rst somehow break out of our traditional mindset that says that unless we sweat and labor and strive and
concentrate all our energy on our daily needs, they will not
be met. Maybe thats the way you feel. Perhaps you are
struggling with this whole idea of seeking rst the
Kingdom and righteousness of God and leaving everything
else to Him. All this does not mean that you dont work to
support your family; it means that you dont obsess over
meeting your needs. Instead, you seek to obey God in your
daily life and trust Him to provide as He has promised.
God wants to pay your bills. He knows you need food
and water and shelter. He wants you to have a nice house
that is suitable for your family. He wants you to have a car.
He wants you to have a bike. God wants to give you the
desires of your heart. As a matter of fact, He wants to ful ll
your highest dreams because He is the one who put those
dreams in your heart. What He does not want is for you to
put your dreams and desires ahead of Him. Thats why
Jesus says that all these things will be added to you.
But what exactly does added mean? When God adds to
your life it means:
1. Things will be attracted to you. They will be added
like a magnet.
2. Things will nd you. You wont have to chase them
or hunt them down.
3. Things will come to your life. They may appear
suddenly and unexpectedly and often from an
unexpected source or direction.
4. Things will come without stress. Some people are
the things we need and want and wonder why the Kingdom
of Heaven is not working for us. The answer is very
simple: the Kingdom does not operate on works; it operates
on favor. We cannot expect the Kingdoms provisions to
come our way until we learn to operate by the Kingdoms
4. Man was never designed to p ursue p ersonal p rovisions b ut the
influence of Heaven on earth.
God: Blessed shall you b e in the city, and b lessed shall you b e in
the country. Blessed shall b e the fruit of your b ody, the p roduce of
your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your
cattle and the o sp ring of your ocks. Blessed shall b e your b asket
and your kneading b owl. Blessed shall you b e when you come in,
and b lessed shall you b e when you go out (Deuteronomy 28:1-6
imp ortant than food, and the b ody more imp ortant than clothes?
Look at the b irds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away
in b arns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not
much more valuab le than they? Who of you b y worrying can add a
single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:25-27)
To drive home the point that it is needless to worry,
Jesus directs their attention to the birds. Birds do not sow
seed, they do not reap a harvest and they do not store up
food in a barn, and yet they never go hungry because God
feeds them. First, they do not sow. In other words, birds do
not work to live. They live to be birds. Second, they do not
reap. Birds do not collect a paycheck. They dont need to
because God has already given them everything they need
to ful ll their purpose of being birds. Third, they do not
store up. Birds do not hoard. They do not become obsessed
or stressed out over making sure they have enough for
tomorrow or next week or next year. They simply take
what they receive each day and are perfectly content. Have
you ever heard of a bird with heart trouble or high blood
pressure or cancer? I havent.
A bird doesnt try to be a horse. It doesnt try to be a sh
or a monkey or a human. A bird simply preoccupies itself
with being a bird. It has no desire to be anything else. It is
perfectly content to ful ll its purpose as a bird. God
created the bird to be that way and He gives the bird
everything it needs to be a bird. God created the tree in
which the bird builds its nest. He provided the twigs the
bird gathers to put in the nest as well as the cotton plants
from which the bird collects padding for its nest. God made
the leaves for shading the nest. And He made the wind that
enables the bird to fly to its nest and lay its eggs.
The bird has everything it needs to be a perfect bird, and
God takes care of it. However, if you climbed onto the roof
of your house and jumped o in an e ort to y, you would
culture of servanthood.
This woman was like all loving mothers; she wanted the
best for her boys. She wanted them to be great men, men of
authority in the Kingdom that Jesus was establishing. She
hoped to persuade Jesus to promote her sons to positions
of greatness and power. Her problem lay in the fact that
she approached the matter from the attitude and value
drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in. I needed clothes and
you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in p rison
and you came to visit Me (Matthew 25:34-36).
did not invite Me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe Me, I
was sick and in p rison and you did not look after Me.
They also will answer, Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty
or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in p rison and did not
help You?
He will rep ly, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one
of the least of these, you did not do for Me.
Then they will go away to eternal p unishment, b ut the righteous to
eternal life (Matthew 25:41-46).
with the same smile, the same love, and the same gentle
and patient spirit we would give to others in need who
were less di cult. After all, they too are created in the
image of God.
Our eyes need to be alert to spot the strangers around us.
I dont mean just people we dont know but also people
who are strangers in society, people who are socially
awkward or eccentric or painfully shy or lonely, people
who may simply need a friend. Its always easier to care for
people we know or like or who are most like us or who
come from the same side of the tracks or who walk in the
same socio-economic circles as we. But our calling as
Kingdom citizens is to serve anyone and everyone with a
need who crosses our path. We need to learn to regard such
encounters not as random and unconnected events but as
divine appointments providing us with the opportunity to
share the love of God and introduce another person to His
What about new people at work? Do you welcome the
new strangers in your o ce with a handshake and a
smile? Do you try to set them at ease and help them get
settled in or do you ignore them in resentment or fear that
their arrival may mean your own job is in jeopardy?
Feed the hungry, satisfy the thirsty, clothe the naked; all
of these evoke the image of people who lack the most basic
human needs. Jesus said that the poor are with us always
and that we can do something good for them anytime we
choose (see Mark 14:7). The problem is that most of the
time most of us choose to do nothing. Even worse, the
poor are so ever-present that even if we do not turn our
Rab b i, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God.
For no one could p erform the miraculous signs You are doing if God
were not with Him.
In rep ly Jesus declared, I tell you the truth, no one can see the
kingdom of God unless he is b orn again.
How can a man b e b orn when he is old? Nicodemus asked.
Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mothers womb to b e
b orn!
Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom
of God unless he is b orn of water and the Sp irit. Flesh gives b irth to
into citizenship.
OK, Nicodemus answered, but Im an old man. Do I
have to go back and be a baby again and enter a womans
womb and be born all over? Another logical question
because he had heard a logical answer. Nicodemus
understood Jesus reference to being born again as referring
to a natural birth, and he was correct. There are no illegal
immigrants in the Kingdom of God, and no illegitimate
children, either. Every Kingdom citizen is a bona de
native-born citizen.
But how can this be? Like Nicodemus, none of us can
reverse time, become babies again, and return to our
mothers womb for rebirth. If birth into the Kingdom of
God is a natural birth, how does it happen?
Jesus said, No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless
he is born of water and the Spirit. This is good news for
every one of us! No matter who or where we are, God has
made special governmental arrangements for us literally to
be born citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven legally. Flesh
gives birth to esh, He says. In the same way we were born
physically, the Spirit gives birth to spirit. Jesus says, I
have made arrangements for my country to give you a new
birth spiritually. Thats why He says we must be born
again. Hes talking about citizenship rights.
Natural citizenship is a result of natural birth. And so the
Kingdom of Heaven is a super natural otherworldly
Kingdom, which is why heavenly Kingdom citizenship
requires heavenly Kingdom spiritual birth. Jesus has made
arrangements for every one of us to be born spiritually and
to achieve supernatural citizenship in the Kingdom of God.
If you have not been born again, that is the step you
must take before you can become a Kingdom citizen and
receive eternal life. This is why Jesus came. He came not
only as the one who announced the coming of the
Kingdom, but also as the one through whom we gain
entrance to the Kingdom: For God so loved the world that
He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
Receiving the new birth is not a difficult process.
1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner in rebellion
against God: For all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).
2. Understand that the penalty for sin is eternal death:
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 6:23).
3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins so that
you might be forgiven: But God demonstrates His
own love for us in this: While we were still sinners,
Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).
4. Confess your sins to God: If we confess our sins, He
is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). To
confess your sins means to agree with God regarding
your sins.
5. Repent of your sins: Unless you repent, you too will
all perish (Luke 13:3). To repent means to make a
clean break with sin, a 180-degree reversal of
6. Confess Christ as your Savior and Lord and give
Him control of your life: If you confess with your
mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that
God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For
it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are
saved (Rom. 10:9-10).
pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it
comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born
of the Spirit. When you give your life or surrender your
life to the King and He gives you a new birth, no one sees
that. It may happen at an altar, in the back of a car, at
home, at school; wherever you receive Christ, the process
is invisible. The new birth involves believing, and no one
can see you believing. Belief, like conception, is invisible.
Sometimes the new birth is accompanied by a feeling
and sometimes it isnt. Everybody is di erent, so
everybodys response to the new birth will be di erent.
Feeling something is not the point. The point is that
spiritual conception took place and internal change is
underway. When a woman conceives, her clothes dont
change. She doesnt even realize until some time later that
something is going on.
The same thing happens spiritually. When youre born
again, you surrender to Christ. Some weeks later it
suddenly dawns on you that you dont enjoy sin anymore.
Thats change. Thats a sign of the new birth. You have
been born again. Thats why its impossible now for you to
sin and feel the same way about it as you once did.
In fact, sin eventually becomes a terror to you. Why?
Because that is not your nature anymore. Youve been born
from above. And your Kingdom citizenship began the
moment you were born again.
1. Unless you know how to get into the Kingdom of
Faith Ministries
The Diplomat Center
Carmichael Road
P.O. Box N-9583
Nassau, Bahamas
TEL: (242) 341-6444
FAX (242) 361-2260