Password Self Service
Password Self Service
Password Self Service
Configuration - AC10
GDay All,
Given the importance of Password Self Service and End User Logon, numerous posts out here in regards to its
configuration and problems, coupled with my own interest in it; I began scouring through all the blogs related
to these two topics and the result is as follows. I hope this will help you to some extent in understanding and
configuring PSS and EUL.
As usual please free to correct me, if I made any mistakes or if you would like to add anything to this document.
Connector Settings
Maintain Connector Settings: For each applicable system tick the PSS System Box
SPRO -> IMG -> GRC -> AC -> Maintain Connector Settings
Enabling End User Verification would require the end user to enter their password in order to login.
However if a user needs to request a new password (obviously they forgot the current one), it would be
a catch 22 situation as pointed out by Colleen further down in the document (comments section).
Disabling End User Verification would rectify this problem however that would raise a
security issue, where any user can login using someone elses user id and access their
home screen and raise requests etc. This isnt a huge problem as the request would go to
the email address registered against their user id but still can be frowned upon and should
be discouraged.
A good compromise would be to Disable End User Verification and activate Challenger
question (covered further down in the document). Even this has one potential downside to
it, which is, if the end user hasnt registered their answers against the questions then the
previous scenario would come into play again!!
So any suggestions from the seasoned community members here, who had to deal with this issue
would be very much appreciated!
* You can configure multiple data sources. Preference is set by giving a sequence number
* If you chose HR System as the authentication source, then maintain the PSS HR System settings.
User Maintenance
A shared User needs to be created and the same user details should be maintained in Web Services
(explained further in the document)
Create a Shared user in SU01
Should be of type communication with the following two roles:
A WF-Batch user needs to be created as well. The email to the end user is sent from the email address
configured against this user
Create WF-Batch user in SU01
Should be of type 'System'
You can configure the email address as '[email protected]' so end users do
not respond or email this address directly.
On the Logon Data tab, enter the shared user id, password (you created in SU01) and procedure
(Standard) -> Save
* Only the first 3 services might suffice if you are enabling just PSS however I've had some
problems (covered in the 'Errors' section) and enabling all 10 seem to address those issues, so if
you encounter any problems you might give this a go!!
If you would like to disable certain objects you can do so by adding the following line to end of the
web address in the URL window of the browser and press enter.
Following screen shows up. If you see Adapt Configuration on the top, right hand
corner; that means you are in config mode.
Enter your username and password, and log onto the system.
The End User Home screen appears.
To make a link invisible, right-click the link and select Settings for Current Configuration.
Select Invisible, Save the entry, and then close the browser.
The link is no longer available for end users. This is applicable for all end users.
User Access
You got to give the end user the URL address, User ID and Password so they can use those credentials
to login and raise a request. Once they login they can raise a request to reset their password. If request is
successful then the system sends them an email with a temporary password, which they need to change
upon their login. The password generated is a system generated one. The email received by the user looks
something like this:
Re-login Screen
When user clicks on one of the services in the Home Screen, it asks for username and password again!
Again same solution as above!!