Co Education

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Co-education means educating both genders boys and girls together in

an institute or in a class. Co education remained controversial issue in
Pakistan. In country like Pakistan there are two schools of thoughts for
co education. One is who are in the favour of co education and want to
introduce in all school and colleges. They say that this system is very
useful. They give many arguments in support of their views. Their main
argument is that in a poor and backward country like Pakistan it is
impossible to maintain separate institutions. Therefore, co-education
should be adopted and the existing colleges and schools should be
opened to girls. The supporters of co-education also say that in a
progressive society, men and women should come closer. Co-education
would provide an opportunity to the young men and women to
understand each other. This would be very helpful to them in their future
life. It would also be good for the progress of the country. Another
argument is that co-education would raise the standard of education,
because it will promote competition among boys and girls. In our society
where men and women must converge and interact while working, it is
aberrant to make schools which are not co-educational. Co-educational
schools are a stepping stone for all the students who aspire to contribute
to their society in future. To be able to achieve this it is important for
them to be confident around the opposite sex. Co-educational schools
prepare students to succeed in post-secondary education where it is
inevitable to not interact with the opposite sex. Studies have shown that
having separate schools for girls and boys doesnt improve their
academic skills therefore the advantages of having co-educational
schools surpass the idea of having separate schools for boys and girls.
But everything has its disadvantages too. Temptation increases toward
opposite gender. Co-education will create many problems not only for
the students but also for teachers. Temptation does not distinguish

between the students and the teacher. The real reason why some people
support co-education is that they like western culture. They want to be
more English than English because west has co-education so they must
have it.
But we have to consider whether our religion, our culture and our
circumstances allow us to adopt co-education...? I can say that they
certainly not allow us to adopt such system. If co-education is inevitable
one would agree to it. But it is not a necessary evil. And there is no
reason that we should patronize everything with foreign name. If it is
necessary we should adopt it only at elementary level while at secondary
level and higher secondary level there should be separate system of
education. By adopting this system at secondary and higher secondary
level we will only be able to promote vulgarity in our society.
Co-education will create many problems not only for students but also
for the teachers. Temptation dose not distinguish between the students.
The real reason why some people support co-education is that they like
western culture. They want to be more English then the English because
the west has co-education; they must have it, too. But we have consider
whether our religion, our culture, our circumstances allow us to adopt
co-education certainly not.
2nd conclusion
But certain conservative people criticize the system of co-education.
According to them, this system is against our religion and Islamic
traditions. They also fear that co-education will develop immoral
relations between boys and girls. Their fears are true but some proper
arrangements should be made by the government to make it possible to
impart education to the girls and boys in separate institutions special
attention should be paid to the education for girls at college, and

university level. So that no girl should be deprived of the right of
acquiring higher education if she likes.

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