Course Outline Entrepreneurship

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MBA (Exe).

Credit Hours


16 Weeks / 32 sessions


Introduction to Business

Resource Person

Aysha Qayyum

Counselling timings

By Appointment


[email protected]

Course Introduction:
Can entrepreneurship be learned? Research suggests that successful entrepreneurs c
ombine keen intuition, drive and persistence with intelligent business planning and actio
n. This course examines the fundamentals of entrepreneurial success - such as person
al characteristics, opportunity identification, and new venture development - along with s
pecial contexts for entrepreneurial action. It requires that students apply business kno
w-how, developed earlier in the program and through experience, to develop a busines
s plan.
Course Objectives:
Active participation in the course will enable students to:

Appreciate and understand the spirit, challenges, and rewards of entrepreneurship.

Understand the sources of new venture opportunity.
Effectively assess entrepreneurial opportunities and build the required business plan
to reach
entrepreneurial goals.
Understand special issues facing entrepreneurs and unique contexts for business ve
Practice and improve skills in negotiating required for a new venture.
Gain exposure to resources available for entrepreneurs.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
Understand the basics of Entrepreneurship and its applications.
Apply entrepreneurial skills and tools specifically needed for entrepreneurial vent
To create case studies at your own on Entrepreneurs in local market.
To create Newspaper articles on topics related to Entrepreneurship by publishing
articles in Leading Newspapers of Pakistan.
Recognize contents of entrepreneurial process and the business plan.
Develop the ability to generate and assess new venture ideas.
Estimate value of entrepreneurial ventures.
Develop and understand marketing plan, production plan, HR plan, Financial Pla
n, Legal form of new venture, Intellectual Property.
Apply theory, concepts and ideas for new venture.
Understand practical small business operational issues such as taxation, liabilitie
s, governmental authorities and departments.

Case studies and Team Presentations:

Students will be assigned cases dealing with an entrepreneurial or small business probl
em. A list of questions will be provided with some of the cases. Students are to respond
to the questions in both analytical and narrative form. Afterwards students are supposed
to create case studies on entrepreneurs in local market.
Team Presentation
Students will have to form teams/ groups of 3 to 4 members for the presentation of proje
cts assigned to them. The team will present the project on due date using a power point
presentation and it should be properly rehearsed and should be of professional quality.
Hard copy of the project should be provided to teacher before class.
Violation of Academic Honesty Policy:
If I received two cases / assignments that are identical in this case students will receive
a zero. If you violate the Academic Honesty policy for a second time, you will receive a f
ailing grade for the course. Late assignments will not be accepted. You must turn in a
ssignments at the beginning of the lecture on the due day. In rare cases late assignment
s would be accepted with marks deduction.
Instructors Expectations
100% attention, critical & analytical thinking, and hard work are expected from all course
participants throughout the course. No one is allowed to enter in the class after 20 minut
es of the start of the lecture, after 20 minutes Absent will be marked, no one is allowed t
o go outside without permission once the lecture started.
Minimizing disruptions: All Cell Phones & Laptops should be turned off during class
(unless required for use in a class activity) . You should avoid engaging in side conversa
tions after class has begun.
Being prepared for class: You should be ready to discuss any assigned readings and t
o answer any assigned questions for each days class, including being ready to open a
case assigned for that day.
Respect: You should act respectfully toward all class participants.
Grade Distribution
Class Participation
Project & Presentation
Mid Term Exam
Final Exam


10 %
10 %
20 %
20 %
30 %

Total Points

100 %

Students are expected to attend all sessions and read the assigned material and cases i
n advance of class (although not necessarily with perfect comprehension). Advance pre
paration and class participation are crucial for periods in which we discuss cases. Multi
media applications will be used extensively for conducting lectures.
Academic Integrity
This course seeks to empower students for independent learning, resourcefulness, clea
r thinking, and perception. All submitted work and activities should be genuine reflection
s of individual achievement from which the student should derive personal satisfaction a
nd a sense of accomplishment. Students must avoid Plagiarism and cheating. The instr
uctor reserves the right to utilize electronic means to help prevent plagiarism.
I will be updating the portal frequently for assigned readings, cases, assignments, quiz d
ays. Emails will be used to communicate for urgent matters.
Texts and References:
1. Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 3e, Bruce R.Barringer,
R.Duane Ireland
2. Entrepreneurship, 6e, Donald Kuratko, Richard Hodgettes
3. Entrepreneurship, 2e, Robert Baron, Scott Shane
Course Contents
Week no.
Week 01-02

Week 03

Topics being Covered

History and Theories
Chapter: 01, Barringer
Myths and Definitions
Entrepreneurial School of thought
Entrepreneurs Vs Managers
Entrepreneurial Process
Integrative Model of Entrepreneuri
al Inputs and outcomes:
Chapter: 02, Barringer
External Factors
Internal Factors
Entrepreneurial Intensity and Outco

Week 04

Week 05

Week 06

Week 07

Week 08
Week 09

Entrepreneurial Assessment
Effects of Entrepreneurship
21st Century Trends in Entrepreneur
Recognizing Opportunities & Gen
erating Ideas:
Chapter: 02, Barringer
Opportunity and Ways to Identify Op
New Vs Established Firms
Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Techniques for generating ideas
Product & Service Concepts
Feasibility Analysis:
Chapter: 03, Barringer
Feasibility Analysis and its forms
(Topics from Chaper:08 and Chapter:10,
Industry/Target Market Feasibility An Barringer)
Organizational Feasibility Analysis
Management Prowess
Resource Sufficiency
Financial Feasibility Analysis
Introduction to Financial Manageme
Importance of getting Financing or F
Writing a Business Plan:
Business plan and its purpose
Chapter: 04, Barringer
Guidelines for Writing a business pla
Outline of Business plan
Presenting Business plan to investor
Blue Ocean Strategy (Article)
Industry and Competitor Analysis: Chapter: 05, Barringer
Industry Analysis and its Importance
Three Key Questions
Industry Trends
Five Competitive forces model and it
s application
Competitor Analysis
Sources of Competitive Intelligence
Mid Term Exams
Developing an Effective business Chapter: 06, Barringer
Business Model and its importance

Components of Effective Business M

Week 10

Potential Flaws in business model

Core Strategy and Strategic resourc
Customer Interface

Week 11

Preparing Proper legal and Ethical Chapter:07, Barringer

Initial Ethical and Legal Issues
Types of Legal forms of a business
Sole Proprietorship
Corporations and its types
Limited Liability Company

Week 12

The importance of intellectual proper

Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights

Week 13

Managing and Growing an Entrepr

eneurial Firm
Chapter: 11, Barringer
Key Marketing issues for new ventur
Marketing Research
Product Pricing and Market Entry
Product Promotion
Market Segmentation and Targeting
4Ps of Marketing for New Ventures
Building a New Venture Team
Strategies for Firm Growth:
Chapter 14; Barringer
Internal Growth Strategies
Advantages & Disadvantages
New Product Development
Other Product Related Strategies
International Expansion

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Chapter: 06, Barringer

(Selected Topics from Chapter:12, Barri


External Growth Strategies

Chapter 14; Barringer
Advantages & Disadvantages
Merger & Acquisition
Alliances & Joint Ventures
Stages of Growth Model
Contemporary issues in Entrepren Instructor Discretion

Selected topics
Week 17

Final-Term Exams

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