09 - Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

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Principles of


Prepared by: Mohammad Farid, MA, MPA

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Sow a thought, reap an action!

Sow an action, reap a habit!

Sow a habit, reap a character!

Sow a character, reap a destiny!

Samuel Smiles

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
´ Like the top of a tree, PERSONALITY is what people
see first.

´ Although image, techniques and skills can influence

our success, the real source of lasting effectiveness
lies in strong CHARACTER, the roots.

´ Our first energies should go to our character

development, which is often invisible to others like
the roots that sustain great trees.

´ As we cultivate the roots, we will begin to see the


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

´ We experience PRIVATE VICTORY when we learn self-
mastery and self-discipline.

´ We reap the PUBLIC VICTORY when we build deep,

lasting, highly effective relationship with others.

´ PARADIGM is the way we see, understand and

interpret the world; our mental map.

´ If you want small changes work on your behavior, if

you want quantum-leap changes, work on your
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
´ Habit is a combination of
knowledge, skill and desire.
´ Effective habits are based on
true principles.
´ Principle is a natural law or
´ a fundamental truth.
´ Effective habits bring positive
´ Paradigms change habits.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

# Habit
1 Be proactive (personal choice)
2 Begin with the end in mind (personal vision)
3 Put first things first (integrity and execution)
4 Think win-win (mutual benefit)
Seek first to understand, then to be
understood (mutual understanding)
6 Synergize (creative cooperation)
7 Sharpen the saw (balanced self-renewal)

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers




The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Habit Principle Paradigm Behavior Result
#1 of (See) (Do) (Get)
Be I am free to Infective: I am a - Pause and - Increased
proactive choose & product of my respond influence.
(habit of am circumstances. based on
personal responsible principle. - More self-
choice). for my Effective: I am a awareness.
choice product of my -Use
choices. proactive -Greater
language. initiative.

- Become a - Becoming
transition the creative
person. force of your

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Habit # 1: Be Proactive
• Reactive Behavior: Reactive people allow outside
influences (moods, feelings, circumstances) to control
their response.

• Proactive Behavior: Proactive people pause to allow

themselves the freedom to choose their response
based on principles and desired results.

• Their freedom to choose expands as they wisely use

the space between STIMULUS and RESPONSE.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Distance between Stimulus & Response


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Distance between Stimulus & Response

• Stop and Pause: Understand why you feel the way you do.
• Think: Make decisions based on your principles & beliefs.
• Do: Act upon your proactive choice.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
The Four Human Endowments
•Self-Awareness: It enables us to examine our paradigms, to
think about our thoughts, and to enlarge the separation between
stimulus and response.
•Imagination: It empowers us to create beyond our present
reality, to set plans, goals, and to visualize ourselves achieving
our missions in the most challenging circumstances.
•Conscience: It puts us in touch with something within us even
deeper than our thoughts and something outside us more reliable
than our values.
•Independent Will: It is our capacity to act, the power to
transcend our paradigms, to act based on principles rather than
reacting based on emotions, moods, or circumstances. 13

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Proactive Language Reactive Language

------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
• Let's look at our alternatives. • There's nothing I can do.
• I can choose a different • That's just the way I am.
approach. • He makes me so mad.
• I control my own feelings. • They won't allow that.
• I will choose an appropriate • I have to do that.
response. • I can't.
• I choose. • I must.
• I prefer. • If only.
• I will.

Albert Einstein: There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing
is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Circle of Concern vs. Circle of Influence
• Proactive Focus
When people focus on things Circle of
Concern (69%)
they can influence, they expand
Circle of
their knowledge and experience,
and they build trustworthiness. (31%)

As a result, their circle of

influence grows.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Circle of Concern vs. Circle of Influence
• Reactive Focus Circle of
Concern (69%)
When people focus on things
they cannot control, they Circle of
have less time and energy (31%)
to spend on things they can
Influence. Consequently, their circle
of influence shrinks.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Habit Principle Paradigm Behavior Result
#2 of (See) (Do) (Get)
Begin Mental Ineffective: I live - Envision - A clear
with the creation by default (lack outcomes definition of
end in precedes of alternative). before you desired
mind physical act. results.
(habit of creation. Effective: I live by - Create and - A clear sense
personal design (on live by a of meaning
vision) purpose). Personal and purpose.
Mission - Criteria for
Statement. deciding what
is or is not
- Improved


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

• All things are created twice. First is the mental
creation; second is the physical creation or work.
• Highly effective people clearly see the outcome they
want in every area of life before they act.
Mental Creation Physical Creation
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------

- A clear agenda & objective - A productive meeting

- Extensive market research - A successful new product
- A personal mission statement - A life of contribution

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Habit Paradigm Behavior Result
Principle of
#3 (See) (Do) (Get)
Put first Effectiveness Ineffective: I - Focus on top - Increased
things first requires the put urgent priorities. organization &
(the habit integrity to things first. - Eliminate the productivity.
of integrity act on your unimportant. - Fewer crises.
& priorities. Effective: I put - Plan daily and - A reputation
execution) important weekly. for follow-
things first. through.
- More life
balance and
peace of


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Clock vs. Compass
• Although both are important, the compass must
come before the clock, because where you are headed
is more important than how fast you’re getting there.
• The clock represents your appointments, schedules,
and activities (efficiency, urgent things) – how you
manage your time.
• The compass represents your mission, direction, and
values (effectiveness, important things) – what you
feel matters most.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Important vs. Urgent
• Important activities represent your values, mission and high
priority goals. Urgent activities that require immediate attention.

Urgent Not Urgent


II Effectiveness
Crises Preparation, planning,
Pressing problems Prevention, re-creation,
Deadline-driven projects, Relationship building,
Meetings, reports Recognizing new opportunities

Not Important

Deception Waste & Excess

Interruptions, some calls Trivia, busy work
Some mail, some reports Some mail
Some meetings Some phone calls
Proximate, pressing matters Time wasters
Popular activities Pleasant activities

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Habit Principle Paradigm Behavior Result
#4 of (See) (Do) (Get)
Think win- Effective, Ineffective: There - Balance - Faster
win (the long-term is only so much, courage* and solutions to
habit of relationships and the more you consideration* problems.
mutual require get, the less there - Seek mutual - More team
benefit) mutual is for me. benefit. involvement.
respect and - Create win- - Generosity
mutual Effective: There is win of spirit.
benefit plenty out there agreements. - Rich
for every one, and - Build win-win relationships.
more to spare. systems.

*Courage: Willingness and ability to speak your thoughts and feelings.

*Consideration:Willingness and ability to speak and listen to others’
thoughts and feelings with respect.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Six Paradigms of Human Interaction

´ 1) Win-win: Let’s find a solution that works for both of us.
´ Characteristics
« Seek mutual benefit
« Is cooperative, not competitive.
« Listens more, stays in communication longer, and communicates
with more courage.
´ 2) Win-lose: I am going to beat you not matter what.
´ Characteristics
« Is very common for most people.
« Is the authoritarian approach.
« Uses position, power, credentials, possessions, or personality to win.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Six Paradigms of Human Interaction

´ 3) Lose-win: I always get stepped on.
´ Characteristics
« Voices no standards, no demands, no expectations of any one else.
« Is quick to please and appease.
« Buries a lot of feelings.
´ 4) Lose-lose: If I am going down, you’re going down with me.
´ Characteristics
« Is the mindset of a highly dependent person.
« Is a no-win, because no body benefits.
« Is a long-term result of win-lose or win.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Six Paradigms of Human Interaction
´ 5) Win: As long as I win, I don’t care if you win or lose.
´ Characteristics
« Is self-centered.
« Thinks me-first.
« Doesn’t really care if the other person wins or loses.
´ 6) Win-win or No Deal: Let’s find a solution that works for both
of us or let’s not play.
´ Characteristics
« Allows each party to say no.
« Is the most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or business deal.
« Is the highest form of win-win.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Habit Paradigm Behavior Result
Principle of
#5 (See) (Do) (Get)
Seek first To Ineffective: I - Diagnose - Greater
to communicate listen with the before you influence with
understand effectively, intent to reply. prescribe. others.
then to be we must first - Listen - Solutions to
understood understand Effective: I empathically. complex
(the habit each other. listen with the - Seek to be problems.
of mutual intent to understood - Clarity on
understand understand. from the real issues.
-ing) others - Faster
perspective. problem

“Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.” American Proverb

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

When we Words you use

face-to-face about
our likes and How you
say words,
dislikes, our body
tone of
language, tone of voice, style Facial expression,
voice, and body language
more loudly that
the words we use.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Habit Principle Paradigm Behavior Result

#6 of (See) (Do) (Get)
Synergize The whole Ineffective: It - Value and - Innovation
(the habit of is greater is either your celebrate the and invention.
creative that the way or my differences. - New and
cooperation) sum of its way, or a - Practice better
parts. compromise. creative solutions.
cooperation. - Transformed
Effective: relationships.
Together we - Appreciation
can create a of diverse
better way, a perspective.
higher way.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

Synergy is when two or more people:

•Produce more together than the sum of what they
could produce separately.

•Use their differences to produce something that

neither one could have produced alone.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

People who value difference:
´ Act with courage and consideration.

´ Do not prejudge others.

´ Discuss conflicts privately with the person involved.

´ Are direct and honest.

´ Desire success for others.

´ Have a strong self-image.

´ Enjoy the rewards of hard work.

´ Make sure their words and actions show respect for

all team members.
´ Listen to understand.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Habit Principle Paradigm Behavior Result
#7 of (See) (Do) (Get)
Sharpen To maintain Ineffective: I - Renew - Improved
the saw and increase focus only on regularly in capacity.
(the habit effectiveness, getting the the four - Stronger
of renewal) we must golden eggs. dimensions relationships.
renew (physical, - Greater
ourselves in Effective: I mental, reserves.
body, heart, nurture the social/emo- - Continuous
mind and goose that lays tional, improvement.
soul. golden eggs spiritual).
(Production & - Be strong in
Production the hard
Capacity) moments.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

The Story of Goose and the Golden Egg
A man and his wife had the good fortune to
possess a goose that laid a golden egg every
day. Lucky though they were, they soon
began to think they were not getting rich fast
enough, and imagining the bird must be
made of gold inside, they decided to kill it in
order to secure the whole store of precious
metal at once.
But when they cut it open they found it was
just like any other goose. Thus, they neither
got rich all at once, as they had hoped, nor
enjoyed any longer the daily addition to their
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Exercise, Nutrition
Stress Management

Renew Social/Emotional
Reading, Visualizing regularly in Service, Empathy
Planning, Writing the Four Synergy, Essential Security

Value Clarification
& Commitment, Study
& Meditation

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

“The single most powerful investment we can ever

make in life is investment in ourselves, in the only
instrument we have with which to deal with life and to
Stephen R. Covey


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