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Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets: A Longitudinal Study of Industry and Firm Performance

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Organization Science


Vol. 16, No. 1, JanuaryFebruary 2005, pp. 5270

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  05  1601  0052

doi 10.1287/orsc.1040.0100

Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets:

A Longitudinal Study of Industry and Firm Performance
Frank T. Rothaermel

College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30308-0520,

[email protected]

Charles W. L. Hill

Department of Management and Organization, Business School, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-3200,
[email protected]

e suggest that the type of complementary assets (generic versus specialized) needed to commercialize a new technology is critical in determining the industry- and rm-level performance implications of a competence-destroying
technological discontinuity. At the industry level, we hypothesize that incumbent industry performance declines if the
new technology can be commercialized through generic complementary assets, whereas incumbent industry performance
improves if the new technology can be commercialized through specialized complementary assets. At the rm level, we
posit that an incumbent rms nancial strength has a stronger positive impact on rm performance in the postdiscontinuity
time period if the new technology can be commercialized through generic complementary assets. We hypothesize, however,
that an incumbent rms R&D capability has a stronger positive impact on rm performance in the postdiscontinuity time
period if the new technology can be commercialized through specialized complementary assets. Drawing on multi-industry,
time series, and panel data over a 26-year period to analyze pre- and postdiscontinuity industry and rm performance, we
nd broad support for our theoretical model.
Key words: technological discontinuities; complementary assets; incumbent industry and rm performance heterogeneity;
time series and panel data analyses

In one of the most inuential works in economics

during the twentieth century, Joseph Schumpeter (1942)
posited that the process of Creative Destruction is the
essential fact about capitalism    it is not [price] competition which counts but the competition from    new
technology    competition which strikes not at the margins of prots of existing rms but at their foundations
and their very lives (pp. 8384). Schumpeter argued that
new technologies create new market opportunities while
simultaneously damaging or destroying demand in many
existing markets. Moreover, incumbent rms often experience great difculty adapting to the changes brought
about by a new technology. When confronted with a technological discontinuity, incumbent rms often succumb
to internal inertia and suffer years of severe nancial dislocation, or even go out of business (Foster 1986).
Prior empirical research has generated important
insights and advanced our understanding of the dynamics of technological change (Christensen 1997, Tripsas
1997, Tushman and Anderson 1986), yet this research
has focused primarily on incumbent rms as a group,
neglecting to inquire into rm-level heterogeneity.
Appreciating rm-level heterogeneity is necessary to
more fully understand rm competitive advantage
(Barney 1991), especially in highly dynamic environments (Teece et al. 1997, Thomas 1996). To present a

more complete picture of a technological discontinuitys

impact on incumbent performance, we attempt to generate theory at both the industry and the rm level of
Herein, we focus on industry- and rm-level performance implications of technological discontinuities
that destroy the upstream competencies of incumbents
(Tushman and Anderson 1986), but whose impact on the
downstream competencies exhibits important variation
(Abernathy and Clark 1985). Following Teece (1986),
we suggest that the type of complementary assets necessary to commercialize the new technology is likely to be
paramount in determining the performance consequences
for incumbent rms. We argue that incumbent industry
performance declines if the complementary assets necessary to commercialize the new technology are generic
(these are commodity-type assets that can be transacted
for in the open market). On the ip side, we suggest that
incumbent industry performance improves if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology are specialized (these are unique assets that are
critical to the commercialization of an innovation).
At the rm level of analysis, we identify an incumbents nancial strength and R&D capability as two factors that are pertinent in determining postdiscontinuity
performance differentials. In particular, we hypothesize

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

that an incumbents nancial strength has a stronger

positive impact on rm performance if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology
are generic. By contrast, we suggest that the impact of
an incumbent rms R&D capability on incumbent rm
performance has an opposite effect; accordingly, incumbent R&D capability has a stronger positive impact
on incumbent rm performance if the complementary
assets needed to commercialize the new technology are
Taken together, we strive (a) to understand the differential performance impact of a technological discontinuity on incumbent rms as a group through an
industry-level analysis, and (b) to account for rm heterogeneity in incumbent performance following a technological discontinuity through a rm-level analysis. To
test our hypotheses, we draw a sample of incumbent
rms from four industries that have each experienced
a technological discontinuity. In each case, we employ
time series and panel data covering a 26-year time period
to test our hypotheses. The results at both the industry
and rm levels of analysis are broadly consistent with
our theoretical arguments.

Theory and Hypotheses Development

Technological Discontinuities and
Complementary Assets
To focus our analysis, we build on the denition of a
technological discontinuity put forth in the seminal work
by Tushman and Anderson (1986), where a technological discontinuity is dened as representing technical
advance so signicant that no increase in scale, efciency, or design can make older technologies competitive with the new technology. Product discontinuities are
reected in the emergence of new product classes, or
in fundamental product improvements. Process discontinuities are reected in either process substitution or in
process innovations that result in radical improvements
in industry-specic dimensions of merit (p. 441). One
of Tushman and Andersons contributions was to categorize different types of discontinuities based on their
impact on the technological competencies of incumbent
rms. They suggested that technological discontinuities can be classied as either competence-destroying,
[which] require new skills, abilities and knowledge in
both the development and production of the product
or competence-enhancing, [which] build on existing
know-how within a product class    [and] do not render
obsolete skills required to master the old technology
(p. 442, italics in original).
In this study, we focus on competence-destroying
technological discontinuities. Our point of departure lies
in the assumption that the upstream competencies of
incumbent rms are destroyed by the emergence of a
new technology. Building on the work by Abernathy


and Clark (1985), we argue, however, that the impact of

a technological discontinuity on industry and rm performance can only be understood when we take into
consideration the links between all competencies necessary to successfully commercialize a new technology.
Successful innovation not only requires competencies in
upstream R&D, but also in downstream market-related
activities. In particular, we argue that the performance
implications of a technological discontinuity for incumbents are determined in part by the impact of the discontinuity on downstream, complementary assets needed
to commercialize the new technology. Hence, we suggest that the impact of a technological discontinuity on
nontechnological competencies is critical in determining
incumbent performance.
Teece (1986) highlighted the importance of complementary assets in understanding the performance implications of a new technology when he examined the
reason why many innovators were unable to capture
the economic rents owing from their innovations. He
argued that the commercialization of an innovation
requires that the know-how in question be utilized in
conjunction with other capabilities or assets. Services
such as marketing, competitive manufacturing, and aftersales support are almost always needed. These services
are obtained from complementary assets, which are specialized (p. 288). The commercialization of the CAT
scanner provides a compelling example: The innovator,
EMI, lost to the follower, GE Medical Systems, because
of a lack of specialized complementary assets.
In his conceptual framework, Teece (1986, p. 289)
differentiated between three different types of complementary assets: generic, specialized, and cospecialized.
Complementary assets that are generic need not be
adjusted to the innovation, because they can frequently
be contracted for in the market on competitive terms.
General purpose manufacturing equipment falls into
this category. Specialized complementary assets exhibit
unilateral dependence between the innovation and the
complementary assets, and cospecialized complementary
assets are characterized by a bilateral dependence. GE
Medical Systemss stellar reputation for quality and
service in hospital equipment is considered a specialized complementary asset, whereas specialized repair
facilities for Mazdas rotary engine would be a cospecialized complementary asset. Because the distinction
between unilateral and bilateral dependence of the complementary assets and the innovation in question is not
critical to our analysis, we use the term specialized
complementary assets to denote both specialized and
cospecialized complementary assets. Specialized complementary assets are frequently built over long periods
of time, and thus are path dependent and often idiosyncratic (Teece et al. 1997). These resources are generally
valuable and difcult to imitate and can therefore be a
source of competitive advantage (Barney 1991).


Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Industry-Level Hypotheses
Competence-destroying technological discontinuities
are generally initiated by new entrants; they tend
to be favored over incumbents, frequently triggering a Schumperterian process of creative destruction
(Tushman and Anderson 1986). The demise of the
incumbent industry appears to be particularly salient
if the complementary assets needed to commercialize
the new technology are generic. In this scenario, new
entrants are able to either build the necessary complementary assets internally or contract for them in the
market on competitive terms. Incumbents, often hamstrung by inadequate innovation processes and systems
(Dougherty and Hardy 1996), have little of value to offer
to new entrants. New entrants, however, have a strong
incentive to operate alone in order to capture monopoly
rents accruing from the successful commercialization of
the new technology (Hill 1992).
Examples of this process are numerous and have
been well documented (Foster 1986). For example, the
transitions from vacuum tubes to transistors, and then
from transistors to semiconductors, were accompanied
in each wave by a complete turnover in industry leadership. More recently, the emergence of electronic calculators destroyed the entire set of competencies held
by incumbents within the electromechanical paradigm.
In particular, electronic calculators devalued both the
upstream technological competencies and the downstream complementary competencies of manufacturers
of electromechanical calculators (Majumdar 1982). The
more reliable electronic calculators did not need to
be serviced and could be distributed through general
ofce equipment retailers. Thus, if the commercialization of a competence-destroying technological discontinuity is possible through generic complementary assets,
we expect the performance of the incumbent rms as a
group to decline.
Hypothesis 1. Following a competence-destroying
technological discontinuity, the performance of the incumbent industry declines if the complementary assets
needed to commercialize the new technology are generic.
Not all technological discontinuities necessarily lead
to the decline of incumbents accompanied by the rise
of new entrants to dominance. By drawing on examples from the automobile industry, Abernathy and Clark
(1985) argued that low transilience innovationsi.e.,
innovations that only affect either upstream or downstream competencies of incumbents, but not bothwill
not lead to the displacement of incumbents by new
entrants. As emphasized above, Teece (1986) highlighted
the importance of complementary assets as a critical
factor in determining who benets from innovation. In
illustration, Mitchell (1989) found that the possession of
specialized complementary assets enhanced the probability that incumbents in the medical diagnostic imaging industry would enter a newly emerging subeld;

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

in fact, the greater the incumbents specialized complementary assets, the faster the entry would be. More
recently, Tripsas (1997), in her study of the typesetter
industry, showed that incumbents may be buffered from
the negative effects of technological discontinuities if
they possess specialized complementary assets.
A technological discontinuity that destroys upstream
competencies of incumbents may simultaneously enhance the value of their downstream complementary
assets if the complementary assets necessary to commercialize the new technology are specialized. This effect
is particularly pronounced in a regime of weak intellectual property protection because specialized complementary assets may allow incumbents to appropriate innovation rents from new entrants (Teece 1986). Frequently, a
specialization-based division of labor occurs, where new
entrants focus on the upstream, technological competencies and incumbent rms focus on the downstream, complementary assets. Such a scenario nds its expression
in extensive interrm cooperation between new entrants
and incumbents. Some observers have suggested that a
competence-destroying technological discontinuity that
simultaneously enhances the specialized complementary
assets of incumbents may lead to a symbiotic coexistence that may benet both new entrants and incumbents
(Pisano 1991, Rothaermel 2000). Although incumbents
and new entrants cooperate to create value, they also
simultaneously compete to divide up the value created
(Brandenburger and Nalebuff 1996). Here, incumbents
who possess specialized complementary assets necessary
to commercialize the new technology are frequently in
a stronger bargaining position to appropriate the joint
value created (Lerner and Merges 1998, Teece 1992).
Thus, we argue that the apparently adverse effect of a
competence-destroying technological discontinuity may
actually have a positive impact on incumbent industry
performance if the complementary assets necessary to
commercialize the new technology are specialized. If
the technological discontinuity merely devalues R&D
and production activities, the challenge faced by incumbent rms is less severe. Moreover, if the marketing
and sales activities of incumbents are largely unaffected
by the change, the value of these activities may even
be enhanced if they are specialized assets, making the
incumbents more attractive as alliance partners to new
entrants. Put differently, incumbents have something to
offer to new entrantsthey have specialized complementary assets that can be joined with the assets of new
entrants to increase the probability of success for both
(Teece 1992). Prior empirical work has demonstrated
that specialized complementary assets held by incumbent pharmaceutical rms enabled them to establish
alliances with biotechnology rms; this not only aided in
adapting to the new technology, but also aided in extracting innovation rents (Rothaermel 2001a). We suggest
that in the face of a competence-destroying technological

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

discontinuity, the performance of incumbent rms as a

group improves if the incumbents hold complementary
assets that are specialized to the commercialization of
the new technology, because this enables the incumbents
to appropriate innovation rents through allying with new
Hypothesis 2. Following a competence-destroying
technological discontinuity, the performance of the incumbent industry improves if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology are
Firm-Level Hypotheses
Regardless of a technological discontinuitys effects on
incumbent rms as a group, we expect there to be
signicant variation among incumbent rms in terms
of their ability to adapt to the new technology. Different rms have different resources and capabilities,
and this should lead to a great degree of heterogeneity in the ability of individual rms to adapt and survive in response to a technological discontinuity (Hill
and Rothaermel 2003). However, the majority of prior
research has focused on the performance of incumbents
as a group of rms (Christensen 1997, Tripsas 1997,
Tushman and Anderson 1986) rather than as heterogeneous entities in their ability to adapt to a technological
We venture a step in this direction by highlighting
rm-level factors and their impact on rm performance
in the postdiscontinuity time period. In this attempt, we
focus on two rm-level factors as determinants of the
adaptive ability of incumbent rms: nancial strength
and R&D capability. We expect both factors to be relevant for rms experiencing a technological discontinuity because nancial strength allows incumbent rms
to change strategies quickly through pursuing capitalintensive options such as acquisitions (Sanchez 1995),
whereas R&D capability reects a rms strength in
discovery and innovation (Cohen and Levinthal 1989).
Financial strength and R&D capability can thus be
viewed as part of a rms dynamic capabilities, which
describe a rms ability to integrate, build, and recongure internal and external competencies to address
rapidly changing environments (Teece et al. 1997,
p. 516).
Financial Strength. When speed of adaptation to a
new technology is critical, incumbent rms can establish alliances and make acquisitions in order to access
the technology being created by new entrants. In many
alliances the incumbent rm will make a minority investment in the new entrant or commit to a series of milestone payments that are contingent on the new entrants
progress with the technology. In acquisitions, the incumbent will typically pay a signicant premium over the
preacquisition valuation of the new entrant (Caves 1989).


More so in the case of acquisitions than in the case of

alliances, an incumbent will not be able to do this unless
it has signicant nancial strength. GE, Microsoft, and
Cisco Systems, for example, have all repeatedly leveraged their nancial strength to acquire start-ups that had
discovered and developed promising new technologies
with the potential to devalue the incumbents upstream,
technological competencies.
Clearly, nancial strength is important to incumbent
adaptation to a technological discontinuity regardless
of what type of complementary assets is needed to
commercialize the new technology. We expect nancial strength to be of greater value to incumbent
rms if the commercialization of the new technology
relies on generic rather than specialized complementary
assets, however. If specialized complementary assets are
required to commercialize the new technology, incumbent enterprises can access the new technology through
interrm agreements. Although not without costs, this
approach is not as capital intensive as making outright
acquisitions. Moreover, the bargaining power inherent
in the incumbents control over specialized complementary assets enables them to enter alliances with
new entrants on favorable terms (Lerner and Merges
1998). In contrast, new entrants do not need to collaborate with incumbents if the technology can be commercialized using generic complementary assets, which
effectively closes one avenue by which incumbents can
acquire the new technology. Put differently, the incumbents have relatively weaker bargaining power if generic
complementary assets are used to commercialize the new
technology because the new entrants not only are in a
position to operate alone, but also have a strong incentive to do so because a signicant amount of rents accrue
to the owners of complementary assets (Hill 1992, Teece
1986). In such circumstances, an attractive option open
to incumbents who recognize the importance of rapidly
assimilating the new technology is to take the relatively
expensive step of acquiring the technology outright by
purchasing new entrants.
Hypothesis 3. Following a competence-destroying
technological discontinuity, an incumbent rms nancial strength has a stronger positive impact on incumbent rm performance if the complementary assets
needed to commercialize the new technology are generic.
R&D Capability. Incumbent rms that are faced with
discontinuous technological change must acquire new
knowledge to ensure their survival. A competencedestroying technological discontinuity shifts the locus
of new knowledge away from internal sources toward
external ones (Powell et al. 1996). These external
sources tend to be new entrants (Tushman and Anderson
1986). One of the reasons that rms invest in their
own R&D, however, is to take advantage of external
knowledge (Mowery 1983). When studying rms in


Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

the semiconductor industry, for example, Tilton (1971,

p. 71) noted that internal R&D    provided an in-house
technical capability that could keep these rms abreast
of the latest semiconductor developments and facilitate the assimilation of new technology developed
Ongoing investments in R&D have been shown to create a rm-specic capability (Helfat 1994a) that may
enable a rm to value, assimilate, and exploit new
knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal 1989). Moreover, prior
empirical work has produced evidence that the heterogeneous distribution of rm-specic R&D capabilities
tends to persist over time (Helfat 1994b). A rm-level
R&D capability should thus be a valuable resource in the
face of a technological discontinuity and may contribute
to superior rm performance (Peteraf 1993).
We submit that an incumbents R&D capability is
more valuable when specialized complementary assets
are required to commercialize the new technology than
when generic complementary assets are required. R&D
capability provides an incumbent with the ability to better understand and value new technological knowledge;
the rms ability to leverage its understanding and enter
into alliances with new entrants will be limited if the
incumbents downstream assets are generic, however, and
therefore of little interest to new entrants. Put differently,
an incumbents R&D capability is less valuable when the
new technology can be commercialized through generic
complementary assets.
Alternatively, when the incumbents downstream
assets are specialized, new entrants have an incentive to
enter into alliances with incumbents in order to access
those assets. However, they are more likely to enter into
agreements with incumbents who understand the new
technology more fully. This aspect of R&D capability is
especially pertinent because multiple new technologies
or different versions of the same underlying technology
often vie for dominance until a new dominant design
emerges (Anderson and Tushman 1990). If an incumbent
has only a limited understanding of a new technology
due to weak R&D capabilities, its production and marketing of that technology will also tend to be less effective. The successful development and commercialization
of new technologies requires close integration between
R&D, production, and marketing (Abernathy and Clark
1985). If incumbents lack the R&D capabilities necessary to understand and assimilate new technology, they
are going to be less able to leverage their specialized
production and marketing assets to commercialize the
new technology.
Taken together, R&D capabilities are more valuable
when the incumbent rms possess specialized assets
than when they possess generic assets. Moreover, for
incumbents with specialized assets, the greater their
R&D capabilities, the more advantaged they are in dealing with new entrants and the better their postdiscontinuity performance is likely to be.

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

Hypothesis 4. Following a competence-destroying

technological discontinuity, an incumbent rms R&D
capability has a stronger positive impact on incumbent
rm performance if the complementary assets needed to
commercialize the new technology are specialized.

Research Setting

Technological discontinuities are rare events in the evolution of an industry. Tushman and Anderson (1986)
studied three industries, from their inceptions over a
cumulative 165 years of industry history, and identied
eight technological discontinuities. To test our hypotheses, we identied four industries that each experienced
one technological discontinuity in a 26-year time frame,
for a cumulative 104 years of industry history. Each of
the industries was characterized by its well-documented
discontinuity and by the availability of longitudinal and
homogenous data necessary to conduct industry- and
rm-level analyses across multiple industries. Accordingly, we chose the following industries (with the respective discontinuity shown in parentheses): the computer
industry (PC), the steel industry (electric arc furnace),
the pharmaceutical industry (biotechnology), and the
telecommunications industry (wireless telephony).
Tushman and Anderson used drastic advancements in
the respective price-performance frontier as the criteria to
identify technological discontinuities:    discontinuities
offer sharp price-performance improvements over existing technology (1986, p. 441). All four of the technologies considered in this study have advanced the
price-performance ratio signicantly in their respective
industries. The PC and wireless telephony have caused
exponential performance increases while simultaneously
drastically lowering prices. The electric arc furnace has
brought exponential performance improvements and signicant price cuts because it allows for smaller batches
of customized steel. Biotechnology has advanced the
performance trajectory tremendously: Scientists are now
able to discover and develop new drugs that were previously impossible to create. Furthermore, many drugs
that could previously be procured only in small quantities
(e.g., insulin) can now be harvested cost effectively in
large quantities. Applying the Tushman-Anderson (1986)
model of technological change, we submit that all four
technologies in this study are considered discontinuities.
More precisely, we argue that when applying the
Tushman-Anderson framework to the discontinuities
chosen in this study, all four technologies would be
classied as competence-destroying for incumbent
rms. Tushman and Anderson described competencedestroying technological discontinuities as requiring
new skills, abilities, and knowledge in both development and production of the product (1986, p. 442).
This denition concerns the upstream R&D activities
of incumbent rms, and implies that they are devalued
or destroyed by such technologies. Prior literature

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets


Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

Table 1

Technological Discontinuities, Complementary Assets, and Incumbent Industry and Firm Performance

Impact on

Type of
assets needed to
new technology

Impact on

Effect on

Stronger positive
effect on
incumbent rm







Financial strength

Computer, steel

PC, electric arc






R&D capability


wireless telephony

has argued that biotechnology and wireless telephony

are competence-destroying technological discontinuities
(Ehrnberg and Sjberg 1995, Powell et al. 1996,
Stuart et al. 1999). We also place the PC and the electric
arc furnace in this category. The upstream R&D activities of incumbents were greatly devalued by the arrival
of each of these new technologies: PCs are built using
off-the-shelf modular components, electric arc furnaces
use scrap steel instead of raw materials as input, biotechnology relies on recombinant DNA technology for drug
discovery and development, and wireless telephony is
based on radio technology. Accordingly, a competencedestroying product discontinuity creates a new product
class (e.g., personal computers), and competencedestroying process discontinuities represent a new way
of making a given product (e.g., steel, pharmaceuticals,
and telephone services) (Tushman and Anderson 1986,
p. 442). Applying the Tushman-Anderson model, therefore, we submit that all four technologies in this study
would be classied as competence-destroying technological discontinuities.
We have argued that the impact of a competencedestroying technological discontinuity on incumbent
industry performance depends on the discontinuitys
impact on the downstream complementary assets. Here,
we suggest that the downstream complementary assets
of incumbents in the computer and steel industries were
devalued because the new technologies were commercialized through generic assets. The direct sales forces
employed in the pre-PC era were of little value to
the newly emerging PC manufacturers who focused on
direct retailing or the retail channel. Similarly, the steel
industry had shifted to independent resellers who were
also utilized by the newly emerging mini-mills that
employed the new technology.
We posit that the downstream complementary assets
of incumbents in the pharmaceutical and telecommunications industries were enhanced because these assets
were specialized to the innovation and could be applied
without signicant additional investments. These specialized assets include regulatory and legal expertise,
large sales forces of detail people held by incumbents
in the pharmaceutical industry, and the extensive infrastructure of switching networks owned by incumbents

in the telecommunications industry. Such specialized

complementary assets are built over long periods of
time and tend to be capital intensive, so they generally cannot be replicated quickly or contracted for in the
Taken together, all four technologies included in this
study are competence-destroying with respect to their
impact on the upstream competencies, but important
variation exists in this group with regard to the impact of
the technological discontinuity on the downstream competencies. If the downstream assets needed to commercialize the new technology are generic, the value of the
incumbent complementary assets is drastically reduced.
If, however, the downstream assets needed to commercialize the new technology are specialized, the value
of the incumbent complementary assets is enhanced.
Table 1 summarizes the discussion presented above.
Below, we briey describe each technological discontinuitys impact on its respective industry in greater
Computer Industry. Before 1981, the computer industry was dominated by vertically integrated enterprises.
These rms manufactured most of the important components in the computer hardware systems, bundled the
hardware components with proprietary operating system
software and applications software, and sold them via
their own sales forces. This era was brought to an end
by the arrival of the IBM PC in 1981. In fact, Altari,
MITS, and Apple had already validated the existence of
a strong consumer user base prior to 1981. In 1979, the
arrival of VisiCalc, the rst mass application for business users, also helped to establish proof of concept.
The 1981 introduction of the IBM PC established the
dominant design in the industry, and uncertainty was
further reduced as the industry moved from an era of
technological ferment to an era of incremental change
within the dominant design (Anderson and Tushman
1990). By virtue of its design, the PC signaled a transition from the closed-system architecture of the time to
open-system architecture and desktop computing. In the
turbulence that followed, large numbers of new enterprises entered at every stage of the value chain as the
industry deintegrated (Grove 1996). The center of gravity in the industry shifted rapidly away from incumbent


Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

enterprises such as DEC, Wang, Unisys and (ironically)

IBM, and toward new entrants such as Compaq, Intel,
and Microsoft. The arrival of networking based on client
server architecture in the late 1980s and the Internet in
the 1990s further accelerated this shift.
The emergence of the PC devalued both the upstream
and downstream competencies of incumbents. The
upstream R&D and production assets of incumbent
enterprises had little relevance to emerging microcomputer makers such as Apple, Compaq, and Dell. Following the lead set by pioneers such as Altari and MITS,
the new entrants were able to build computers using offthe-shelf modular components and simple manufacturing processes (for example, Apple started in a garage,
and Dell in Michael Dells dorm room at the University
of Texas). The closed-system design philosophy of the
incumbents was orthogonal to the mindset required to
produce low-cost, open-system personal computers.
Moreover, the downstream marketing and sales assets
of incumbents were also of limited value. The incumbents used direct sales forces to sell highly priced
machines to the central information systems functions of
major corporations, but the new entrants addressed different customer groups. The new entrants sold low-priced
machines to retail consumers and departments in corporations. Because they were focusing on different customer groups and using different distribution channels,
they did not need the sales, marketing, and service assets
of incumbent rms to succeed in an open-systems world.
New entrants placed a low value on the downstream
assets of incumbents. Instead, they developed their own
sales forces, or more commonly used new intermediaries
such as the value-added resellers who were springing up
to serve this new market. This was possible because the
downstream complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology were generic.
Steel Industry. The technological discontinuity analyzed in the steel industry is the electric arc furnace
(EAF). Although it was invented in the 1930s in Austria,
EAF technology did not become commercially viable
until the late 1960s, when it was incorporated into the
rst mini-mills. One of the pioneering mini-mill companies, Nucor, began operating its rst mini-mill in 1969,
but it took several more years to develop the technology to a cost-effective point. Subsequently, mini-mills
emerged as a technological discontinuity that took more
and more market share away from the incumbent rms
that used fully integrated mills.
Traditional steel mills are referred to as integrated
mills because their production process begins with raw
iron ore and ends with the nished steel product. Minimills, by contrast, use scrap steel as their raw material
input. By eliminating coke ovens and blast furnaces,
mini-mill technology reduces the minimum efcient
scale of production by a factor of 10 and the capital

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

cost per ton of capacity by yet another factor of 10

(Adams and Brock 1995). Mini-mill technology was a
direct substitute for the primary upstream production
assets of integrated mills, and thus devalued them. Moreover, because steel resellers already existed, the minimills did not require access to the downstream marketing
and sales activities of incumbents in order to reach customers. New entrants such as Nucor or Chaparral relied
on generic assets to commercialize the new technology.
In the process, the mini-mills increased their market
share of all steel sold in the United States to 50% by
2000, up from zero 30 years earlier (Stundza 1997). This
gain was made at the expense of the integrated mills,
many of which went bankrupt.
Pharmaceutical Industry. In 1973, a research team
led by Cohen and Boyer published their breakthrough
on recombinant DNA (Cohen et al. 1973), which can
be used to engineer organisms that produce valuable
human proteins. Many human illnesses are caused by
the bodys overproduction or underproduction of certain proteins, so the implications of this technology for
the pharmaceutical industry were clearly tremendous.
As is generally the case with competence-destroying
technological discontinuities (Tushman and Anderson
1986), new entrants were the rst to develop this potentially powerful new technology. The rst biotechnology drug, Humulin, a genetically engineered human
insulin, reached the market in 1982. The commercialization of Humulin was based on an alliance between
the biotechnology start-up Genentech, which discovered
and developed the new drug, and the established pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, which managed the drug
through clinical trials and distributed it through its sales
Biotechnology represents a radically different scientic paradigm for discovering and developing new drugs.
As such, it devalued the upstream assets of incumbent
pharmaceutical rms. For example, the skill loss for
a scientist making the transition from the traditional
chemical screening paradigm to that of genetic engineering was estimated to exceed 80% (Rothaermel 2001b).
Biotechnology does not alter the regulatory process
imposed by the Food and Drug Administration, however,
nor does it alter the pharmaceutical distribution channels. Proteins still have to go through the same schedule
of clinical trials, and they are sold in the same manner to the same customers as the small molecule drugs
that are traditionally sold by incumbent pharmaceutical
enterprises. Thus, the downstream regulatory and sales
assets of incumbent enterprises maintained their value in
the face of this technological shift. Because these assets
are specialized to the commercialization of biotechnology (Rothaermel 2000), their value was enhanced rather
than devalued by the emergence of the new technology.
Incumbent pharmaceutical companies were in a position

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

to leverage these specialized complementary assets to

commercialize the new biotechnology without any signicant additional investments.
Moreover, in contrast to the situation that prevailed
in the computer and steel industries, new entrants faced
several critical problems. The process of discovering and
developing new drugs is time consuming and capital
intensive characterized by high levels of risk and uncertainty. It can cost more than $500 million and take up to
15 years to take a new drug from the laboratory through
clinical trials to regulatory approval for market introduction. The failure rate is also very high. Some 90% of
compounds entering clinical trials fail to make it to the
market. Worse still, 7 out of 10 products that make it to
the market do not generate sufcient economic returns
to cover their cost of capital (Giovannetti and Morrison
New entrants in the pharmaceutical industry often
nd themselves capital constrained and unable to
obtain the resources required to take promising proteins through clinical trials and to introduce them to
the market. Although incumbent upstream competencies
were destroyed by the emergence of biotechnology, the
incumbents can nevertheless offer both the capital to
fund drug discovery and the expertise to commercialize newly developed drugs. Prior empirical work has
provided evidence that incumbent pharmaceutical companies (informed investors) possess an informational
advantage over capital markets (uninformed investors)
in assessing the quality of the research conducted by
biotechnology rms, and are thus willing to apply a
lower discount rate on capital (Lerner et al. 2003,
Majewski 1998).
Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, the pharmaceutical companies possess unique rm-specic competencies, which were developed over time, with
respect to certain drug and disease areas. For example,
Hoffmann-La Roche holds a strong position in antianxiety drugs, and Lilly dominates the market for insulin.
This degree of specialization further enhances the market power of incumbents by signicantly reducing the
number of potential alliance partners for new entrants.
To gain access to these valuable, specialized resources,
new entrants are forced to enter alliances with incumbent
pharmaceutical enterprises. The incumbents specialized
complementary assets, i.e., their downstream regulatory,
marketing, and sales competencies, are enhanced in this
scenario. This enables the incumbents to enter alliances
on favorable terms, and puts them in a position to capture a signicant amount of the economic rents generated from successful new biotechnology products.
Telecommunications Industry. The technological discontinuity we examine in the telecommunications industry is the widespread diffusion and commercialization
of cellular telephony that began in the early 1980s.


First conceived by Bell Labs in 1947, cellular telephony makes it possible to drastically increase a systems subscriber capacity by using many low-powered
transmitters that cover a geographical area, which is
in turn divided into smaller cells. Each system has
a transmission-switching ofce that receives calls and
in turn sends them through the cells to another cellular phone, or, more frequently, to the local telephone
exchange. From there the cellular call is fed into the
traditional wireline telephone communication network.
Although the technology has been available since the
late 1940s, the rst cellular mobile telephone system was
not introduced until after the breakup of the Bell System
monopoly in the early 1980s. Ameritech introduced the
rst cellular network to Chicago in 1984, followed by
a second system in the Baltimore-Washington area. The
number of subscribers in the United States grew exponentially, from a base of 91,000 customers in 1984 to
roughly 33 million in 1995.
Although cellular services provide users with mobility
that wire-based lines cannot offer, the more traditional
network has not been left entirely behind by the popularity of the new technology. To route their calls, radiobased cellular systems still rely heavily on the switching
networks held by incumbent communications rms. As
a result, the growth of the cellular sector has created a
symbiotic relationship between the incumbent rms and
the new entrants: The incumbent rms need access to
the new radio-based technology to develop their own
cellular systems, and the newer rms are even more tied
(in the short run) to the traditional switching networks
dominated by the incumbents (Ehrnberg and Sjberg
1995). In other words, the technological discontinuity
has not made the complementary assets of incumbent
rms (i.e., their switching networks) obsolete. Moreover,
with respect to the commercialization of wireless telephony, the switching networks are specialized complementary assets because they can be used to transmit cellular phone calls without making any additional investment in these downstream assets.
In theory, the cellular providers can build out their own
switching networks and cut the incumbents out of the
market altogether. However, this would be both capitaland time-intensive. Building out cell sites is an expensive
endeavor due to the capital required for equipment, the
cost of acquiring licenses to use the radio spectrum in
metropolitan areas, and the cost of acquiring customers
(which typically includes giving each customer a free
cell phone). The capital commitments required to commercialize the new technology are clearly substantial. For
example, one of the early pioneers of the technology,
McCaw Cellular, had to resort to junk bond nancing
to raise the requisite capital. Already saddled by high
debt, cellular providers have chosen to use the switching networks of incumbent enterprises rather than build
their own. Due to the specialized complementary assets


Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

held by incumbents, extensive cooperation between new

entrants and incumbents emerged in the commercialization of the new technology in the telecommunications
Alliance Intensity
Categorizing the pharmaceutical and telecommunications industries as exhibiting a high degree of cooperation between incumbents and new entrants following
technological discontinuous change appears to be validated by the differential industry-level alliance intensity among the four industries in this study. In their
respective postdiscontinuity time period, the pharmaceutical companies entered an average of 78 alliances per
year, and the telecommunications companies entered an
average of 53 alliances per year. By contrast, the computer companies entered an average of only ve alliances
per year, and the steel companies entered an average of
merely six alliances per year. Clearly, the pharmaceutical
and telecommunications companies entered signicantly
more alliances than the computer and steel industries in
their respective postdiscontinuity time periods (all differences at p < 0001, while controlling for prediscontinuity alliance intensity).1 It appears that a signicant
level of interrm cooperation between incumbents and
new entrants ensues in postdiscontinuity time periods if
the commercialization of the new technology relies on
specialized complementary assets owned by incumbents.
New entrants seem to prefer vertical integration or transacting in the market on competitive terms if the commercialization of the new technology can be accomplished
through generic complementary assets.

Research Design
Sample and Data
We focused on incumbent rms in the four industries
discussed above. To test our hypotheses, we drew on
the Standard & Poors Compustat and DRI databases, as
well as on the Standard & Poors industry reports from
1972 through 1997. This 26-year time frame reects the
starting and ending date of the industry- and rm-level
analyses, which are determined by the availability of
homogenous data across all four industries. The Compustat database includes nancial, statistical, and market
information on publicly held companies. The Standard &
Poors DRI database of economic indicators is a standard
database for economic research and serves as the source
for relevant macroeconomic data. At the industry level,
we used quarterly incumbent industry performance data
to ensure sufcient observations in constructing the time
series. At the rm level, we obtained annual observations to set up pooled time-series, cross-sectional panels
of data. The majority of empirical work in strategic management relies on a cross-section of data rather than on
longitudinal panel data, and does not allow, therefore,

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

for causal inferences (Hitt et al. 1998). Longitudinal

panel data are considered a superior alternative because
they allow the researcher (1) to control for the initial
values of the dependent variable, (2) to recognize time
lags, and (3) to draw on a larger sample, thus reducing
the threat of collinearity among independent variables
(Hsiao 1986).
Industry-Level Measures. Incumbent industry performance, proxied by industry return on equity (ROE) and
return on assets (ROA), is the dependent variable to
test the industry-level hypotheses. We examined time
series of quarterly industry ROE and ROA as measures of overall industry performance in each of the four
industries.2 We controlled for seasonal, industry, and
macroeconomic effects. Industry concentration tends to
change over time as incumbents merge or exit the industry, which in turn affects overall industry performance.
Thus, we controlled for industry concentration through
the inclusion of the Herndahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
time series. The HHI equals the sum of the squared market shares of each incumbent rm in the industry for
the respective time period. We employed the growth rate
of real U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) to control
for macroeconomic effects such as business cycles. To
control for systematic performance differences over the
four quarters of the year, we included dichotomous quarter dummy variables, with the fourth quarter being the
reference quarter.
Firm-Level Measures. Incumbent rm performance,
measured as incumbent rm ROE and ROA, is the
dependent variable to test the rm-level hypotheses. An
incumbent rms nancial strength is measured by the
sum of its cash and all securities readily convertible to
cash as listed in the current assets section of the balance
sheet. This measure of nancial strength can be interpreted as a rms free cash ow (Jensen 1986). Free
cash ow is cash ow in excess of that which is required
to fund all investment projects that have a positive net
present value when discounted at the relevant cost of
capital. Because free cash ow by denition cannot be
protably reinvested within the company, it can be considered a proxy for nancial strength. We proxied an
incumbent rms R&D capability by its R&D expenditures (Helfat 1997), which are outlays for R&D as listed
in the annual income statements. We lagged both variables by one year to compensate for a potential simultaneity bias.
The rm-level dependent variables ROE and ROA are
sensitive to a rms capital structure as measured by
its debt-to-equity ratio. Ceteris paribus, a rm with a
higher debt-to-equity ratio must achieve a higher return
to compensate its stockholders for the increased risk
associated with higher debt (Scherer and Ross 1990).

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Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

Thus, we included the ratio of debt-equity in the

regression models to control for changes in a rms capital structure over time as it adjusts its preference for debt
versus equity. In parallel with the industry-level analysis, we controlled for industry concentration (HHI) and
macroeconomic effects (GDP growth rate) that could
potentially inuence incumbent rm performance.3
We proposed that incumbent rm performance following a technological discontinuity be a function of an
incumbent rms nancial strength and R&D capability. An explicit control for time effects was indicated
to test the rm-level hypotheses because each industry
experienced its technological discontinuity at a different
time (Kmenta 1986). To accomplish this, we split the
independent variables nancial strength and R&D capability into two respective time series: one set of variables
representing nancial strength and R&D capability prior
to the industry-specic technological discontinuity, and
the other set of variables representing nancial strength
and R&D capability in the postdiscontinuity time period.
This approach allowed us to isolate the impact of nancial strength and R&D capability on incumbent rm
performance in the postdiscontinuity time period, while
accounting for nancial strength and R&D capability
in the prediscontinuity time period. We obtained the
exact dates of the respective technological discontinuity
in each industry from the industry-level analysis.
Estimation Techniques
Industry-Level Methods. The industry-level hypotheses imply that each incumbent industry performance time
series should exhibit a statistically signicant structural
break sometime after the emergence of the technological discontinuity. A structural break in a univariate time
series indicates a signicant shift in the global trend of
a time series. In particular, Hypothesis 1 suggests that
incumbent industry performance should decline after the
emergence of a technological discontinuity if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology are generic. Because Hypothesis 1 predicts an overall
decline in the performance of incumbent rms following
a discontinuity, the sign of the indicator variable representing the structural break date is expected to be negative. Conversely, Hypothesis 2 posits that incumbent
industry performance should improve after the emergence of a technological discontinuity if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology
are specialized. Because Hypothesis 2 predicts an overall
improvement in the industry performance of incumbent
rms following a discontinuity, the sign of the indicator
variable for the structural break date is expected to be
To test for structural breaks in univariate time series,
we built on the method used by Ben-David and Papell

(1995) and Rothaermel (2001a). We applied the following regression model to each of the industry-level time
series, assuming a deterministic trending process:
yt =  + t + DT t + HHI t +
gdpY t
+ quarterit + t 


where yt represents incumbent industry performance,

t is a time trend, and DT t is an indicator variable representing the break date in the univariate time series,
where DT t = t TB if t > TB , 0 otherwise. The
Herndahl-Hirschman Index (HHIt ) controls for industry concentration, and the GDP growth rate (gdpY t  controls for macroeconomic effects. The variable quarter it
denotes the controls for seasonality. We included a time
trend to capture secular movements in the dependent
variable. Inserting a time trend is useful because it
addresses concerns that underlying trends could potentially bias our inference by introducing a simultaneity
bias in the relationship between the dependent variable
and the main regressor of interest (indicator variable
for break date). The null hypothesis states that  = 0,
meaning that incumbent industry performance yt is governed by a deterministically trending process without an
exogenous shock leading to a structural shift in the time
trend. The research hypothesis states that  = 0, meaning
that yt is trend stationary with a one-time break in the
deterministic trend function that should occur sometime
after the introduction of the new technology. We identied the exact year of a structural break in the univariate
time series by applying a maximum Chow test to the
indicator variable break date (Quandt 1960, Vogelsang
Firm-Level Methods. To test the rm-level hypotheses, we applied a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)
model, sometimes referred to as Parks estimator (Park
1967). A SUR estimation technique is indicated because
all rms in the research sample are participating in the
same global economic conditions during each time
period, creating possible contemporaneous correlation
between and among rms (Greene 1997). The SUR
model is estimated using a generalized least square
estimation procedure that corrects for both crosssectional heteroscedasticity and contemporaneous correlation (Beck and Katz 1995). In the same fashion as
Henderson and Cockburn (1996) and Helfat (1997), we
included rm-xed effects in the SUR model to account
for unobserved, rm-idiosyncratic differences. This
allows us to isolate the impact of nancial strength and
R&D capability on rm performance, while accounting for the impact of other, unobserved rm-specic
factors. Including rm-xed effects also eliminates a
potential bias in the regression coefcients in the event
that any of the unspecied rm effects are correlated
with rm nancial strength and R&D capability as well

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets


Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

Table 2


Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix

Return on equity
Return on assets
Financial strength prediscontinuity
Financial strength postdiscontinuity
R&D capability prediscontinuity
R&D capability postdiscontinuity
Firm capital structure
Industry concentration HHI
GDP growth rate


Std. dev.



















Note. N = 566

as with other regressors (Hausman and Taylor 1981).

Applying the seemingly unrelated regression model to
test the rm-level hypotheses results in the form

i1t 0 0

Y2t 0 i2t 0 2t











0 2t





2t 2t





where Yit represents rm performance, it represents

rm-xed effects, and Xit represents the independent
variables nancial strength and R&D capability in the
postdiscontinuity time period. The matrix Cit represents
the control variables for nancial strength and R&D
capability in the prediscontinuity time period, as well as
the controls for capital structure, industry concentration,
and macroeconomic effects.
Hypothesis 3 suggests that an incumbent nancial
strength has a stronger positive impact on incumbent
rm performance if the complementary assets needed
to commercialize the new technology are generic. By
contrast, Hypothesis 4 suggests that an incumbent R&D
capability has a stronger positive impact on incumbent
rm performance if the complementary assets needed to
commercialize the new technology are specialized. One
of the benets of the SUR regression technique is that it
allows us to test these contingency hypotheses because

SUR estimates an individual coefcient for each rmlevel observation.

At the same time, SUR estimation indicates that three
different Wald-type tests need to be applied to the individual rm-level coefcients to analyze Hypotheses 3
and 4 (Kmenta 1986). Each of these tests is applied to
the fully specied model including all explanatory and
control variables. The rst test species that the joint
impact of the coefcients for rm nancial strength and
R&D capability need to be signicant. The second test
species that the average individual impact of the coefcients for nancial strength and R&D capability needs
to be signicant. The third test evaluates the difference
of the average individual coefcient impact across both
contexts (generic and specialized complementary assets),
and requires that the difference be positive and significant for nancial strength when subtracting the scores
obtained for the coefcients in the generic and specialized contexts. The same requirement holds true for R&D
capability when subtracting the scores obtained for the
coefcients in the specialized and generic contexts.


Table 2 depicts the descriptive statistics and bivariate

correlation matrix. The bivariate correlations suggest
that the impact of an incumbent rms nancial strength
and R&D capability is stronger in predicting rm performance in the postdiscontinuity time period than it is
in the prediscontinuity time period, at least when measuring rm performance in terms of ROE. This provides some preliminary evidence for the relevance of
these two variables for incumbent performance when
facing a competence-destroying technological discontinuity. Moreover, the correlations between rm nancial
strength and R&D capability in both the pre- and postdiscontinuity time periods reect discriminant validity
because they are well below the conventional cut-off
point of 0.70 (Cohen and Cohen 1983), albeit an increase
in their correlation from the pre- to the postdiscontinuity
time period is noticeable.













Time trend t

break date

p < 0001. Standard errors are in parentheses.









Break date

p < 001;





p < 010; p < 005;





Table 3 Industry-Level Results



gdp Y t
annual data

Quarter 1
annual data

Quarter 2

annual data

Quarter 3











F -stat.




Adj. R2

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS



Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Industry-Level Results. Table 3 depicts the industrylevel results. In all four industries, we observe statistically signicant breaks in the incumbent industry
performance time series after the introduction of the
respective technological discontinuity. Hypothesis 1
states that, following a competence-destroying technological discontinuity, the performance of incumbent
rms declines if the complementary assets needed to
commercialize the new technology are generic. The
qualitative data presented in the research setting indicate
that the PC in the computer industry and the electric
arc furnace in the steel industry were technological
discontinuities that devalued the upstream competencies of incumbent rms, and whose commercialization
was possible through generic assets. As predicted in
Hypothesis 1, we would expect a decline in the incumbent industry performance in the postdiscontinuity time
period following the emergence of the PC or the EAF.
The empirical results indicate that 1983 marks the structural break in the performance time series for the computer industry for both the ROE p < 0001 and the
ROA p < 0001 models. As expected, the sign of the
break date variable is negative in both models, indicating a decline in overall computer industry performance.
Similarly, 1981 marks the structural break in the performance time series for the steel industry for both the ROE
p < 0001 and the ROA time series p < 005, and
the sign of the break date variable is negative in both
cases, indicating a decline in overall steel industry performance. As anticipated, both the computer and steel
industries experienced a signicant decline in incumbent
industry performance after the emergence of the respective technological discontinuities. This result provides
support for Hypothesis 1.
Hypothesis 2 suggests that, following a competencedestroying technological discontinuity, the performance
of incumbent rms improves if the complementary
assets needed to commercialize the new technology are
specialized. Above, we identied biotechnology in the
pharmaceutical industry and wireless telephony in the
telecommunications industry as technological discontinuities that devalued the upstream competencies of
incumbent rms. They also simultaneously enhanced
their downstream competencies because the commercialization of these new technologies depended on specialized assets. As predicted by Hypothesis 2, we would
expect an improvement in incumbent industry performance in the postdiscontinuity time period.
Our empirical results show that the structural break
in the pharmaceutical industry occurs in 1986 in the
ROE time series p < 0001, and in 1985 in the ROA
time series p < 0001. As expected, the sign of the
break date variable is positive in both regression models, indicating an improvement in overall pharmaceutical industry performance. In the telecommunications
industry, the break date occurs in 1985 based on the

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

ROE series p < 0001 and in 1988 based on the ROA

series p < 010.5 As anticipated, the sign of the break
date variable is positive in both regression models, indicating an improvement in overall telecommunications
industry performance. Consistent with Hypothesis 2, we
nd that both the pharmaceutical and the telecommunications industries experienced a signicant improvement
in incumbent industry performance after the emergence
of the respective technological discontinuity. In summary, our industry-level hypotheses are supported by the
fact that the indicator variables for the respective break
dates yielded the predicted signs, and that the structural breaks in industry performance occurred after the
successful commercialization of the new technology in
every case.
Firm-Level Results. Table 4 presents the rm-level
regression results. In parallel to the industry analysis,
we applied both ROE and ROA as dependent variables.
Firm-xed effects and the variables of interest, nancial
strength, and R&D capability are estimated individually
for each rm, and the control variables (rm capital
structure, industry concentration, and GPD growth rate)
are estimated across all rms.
Models 1 and 3 depict the respective baseline models.
Models 2 and 4, each of which represents signicant
improvements over the respective baseline model p <
0001, depict the fully specied models. Hypothesis 3
posits that, following a competence-destroying technological discontinuity, nancial strength has a stronger
positive impact on incumbent rm performance if the
complementary assets needed to commercialize the new
technology are generic. When applying ROE as the
dependent variable (Model 2), all three separate tests provide support for this hypothesis (p < 0001 in all cases).
When using ROA as the dependent variable (Model 4),
we nd signicance for Test 1 p < 0001, but fail to
nd support for the more stringent Tests 2 and 3. Taken
together, we nd partial support for the notion that an
incumbents nancial strengths has a stronger positive
impact on rm performance if the complementary assets
needed to commercialize a competence-destroying technology are generic.
Hypothesis 4 states that, following a competencedestroying technological discontinuity, incumbent R&D
capability has stronger positive impact on incumbent rm
performance if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology are specialized. When
applying ROE as the dependent variable (Model 2), all
three separate tests provide support for this hypothesis
(Tests 1 and 2 at p < 0001, Test 3 at <001). We also
nd support for this hypothesis when applying ROA as
the dependent variable (Model 4, Test 1 at p < 0001,
Test 2 at p < 010, and Test 3 <0001). Thus, we demonstrate support for the hypothesis that an incumbents
R&D capability has a stronger positive impact on rm

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets


Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

Table 4

Firm-Level Results
Dependent variable ROE
Model 1

Firm-xed effects
Financial strength
R&D capability
Firm capital
concentration HHI
GDP growth rate

Model 2









p < 010; p < 005;


p < 001;

Test 2:

Test 3:
Difference in

Test 1:


Test 2:

Test 3:
Difference in


p < 0001. Standard errors in parentheses. Test 1 displays F statistics.

performance if the complementary assets needed to commercialize the new technology are specialized.
We conducted several robustness checks. First, we
assessed a potential specication bias arising from unobserved heterogeneity through inclusion of the by one
year lagged dependent variables on the right-hand side
of the regression models. Second, we tested for potential
serial correlation. The results were consistent, and thus
reveal neither a specication bias nor serial correlation.


Model 4


Test 1:

Model 3


Financial strength (H3)
R&D capability (H4)
over base
Adjusted R2

Dependent variable ROA

We studied incumbent industry and rm performance

in four industries that each experienced a competencedestroying technological discontinuity (Tushman and
Anderson 1986). We hypothesized that the impact on
industry performance depended on the type of nontechnological, complementary assets necessary to commercialize the new technology. In line with our predictions,
we found that incumbent industry performance declined
if the new technology could be commercialized through
generic assets, but that incumbent industry performance
improved if the new technology could be commercialized through specialized assets.
At the rm level, we posited that an incumbent
rms nancial strength has a stronger positive impact
on incumbent rm performance in the postdiscontinuity

time period if the new technology can be commercialized through generic complementary assets. By contrast,
we hypothesized that an incumbent rms R&D capability has a stronger positive impact on incumbent rm
performance in the postdiscontinuity time period if the
new technology can be commercialized through specialized complementary assets. Based on an analysis of
longitudinal data across four industries, we found broad
support for the rm-level hypotheses.
These ndings tie in with Abernathy and Clarks
(1985) concept of low transilience innovation, which
suggests that incumbent rms can benet from technological discontinuities if their market-related competencies remain unchanged. Our results also reinforce the
necessity of comprehensively analyzing an innovations
impact on incumbent enterprises, including all links
between different rm competencies. Here, we focus
on the link between technological and nontechnological
competencies. In their study of the semiconductor photographic alignment equipment industry, Henderson and
Clark (1990) showed that seemingly minor technological advances can have severe consequences for incumbents if the new technology changes the architecture in
which the components are integrated. Although we focus
on major rather than minor advances in technology, our
results resonate with Henderson and Clarks (1990) nding that the consequences of technological change can


Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

only be accounted for when considering its impact on

the entire set of incumbent competencies.
In addition, we focus on an empirical investigation of
the innovation framework advanced by Teece (1986). In
agreement with his conceptual model, we nd support
for the importance of complementary assets in determining who benets from a new technology. Prior empirical
work has pointed to complementary assets in explaining
rm entry into newly emerging technological subelds
(Mitchell 1989), the continued survival of incumbent
rms facing technological discontinuities (Tripsas 1997),
or extensive interrm cooperation between incumbents
and new entrants (Rothaermel 2001a); we go beyond
these single industry studies, however, and advance a
more comprehensive contingency model. By studying
four different industries longitudinally, covering both
pre- and postdiscontinuity time periods, we provide
evidence for the notion that incumbent industry performance declines if the new technology can be commercialized through generic complementary assets, but that
it improves if the new technology can be commercialized through specialized complementary assets.
Prior research has generally treated the performance
of incumbents as a group of rms (Christensen 1997,
Rothaermel 2000, Tripsas 1997, Tushman and Anderson
1986) rather than heterogeneous entities in their ability to adapt to technological change. In line with the
resource-based view (Barney 1991), we suggest that
rms are endowed with heterogeneously distributed
resources, which should impact their performance following a technological discontinuity. In an attempt to
shed some light on expected rm-level heterogeneity,
we focus on rm nancial strength and R&D capability
and nd that these two rm-level factors are important
in explaining rm differential performance in the postdiscontinuity time period. These resources can be considered part of what Teece et al. (1997) understand as
dynamic capabilities; they describe a rms capacity to
renew competencies as to achieve congruence with the
changing business environment (1997, p. 515).
Methodologically, this study differs in several aspects
from prior work. We employ a longitudinal, multiindustry, multilevel, quantitative approach, whereas most
prior studies in this line of research are singleindustry studies (King and Tucci 2002; Mitchell 1989;
Rothaermel 2001a, b; Tripsas 1997) that often rely
exclusively on qualitative case histories (Abernathy and
Clark 1985, Christensen 1997, Dougherty and Hardy
1996, Henderson and Clark 1990, Rothaermel 2000)
or nonparametric estimations (Tushman and Anderson
1986, Anderson and Tushman 1990). Although we draw
on some qualitative data when analyzing our research
setting, the quantitative methodologies employed at the
industry and rm level of analysis may aid future
researchers in moving beyond single-industry and case
studies. Such a shift in research methodology should

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

improve the generalizability of the research conducted

on the dynamics of technological change and its impact
on industry and rm performance.
Limitations and Future Research
It is important to note that the impact of technological
discontinuities on an industry cannot be determined prior
to the occurrence of the new technology. Tushman and
Anderson (1986, p. 443) emphasized that technological
discontinuities can only be recognized ex post: technological discontinuities    are only known in retrospect.
Thus, one cannot determine prior to the discovery of
a discontinuous technological innovation whether the
complementary assets needed to commercialize the new
technology are generic or specialized in nature. It follows that one cannot determine ex ante how a technological discontinuity that has yet to be discovered will affect
industry and rm performance. Once a new technology
has been discovered, however, one can ask: How will
this affect the existing industry environment, and thus
affect incumbent industry and rm performance? Here,
it is important that future research more fully appreciates the contingencies inherent in different stages of
technological discovery: theoretical feasibility, technical
feasibility, and prototype. In our analysis, we focus on
discoveries that have moved beyond theoretical feasibility; however, a more ne-grained analysis is certainly
We believe that our theorizing efforts will aid in predicting how a newly discovered technology will affect
the evolution of an industry environment before that
impact has become apparent. Thus, one might have
predicted when recombinant DNA technology was pioneered in 1973 that biotechnology would change the
upstream processes of drug discovery and production
while leaving downstream, complementary assets such
as marketing and sales activities largely unchanged.
However, this change did not become obvious for at
least a decade, as illustrated by the abortive attempts of
many biotechnology companies to establish themselves
as fully integrated pharmaceutical companies.
Similar to prior empirical work (Mitchell 1989, Tripsas 1997), we rely on a qualitative approach to understanding a technological discontinuitys impact on incumbent technological competencies and complementary assets. However, we suggest that future research
should move beyond such qualitative categorizations and
attempt to employ more objective, quantitative measures
when analyzing the impact of a discontinuity on incumbent upstream and downstream competencies.
It is also valuable to note that out of the four technological discontinuities, only one of them (PC) is a product
discontinuity; the remaining three (EAF, biotechnology,
and wireless telephony) are process discontinuities.
Moreover, one could argue that the underlying technological discontinuity in the computer industry was not

Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

the PC per se, but was, rather, Intels development of the

rst microprocessor in 1971. Although the microprocessor had no obvious market potential when it was rst
invented, it dramatically changed the computing industry
when it was embedded in the PC (Freiberger and Swaine
2000). This opens the door for future research on two
fronts: First, the ndings, in particular for product discontinuities, need to be generalizable. Second, the issue
of modularity needs further attention (Schilling 2000).
Here, we will need a better understanding of modular
innovation (Henderson and Clark 1990), which includes
component discontinuities such as the microprocessor,
and their impact on incumbent performance.
One limitation of this study concerns alternative explanations for the structural breaks observed in the
incumbent industry performance time series. The results
for the computer industry appear to be robust. The emergence and diffusion of the PC, in combination with its
greatly improved performance over time, have indeed
led many (corporate) customers to switch from mainframe and mini computers to networked PCs. In the steel
industry, however, one could argue that other exogenous
factors such as foreign imports have led to the decline in
the U.S. steel industry. However, foreign imports peaked
in the early 1980s, and declined sharply thereafter due
to the continued depreciation of the U.S. dollar. Thus,
foreign imports can be ruled out in explaining a continued decline in incumbent industry performance in the
U.S. steel industry since the 1980s.
However, we were unable to control for the possibility
that the old technology continues to perform well or even
improves in performance alongside the emergent technology. This scenario seems to be particularly salient in
the pharmaceutical industry: The pharmaceutical companies have been able to improve their performance based
on traditional chemical-based drugs while simultaneously introducing new biotechnology drugs (Rothaermel
2001a). The observed improvement in the incumbent
industry performance of pharmaceutical companies participating in biotechnology may be partly due to performance gains obtained through the introduction of
traditional chemical-based drugs. Alternatively, it may be
due to the employment of biotechnology as a research
tool for improving the efciency of the drug discovery
process, including the process for small molecule drugs
produced by traditional chemical synthesis (rational drug
design). Our analysis is not ne grained enough to tease
out these different effects in the pharmaceutical industry. However, we are able to demonstrate that the incumbent rms as a group have done signicantly better since
the mid-1980s, shortly after the introduction of the rst
successful biotechnology drugs. At the end of our study
period, seven of the top-10-selling biotechnology drugs
were marketed by incumbent pharmaceutical companies
even though they had developed none of the drugs. Sales
of these seven products amounted to more than $5 billion


in both 1998 and 1999 (Giovannetti and Morrison 2000),

and the incumbent pharmaceutical companies appropriated about 50% of these revenues (Rothaermel 2001a).
The results for the telecommunications industry may
be confounded by the regulatory decision to break up
AT&T in 1984. Though one would generally expect
deregulation to lead to a decline in performance as the
industry moves more toward perfect competition, this has
not been the case. Although the industry has shown signs
of increased competition, particularly where traditional
services are concerned (note the drastic decrease in the
price of long distance calling), incumbent industry performance appears to have improved. Established rms
have been able to take part in, and benet from, the signicant revenue stream generated by cellular telephony
(e.g., estimated revenues for 1995 were $17.4 billion) due
to extensive interrm cooperation with new entrants. This
in turn contributed to an overall improvement in incumbent industry performance.
At the rm level, we found support for the importance
of nancial strength and R&D capability in determining postdiscontinuity interrm performance differentials.
Although it is a rst step toward understanding rm
heterogeneity, the focus on these two constructs can
be somewhat limiting, particularly in light of some
recent theoretical developments. For example, Zahra and
George (2002) argued that a focus on R&D capability alone is somewhat restricting when attempting to
capture a rms capability to value, assimilate, and
apply new knowledge. They reconceptualized Cohen
and Levinthals (1990, p. 138) notion of absorptive
capacity as a byproduct of R&D, and suggested that
researchers ought to differentiate between potential and
realized absorptive capacity because potential absorptive capacity must be transformed into realized absorptive capacity in order to enhance rm performance. We
follow prior empirical research in focusing more narrowly on R&D capability (Cohen and Levinthal 1989,
1990; Helfat 1994a, b, 1997) yet acknowledge Zahra and
Georges (2002) insight and encourage future research
to go beyond R&D expenditures and attempt to nd different measures that capture the multidimensionality of
the absorptive capacity construct.
We also realize that there are likely other rm-specic
factors that are pertinent in determining rm performance following a technological discontinuity. While we
control for rm size, rm capital structure, and unobserved rm-level heterogeneity, the individual and collective signicance of the rm-xed effects open the
door for future research to further untangle the rmlevel capabilities necessary for superior performance
following a technological discontinuity. These ndings
reinforce the importance of going beyond analyzing
incumbents as a group and highlight the signicance of
heterogeneously distributed rm competencies.


Rothaermel and Hill: Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets

Organizational Implications
An important nding of this study is that rm-level
competencies are important because rms differ in their
ability to adapt to a competence-destroying technological discontinuity. Thus, managers need to be cognizant
about the technological and nontechnological competencies inherent in their rms. Echoing Teece (1986),
managers need to recognize the different types of
complementary assets and their differential importance
in commercializing a new technology. Moreover, a rms
nancial strength and R&D capability are not entirely
independent of one another, so it is possible for managers to make adjustments in their ratio. If a discontinuity is commercialized via generic assets, managers
should ensure that they have sufcient nancial strength
to acquire new entrants, and thereupon the new technology. If a discontinuity is commercialized via specialized
assets, however, managers can redirect free cash ow to
nance additional R&D activities.
Whereas R&D capabilities are built over time, the
time horizon for transforming a scientic invention into
a commercialized innovation (gestation period) generally takes multiple years (Hill and Rothaermel 2003); it
tends to be longer the more complex the technologys
underlying science. Thus, free cash ow to strengthen
R&D capability should be applied as soon as the impact
of the new technology on the complementary assets can
be understood. This allows managers to take full advantage of the gestation period for the new technology.
Depending on the magnitude of the discontinuity, it can
then take a few more years after the successful development of a new technology before its performance impact
becomes apparent. Thus, incumbents may be able to a
obtain a rst-mover advantage when adapting to a new
technology if they are able to understand the impact the
new technology is likely to have on their technological and nontechnological competencies prior to its manifested impact on performance. In sum, managers can
substitute free cash ow for R&D expenditures and vice
versa, depending on the type of complementary assets
necessary to commercialize the new technology.

An earlier version of this paper was recognized with the

Academy of Management William H. Newman Award for
a Best Paper based on a dissertation and the Academy of
Management TIM Division Best Student Paper Award. The
authors thank Senior Editor Anne Miner, the three anonymous reviewers, Maria Alexandre, Warren Boeker, John Butler,
Murillo Campello, Wesley Cohen, Martin Evans, Robert Jacobson, Ajay Khorana, Suresh Kotha, Catherine Matraves, Gerry
McNamara, Will Mitchell, David Mowery, Martin Schulz,
Andrew Siegel, John Wagner III, Robert Wiseman, and Eric
Zivot for helpful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts
of this paper. The authors gratefully acknowledge the generous
support of John Hagedoorn, who provided the alliance data,
which are based on the MERIT CATI database. The authors

Organization Science 16(1), pp. 5270, 2005 INFORMS

also thank Karyn Lu for editorial assistance. All remaining

errors and omissions are entirely the authors.


The alliance data are drawn from the MERIT CATI database
(Maastricht University Economic Research Institute
Cooperative Agreements and Technology Indicators database).
This is likely to be one of the most comprehensive databases
covering strategic alliances worldwide over the last several
decades (for a more detailed description of MERIT CATI see
Hagedoorn 2002).
Because a time series of quarterly ROA was not available in
the telecommunications industry, we resorted to annual ROA
There was no need to explicitly control for rm size because
our dependent variables are ratios and thus are already adjusted
for rm size.
The possibility that any of the investigated incumbent industry performance time series could exhibit more than one break
date was ruled out in all eight cases because the t-statistic for
the indicator variable break date increased with time before
peaking and subsequently declining. Thus, all eight time series
exhibited exactly one statistically signicant structural break.
The marginally signicant result for a structural break in the
ROA time series and the three year difference in the break dates
between the ROE and ROA time series are partly explainable
by the fact that we had to resort to annual instead of quarterly data for the ROA time series, and thus signicantly fewer
observations constituted the time series.


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