Thinking in Patterns (Bruce Eckel)
Thinking in Patterns (Bruce Eckel)
Thinking in Patterns (Bruce Eckel)
Revision 0.9, 5-20-2003 (This version contains the material that will be
used in the Crested Butte seminar; see
Please note this document is under development and incomplete.
Updates to this document can be found at
Best viewed with Mozilla! (free at (Even though this
document was created with MS Word, IE6 garbles lines with superscripts
on them. Mozilla seems to do a much better job).
Note: This document requires the installation of the fonts Georgia, Verdana and
Andale Mono (code font) for proper viewing. These can be found at:
Prose has still had little/no work. My current goal is to get the structure and
examples worked out so that the seminar works well. Once it has been proven
in the seminars, then I will spend time on the prose.
NOTE primary changes have been made to structure of book and code
examples, but not to prose. Prose can be considered to be mostly a
mess in this revision.
(4-30-2003) Added Ant build.xml les, and support les from TIJ necessary to
do a full standalone build. You should be able to type ant from the code root
directory and get a successful build.
Some exercises may have been left behind when patterns were moved.
For simplicity, saved from Word into a single HTML document, using
ltered version to remove Oce stu. Seems to work pretty well; checked
it with both IE and Mozilla (actually seems to work better on Mozilla than on
Problem-Solving Techniques
using Java
Bruce Eckel
President, MindView, Inc.
What is a pattern?
Pattern taxonomy
Design principles
Classifying patterns
The development challenge
Unit testing
Location of test code
Simplifying Idioms
Collecting Parameter
Object quantity
Object pool
Object decoupling
Factoring commonality
Encapsulating creation
Specialized creation
Too many
Flexible structure
System decoupling
Observing owers
A visual example of observers
Algorithmic partitioning
Chain of responsibility
Complex interactions
Multiple dispatching
Visitor, a type of multiple dispatching
Multiple languages
Interpreter motivation
Python overview
Built-in containers
Creating a language
Controlling the interpreter
Putting data in
Getting data out
Multiple interpreters
Table-driven code: conguration exibility
Table-driven code using anonymous inner classes
Pattern refactoring
Abstracting usage
Multiple dispatching
Implementing the double dispatch
XML Decorator
A: Tools
Ant extensions
Array utilities
The material in this book has been developed in conjunction with
a seminar that I have given for several years, mostly with Bill
Venners. Bill and I have given many iterations of this seminar and
weve changed it many times over the years as we both have
learned more about patterns and about giving the seminar.
In the process weve both produced more than enough information for us each to
have our own seminars, an urge that weve both strongly resisted because we have
so much fun giving the seminar together. Weve given the seminar in numerous
places in the US, as well as in Prague (where we try to have a mini-conference every
Spring together with a number of other seminars). Weve also given it as an on-site
A great deal of appreciation goes to the people who have participated in these
seminars over the years, as they have helped me work through these ideas and to
rene them. I hope to be able to continue to form and develop these kinds of ideas
through this book and seminar for many years to come.
This book will not stop here, either. After much pondering, Ive realized that I want
Thinking in Python to be, initially, a translation of this book rather than an
introduction to Python (there are already plenty of ne introductions to that superb
language). I nd this prospect to be much more exciting than the idea of struggling
through another language tutorial (my apologies to those who were hoping for that).
This is a book about design that I have been working on for years,
basically ever since I rst started trying to read Design Patterns
(Gamma, Helm, Johnson & Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995),
or just GoF).
commonly referred to as the Gang of Four
There is a chapter on design patterns in the rst edition of Thinking in C++, which
has evolved in Volume 2 of the second edition of Thinking in C++, and youll also
nd a chapter on patterns in the rst edition of Thinking in Java (I took it out of the
second edition because that book was getting too big, and also because I had
decided to write this book).
This is not an introductory book. I am assuming that you have worked your way
through Thinking in Java or an equivalent text before coming to this book.
In addition, I assume you have more than just a grasp of the syntax of Java. You
should have a good understanding of objects and what theyre about, including
polymorphism. Again, these are topics covered in Thinking in Java.
On the other hand, by going through this book youre going to learn a lot about
object-oriented programming by seeing objects used in many dierent situations. If
your knowledge of objects is rudimentary, it will get much stronger in the process of
understanding the designs in this book.
the pattern, and in addition it will often be the controller that manages the
operation of the pattern. Initially, it seemed to me that these were not really
essential to the implementation, use and understanding of the pattern. However, I
remembered one of the more dramatic statements made in the GoF: prefer
composition to inheritance. The context object allows you to use the pattern in a
composition, and that may be its primary value.
And then more or less forgot it until the rewrite. How many people thought this was
a good example and followed it? Martin Fowler began seeing the same kind of code,
and realized people were stubbing out exceptions and then they were disappearing.
The overhead of checked exceptions was having the opposite eect of what was
intended, something that can happen when you experiment (and I now believe that
checked exceptions were an experiment based on what someone thought was a
good idea, and which I believed was a good idea until recently).
When I started using Python, all the exceptions appeared, none were accidentally
"disappeared." If you *want* to catch an exception, you can, but you aren't forced to
write reams of code all the time just to be passing the exceptions around. They go
up to where you want to catch them, or they go all the way out if you forget (and
thus they remind you) but they don't vanish, which is the worst of all possible cases.
I now believe that checked exceptions encourage people to make them vanish. Plus
they make much less readable code.
In the end, I think we must realize the experimental nature of exceptions and look
at them carefully before assuming that everything about exceptions in Java are
good. I believe that having a single mechanism for handling errors is excellent, and
I believe that using a separate channel (the exception handling mechanism) for
moving the exceptions around is good. But I do remember one of the early
arguments for exception handling in C++ was that it would allow the programmer
to separate the sections of code where you just wanted to get work done from the
sections where you handled errors, and it seems to me that checked exceptions do
not do this; instead, they tend to intrude (a lot) into your "normal working code" and
thus are a step backwards. My experience with Python exceptions supports this,
and unless I get turned around on this issue I intend to put a lot more
RuntimeExceptions into my Java code.
What is a pattern?
Initially, you can think of a pattern as an especially clever and insightful way of
solving a particular class of problems. That is, it looks like a lot of people have
worked out all the angles of a problem and have come up with the most general,
exible solution for it. The problem could be one you have seen and solved before,
but your solution probably didnt have the kind of completeness youll see embodied
in a pattern.
Although theyre called design patterns, they really arent tied to the realm of
design. A pattern seems to stand apart from the traditional way of thinking about
analysis, design, and implementation. Instead, a pattern embodies a complete idea
within a program, and thus it can sometimes appear at the analysis phase or
high-level design phase. This is interesting because a pattern has a direct
implementation in code and so you might not expect it to show up before low-level
design or implementation (and in fact you might not realize that you need a
particular pattern until you get to those phases).
The basic concept of a pattern can also be seen as the basic concept of program
design: adding a layer of abstraction. Whenever you abstract something youre
isolating particular details, and one of the most compelling motivations behind this
is to separate things that change from things that stay the same. Another way to put
this is that once you nd some part of your program thats likely to change for one
reason or another, youll want to keep those changes from propagating other
changes throughout your code. Not only does this make the code much cheaper to
maintain, but it also turns out that it is usually simpler to understand (which results
in lowered costs).
Often, the most dicult part of developing an elegant and cheap-to-maintain design
is in discovering what I call the vector of change. (Here, vector refers to the
maximum gradient and not a container class.) This means nding the most
important thing that changes in your system, or put another way, discovering where
your greatest cost is. Once you discover the vector of change, you have the focal
point around which to structure your design.
So the goal of design patterns is to isolate changes in your code. If you look at it this
way, youve been seeing some design patterns already in this book. For example,
inheritance can be thought of as a design pattern (albeit one implemented by the
compiler). It allows you to express dierences in behavior (thats the thing that
changes) in objects that all have the same interface (thats what stays the same).
Composition can also be considered a pattern, since it allows you to change
dynamically or staticallythe objects that implement your class, and thus the way
that class works.
Youve also already seen another pattern that appears in Design Patterns: the
iterator (Java 1.0 and 1.1 capriciously calls it the Enumeration; Java 2 containers
use iterator). This hides the particular implementation of the container as youre
stepping through and selecting the elements one by one. The iterator allows you to
write generic code that performs an operation on all of the elements in a sequence
without regard to the way that sequence is built. Thus your generic code can be
used with any container that can produce an iterator.
Pattern taxonomy
One of the events thats occurred with the rise of design patterns is what could be
thought of as the pollution of the term people have begun to use the term to
mean just about anything synonymous with good. After some pondering, Ive come
up with a sort of hierarchy describing a succession of dierent types of categories:
1. Idiom: how we write code in a particular language to do this particular type
of thing. This could be something as common as the way that you code the
process of stepping through an array in C (and not running o the end).
2. Specic Design: the solution that we came up with to solve this particular
problem. This might be a clever design, but it makes no attempt to be
3. Standard Design: a way to solve this kind of problem. A design that has
become more general, typically through reuse.
4. Design Pattern: how to solve an entire class of similar problem. This usually
only appears after applying a standard design a number of times, and then
seeing a common pattern throughout these applications.
I feel this helps put things in perspective, and to show where something might t.
However, it doesnt say that one is better than another. It doesnt make sense to try
to take every problem solution and generalize it to a design pattern its not a good
use of your time, and you cant force the discovery of patterns that way; they tend
to be subtle and appear over time.
One could also argue for the inclusion of Analysis Pattern and Architectural Pattern
in this taxonomy.
Design principles
(Update from slides to here)
When I put out a call for ideas in my newsletter , a number of suggestions came
back which turned out to be very useful, but dierent than the above classication,
and I realized that a list of design principles is at least as important as design
structures, but for a dierent reason: these allow you to ask questions about your
proposed design, to apply tests for quality.
Consistency. One thing has become very clear to me, especially because of
Python: the more random rules you pile onto the programmer, rules that have
nothing to do with solving the problem at hand, the slower the programmer
can produce. And this does not appear to be a linear factor, but an
exponential one.
Subtraction: a design is nished when you cannot take anything else away.
Simplicity before generality
. (A variation of Occams Razor, which says
the simplest solution is the best). A common problem we nd in frameworks
is that they are designed to be general purpose without reference to actual
systems. This leads to a dizzying array of options that are often unused,
misused or just not useful. However, most developers work on specic
systems, and the quest for generality does not always serve them well. The
best route to generality is through understanding well-dened specic
examples. So, this principle acts as the tie breaker between otherwise equally
viable design alternatives. Of course, it is entirely possible that the simpler
solution is the more general one.
Reexivity (my suggested term). One abstraction per class, one class per
abstraction. Might also be called Isomorphism.
Once and once only: Avoid duplication of logic and structure where the
duplication is not accidental, ie where both pieces of code express the same
intent for the same reason.
In the process of brainstorming this idea, I hope to come up with a small handful of
fundamental ideas that can be held in your head while you analyze a problem.
However, other ideas that come from this list may end up being useful as a checklist
while walking through and analyzing your design.
Classifying patterns
The Design Patterns book discusses 23 dierent patterns, classied under three
purposes (all of which revolve around the particular aspect that can vary). The three
purposes are:
Creational: how an object can be created. This often involves isolating the
details of object creation so your code isnt dependent on what types of
objects there are and thus doesnt have to be changed when you add a new
type of object. The aforementioned Singleton is classied as a creational
pattern, and later in this book youll see examples of Factory Method and
The Design Patterns book has a section on each of its 23 patterns along with one or
more examples for each, typically in C++ (rather restricted C++, at that) but
sometimes in Smalltalk. (Youll nd that this doesnt matter too much since you can
easily translate the concepts from either language into Java.) This book will revisit
many of the patterns shown in Design Patterns but with a Java orientation, since the
language changes the expression and understanding of the patterns. However, the
GoF examples will not be repeated here, since I believe that its possible to produce
more illuminating examples given some eort. The goal is to provide you with a
decent feel for what patterns are about and why they are so important.
After years of looking at these things, it began to occur to me that the patterns
themselves use basic principles of organization, other than (and more fundamental
than) those described in Design Patterns. These principles are based on the
structure of the implementations, which is where I have seen great similarities
between patterns (more than those expressed in Design Patterns). Although we
generally try to avoid implementation in favor of interface, for awhile I thought that
it was easier to understand the patterns in terms of these structural principles, and
tried reorganizing the book around the patterns based on their structure instead of
the categories presented in Design Patterns.
However, a later insight made me realize that its more useful to organize the
patterns in terms of the problems they solve. I believe this is a subtle but important
distinction from the way Metsker organizes the patterns by intent in Design
Patterns Java Workshop (Addison-Wesley 2002), because I hope that you will then be
able to recognize your problem and search for a solution, if the patterns are
organized this way.
In the process of doing all this book refactoring I realized that if I changed it
once, I would probably change it again (theres denitely a design maxim in there),
so I removed all references to chapter numbers in order to facilitate this change
(the little-known numberless chapter pattern J).
Unit testing
In an earlier version of this book I decided that unit testing was essential (for all of
my books) and that JUnit was too verbose and clunky to consider. At that time I
wrote my own unit testing framework using Java reection to simplify the syntax
necessary to achieve unit testing. For the third edition of Thinking in Java, we
developed another unit testing framework for that book which would test the output
of examples.
In the meantime, JUnit has changed to add a syntax remarkably similar to the one
that I used in an earlier version of this book. I dont know how much inuence I may
have had on that change, but Im simply happy that it has happened, because I no
longer feel the need to support my own system (which you can still nd <some URL
here>) and can simply recommend the defacto standard.
I have introduced and described the style of JUnit coding that I consider a best
practice (primarily because of simplicity), in Thinking in Java, 3 rd edition, chapter
15. That section provides an adequate introduction to any of the unit testing you
will see associated with this book (however, the unit testing code will not normally
be included in the text of this book). When you download the code for this book, you
will nd (4/9/2003: Eventually, not yet) unit tests along with the code examples
whenever possible.
Simplifying Idioms
Before getting into more complex techniques, its helpful to look at some basic ways
to keep code simple and straightforward.
The most trivial of these is the messenger, which simply packages information into
an object to be passed around, instead of passing all the pieces around separately.
Note that without the messenger, the code for translate() would be much more
confusing to read:
package simplifying;
import junit.framework.*;
class Point { // A messenger
public int x, y, z; // Since it's just a carrier
public Point(int x, int y, int z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public Point(Point p) { // Copy-constructor
this.x = p.x;
this.y = p.y;
this.z = p.z;
public String toString() {
return "x: " + x + " y: " + y + " z: " + z;
class Vector {
public int magnitude, direction;
public Vector(int magnitude, int direction) {
this.magnitude = magnitude;
this.direction = direction;
class Space {
public static Point translate(Point p, Vector v) {
p = new Point(p); // Don't modify the original
// Perform calculation using v. Dummy calculation:
p.x = p.x + 1;
p.y = p.y + 1;
p.z = p.z + 1;
return p;
public class MessengerDemo extends TestCase {
public void test() {
Point p1 = new Point(1, 2, 3);
Point p2 = Space.translate(p1, new Vector(11, 47));
String result = "p1: " + p1 + " p2: " + p2;
Since the goal of a messenger is only to carry data, that data is made public for
easy access. However, you may also have reasons to make the elds private.
Collecting Parameter
Messengers big brother is the collecting parameter, whose job is to capture
information from the method to which it is passed. Generally, this is used when the
collecting parameter is passed to multiple methods, so its like a bee collecting
A container makes an especially useful collecting parameter, since it is already set
up to dynamically add objects:
package simplifying;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
class CollectingParameter extends ArrayList {}
class Filler {
public void f(CollectingParameter cp) {
public void g(CollectingParameter cp) {
public void h(CollectingParameter cp) {
cp.add("as we go");
public class CollectingParameterDemo extends TestCase {
public void test() {
Filler ller = new Filler();
CollectingParameter cp = new CollectingParameter();
String result = "" + cp;
assertEquals(result,"[accumulating, items, as we go]");
public static void main(String[] args) {
} ///:~
The collecting parameter must have some way to set or insert values. Note that by
this denition, a messenger could be used as a collecting parameter. The key is that
a collecting parameter is passed about and modied by the methods it is passed to.
Object quantity
The two patterns described here are solely used to control the
quantity of objects.
Singleton could actually be thought of as a special case of Object Pool, but the
applications of the Object Pool tend to be uniqe enough from Singleton that its
worth treating the two separately.
Possibly the simplest design pattern is the singleton, which is a way to provide one
and only one object of a particular type. An important aspect of Singleton is that
you provide a global access point, so singletons are often a solution for what you
would have used a global variable for in C. In addition, a singleton often has the
characteristics of a registry or lookup service its a place you go to nd references
to other objects.
Singletons can be found in the Java libraries, but heres a more direct example:
// The Singleton design pattern: you can
// never instantiate more than one.
package singleton;
import junit.framework.*;
The key to creating a singleton is to prevent the client programmer from having any
way to create an object except the ways you provide. You must make all
constructors private, and you must create at least one constructor to prevent the
compiler from synthesizing a default constructor for you (which it will create using
package access).
At this point, you decide how youre going to create your object. Here, its created
statically, but you can also wait until the client programmer asks for one and create
it on demand. In any case, the object should be stored privately. You provide access
through public methods. Here, getReference( ) produces the reference to the
Singleton object. The rest of the interface (getValue( ) and setValue( )) is the
regular class interface.
Java also allows the creation of objects through cloning. In this example, making the
class nal prevents cloning. Since Singleton is inherited directly from Object, the
clone( ) method remains protected so it cannot be used (doing so produces a
compile-time error). However, if youre inheriting from a class hierarchy that has
already overridden clone( ) as public and implemented Cloneable, the way to
prevent cloning is to override clone( ) and throw a CloneNotSupportedException
as described in Appendix A of Thinking in Java, 2nd edition. (You could also override
clone( ) and simply return this, but that would be deceiving since the client
programmer would think they were cloning the object, but would instead still be
dealing with the original.) Actually, this isnt precisely true, because even in the
above situation someone could still use reection to invoke clone( ) [[is this true?
clone( ) is still protected so Im not so sure. If it is true, youd have to throw
CloneNotSupportedException as the only way to guarantee un-cloneability ]]
Object pool
Note that you arent restricted to creating only one object. This is also a technique
to create a limited pool of objects. In that situation, however, you can be confronted
with the problem of sharing objects in the pool. If this is an issue, you can create a
solution involving a check-out and check-in of the shared objects.
As an example, consider a database. Commercial databases often restrict the
number of connections that you can use at any one time. Here is an implementation
that uses an object pool to manage the connections. First, the basic concept of
managing a pool of objects is implemented as a separate class:
package singleton;
import java.util.*;
public class PoolManager {
private static class PoolItem {
boolean inUse = false;
Object item;
PoolItem(Object item) { this.item = item; }
private ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
public void add(Object item) {
items.add(new PoolItem(item));
static class EmptyPoolException extends Exception {}
public Object get() throws EmptyPoolException {
for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
PoolItem pitem = (PoolItem)items.get(i);
if(pitem.inUse == false) {
pitem.inUse = true;
return pitem.item;
// Fail early:
throw new EmptyPoolException();
// return null; // Delayed failure
public void release(Object item) {
for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
PoolItem pitem = (PoolItem)items.get(i);
if(item == pitem.item) {
pitem.inUse = false;
throw new RuntimeException(item + " not found");
} ///:~
package singleton;
import junit.framework.*;
interface Connection {
Object get();
void set(Object x);
class ConnectionImplementation implements Connection {
public Object get() { return null; }
public void set(Object s) {}
class ConnectionPool { // A singleton
private static PoolManager pool = new PoolManager();
public static void addConnections(int number) {
for(int i = 0; i < number; i++)
pool.add(new ConnectionImplementation());
public static Connection getConnection()
throws PoolManager.EmptyPoolException {
return (Connection)pool.get();
public static void releaseConnection(Connection c) {
public class ConnectionPoolDemo extends TestCase {
static {
public void test() {
Connection c = null;
try {
c = ConnectionPool.getConnection();
} catch (PoolManager.EmptyPoolException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
c.set(new Object());
public void test2() {
Connection c = null;
try {
c = ConnectionPool.getConnection();
} catch (PoolManager.EmptyPoolException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
c.set(new Object());
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
Object decoupling
Both Proxy and State provide a surrogate class that you use in your code; the real
class that does the work is hidden behind this surrogate class. When you call a
method in the surrogate, it simply turns around and calls the method in the
implementing class. These two patterns are so similar that the Proxy is simply a
special case of State. One is tempted to just lump the two together into a pattern
called Surrogate, but the term proxy has a long-standing and specialized meaning,
which probably explains the reason for the two dierent patterns.
The basic idea is simple: from a base class, the surrogate is derived along with the
class or classes that provide the actual implementation:
method calls to then the basic idea is satised (note that this statement is at odds
with the denition for Proxy in GoF). However, it is convenient to have a common
interface so that Implementation is forced to fulll all the methods that Proxy
needs to call.
package proxy;
import junit.framework.*;
interface Connection {
Object get();
void set(Object x);
void release();
class ConnectionImplementation implements Connection {
public Object get() { return null; }
public void set(Object s) {}
public void release() {} // Never called directly
class ConnectionPool { // A singleton
private static PoolManager pool = new PoolManager();
private ConnectionPool() {} // Prevent synthesized constructor
public static void addConnections(int number) {
for(int i = 0; i < number; i++)
pool.add(new ConnectionImplementation());
public static Connection getConnection() {
PoolManager.ReleasableReference rr =
if(rr == null) return null;
return new ConnectionProxy(rr);
// The proxy as a nested class:
private static
class ConnectionProxy implements Connection {
private PoolManager.ReleasableReference implementation;
ConnectionProxy(PoolManager.ReleasableReference rr) {
implementation = rr;
public Object get() {
public void set(Object x) {
public void release() { implementation.release(); }
public class ConnectionPoolProxyDemo extends TestCase {
static {
public void test() {
Connection c = ConnectionPool.getConnection();
c.set(new Object());
public void testDisable() {
Connection c = ConnectionPool.getConnection();
String s = null;
c.set(new Object());
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
s = e.getMessage();
"Tried to use reference after it was released");
public static void main(String args[]) {
} ///:~
Dynamic Proxies
In JDK 1.3, the Dynamic Proxy was introduced. Although a little complex at rst,
this is an intruiging tool.
Here's an interesting little starting example, which works and proves that yes,
indeed, the invocation handler is being called so the proxying etc. is actually
working. So it's pretty cool, and it's in my head now, but I still have to gure out
something reasonable to do with the invocation handler to come up with a useful
// Broken in JDK 1.4.1_01
package proxy;
import java.lang.reect.*;
interface Foo {
void f(String s);
void g(int i);
String h(int i, String s);
public class DynamicProxyDemo {
public static void main(String[] clargs) {
Foo prox = (Foo)Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[]{ Foo.class },
new InvocationHandler() {
Exercise: Use the Java dynamic proxy to create an object that acts as a front end
for a simple conguration le. For example, in good_stu.txt you can have entries
like this:
c="Hello World"
The contents of the conguration le can contain anything, with any variable
names. The dynamic proxy will either map to the name or tell you it doesnt exist
somehow (probably by returning null). If you set a property and it doesnt already
exist, the dynamic proxy will create the new entry. The toString( ) method should
display all the current entries.
Exercise: similar to the previous exercise, use the Java dynamic proxy to make a
connection to the DOS Autoexec.bat le.
Exercise: Accept an SQL query which returns data, then read the DB metadata.
Now, for each record, provide an object which has attributes corresponding to the
column names and of appropriate data types.
Exercise: Create a simple server and client that uses XML-RPC. Each object the
client returns should use the dynamic proxy concept to exercise the remote
Andrea writes:
I'm not sure about the exercises you suggest, except for the last one. The thing is
that I like to think at invocation handler as somthing providing features that are
orthogonal to the ones provided by the object being "proxied".
In other words: the implementation of the invocation handler is completely
independent from the interface(s) of the object that the dynamically-generated
proxy represent. Which means that once you have implemented an invocation
handler, you can use for any class that exposes interfaces, even for classes and
interfaces that were not present when the handler was implemented.
That's why I say the the handler provides services that are orthogonal to the
ones provided by the proxied object. Rickard has a few handlers in his
SmartWorld example, and they one I like the best is a call-retry handler. It
basically makes a call into the actual object, and if the call generates an
exception if waits for a while, then makes the same call again for a total of three
times. If all three calls fails, it returns an exception. And you can use such a
handler on _any_ class.
The implementation is way too complex for what you are trying to demonstrate.
I'm using this example just to explain what I mean by orthogonal services.
In your list of exercises, the only one that, in my opinion, makes sense to
implement using dynamic proxies is the last one, the one using XML-RPC to
communicate with an object. And that's because the mechanism you use to
dispatch the message (XML-RPC) is orthogonal to the services provided by the
object you want to reach.
However, the greet() method, and any other methods that must test isFrog before
they perform their operations, ends up with awkward code. By delegating the
operations to a State object that can be changed, this code is simplied.
package state;
import junit.framework.*;
class Creature {
private interface State {
String response();
private class Frog implements State {
public String response() { return "Ribbet!"; }
private class Prince implements State {
public String response() { return "Darling!"; }
private State state = new Frog();
public void greet() {
public void kiss() { state = new Prince(); }
public class KissingPrincess2 extends TestCase {
Creature creature = new Creature();
public void test() {
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
In main( ), you can see that the rst implementation is used for a bit, then the
second implementation is swapped in and that is used.
There are a number of details that are choices that you must make according to the
needs of your own implementation, such as whether the fact that you are using
State is exposed to the client, and how the changes to State are made. Sometimes
(as in the Swing LayoutManager) the client may pass in the object directly, but in the fact that State is used is invisible to the client. In addition,
the mechanism for changing state may be simple or complex in State Machine,
described later in this book, larger sets of states and dierent mechanisms for
changing are explored.
The Swing LayoutManager example mentioned above is an interesting example
because it show behavior of both Strategy and State.
The dierence between Proxy and State is in the problems that are solved. The
common uses for Proxy as described in Design Patterns are:
Protection proxy. Used when you dont want the client programmer to have
full access to the proxied object.
You could look at a Java reference as a kind of protection proxy, since it controls
access to the actual object on the heap (and ensures, for example, that you dont
use a null reference).
[[ Rewrite this: In Design Patterns, Proxy and State are not seen as related to each
other because the two are given (what I consider arbitrarily) dierent structures.
State, in particular, uses a separate implementation hierarchy but this seems to me
to be unnecessary unless you have decided that the implementation is not under
your control (certainly a possibility, but if you own all the code there seems to be no
reason not to benet from the elegance and helpfulness of the single base class). In
addition, Proxy need not use the same base class for its implementation, as long as
the proxy object is controlling access to the object it fronting for. Regardless of
the specics, in both Proxy and State a surrogate is passing method calls through to
an implementation object.]]]
State can be found everywhere because its such a fundamental idea. For example,
in Builder, the Director uses a backend Builder object to produce dierent
see Chapter 9, Holding Your Objects, under Iterators in Thinking in Java, 2 nd edition
(freely downloadable from
Because the Java 2 containers rely heavily on iterators they become excellent
candidates for generic/functional programming techniques. This chapter will
explore these techniques by converting the STL algorithms to Java, for use with the
Java 2 container library.
Type-safe iterators
In Thinking in Java, 2nd edition, I show the creation of a type-safe container that will
only accept a particular type of object. A reader, Linda Pazzaglia, asked for the
other obvious type-safe component, an iterator that would work with the basic
java.util containers, but impose the constraint that the type of objects that it
iterates over be of a particular type.
If Java ever includes a template mechanism, this kind of iterator will have the added
advantage of being able to return a specic type of object, but without templates
you are forced to return generic Objects, or to require a bit of hand-coding for
every type that you want to iterate through. I will take the former approach.
A second design decision involves the time that the type of object is determined.
One approach is to take the type of the rst object that the iterator encounters, but
this is problematic because the containers may rearrange the objects according to
an internal ordering mechanism (such as a hash table) and thus you may get
dierent results from one iteration to the next. The safe approach is to require the
user to establish the type during construction of the iterator.
Lastly, how do we build the iterator? We cannot rewrite the existing Java library
classes that already produce Enumerations and Iterators. However, we can use
the Decorator design pattern, and create a class that simply wraps the
Enumeration or Iterator that is produced, generating a new object that has the
iteration behavior that we want (which is, in this case, to throw a
RuntimeException if an incorrect type is encountered) but with the same interface
as the original Enumeration or Iterator, so that it can be used in the same places
(you may argue that this is actually a Proxy pattern, but its more likely Decorator
because of its intent). Here is the code:
package com.bruceeckel.util;
import java.util.*;
public class TypedIterator implements Iterator {
private Iterator imp;
private Class type;
public TypedIterator(Iterator it, Class type) {
imp = it;
this.type = type;
public boolean hasNext() {
return imp.hasNext();
public void remove() { imp.remove(); }
public Object next() {
Object obj =;
throw new ClassCastException(
"TypedIterator for type " + type +
" encountered type: " + obj.getClass());
return obj;
} ///:~
Create an example of the Smart reference proxy where you keep count of
the number of method calls to a particular object.
Create a program similar to certain DBMS systems that only allow a certain
number of connections at any time. To implement this, use a singleton-like
system that controls the number of connection objects that it creates. When
a user is nished with a connection, the system must be informed so that it
can check that connection back in to be reused. To guarantee this, provide a
proxy object instead of a reference to the actual connection, and design the
proxy so that it will cause the connection to be released back to the system.
Create an Adapter Factory that dynamically nds and produces the adapter
that you need to connect a given object to a desired interface.
Solve the above exercise using the dynamic proxy thats part of the Java
standard library.
Modify the Object Pool solution so that the objects are returned to the pool
automatically after a certain amount of time.
Modify the above solution to use leasing so that the client can renew the
lease on the object to prevent it from being automatically released by the
Modify the Object Pool system to take threading issues into account.
Factoring commonality
Applying the once and only once principle produces the most
basic pattern of putting code that changes into a method.
This can be expressed two ways:
// The "Context" controls the strategy:
class MinimaSolver {
private FindMinima strategy;
public MinimaSolver(FindMinima strat) {
strategy = strat;
double[] minima(double[] line) {
return strategy.algorithm(line);
void changeAlgorithm(FindMinima newAlgorithm) {
strategy = newAlgorithm;
public class StrategyPattern extends TestCase {
MinimaSolver solver =
new MinimaSolver(new LeastSquares());
double[] line = {
1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, -1.0,
3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.0 };
public void test() {
solver.changeAlgorithm(new Bisection());
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
Note similarity with template method TM claims distinction that it has more than
one method to call, does things piecewise. However, its not unlikely that strategy
object would have more than one method call; consider Shalloways order
fulfullment system with country information in each strategy.
Strategy example from JDK: comparator objects.
independently of each other, and more importantly you may need the information
from each at dierent points in the shipping process.
It also seems generally useful to distinguish Strategies with single methods from
Policies with multiple methods.
Template method
An application framework allows you to inherit from a class or set of classes and
create a new application, reusing most of the code in the existing classes and
overriding one or more methods in order to customize the application to your needs.
A fundamental concept in the application framework is the Template Method which
is typically hidden beneath the covers and drives the application by calling the
various methods in the base class (some of which you have overridden in order to
create the application).
For example, whenever you create an applet youre using an application framework:
you inherit from JApplet and then override init( ). The applet mechanism (which is
a Template Method) does the rest by drawing the screen, handling the event loop,
resizing, etc.
An important characteristic of the Template Method is that it is dened in the base
class and cannot be changed. Its sometimes a private method but its virtually
always nal. It calls other base-class methods (the ones you override) in order to do
its job, but it is usually called only as part of an initialization process (and thus the
client programmer isnt necessarily able to call it directly).
// Simple demonstration of Template Method.
package templatemethod;
import junit.framework.*;
abstract class ApplicationFramework {
public ApplicationFramework() {
templateMethod(); // Dangerous!
abstract void customize1();
abstract void customize2();
nal void templateMethod() {
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Create a new "application":
class MyApp extends ApplicationFramework {
void customize1() {
System.out.print("Hello ");
void customize2() {
Encapsulating creation
When you discover that you need to add new types to a system, the most sensible
rst step is to use polymorphism to create a common interface to those new types.
This separates the rest of the code in your system from the knowledge of the
specic types that you are adding. New types may be added without disturbing
existing code or so it seems. At rst it would appear that the only place you need
to change the code in such a design is the place where you inherit a new type, but
this is not quite true. You must still create an object of your new type, and at the
point of creation you must specify the exact constructor to use. Thus, if the code
that creates objects is distributed throughout your application, you have the same
problem when adding new typesyou must still chase down all the points of your
code where type matters. It happens to be the creation of the type that matters in
this case rather than the use of the type (which is taken care of by polymorphism),
but the eect is the same: adding a new type can cause problems.
The solution is to force the creation of objects to occur through a common factory
rather than to allow the creational code to be spread throughout your system. If all
the code in your program must go through this factory whenever it needs to create
one of your objects, then all you must do when you add a new object is to modify the
Since every object-oriented program creates objects, and since its very likely you
will extend your program by adding new types, I suspect that factories may be the
most universally useful kinds of design patterns.
Although only the Simple Factory Method is a true singleton, youll nd that each
specify factory class in the more general types of factories will only have a single
The factory( ) takes an argument that allows it to determine what type of Shape to
create; it happens to be a String in this case but it could be any set of data. The
factory( ) is now the only other code in the system that needs to be changed when
a new type of Shape is added (the initialization data for the objects will presumably
come from somewhere outside the system, and not be a hard-coded array as in the
above example).
To encourage creation to only happen in the factory( ), the constructors for the
specic types of Shape are give package access, so factory( ) has access to the
constructors but they are not available outside the package.
Polymorphic factories
The static factory( ) method in the previous example forces all the creation
operations to be focused in one spot, so thats the only place you need to change the
code. This is certainly a reasonable solution, as it throws a box around the process
of creating objects. However, the Design Patterns book emphasizes that the reason
for the Factory Method pattern is so that dierent types of factories can be
subclassed from the basic factory (the above design is mentioned as a special case).
However, the book does not provide an example, but instead just repeats the
example used for the Abstract Factory (youll see an example of this in the next
section). Here is modied so the factory methods are in a
separate class as virtual functions. Notice also that the specic Shape classes are
dynamically loaded on demand:
// Polymorphic factory methods.
package factory.shapefact2;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
interface Shape {
void draw();
void erase();
private static class Factory
extends ShapeFactory {
protected Shape create() {
return new Square();
static {
"Square", new Factory());
public class ShapeFactory2 extends TestCase {
String shlist[] = { "Circle", "Square",
"Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Square" };
List shapes = new ArrayList();
public void test() {
// This just makes sure it will complete
// without throwing an exception.
Iterator it = Arrays.asList(shlist).iterator();
it = shapes.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Shape s = (Shape);
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
Now the factory method appears in its own class, ShapeFactory, as the create( )
method. This is a protected method which means it cannot be called directly, but it
can be overridden. The subclasses of Shape must each create their own subclasses
of ShapeFactory and override the create( ) method to create an object of their
own type. The actual creation of shapes is performed by calling
ShapeFactory.createShape( ), which is a static method that uses the Map in
ShapeFactory to nd the appropriate factory object based on an identier that you
pass it. The factory is immediately used to create the shape object, but you could
imagine a more complex problem where the appropriate factory object is returned
and then used by the caller to create an object in a more sophisticated way.
However, it seems that much of the time you dont need the intricacies of the
polymorphic factory method, and a single static method in the base class (as shown
in will work ne.
Notice that the ShapeFactory must be initialized by loading its Map with factory
objects, which takes place in the static initialization clause of each of the Shape
implementations. So to add a new type to this design you must inherit the type,
create a factory, and add the static initialization clause to load the Map. This extra
complexity again suggests the use of a static factory method if you dont need to
create individual factory objects.
Abstract factories
The Abstract Factory pattern looks like the factory objects weve seen previously,
with not one but several factory methods. Each of the factory methods creates a
dierent kind of object. The idea is that at the point of creation of the factory object,
you decide how all the objects created by that factory will be used. The example
given in Design Patterns implements portability across various graphical user
interfaces (GUIs): you create a factory object appropriate to the GUI that youre
working with, and from then on when you ask it for a menu, button, slider, etc. it
will automatically create the appropriate version of that item for the GUI. Thus
youre able to isolate, in one place, the eect of changing from one GUI to another.
As another example suppose you are creating a general-purpose gaming
environment and you want to be able to support dierent types of games. Heres
how it might look using an abstract factory:
// An example of the Abstract Factory pattern.
package factory;
import junit.framework.*;
interface Obstacle {
void action();
interface Player {
void interactWith(Obstacle o);
class Kitty implements Player {
public void interactWith(Obstacle ob) {
System.out.print("Kitty has encountered a ");
class KungFuGuy implements Player {
public void interactWith(Obstacle ob) {
System.out.print("KungFuGuy now battles a ");
class Puzzle implements Obstacle {
public void action() {
class NastyWeapon implements Obstacle {
public void action() {
// The Abstract Factory:
interface GameElementFactory {
Player makePlayer();
Obstacle makeObstacle();
// Concrete factories:
class KittiesAndPuzzles
implements GameElementFactory {
public Player makePlayer() {
return new Kitty();
public Obstacle makeObstacle() {
return new Puzzle();
class KillAndDismember
implements GameElementFactory {
public Player makePlayer() {
return new KungFuGuy();
public Obstacle makeObstacle() {
return new NastyWeapon();
class GameEnvironment {
private GameElementFactory gef;
private Player p;
private Obstacle ob;
public GameEnvironment(
GameElementFactory factory) {
gef = factory;
p = factory.makePlayer();
ob = factory.makeObstacle();
public void play() { p.interactWith(ob); }
public class Games extends TestCase {
kp = new KittiesAndPuzzles(),
kd = new KillAndDismember();
g1 = new GameEnvironment(kp),
g2 = new GameEnvironment(kd);
// These just ensure no exceptions are thrown:
public void test1() {; }
public void test2() {; }
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
In this environment, Player objects interact with Obstacle objects, but there are
dierent types of players and obstacles depending on what kind of game youre
playing. You determine the kind of game by choosing a particular
GameElementFactory, and then the GameEnvironment controls the setup and
play of the game. In this example, the setup and play is very simple, but those
activities (the initial conditions and the state change) can determine much of the
games outcome. Here, GameEnvironment is not designed to be inherited,
although it could very possibly make sense to do that.
This also contains examples of Double Dispatching and the Factory Method, both of
which will be explained later.
Specialized creation
Objects are created by cloning a prototypical instance. An example of this appears
in the Pattern Refactoring chapter.
The goal of builder is to separate the construction from the representation, to
allow multiple dierent representations. The construction process stays the same,
but the resulting object has dierent possible representations. GoF points out that
the main dierence with Abstract Factory is that a Builder creates the object
step-by-step, so the fact that the creation process is spread out in time seems to be
important. In addition, it seems that the director gets a stream of pieces that it
passes to the Builder, and each piece is used to perform one of the steps in the build
One example given in GoF is that of a text format converter. The incoming format is
RTF, and once it is parsed the directives are passed to the text converter, which may
be implemented in dierent ways depending on whether the resulting format is
ASCII, TeX, or a GUI Text Widget. Although the resulting object (the entire
converted text le) is created over time, if you consider the conversion of each RTF
directive to be an object, this feels to me a little more like Bridge, because the
specic types of converters extend the interface of the base class. Also, the general
solution to the problem would allow multiple readers on the front end and
multiple converters on the back end, which is a primary characteristic of Bridge.
To me, the fact that Builder has multiple steps in creating an object, and those steps
are accessed externally to the Builder object, is the essence of what distinguishes it
(structurally, anyway) from a regular factory. However, GoF emphasizes that youre
able to create dierent representations using the same process. They never dene
exactly what they mean by representation. (Does the representation involve an
object that is too large? Would the need for Builder vanish if the representation was
broken into smaller objects?)
The other example in GoF creates a maze object and adds rooms within the maze
and doors within the rooms. Thus it is a multistep process, but alas, the dierent
representations are the Standard and Complex mazes not really dierent
kinds of mazes, but instead dierent complexity. I think I would have tried to create
one maze builder that could handle arbitrarily complex mazes. The nal variation of
the maze builder is something that doesnt create mazes at all, but instead counts
the rooms in an existing maze.
Neither the RTF converter nor the Mazebuilder example makes an overwhelmingly
compelling case for Builder. Readers have suggested that the output of the Sax XML
parser, and standard compiler parsers, might naturally be fed into a Builder.
Heres an example that may be a little more compelling, or at least give more of an
idea of what Builder is trying to do. Media may be constructed into dierent
representations, in this case books, magazines and web sites. The example argues
that the steps involved are the same, and so can be abstracted into the director
// Example of the Builder pattern
package builder;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
// Dierent "representations" of media:
class Media extends ArrayList {}
class Book extends Media {}
class Magazine extends Media {}
class WebSite extends Media {}
// ... contain dierent kinds of media items:
class MediaItem {
private String s;
public MediaItem(String s) { this.s = s; }
public String toString() { return s; }
class Chapter extends MediaItem {
public Chapter(String s) { super(s); }
Note that in some ways this could be seen as a more complicated State pattern,
since the behavior of the director depends on what type of builder you use. Instead
of simply forwarding the requests through to the underlying State object, however,
the director has a sequence of operations to perform, and it uses the State object as
a Policy to fulll its job. Thus, Builder could be described as using a Policy to create
Too many
Flyweight: too many objects
The odd thing about yweight, in the company of the other design patterns, is that
its a performance hack. Its generally ideal to simply make an object for every item
in your system, but some problems generate a prohibitive number of objects, which
may result in excessive slowness or running out of memory.
Flyweight solves this problem by reducing the number of objects. To do this, you
externalize some of the data in an object, so that you can pretend that you have
more objects than you really do. However, this adds complexity to the interface for
using such objects, because you must pass in additional information to method calls
in order to tell the method how to nd the externalized information.
As a very simple example, consider a DataPoint object that holds an int, a oat,
and an id that carries the object number. Suppose you need to create a million of
these objects, and then manipulate them, like so:
class DataPoint {
private static int count = 0;
private int id = count++;
private int i;
private oat f;
public int getI() { return i; }
public void setI(int i) { this.i = i; }
public oat getF() { return f; }
public void setF(oat f) { this.f = f; }
public String toString() {
return "id: " + id + ", i = " + i + ", f = " + f;
public class ManyObjects {
static nal int size = 1000000;
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataPoint[] array = new DataPoint[size];
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
array[i] = new DataPoint();
Depending on your computer, this program may take several seconds to run. More
complex objects and more involved operations may cause the overhead to become
untenable. To solve the problem the DataPoint can be reduced from a million
objects to one object by externalizing the data held in the DataPoint:
class ExternalizedData {
static nal int size = 5000000;
static int[] id = new int[size];
static int[] i = new int[size];
static oat[] f = new oat[size];
static {
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
id[i] = i;
class FlyPoint {
private FlyPoint() {}
public static int getI(int obnum) {
return ExternalizedData.i[obnum];
public static void setI(int obnum, int i) {
ExternalizedData.i[obnum] = i;
public static oat getF(int obnum) {
return ExternalizedData.f[obnum];
public static void setF(int obnum, oat f) {
ExternalizedData.f[obnum] = f;
public static String str(int obnum) {
return "id: " +[obnum] +
", i = " +
ExternalizedData.i[obnum] +
", f = " +
public class FlyWeightObjects {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(int i = 0; i < ExternalizedData.size; i++) {
FlyPoint.setI(i, FlyPoint.getI(i) + 1);
FlyPoint.setF(i, 47.0f);
FlyPoint.str(ExternalizedData.size -1));
} ///:~
Since all the data is now in ExternalizedData, each call to a FlyPoint method must
include the index into ExternalizedData. For consistency, and to remind the reader
of the similarity with the implicit this pointer in method calls, the this index is
passed in as the rst argument.
Naturally, its worth repeating admonishments against premature optimization.
First make it work, then make it fast if you have to. Also, a proler is the tool to
use for discovering performance bottlenecks, not guesswork.
A coee example
Consider going down to the local coee shop, BeanMeUp, for a coee. There are
typically many dierent drinks on oer -- espressos, lattes, teas, iced coees, hot
chocolate to name a few, as well as a number of extras (which cost extra too) such
as whipped cream or an extra shot of espresso. You can also make certain changes
to your drink at no extra cost, such as asking for decaf coee instead of regular
Quite clearly if we are going to model all these drinks and combinations, there will
be sizeable class diagrams. So for clarity we will only consider a subset of the
coees: Espresso, Espresso Con Panna, Caf Late, Cappuccino and Caf Mocha.
We'll include 2 extras - whipped cream ("whipped") and an extra shot of espresso;
and three changes - decaf, steamed milk ("wet") and foamed milk ("dry").
The key to using this method is to nd the particular combination you want. So,
once you've found the drink you would like, here is how you would use it, as shown
in the CoeeShop class in the following code:
// Coee example with no decorators
package decorator.nodecorators;
import junit.framework.*;
class Espresso {}
class DoubleEspresso {}
class EspressoConPanna {}
class Cappuccino {
private oat cost = 1;
private String description = "Cappucino";
public oat getCost() {
return cost;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
class CappuccinoDecaf {}
class CappuccinoDecafWhipped {}
class CappuccinoDry {}
class CappuccinoDryWhipped {}
class CappuccinoExtraEspresso {}
class CappuccinoExtraEspressoWhipped {}
class CappuccinoWhipped {}
class CafeMocha {}
class CafeMochaDecaf {}
class CafeMochaDecafWhipped {
private oat cost = 1.25f;
private String description =
"Cafe Mocha decaf whipped cream";
public oat getCost() {
return cost;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
class CafeMochaExtraEspresso {}
class CafeMochaExtraEspressoWhipped {}
class CafeMochaWet {}
class CafeMochaWetWhipped {}
class CafeMochaWhipped {}
CafeLatte {}
CafeLatteDecaf {}
CafeLatteDecafWhipped {}
CafeLatteExtraEspresso {}
CafeLatteExtraEspressoWhipped {}
CafeLatteWet {}
CafeLatteWetWhipped {}
CafeLatteWhipped {}
You can see that creating the particular combination you want is easy, since you are
just creating an instance of a class. However, there are a number of problems with
this approach. Firstly, the combinations are xed statically so that any combination
a customer may wish to order needs to be created up front. Secondly, the resulting
menu is so huge that nding your particular combination is dicult and time
Methods invoked on the Decorator can in turn invoke methods in the component,
You combine the components to create a drink as follows, as shown in the code
// Coee example using decorators
package decorator.alldecorators;
import junit.framework.*;
interface DrinkComponent {
String getDescription();
oat getTotalCost();
class Mug implements DrinkComponent {
public String getDescription() {
return "mug";
public oat getTotalCost() {
return 0;
abstract class Decorator implements DrinkComponent
protected DrinkComponent component;
Decorator(DrinkComponent component) {
this.component = component;
public oat getTotalCost() {
return component.getTotalCost();
public abstract String getDescription();
class Espresso extends Decorator {
private oat cost = 0.75f;
This approach would certainly provide the most exibility and the smallest menu.
You have a small number of components to choose from, but assembling the
description of the coee then becomes rather arduous.
If you want to describe a plain cappuccino, you create it with
new Espresso(new FoamedMilk(new Mug()))
Creating a decaf Caf Mocha with whipped cream requires an even longer
The previous approach takes too long to describe a coee. There will also be certain
combinations that you will describe regularly, and it would be convenient to have a
quick way of describing them.
The 3rd approach is a mixture of the rst 2 approaches, and combines exibility
with ease of use. This compromise is achieved by creating a reasonably sized menu
of basic selections, which would often work exactly as they are, but if you wanted to
decorate them (whipped cream, decaf etc.) then you would use decorators to make
the modications. This is the type of menu you are presented with in most coee
return description;
class EspressoConPanna implements DrinkComponent {
private String description = "EspressoConPare";
private oat cost = 1;
public oat getTotalCost() {
return cost;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
class Cappuccino implements DrinkComponent {
private oat cost = 1;
private String description = "Cappuccino";
public oat getTotalCost() {
return cost;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
class CafeLatte implements DrinkComponent {
private oat cost = 1;
private String description = "Cafe Late";
public oat getTotalCost() {
return cost;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
class CafeMocha implements DrinkComponent {
private oat cost = 1.25f;
private String description = "Cafe Mocha";
public oat getTotalCost() {
return cost;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
abstract class Decorator implements DrinkComponent {
protected DrinkComponent component;
public Decorator(DrinkComponent component) {
this.component = component;
public oat getTotalCost() {
return component.getTotalCost();
public String getDescription() {
return component.getDescription();
class ExtraEspresso extends Decorator {
private oat cost = 0.75f;
public ExtraEspresso(DrinkComponent component) {
public String getDescription() {
return component.getDescription() +
" extra espresso";
public oat getTotalCost() {
return cost + component.getTotalCost();
class Whipped extends Decorator {
private oat cost = 0.50f;
public Whipped(DrinkComponent component) {
public oat getTotalCost() {
return cost + component.getTotalCost();
public String getDescription() {
return component.getDescription() +
" whipped cream";
class Decaf extends Decorator{
public Decaf(DrinkComponent component) {
public String getDescription() {
return component.getDescription() + " decaf";
class Dry extends Decorator {
public Dry(DrinkComponent component) {
public String getDescription() {
return component.getDescription() +
" extra foamed milk";
class Wet extends Decorator {
public Wet(DrinkComponent component) {
public String getDescription() {
return component.getDescription() +
" extra steamed milk";
public class CoeeShop3 extends TestCase {
public void testCappuccino() {
// This just makes sure it will complete
// without throwing an exception.
// Create a plain cappucino
DrinkComponent cappuccino = new Cappuccino();
+ ": $" + cappuccino.getTotalCost());
public void testCafeMocha() {
// This just makes sure it will complete
// without throwing an exception.
// Create a decaf cafe mocha with whipped
// cream
DrinkComponent cafeMocha = new Whipped(
new Decaf(new CafeMocha()));
+ ": $" + cafeMocha.getTotalCost());
public static void main(String[] args) {;
} ///:~
You can see that creating a basic selection is quick and easy, which makes sense
since they will be described regularly. Describing a decorated drink is more work
than when using a class per combination, but clearly less work than when only
using decorators.
The nal result is not too many classes, but not too many decorators either. Most of
the time it's possible to get away without using any decorators at all, so we have the
benets of both approaches.
Other considerations
What happens if we decide to change the menu at a later stage, such as by adding a
new type of drink? If we had used the class per combination approach, the eect of
adding an extra such as syrup would be an exponential growth in the number of
classes. However, the implications to the all decorator or compromise approaches
are the same - one extra class is created.
How about the eect of changing the cost of steamed milk and foamed milk, when
the price of milk goes up? Having a class for each combination means that you need
to change a method in each class, and thus maintain many classes. By using
decorators, maintenance is reduced by dening the logic in one place.
Add a Syrup class to the decorator approach described above. Then create a
Caf Latte (you'll need to use steamed milk with an espresso) with syrup.
Repeat Exercise 1 for the compromise approach.
Create a simple decorator system that models the fact that some birds y
and some dont, some swim and some dont, and some do both.
Connecting dierent
Adapter takes one type and produces an interface to some other type. When youve
got this, and you need that, Adapter solves the problem. The only requirement is to
produce a that, and there are a number of ways you can accomplish this adaptation.
// "Object Adapter" from GoF diagram
package adapter;
import junit.framework.*;
class Target {
public void request() {}
class Adaptee {
public void specicRequest() {
System.out.println("Adaptee: SpecicRequest");
Im taking liberties with the term proxy here, because in Design Patterns they
assert that a proxy must have an identical interface with the object that it is a
surrogate for. However, if you have the two words together: proxy adapter, it is
perhaps more reasonable.
While researching Bridge, I discovered that it appears to be the most poorlydescribed pattern in the GoF. I began to come to this conclusion when reading Alan
Shalloways chapter on Bridge in his book Design Patterns Explained he begins by
pointing out that the description in GoF left him quite unenlightened.
At a conference, I talked to two people who had written about and were giving talks
on design patterns, including Bridge. In two separate discussions I got completely
dierent perspectives on the structure of Bridge.
Armed with misinformation, I delved back into the GoF and realized that neither of
the above perspectives agreed with the book. I also found that the book did a
miserable job of describing Bridge, except in one place not the general structure
chart describing the pattern, which wasnt helpful, but in the structure chart
describing their specic example. Only if you stare at that for a bit does Bridge
begin to make sense.
An important feature to understand when looking at Bridge is that it is often a
construct that is used to help you write code. You may choose the objects you use
for a particular situation at compile-time or runtime, but the goal of Bridge is to
allow you to structure your code so that you can easily add new kinds of front-end
objects which are implemented with functionality in new kinds of back-end objects.
Thus, both front-end and back-end can vary independently of each other.
The front-end classes can have completely dierent interfaces from each other, and
typically do. What they have in common is that they can implement their
functionality using facilities from any number of dierent back-end objects. The
back-end objects also dont have the same interface. The only thing the back-end
objects must have in common is that they implement the same kind of functionality
for example, a group of dierent ways to implement a graphics library or a set of
dierent data-storage solutions.
Bridge is really a code-organization tool that allows you to add in any number of
new front-end services that implement their operations by delegating to any number
of back-end options. Using Bridge, you can accomplish this without the normal
combinatorial explosion of possibilities that would otherwise occur. But keep in
mind that the vector of change with Bridge is typically happening at coding time: it
keeps your code organized when you are dealing with an increasing number of
options for implementing functionality.
Heres an example whose sole purpose is to demonstrate the structure of Bridge (it
implements the above diagram):
// A demonstration of the structure and operation
// of the Bridge Pattern.
package bridge;
import junit.framework.*;
class Abstraction {
private Implementation implementation;
public Abstraction(Implementation imp) {
implementation = imp;
// Abstraction used by the various front-end
// objects in order to implement their
// dierent interfaces.
public void service1() {
// Implement this feature using some
// combination of back-end implementation:
public void service2() {
// Implement this feature using some other
// combination of back-end implementation:
public void service3() {
// Implement this feature using some other
// combination of back-end implementation:
// For use by subclasses:
public void operation3() {
class Implementation1 implements Implementation {
// Each facility delegates to a dierent library
// in order to fulll the obligations.
private Library1 delegate = new Library1();
public void facility1() {
public void facility2() {
public void facility3() {
public void facility4() {
class Implementation2 implements Implementation {
private Library2 delegate = new Library2();
public void facility1() {
public void facility2() {
public void facility3() {
public void facility4() {
public class BridgeStructure extends TestCase {
public void test1() {
// Here, the implementation is determined by
// the client at creation time:
ClientService1 cs1 =
new ClientService1(new Implementation1());
public void test2() {
ClientService1 cs1 =
new ClientService1(new Implementation2());
public void test3() {
ClientService2 cs2 =
new ClientService2(new Implementation1());
public void test4() {
ClientService2 cs2 =
new ClientService2(new Implementation2());
public static void main(String[] args) {;
} ///:~
The front-end base class provides the operations used to fulll the front-end derived
classes, in terms of the methods of the back-end base class. Thus, any back-end
derived class can be used to perform the operations needed by the front-end class.
Notice that the bridging happens in this sequence of steps, each of which is
providing a layer of abstraction. Here, Implementation is dened as an interface
to emphasize that all the functionality is implemented in the back-end derived
classes, and none in the back-end base.
The back-end derived classes perform the operations dened in the base class by
delegating to objects (of class Library1 and Library2, in this case) that typically
have radically dierent interfaces, but somehow provide the same functionality (this
is one of the important objectives of Bridge). Eectively, each of the back-end
implementations is an adapter to a dierent library or tool used to implement the
desired functionality in a dierent way.
provides an initial set of key-value pairs which are placed in an array. As long
as you only fetch elements, the array is used, but as soon as you set a new
key-value pair, the implementation is switched to a map.
Flexible structure
The important thing here is that all elements in the part-whole have operations, and
that performing an operation on a node/composite also performs that operation on
any children of that node/composite. GoF includes implementation details of
containment and visitation of children in the interface of the base class, but this
doesnt seem necessary. In the following example, the Composite class simply
inherits ArrayList in order to gain its containment abilities.
package composite;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
interface Component {
void operation();
class Leaf implements Component {
private String name;
public Leaf(String name) { = name; }
public String toString() { return name; }
public void operation() {
class Node extends ArrayList implements Component {
private String name;
public Node(String name) { = name; }
public String toString() { return name; }
public void operation() {
for(Iterator it = iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
public class CompositeStructure extends TestCase {
public void test() {
Node root = new Node("root");
root.add(new Leaf("Leaf1"));
Node c2 = new Node("Node1");
c2.add(new Leaf("Leaf2"));
c2.add(new Leaf("Leaf3"));
c2 = new Node("Node2");
c2.add(new Leaf("Leaf4"));
c2.add(new Leaf("Leaf5"));
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
While this approach seems to be the simplest thing that could possibly work, its
possible that in a larger system problems could arise. However, its probably best to
start with the simplest approach and change it only if the situation demands.
System decoupling
Like the other forms of callback, this contains a hook point where you can change
code. The dierence is in the observers completely dynamic nature. It is often used
for the specic case of changes based on other objects change of state, but is also
the basis of event management. Anytime you want to decouple the source of the call
from the called code in a completely dynamic way.
The observer pattern solves a fairly common problem: What if a group of objects
needs to update themselves when some object changes state? This can be seen in
the model-view aspect of Smalltalks MVC (model-view-controller), or the almostequivalent Document-View Architecture. Suppose that you have some data (the
document) and more than one view, say a plot and a textual view. When you
change the data, the two views must know to update themselves, and thats what
the observer facilitates. Its a common enough problem that its solution has been
made a part of the standard java.util library.
There are two types of objects used to implement the observer pattern in Java. The
Observable class keeps track of everybody who wants to be informed when a
change happens, whether the state has changed or not. When someone says OK,
everybody should check and potentially update themselves, the Observable class
performs this task by calling the notifyObservers( ) method for each one on the
list. The notifyObservers( ) method is part of the base class Observable.
There are actually two things that change in the observer pattern: the quantity of
observing objects and the way an update occurs. That is, the observer pattern
allows you to modify both of these without aecting the surrounding code.
------------Observer is an interface class that only has one member function, update( ).
This function is called by the object thats being observed, when that object decides
its time to update all its observers. The arguments are optional; you could have an
update( ) with no arguments and that would still t the observer pattern; however
this is more generalit allows the observed object to pass the object that caused
the update (since an Observer may be registered with more than one observed
object) and any extra information if thats helpful, rather than forcing the Observer
object to hunt around to see who is updating and to fetch any other information it
The observed object that decides when and how to do the updating will be called
the Observable.
Observable has a ag to indicate whether its been changed. In a simpler design,
there would be no ag; if something happened, everyone would be notied. The ag
allows you to wait, and only notify the Observers when you decide the time is right.
Notice, however, that the control of the ags state is protected, so that only an
inheritor can decide what constitutes a change, and not the end user of the
resulting derived Observer class.
Most of the work is done in notifyObservers( ). If the changed ag has not been
set, this does nothing. Otherwise, it rst clears the changed ag so repeated calls
to notifyObservers( ) wont waste time. This is done before notifying the observers
in case the calls to update( ) do anything that causes a change back to this
Observable object. Then it moves through the set and calls back to the update( )
member function of each Observer.
At rst it may appear that you can use an ordinary Observable object to manage
the updates. But this doesnt work; to get an eect, you must inherit from
Observable and somewhere in your derived-class code call setChanged( ). This is
the member function that sets the changed ag, which means that when you call
notifyObservers( ) all of the observers will, in fact, get notied. Where you call
setChanged( ) depends on the logic of your program.
Observing owers
Here is an example of the observer pattern:
// Demonstration of "observer" pattern.
package observer;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
class Flower {
private boolean isOpen;
private OpenNotier oNotify =
new OpenNotier();
private CloseNotier cNotify =
new CloseNotier();
public Flower() { isOpen = false; }
public void open() { // Opens its petals
isOpen = true;
public void close() { // Closes its petals
isOpen = false;
public Observable opening() { return oNotify; }
public Observable closing() { return cNotify; }
private class OpenNotier extends Observable {
private boolean alreadyOpen = false;
public void notifyObservers() {
if(isOpen && !alreadyOpen) {
alreadyOpen = true;
public void close() { alreadyOpen = false; }
private class CloseNotier extends Observable{
private boolean alreadyClosed = false;
public void notifyObservers() {
if(!isOpen && !alreadyClosed) {
alreadyClosed = true;
public void open() { alreadyClosed = false; }
class Bee {
private String name;
private OpenObserver openObsrv =
new OpenObserver();
private CloseObserver closeObsrv =
new CloseObserver();
public Bee(String nm) { name = nm; }
// An inner class for observing openings:
private class OpenObserver implements Observer{
public void update(Observable ob, Object a) {
System.out.println("Bee " + name
+ "'s breakfast time!");
// Another inner class for closings:
// Hummingbird B decides to sleep in:
// A change that interests observers:;; // It's already open, no change.
// Bee A doesn't want to go to bed:
f.close(); // It's already closed; no change
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
The events of interest are that a Flower can open or close. Because of the use of
the inner class idiom, both these events can be separately observable phenomena.
OpenNotier and CloseNotier both inherit Observable, so they have access to
setChanged( ) and can be handed to anything that needs an Observable.
The inner class idiom also comes in handy to dene more than one kind of
Observer, in Bee and Hummingbird, since both those classes may want to
independently observe Flower openings and closings. Notice how the inner class
idiom provides something that has most of the benets of inheritance (the ability to
access the private data in the outer class, for example) without the same
In main( ), you can see one of the prime benets of the observer pattern: the ability
to change behavior at run time by dynamically registering and un-registering
Observers with Observables.
If you study the code above youll see that OpenNotier and CloseNotier use the
basic Observable interface. This means that you could inherit other completely
dierent Observer classes; the only connection the Observers have with Flowers
is the Observer interface.
// Demonstration of Observer pattern using
// Java's built-in observer classes.
package observer;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
// You must inherit a new type of Observable:
class BoxObservable extends Observable {
public void notifyObservers(Object b) {
// Otherwise it won't propagate changes:
public class BoxObserver extends JFrame {
Observable notier = new BoxObservable();
public BoxObserver(int grid) {
setTitle("Demonstrates Observer pattern");
Container cp = getContentPane();
cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(grid, grid));
for(int x = 0; x < grid; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < grid; y++)
cp.add(new OCBox(x, y, notier));
public static void main(String[] args) {
int grid = 8;
if(args.length > 0)
grid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
JFrame f = new BoxObserver(grid);
f.setSize(500, 400);
class OCBox extends JPanel implements Observer {
Observable notier;
int x, y; // Locations in grid
Color cColor = newColor();
static nal Color[] colors = {
Color.BLACK, Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN,
Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.GRAY, Color.GREEN,
Color.ORANGE, Color.PINK, Color.RED,
static Random rand = new Random();
static nal Color newColor() {
return colors[rand.nextInt(colors.length)];
OCBox(int x, int y, Observable notier) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.notier = notier;
addMouseListener(new ML());
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Dimension s = getSize();
g.llRect(0, 0, s.width, s.height);
class ML extends MouseAdapter {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
OCBox clicked = (OCBox)arg;
if(nextTo(clicked)) {
cColor = clicked.cColor;
private nal boolean nextTo(OCBox b) {
return Math.abs(x - b.x) <= 1 &&
Math.abs(y - b.y) <= 1;
} ///:~
When you rst look at the online documentation for Observable, its a bit confusing
because it appears that you can use an ordinary Observable object to manage the
updates. But this doesnt work; try itinside BoxObserver, create an Observable
object instead of a BoxObservable object and see what happens: nothing. To get an
eect, you must inherit from Observable and somewhere in your derived-class code
call setChanged( ). This is the method that sets the changed ag, which means
that when you call notifyObservers( ) all of the observers will, in fact, get notied.
In the example above setChanged( ) is simply called within notifyObservers( ),
but you could use any criterion you want to decide when to call setChanged( ).
BoxObserver contains a single Observable object called notier, and every time
an OCBox object is created, it is tied to notier. In OCBox, whenever you click the
mouse the notifyObservers( ) method is called, passing the clicked object in as an
argument so that all the boxes receiving the message (in their update( ) method)
know who was clicked and can decide whether to change themselves or not. Using a
combination of code in notifyObservers( ) and update( ) you can work out some
fairly complex schemes.
It might appear that the way the observers are notied must be frozen at compile
time in the notifyObservers( ) method. However, if you look more closely at the
code above youll see that the only place in BoxObserver or OCBox where you're
aware that youre working with a BoxObservable is at the point of creation of the
Observable objectfrom then on everything uses the basic Observable interface.
This means that you could inherit other Observable classes and swap them at run
time if you want to change notication behavior then.
Sweep coupling under the rug, how is this dierent from MVC?
MVC has distinct model and view; mediator could be anything. MVC a avor of
Reducing interface
Sometimes the problem that youre solving is as simple as I dont have the
interface that I want. Faade creates an interface to a set of classes, simply to
provide a more comfortable way to deal with a library or bundle of resources.
A general principle that I apply when Im casting about trying to mold requirements
into a rst-cut object is If something is ugly, hide it inside an object. This is
basically what Faade accomplishes. If you have a rather confusing collection of
classes and interactions that the client programmer doesnt really need to see, then
you can create an interface that is useful for the client programmer and that only
presents whats necessary.
Faade is often implemented as singleton abstract factory. Of course, you can easily
get this eect by creating a class containing static factory methods:
package facade;
import junit.framework.*;
class A { public A(int x) {} }
class B { public B(long x) {} }
class C { public C(double x) {} }
// Other classes that aren't exposed
// by the facade go here ...
public class Facade extends TestCase {
static A makeA(int x) { return new A(x); }
static B makeB(long x) { return new B(x); }
static C makeC(double x) { return new C(x); }
public void test() {
// The client programmer gets the objects
// by calling the static methods:
A a = Facade.makeA(1);
B b = Facade.makeB(1);
C c = Facade.makeC(1.0);
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
The example given in Design Patterns is just a class that uses the other classes.
A tax adviser is a Faade between you and the tax code, and a mediator between
you and the tax system.
Algorithmic partitioning
Iterator it = commands.iterator();
public class CommandPattern extends TestCase {
Macro macro = new Macro();
public void test() {
macro.add(new Hello());
macro.add(new World());
macro.add(new IAm());;
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
The primary point of Command is to allow you to hand a desired action to a method
or object. In the above example, this provides a way to queue a set of actions to be
performed collectively. In this case, it allows you to dynamically create new
behavior, something you can normally only do by writing new code but in the above
example could be done by interpreting a script (see the Interpreter pattern if what
you need to do gets very complex).
Another example of Command is [????]. The DirFilter class
is the command object which contains its action in the method accept( ) that is
passed to the list( ) method. The list( ) method determines what to include in its
result by calling accept( ).
Design Patterns says that Commands are an object-oriented replacement for
callbacks . However, I think that the word back is an essential part of the
concept of callbacks. That is, I think a callback actually reaches back to the creator
of the callback. On the other hand, with a Command object you typically just create
it and hand it to some method or object, and are not otherwise connected over time
to the Command object. Thats my take on it, anyway. Later in this book, I combine a
group of design patterns under the heading of callbacks.
Strategy appears to be a family of Command classes, all inherited from the same
base. But if you look at Command, youll see that it has the same structure: a
hierarchy of function objects. The dierence is in the way this hierarchy is used. As
seen in, you use Command to solve a particular problemin
that case, selecting les from a list. The thing that stays the same is the body of
the method thats being called, and the part that varies is isolated in the function
object. I would hazard to say that Command provides exibility while youre writing
the program, whereas Strategys exibility is at run time. Nonetheless, it seems a
rather fragile distinction.
Chain of responsibility
Example: translation service (local->global->Babelsh).
Chain of Responsibility might be thought of as a dynamic generalization of
recursion using Strategy objects. You make a call, and each Strategy in a linked
sequence tries to satisfy the call. The process ends when one of the strategies is
successful or the chain ends. In recursion, one method calls itself over and over
until a termination condition is reached; with Chain of Responsibility, a method calls
itself, which (by moving down the chain of Strategies) calls a dierent
implementation of the method, etc., until a termination condition is reached. The
termination condition is either the bottom of the chain is reached (in which case a
default object is returned; you may or may not be able to provide a default result so
you must be able to determine the success or failure of the chain) or one of the
Strategies is successful.
Instead of calling a single method to satisfy a request, multiple methods in the chain
have a chance to satisfy the request, so it has the avor of an expert system. Since
the chain is eectively a linked list, it can be dynamically created, so you could also
think of it as a more general, dynamically-built switch statement.
In the GoF, theres a fair amount of discussion of how to create the chain of
responsibility as a linked list. However, when you look at the pattern it really
shouldnt matter how the chain is maintained; thats an implementation detail.
Since GoF was written before the Standard Template Library (STL) was
incorporated into most C++ compilers, the reason for this is most likely (1) there
was no list and thus they had to create one and (2) data structures are often taught
as a fundamental skill in academia, and the idea that data structures should be
standard tools available with the programming language may not have occurred to
the GoF authors. I maintain that the implementation of Chain of Responsibility as a
chain (specically, a linked list) adds nothing to the solution and can just as easily
be implemented using a standard Java List, as shown below. Furthermore, youll see
that Ive gone to some eort to separate the chain-management parts of the
implementation from the various Strategies, so that the code can be more easily
In, above, what you probably want is to automatically nd a
solution. Chain of Responsibility provides a way to do this by chaining the Strategy
objects together and providing a mechanism for them to automatically recurse
through each one in the chain:
package chainofresponsibility;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*; // Arrays2.toString()
import junit.framework.*;
// Carries the result data and
// whether the strategy was successful:
class LineData {
public double[] data;
public LineData(double[] data) { = data; }
private boolean succeeded;
public boolean isSuccessful() { return succeeded; }
public void setSuccessful(boolean b) { succeeded = b; }
interface Strategy {
LineData strategy(LineData m);
class LeastSquares implements Strategy {
public LineData strategy(LineData m) {
System.out.println("Trying LeastSquares algorithm");
LineData ld = (LineData)m;
// [ Actual test/calculation here ]
LineData r = new LineData(
new double[] { 1.1, 2.2 }); // Dummy data
return r;
class NewtonsMethod implements Strategy {
public LineData strategy(LineData m) {
System.out.println("Trying NewtonsMethod algorithm");
LineData ld = (LineData)m;
// [ Actual test/calculation here ]
LineData r = new LineData(
new double[] { 3.3, 4.4 }); // Dummy data
return r;
class Bisection implements Strategy {
public LineData strategy(LineData m) {
System.out.println("Trying Bisection algorithm");
LineData ld = (LineData)m;
// [ Actual test/calculation here ]
LineData r = new LineData(
new double[] { 5.5, 6.6 }); // Dummy data
return r;
class ConjugateGradient implements Strategy {
public LineData strategy(LineData m) {
"Trying ConjugateGradient algorithm");
LineData ld = (LineData)m;
// [ Actual test/calculation here ]
LineData r = new LineData(
new double[] { 5.5, 6.6 }); // Dummy data
return r;
class MinimaFinder {
Externalizing object
Use serialization to create an undo mechanism.
Complex interactions
Multiple dispatching
When dealing with multiple types which are interacting, a program can get
particularly messy. For example, consider a system that parses and executes
mathematical expressions. You want to be able to say Number + Number,
Number * Number, etc., where Number is the base class for a family of numerical
objects. But when you say a + b, and you dont know the exact type of either a or b,
so how can you get them to interact properly?
The answer starts with something you probably dont think about: Java performs
only single dispatching. That is, if you are performing an operation on more than
one object whose type is unknown, Java can invoke the dynamic binding mechanism
on only one of those types. This doesnt solve the problem, so you end up detecting
some types manually and eectively producing your own dynamic binding behavior.
The solution is called multiple dispatching. Remember that polymorphism can occur
only via member function calls, so if you want double dispatching to occur, there
must be two member function calls: the rst to determine the rst unknown type,
and the second to determine the second unknown type. With multiple dispatching,
you must have a polymorphic method call to determine each of the types. Generally,
youll set up a conguration such that a single member function call produces more
than one dynamic member function call and thus determines more than one type in
the process. To get this eect, you need to work with more than one polymorphic
method call: youll need one call for each dispatch. The methods in the following
example are called compete( ) and eval( ), and are both members of the same
type. (In this case there will be only two dispatches, which is referred to as double
dispatching). If you are working with two dierent type hierarchies that are
interacting, then youll have to have a polymorphic method call in each hierarchy.
Heres an example of multiple dispatching:
// Demonstration of multiple dispatching.
package multipledispatch;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
// An enumeration type:
class Outcome {
private String name;
private Outcome(String name) { = name; }
public nal static Outcome
WIN = new Outcome("wins"),
LOSE = new Outcome("loses"),
DRAW = new Outcome("draws");
public String toString() { return name; }
interface Item {
Outcome compete(Item it);
Outcome eval(Paper p);
Outcome eval(Scissors s);
Outcome eval(Rock r);
class Paper implements Item {
public Outcome compete(Item it) { return it.eval(this); }
public Outcome eval(Paper p) { return Outcome.DRAW; }
public Outcome eval(Scissors s) { return Outcome.WIN; }
public Outcome eval(Rock r) { return Outcome.LOSE; }
public String toString() { return "Paper"; }
class Scissors implements Item {
public Outcome compete(Item it) { return it.eval(this); }
public Outcome eval(Paper p) { return Outcome.LOSE; }
public Outcome eval(Scissors s) { return Outcome.DRAW; }
public Outcome eval(Rock r) { return Outcome.WIN; }
public String toString() { return "Scissors"; }
class Rock implements Item {
public Outcome compete(Item it) { return it.eval(this); }
public Outcome eval(Paper p) { return Outcome.WIN; }
public Outcome eval(Scissors s) { return Outcome.LOSE; }
public Outcome eval(Rock r) { return Outcome.DRAW; }
public String toString() { return "Rock"; }
class ItemGenerator {
private static Random rand = new Random();
public static Item newItem() {
switch(rand.nextInt(3)) {
case 0: return new Scissors();
case 1: return new Paper();
case 2: return new Rock();
class Compete {
public static void match(Item a, Item b) {
a + " " + a.compete(b) + " vs. " + b);
public class PaperScissorsRock extends TestCase {
static int SIZE = 20;
public void test() {
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
Modify the above example to make the interactions more detailed. Each
Inhabitant can randomly produce a Weapon using getWeapon( ): a Dwarf
uses Jargon or Play, an Elf uses InventFeature or SellImaginaryProduct,
and a Troll uses Edict and Schedule. You must decide which weapons win
and lose in each interaction (as in Add a
battle( ) member function to Project that takes two Inhabitants and
matches them against each other. Now create a meeting( ) member function
for Project that creates groups of Dwarf, Elf and Manager and battles the
groups against each other until only members of one group are left standing.
These are the winners.
table lookup. The easiest way to do this is to create a Map of Maps, with the
key of each Map the class of each object. Then you can do the lookup by
Notice how much easier it is to recongure the system. When is it more
appropriate to use this approach vs. hard-coding the dynamic dispatches?
Can you create a system that has the syntactic simplicity of use of the
dynamic dispatch but uses a table lookup?
Multiple languages
This chapter looks at the value of crossing language boundaries. It is often very
advantageous to solve a problem using more than one programming language,
rather than being arbitrarily stuck using a single language. As youll see in this
chapter, a problem that is very dicult or tedious to solve in one language can often
be solved quickly and easily in another. If you can combine the use of languages,
you can create your product much more quickly and cheaply.
The most straightforward use of this idea is the Interpreter design pattern, which
adds an interpreted language to your program to allow the end user to easily
customize a solution. In Java, the easiest and most powerful way to do this is with
Jython , an implementation of the Python language in pure Java byte codes.
Interpreter solves a particular problem that of creating a scripting language for
the user. But sometimes its just easier and faster to temporarily step into another
language to solve a particular aspect of your problem. Youre not creating an
interpreter, youre just writing some code in another language. Again, Jython is a
good example of this, but CORBA also allows you to cross language boundaries.
Interpreter motivation
If the application user needs greater run time exibility, for example to create
scripts describing the desired behavior of the system, you can use the Interpreter
design pattern. Here, you create and embed a language interpreter into your
Remember that each design pattern allows one or more factors to change, so its
important to rst be aware of which factor is changing. Sometimes the end users of
your application (rather than the programmers of that application) need complete
exibility in the way that they congure some aspect of the program. That is, they
need to do some kind of simple programming. The interpreter pattern provides this
exibility by adding a language interpreter.
The problem is that developing your own language and building an interpreter is a
time-consuming distraction from the process of developing your application. You
must ask whether you want to nish writing your application or create a new
language. The best solution is to reuse code: embed an interpreter thats already
been built and debugged for you. The Python language can be freely embedded into
your for-prot application without signing any license agreement, paying royalties,
or dealing with strings of any kind. There are basically no restrictions at all when
you're using Python.
Python is a language that is very easy to learn, very logical to read and write,
supports functions and objects, has a large set of available libraries, and runs on
virtually every platform. You can download Python and learn more about it by going
For solving Java problems, we will look at a special version of Python called Jython.
This is generated entirely in Java byte codes, so incorporating it into your
application is quite simple, and its as portable as Java is. It has an extremely clean
interface with Java: Java can call Python classes, and Python can call Java classes.
Python is designed with classes from the ground up and is a truly pure object
oriented language (both C++ and Java violate purity in various ways). Python scales
up so that you can create very big programs without losing control of the code.
To install Python, go to and follow the links and instructions. To
install Jython, go to The download is a .class le,
which will run an installer when you execute it with Java. You also need to add
jython.jar to your CLASSPATH. You can nd further installation instructions at
Python overview
To get you started, here is a brief introduction for the experienced programmer
(which is what you should be if youre reading this book). You can refer to the full
documentation at (especially the incredibly useful HTML page A
Python Quick Reference), and also numerous books such as Learning Python by
Mark Lutz and David Ascher (OReilly, 1999).
Python is often referred to as a scripting language, but scripting languages tend to
be limiting, especially in the scope of the problems that they solve. Python, on the
other hand, is a programming language that also supports scripting. It is marvelous
for scripting, and you may nd yourself replacing all your batch les, shell scripts,
and simple programs with Python scripts. But it is far more than a scripting
Python is designed to be very clean to write and especially to read. You will nd that
its quite easy to read your own code long after youve written it, and also to read
other peoples code. This is accomplished partially through clean, to-the-point
syntax, but a major factor in code readability is indentation scoping in Python is
determined by indentation. For example:
response = "yes"
if response == "yes":
print "armative"
val = 1
print "continuing..."
The # denotes a comment that goes until the end of the line, just like C++ and
Java // comments.
First notice that the basic syntax of Python is C-ish; notice the if statement. But in a
C if, you would be required to use parentheses around the conditional, whereas
they are not necessary in Python (but it wont complain if you use them anyway).
The conditional clause ends with a colon, and this indicates that what follows will be
a group of indented statements, which are the then part of the if statement. In
this case, there is a print statement which sends the result to standard output,
followed by an assignment to a variable named val. The subsequent statement is not
indented so it is no longer part of the if. Indenting can nest to any level, just like
curly braces in C++ or Java, but unlike those languages there is no option (and no
argument) about where the braces are placed the compiler forces everyones code
to be formatted the same way, which is one of the main reasons for Pythons
consistent readability.
Python normally has only one statement per line (you can put more by separating
them with semicolons), thus no terminating semicolon is necessary. Even from the
brief example above you can see that the language is designed to be as simple as
possible, and yet still very readable.
Built-in containers
With languages like C++ and Java, containers are add-on libraries and not integral
to the language. In Python, the essential nature of containers for programming is
acknowledged by building them into the core of the language: both lists and
associative arrays (a.k.a. maps, dictionaries, hash tables) are fundamental data
types. This adds much to the elegance of the language.
In addition, the for statement automatically iterates through lists rather than just
counting through a sequence of numbers. This makes a lot of sense when you think
about it, since youre almost always using a for loop to step through an array or a
container. Python formalizes this by automatically making for use an iterator that
works through a sequence. Heres an example:
list = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ]
print list
for x in list:
print x
The rst line creates a list. You can print the list and it will look exactly as you put it
in (in contrast, remember that I had to create a special Arrays2 class in Thinking in
Java, 2nd Edition in order to print arrays in Java). Lists are like Java containers you
can add new elements to them (here, append( ) is used) and they will automatically
resize themselves. The for statement creates an iterator x which takes on each
value in the list.
You can create a list of numbers with the range( ) function, so if you really need to
imitate Cs for, you can.
Notice that there arent any type declarations the object names simply appear, and
Python infers their type by the way that you use them. Its as if Python is designed
so that you only need to press the keys that absolutely must. Youll nd after youve
worked with Python for a short while that youve been using up a lot of brain cycles
parsing semicolons, curly braces, and all sorts of other extra verbiage that was
demanded by your non-Python programming language but didnt actually describe
what your program was supposed to do.
To create a function in Python, you use the def keyword, followed by the function
name and argument list, and a colon to begin the function body. Here is the rst
example turned into a function:
def myFunction(response):
val = 0
if response == "yes":
print "armative"
val = 1
print "continuing..."
return val
print myFunction("no")
print myFunction("yes")
Notice there is no type information in the function signature all it species is the
name of the function and the argument identiers, but no argument types or return
types. Python is a weakly-typed language, which means it puts the minimum
possible requirements on typing. For example, you could pass and return dierent
types from the same function:
def dierentReturns(arg):
if arg == 1:
return "one"
if arg == "one":
return 1
print dierentReturns(1)
print dierentReturns("one")
The only constraints on an object that is passed into the function are that the
function can apply its operations to that object, but other than that, it doesnt care.
Here, the same function applies the + operator to integers and strings:
def sum(arg1, arg2):
return arg1 + arg2
print sum(42, 47)
print sum('spam ', "eggs")
When the operator + is used with strings, it means concatenation (yes, Python
supports operator overloading, and it does a nice job of it).
The above example also shows a little bit about Python string handling, which is the
best of any language Ive seen. You can use single or double quotes to represent
strings, which is very nice because if you surround a string with double quotes, you
can embed single quotes and vice versa:
print "That isn't a horse"
print 'You are not a "Viking"'
print """You're just pounding two
coconut halves together."""
print '''"Oh no!" He exclaimed.
"It's the blemange!"'''
print r'c:\python\lib\utils'
Note that Python was not named after the snake, but rather the Monty Python
comedy troupe, and so examples are virtually required to include Python-esque
The triple-quote syntax quotes everything, including newlines. This makes it
particularly useful for doing things like generating web pages (Python is an
especially good CGI language), since you can just triple-quote the entire page that
you want without any other editing.
The r right before a string means raw, which takes the backslashes literally so
you dont have to put in an extra backslash.
Substitution in strings is exceptionally easy, since Python uses Cs printf( )
substitution syntax, but for any string at all. You simply follow the string with a %
and the values to substitute:
val = 47
print "The number is %d" % val
val2 = 63.4
s = "val: %d, val2: %f" % (val, val2)
print s
As you can see in the second case, if you have more than one argument you
surround them in parentheses (this forms a tuple, which is a list that cannot be
All the formatting from printf( ) is available, including control over the number of
decimal places and alignment. Python also has very sophisticated regular
Like everything else in Python, the denition of a class uses a minimum of
additional syntax. You use the class keyword, and inside the body you use def to
create methods. Heres a simple class:
class Simple:
def __init__(self, str):
print "Inside the Simple constructor"
self.s = str
# Two methods:
def show(self):
print self.s
def showMsg(self, msg):
print msg + ':',
Both methods have self as their rst argument. C++ and Java both have a hidden
rst argument in their class methods, which points to the object that the method
was called for and can be accessed using the keyword this. Python methods also
use a reference to the current object, but when you are dening a method you must
explicitly specify the reference as the rst argument. Traditionally, the reference is
called self but you could use any identier you want (if you do not use self you will
probably confuse a lot of people, however). If you need to refer to elds in the
object or other methods in the object, you must use self in the expression. However,
when you call a method for an object as in ), you do not hand it the
reference to the object that is done for you.
Here, the rst method is special, as is any identier that begins and ends with
double underscores. In this case, it denes the constructor, which is automatically
called when the object is created, just like in C++ and Java. However, at the bottom
of the example you can see that the creation of an object looks just like a function
call using the class name. Pythons spare syntax makes you realize that the new
keyword isnt really necessary in C++ or Java, either.
All the code at the bottom is set o by an if clause, which checks to see if something
called __name__ is equivalent to __main__. Again, the double underscores indicate
special names. The reason for the if is that any le can also be used as a library
module within another program (modules are described shortly). In that case, you
just want the classes dened, but you dont want the code at the bottom of the le
to be executed. This particular if statement is only true when you are running this
le directly; that is, if you say on the command line:
Because Python is weakly typed, it doesnt really care about interfaces all it cares
about is applying operations to objects (in fact, Javas interface keyword would be
wasted in Python). This means that inheritance in Python is dierent from
inheritance in C++ or Java, where you often inherit simply to establish a common
interface. In Python, the only reason you inherit is to inherit an implementation to
re-use the code in the base class.
If youre going to inherit from a class, you must tell Python to bring that class into
your new le. Python controls its name spaces as aggressively as Java does, and in a
similar fashion (albeit with Pythons penchant for simplicity). Every time you create
a le, you implicitly create a module (which is like a package in Java) with the same
name as that le. Thus, no package keyword is needed in Python. When you want
to use a module, you just say import and give the name of the module. Python
searches the PYTHONPATH in the same way that Java searches the CLASSPATH
(but for some reason, Python doesnt have the same kinds of pitfalls as Java does)
and reads in the le. To refer to any of the functions or classes within a module, you
give the module name, a period, and the function or class name. If you dont want
the trouble of qualifying the name, you can say
from module import name(s)
Where name(s) can be a list of names separated by commas.
You inherit a class (or classes Python supports multiple inheritance) by listing the
name(s) of the class inside parentheses after the name of the inheriting class. Note
that the Simple class, which resides in the le (and thus, module) named
SimpleClass is brought into this new name space using an import statement:
from SimpleClass import Simple
class Simple2(Simple):
def __init__(self, str):
print "Inside Simple2 constructor"
# You must explicitly call
# the base-class constructor:
Simple.__init__(self, str)
def display(self):
self.showMsg("Called from display()")
# Overriding a base-class method
def show(self):
print "Overridden show() method"
# Calling a base-class method from inside
# the overridden method:
class Dierent:
def show(self):
print "Not derived from Simple"
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = Simple2("Simple2 constructor argument")
x.showMsg("Inside main")
def f(obj): # One-line denition
base-class constructor call. This can also be seen in the overridden version of
show( ).
In __main__, you will see (when you run the program) that the base-class
constructor is called. You can also see that the showMsg( ) method is available in
the derived class, just as you would expect with inheritance.
The class Dierent also has a method named show( ), but this class is not derived
from Simple. The f( ) method dened in __main__ demonstrates weak typing: all it
cares about is that show( ) can be applied to obj, and it doesnt have any other type
requirements. You can see that f( ) can be applied equally to an object of a class
derived from Simple and one that isnt, without discrimination. If youre a C++
programmer, you should see that the objective of the C++ template feature is
exactly this: to provide weak typing in a strongly-typed language. Thus, in Python
you automatically get the equivalent of templates without having to learn that
particularly dicult syntax and semantics.
Creating a language
It turns out to be remarkably simple to use Jython to create an interpreted language
inside your application. Consider the greenhouse controller example from Chapter 8
of Thinking in Java, 2nd edition. This is a situation where you want the end user
the person managing the greenhouse to have conguration control over the
system, and so a simple scripting language is the ideal solution.
To create the language, well simply write a set of Python classes, and the
constructor of each will add itself to a (static) master list. The common data and
behavior will be factored into the base class Event. Each Event object will contain
an action string (for simplicity in reality, youd have some sort of functionality)
and a time when the event is supposed to run. The constructor initializes these
elds, and then adds the new Event object to a static list called events (dening it
in the class, but outside of any methods, is what makes it static):
class Event:
events = [] # static
def __init__(self, action, time):
self.action = action
self.time = time
# Used by sort(). This will cause
# comparisons to be based only on time:
def __cmp__ (self, other):
if self.time < other.time: return -1
if self.time > other.time: return 1
return 0
def run(self):
print "%.2f: %s" % (self.time, self.action)
class LightOn(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Light on", time)
class LightO(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Light o", time)
class WaterOn(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Water on", time)
class WaterO(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Water o", time)
class ThermostatNight(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self,"Thermostat night", time)
class ThermostatDay(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Thermostat day", time)
class Bell(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Ring bell", time)
def run():;
for e in
# To test, this will be run when you say:
# python
if __name__ == "__main__":
The constructor of each derived class calls the base-class constructor, which adds
the new object to the list. The run( ) function sorts the list, which automatically
uses the __cmp__( ) method that was dened in Event to base comparisons on time
only. In this example, it only prints out the list, but in the real system it would wait
for the time of each event to come up and then run the event.
The __main__ section performs a simple test on the classes.
The above le is now a module that can be included in another Python program to
dene all the classes it contains. But instead of an ordinary Python program, lets
use Jython, inside of Java. This turns out to be remarkably simple: you import some
Jython classes, create a PythonInterpreter object, and cause the Python les to be
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class
GreenHouseController extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter interp =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
"Loading GreenHouse Language");
"Loading GreenHouse Script");
"Executing GreenHouse Script");
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {;
} ///:~
This is the goal of the interpreter design pattern: to make the conguration of your
program as simple as possible for the end user. With Jython you can achieve this
with almost no eort at all.
One of the other methods available to the PythonInterpreter is exec( ), which
allows you to send a command to the interpreter. Here, the run( ) function is called
using exec( ).
Remember, to run this program you must go to and
download and install Jython (actually, you only need jython.jar in your
CLASSPATH). Once thats in place, its just like running any other Java program.
Putting data in
To inject data into your Python program, the PythonInterpreter class has a
deceptively simple method: set( ). However, set( ) takes many dierent data types
and performs conversions upon them. The following example is a reasonably
thorough exercise of the various set( ) possibilities, along with comments that
should give a fairly complete explanation:
// Passing data from Java to python when using
// the PythonInterpreter object.
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class
PythonInterpreterSetting extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter interp =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
// It automatically converts Strings
// into native Python strings:
interp.set("a", "This is a test");
interp.exec("print a");
interp.exec("print a[5:]"); // A slice
// It also knows what to do with arrays:
String[] s = { "How", "Do", "You", "Do?" };
interp.set("b", s);
interp.exec("for x in b: print x[0], x");
// set() only takes Objects, so it can't
// gure out primitives. Instead,
// you have to use wrappers:
interp.set("c", new PyInteger(1));
interp.set("d", new PyFloat(2.2));
interp.exec("print c + d");
// You can also use Java's object wrappers:
interp.set("c", new Integer(9));
interp.set("d", new Float(3.14));
interp.exec("print c + d");
// Dene a Python function to print arrays:
"def prt(x): \n" +
" print x \n" +
" for i in x: \n" +
As usual with Java, the distinction between real objects and primitive types causes
trouble. In general, if you pass a regular object to set( ), it knows what to do with it,
but if you want to pass in a primitive you must perform a conversion. One way to do
this is to create a Py type, such as PyInteger or PyFloat. but it turns out you can
also use Javas own object wrappers like Integer and Float, which is probably
going to be a lot easier to remember.
Early in the program youll see an exec( ) containing the Python statement:
print a[5:]
The colon inside the indexing statement indicates a Python slice, which produces a
range of elements from the original array. In this case, it produces an array
containing the elements from number 5 until the end of the array. You could also say
a[3:5] to produce elements 3 through 5, or a[:5] to produce the elements zero
through 5. The reason a slice is used in this statement is to make sure that the Java
String has really been converted to a Python string, which can also be treated as an
array of characters.
You can see that its possible, using exec( ), to create a Python function (although
its a bit awkward). The prt( ) function prints the whole array, and then (to make
sure its a real Python array), iterates through each element of the array and prints
it. Finally, it prints the class of the array, so we can see what conversion has taken
place (Python not only has run-time type information, it also has the equivalent of
Java reection). The prt( ) function is used to print arrays that come from each of
the Java primitive types.
Although a Java ArrayList does pass into the interpreter using set( ), and you can
index into it as if it were an array, trying to create a slice fails. To completely
convert it into an array, one approach is to simply extract a Java array using
toArray( ), and pass that in. The set( ) method converts it to a PyArray one of the
classes provided with Jython which can be treated as a Python array (you can also
explicitly create a PyArray, but this seems unnecessary).
Finally, a Map is created and passed directly into the interpreter. While it is
possible to do simple things like index into the resulting object, its not a real
Python dictionary so you cant (for example) call the keys( ) method. There is no
straightforward way to convert a Java Map into a Python dictionary, and so I wrote
a utility called toPyDictionary( ) and made it a static method of
com.bruceeckel.python.PyUtil. This also includes utilities to extract a Python
array into a Java List, and a Python dictionary into a Java Map:
// PythonInterpreter utilities
package com.bruceeckel.python;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import java.util.*;
public class PyUtil {
/** Extract a Python tuple or array into a Java
List (which can be converted into other kinds
of lists and sets inside Java).
@param interp The Python interpreter object
@param pyName The id of the python list object
public static List
toList(PythonInterpreter interp, String pyName){
return new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
pyName, Object[].class)));
/** Extract a Python dictionary into a Java Map
@param interp The Python interpreter object
@param pyName The id of the python dictionary
public static Map
toMap(PythonInterpreter interp, String pyName){
PyList pa = ((PyDictionary)interp.get(
Map map = new HashMap();
while(pa.__len__() != 0) {
PyTuple po = (PyTuple)pa.pop();
Object rst = po.__nditem__(0)
Object second = po.__nditem__(1)
map.put(rst, second);
return map;
/** Turn a Java Map into a PyDictionary,
suitable for placing into a PythonInterpreter
@param map The Java Map object
public static PyDictionary
toPyDictionary(Map map) {
Map m = new HashMap();
Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
// PyDictionary constructor wants a Hashtable:
return new PyDictionary(new Hashtable(m));
} ///:~
package com.bruceeckel.python;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class Test extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter pi =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test1() {
List lst = PyUtil.toList(pi, "tup");
System.out.println(new HashSet(lst));
public void test2() {
List lst = PyUtil.toList(pi, "ints");
public void test3() {
pi.exec("dict = { 1 : 'a', 3 : 'b', " +
"5 : 'c', 9 : 'd', 11 : 'e'}");
Map mp = PyUtil.toMap(pi, "dict");
public void test4() {
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("twas", new Integer(11));
m.put("brillig", new Integer(27));
m.put("and", new Integer(47));
m.put("the", new Integer(42));
m.put("slithy", new Integer(33));
m.put("toves", new Integer(55));
pi.set("m", PyUtil.toPyDictionary(m));
pi.exec("print m");
pi.exec("print m['slithy']");
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
Well see the use of the extraction tools in the next section.
Using the second approach, getting an array from the PythonInterpreter is quite
easy. This is especially useful because Python is exceptionally good at manipulating
strings and les, and so you will commonly want to extract the results as an array of
strings. For example, you can do a wildcard expansion of le names using Pythons
glob( ), as shown further down in the following code:
// Getting data from the PythonInterpreter object.
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class
PythonInterpreterGetting extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter interp =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
interp.exec("a = 100");
// If you just use the ordinary get(),
// it returns a PyObject:
PyObject a = interp.get("a");
// There's not much you can do with a generic
// PyObject, but you can print it out:
System.out.println("a = " + a);
// If you know the type it's supposed to be,
// you can "cast" it using __tojava__() to
// that Java type and manipulate it in Java.
// To use 'a' as an int, you must use
// the Integer wrapper class:
int ai= ((Integer)a.__tojava__(Integer.class))
// There are also convenience functions:
ai = Py.py2int(a);
System.out.println("ai + 47 = " + (ai + 47));
// You can convert it to dierent types:
oat af = Py.py2oat(a);
System.out.println("af + 47 = " + (af + 47));
// If you try to cast it to an inappropriate
// type you'll get a runtime exception:
//! String as = (String)a.__tojava__(
//! String.class);
// If you know the type, a more useful method
// is the overloaded get() that takes the
// desired class as the 2nd argument:
interp.exec("x = 1 + 2");
int x = ((Integer)interp
.get("x", Integer.class)).intValue();
Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {
} ///:~
The last two examples show the extraction of Python tuples and lists into Java Lists,
and Python dictionaries into Java Maps. Both of these cases require more
processing than is provided in the standard Jython library, so I have again created
utilities in com.bruceeckel.pyton.PyUtil: toList( ) to produce a List from a
Python sequence, and toMap( ) to produce a Map from a Python dictionary. The
PyUtil methods make it easier to take important data structures back and forth
between Java and Python.
Multiple interpreters
Its also worth noting that you can have multiple PythonInterpreter objects in a
program, and each one has its own name space:
// You can run multiple interpreters, each
// with its own name space.
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class MultipleJythons extends TestCase {
interp1 = new PythonInterpreter(),
interp2 = new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
interp1.set("a", new PyInteger(42));
interp2.set("a", new PyInteger(47));
interp1.exec("print a");
interp2.exec("print a");
PyObject x1 = interp1.get("a");
PyObject x2 = interp2.get("a");
System.out.println("a from interp1: " + x1);
System.out.println("a from interp2: " + x2);
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {;
} ///:~
When you run the program youll see that the value of a is distinct within each
The =M comment is recognized by the makele generator tool (that I created for
this book) as a replacement makele command. This will be used instead of the
commands that the extraction tool would normally place in the makele.
Note that the import statements map to the Java package structure exactly as you
would expect. In the rst example, a Date( ) object is created as if it were a native
Python class, and printing this object just calls toString( ).
ValGen implements the concept of a generator which is used a great deal in the
C++ STL (Standard Template Library, part of the Standard C++ Library). A
generator is an object that produces a new object every time its generation
method is called, and it is quite convenient for lling containers. Here, I wanted to
use it in a for iteration, and so I needed the generation method to be the one that is
called by the iteration process. This is a special method called __getitem__( ),
which is actually the overloaded operator for indexing, [ ]. A for loop calls this
method every time it wants to move the iteration forward, and when the elements
run out, __getitem__( ) throws an out-of-bounds exception and that signals the end
of the for loop (in other languages, you would never use an exception for ordinary
control ow, but in Python it seems to work quite well). This exception happens
automatically when self.val[i] runs out of elements, so the __getitem__( ) code
turns out to be simple. The only complexity is that __getitem__( ) appears to return
two objects instead of just one. What Python does is automatically package multiple
return values into a tuple, so you still only end up returning a single object (in C++
or Java you would have to create your own data structure to accomplish this). In
addition, in the for loop where ValGen is used, Python automatically unpacks the
tuple so that you can have multiple iterators in the for. These are the kinds of
syntax simplications that make Python so endearing.
The map and set objects are instances of Javas HashMap and HashSet, again
created as if those classes were just native Python components. In the for loop, the
put( ) and add( ) methods work just like they do in Java. Also, indexing into a Java
Map uses the same notation as for dictionaries, but note that to iterate through the
keys in a Map you must use the Map method keySet( ) rather than the Python
dictionary method keys( ).
The nal part of the example shows the use of a Java class that I created from
scratch, to demonstrate how trivial it is. Notice also that Jython intuitively
understands JavaBeans properties, since you can either use the getVal( ) and
setVal( ) methods, or assign to and read from the equivalent val property. Also,
getChars( ) returns a Character[] in Java, and this becomes an array in Python.
The easiest way to use Java classes that you create for use inside a Python program
is to put them inside a package. Although Jython can also import unpackaged java
classes (import JavaClass), all such unpackaged java classes will be treated as if
they were dened in dierent packages so they can only see each others public
Java packages translate into Python modules, and Python must import a module in
order to be able to use the Java class. Here is the Java code for JavaClass:
package interpreter.javaclass;
import junit.framework.*;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;
public class JavaClass {
private String s = "";
public JavaClass() {
public JavaClass(String a) {
s = a;
public String getVal() {
return s;
public void setVal(String a) {
s = a;
public Character[] getChars() {
Character[] r = new Character[s.length()];
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
r[i] = new Character(s.charAt(i));
return r;
public static class Test extends TestCase {
x1 = new JavaClass(),
x2 = new JavaClass("UnitTest");
public void test1() {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
} ///:~
You can see that this is just an ordinary Java class, without any awareness that it
will be used in a Jython program. For this reason, one of the important uses of
Jython is in testing Java code
. Because Python is such a powerful, exible,
dynamic language it is an ideal tool for automated test frameworks, without making
any changes to the Java code thats being tested.
Inner Classes
Inner classes becomes attributes on the class object. Instances of static inner
Non-static inner classes must have an outer class instance supplied explicitly as the
rst argument:
If you compare the Java version of the program to the above Jython implementation,
youll see that Jython is shorter and generally easier to understand. For example, in
the Java version to set up the frame you had to make several calls: the constructor
for JFrame( ), the setVisible( ) method and the setDefaultCloseOperation( )
method, whereas in the above code all three of these operations are performed with
a single constructor call.
Also notice that the JButton is congured with an actionListener( ) method inside
the constructor, with the assignment to kapow. In addition, Jythons JavaBean
awareness means that a call to any method with a name that begins with set can
be replaced with an assignment, as you can see above.
The only method that did not come over from Java is the pack( ) method, which
seems to be essential in order to force the layout to happen properly. Its also
important that the call to pack( ) appear before the size setting.
MyDialog is inherited from JDialog, and you can see named arguments being used
in the call to the base-class constructor.
In the creation of the OK JButton, note that the actionPerformed method is set
right inside the constructor, and that the function is created using the Python
lambda keyword. This creates a nameless function with the arguments appearing
before the colon and the expression that generates the returned value after the
colon. As you should know, the Java prototype for the actionPerformed( ) method
only contains a single argument, but the lambda expression indicates two. However,
the second argument is provided with a default value, so the function can be called
with only one argument. The reason for the second argument is seen in the default
value, because this is a way to pass self into the lambda expression, so that it can
be used to dispose of the dialog.
Compare this code with the version thats published in Thinking in Java, 2 nd edition.
Youll nd that Python language features allow a much more succinct and direct
The Python denition doesnt specify any return type, but the @sig string gives the
full type information about what is being passed and returned. The jythonc
compiler uses this information to generate the correct Java code.
Theres one other set of rules you must follow in order to get a successful
compilation: you must inherit from a Java class or interface in your Python class
(you do not need to specify the @sig signature for methods dened in the
superclass/interface). If you do not do this, you wont get your desired methods
unfortunately, jythonc gives you no warnings or errors in this case, but you wont
get what you want. If you dont see whats missing, it can be very frustrating.
In addition, you must import the appropriate java class and give the correct
package specication. In the example below, java is imported so you must inherit
from java.lang.Object, but you could also say from java.lang import Object and
then youd just inherit from Object without the package specication.
Unfortunately, you dont get any warnings or errors if you get this wrong, so you
must be patient and keep trying.
Here is an example of a Python class created to produce a Java class. This also
introduces the =T directive for the makele builder tool, which species a
dierent target than the one that is normally used by the tool. In this case, the
Python le is used to build a Java .class le, so the class le is the desired makele
target. To accomplish this, the default makele command is replaced using the =M
directive (notice how you can break across lines using \):
#=T python\java\test\PythonToJavaClass.class
#=M jythonc.bat --package \
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
// The package with the Python-generated classes:
public class
TestPythonToJavaClass extends TestCase {
PythonToJavaClass p2j = new PythonToJavaClass();
public void testDumpClassInfo() {
Method[] methods =
for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
String nm = methods[i].toString();
if(nm.indexOf("PythonToJavaClass") != -1)
public void test1() {
p2j.argIn1("Testing argIn1()");
p2j.argIn2(new Integer(47));
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
a.add(new Integer(i));
new PyArray(Integer.class, a.toArray()));
Map m = new HashMap();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
m.put("" + i, new Float(i));
public static void main(String[] args) {
} ///:~
For Python support, youll usually only need to import the classes in
org.python.core. Everything else in the above example is fairly straightforward, as
PythonToJavaClass appears, from the Java side, to be just another Java class.
dumpClassInfo( ) uses reection to verify that the method signatures specied in have come through properly.
This chapter has arguably gone much deeper into Jython than required to use the
interpreter design pattern. Indeed, once you decide that you need to use interpreter
and that youre not going to get lost inventing your own language, the solution of
installing Jython is quite simple, and you can at least get started by following the
GreenHouseController example.
Of course, that example is often too simple and you may need something more
sophisticated, often requiring more interesting data to be passed back and forth.
When I encountered the limited documentation, I felt it necessary to come up with a
more thorough examination of Jython.
In the process, note that there could be another equally powerful design pattern
lurking in here, which could perhaps be called multiple languages. This is based on
the experience of having each language solve a certain class of problems better
than the other; by combining languages you can solve problems much faster than
with either language by itself. CORBA is another way to bridge across languages,
and at the same time bridging between computers and operating systems.
To me, Python and Java present a very potent combination for program development
because of Javas architecture and tool set, and Pythons extremely rapid
development (generally considered to be 5-10 times faster than C++ or Java).
Python is usually slower, however, but even if you end up re-coding parts of your
program for speed, the initial fast development will allow you to more quickly esh
out the system and uncover and solve the critical sections. And often, the execution
speed of Python is not a problem in those cases its an even bigger win. A number
of commercial products already use Java and Jython, and because of the terric
productivity leverage I expect to see this happen more in the future.
Create a Swing application with a JTextField (where the user will enter
commands) and a JTextArea (where the command results will be displayed).
Connect to a PythonInterpreter object so that the output will be sent to the
JTextArea (which should scroll). Youll need to locate the PythonInterpreter
command that redirects the output to a Java stream.
Each state can be run( ) to perform its behavior, and (in this design) you can also
pass it an Input object so it can tell you what new state to move to based on that
Input. The key distinction between this design and the next is that here, each State
object decides what other states it can move to, based on the Input, whereas in the
subsequent design all of the state transitions are held in a single table. Another way
to put it is that here, each State object has its own little State table, and in the
subsequent design there is a single master state transition table for the whole
// A State has an operation, and can be moved
// into the next State given an Input:
package statemachine;
public interface State {
void run();
State next(Input i);
} ///:~
The StateMachine keeps track of the current state, which is initialized by the
constructor. The runAll( ) method takes an Iterator to a list of Input objects (an
Iterator is used here for convenience and simplicity; the important issue is that the
input information comes from somewhere). This method not only moves to the next
state, but it also calls run( ) for each state object thus you can see its an
expansion of the idea of the State pattern, since run( ) does something dierent
depending on the state that the system is in.
// Takes an Iterator of Inputs to move from State
// to State using a template method.
package statemachine;
import java.util.*;
Ive also treated runAll( ) as a template method. This is typical, but certainly not
required you could concievably want to override it, but typically the behavior
change will occur in States run( ) instead.
At this point the basic framework for this style of StateMachine (where each state
decides the next states) is complete. As an example, Ill use a fancy mousetrap that
can move through several states in the process of trapping a mouse
. The mouse
classes and information are stored in the mouse package, including a class
representing all the possible moves that a mouse can make, which will be the inputs
to the state machine:
package statemachine.mouse;
import java.util.*;
import statemachine.*;
public class MouseAction implements Input {
private String action;
private static List instances = new ArrayList();
private MouseAction(String a) {
action = a;
public String toString() { return action; }
public int hashCode() {
return action.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return (o instanceof MouseAction)
&& action.equals(((MouseAction)o).action);
public static MouseAction forString(String description) {
Iterator it = instances.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
MouseAction ma = (MouseAction);
return ma;
throw new RuntimeException("not found: " + description);
public static MouseAction
appears = new MouseAction("mouse appears"),
runsAway = new MouseAction("mouse runs away"),
enters = new MouseAction("mouse enters trap"),
escapes = new MouseAction("mouse escapes"),
trapped = new MouseAction("mouse trapped"),
removed = new MouseAction("mouse removed");
} ///:~
Youll note that hashCode( ) and equals( ) have been overriden so that
MouseAction objects can be used as keys in a HashMap, but in the rst version of
the mousetrap we wont do this. Also, each possible move by a mouse is enumerated
as a static MouseAction object.
For creating test code, a sequence of mouse inputs is provided from a text le:
//:! statemachine:mouse:MouseMoves.txt
mouse appears
mouse runs away
mouse appears
mouse enters trap
mouse escapes
mouse appears
mouse enters trap
mouse trapped
mouse removed
mouse appears
mouse runs away
mouse appears
mouse enters trap
mouse trapped
mouse removed
The MouseMoveList looks a bit like a decorator, and acts a bit like an adapter.
However, an adapter changes one interface to another, and a decorator adds
functionality or data. MouseMoveList changes the contents of the container, so it
might be thought of as a Transformer.
With these tools in place, its now possible to create the rst version of the
mousetrap program. Each State subclass denes its run( ) behavior, and also
establishes its next state with an if-else clause:
// State Machine pattern using 'if' statements
// to determine the next state.
package statemachine.mousetrap1;
import statemachine.mouse.*;
import statemachine.*;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
// A dierent subclass for each state:
class Waiting implements State {
public void run() {
"Waiting: Broadcasting cheese smell");
public State next(Input i) {
MouseAction ma = (MouseAction)i;
return MouseTrap.luring;
return MouseTrap.waiting;
MouseMoveList moves =
new MouseMoveList(
new StringList("../mouse/MouseMoves.txt")
public void test() {
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
The StateMachine class simply denes all the possible states as static objects, and
also sets up the initial state. The UnitTest creates a MouseTrap and then tests it
with all the inputs from a MouseMoveList.
While the use of if-else statements inside the next( ) methods is perfectly
reasonable, managing a large number of these could become dicult. Another
approach is to create tables inside each State object dening the various next
states based on the input.
Initially, this seems like it ought to be quite simple. You should be able to dene a
static table in each State subclass that denes the transitions in terms of the other
State objects. However, it turns out that this approach generates cyclic
initialization dependencies. To solve the problem, Ive had to delay the initialization
of the tables until the rst time that the next( ) method is called for a particular
State object. Initially, the next( ) methods can appear a little strange because of
The StateT class is an implementation of State (so that the same StateMachine
class can be used from the previous example) that adds a Map and a method to
initialize the map from a two-dimensional array. The next( ) method has a
base-class implementation which must be called from the overridden derived class
next( ) methods after they test for a null Map (and initialize it if its null):
// A better mousetrap using tables
package statemachine.mousetrap2;
import statemachine.mouse.*;
import statemachine.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
abstract class StateT implements State {
protected Map transitions = null;
protected void init(Object[][] states) {
transitions = new HashMap();
for(int i = 0; i < states.length; i++)
transitions.put(states[i][0], states[i][1]);
public abstract void run();
public State next(Input i) {
return (State)transitions.get(i);
class Holding extends StateT {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Holding: Mouse caught");
public State next(Input i) {
if(transitions == null)
init(new Object[][] {
{ MouseAction.removed, MouseTrap.waiting },
public class MouseTrap2Test extends TestCase {
MouseTrap trap = new MouseTrap();
MouseMoveList moves =
new MouseMoveList(
new StringList("../mouse/MouseMoves.txt")
public void test() {
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
The rest of the code is identical the dierence is in the next( ) methods and the
StateT class.
If you have to create and maintain a lot of State classes, this approach is an
improvement, since its easier to quickly read and understand the state transitions
from looking at the table.
The classic state-transition diagram uses a circle to represent each state, and lines
from the state pointing to all states that state can transition into. Each transition
line is annotated with conditions for transition and an action during transition.
Heres what it looks like:
(Simple State Machine Diagram)
Reasonable implementation
No excess of states (you could represent every single change with a new
Similar to yweight
Tests and transitions are encapsulated in function objects (objects that hold
The Condition evaluates the Input to decide whether this row in the table is the
correct transition:
// Condition function object for state machine
package statemachine2;
public interface Condition {
boolean condition(Input i);
} ///:~
Transition actions
If the Condition returns true, then the transition to a new state is made, and as
that transition is made some kind of action occurs (in the previous state machine
design, this was the run( ) method):
// Transition function object for state machine
package statemachine2;
public interface Transition {
void transition(Input i);
} ///:~
The table
With these classes in place, we can set up a 3-dimensional table where each row
completely describes a state. The rst element in the row is the current state, and
the rest of the elements are each a row indicating what the type of the input can be,
the condition that must be satised in order for this state change to be the correct
one, the action that happens during transition, and the new state to move into. Note
that the Input object is not just used for its type, it is also a Messenger object that
carries information to the Condition and Transition objects:
{ {CurrentState},
{Input, Condition(Input), Transition(Input), Next},
{Input, Condition(Input), Transition(Input), Next},
{Input, Condition(Input), Transition(Input), Next},
public void buildTable(Object[][][] table) {
for(int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
Object[][] row = table[i];
Object currentState = row[0][0];
List transitions = new ArrayList();
for(int j = 1; j < row.length; j++)
map.put(currentState, transitions);
public void nextState(Input input) {
Iterator it=((List)map.get(state)).iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Object[] tran = (Object[]);
if(input == tran[0] ||
input.getClass() == tran[0]) {
if(tran[1] != null) {
Condition c = (Condition)tran[1];
continue; // Failed test
if(tran[2] != null)
state = (State)tran[3];
throw new RuntimeException(
"Input not supported for current state");
} ///:~
name = nm;
value = val;
public String toString() { return name; }
public int getValue() { return value; }
public nal static SecondDigit
one = new SecondDigit("one", 0),
two = new SecondDigit("two", 1),
three = new SecondDigit("three", 2),
four = new SecondDigit("four", 3);
class ItemSlot {
int price;
int quantity;
static int counter = 0;
String id = Integer.toString(counter++);
public ItemSlot(int prc, int quant) {
price = prc;
quantity = quant;
public String toString() { return id; }
public int getPrice() { return price; }
public int getQuantity() { return quantity; }
public void decrQuantity() { quantity--; }
public class VendingMachine extends StateMachine{
StateMachine changeAvailable =
new ChangeAvailable();
int amount = 0;
FirstDigit rst = null;
ItemSlot[][] items = new ItemSlot[4][4];
Condition notEnough = new Condition() {
public boolean condition(Input input) {
int i1 = rst.getValue();
int i2 = ((SecondDigit)input).getValue();
return items[i1][i2].getPrice() > amount;
Condition itemAvailable = new Condition() {
public boolean condition(Input input) {
int i1 = rst.getValue();
int i2 = ((SecondDigit)input).getValue();
return items[i1][i2].getQuantity() > 0;
Condition itemNotAvailable = new Condition() {
public boolean condition(Input input) {
return !itemAvailable.condition(input);
Transition clearSelection = new Transition() {
public void transition(Input input) {
int i1 = rst.getValue();
int i2 = ((SecondDigit)input).getValue();
ItemSlot is = items[i1][i2];
"Clearing selection: item " + is +
" costs " + is.getPrice() +
" and has quantity " + is.getQuantity());
rst = null;
Transition dispense = new Transition() {
public void transition(Input input) {
int i1 = rst.getValue();
int i2 = ((SecondDigit)input).getValue();
ItemSlot is = items[i1][i2];
System.out.println("Dispensing item " +
is + " costs " + is.getPrice() +
" and has quantity " + is.getQuantity());
System.out.println("New Quantity " +
amount -= is.getPrice();
System.out.println("Amount remaining " +
Transition showTotal = new Transition() {
public void transition(Input input) {
amount += ((Money)input).getValue();
System.out.println("Total amount = " +
Transition returnChange = new Transition() {
public void transition(Input input) {
System.out.println("Returning " + amount);
amount = 0;
Transition showDigit = new Transition() {
public void transition(Input input) {
rst = (FirstDigit)input;
System.out.println("First Digit= "+ rst);
public VendingMachine() {
super(VM.quiescent); // Initial state
for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < items[i].length; j++)
items[i][j] = new ItemSlot((j+1)*25, 5);
items[3][0] = new ItemSlot(25, 0);
buildTable(new Object[][][]{
{ {VM.quiescent}, // Current state
// Input, test, transition, next state:
{Money.class, null,
showTotal, VM.collecting}},
{ {VM.collecting}, // Current state
// Input, test, transition, next state:
{Quit.quit, null,
returnChange, VM.quiescent},
{Money.class, null,
showTotal, VM.collecting},
{FirstDigit.class, null,
showDigit, VM.selecting}},
{ {VM.selecting}, // Current state
// Input, test, transition, next state:
{Quit.quit, null,
returnChange, VM.quiescent},
{SecondDigit.class, notEnough,
clearSelection, VM.collecting},
{SecondDigit.class, itemNotAvailable,
clearSelection, VM.unavailable},
{SecondDigit.class, itemAvailable,
dispense, VM.wantMore}},
{ {VM.unavailable}, // Current state
// Input, test, transition, next state:
{Quit.quit, null,
returnChange, VM.quiescent},
{FirstDigit.class, null,
showDigit, VM.selecting}},
{ {VM.wantMore}, // Current state
// Input, test, transition, next state:
{Quit.quit, null,
returnChange, VM.quiescent},
{FirstDigit.class, null,
showDigit, VM.selecting}},
} ///:~
public void test() {
for(int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
public static void main(String[] args) {;
} ///:~
Another approach, as your state machine gets bigger, is to use an automation tool
whereby you congure a table and let the tool generate the state machine code for
you. This can be created yourself using a language like Python, but there are also
free, open-source tools such as Libero, at
Create a StateMachine system whereby the current state along with input
information determines the next state that the system will be in. To do this,
each state must store a reference back to the proxy object (the state
controller) so that it can request the state change. Use a HashMap to create
a table of states, where the key is a String naming the new state and the
value is the new state object. Inside each state subclass override a method
nextState( ) that has its own state-transition table. The input to nextState( )
should be a single word that comes from a text le containing one word per
Modify the previous exercise so that the state machine can be congured by
creating/modifying a single multi-dimensional array.
Modify the mood exercise from the previous session so that it becomes a
state machine using
Pattern refactoring
This chapter will look at the process of solving a problem by applying design
patterns in an evolutionary fashion. That is, a rst cut design will be used for the
initial solution, and then this solution will be examined and various design patterns
will be applied to the problem (some of which will work, and some of which wont).
The key question that will always be asked in seeking improved solutions is what
will change?
This process is similar to what Martin Fowler talks about in his book Refactoring:
Improving the Design of Existing Code
(although he tends to talk about pieces
of code more than pattern-level designs). You start with a solution, and then when
you discover that it doesnt continue to meet your needs, you x it. Of course, this is
a natural tendency but in computer programming its been extremely dicult to
accomplish with procedural programs, and the acceptance of the idea that we can
refactor code and designs adds to the body of proof that object-oriented
programming is a good thing.
In the source code listings available for this book, this le will be placed in the
subdirectory recyclea that branches o from the subdirectory refactor. The
unpacking tool takes care of placing it into the correct subdirectory. The reason for
doing this is that this chapter rewrites this particular example a number of times
and by putting each version in its own directory (using the default package in each
directory so that invoking the program is easy), the class names will not clash.
Several ArrayList objects are created to hold Trash references. Of course,
ArrayLists actually hold Objects so theyll hold anything at all. The reason they
hold Trash (or something derived from Trash) is only because youve been careful
to not put in anything except Trash. If you do put something wrong into the
ArrayList, you wont get any compile-time warnings or errorsyoull nd out only
via an exception at run time.
When the Trash references are added, they lose their specic identities and become
simply Object references (they are upcast). However, because of polymorphism
the proper behavior still occurs when the dynamically-bound methods are called
through the Iterator sorter, once the resulting Object has been cast back to
Trash. sumValue( ) also takes an Iterator to perform operations on every object in
the ArrayList.
It looks silly to upcast the types of Trash into a container holding base type
references, and then turn around and downcast. Why not just put the trash into the
appropriate receptacle in the rst place? (Indeed, this is the whole enigma of
recycling). In this program it would be easy to repair, but sometimes a systems
structure and exibility can benet greatly from downcasting.
The program satises the design requirements: it works. This might be ne as long
as its a one-shot solution. However, a useful program tends to evolve over time, so
you must ask, What if the situation changes? For example, cardboard is now a
valuable recyclable commodity, so how will that be integrated into the system
(especially if the program is large and complicated). Since the above type-check
coding in the switch statement could be scattered throughout the program, you
must go nd all that code every time a new type is added, and if you miss one the
compiler wont give you any help by pointing out an error.
The key to the misuse of RTTI here is that every type is tested. If youre looking for
only a subset of types because that subset needs special treatment, thats probably
ne. But if youre hunting for every type inside a switch statement, then youre
probably missing an important point, and denitely making your code less
maintainable. In the next section well look at how this program evolved over
several stages to become much more exible. This should prove a valuable example
in program design.
This brings up a general object-oriented design principle that I rst heard spoken by
Grady Booch: If the design is too complicated, make more objects. This is
simultaneously counterintuitive and ludicrously simple, and yet its the most useful
guideline Ive found. (You might observe that making more objects is often
equivalent to add another level of indirection.) In general, if you nd a place with
messy code, consider what sort of class would clean that up. Often the side eect of
cleaning up the code will be a system that has better structure and is more exible.
Consider rst the place where Trash objects are created, which is a switch
statement inside main( ):
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
switch((int)(rand.nextInt(3)) {
case 0 :
Aluminum(rand.nextDouble() * 100));
case 1 :
Paper(rand.nextDouble() * 100));
case 2 :
Glass(rand.nextDouble() * 100));
This is denitely messy, and also a place where you must change code whenever a
new type is added. If new types are commonly added, a better solution is a single
method that takes all of the necessary information and produces a reference to an
object of the correct type, already upcast to a trash object. In Design Patterns this is
broadly referred to as a creational pattern (of which there are several). The specic
pattern that will be applied here is a variant of the Factory Method. Here, the
factory method is a static member of Trash, but more commonly it is a method that
is overridden in the derived class.
The idea of the factory method is that you pass it the essential information it needs
to know to create your object, then stand back and wait for the reference (already
upcast to the base type) to pop out as the return value. From then on, you treat the
object polymorphically. Thus, you never even need to know the exact type of object
thats created. In fact, the factory method hides it from you to prevent accidental
misuse. If you want to use the object without polymorphism, you must explicitly use
RTTI and casting.
But theres a little problem, especially when you use the more complicated
approach (not shown here) of making the factory method in the base class and
overriding it in the derived classes. What if the information required in the derived
class requires more or dierent arguments? Creating more objects solves this
problem. To implement the factory method, the Trash class gets a new method
called factory. To hide the creational data, theres a new class called Messenger
that carries all of the necessary information for the factory method to create the
appropriate Trash object (weve started referring to Messenger as a design pattern,
but its simple enough that you may not choose to elevate it to that status). Heres a
simple implementation of Messenger:
class Messenger {
int type;
A Messenger objects only job is to hold information for the factory( ) method.
Now, if theres a situation in which factory( ) needs more or dierent information
to create a new type of Trash object, the factory( ) interface doesnt need to be
changed. The Messenger class can be changed by adding new data and new
constructors, or in the more typical object-oriented fashion of subclassing.
The factory( ) method for this simple example looks like this:
static Trash factory(Messenger i) {
switch(i.type) {
default: // To quiet the compiler
case 0:
return new Aluminum(;
case 1:
return new Paper(;
case 2:
return new Glass(;
// Two lines here:
case 3:
return new Cardboard(;
Here, the determination of the exact type of object is simple, but you can imagine a
more complicated system in which factory( ) uses an elaborate algorithm. The
point is that its now hidden away in one place, and you know to come to this place
when you add new types.
The creation of new objects is now much simpler in main( ):
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
new Messenger(
rand.nextDouble() * 100)));
A Messenger object is created to pass the data into factory( ), which in turn
produces some kind of Trash object on the heap and returns the reference thats
added to the ArrayList bin. Of course, if you change the quantity and type of
argument, this statement will still need to be modied, but that can be eliminated if
the creation of the Messenger object is automated. For example, an ArrayList of
arguments can be passed into the constructor of a Messenger object (or directly
into a factory( ) call, for that matter). This requires that the arguments be parsed
and checked at run time, but it does provide the greatest exibility.
You can see from this code what vector of change problem the factory is
responsible for solving: if you add new types to the system (the change), the only
code that must be modied is within the factory, so the factory isolates the eect of
that change.
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Prototype not found", e);
// Loaded successfully.
// Recursive call should work:
return factory(info);
} ///:~
The basic Trash class and sumValue( ) remain as before. The rest of the class
supports the prototyping pattern. You rst see two inner classes (which are made
static, so they are inner classes only for code organization purposes) describing
exceptions that can occur. This is followed by an ArrayList called trashTypes,
which is used to hold the Class references.
In Trash.factory( ), the String inside the Messenger object id (a dierent version
of the Messenger class than that of the prior discussion) contains the type name of
the Trash to be created; this String is compared to the Class names in the list. If
theres a match, then thats the object to create. Of course, there are many ways to
determine what object you want to make. This one is used so that information read
in from a le can be turned into objects.
Once youve discovered which kind of Trash to create, then the reection methods
come into play. The getConstructor( ) method takes an argument thats an array of
Class references. This array represents the arguments, in their proper order, for
the constructor that youre looking for. Here, the array is dynamically created using
the Java 1.1 array-creation syntax:
new Class[] {double.class}
This code assumes that every Trash type has a constructor that takes a double
(and notice that double.class is distinct from Double.class). Its also possible, for
a more exible solution, to call getConstructors( ), which returns an array of the
possible constructors.
What comes back from getConstructor( ) is a reference to a Constructor object
(part of java.lang.reect). You call the constructor dynamically with the method
newInstance( ), which takes an array of Object containing the actual arguments.
This array is again created using the Java 1.1 syntax:
new Object[]{new Double(}
In this case, however, the double must be placed inside a wrapper class so that it
can be part of this array of objects. The process of calling newInstance( ) extracts
the double, but you can see it is a bit confusingan argument might be a double
or a Double, but when you make the call you must always pass in a Double.
Fortunately, this issue exists only for the primitive types.
Once you understand how to do it, the process of creating a new object given only a
Class reference is remarkably simple. Reection also allows you to call methods in
this same dynamic fashion.
Of course, the appropriate Class reference might not be in the trashTypes list. In
this case, the return in the inner loop is never executed and youll drop out at the
end. Here, the program tries to rectify the situation by loading the Class object
dynamically and adding it to the trashTypes list. If it still cant be found something
is really wrong, but if the load is successful then the factory method is called
Trash subclasses
To t into the prototyping scheme, the only thing thats required of each new
subclass of Trash is that it contain a constructor that takes a double argument.
Java reection handles everything else.
Here are the dierent types of Trash, each in their own le but part of the Trash
package (again, to facilitate reuse within the chapter):
// The Aluminum class with prototyping.
package refactor.trash;
public class Aluminum extends Trash {
private static double val = 1.67f;
public Aluminum(double wt) { super(wt); }
public double getValue() { return val; }
public static void setValue(double newVal) {
val = newVal;
} ///:~
// The Paper class with prototyping.
package refactor.trash;
public class Paper extends Trash {
private static double val = 0.10f;
public Paper(double wt) { super(wt); }
public double getValue() { return val; }
public static void setValue(double newVal) {
val = newVal;
} ///:~
// The Glass class with prototyping.
package refactor.trash;
public class Glass extends Trash {
private static double val = 0.23f;
public Glass(double wt) { super(wt); }
public double getValue() { return val; }
public static void setValue(double newVal) {
val = newVal;
} ///:~
// The Cardboard class with prototyping.
package refactor.trash;
public class Cardboard extends Trash {
private static double val = 0.23f;
public Cardboard(double wt) { super(wt); }
public double getValue() { return val; }
public static void setValue(double newVal) {
val = newVal;
} ///:~
You can see that, other than the constructor, theres nothing special about any of
these classes.
Note that the class path must be included when giving the class names, otherwise
the class will not be found.
This le is read using the previously-dened StringList tool, and each line is picked
aparat using the String method indexOf( ) to produce the index of the :. This is
rst used with the String method substring( ) to extract the name of the trash
type, and next to get the weight that is turned into a double with the static
Double.valueOf( ) method. The trim( ) method removes white space at both ends
of a string.
The Trash parser is placed in a separate le since it will be reused throughout this
// Parse le contents into Trash objects,
// placing each into a Fillable holder.
package refactor.trash;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.util.StringList;
public class ParseTrash {
public static void
llBin(String lePath, Fillable bin) {
Iterator it = new StringList(lePath).iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String line = (String);
String type = line.substring(0,
double weight = Double.valueOf(
line.substring(line.indexOf(':') + 1)
Trash.factory(new Trash.Messenger(type, weight)));
// Special case to handle Collection:
public static void
llBin(String lePath, Collection bin) {
llBin(lePath, new FillableCollection(bin));
} ///:~
In, an ArrayList was used to hold the Trash objects. However, other
types of containers can be used as well. To allow for this, the rst version of
llBin( ) takes a reference to a Fillable, which is simply an interface that
supports a method called addTrash( ):
// Any object that can be lled with Trash.
package refactor.trash;
Anything that supports this interface can be used with llBin. Of course,
Collection doesnt implement Fillable, so it wont work. Since Collection is used
in most of the examples, it makes sense to add a second overloaded llBin( )
method that takes a Collection. Any Collection can then be used as a Fillable
object using an adapter class:
// Adapter that makes a Collection Fillable.
package refactor.trash;
import java.util.*;
public class FillableCollection implements Fillable {
private Collection c;
public FillableCollection(Collection cc) { c = cc; }
public void addTrash(Trash t) { c.add(t); }
} ///:~
You can see that the only job of this class is to connect Fillables addTrash( )
method to Collections add( ). With this class in hand, the overloaded llBin( )
method can be used with a Collection in
public static void
llBin(String lePath, Collection bin) {
llBin(lePath, new FillableCollection(bin));
This approach works for any container class thats used frequently. Alternatively,
the container class can provide its own adapter that implements Fillable. (Youll see
this later, in
public RecycleAP() {
// Fill up the Trash bin:
ParseTrash.llBin("../trash/Trash.dat", bin);
public void test() {
Iterator sorter = bin.iterator();
// Sort the Trash:
while(sorter.hasNext()) {
Object t =;
// RTTI to show class membership:
if(t instanceof Aluminum)
else if(t instanceof Paper)
else if(t instanceof Glass)
System.err.println("Unknown type " + t);
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
All of the Trash objects, as well as the ParseTrash and support classes, are now
part of the package refactor.trash, so they are simply imported.
The process of opening the data le containing Trash descriptions and the parsing
of that le have been wrapped into the static method ParseTrash.llBin( ), so
now its no longer a part of our design focus. You will see that throughout the rest of
the chapter, no matter what new classes are added, ParseTrash.llBin( ) will
continue to work without change, which indicates a good design.
In terms of object creation, this design does indeed severely localize the changes
you need to make to add a new type to the system. However, theres a signicant
problem in the use of RTTI that shows up clearly here. The program seems to run
ne, and yet it never detects any cardboard, even though there is cardboard in the
list! This happens because of the use of RTTI, which looks for only the types that
you tell it to look for. The clue that RTTI is being misused is that every type in the
system is being tested, rather than a single type or subset of types. As you will see
later, there are ways to use polymorphism instead when youre testing for every
type. But if you use RTTI a lot in this fashion, and you add a new type to your
system, you can easily forget to make the necessary changes in your program and
produce a dicult-to-nd bug. So its worth trying to eliminate RTTI in this case,
not just for aesthetic reasonsit produces more maintainable code.
Abstracting usage
With creation out of the way, its time to tackle the remainder of the design: where
the classes are used. Since its the act of sorting into bins thats particularly ugly
and exposed, why not take that process and hide it inside a class? This is the
principle of If you must do something ugly, at least localize the ugliness inside a
class. It looks like this:
The TrashSorter object initialization must now be changed whenever a new type of
Trash is added to the model. You could imagine that the TrashSorter class might
look something like this:
class TrashSorter extends ArrayList {
void sort(Trash t) { /* ... */ }
Now, however, sort( ) becomes a problem. How does the statically-coded method
deal with the fact that a new type has been added? To solve this, the type
information must be removed from sort( ) so that all it needs to do is call a generic
method that takes care of the details of type. This, of course, is another way to
describe a dynamically-bound method. So sort( ) will simply move through the
sequence and call a dynamically-bound method for each ArrayList. Since the job of
this method is to grab the pieces of trash it is interested in, its called grab(Trash).
The structure now looks like:
TrashSorter needs to call each grab( ) method and get a dierent result
depending on what type of Trash the current ArrayList is holding. That is, each
ArrayList must be aware of the type it holds. The classic approach to this problem
is to create a base Trash bin class and inherit a new derived class for each
dierent type you want to hold. If Java had a parameterized type mechanism that
would probably be the most straightforward approach. But rather than hand-coding
all the classes that such a mechanism should be building for us, further observation
can produce a better approach.
A basic OOP design principle is Use data members for variation in state, use
polymorphism for variation in behavior. Your rst thought might be that the
grab( ) method certainly behaves dierently for an ArrayList that holds Paper
than for one that holds Glass. But what it does is strictly dependent on the type,
and nothing else. This could be interpreted as a dierent state, and since Java has a
class to represent type (Class) this can be used to determine the type of Trash a
particular Tbin will hold.
The constructor for this Tbin requires that you hand it the Class of your choice.
This tells the ArrayList what type it is supposed to hold. Then the grab( ) method
uses Class BinType and RTTI to see if the Trash object youve handed it matches
the type its supposed to grab.
Here is the new version of the program:
// Containers that grab objects of interest.
package refactor.recycleb;
import refactor.trash.*;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
// A container that admits only the right type
// of Trash (established in the constructor):
class Tbin {
private List list = new ArrayList();
private Class type;
public Tbin(Class binType) { type = binType; }
public boolean grab(Trash t) {
// Comparing class types:
if(t.getClass().equals(type)) {
return true; // Object grabbed
return false; // Object not grabbed
public Iterator iterator() {
return list.iterator();
class TbinList extends ArrayList {
void sortTrashItem(Trash t) {
Iterator e = iterator(); // Iterate over self
if(((Tbin) return;
// Need a new Tbin for this type:
add(new Tbin(t.getClass()));
sortTrashItem(t); // Recursive call
public class RecycleB extends TestCase {
Tbin contains a Class reference type which establishes in the constructor what
what type it should grab. The grab() method checks this type against the object you
pass it. Note that in this design, grab() only accepts Trash objects so you get
compile-time type checking on the base type, but you could also just accept Object
and it would still work.
TbinList holds a set of Tbin references, so that sort( ) can iterate through the
Tbins when its looking for a match for the Trash object youve handed it. If it
doesnt nd a match, it creates a new Tbin for the type that hasnt been found, and
makes a recursive call to itself the next time around, the new bin will be found.
Notice the genericity of this code: it doesnt change at all if new types are added. If
the bulk of your code doesnt need changing when a new type is added (or some
other change occurs) then you have an easily extensible system.
Multiple dispatching
The above design is certainly satisfactory. Adding new types to the system consists
of adding or modifying distinct classes without causing code changes to be
propagated throughout the system. In addition, RTTI is not misused as it was in However, its possible to go one step further and take a purist
viewpoint about RTTI and say that it should be eliminated altogether from the
operation of sorting the trash into bins.
To accomplish this, you must rst take the perspective that all type-dependent
activitiessuch as detecting the type of a piece of trash and putting it into the
appropriate binshould be controlled through polymorphism and dynamic binding.
The previous examples rst sorted by type, then acted on sequences of elements
that were all of a particular type. But whenever you nd yourself picking out
particular types, stop and think. The whole idea of polymorphism
(dynamically-bound method calls) is to handle type-specic information for you. So
why are you hunting for types?
The answer is something you probably dont think about: Java performs only single
dispatching. That is, if you are performing an operation on more than one object
whose type is unknown, Java will invoke the dynamic binding mechanism on only
one of those types. This doesnt solve the problem, so you end up detecting some
types manually and eectively producing your own dynamic binding behavior.
The solution is called multiple dispatching, which means setting up a conguration
such that a single method call produces more than one dynamic method call and
thus determines more than one type in the process. To get this eect, you need to
work with more than one type hierarchy: youll need a type hierarchy for each
dispatch. The following example works with two hierarchies: the existing Trash
family and a hierarchy of the types of trash bins that the trash will be placed into.
This second hierarchy isnt always obvious and in this case it needed to be created
in order to produce multiple dispatching (in this case there will be only two
dispatches, which is referred to as double dispatching).
The new hierarchy is TypedBin, and it contains its own method called add( ) that is
also used polymorphically. But here's an additional twist: add( ) is overloaded to
take arguments of the dierent types of trash. So an essential part of the double
dispatching scheme also involves overloading.
Redesigning the program produces a dilemma: its now necessary for the base class
Trash to contain an addToBin( ) method. One approach is to copy all of the code
and change the base class. Another approach, which you can take when you dont
have control of the source code, is to put the addToBin( ) method into an
interface, leave Trash alone, and inherit new specic types of Aluminum, Paper,
Glass, and Cardboard. This is the approach that will be taken here.
Most of the classes in this design must be public, so they are placed in their own
les. Heres the interface:
// An interface for adding the double
// dispatching method to the trash hierarchy
// without modifying the original hierarchy.
package refactor.doubledispatch;
interface TypedBinMember {
// The new method:
boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb);
} ///:~
implements TypedBinMember {
public DDGlass(double wt) { super(wt); }
public boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb) {
for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++)
return true;
return false;
} ///:~
// Cardboard for double dispatching.
package refactor.doubledispatch;
import refactor.trash.*;
public class DDCardboard extends Cardboard
implements TypedBinMember {
public DDCardboard(double wt) { super(wt); }
public boolean addToBin(TypedBin[] tb) {
for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++)
return true;
return false;
} ///:~
The code in each addToBin( ) calls add( ) for each TypedBin object in the array.
But notice the argument: this. The type of this is dierent for each subclass of
Trash, so the code is dierent. (Although this code will benet if a parameterized
type mechanism is ever added to Java.) So this is the rst part of the double
dispatch, because once youre inside this method you know youre Aluminum, or
Paper, etc. During the call to add( ), this information is passed via the type of this.
The compiler resolves the call to the proper overloaded version of add( ). But since
tb[i] produces a reference to the base type TypedBin, this call will end up calling a
dierent method depending on the type of TypedBin thats currently selected. That
is the second dispatch.
Heres the base class for TypedBin:
// A container for the second dispatch.
package refactor.doubledispatch;
import refactor.trash.*;
import java.util.*;
public abstract class TypedBin {
Collection c = new ArrayList();
protected boolean addIt(Trash t) {
return true;
public Iterator iterator() {
return c.iterator();
public boolean add(DDAluminum a) {
return false;
public boolean add(DDPaper a) {
return false;
public boolean add(DDGlass a) {
return false;
public boolean add(DDCardboard a) {
return false;
} ///:~
You can see that the overloaded add( ) methods all return false. If the method is
not overloaded in a derived class, it will continue to return false, and the caller
(addToBin( ), in this case) will assume that the current Trash object has not been
added successfully to a container, and continue searching for the right container.
In each of the subclasses of TypedBin, only one overloaded method is overridden,
according to the type of bin thats being created. For example, CardboardBin
overrides add(DDCardboard). The overridden method adds the trash object to its
container and returns true, while all the rest of the add( ) methods in
CardboardBin continue to return false, since they havent been overridden. This is
another case in which a parameterized type mechanism in Java would allow
automatic generation of code. (With C++ templates, you wouldnt have to explicitly
write the subclasses or place the addToBin( ) method in Trash.)
Since for this example the trash types have been customized and placed in a
dierent directory, youll need a dierent trash data le to make it work. Heres a
possible DDTrash.dat:
//:! refactor:doubledispatch:DDTrash.dat
System.err.println("Couldn't add " + t);
public TypedBin[] binSet() { return binSet; }
public class DoubleDispatch extends TestCase {
Collection bin = new ArrayList();
TrashBinSet bins = new TrashBinSet();
public DoubleDispatch() {
// ParseTrash still works, without changes:
ParseTrash.llBin("DDTrash.dat", bin);
public void test() {
// Sort from the master bin into
// the individually-typed bins:
TypedBin[] tb = bins.binSet();
// Perform sumValue for each bin...
for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++)
// ... and for the master bin
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
TrashBinSet encapsulates all of the dierent types of TypedBins, along with the
sortIntoBins( ) method, which is where all the double dispatching takes place. You
can see that once the structure is set up, sorting into the various TypedBins is
remarkably easy. In addition, the eciency of two dynamic method calls is probably
better than any other way you could sort.
Notice the ease of use of this system in main( ), as well as the complete
independence of any specic type information within main( ). All other methods
that talk only to the Trash base-class interface will be equally invulnerable to
changes in Trash types.
The changes necessary to add a new type are relatively isolated: you modify
TypedBin, inherit the new type of Trash with its addToBin( ) method, then inherit
a new TypedBin (this is really just a copy and simple edit), and nally add a new
type into the aggregate initialization for TrashBinSet.
hierarchy. However, youd like to add new polymorphic methods to that hierarchy,
which means that normally youd have to add something to the base class interface.
So the dilemma is that you need to add methods to the base class, but you cant
touch the base class. How do you get around this?
The design pattern that solves this kind of problem is called a visitor (the nal one
in the Design Patterns book), and it builds on the double dispatching scheme shown
in the last section.
The visitor pattern allows you to extend the interface of the primary type by
creating a separate class hierarchy of type Visitor to virtualize the operations
performed upon the primary type. The objects of the primary type simply accept
the visitor, then call the visitors dynamically-bound method. It looks like this:
uses double dispatching to cause two polymorphic method calls: the rst one to
select Aluminums version of accept( ), and the second one within accept( ) when
the specic version of visit( ) is called dynamically using the base-class Visitor
reference v.
This conguration means that new functionality can be added to the system in the
form of new subclasses of Visitor. The Trash hierarchy doesnt need to be touched.
This is the prime benet of the visitor pattern: you can add new polymorphic
functionality to a class hierarchy without touching that hierarchy (once the
accept( ) methods have been installed). Note that the benet is helpful here but not
exactly what we started out to accomplish, so at rst blush you might decide that
this isnt the desired solution.
But look at one thing thats been accomplished: the visitor solution avoids sorting
from the master Trash sequence into individual typed sequences. Thus, you can
leave everything in the single master sequence and simply pass through that
sequence using the appropriate visitor to accomplish the goal. Although this
behavior seems to be a side eect of visitor, it does give us what we want (avoiding
The double dispatching in the visitor pattern takes care of determining both the
type of Trash and the type of Visitor. In the following example, there are two
implementations of Visitor: PriceVisitor to both determine and sum the price, and
WeightVisitor to keep track of the weights.
You can see all of this implemented in the new, improved version of the recycling
As with, the Trash class is left alone and a new interface is
created to add the accept( ) method:
// An interface to add visitor functionality
// to the Trash hierarchy without
// modifying the base class.
package refactor.trashvisitor;
import refactor.trash.*;
interface Visitable {
// The new method:
void accept(Visitor v);
} ///:~
Since theres nothing concrete in the Visitor base class, it can be created as an
// The base interface for visitors.
package refactor.trashvisitor;
import refactor.trash.*;
interface Visitor {
void visit(Aluminum a);
void visit(Paper p);
void visit(Glass g);
void visit(Cardboard c);
} ///:~
A Reective Decorator
At this point, you could follow the same approach that was used for double
dispatching and create new subtypes of Aluminum, Paper, Glass, and Cardboard
that implement the accept( ) method. For example, the new Visitable Aluminum
would look like this:
// Taking the previous approach of creating a
// specialized Aluminum for the visitor pattern.
package refactor.trashvisitor;
import refactor.trash.*;
public class VAluminum extends Aluminum
implements Visitable {
public VAluminum(double wt) { super(wt); }
public void accept(Visitor v) {
} ///:~
Now you can wrap it around any kind of existing Fillable, or any new ones that
havent yet been created.
The rest of the program creates specic Visitor types and sends them through a
single list of Trash objects:
// The "visitor" pattern with VisitableDecorators.
package refactor.trashvisitor;
import refactor.trash.*;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
// Specic group of algorithms packaged
// in each implementation of Visitor:
class PriceVisitor implements Visitor {
private double alSum; // Aluminum
private double pSum; // Paper
private double gSum; // Glass
private double cSum; // Cardboard
public void visit(Aluminum al) {
double v = al.getWeight() * al.getValue();
"value of Aluminum= " + v);
alSum += v;
public void visit(Paper p) {
double v = p.getWeight() * p.getValue();
"value of Paper= " + v);
pSum += v;
public void visit(Glass g) {
double v = g.getWeight() * g.getValue();
"value of Glass= " + v);
gSum += v;
public void visit(Cardboard c) {
double v = c.getWeight() * c.getValue();
"value of Cardboard = " + v);
cSum += v;
void total() {
"Total Aluminum: $" + alSum +
"\n Total Paper: $" + pSum +
"\nTotal Glass: $" + gSum +
"\nTotal Cardboard: $" + cSum +
"\nTotal: $" +
(alSum + pSum + gSum + cSum));
class WeightVisitor implements Visitor {
private double alSum; // Aluminum
private double pSum; // Paper
private double gSum; // Glass
private double cSum; // Cardboard
public void visit(Aluminum al) {
alSum += al.getWeight();
System.out.println("weight of Aluminum = "
+ al.getWeight());
In Test( ), note how visitability is added by simply creating a dierent kind of bin
using the decorator. Also notice that the FillableCollection adapter has the
appearance of being used as a decorator (for ArrayList) in this situation. However,
it completely changes the interface of the ArrayList, whereas the denition of
Decorator is that the interface of the decorated class must still be there after
Note that the shape of the client code (shown in the Test class) has changed again,
from the original approaches to the problem. Now theres only a single Trash bin.
The two Visitor objects are accepted into every element in the sequence, and they
perform their operations. The visitors keep their own internal data to tally the total
weights and prices.
Finally, theres no run time type identication other than the inevitable cast to
Trash when pulling things out of the sequence. This, too, could be eliminated with
the implementation of parameterized types in Java.
One way you can distinguish this solution from the double dispatching solution
described previously is to note that, in the double dispatching solution, only one of
the overloaded methods, add( ), was overridden when each subclass was created,
while here each one of the overloaded visit( ) methods is overridden in every
subclass of Visitor.
More coupling?
Theres a lot more code here, and theres denite coupling between the Trash
hierarchy and the Visitor hierarchy. However, theres also high cohesion within the
respective sets of classes: they each do only one thing (Trash describes Trash,
while Visitor describes actions performed on Trash), which is an indicator of a
good design. Of course, in this case it works well only if youre adding new Visitors,
but it gets in the way when you add new types of Trash.
Low coupling between classes and high cohesion within a class is denitely an
important design goal. Applied mindlessly, though, it can prevent you from
achieving a more elegant design. It seems that some classes inevitably have a
certain intimacy with each other. These often occur in pairs that could perhaps be
called couplets; for example, containers and iterators. The Trash-Visitor pair above
appears to be another such couplet.
Our example will again build on the structure of the Trash types in package
refactor.Trash (and the Trash.dat le used there can be used here without
// Using a Map of Lists and RTTI to automatically sort
// trash into ArrayLists. This solution, despite the
// use of RTTI, is extensible.
package refactor.dynatrash;
import refactor.trash.*;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
// Generic TypeMap works in any situation:
class TypeMap {
private Map t = new HashMap();
public void add(Object o) {
Class type = o.getClass();
else {
List v = new ArrayList();
public List get(Class type) {
return (List)t.get(type);
public Iterator keys() {
return t.keySet().iterator();
// Adapter class to allow callbacks
// from ParseTrash.llBin():
class TypeMapAdapter implements Fillable {
TypeMap map;
public TypeMapAdapter(TypeMap tm) { map = tm; }
public void addTrash(Trash t) { map.add(t); }
public class DynaTrash extends TestCase {
TypeMap bin = new TypeMap();
public DynaTrash() {
new TypeMapAdapter(bin));
public void test() {
Iterator keys = bin.keys();
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~
Coming up with a design such as that contains a larger amount
of code than the earlier designs can seem at rst to be counterproductive. It pays to
notice what youre trying to accomplish with various designs. Design patterns in
general strive to separate the things that change from the things that stay the same.
The things that change can refer to many dierent kinds of changes. Perhaps the
change occurs because the program is placed into a new environment or because
something in the current environment changes (this could be: The user wants to
add a new shape to the diagram currently on the screen). Or, as in this case, the
change could be the evolution of the code body. While previous versions of the trash
sorting example emphasized the addition of new types of Trash to the system, allows you to easily add new functionality without disturbing the
Trash hierarchy. Theres more code in, but adding new
functionality to Visitor is cheap. If this is something that happens a lot, then its
worth the extra eort and code to make it happen more easily.
The discovery of the vector of change is no trivial matter; its not something that an
analyst can usually detect before the program sees its initial design. The necessary
information will probably not appear until later phases in the project: sometimes
only at the design or implementation phases do you discover a deeper or more
subtle need in your system. In the case of adding new types (which was the focus of
most of the recycle examples) you might realize that you need a particular
inheritance hierarchy only when you are in the maintenance phase and you begin
extending the system!
One of the most important things that youll learn by studying design patterns
seems to be an about-face from what has been promoted so far in this book. That is:
OOP is all about polymorphism. This statement can produce the two-year-old
with a hammer syndrome (everything looks like a nail). Put another way, its hard
enough to get polymorphism, and once you do, you try to cast all your designs into
that one particular mold.
What design patterns say is that OOP isnt just about polymorphism. Its about
separating the things that change from the things that stay the same.
Polymorphism is an especially important way to do this, and it turns out to be
helpful if the programming language directly supports polymorphism (so you dont
have to wire it in yourself, which would tend to make it prohibitively expensive). But
design patterns in general show other ways to accomplish the basic goal, and once
your eyes have been opened to this you will begin to search for more creative
Since the Design Patterns book came out and made such an impact, people have
been searching for other patterns. You can expect to see more of these appear as
time goes on. Here are some sites recommended by Jim Coplien, of C++ fame
(, who is one of the main proponents of the patterns
Also note there has been a yearly conference on design patterns, called PLOP, that
produces a published proceedings, the third of which came out in late 1997 (all
published by Addison-Wesley).
A number of more challenging projects for you to solve. [[Some of
these may turn into examples in the book, and so at some point
might disappear from here]]
public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); }
public void paint (Graphics g) {
int canvasHeight = this.getBounds().height;
int canvasWidth = this.getBounds().width;
if (height < 1 || width < 1)
return; // nothing to do
int width =
for (int y = 0; y < lines.size(); y++) {
byte[] b;
b = (byte[])(lines.elementAt(y));
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
switch(b[x]) {
case ' ': // empty part of maze
case '*':
// a wall
// must be rat
} ///:~
package projects;
public class Rat {
static int ratCount = 0;
private Maze prison;
private int vertDir = 0;
private int horizDir = 0;
private int x,y;
private int myRatNo = 0;
public Rat(Maze maze, int xStart, int yStart) {
myRatNo = ratCount++;
XML Decorator
Create a pair of decorators for I/O Readers and Writers that encode (for the Writer
decorator) and decode (for the reader decorator) XML
A: Tools
Contains tools needed to build the book etc. Some of these may be
temporary and disappear when the code base is moved to CVS.
Ant extensions
Ant comes with an extension API so that you can create your own tasks by writing
them in Java. You can nd full details in the ocial Ant documentation and in the
published books on Ant.
As an alternative, you can simply write a Java program and call it from Ant; this way,
you dont have to learn the extension API. For example, to compile the code in this
book, we need to verify that the version of Java that the user is running is JDK 1.3 or
greater, so we created the following program:
// {RunByHand}
public class CheckVersion {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String version = System.getProperty("java.version");
char minor = version.charAt(2);
char point = version.charAt(4);
if(minor < '3' || point < '0')
throw new RuntimeException("JDK 1.3.0 or higher " +
"is required to run the examples in this book.");
System.out.println("JDK version "+ version + " found");
} ///:~
This simply uses System.getProperty( ) to discover the Java version, and throws
an exception if it isnt at least 1.3. When Ant sees the exception, it will halt. Now
you can include the following in any buildle where you want to check the version
If you use this approach to adding tools, you can write them and test them quickly,
and if its justied, you can invest the extra eort and write an Ant extension.
Array utilities
Although useful, the Arrays class stops short of being fully functional. For example,
it would be nice to be able to easily print the elements of an array without having to
code a for loop by hand every time. And as youll see, the ll( ) method only takes a
single value and places it in the array, so if you wanted, for example, to ll an array
with randomly generated numbers, ll( ) is no help.
Thus it makes sense to supplement the Arrays class with some additional utilities,
which will be placed in the package com.bruceeckel.util for convenience. These
will print an array of any type and ll an array with values or objects that are
Arrays2 contains a variety of toString( ) methods, overloaded for each type. These
methods allow you to easily print an array. The toString( ) code introduces the use
of StringBuer instead of String objects. This is a nod to eciency; when youre
assembling a string in a method that might be called a lot, its wiser to use the more
ecient StringBuer rather than the more convenient String operations. Here,
the StringBuer is created with an initial value, and Strings are appended.
Finally, the result is converted to a String as the return value:
// A supplement to java.util.Arrays, to provide additional
// useful functionality when working with arrays. Allows
// any array to be converted to a String, and to be lled
// via a user-dened "generator" object.
package com.bruceeckel.util;
import java.util.*;
private static char[] src = ssource.toCharArray();
public static class
RandCharGenerator implements CharGenerator {
public char next() {
return src[r.nextInt(src.length)];
public static class
RandStringGenerator implements Generator {
private int len;
private RandCharGenerator cg = new RandCharGenerator();
public RandStringGenerator(int length) {
len = length;
public Object next() {
char[] buf = new char[len];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buf[i] =;
return new String(buf);
public static class
RandShortGenerator implements ShortGenerator {
public short next() { return (short)r.nextInt(); }
public static class
RandIntGenerator implements IntGenerator {
private int mod = 10000;
public RandIntGenerator() {}
public RandIntGenerator(int modulo) { mod = modulo; }
public int next() { return r.nextInt(mod); }
public static class
RandLongGenerator implements LongGenerator {
public long next() { return r.nextLong(); }
public static class
RandFloatGenerator implements FloatGenerator {
public oat next() { return r.nextFloat(); }
public static class
RandDoubleGenerator implements DoubleGenerator {
public double next() {return r.nextDouble();}
} ///:~
This is a tongue-in-cheek reference to an event in China after the death of Mao-Tze Tung,
when four persons including Maos widow made a power play, and were demonized by the
Chinese Communist Party under that name.
In the Python language, all functions are already objects and so the Command pattern is
often redundant.
Page 235.
The original version of this was called JPython, but the project changed and the name
was changed to emphasize the distinctness of the new version.
This was a solution created by Jaroslav Tulach in a design patterns class that I gave in
The C++ programmer will note how much the code could be collapsed with the use of
default arguments and templates. The Python programmer will note that this entire library
would be largely unnecessary in that language.