Guide To Reflective Writing
Guide To Reflective Writing
Guide To Reflective Writing
provides a way by which you can make best use of an experience (turning
surface learning into deep learning)
can improve your performance by using the outcome of reflection to inform future
is a skill which can continue to help you develop professionally after leaving
Try to stand back from the event and be as objective as possible. You should
be as careful in your reflective writing as you would be when writing any
other assignment
Be aware that your reflection on an event can change with the passage of
time. As you reflect more and acquire more knowledge then your views may
change. Your writing may also be affected by your emotional state at the
time of your writing
Start to write as soon after the event as you can. Delaying your writing may
make it difficult for you to recall exactly what happened and how you felt,
so your account will not be entirely accurate
Use reflection as a positive that will help you to develop yourself and your
The Oxford English Dictionary [online] (2012) Oxford: Oxford University Press
[Accessed: 4 January 2012]. Available at <>.
Further Reading
Bolton, G. (2010) Reflective practice: writing and professional development. 3rd ed.
London: Sage.
Cottrell, S. (2008) The Study Skills Handbook. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Williams, K. & Wooliams, M. (2012) Reflective writing. Basingstoke:Palgrave
February 2014
February 2014