A Review of Land Degraradatation Assessment Methods

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Land Restoration Training Programme

Keldnaholt, 112 Reykjavk, Iceland

Final project 2008

A Review of Land Degradation Assessment Methods

Taimi Sofia Kapalanga
Gobabeb Training and Research Centre
P.O.Box 953, Walvis Bay, Namibia
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
Professor lafur Arnalds, Agricultural University of Iceland
[email protected]

Land degradation is an increasing problem in many parts of the world. Success in fighting
land degradation requires an improved understanding of its causes, impact, degree and
acquaintance with climate, soil, water, land cover and socio-economic factors. Therefore,
land degradation assessment is a primary goal in a decision support system for reversing
degradation. Fortunately, scientists around the world started long ago to look at the problem
and have developed assessment and monitoring methods. This study, aimed at exploring
and reviewing existing assessment methods, used a global, regional, local and field/farm
levels in an attempt to assess land degradation issues. This paper discusses and describes
various methods for assessing land degradation and its processes. The study concludes
that there are plenty of different approaches for assessing land degradation worldwide.
Expert opinions, field measurements, field observations, land users opinions, productivity
changes, remote sensing and modelling methods act as a backbone for many approaches
to assess land degradation at different levels. Moreover, the first distinction that has to be
made is land use and land types and scale. Significantly, methods or techniques need to
be critically selected, taking into account their suitability, applicability and adaptability
to local conditions. This helps in comparing areas and involving stakeholders as much as
possible as aids in land use and restoration planning and prioritizing projects. It is also
important to integrate local knowledge with scientific knowledge, but care should be
taken in interpreting local knowledge and interests, which can be complex. Furthermore,
use of statistical methods, ordination, and modelling approaches are costly, complicated,
and time consuming. The lack of experienced people and availability of resources are some
of the main barriers to successful assessment. This review revealed very few failures in
using different assessment methods, which is somewhat surprising. Does this mean that
everything works?


LRT 2008

1. Introduction
Land degradation is increasing in severity and extent in many parts of the world, with more than
20% of all cultivated areas, 30% of forests and 10% of grasslands undergoing degradation (Bai et al.,
2008). Millions of hectares of land per year are being degraded in all climatic regions. It is estimated
that 2.6 billion people are affected by land degradation and desertification in more than a hundred
countries, influencing over 33% of the earths land surface (Adams and Eswaran, 2000). This is a
global development and environmental issue highlighted at the United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification, the Convention on Biodiversity, the Kyoto protocol on global climate
change and the millenium development goal (UNCED, 1992; UNEP, 2008).
The decline in land quality caused by human activities has been a major global issue since the 20th
century and will remain high on the international agenda in the 21st century (Eswaran et al., 2001).
The immediate causes of land degradation are inappropriate land use that lead to degradation of
soil, water and vegetative cover and loss of both soil and vegetative biological diversity, affecting
ecosystem structure and functions (Snel and Bot, 2003). Degraded lands are more susceptible to the
adverse effects of climatic change such as increased temperature and more severe droughts.
Land degradation encompasses the whole environment but includes individual factors concerning
soils, water resources (surface, ground), forests (woodlands), grasslands (rangelands), croplands
(rainfed, irrigated) and biodiversity (animals, vegetative cover, soil) (FAO, 2005). On the other hand
the NRC (1994) stressed that land degradation is complex and involves the interaction of changes
in the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and vegetation. The complexity of
land degradation means its definition differs from area to area, depending on the subject to be
The phenomenon is most pronounced in the drylands, which cover more than 40% of the earths
surface (Dobie, 2001). Around 73% of rangelands in dryland areas are currently degraded, together
with 47% of marginal rain-fed croplands and a significant percentage of irrigated croplands
(UNCCD Agenda 21, 1992; UNCCD, 1994). Overgrazing has damaged about 20% of the worlds
pastures and rangelands (FAO, 1996).
In Africa, land degradation and desertification processes result from both human activities and
climatic variability (UNEP, 2008). An estimated 65% of Africas agricultural land is degraded due to
erosion and/or chemical and physical damage. Thirty-one per cent of the continents pasture lands
and 19% of its forests and woodlands also are classified as degraded (UNEP, 2008; FAO, 2005).
Overgrazing has long been considered the primary cause of degradation in Africa but it is now
thought that rainfall variability and long-term drought are more important determinants (UNEP,
1997 cited in GEO, 2000).


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Land degradation is especially widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa, affecting 20-50% of the land and
some 200 million people (Snel and Bot, 2003). Furthermore, Snel and Bot (2003) stated that land
degradation is also widespread and severe in Asia and Latin America as well as in other regions of
the globe. In Latin America and the Caribbean, land degradation affects 16% of the land area. The
impact is more severe in Meso-America (reaching 26% of the total, or 63 million hectares) than in
South America (where it affects 14% of the total or almost 250 million hectares) (UNEP-ISRIC
1991 cited in GEO Latin America and the Caribbean, 2000).
The extent of desertification in China is approximately 2.67 million sq. km, about 28% of the country,
based on the monitoring results by the end of 1999 (FAO, 2005). Climate is one of the causes of
desertification in China, but human factors are dominant (FAO, 2005). These include overgrazing,
the main cause of rangeland degradation; intensive collection of fuel wood and Chinese medicinal
herbs; and over-exploitation of mineral resources. Graham et al. (1989) regards land degradation as
Australias most critical environmental issue, with significant implications for agricultural, pastoral
and forest production.
In Europe, soil erosion is regarded as one of the major and most widespread forms of land
degradation, and as such poses severe limitations to sustainable agricultural land use (Gobin et al.,
2004). In general, deterioration of resources in Europe comes as a result of climate change, land use
and human activities. Soil erosion in Europe is mainly caused by water and to a lesser extent by wind
(Gobin, 2004).
According to the expert-based Global Assessment of Human-induced Soil Degradation (GLASOD)
survey about 15% of land is degraded (Oldeman et al., 1991). The highest proportions were reported
for Europe (25%), Asia (18%) and Africa (16%); the least in North America (5%). As a proportion
of the degraded area, soil erosion is the most extensive, causing more than 83% of the area degraded
worldwide (ranging from 99% in North America to 61% in Europe); nutrient depletion causes a little
over 4%, but 28% in South America; salinity less than 4% worldwide but 7% in Asia; contamination
about 1% globally but 8% in Europe; soil physical problems 4% worldwide but 16% in Europe
(Oldeman et al., 1991).
Fortunately, scientists around the world started long ago to look at the problem of land degradation
and have developed assessment and monitoring methods. Therefore assessment methods has
been developed to determine the status of the land, extent and impact of land degradation and
to help designing possible conservation activities. Accurate and relevant assessment methods of
land degradation in drylands with a flexible scale combining socio-economic, institutional, and
biophysical aspects and driving forces are needed to plan actions and investments to reverse land
degradation, improve socio-economic livelihoods, and conserve dryland ecosystems and its unique
biological diversity (Snel and Bot, 2003).


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The aims of this study were to explore and review existing assessment methods used at global,
regional, local and field/farm levels in an attempt to assess land degradation. This knowledge will
be used to help recommend assessment methods that are suitable for Namibias environment in

2. Assessment Methods
The most common methods used to assess land degradation are: expert opinions, land users opinions,
field monitoring, observations and measurement, modelling, estmates of productivity changes and
remote sensing. The methods have been applied to different approaches which use either qualitative
or quantitative measures or both. Table 1 (a d) summarizes the systems assessed; assessment
methods used; factors/processes/ and parameters of the land that is being assessed; and the units
or values in which measurements were given for the different assessments of land degradation at
different levels. Details are identified at the global, national, regional, local and field/farm level. Below
is a summary of the different assessment methods used in assessing land degradation processes in
different systems at different levels.
Table 1. Summary of system of land; assessment method used; what was assessed and units/values at different levels
(a): Global level

Full Cover Analysis
Partial cover (soils/
rangelands/ agricultural
lands/ drylands, etc.)

(b): Regional level

Systems assessed

Drylands, rangelands,
grasslands, forests,
deserts, etc.,
Rivers systems, etc.

Methods used

What was assessed

Units / values

Experts opinion
(e.g. indicators,
questionnaires, etc.)
Remote sensing and GIS
(e.g. mapping)

Land/soil degradation:
(severity, degree, extent)
Soil (erosion, fertility,
productivity, etc.)

(1,2,3,4,5 -light
very severe /
excellent very
poor, etc.),

Methods used

What was assessed

Units / values

Expert opinion
(e.g. indicators,
questionnaires, interviews,
focus groups, etc..)
Remote Sensing and GIS
(e.g. NDVI, MODIS, etc.)
Modelling (e.g CORINE,
PESERA erosion models,
(mainly for croplands)
Field monitoring and
(measurements to verify
models) -pilot areas
Grid System Monitoring


Vegetation change
Biodiversity loss

Land/soil degradation:
- severity, degree, extent,
impact, causes, & risks
- Soils (erosion, fertility,
productivity, etc.)
Vegetation change
Land cover
Land uses

Climate (rainfall,
temperature) for modelling
Biodiversity loss

Landscapes/ Ecosystem


(1,2,3,4,5 for
light very
severe / excellent
very poor,

Taimi Sofia Kapalanga

(c): National level

Systems assessed

(agricultural lands,
grasslands, forests,
conserved area, deserts,
Rangelands systems

Methods used

Expert opinion
(e.g. indicators,
questionnaires, interviews,
focus groups ect.)
Land users opinion (e.g.
indicators, etc.)
Remote Sensing and
MSDI ect.)
Modelling (e.g CORINE,
PESERA models, etc.)
Field monitoring and
(measurements to verify
models) - pilot areas

(d): Local and Field/Farm levels

Systems assessed

(cropland lands,
grasslands, forests,
conserved area, deserts
Rangelands, etc.

Methods used

Expert opinion
(e.g. indicators,
questionnaires, interviews,
focus groups, etc.)
Land users opinion
(e.g. indicators etc.)
Remote Sensing and
MSDI ect.)
Modelling (e.g USLE/
PESERA models, etc.)
Field monitoring and
measurements (verify
models) - farm plots
Estimates of productivity

What was assessed

Units / values

Vegetation change
Land cover
Biodiversity loss
Land uses

for light
very severe;
extremely health
unhealthy, etc.),

Land/soil degradation:
- severity, degree, extent,
impact, causes, & risky
- Soil (erosion, fertility,
productivity, etc.)

Climate (rainfall,
temperature), etc.

What was assessed

Land/soil degradation:
- severity, degree, extent,
impact, causes, & risks;,
Soil erosion
(Sediment yields)

Rangelands Health/
Soil condition (quality,
salinity, stability, fertility,
etc.), Crop yield &
suitability, Soil condition,
Landscape/ ecosystem
Land cover,
Biodiversity loss,
Land uses,
Climate (rainfall,
temperature), etc.


Frequency of

Units / values
%, Classes
for light
very severe;
extremely health
unhealthy, etc.),
Frequency of

2.1 Soil Degradation and Erosion

Assessment of soil degradation is important to determine the possible consequences and potential
management measures by first finding out the causes, degree, status and extent of the type of erosion
in the region. Methodologies for predicting soil erosion have been developed since the early 1930s
(Ballayan, 2000).
2.1.1 Global Assessment of Human-induced Soil Degradation (GLASOD) method
The purpose of GLASOD was to provide factual information, to replace sweeping statements
about soil and land degradation, and to raise awareness of policy makers and governments for the

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continuing need for soil conservation (Bridges and Oldeman, 1999). GLASOD is the only approach
that has been applied on a worldwide scale. It is based on responses to a questionnaire which was
sent to recognized experts in countries around the world.
The GLASOD survey provides basic data on the world distribution and intensity of erosional,
chemical, and physical types of degradation (Bridges and Oldeman, 1999). Its maps identify areas
with a subjectively similar severity of erosion risk, irrespective of the conditions that would produce
such erosion (Oldeman et al., 1990). Oldeman et al. (1991) developed a classification based on types
of soil degradation, degree of degradation and causative factors in soil degradation, as well as the
definition of the classifications.
The GLASOD survey results enable comparisons to be drawn between degraded soils of different
continents, and the methodology used can be a basis upon which plans for restoration of degraded
lands can be based. However, the study did not include any remote sensing or field measurements;
it was just based on experts opinions ( Jones et al., 2003). The questionnaires were sent to experts
around the world but some didnt reply at all and some replied only partly. Results from such kinds
of studies are difficult to use to compare regions ( Jones et al., 2003).
2.1.2 Assessment of the Status of Human-Induced Soil Degradation (ASSOD)
The ASSOD is a follow-up activity of GLASOD in South and South-East Asia (ISRIC, undated).
The same methodology, slightly refined, was used on a more detailed scale (1:5M). The study
provides data for 17 countries and includes data on several degradation types including water and
wind erosion and their subtypes (e.g. loss of topsoil and terrain deformation, in millions of hectares)
and the dominant subtypes of chemical deterioration (including salinization).
In the ASSOD study, the degree of soil degradation is expressed by degradation subtypes using
qualitative terms such as impact on productivity (negligible, light, moderate, strong, or extreme
impact). Classification is based on estimation of the changes in productivity and also takes the level
of management into consideration. Changes in productivity are expressed in relative terms, i.e. the
current average productivity compared to the average productivity in the non-degraded situation
(or non-improved, where applicable) and in relation to inputs (ISRIC, undated). Compared to
GLASOD, the ASSOD study is more detailed and thus also more accurate. A comparison of the
studies was presented by van Lynden and Oldeman (1997).
2.1.3 A Standardised Method for Assessment of Soil Degradation and Soil Conservation: World
Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) Methodology
The WOCAT programme has developed a set of standardized tools to document, monitor and
evaluate soil and water conservation (SWC) know-how worldwide, and to disseminate this
knowledge around the globe in order to facilitate exchange of experience and better decision making


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and planning (van Lynden et al., undated). Van Lynden et al. (undated) discussed the methodology
for mapping soil degradation and conservation, and its use for better decision making. The paper
provides good guidance about activities and parameters used for assessment.
Van Lynden et al. (undated) explained that a set of three comprehensive questionnaires and
corresponding databases were developed to document all relevant aspects of SWC technologies
and approaches, and the mapping of their area coverage. The collection of information on SWC
technologies and approaches focuses on case studies that describe the technology and its human
and natural environment, where it is used, and which approach was used for its implementation. The
questionnaire and database on the SWC map aims at providing a spatial overview of soil degradation
and conservation.
Furthermore, van Lynden et al. (undated) described that the mapping methodology covers assessment
of land use, soil degradation, SWC technologies and soil productivity aspects. Data are collected
through a Participatory Expert Assessment method which includes both expert knowledge and
existing documents and which reflects the current state of knowledge. Ideally several experts who
know the status of the land sit together and fill in the data in a process of negotiation and consultation
of existing documents. By using the base map in the country or region, information on land use, soil
degradation, soil and water conservation, and productivity issues need to be entered into the matrix
The mapping methodology comprises of an interactive mapping tool for data entry and map viewing.
The resulting maps help planners, co-ordinators and decision makers to make appropriate plans and
set priorities for future investments. They also help in identifying knowledge gaps and research
priorities (van Lynden et al. undated). The vital part is that it can be applied at different scales, from
local, national, and regional levels to a global level.
2.1.4 Classification Approach
Arnalds et al. (2001) described the project and methods developed for mapping soil erosion in
Iceland. The project provides a comprehensive survey of soil erosion in Iceland. The methods for
mapping soil erosion were developed by the Agricultural Research Institute (RALA) and Soil
Conservation Service (LR) and are partly based on the methods used to determine the condition of
soils in New Zealand and New South Wales in Australia (Arnalds et al., 2001).
The method is called RALA/LR classification methods for mapping soil erosion. The methods
developed have four primary characteristics: 1) classifying erosion according to erosion forms; 2)
applying standard scales to assess the severity of soil erosion; 3) using satellite images as the basic
map and as an aid for field mapping; and 4) use of a geographical information system (GIS). The
erosion scale developed reflects the recognition of soil both as a living resource that is part of the
ecosystem and as a factor in the sustainable utilization of the ecosystem (Arnalds et al., 2001). The


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scale rates erosion using 6 degrees (0 for no erosion to 5 for extremely severe erosion). As a result of
the project, a soil erosion map for the whole of Iceland was developed, at the scale of 1:100,000.
The New Zealand Land Resource Inventory (NZLRI) classification system is based on mapping
erosion forms and determines severity. Before, the New Zealand system was built on mapping how
much soil had been lost, as in some erosion categories. The NZLRI system has five physical factors
on which Land Use Capability assessments were made: rock, soil, slope, erosion and vegetation
(Graham et al., 1989; Landcare Research, 1996-2008). The assessments make use of classification
and scale to measure the factors. For example, there are seven different classes of slope AG, G
being all land >35, and the erosion was mapped using 14 erosion types together with an assessment
severity on a scale of 05.
Scientists at Landcare Research in New Zealand are upgrading the vegetation component of the
NZLRI using satellite images to identify where changes have occurred during the past 20 years or
so (Landcare Research, 1996-2008). In addition to the inventory code, the method also looks at
the assessment of Land Use Capability (LUC) for each map unit (Graham et al., 1989). The aim
being to assess the capacity for sustained productive use taking into account physical limitations, soil
conservation needs and management requirements.
In the study done by Berry et al. (2003) in Chile, to assess the extent, cost and impact of land
degradation, soil erosion was assessed in the field by means of expert protocols, using 5 degrees
(states of erosion). Table 2 shows the classification concept and the description of the concept, as
well as the class values for each concept used by Berry et al. (2003).
Table 2. Classification of the state of erosion in Chile (Berry et al., 2003).



Very light

Very light erosion signs, the process is incipient and not very evident, some
sedimentation is observed in small places where rainwater accumulates.

Moderate erosion, clear signs of particle removal from the surface of the ground.
Erosion is evident, with the hardpan material clearly exposed on the surface. Some
rill erosion is noticeable.

Very strong erosion, all original surface materials have been

removed generating a change in colour of the soil, a
widespread change in soil texture due to the dominance of horizon C on the surface.
Active gullies are observed.

Strong or
Very strong/

Light erosion, signs begin to be visible. Removal of fine material is visible leaving the
thicker material exposed (gravel, small stones), runoff water is not totally clear.

Erosion strong, strong mantle erosion leaves gravel spread on the surface, rill erosion
is abundant and increasing, some gullies appear in their initial state of formation.
There are very few materials left from the original surface soil, the soil has begun to
change in colour.

Adapted from Berry, Olson, and Campbell (2003) except for the medium and severe concepts which were added as
used by other authors.


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2.1.5 Indicators Approach

In Kenya, de Bie (2005) used indicators for a maize-based agro-ecosystem to assess soil erosion in
the Taita Taveta district. The study makes use of easily assessable soil erosion indicators to monitor
the cumulative effects of erosion between tillage and harvesting. The indicators were: eroded clods,
flow surfaces, pre-rills and rills. Indicators were expressed in terms of percentage incidence of bare
area; the thickness of soil accumulation over solid subsoil was also assessed (de Bei, 2005). The study
collected data on soil/terrain, land cover, infrastructure, land management, and incidence of soil
Seventy maize plots in 11 map units, having considerable variation in altitude, land cover, rainfall,
and geomorphology, were surveyed. De Bei (2004) reported that soil loss was considered variable
between plots due to differences in surface soil, land cover, infrastructure, crop management, slope,
and map unit. According to de Bei (2004) the model was not map unit specific and had an adjusted
R2 of 67%. A log linear relationship indicated that combined positive conditions exponentially
reduce the occurrence of erosion features (pre-rills indicators).
The pre-rill indicator related best to management-affected site conditions and seemed to reflect best
the cumulative effects of soil loss over time (de Bei, 2004). Furthermore, rills were found at 18 sites
located in drier areas on sandyclay soils. For this study, the model suggested more rills if the topsoil
contain no silt; silt makes the soil susceptible to compaction and rill formation (de Bei, 2004).
Reed and Dougill (2002) provide a report on the experience of implementing the first stages of
the proposed Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) methodological framework
(discussed under 2.2) in the Kalahari, Botswana. In this study, Reed and Dougill focus on participatory
degradation appraisal. The approach borrows from the field of Participatory Monitoring and
Evaluation (PM&E) (see Estrella and Gaventa, 2000, for a recent review cited by Reed and Dougill,
2002). They stated that the approach integrates three of the five degradation assessment methods
identified by van Lynden and Kuhlmann (2003 - LADA draft): land user opinion/ farm-level field
criteria, field monitoring and productivity changes.
In southern Africa, Reed and Stringer (2006) investigated the potential for the integration of scientific
experience with local knowledge with the aim of enhancing accuracy, coverage and relevance of
land degradation assessment. Reed and Stringer (2006) followed the participatory approach, using
methods from a variety of disciplines, to elicit potential land degradation indicators from communities
in Botswana and Swaziland. In both countries, the main land degradation problems and the affected
agro-ecosystems were indentified through a combination of key informant interviews, focus groups
and questionnaires. Identified potential indicators were obtained both from the scientific literature
and local stakeholders. These were evaluated and integrated in follow-up semi-structured interviews
and focus groups (Reed and Stringer, 2006).


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Communities used degradation indicators focused on agriculture, vegetation, soils, wild animals and
insect indicators. Communities in Swaziland used many indicators that focused on the soil system
(Reed and Stringer, 2006). The indicators were empirically verified and evaluated using sampling
and either ecological or remotely sensed data (Reed and Stringer, 2006). Participatory mapping,
vegetation and soil sampling, and land use mapping from time-series aerial photographs were some
of the activities carried out during empirical testing of indicators and integration of knowledge.
The developed indicators were deemed both accurate and easy to use by local people (Reed and
Stringer, 2006) . It may be possible to obtain monitoring data that are highly relevant to the local
area, while providing comparable data at regional and/or national scales; by running local degradation
assessment programmes using the full range indicators alongside regional and/or national initiatives
using indicators shared by all regions (Reed and Stringer, 2006).
The authors (Reed and Stringer, 2006) noted a significant overlap between scientific and local
knowledge about land degradation in most instances. They stated that where discrepancies occurred,
the integrated participatory approach used allowed an appropriate explanation to be reached, and
that this interactive process can lead to both accurate and relevant monitoring of land degradation.
Reed and Stringer (2006) concluded that both scientific and local knowledge has its limitations.
2.1.6 Modelling of Soil Erosion and Land Cover
Assessment of soil erosion both by water and wind has been carried out using models designed for
the purpose. The mathematical models are continually being improved and scientists from many
countries have adopted them to meet the requirements of their local conditions (Arnalds et al.,
2001). Many more models have now been developed and used by different countries in different
regions. Below is a summary of several models for measuring soil erosion and land cover used in
different environments.
a) USLE model
The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Wind Erosion Equation (WEE) have been used
worldwide to assess soil loss by water and wind erosion. They were first developed by the United
States Soil Conservation Service (USSCS) in 1935. The equations have proved to be successful in
assessing agricultural lands but not as suitable for rangeland assessment (Arnalds et al., 2001). One
reason among others is that rangelands are said to be not uniform like agricultural fields. The society
for Range Management, a USA-based association of rangeland specialists, rejected the use of the
USLE equation (see box 1) for assessing erosion on rangelands (SRM, 1992 cited in Arnalds et al.,
The USLE has been used widely in assessing long-term annual soil loss. An example cited here for the
USLE comes from Italy, where,in an attempt to identify erosion-prone areas in the Mediterranean,
a project was initiated to assess erosion risk at national level (EUSOILS, 2008). An approach based


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Box 1: USLE/RUSLE models equations

USLE simple empirical model that is widely used for assessing long-term annual soil loss. The equation: A = R * K
* L * S * C*P (P factor only for RUSLE, an empirical models).
where: A - Mean (annual) soil loss [t/(ha.y)], R - Rainfall erosivity factor [(MJ.mm)/(ha.h.y)], K - Soil
erodibility factor [(t.ha.h)/(ha.MJ.mm)], L - Slope factor (dimensionless), S- Slope length factor (dimensionless),
and C - Cover management factor (dimensionless), P - factors for Human Practices aimed at erosion control.

on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was adopted. The method only accounts for rill- and
inter-rill erosion by water, but gully erosion, which is a major problem in large parts of Tuscany,
cannot be predicted by the method. Furthermore, mass movements such as landslides are not taken
into account at all.
The USLE model has been adapted to other conditions through modified versions such as MUSLE
(Williams and Berndt, 1977 cited in FAO, 2005) and RUSLE (SWCS, 1993 cited in FAO, 2005)
for sediment yield estimation.
b) RUSLE model
The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was applied to the whole alpine space of the
Alps, with a specific setting on mountain areas for slope and rain erosivity parameters (EUSOILS,
2008). The alpine territory includes Italy, Switzerland, France, Austria, Germany, and Slovenia. The
study produced maps that show the rate of soil erosion by water in the alpine territory. The map was
basically derived from the RUSLE model, which calculates the actual sediment loss by soil erosion
using Arnolduss formula to determine the rainfall erosivity factor. The index values indicate the
intensity of the soil erosion rate (EUSOILS, 2008). The equation for RUSLE uses all factors of
USLE, but P-factors for Human Practices aimed at erosion control were added.
In Italy, Marker et al. (2007) did a study in the Albegna river basin in southern Tuscany, in which
they utilized the RUSLE approach to evaluate the different scenarios of land uses (the scenarios
referred to are: convectional, transitional and biologic) for current and future climatic change on
a monthly basis. During the study, they kept the K-factor, LS-factor and P-factor value constant
and only rainfall erosivities (R-factor) and C-factor values were changed according to the scenario
settings. The analysis demonstrates the potential of this approach to assess landscape soil erosion
susceptibility with scenario analysis (Marker et al., 2007). The authors state that the analyses might
help to develop adaptation strategies for future climate change scenarios such as modification in
land management techniques.
Castro Filho et al. (2001) discussed the use of tool and techniques for the measurement of sediment
load in regions of great agricultural potential, such as the Paran River Basin in Brazil. In this paper
they presented the utilization of models such as the RUSLE and the Water Erosion Prediction
Project Model (WEPP) to assess the risk of land degradation on large scale agricultural lands as well
as the techniques used for continuous monitoring.


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The study addressed issues and problems with the adaptation of small scale erosion models to function
as large scale risk assessment tools. The essential part of this methodology is the integration of these
models with tools such as GIS and the use of various thematic maps derived from satellite imagery
and land surveys to feed the models. Castro Filho et al. (2001) mentioned that the identification of
areas with high degradation risks will allow for better soil conservation plans to reduce the sediment
load to the rivers and lakes in the region of interest.
Because they were concerned with soils for agricultural purposes, land degradation was defined as
the action on land that decreases sustainable crop production over time. They emphasize that the
definition is applicable to any area in which basic soil conservation principles were not obeyed when
establishing agricultural lands after deforestation or other land-use change. Furthermore, Castro
Filho et al. (2001) discussed the use of biotic and abiotic early warning indicators of land degradation
which can be easily seen along the road in southern Brazil. It is important to have enough data of
the area of interest when assessing large-scale land degradation. The Paran River basin was used
as an example to illustrate tools and techniques that can be utilised to assess sediment load in large
watershed. The use of modelling tools and techniques was beneficial as it gave information on areas
that were at great risk of land degradation at the time of the study.
RUSLE is still intended primarily to meet the needs of the USLE user, concentrating on predicting
long-term annual average erosion by water on disturbed slopes (Yoder et al., 2004). They said that
the RUSLE effort followed the lead of the USLE in realizing that the users are not specifically
erosion science experts, and emphasized making both the model use and the logic behind the
calculations accessible to users. The results from a study in the western US rangelands shows that
RUSLE provides routines specifically to model erosion on rangeland sites, including descriptions of
rangeland vegetative communities and of range improvement field operations (Yoder et al., 2004).
The changes in RUSLE make it useful for estimating erosion and sediment yield, not only for
agronomic settings but also for situations involving construction, mine spoils, and land reclamation
(Yoder et al., 2004). The RUSLE is a powerful programme that is capable of predicting soil loss from
fields or hill slopes that have been subjected to a full spectrum of land manipulation and reclamation
activities (Warner and Foster, 1998).
c) CORINE model
CORINE methodology is a standard method used by the countries of the European Community to
determine the erosion risk and qualities of the land being studied (Doan et al., undated). Countries
of the European Community sharing the Mediterranean region have completed their erosion maps
and classification of their lands using CORINE methodology (Doan et al., undated).
The CORINE method of erosion mapping analyses several factors for the determination of actual
erosion risk (Doan and Kkakar, 1994 cited in Doan et al., undated). These factors are:
vegetative cover, land slope, meteorological conditon and soil properties. Doan et al. (undated)
conducted an erosion mapping study in the Dalaman River Basin in Turkey based on CORINE


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methodology. The study utilized remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS)
methods. They concluded that the existence of plant cover had highly reduced the potential erosion
risk in the basin.
Dengiz and Akgul (2004) did a study to determine the soil erosion risk in the Glbal Environmental
Protection Area and its vicinity in Turkey using the CORINE model. The model consists of 6 steps,
each of which uses different overlaying combinations of soil texture, depth, stoniness, climatic data,
land use and land cover information. Dengiz and Akgul (2005) described how, in the first step,
soil texture, depth and stoniness layers were extracted from a 1:25,000 scaled digital soil map and
overlaid to form a soil erodibility map. Secondly, Fournier and Bagnouls-Gaussen aridity indexes
calculated from the climatic data were used to form the erosivity layer of the study area. The third
step consisted of obtaining slope angle classes from a digital elevation model of the study area. As
the fourth step the land cover layer was prepared from the land use map considering the density of
the plant cover. Then the potential soil erosion risk layer was produced by overlapping soil erodibility,
erosivity and slope layers. For the final step, the land cover and potential soil erosion risk layers were
combined to form the actual soil erosion risk map. The results from the Dengiz and Akgul study
showed that 72.9% of the study area had low, 23.8% of the area had moderate and a small part of
the study area (1.0%) had a high soil erosion risk. In addition, the study showed that the geographic
information system (GIS) technique has an important role in the prediction of soil erosion risk
studies (Dengiz and Akgul, 2005).
Cebecauer and Hofierka (2007) studied the consequences of land cover changes on soil erosion
distribution in Slovakia. The assessment was based on principles in the USLE modified for
application at the regional scale and the use of CORINE land cover (CLC) databases for 19902000. The C factor for arable land has been refined using statistical data on the mean crop rotation
and the average and land area for particular agricultural crops in the district of Slovakia, while the L
factor has been calculated using sample areas with parcels identified by LANDSAT TM data.
Cebecauer and Hofierka (2007) emphasize that the USLE model was developed for a local scale
assessment of soil erosion by sheet and rill erosion, thus its application to regional assessment needs
some modifications. The RUSLE conservation practice factor, P, is not considered in this model
(Cebecauer and Hofierka, 2007). The C factor was determined from the CLC database and crop
rotation statistical data for 72 Slovak districts. From this study, the result shows that the land cover
and crop rotation changes had a significant influence on the soil erosion pattern predominately
in the hilly and mountainous parts of Slovakia. The analysis of regional differences in land cover
and the crop rotation system showed the main causes of changes and helped explain the ongoing
changes in soil erosion patterns.
Kiunsi and Meadows (2006) conducted a study in northeast Tanzania in an area typifying the drylands
of Africa. In their study, three sets of land cover maps synchronized againist long-term rainfall data
(1960s, 1991 and 1999) were used to assess land degradation in the area. The method took into


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account both vegetation and soil degradation (Kiunsi and Meadows, 2006). They explained that the
utilization of three sets of land cover maps as a basis for the detection of change makes it possible to
distinguish areas that experienced changes in vegetation due to rainfall variability from those that
are caused by land use. They concluded that all areas that displayed overall depletion of natural and
semi-natural vegetation due to human factors were deemed to have undergone land degradation,
whereas areas that experienced inter-annual land cover changes due to rainfall variability were
classfied as experiencing cover change due to ecosystem dynamics. The use of historical land cover
maps gave a good indication of how the ecosytem changes over time. For this study the method
provided complete and appropriate assessment of land degradation and can be used to improved
degradation assessment in other semi-arid areas (Kiunsi and Meadows, 2006).
d) PESERA model
The Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (PESERA) is a run-off based model used to
predict run-off with a daily time step, estimating changes in soil water storage capacity and vegetation
interception and links this estimated run-off to soil loss by an equation developed by Kirkby et al.
(2004). PESERA uses a process-based and spatially distributed model to quantify soil erosion by
water and assess its risk across Europe.
EUSOILS (2008) reported that the conceptual basis of the PESERA model can also be extended
to include estimates of tillage and wind erosion. The model is intended as a regional diagnostic
tool, replacing comparable existing methods, such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE),
which are less suitable for European conditions and lack compatibility with higher resolution
models. Preliminary results suggest that, although the model can be applied at regional, national and
European levels, low resolution and poor quality input data cause errors and uncertainties. However
quantification of the erosion problem enables evaluation of the possible effects of future changes
in climate and land use, through scenario analysis and impact assessment, taking into account
cost-effectiveness, technical feasibility, social acceptability and possibilities for implementation
(EUSOILS, 2008). Therefore it is viewed as most conceptually correct because of the parameters it
measures (Kirkby et al., 2004). The PESERA model produces results that depend crucially on land
cover data as identified by CORINE and the accuracy of the interpolated meteorologicl data.
In addition to the USLE, RUSLE, CORINE, and PESERA soil erosion models discussed above,
examples of models that have been used are: the SPADS model for sediment yield measurement;
Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR), which is assumed to be more accurate for measurements of soil
erosion by water at the catchment level than the USLE; RIVM, a factor model like CORINE but in
many ways a more simplified approximation of the USLE model; the Institute National Recherche
Agronomique (INRA) model, which takes into account crust formation, land use and soil erodibility.
Many other models have been developed and used for soil erosion measurement (see box 2).


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Box 2: Other Soil Erosion models

SLEMSA - the Soil Loss Estimation Equation for Southern Africa (Stocking, 1981) was developed in
Zimbabwe on the basis of the USLE model
MMF - the Morgan-Morgan Finney model (Morgan et al., 1984) is comparatively simple, flexible, has
a strong physical basis, and can be applied in mountainous areas (Shrestha, 1997). MMF was reported
to provide useful information on the source areas of sediment, sediment delivery to streams and annual
sediment yield (Morgan 2001)
WEPP - the Water Erosion Prediction Project (Nearing et al., 1989) is a process-based erosion model,
designed to replace the Universal Soil Loss Equation
Models such as ANSWERS, Areal Non-point Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation
(Beasley et al., 1980), and AGNPS - Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model (Young et al.,
1987) are available for computer soil erosion within a watershed; and the use of IFTHENELSE logic
provides an alternative for land degradation assessment (Shrestha et al., 2004).

These models with their explanations were adapted from FAO, 2005. Agro-Ecological Zoning and GIS application
in Asia, with special emphasis on land degradation assessment in drylands (LADA).

2.2 Land Degradation Assessment

2.2.1 Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) methodology
LADA follows a participatory, decentralized, country-driven and integrated approach and makes
ample use of participatory rural appraisals, expert assessment, field measurements, remote sensing,
GIS, modelling and other moden means of generation of data, networking and communication
technologies for sharing information at national and international levels (Koohafkan et al., 2003;
LADA project document, 2005). LADA1 considers both biophysical factors and socio-economic
driving forces. The project is intended to make an innovative generic contribution to methodologies
and monitoring systems for land degradation, supplemented by empirically derived lessons from
the six main partner countries involved in the project. These countries are: Argentina for the Latin
America region, China for the East Asia region, Cuba for the Caribbean region, Senegal for
the Francophone area of West Africa, South Africa for the southern, central and eastern Africa
region, and Tunisia for the Near East, north Africa and Mediterranean region (LADA project
document, 2005).
The guidelines for a methodological approach for assessing land degradation for the LADA project
were developed by Koohafkan et al. (2003). They proposed that the causes, status and impact of land
degradation and possible responses can be determined and assessed at the same time. The proposed
LADA methodology was based on the DPSIR framework where D indicates the driving forces, P
the pressures, S the condition of land and its resilience, I the impacts of the increased or reduced
pressures, and R the responses by the land users to release or reduce the pressures on the land.

LADA defines land degradation as a reduction in the capacity of land to perform ecosystem functions and
services that support society and development.


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The approach is said to allow for flexibility for each country to adopt indicators pertinent to their
situation and specific problem (LADA project document, 2005). Ponce-Hernandez (2002) said that
the proposed LADA approach was to develop a methodological framework rather than a method.
The framework was hoped to bring enough flexibility, in term of the procedures, techniques and
state of the databases, to accommodate the particular circumstances of the country or region where
it is applied (Ponce-Hernandez, 2002). The procedures for the assessment under the approaches
are based fundamentally on indicator variables and proxies. However, the framework would use
any hard data provided by detailed measurement wherever they are available (Ponce-Hernandez,
In the context of the LADA project, Snel and Bot (2003) suggested indicators that might be used
for assessing land degradation in drylands. In the paper by Snel and Bot (2003) indicators on the
biophysical condition of land, on how land is being managed, and the policy and social environment
for instituting improvement in land management are discussed. The proposed set of indicators
documented in the Snel and Bot paper are based on a review of existing land degradation indicators,
data sources and methods, and expert consultation. The list of potential indicators for uses at global,
national, and regional, watershed or village and farm levels are listed by FAO (2003) in the summary
for the e-mail conference in 2003. However the list of potential indicators is too long; therefore the
LADA project uses the indicators as a stating point aiming to have a short list. Indicators for the
LADA project will be determined by the SMART measure stick (specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bound) and checked againist the DESERTLINK indicators (LADA document)
(box 3).

Box 3: The DESERTLINKS project

In Mediterranean Europe, desertification indicators havebeen summarized by the DESERTLINKS project.

Around 150 indicators relevant to Mediterranean desertification have been designed to provide a tool to help
users from a wide range of backgrounds including scientists, policy makers and farmers to: identify where
desertification is a problem, assess how critical the problem is, and better understand the processes of desertification

Besides, Burning and Lane (2003) proposed a framework for indicators of biodiversity, land and
socio-economic conditions as part of a stocktaking of biodiversity issues for the LADA project.
They state that the causes of declining biodiversity and land degradation are often multiple, complex
and usually involve a combination of human and natural factors. Furthermore, the impact of land
degradation are also multiple and affect a range of natural and socio-economic considerations. The
assessment and monitoring of biodiversity and the associated ecosystem processes, therefore, requires
an integrated suite of biophysical and socio-economic indicators (Burning and Lane, 2003).
Finally, Burning and Lane (2003) summarised the key biodiversity, land condition, socio-economic

and natural resource management indicators that can be used for local (plot and farm-household),
ecosystem and national level assessments (example, see table 3). These selected variables are indicators


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Table 3. Key biodiversity, land condition and socio-economic indicators and levels of assessment (local, ecosystem or

State of biodiversity and natural resources

I. Ecosystem











I.1 Diversity of ecosystem/habitats

Change in vegetative cover
Land use change

I.2 Loss of species

Loss of key species (economic, cultural, eco-services)
Flora and fauna species diversity
Rate of harvesting of certain wild target species
I.3 Demographics
Human population growth, Poverty,
Urban/rural areas

II. Soil

II.1 soil biodiversity

Soil organic biomass

II.2 Soil Physical degradation

Soil surface condition
Vegetative cover; composition; structure; health





III.1 Diversity and composition

Distance from stock watering points

IV.1 Water quality contamination

Flora and fauna bio-indicators, nutrient load, and sedimentation

V.1 Crop diversity

No. of species cultivated by local smallholders





II.3 Soil Chemical degradation

Area of salinity, sodicity, acidity
Vegetative cover, productivity, composition, health

III. Vegetation (non-agricultural)

IV. Water

V. Agro-biodiversity

V1. Food and livelihood security

Farm size, Area under cultivation, Land tenure, Crop and livestock
productivity, Education (highest level in HH and schooling of
children, quality and quantity), etc.

V11 Land and water management practices

Water management
Grazing regime
Fire management



Note: This is just an example showing some of the indicators proposed for indicating biodiversity, land and socioeconomic factors as part of stocktaking of biodiversity issues for the LADA project by Burning and Lane (2003) - not a
complete list. National level assessments often collate information collected at local and ecosystem levels. These national
indicators are indicated as X*.


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of the changing state of biodiversity, land condition and human dimensions as a result of pressure
(Burning and Lane, 2003). In addition they also discussed some management responses to indicators
and provide a more detailed table that lists the socio-economic driving forces, pressures and potential
impacts on biodiversity, indicators of state, indicator methods and potential limitations, and levels of
assessment. The authors (Burning and Lane, 2003) suggested that the indicators should be applied
at the local level and supply information for broader assessments at the catchment, agro-ecological
zone and national levels. They note that the specific attributes of biophysical and socio-economic
indicators that are monitored will vary between human-managed systems and the questions being
asked. In addition, Burning and Lane gave examples of indicators: in irrigated cropping systems, soil
salinity determination and mapping may be seen as a priority, while in rainfed cropping, monitoring
of nutrient balance may be important. In contrast, in designated conservation areas, monitoring
the population status of threatened species and the condition and distribution of their habitat
will be important, and in rangelands the focus may be on the cover and composition of desirable
perennial grasses as a functional group. Burning and Lane (2003) also commented that remote
sensing techniques can be used to monitor indicators such as land use change, vegetation clearing
and habitat fragmentation at zonal and national levels.
Moreover, in the context of the LADA project, Van Lynden et al. (2004) discussed the guiding
principles for quantifying soil degradation.They considered soil degradation as a process that describes
human-induced phenomena which lower the current or future capacity of the soil to support human
life. In contrast, they also considered land degradation as the reduction in the capacity of land to
produce benefits from a particular land use under a specified form of land management. Van Lynden
et al. (2004) developed indicators, focusing only on indicators for salinization, nutrient cycling and
soil pollution. They used information from the work done by GLASOD, ASSOD and SOVEUR
were indicators are well defined and documented.
Van Lynden et al. (2004) suggested that soil quality is the most restrictive land change concept,
followed by land quality and then sustainable land management. Soil quality will likely be based on
soil organic matter turnover. Soil quality is effectively a condition of the site and can be studied using
soil data alone, while land quality requires integration of soil data with other biophysical information
such as climate, geology and land use. Sustainable land management requires the integration of land
quality with economics and social demands. In particular, the dynamic carbon pool is most affected
by environmental conditions and land use change (van Lynden et al., 2004).
2.2.2 Agro-ecological (AEZ) methodology
The FAO agro-ecological (AEZ) methodology was developed in 1975 and is a major system aimed
to assess land resources. The methodology has since been used to address various questions related
to soil inventory, land evaluation, land use planning and management, land degradation assessment
and land use mapping at global, regional, national and sub-national levels (FAO, 2005). The AEZ
concept involves the representation of the components of land as layers of spatial information or


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map layers and the integration of the layers using GIS. In the AEZ database, various kinds of georeferenced data sets are integrated, which can include the following: topography, administrative
boundaries, road/ communications, towns and settlements, rivers and water bodies, geology, soil,
physiography, landforms, erosion, rainfall, temperature and moisture regimes, watersheds, land use
or land cover and forest reserves, and population (FAO, 2005).
The AEZ methodology is based on the following principles, which are fundamental to any sound
evaluation of land resources: application of an inter-disciplinary approach, based on inputs from a
number of disciplines, including crop ecologists, pedologists, agronomists, climatologists, livestock
specialists, nutritionists and economists. Land evaluation is related to specific land uses and land
suitability refers to use on a sustained basis, i.e., the envisaged use of land must consider degradation,
e.g. through wind erosion, water erosion, salinization or other degradation processes (FAO, 2005).
Furthermore, FAO (2005) states that soil regeneration is assumed to be achieved by means of fallowing
land, appropriate crop rotations and soil conservation measures: 1) evaluation of production potential
with respect to specified levels of inputs, e.g., whether fertilizers are applied, if pest control is effected,
if machinery or hand tools are used (agricultural inputs and farming technology); 2) different kinds
of land use must be considered in the context of meeting national or regional demands for food and
agricultural products, including livestock and forestry; and 3) land-use patterns must be constructed
so as to optimize land productivity in relation to political and social objectives taking into account
physical, socio-economic and technological constraints and environmental considerations.
2.3 Rangeland Health and Condition Assessment
Rangeland health, as defined, is very important as it reflects changes in land condition and resilience
because it is an ecological potential that is used as a reference. Furthermore, it can be used to
plan and prioritize restoration projects (Pyke et al., 2002). Indicators have a long historical use in
rangeland assessment and monitoring and resource inventories.
2.3.1 Use of attributes and indicators
Pyke et al. (2002) developed a rapid, qualitative method for assessing a moment-in-time status
of rangelands in the US. The evaluators rate 17 indicators to assess 3 ecosystem attributes2 (soil
and site stability, hydrological function, and biotic integrity) for a given location. The seventeen
indicators refered to are: rills, water flows pattern, pedestals, bare ground, gullies, wind-scoured and
depositional areas, litter movement, soil surface resistance to erosion, soil surface loss or degradation,
plant community composition and distribution relative to infiltration and runoff, compaction layer,
functional/structural groups, plant mortality/decadence, litter amount, annual production, invasive
plants, and reproductive capability of perennial plants (Pyke et al., 2002).

An ecosystem component that cannot be directly measured, but can be approximated by a set of observable
indicators of the component (Pellant et al., 2002).


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The techniques used to evaluate each attribute are outlined relative to the potential of a particular
site. Pyke et al. (2002) used concepts and materials from the NRC book. The National Research
Council described range condition as the present state of vegetation on a range site in relation to
the climax plant community for that site; and ecological status described as the degree of similarity
between existing vegetation and soil condition compared to the potential natural community and
the desired soil condition on a site. To determine whether the land is degraded or not, assessment
needs to be done based on different criteria including soil stability, vegetation, nutrient cycling and
many others aspects (NRC, 1994). In addition, Pyke et al. (2002) reviewed the intended applications
for this technique and clarified the differences between assessment and monitoring that led them
to recommend this technique for moment-in-time assessments and not to be used for temporal
monitoring of rangeland status. Lastly, Pyke et al. (2002) proposed a mechanism for adapting and
modifying this technique to reflect improvements in the understanding of ecosystem processes.
Adequate knowledge of the ecological site and soils is necessary to interpret many of the indicators
and apply them on the ground.
The qualitative assessment is not a stand-alone tool as it does not quantitify any measure (Pyke
et al., 2002). The addition of quantitative information to supplement this preliminary evaluation
is recommended if the goal is a better certainty of the results of the assessment. In the document
they also provided some quantitative measurements and indicators that relate to the 17 indicators
previously mentioned.
In 2005, Pellant et al. discussed the interpretation of the rangeland health indicators described in
Pyke et al. (2002), but with the addition fo some improvements. Three ecosystem attributes are
assessed in this protocol by rating 17 indicators tied to the attributes as they are listed in Pellant et al.
(2002). The ecological processes and site integrity3 are well evaluated using biological and physical
components as indicators (Pallent et al., 2005). However, according to Pellant et al. (2005) ecological
process indicators are difficult to observe in the field due to the complexity of most rangeland
ecosystem. Therefore Pellant et al. (2005) describe a protocol to educate the public and agency
personnel on using observable indicators in order to interpret and assess rangeland health. The
assessment protocol is said not intended to be used to identify the causes of resource problems and
determine trend but for selecting monitoring sites in the development of monitoring programmes
and providing early warning of potential problems and opportunities by helping land managers
identify areas that are potentially at risk of degradation (Pellant et al., 2005). According to Pellant et
al. (2005) these developed indicators are used nationally (USA) as well as internationally in Mexico
for regional planning and management plans of ranches, and in Mongolia for rangeland assessment.
It is important for land managers and technical assistance specialists to be able to assess the health
of rangelands in order to know where to focus management efforts (Pyke et al., 2002).

maintenance of the functional attributes characteristic of a locale, including normal variability (USDA
1997, cited in Pallent et al., 2005).


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2.3.2 Classification approach

Manske (2002) discusses the use of four condition categories used in most rangeland health status
assessment methods to define the levels of ecosystem health in a grassland. The categories range
from an extremely healthy to an extremely unhealthy conditon. The most commonly used categories
are: excellent, good, fair and poor condition (Manske, 2002).
Manske (2002) illustrated the four rangeland health condition categories by comparision with
human health conditions. Here are two examples of four given categories: A grassland ecosystem in
excellent condition is like a highly trained athlete and in poor condition would be like a chronically
ill person, with all processes functioning ineffectively and inefficiently, unable to endure stress, and
only capable of recovering from stress over a considerable period of time and with special treatment.
The use of such illustrations simplifies the method and makes it easy for the grassland manager
to understand the categories faster and also to adopt the assessment methods quickly. However,
knowledge of the ecological processes is always needed for evaluation of rangelands and good
During the health status assessment the ecosystem components being considered are the aboveground
and belowground vegetation, soil development processes, levels and types of erosion, ecological
processes, and infiltration of precipitation (Manske, 2002). In this document he further points out
the evaluation criteria and characteristics for each rangeland health condition category as well as a
set of questions to help the evaluator to interpret the health status criteria and characteristics. This
is a self-explanatory assessment method which can be adopted in the field, with all its concepts
and materials. In the same vein NRC (1994) and Napcod (2003) also proposed the use of similar
condition categories for the assessment of rangeland health status at the local level.
2.3.4 Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) approach , Australia
Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) is a monitoring procedure, using simple indicators, that assesses
how well an ecosystem works as a biogeochemical system (Tongway, 2008). Tongway recommends
the LFA as a key component of Ecosystem Function Analysis4 (EFA),which is intended for repeated
measurements to obtain data as a time series. The approach is quick and simple in the field and has
been applied to a wide variety of landscape types and land uses and is amenable for use by a range
of end-users (Tongway, 2005, 2008).
The LFA approach is comprised of three components: a conceptual framework5, a field methodology6

A tool for monitoring mine site rehabilitation success.

Conceptual framework treats the landscapes as systems: defining how landscapes work in terms of sequences
of processess regulating the availability of scare resources.
The field methodology uses indicators at the scale of landscape and patches to provide structural information
to satisfy the needs of the conceptual framework.


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and an interpretive framework7 (Tongway, 2005, 2008). The conceptual framework is based on the
trigger-transfer-reserve-pulse (TTRP) system for the way in which rangelands function, based
on how landscapes function to conserve and utilise scarce resources. The framework represents the
sequences of ecosystem processes and feedback loops (Tongway, 2005; Ludwig et al., 1997). The
LFA indicators have been developed from many published materials from a variety of sources and
are based mainly on processes involved in surface hydrology, i.e. rainfall, infiltration, runoff, erosion,
plant growth and nutrient cycling (Tongway and Hindley, 2004).
LFA has been implemented in climatic ranges from 50 mm to 10,000 mm a.a.p and in a number of
other land-use scenarios (nature reserve design and rehabilitation, rangelands) (Tongway, 2008). The
approach is good to help land managers know the trends and current status and what is being lost
from the ecosystem (Tongway, 1994). If the rangelands become poor and do not retain resources,
there will be leakage from the system leading to unproductivity. Apart from soils, the LFA system
can also be used to assess the functional properties of vegetation (Tongway and Hindley, 2004).
2.3.3 Soil Surface Condition Assessment
Tongway (1994) developed the soil condition assessment (a component of LFA) for tropical
grasslands in Australia. He describes the method for asssessing soil condition in three principal steps:
describing the geographical setting of the site, characterising fertile-patch/inter-patch associations
and recognising the erosion model, and assessing the soil surface condition (SSC).
It is best to assess both vegetation and soil status when monitoring the condition of rangeland sites
in order to have an accurate description of the current status and some information about future
trends (Tongway, 1994). Furthermore, he states that methods for assessment of the vegetation are
now well-developed in Australia and informative, but methods for assessing soil condition have not
been very successful. Vegetation monitoring is important in rangelands in order to know if changes
in composition are due to interaction between grazing and vegetation alone or whether the soil as
a habitat for pasture plants has been degraded. The soil surface indicators used here are similar to
those described in the LFA manual and the field procedures are well explained in the manual.
2.3.6 Visual Soil Field Assessment Tool (VS-Fast)
McGarry (2004) worked on the development of a methodology of a Visual SoilField Assessment
Tool (VS-Fast) to support and enhance the LADA program of the FAO. The VS-Fast methodology
has been developed to address a principal requirement of the newly developed methodological
framework for the LADA programme (McGarry, 2004). He explained that the VS-Fast methodology
is an upgraded and integrated approach for the field-based, farmer-usable visual assessment of soil
condition and health, with particular emphasis on simple, repeatable methods using everyday, low

The interpretation framework provides processes to identify critical thresholds in landscape function and thus
provide a function-based state and transition landscape assessment. (Ludwig et al., 1997; Tongway and Hindley, 2004; Tongway, 2005, 2008)


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cost apparatus. Techniques for this methodology include both visual observation of soil excavated
by spade, and simple yet robust measures of soil slaking and dispersion, pH, water infiltration and
organic matter (labile carbon) (McGarry, 2004).
The VS-Fast methodology was tested in China, one of the pilot study areas of the LADA project
(Fengning Manchu County, Hebei Province) and in a large scale, intensive nursery enterprise
south of Beijing. During field work, farmers were asked to identify hot spots and blight spots
representing not so good, moderate and their best land (McGarry, 2004). A field score card
that gathers information on land use (current and past), site location, recent weather conditons, soil
type, soil structure and visual indicators of soil quality and field measurement form that records pH,
infiltrations and other aspects was used to collect information.
The farmer himself decided the rank based on his perception of current growth and past harvest of
his crops (McGarry, 2004). McGarry (2004) mentioned that the methods proved to be simple yet
robust, ensuring immediate data availability, farmer acceptance and rapid update of the descriptive
and measurement tools, leading to rapid assessment of the current condition with a potential for
longer-term monitoring.
Positive reponses ranged from the policy level, with requirements for regional level understanding
of land condition particularly direction of land condition/health in terms of current state with
traditional practices and the potential for improvements with innovative practices, to the farmers
level where there was genuine enthusiasm that so much could be learned about soil conditon and
health in a 20 30 minute field visit (McGarry, 2004). The method is simple, as described by the
author, so it can be easily adopted and applied to any other condition as it doesnt require much
investment (money, personnel and time).
2.3.4 Grazing Gradient Method (GGM)
Land degradation in rangelands involves accelerated soil erosion, soil degradation and adverse
changes in vegetative composition (Pickup et al., 1998; Bastin, 2002). Land degradation is difficult
to assess in arid rangelands because of short-term variations in rainfall, landscape diversity and the
problems of sampling large areas (Pickup and Chewings, 1994). In arid and semi-arid Australia,
most of the spatial variability due to grazing occurs because animals are confined by fences and
must rely on wells or dams for drinking water (Pickup et al., 1998). Therefore,- the animal impact
decreases with distance from these watering points and produces radial patterns of grazing impact
in uniform country.
Two different grazing gradient techniques have been developed, the resilience method and the wet
period average cover method (Bastin, 2002). The methods have been used in arid and semi-arid
Australia to assess rangeland degradation8. The Grazing Gradient Method as described by Pickup

Bastin et al. (1993) defined rangeland degradation as a grazing-induced long-term reduction in the
ability of landscape to respond to rainfall.


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et al. (1998), uses the spatial pattern produced by grazing animals as a spatial filtre to separate
the impact of grazing on vegetative cover or cover change over time from that of other factors.
Following are two study examples.
Bastin et al. (1993) conducted a land degradation9 assessment in central Australia. They aimed at
finding accurate and repeatable techniques capable of separating grazing impact from both seasonal
variability and natural landscape heterogeneity because rangeland monitoring using ground-based
methods has been fraught with difficulty. The study analysed the entire grazed landscape using
remotely-sensed data and grazing gradient10 methods which separate grazing effect from natural
variation. Vegetation increases across the whole landscape following rain and the extent of the
recovery of the vegetation in the vicinity of watering points (Bastin et al., 1993). The amount of
rainfall that was significant was determined for each mapped land system. Furthermore, the study
uses a percentage cover production loss index, allowing grazing management effects across land
systems (and paddocks) to be compared. The land systems that contained a high proportion of
palatable forage had high index values and are most adversely affected by grazing (Bastin et al.,
1993). Animals always target the area with palatable forage.
In a different study the same method (Grazing Gradient Method) was used to identify trends in the
state of arid and semi-arid rangelands over one or two decades (Pickup et al.,1998). The first step
of this study was a brief description of the spatial filtering techniques used in the Grazing Gradient
Method. Subsequently, changes with time in vegetative cover were examined and how vegetation
response to rainfall may be used as a variable for the filtering procedure to identify trends in the level
of degradation or recovery over time (Pickup et al.,1998).
The method was then applied to a number of large paddocks or grazing units in central Australia
where a particular type of change can be inferred from historical information because of changes in
the management regimes. Apart from this, Pickup et al. (1998) also showed how the method may
be varied when paddocks are not sufficiently large to define a benchmark area far from a watering
point. However, in most cases, the study concentrated on landscape types that are mostly favoured
for grazing since it is here that degradation and recovery are likely to be most pronounced. The
study concluded that GGM is efficient when compared to conventional ground-based vegetation
sampling that has also been used in Australia. This trend detection method has wide applicability
in Australian rangelands but is not expected it to work in the higher rainfall regions of northern
Australia where grazing is much less dependent on a small number of artificial watering points. They
further stated that other variants of this method have been used successfully in regions with median
annual rainfall varrying bettween 150 and 450mm/yr (Pickup et al.,1998).

A reduction in the capacity of landscapes to produce vegetative cover from rainfall (Bastin et al.,
A decrease in vegetation cover as water is approached, producing a spatial pattern (Bastin et al., 1993).


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Livestock grazing has been an important factor in shaping rangelands in the Mediterranean. Despite
their long history of utilization, recent changes in socio-economic frameworks and the intensification
of grazing systems have frequently caused rangeland ecosystems to depart from equilibrium states
and initiated degradation processes. Roder et al. (2007) state that remote sensing allows quantifying
temporal and spatial trends of vegetative cover as an indirect indicator of land degradation. Moreover,
vegetative cover can reveal gradients of attenuating grazing pressure away from places where animals
are concentrated. Roder et al. (2007) explain that adapting such grazing gradient approaches to
Mediterranean rangelands, however, is difficult due to the heterogeneity of these ecosystems. The
study area was selected in the county of Lagadas in northern Greece to evaluate how grazing gradient
approaches may be adapted to small-structured rangelands, where grazing areas are interwoven with
agriculture and other land use types. A cost surface model was parameterized to represent driving
factors of grazing pressure. Furthermore, woody vegetation cover as an indicator of grazing pressure
was derived from Landsat-TM imagery. Results from this study showed decreasing grazing pressure
away from points of livestock concentration, which is characterized by distinct zones (Roder et al.,
2007). The study suggests the method can be used as a management tool to detect areas of over- and
undergrazing and to test different grazing regime scenarios.
2.4 Remote Sensing
Satellite remote sensing data have been available since the early 1970s (Lantieri, 2003) The quantity
and quality of information, in terms of spectral and spatial accuracy, is increasing as a result of the
rapid development of spatial and information technology (Lantieri, 2003). It should be borne in
mind that most of the satellite data is provided as digital images characterized by arrays of pixels
registered in different spectral bands from the visible, near infrared, infrared and microwave range
of the electromagnetic spectrum depending on the mission (Lantieri, 2003). Furthermore, Lantieri
(2003) explained that these data are taken by sensors mounted onboard the satellite whose lifetime is
typically several years (3-5); satellite data are therefore more comparable as spectral measurements
of the earth and remain complex to process and analyse . The usual three characteristics of these
data are: spatial resolution (area on the ground covered by one pixel), spectral resolution (spectral
wavelengths recorded by the sensors), and temporal resolution (time lapse between two passages of
the satellite over the same area) (Lantieri, 2003).
Ostir et al. (2003) pointed out that remote sensing has developed as an important tool for assessment
and monitoring of vegetation, erosion, and desertification. It can provide calibrated, quantitative,
repeatable and cost effective information for large areas and can be related to the field data (Graetz,
1987; Pickup, 1989; Tueller, 1987 cited in Jafari et al., 2008). Remote sensing has been used successfully
utilised in land degradation assessment and monitoring over a range of spacial and temporal scales
(Bastin et al., 1993a; Greerken and Ilaiwi, 2004; Pickup and Nelson, 1984; Symeonakis and Drake,
2004; Wessel et al., 2004, 2007 cited in Jafari et al., 2008).


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Lantieri (2003) reviewed the potential of spatial remote sensing application to the LADA project.
This report reviews information sources on the nature, extent, severity and impact of land degradation
on ecosystems and livelihoods in drylands as potentially assessed through satellite remote sensing.
Lantieri grouped the remote sensing data into four categories: low- and medium- resolution civilian
optical satelites, high-resolution civilian optical data, very high-resolution civilian optical data, and
space-borne radar data. He grouped them because of the large number of sensors available today
and the wide range of characteristics. Lantieri concluded that there are six broad applications of
remote sensing: land cover which includes vegetation types and their changes over time; land form
and landscape; vegetation activity and growth; rainfall and related drought; soil types and state; and
indicators based on climate and ecological modelling. For the LADA programme, remote sensing
probably offers the greatest opportunities for looking at rangelands because it does a good job of
sensing vegetation differences (Lantieri, 2003).
In addition, remote sensing can also provide useful information regarding erosion. The use of satellite
image interpretation to identify changes in the extent of land cover provides a prediction of erosion
potential rather than a measure of actual erosion (orarinsdottir, 2008). Lantieri (2003) concludes
that in future remote sensing will increase dramatically in cost effectiveness and efficiency, but it will
never see or understand the socio-economic and cultural factors.
Jafari et al. (2008) investigated the use of the moving standard deviation index (MSDI) applied to
Landsat TM band 3 data for detection and assessment of these zones in the arid grazing lands of
south Australia. The study compared the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) (see box
4 for description) and the perpendicular distance vegetation index (PD54), used reference indices,
and showed that the PD54 was more appropriate than the NDVI in this perennially dominated arid
The piospheres (a zone of extreme degradation around the water points in grazed landscapes) were
found to be more heterogenous in vegetative cover, with higher MSDI values, compared with nondegraded areas, and spatial heterogeneity in cover decreased with increasing distance from water
points. The study indicates that MSDI can be used as an appropriate method for land degradation
assessment in the naturally heterogeneous arid lands of south Australia.
Tanser and Palmer (1999) used the spatial diversity index, MSDI, to assess land degradation in
South Africa. They found that degraded areas were more heterogeneous in reflectance than nondegraded areas. The study applied MSDI to Landsat TM band 3 data. Degraded/unstable landscapes
exhibit higher MSDI values than their undisturbed/stable counterparts. Significant differences in
MSDI were detected across four fence-lines which separated rangeland of contrasting condition.
The relationship of the index to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was tested in
five different ecosystems and significant correlations were obtained in all cases. Tanser and Palmer
(1999) proposed that the MSDI was a powerful addition to vegetation indices. These two studies
( Jafari et al., 2008; Tanser and Palmer, 1999) applied the MSDI to Landsat TM data and came to a
similar conclusion: recommendation of use of MSDI to assist in characterizing vegetation indices.

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Box 4. Description of CCA, SAVI and NDVI

Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA):

a multivariate technique to relate composition of a species when species have a bell-shaped
response curve with respect to environmental gradients and is widely used in ecology (Ter
Braak, 1986; 1987). As the name suggests, this method is derived from correspondence analysis,
but has been modified to allow environmental data to be incorporated into the analysis. It is
calculated using reciprocal averaging form of correspondence analysis (Ter Braak, 1986; 1987).
Ter Braak (1986) has shown a complete derivation and applications of CCA techniques. Also,
Ter Braak (1988) has developed a computer program CANOCO to perform CCA and several
other multivariate statistical techniques to analyse species-environmental relations.
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI):
A vegetation index that accounts for, and minimises, the effect of soil background conditions.
Equation: SAVI = (NIR-R) (1+L) / (NIR+R+L)
The SAVI equation introduces a soil-brightness-dependent correction factor, L, which compensates
for the difference in soil background conditions. As in the NDVI, NIR is the reflectance from the
near-infrared band, and R is the reflectance from the red visible band. Applying the correction
for the soil provides more accurate information on the condition of the vegetation itself. When
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI):
An index calculated from reflectance measured in the visible and near infrared channels. It is
related to the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation. Equation: NDVI = (NIR-R) /
where: NIR is the reflectance in the near-infrared band, and R is the reflectance in the red
visible band. The chlorophyll (green pigment) absorbs incoming radiation in the visible band,
while the leaf structure and water content are responsible for a very high reflectance in the nearinfrared region of the spectrum. NDVI has been correlated to a variety of vegetation parameters,
including quantity, productivity, biomass, etc.
SAVI and NDVI information are from: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/glossary
In the same vein, Bai and Dent (2006) reported on a pilot study done in Kenya during the global
assessment of land degradation in drylands. The study applied the Global Assessment of Land
Degradation (GLADA) approach that involves a sequence of analyses to indentify hot spots of land

degradation (reffered to by LADA program of FAO) using remote sensing and existing data sets.
Bai and Dent (2006) describe how the study was carried out using simple NDVI indicators such as
mean annual sum NDVI and the trend of biomass productivity; integration of biomass and climatic
data (rain-use efficiency); linking NDVI to net primary productivity and calculating the changes of
biomass production for dominant land use types; and then, stratification of the landscape using land
cover and soil and terrain data to enable a more localised analysis of the NDVI data.
The hot spots were characterised manually, using 30m-resolution Landsat data, to identify the probable
kinds of land degradation (Bai and Dent, 2006). At the same time, the continuous field of the index
of land degradation derived from the NDVI and climatic data enable a statistical examination of


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other data for which continuous spatial coverage is not available. Finally field inspection was to be
undertaken by national teams within the wider LADA programme. Bai and Dent (2006) explained
that the study anaysed the spatial temporal trends of green biomass across Kenya using 23 years
of fortnightly NOAA-AVHR-R time series NDVI data and monthly precipitation records (CRU
TS 2.1 station). They found that over the period of 1981-2003, green biomass and net primary
productivity increased over 80 per cent of the land area and decreased over 20 per cent. Furthermore,
ArcGIS Spatial Analyst and ERDAS IMAGINE were used to calculate various biomass indicators
of climatic variables, and their trends were determined by linear regression at annual intervals and
mapped to depict spatial changes (Bai and Dent, 2006). Green biomass and net primary productivity
were estimated from NDVI data using MODIS 8-day values for 4 years.
Overall, net primary productivity was said to incease for all dominant land cover types but hardly at all
in croplands. Hot spots are also identified in the semi-arid grassland around Lake Turkana in Kenya.
The study also concluded that remote sensing indicators may indicate hot spots but that a combination
of the biomass and rain-use efficiency trends is a more robust indicators of land degradation. Bai and
Dent (2006) stressed that it is important to address present-day land degradation.
orarinsdottir (2008), assessed land cover in a desert rangeland (reclaimed and unreclaimed areas)
of Iceland for sand drifting in the area. She looked at the land cover in the area, identified as rocks,
sand on surface, vegetation, and lava as well as dominant grass species and tephra soils. The study
used SPOT imaging delivered from satelite remote sensing imagery. Scores were set and given as
percentage of the total area examined by means of visual observation and interpreted using expert
estimation skills. In addition, areas were categorized based on the uniformity and similarities of
cover, with the result that polygons were draw to show boundaries. The study is still in progress, with
the hope of getting good results from this approach (orarinsdottir, 2008).
As with any other method, the use of remote sensing tools requires good undestanding of the
environment, decisions on what to do and how to do it and why?

3. Namibia and Assessment of Land Degradation

Land degradation is an increasing problem in Namibia. The key environmental issues in Namibia
are: degradation of ecosystems, desertification; loss of productivity, decline of water availability;
depletion of natural resources; loss of biodiversity, decline of water quality, pollution, including toxic
chemicals; waste generation, littering; the greenhouse effect; ozone layer depletion; and acidification
(DEA, undated). Assessment and monitoring have been carried out to ascertain the causes and
impact of land degradation at national, local and farm levels, even though there is still much more
to gain an understanding of environmental threats in Namibia.


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3.1 Development of a national monitoring system

Klintenberg and Seely (2004) discussed the process of developing land degradation indicators for a
national monitoring system and also the results of an assessment generated by developed indicators
which they applied to two communal areas in Namibia. Furthermore, a monitoring system was
developed to provide information about the extent and rate of land degradation in the country
(Klintenberg and Seely, 2004).
Indicators for this monitoring system were developed through consultation of representatives
ranging from local communities to experts working at the national level. The actual development of
indicators was done using three different GIS tools: Map-Info (MapInfo, 1997), ArcView (ESRI,
2001) and Idrisi (IDRISI, 1999). As a result of the process of developing a monitoring system, four
key indicators were defined as: population pressure, livestock pressure, rainfall variability and the
hazard of soil erosion (Klintenberg and Seely, 2004). The four indicators were combined into an
annual land degradation risk index for which maps were generated for the period 1971 - 1997. Fig.
1 shows a national land degradation risk map based on the four indicators discussed by Klintenberg
and Seely (2004).

Fig. 1. National land degradation risk map, 1997 (Bethune and Pallent, 2002).

3.1.1. Application of developed national monitoring system indicators

According to Klintenberg and Seely (2004) the developed national monitoring system indicators
were applied for evaluation in two rural communities, Onkani in central northern Namibia, and


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Gibeon in southern Namibia. Interestingly, indicators suggested that Onkani in central northern
Namibia has been experiencing increased livestock numbers and decreasing rainfall since the early
1990s. On the other hand, at Gibeon in southern Namibia, factors causing increasing degradation
risk in the area are increasing rural population pressure and decreasing rainfall (Klintenberg and
Seely, 2004).
The rainfall gradient in Namibia decreases as you move from the north down to the southern
regions. On average, the southern parts receive low rainfall whereas the northern part receives
more. However, Namibias rainfall is erratic, causing periodic droughts and poverty over the whole
country. Figure 2 shows the mean average rainfall and rainfall variability for Namibia. Population
pressure on land is the major contributing factor to deterioration of resources in Namibia. As the
population increases, livestock numbers and over-cultivation also increase because a large proportion
of Namibias population is heavily dependent on subsistence farming and livestock husbandry. Fig.
3 shows the livestock density in different part of Namibia.

Fig. 2. Mean Annual Rainfall and Rainfall Fig. 3. Livestock density in Namibia. (Atlas of Namibia,
Variability in Namibia, (Wardell-Johnson, 2002 from: IIASA website)
Klintenberg and Seely (2004) concluded that land degradation is a multi-faceted phenomenon with
many causes and effects. They state that the indicators developed for a Namibian monitoring system
are not sufficient to provide a complete picture of land degradation in the country. Therefore, this
should rather be seen as a first national monitoring system developed in a fully participatory manner,
involving stakeholders from all levels (Klintenberg and Seely, 2004). They suggested that to improve
the monitoring system the four indicators have to be tested and evaluated in the field and additional
indicators developed.


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3.1.2 Integrating local people perceptions

The results from the above paper were compared to those obtained from interviews of local farmers
about their perceptions of the past and present states of the environment in and around Ombuga
grassland in central northern Namibia (Klintenberg et al., 2007). In the interview they asked 50
representatives from the study area key questions such as: Have you noticed any changes in the
environment since you came here, and if so, can you describe them? Where have you observed
changes? What are the causes of these changes? Results from this study suggest that availability of
palatable grasses, open access to areas, and permanent access to water would make it possible for more
farmers to settle in the area. Therefore the increase in the number of livestock in an uncontrolled area
is a major factor causing the environmental changes identified by the interviewees (Klintenberg et
al., 2007).
Klintenberg et al. (2007) commented that the factors identified in the interviews as those causing
environmental changes reflected the conditions in the study area and are most likely also applicable
for other semi-arid areas where inhabitants rely on natural resources. Furthermore, the results suggest
that assessment of local knowledge in a relatively small area can provide a valuable contribution to
development and assessment of national monitoring initiatives.
3.2 Modelling
In another study, Klintenberg and Verinden (2008) investigated the impact of grazing on grass
composition around permanent water points along the pipeline and a traditional hand-dug well
in the same area (Ombuga grassland in central northern Namibia). The objective was to verify the
results obtained from interviews with the local farmers about their perceptions of the past and
present states of the environment in and around the study area. Klintenberg and Verinden (2008)
described how vegetation sampling was done using a point step method to collect data along 7
10 km long transects radiating out from permanent water points and hand-dug wells. Grass
species abundance and selected environmental variables sampled along transects radiating out from
these water points were analysed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) (see box 4).
The results of this study suggest that there is fairly high grazing pressure throughout the area with

a high frequency of grazing tolerant species, mainly annual grasses compared to more palatable,
perennial grasses (Klintenberg and Verinden, 2008). Grazing around the water points has resulted
in significant changes in the grass species composition in comparison to the results obtained around
the traditional hand-dug well. In addition, Klintenberg and Verinden (2008) state that the impact
could be seen as far as 6 - 8 km from these water points. This is the issue in communal areas as the
water point belongs to the whole community, and individuals feel powerless to do anything about
it if there is no control by others. The situation differs between the two water sources for several
reasons. Private ownership of the hand-dug well contributed to better management of the adjacent
area is one of the factors discussed by Klintenberg and Verinden (2008).


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3.3 Remote sensing

Klintenberg et al. (in prep.) investigated the usefulness of satellite remote sensing in detecting
environmental changes around permanent water points in the Ombuga grassland. They used a
supervised classification of Landsat TM imagery and calculated vegetation indices. Landsat TM
data recorded after the rainfall season (March April) 1989 - 2005 were used for the analysis.
In addition, land cover classification was done based on supervised classification applying maximum
likelihood classification and the nearest neighbour algorithm, using bands 1-5 and 7. The following
land cover classes were identified: woodland, shrubland, grassland, water, saltpan and bare ground.
Furthermore, the soil-adjusted vegetation index was used to assess grazing impacts along transects
radiating out from permanent water points. Changes over time series were analysed by re-classifying
The authors (Klintenberg et al., in prep.) concluded that the results of the land cover classification
showed a fairly consistent distribution of grassland, shrubland and woodland in the study area
throughout the time series. However, the occurrence of bare ground shifted notably over time
(Klintenberg et al., in prep.). Similar changes were revealed after analysing how SAVI varied during
the time series. Results showed that the areas with the lowest SAVI over the time series were in the
northern part of the study area, corresponding to the land cover classifications (Klintenberg et al.,
in prep.). In addition, Klintenberg et al. (in prep) concluded from the results that remote sensing
could be used for monitoring environmental changes in semi-arid grasslands. However, results also
showed that there are difficulties in separating different classes of woody vegetation from each other
and also from grassland, in some instances. Additionally, the results suggested that the use of a soiladjusted vegetation index provides valuable information about the fluctuation of green biomass in
semi-arid environments over time (Klintenberg et al., in prep.).
However, due to the strong influence of the underlying soil and the fact that ground cover is generally
sparse in these environments it is suggested that any investigation based on satellite remote sensing
should be supported by an in-depth ground-based assessment, taking into account the high spatial
and temporal variability of these environments.
3.4 Local Level Monitoring (LLM) approach
The Local Level Monitoring11 approach has been initiated through the Namibia Programme to
Combat Desesrtification (NAPCOD). Since initiation, it has been used to assess rangeland condition
in several communities in Namibia. With recognition of the situation over the country, recogonisable
and usable sets of indicators for assessing rangeland condition have been identified and developed to
help farmers be aware of the beginning of land degradation processes. The indicators are identified

LLM is a tool that can be used directly by farmers to collect information on important indicators so that they
can make timely management decisions and thus better manage their natural resources (Napcod, 2003).


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by farmers themselves and the responsibility for monitoring rangelands and promoting sustainable
development rests with the communities involved.
In north-east Namibia farmers have developed and defined indicators for the area and implemented
the approach. Due to differences in culture, climate and ecology of the different regions, each
community has to identify their own indicators. Participation of all community members is very
important in developing indicators which they then, together, use to monitor and apply, adapt
and maintain rangeland health (Napcod, 2003). The approach focused on regular and continued
observation and assessment of conditions of a variety of relevant factors covering livestock, rangeland
condition (including bush density), carrying capacity and rainfall over time by the resource users.
However, the list of indicators may expand as skills, needs and faith in the programme grows
(Napcod, 2003).
A field guide was developed with colour photos, graphics, colour coded information sheets and
charts and guidelines for use by the farmers. The general assumption is that the condition of livestock
reflects the condition of rangeland and is independent of breed, sex, age and body mass (Napcod,
2003). A resource user can select up to 25 animals randomly from his/her herd and 5 nominal sites
of varying fodder availability, using forms in the guide to assign values (1-5 for very thin fattest)
to the condition of the animal and carrying capacity values (1-10 for poor excellent) to fodder
availability based on similar features in the photos in the guide.
Thereafter, the average herd condition is calculated and the number of individual animals in each class
is recorded on a monthly basis. Therefore information generated monthly, seasonally and annually
enables the farmer to track and monitor the status and changes in animal condition (Napcod, 2003).
For fodder availability, the farmer matches any piece of land to the most appropriate picture and
determines the carrying capacity of the rangeland on a seasonal and yearly basis (Napcod, 2003).
This is an easy, effective and more immediate method for farmers to determine carrying capacity and
to adjust stock numbers accordingly.
In addition, daily rainfall is recorded and information is used to calculate the total monthly and
annual rainfall. On rangeland condition, a specific site is selected on which benchmark photographs
are taken from a specific angle and from the same position each time. Then the site is visited every
year at the end of the rainy season to compare the benchmark photographs. Napcod emphasises
that the process needs long-term commitment by all resource users to be truly useful in monitoring
and assessment of rangeland conditions over an extended time period. The approach has been
implemented and used in some communities in Namibia (Napcod, 2003).
3.5 Degradation Gradient Method (DGM)
The Degradation Gradient Method uses multivariate ordination techniques to reduce
multidimensional data sets (sample plots with relative species frequency data) to two dimensions,


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where the first one explains the greatest variability in the data (Getzin, 2005). As mentioned in in
the Klintenberg and Verinden (2008) study and by many other authors, grazing pressure on land is
one of the major causes of rangeland degradation in Namibia.
Getzin (2005) did a study to test the suitability of the DGM in the central Highland Savanna of
Namibia and compared the results against a univariate analysis of herbaceous data in a simple but
robust Range-Unit Model. A grazing gradient was established in April 1999 by sampling five RUs
with partly known grazing history at different distances from a watering place (Getzin, 2005). He
stated that the DGM is a sophisticated technique for the assessment of range condition. It applies
multivariate analyses of herbaceous species data to detect subtle degrees of overgrazing. Despite
aridity and topographical heterogeneity, the DGM performed unexpectedly well under these
conditions. The relative instability of this dry savanna system favoured the applicability of the DGM
by promoting a clear grazing gradient (Getzin, 2005). Getzin (2005) points out that using species
density data only resulted in an incorrect outcome of the multivariate analysis. Getzin suggested that
the sensitivity of the DGM could be improved by combining density and cover data.
In contrast, Zimmermann et al. (2001) conducted a quantified range condition assessment of open
Camelthorn savanna along a degradation gradient. The degradation gradient method as described
by Bosch and Gauch (1991), as cited in Zimmermann et al. (2001), relies on the ordination of data,
obtained objectively, to produce a gradient with a score for each site. Zimmemann et al. (2001)
aimed at constructing a degradation model based upon grass species composition. Ideally, such
model should be able to determine a single range condition score through data obtained from any
survey within the same relatively homogeneous area (RHA). However, since such a model may
be too cumbersome for use by many land managers, the objectives of the study were extended to
seek simpler indicators through testing the relationship between other measurements and the range
condition score obtained from the degradation model (Zimmermann et al., 2001).
They described how the study measurements were taken at 20 different sites in relatively
homogeneous areas of open Camelthorn savanna in eastern Namibia. In most surveys 200 points
were sampled along transects by roughly uniform pacing combined with a randomly thrown dart.
Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was used to determine whether the sites all fell within
the same RHA, and whether the sites were ordered roughly according to their state of degradation
(Zimmermann et al., 2001). If the latter held true, a Centred Principal Component analysis (PCA)
ordination was then performed to determine the range condition scores. Through analysis of results,
Zimmermann et al. (2001) concluded that it seems that a single score of range condition can be
obtained objectively for the open Camelthorn savanna by combining measurements of perennial
grass species composition and density. Furthermore, ordination of grass species composition did not
provide a good degradation gradient due to the domination by different species of annual grasses at
many of the sites but a centred PCA ordination of perennial grass species indicated a degradation
gradient (Zimmermann et al., 2001). This may therefore be an appropriate indicator to include in
the range condition score for such types of savanna, according to Zimmermann et al. (2001).


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3.6 Landscape Function Analysis in Namibia

Landscape Function Analysis has been introduced in Namibia recently by David Tongway, Australia.
Early in 2008, Tongway gave a presentation and practical training to a group of environmental
specialists and managers from mining companies and research institutions. Application of LFA to
restoration of damaged landscapes is a special objective (Tongway, 2008). According to participants
in this training, the tool is easily understandable and useful in assessing land degradation.
The soil surface condition assessment part of the LFA approach was reported used to measure
features in a trial restoration project on Farm Lichtenstein-sud in the Highland Savanna of Namibia,
with a mean annual rainfall of roughly 300mm (Shamathe et al., 2008). According to Shamathe et al.
(2008) the features were sampled with transects running across rills or gullies. (For more information
on the LFA approach, see section 2.3.4 in this paper).
3.7 Comments on the Namibia approaches to the land degradation issue
The monitoring system indicators that have been developed (Klintenberg and Seely, 2001) offer a
good approach to defining land degradation in Namibia. However, as mentioned in Klintenberg
and Seely (2004), the four indicators (named above) need to be tested in the field and additional
indicators should be developed. So far the indicators were applied in two communities - Onkani
in central northern, and Gibeon in southern Namibia (Klintenberg and Verinden, 2008). Therefore
there is a need for applying these indicators to other communities as well. The development needs
to be a continual process until approximation and relevant national monitoring indicators are
developed. Many studies done in Namibia are on a small scale only, though they do provide good
information about the specific areas surveyed.
There have been many programmes addressing different possible environmental issues and
suggesting possible solutions in Namibia (e.g. Napcod, CCP, Biodiversity project, OLDeP). There is
an impressive forum FIRM (Forum for Integrated Resource Management) which aims at putting
the community at the centre of its own development, encouraging community members to be the
drivers of resource planning and management. The approach has been introduced into communities
where representative groups were formed to act as leaders and communication channels with
stakeholders such as the government, NGOs, etc.
Namibian farmers are willing to tackle the problem, but from a personal point of view their
knowledge of a managerial approach is still limited; therefore they need technical support from
government departments as well as other organisations for them to start. For example, OLDeP (a
development program) and the LLM approach have changed the farmers in the pilot area in north
central Namibia. During and after the implementation of this programme farmers understanding

of, to mention a few critical concerns, livestock management, conservation of available resources,
and community organization was enhanced.


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Furthermore, the issue of land degradation and other environmental problems have been addressed
in many policies such as in the National Action Plan (NAP), Namibias Vision 2030, education
syllabus and ministries programmes as well as NGO projects. It is hoped that integration of all
parties in assessment, monitoring and planning for management action will improve in the near
future. However the main problem is that development of programmes and projects has tended
to adopt a sectoral approach when addressing a problem and this in most cases results in failure.
Therefore there is a need to establish the principle of an integrated approach, combining the economic
sectors and involving public, private and civil societal institutions. At this time, capacity constraints
at the systematic, institutional and individual levels are hampering the ability of people to realise
the need for integration. Some of the constraints are: lack of sectoral planning, implementation
and management of land use; lack of skilled personnel; neglect of root causes (local communities)
by some projects or programmes; lack of understanding and ignorance; and inadequate resources
(money and people).

4. General Discussion
The different approaches described in the preceding sections provide extensive information about
methods used to assess land condition. The selection of a method depends on the goals and conditions
under which it is applied. Each approach has its limitations from an economical, experience, and/
or environmental point of view. In this discussion the main approaches are examined in relation to
their applicability at different levels.
4.1 Use of Classification
Classification of different aspects of the degradation processes helps to rate the degree and extent of
the problem (such as soil erosion) and also assists with mapping of the area affected. The GLASOD
survey maps help planners, co-ordinators and decision makers to make appropriate plans and set
priorities for future investments. They also help in identifying knowledge gaps and research priorities
(van Lynden et al., undated). The vital part is that it can be applied at different scales, from local
to national to regional and global levels. However, comparing GLASOD to the ASSOD study,
ASSOD is more detailed and thus also more accurate. A comparison of the studies is presented
in van Lynden and Oldeman (1997). Some authors have objected to the fact that the GLASOD
survey methodology relies heavily on expert opinion. On the other hand, both studies provide useful
data which are being used in different studies on different scales.
The RALA/LR classification methods are objectively sound and easily applicable in the field.
Although Icelandic conditions are different from those in many other countries, the method can be
improved to suit conditions found elsewhere. Land degradation in Iceland has much in common
with desertification in the arid countries (UNEP cited in Arnalds et al., 2001).


Taimi Sofia Kapalanga

The Rangeland health/condition assessment rating of soil and soil surface, vegetation, and livestock
health condition gives a good indication and acts as a guide for applying or improving ecosystem
management practices. Livestock condition is a good indicator of rangeland health. When rangelands
become poor, livestock condition and production decrease and vice versa. The use of classes, for
example those used by Manske (2002), relates to human health and helps farmers to understand and
adopt the method quickly.
4.2 Use of Indicators
Generally, indicators are selected and used because people think that they reveal an underlying
pattern that ties a cause with a problem or a problem with an effect. However, local circumstances
may be so different in one respect or another that the same indicator is a reflection of very different
underlying relationships than the one it is thought to reveal. Global indicators (e.g. of soil erosion)
are not directly applicable to regional, national nor local and farm levels, nor can regional indicators
be applied to national or local and farm levels.
Thus indicators need to be developed for different levels. However, a set of criteria on which the
indicators have to be based are required to ensure the relevance and usefulness of developed indicators
and also consistence. Klintenberg and Seely (2004) suggested that a globally accepted set of a small
number of criteria be developed on an international level to ensure that indicators meet set demands
of quality, e.g. relevance and accuracy. The group of indicators that has been developed by experts
for use at global, regional, national, local and farm levels mentioned in FAO (2003 is too long and
it is difficult to apply them directly. This was why the LADA project recommended using this list
only as a starting point (Snel and Bot, 2003). A long list of recommendations is difficult for land
users to apply and this may lead to missing important information which then may lead to biased
conclusions. On the other hand, a small number of indicators may not be realistic across ecological
Indicators need to be usable, measurable and have recognizable applicable data constraints. Snel and
Bot (2003) and many other scientists propose that indicators should be SMART: specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Notably, indicators for land degradation assessment need to
include evaluation of both on-site and off-site effects of the problem. Burning and Lane (2003) stressed
careful evaluation of the relationships between biophysical condition in the context of changes in
demographics, policy, land use, technology and management practices and natural events. Therefore,
evaluation of on- and off-site effects will provide a basis for informed management decisions by a
range of stakeholders from resource users and managers to technical advisers, planners and policy
makers. This means that indicators for such specific purposes should be developed by people with a
good understanding of the problem and its root causes and impact on the land.
In developing indicators or thinking of any assessment or monitoring to do, it is necessary for the
group involved to define objectives. Van Lynden et al. (2004) stated that it is essential to ask: What


LRT 2008

is happening? Does it matter? Are we improving? Are we on the whole better off? This is a good
example of the types of questions to ask so that methods developed will provide useful information.
The good side of indicators is the high adaptability and applicability level, even by non-experts.
As indicated above, indicators need to be developed by people with a good understanding of the
problem and its root causes and impact; both scientific and local knowledge are required in this
process. Local knowledge needs to be integrated with and validated by scientific knowledge to
provide greater depth of explanation, and to help quantify the extent and magnitude of change
(Reed and Stringer, 2006). This is true in order to assure that local people will understand and so
that it will be easy for them to apply the methods.
However, it is equally important to critically assess local perceptions against scientifically accepted
principles and knowledge to allow room for improvement and avoid getting stuck in old ideas and
practices. Science can provide measurements which are useful in informing management strategies;
however local knowledges of the ecosystem and land degradation are deeply, socially embedded and
constructed within specific land management contexts, and this is not always reflected in scientific
degradation assessments (Reed and Stringer, 2006).
A qualitative assessment is not a stand-alone tool as it does not quantify any measure (Pyke et al.,
2002). Both qualitative and quantitative measures are needed to obtain quality data. Quantitative
measures require some knowledge in collecting samples and analysing the data obtained. Rangeland
assessment approaches have been developed by several scientists such as Pyke et al., 2002; Pellant et
al., 2005; Tongway, 2005; Tongway and Hindley, 2004; Herrick and Herrick et al., 2005; Napcod,
2003; NRC, 1994 and tested in different ecosystems. Many of these approaches are applicable to
most arid and semi-arid conditions. This approach to rangeland health assessment using indicators
is good and provides a wealth of information that can help in management decisions.
Even though the protocol discussed by Pellant et al., (2005) does not provide information on what is
causing the problems with the three rangeland health attributes it can assist in determining if there
are problems relative to soil/site stability, watershed function, and biotic integrity. Thus additional
quantitative assessment is required which will provide enough information that can be used at
regional or national levels.
Promising approaches developed included landscape function analysis (LFA) and soil condition
assessments by Tongway of Australia. The LFA approach has been implemented in climatic ranges
from 50 to 10000mm a.a.p. and in a number of other land-use scenarios (Tongway, 2008). The
approach can be applied to arid Namibia without difficulty as it has already been introduced to some
stakeholders by Tongway earlier in 2008. Shamathe et al. (2008) have used the soil surface condition
assessment which is part of the LFA approach in a restoration project.
The training forms a platform that a stakeholder can then use to train others to make the best
use of the method. LFA results also help in deciding what action should be taken to maintain the


Taimi Sofia Kapalanga

functioning of the ecosystem and prevent further degradation of resources. The LFA approach and
VS-Fast methodology are both approaches that use simple indicators and have been found to be
easily applicable on a large scale.
The Grazing Gradient Method (GGM) has been of use in Australia for rangeland assessment.
As described by Australian scientists, the method involves visual field observations, measurements
and modelling with remote sensing tools for quantifying temporal and spatial trends of vegetative
cover as an indirect indicator of land degradation. The implementation of GGM is relatively simple
and uses the standard grazing gradient software described by Bastin, Chewing and Pearce (1996)
cited in Pickup et al. (1998). The method has potential for use in arid and semi-arid rangelands in
North and South America, Asia, and Africa as they are managed on a large enough scale to allow
development of the spatial patterns of grazing impact that the method exploits (Pickup et al., 1998).
On the other hand, Pickup et al. (1998) stated that the method also has potential as an early warning
technique, if applied routinely. In addition Roder et al. (2007) stated that the GGM can be used as
a management tool to detect areas of over- and undergrazing and to test different grazing regime
scenarios. The Grazing Gradient approach has been applied in Namibian rangelands where it has
shown good results (Getzin, 2005; Klintenberg et al., in prep).
4.3 Use of Models (soil erosion and land cover)
The empirical (e.g. USLE/RUSLE) and mechanistic (e.g. WEPP) erosion models are primarily
designed for cropland systems and are difficult to adapt for use on rangelands (Pierson, 2000). The
models involve mathematical equations that are used to estimate or calculate sediment yield and
erosion risk by water and wind. Pierson (2000) stressed that this is due to critical lack of erosion
data representing rangeland ecosystems. Arnalds et al. (2001) commented that in Iceland there are
other factors that detract from the reliability of the known models for soil erosion This is simply
because Icelandic soils (andosols) have very specific characteristics that correspond poorly with the
parameters of the model.
The USLE model was developed for a local scale assessment of soil erosion by sheet and rill erosion;
thus its application to regional assessment needs some modification. The change to RUSLE makes
it useful for estimation of erosion and sediment load, not only for an agronomic setting but also for
situations involving construction, mine spoils, and land reclamation (Yoder et al., 2004). The models
equation is also discussed by many other authors such as SWCS, 1993 cited in FAO, 2005; Marker
and Foster, 1998; Ballayan, 2000; Arnalds et al., 2001; Lal, 1994a; Yoder et al., 2004; Marker et al.,
2007; Lal et al., 1997 and others. RUSLE demonstrates the potential to assess landscape soil erosion
susceptibility with scenario analysis as reported by Marker et al. (2007).
The guidelines, which include some information on the history of research and RUSLE approach,
software, database, description of each factor, examples of each factor values for specific sites, and
application of RUSLE, were developed by Toy and Foster (1998) for mined lands, construction


LRT 2008

sites and reclaimed lands. These make good paths to follow when applying the model and help you
to understand each step. On the other hand, Warner and Foster (1998) discussed the advantages
of the model, pointing out that RUSLE and other erosion-control measures can be estimated and
alternative reclamation plans can be readily compared.
Apart from the USLE and RUSLE erosion models, other models have been developed and used in
some countries. Within the European community sharing the Mediterranean region, the CORINE
model is used to determine erosion risk and land quality. The method was integrated with GIS and
remote sensing tools to map erosion. Another model is PESERA, which is used to quantify soil
erosion by water and its risk across Europe and it can also be extended to include estimates of tillage
and wind erosion. Other regions can also try to develop standard methods for erosion that suit their
own environmental conditions. There are many other models (see box 2) which have been used to
assess soil erosion and land cover.
The literature suggests that all these models yield good results where they were used, even though
conditions may differ. However, all these models are expert-based methods and can be extremely
difficult to adopt by non-specialists, especially at local and farm levels. For example, the USLE/
RUSLE requires calibration and adequate input data. In this regard, soil erosion indicators are used
even though they will not provide enough information; one approach is to bypass the massive data
requirement of soil models (de Bei, 2005). Many scientists claim that soil erosion is not easy to
measure, thus erosion-based methods are more complicated than general assessment of land health
or condition. Furthermore, Pierson (2000) suggests that, to address global desertification issues,
erosion modelling must move beyond general or simplistic long-term erosion estimates.
4.4 Use of remote sensing
The use of remote sensing in assessing and monitoring of vegetation, erosion and land degradation
under different environmental conditions is reported by many researchers. As can be seen from
the above studies that use remote sensing, the methods can be quite beneficial. These examples
show that integration of remote sensing with land degradation assessment gives useful results. A
remote sensing tool has been available for more than 30 years (Lantieri, 2003). Remote sensing is
recommended by many users because of its broad areal coverage, repeatability, and cost and time
effectiveness. It has the greatest comparative advantage when the scale is small because it can provide
data for a large area at one time (Van Lynden and Kuhlmann, 2003). Therefore it is, in principle, an
ideal methodology for regional or global degradation assessments.
The main problem with the method is that the data should not be used as such alone but should
be accompanied by adequate ground data in order to obtain reliable estimates. This is one of the
reasons why remote sensing is most often used for degradation assessments of relatively small areas.
Experienced and knowledgeable people are required to interpret the data and run the software.


Taimi Sofia Kapalanga

Van Lynden and Kuhlmann (2003) and Oldeman (undated) reviewed the six methodologies for land
degradation assessment in the context of the LADA project: expert opinion, remote sensing, field
monitoring, productivity changes, land users opinion, and farm-level field criteria and modelling.
They evaluated each of these methodologies according to a set of criteria. Appendix 2 provides a
table which summarises these methods based on Oldeman (undated).

5. Recommendations for Namibia

Local studies by Klintenberg and others (previously cited) provide useful results; therefore it is
recommended that similar approaches should be applied in other areas of the country. This will
help to improve the four national monitoring system indicators.
Namibia could try to come up with a soil erosion map, for example. Different approaches used
by other countries such as Iceland and Australia are referenced earlier in this paper.
Co-ordination of different activities by different parties should be improved (e.g. ministries,
NGOs, etc) while healthy competition can also be useful.
The LFA approach should be applied. It could well be a simple and useful way to assess land
The VS-Fast methodological approach may be worth trying at the local level.
Namibian junior, senior and professional scientists, researchers, and other practitioners should
equip themselves with assessment and monitoring skills and encourage involvement and
leadership of local people when conducting studies on land issues.
Introduction of FIRM and LLM approaches to all communities will be helpful so that all
farmers take part in managing their own resources.
Remote sensing tools should be used instead of just using current methods. New methods could
be tried on the more sensitive satellites that are being developed, in the hope of finding a better

6. Conclusion
In conclusion, there are a wealth of different approaches for assessing land degradation worldwide.
There is no single best method for assessing land degradation. Studies done at the global level
are mainly based on expert opinion. However, field measurements, field observations, land users
opinions, productivity changes, remote sensing and modelling act as a backbone for many approaches
used to assess land degradation.
Many researchers and scientists amphasize that assessing land degradation can be complex since
more than one type of degradation may occur in any one place. Therefore, complexity makes it

impossible to use the same tools, techniques and methods for assessing different types of degradation.
Many methods have been improved and justified to gather as much useful data as possible. However,


LRT 2008

development of any method requires people with good understanding of ecosystems and socioeconomic drivers of land degradation.
The first distinction that has to be made defines land uses and land types (croplands, rangeland, mining
area, etc.) and scale (global/ regional/ national/ local/farm). Significantly, methods or techniques
need to be critically selected, taking into account their suitability, applicability and adaptability to
local conditions. Developing and using simple but yet robust methods (e.g. classes of 0-5, very good
to bad; simple indicators) are good as they can be easily adapted and used even by non-experts. This
helps in comparing areas; involving stakeholders as much as possible aids in land use and restoration
planning and prioritizing projects.
Under rangeland conditions, information about soils alone (erosion or other indicators) or vegetation
alone (% palatable, climax, etc.) is not sufficient, a system approach is needed. Involvement of local
people when working at the local level is also very important this encourages them (e.g. local
people or farmers) to take responsibility and reinforces their ownership when it comes to the
implementation of management practices. It is also important to integrate local knowledge with
scientific knowledge, though care must still be exercised in interpreting such information.
Furthermore, the use of statistical methods, ordination, and modelling approaches are important
research tools to understand the systems and processes involved. For example, a remote sensingbased approach can provide a comprehensive, objective and repeatable analysis of the problem after
future events. However, most such approaches are costly, complicated, and require much time. Lack
of experienced people and availability of resources (e.g. money) are some of the main barriers to
successful assessment. This review revealed that there are very few accounts of failures in using the
different assessment methods, which is somewhat surprising. Does that mean everything works?
Last but not least, massive information on methods and their application in different environments
was found during this study. Unfortunately, time did not allow the summation of each and every
methodology. This paper provides a summary and discussion of the methods that were deemed most
important to consider, with, as applicable, comments on their potential use in Namibia. For interests
sake, references provided in this document can lead to more references of assessment and details of
monitoring methods for those wishing to explore further this important field of science.

I am extremely grateful to my supervisor, Professor Olafur Arnalds, Dean of the Environment,
Agricultural University of Iceland, for his outstanding continual guidance and support throughout
the entire period of research and writing.


Taimi Sofia Kapalanga

My gratitude also extends to Professor Ingibjorg Svala Jnsdttir, and Dr Hafds Hanna Aegisdttir,
LRT Project Manager and Assistant, for their co-ordination and advice throughout the preparation
of this work and the whole LRT programme, as also to Dr John Henschel, Director of Gobabeb
Training and Research Centre, for his encouragement.
Warm thanks go to Dr Patrick Klintenberg, Desert Researh Foundation of Namibia, for his advice
and providing useful data. To Mr Ibo Zimmermann, Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Namibia, for his
advice, useful information and valuable comments on my paper.
Thank you to my Land Restoration Training (LRT) programme fellows for your advice and
contribution to this paper. To the staff of the Agricultural Research Institute and Soil Conservation
Service for all the different kinds of support that you have provided.
To my incredible family and friends, for all your love, support, and encouragement that always keep
me motivated.
To those whom I have not mentioned, I say thank you!
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Taimi Sofia Kapalanga

Appendix 1: Summary of land degradation assessment approaches reviewed

GLASOD survey


ASSOD survey
WOCAT mapping
LADA methodology

Global, Regional, National,
& Local
Global, National & Local

GLADA approach
Other Land

Global, National & Local

National, Local, and Farm

RALA Classification
NZLRI erosion
More on erosion

National / Local


Regional, National, local

images, NDVI, PD54,
SAVI, etc.)
AEZ methodology
Grazing Gradient
Method (GGM);
Degradation Gradient
Method (DGM);
species composition
(Attributes, indicators
& Classification

National, Local

Bridges and Oldeman, 1999; Oldeman et al.,1990;
Jones et al., 2003; & Lynden and Oldeman, 1997;
ISRIC & Lynden and Oldeman,1997
van Lynden et al., undated; http://www.wocat.net/
Koohafkan et al., 2003; LADA project document,
2005; Ponce-Hernandez, 2002; Lynden and
Kuhlmann; 2003; Snel and Bot, 2003; Burning
and Lane, 2003; Van Lynden et al., 2004;
Bai and Dent, 2006.
de Bie, 2005; Reed and Dougill, 2002; Lynden
and Kuhlmann; 2002; Reed and Stringer, 2006;
Klintenberg and Seely, 2004; Klintenberg et al.,
2007; FAO, 2003;
Arnalds et al., 2001;
Landcare Research (http://www.landcareresearch.
Berry et al., 2003


Regional, National, local

All levels

USSCS; EUSOILS; SWCS, 1993; Marker et al.,

2007; Castro Filho et al., 2001; Lal, 1994a; Yoder
et al., 2004; Arnalds et al., 2001; Warner and
Foster, 1998; Lal et al., 1997; FAO, 2005;
Doan et al., undated; Dengiz and Akgul, 2005;
EUSOILS; Cebecauer and Hofierka, 2007;
Kiunsi and Meadows, 2006;
EUSOILS; Kirkby et al., 2004;
Klintenberg and Verinden, 2008;
Lantieri, 2003; Ostir et al., 2003; Jafari et al.,
2008; Thorarinsdottir, 2008; Tanser and Palmer,
1999; Bai and Dent, 2006; Klintenberg et al., in
prep; http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/glossary;


FAO, 2005
McGarry, 2004


Pickup et al.,1998; Bastin, 2002; Pickup and

Chewings, 1994; Bastin et al., 1993; Roder et al.,
2007; Klintenberg and Verinden, 2008;
Getzin, 2005; Zimmermann et al., 2001;

National, local & Farm

Pyke et al., 2002; NRC, 1994; Pellant et al., 2005;

Herrick et al., 2005; Manske, 2002; NRC, 1994;
Napcod, 2003;
Tongway, 1994; Tongway, 2008; Tongway, 2005;
Tongway and Hindley, 2004; Ludwig et al., 1997;
Shamathe et al., 2008)

Some approaches might be applicable to other scales (large or small). To draw conclusions, further research
on specific approaches is required.

LRT 2008

Appendix 2: Land degradation assessment (criteria and methods)

The table above shows that each methodology scores high for some criteria and low for others (Oldeman,
undated). Consideration should also be given to a combination of methodologies (e.g. to increase objectivity
and credibility). Furthermore, Oldeman (undated) states that the ultimate choice of the methodology depends
on the user of the degradation assessment.


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