What Are The Benefits For Regular Consumption of Nata de Coco

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Nata De Coco is high in fiber and low in calories. It is good for digestion and may help prevent constipation, bowel cancer and heart disease. It is also suitable for children, diabetics and those on low-calorie diets.

Regular consumption of Nata De Coco can help clean the intestines, prevent constipation, and may protect against bowel cancer and heart disease due to its high fiber content.

Nata De Coco is produced through a bacterial fermentation process of coconut water using Acetobacter bacteria. This process converts the sugar in coconut water into the jelly-like Nata De Coco.

What are the benefits for regular consumption of Nata De Coco ?

Nata De Coco is very good for our digestive system especially for those who
faced constipation problem. It helps to clean our intestines and prevent
constipation. Many studies showed that regular consumption of Nata De Coco
helps to protect against bowel cancer and has potential to prevent
atherosclerosis and coronary thrombosis. In many Asian countries such as Japan,
Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore, Nata De Coco has become their daily dessert
after meal. It is suitable for elderly and young children.

Nata de coco as one of the coconut water products through fermentation is very rich in fiber.
Coconut water as the raw material for nata was famous as a rich nutritious water.But during
the process of boiling the coconut water and incubation, a lot of nutrients are lost. Because
the nutritional value contained in nata de coco is not quite as nutrition for the body. Many
manufacturers nata de coco, which in turn conduct food fortification by adding one or more
nutrients to the food into a product that will be consumed. Of course the goal to increase the
nutrient content in the product. Because the value of the benefits of nata de coco grow,
consumer acceptance is expected to be even better.The addition of nutrients usually in the
form of vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B1, riboflavin and niacin. As well as also added
minerals such as phosphorus and calcium. Sometimes also extract flavorings added bananas,
oranges, strawberries and other products that consumers readily accept the nata de
coco.Because it is rich in fiber, nata de coco is good for digestion. One was to expedite the
disposal of the body and prevents constipation stools. In addition, due to the low nutrient
content, nata de coco safely consumed by those who are obese and are doing low calorie diet
in order to lose excess weight. But of course the procedures of nata de coco consumption
must be considered. Notice how to consume of nata de coco, so that we can take the value of
the benefits of nata de coco and do not hurt yourself. - See more at:

What is Nata De Coco?

Nata De Coco is a Chewy, coconut get-product from coconut water by bacterial
fermentation prepared. It is one of the first reported commercial food application
of bacterial cellulose. ~ Nata De Coco is 100% locally made product. It grows
very naturally at the extremely clean and hygiene environment an~d it is
chemical & ~ FREE diet and healthy products.
Nata De Coco is a high Fibre and Iow in Calories product and its contains no
Cholesterol which is good for our diet and
digestion system.

How to recognize a good quality Nata De Coco ?

A good quality Nata De Coco has high Fibre spongy flesh and slightly hard. If it
was pressed by finger, it will become as thin as paper and it is hard to tear off.

How to make Nata De Coco taste Better ?

High Fibre Nata De Coco itself without any taste. In order to make it tastier, you
can mix with:Cold Water or Ice Cubes, Chilled Soft Drink, Fresh Fruit Juices or Fresh Fruits.

What are the benefits for regular consumption of Nata De Coco ?

Nata De Coco is a high Fibre product and it is very good for our digestion system
such as clean our intestines and prevent
constipation. Many studies showed that regular consumption of Nata De Coco is
believed to protect against bower cancer
and has potential to prevent antherosclerosis and coronary thrombosis as well as
prevent sudden rise of sugar in the urine.

Why Children need and prefer Nata De Coco ?

Nata De Coco is good for our digestion system especially for children who faced
constipation problem. It's taste good and
favourite among children as well as adult especially when it is cool or mixed with
other food ingredients. In Japan, Taiwan,
Korea and Singapore, Nata De Coco has become their daily dessert after meal.

Why do we prefer locally made Nata De Coco ?

It is because that Sarawak has lots of coconut plantation and the best quality of
fresh coconut are grown in Sarawak. Thus,
we can produce quality Nata De Coco with high Fibre spongy fresh.

I. Identification

1. The Issue
This case study is about nata de coco, a chewy, translucent, indigenous dessert in the
Philippines that is very popular in Japan. In 1993, Japanese people, especially young people
considered nata de coco a popular dessert, however, its popularity declined because their
interest moved to another trendy dessert. Small coconut farmers and those who started
manufacturing nata de coco in the Philippines began to export more nata de coco to Japan in
1993. Though Japan imported 90 percent of the Philippines nata de coco, its supply did not
meet the demand for the dessert in Japan. About one year later, the product's astonishing
popularity quieted. Environmental and unemployment problems arose because of Japan was
importing nata de coco from the Philippines. Moreover, the end of the nata de coco boom
seemed the best time to focus on the poverty and underdevelopment in the Philippines, whose
origin could be dated back to a century ago.

2. Description
A. Introduction
This case study is about coconuts in the
Philippines. About 5 years ago, nata de coco, a
dessert which is made from coconuts, was a big fad
in Japan.@@However, problems arose because
the production of nata de coco could not catch up
with its demand in Japan and, after the nata de coco boom in Japan was over, people moved
to another dessert from overseas. As a result of this whim, many problems have arisen in the
B. Definition
Nata de coco is a chewy, translucent, traditional Philippine dessert which is "coconut gelproduct from coconut water by bacterial fermentation-prepared." (Antarindo Trading Web
Page) In 1992, this dessert was introduced to Japan through its use in diet foods enjoyed by
young girls. (Metcalfe, 1994: 76) Moreover, "Japanese believed it protects the body against
colon cancer," and it became "a boon for slimmers." (Metcalfe)Nata de coco is high in fiber,
good for the digestive system, and it is low in calories and contains no cholesterol. Its peak
moment of popularity in Japan occurred in 1993. Nata de coco could be found everywhere at
that time. Many companies manufacturing nata de coco rivaled each other for new nata de
coco products.
C. Positive Conditions
The nata de coco boom in Japan brought a huge impact on the small labor-intensive cottage
industry in the Philippines. Nata de coco was usually produced at coconut farmers' houses in
the countryside, and it was an indigenous dessert. However, it suddenly became one of the
most important exports. "Filipinos are busy capitalizing on a sudden foreign craving for an
indigenous coconut by-product." (Metcalfe) The Manila Bulletin described nata de coco as a
'Miracle Product'. (Metcalfe) The nata de coco boom was a stroke of luck for the Philippines,
who had been going through export an economical depression. The cottage industry attracted
many Filipino workers to turn over and get into its industry because the way of making nata

de coco is simple; it does not take high-tech machinery and a lot of money to produce. The
cottage industry added to its factory and labor, and it put its utmost into nata de coco
production.@@Metcalfe mentions that "[a]t Martinez Nata de Coco in Lucena City,
production increased by 400%, from 500 to 2,000 trays a month. Expansion is limited not by
demand, which appears to be limitless, but by space." (Metcalfe) Furthermore, "In Los
Banos, a major producing area, the crime rate has dropped dramatically," because the people
committing crimes were working to make nata de coco. (Metcalfe)
D. Negative Conditions
It is the rule that `the Golden Age' has never been maintained,
and the nata de coco boom in Japan was also not an
exception. Japanese people, especially young people, turned
their interest to a different dessert which was also from a
foreign country. Japanese makers followed the trend and
moved their focus to the new dessert. In the Philippines,
people might be depressed as they looked at a stack of nata de
coco. Its countryside returns to silence as though people had
been busy making the "Miracle Product' was a dream. More
importantly, the Philippines developed many problems which
were not there during the boom. For example, producing nata
de coco requires a kind of strong acetic acids. Since nata de
coco was made at small private factories in the countryside,
people did not pay attention to the effects of the acetic acids,
and they discharged it into the soil. That caused dermatitis and
soil acidity. (Futakami Jirou's World Web Page) Moreover, the end of the boom uncovered
big problems in the Philippines, such as poverty and underdevelopment.
E. Coconut Industry in the Philippines
The Philippines is the largest coconut-producing country in the world. (Sakakibara, 1994: 88)
It is said that there are 330 million coconut farmers in the Philippines, which is equivalent to
one out of three people in the primary industries engage in coconut farms. (Sakakibara: 40)
Price movement easily affects the income of coconut framers and even though a farmer has
ten coconut trees, he could earn his bread at one time. (Sakakibara: 40) The coconut industry
in the Philippines are jeopardized in intensifying competitions because 88 percent are small
scale farmers, less than five hectares, and they do not have a unified management strategy.
(Sakakibara: 90-91)
F. History
a. The History of Coconut Plantations
"[An American adventurer] met with the elders of [a] Muslim village and told them he
wanted to turn their cow-grazing land into a coconut plantation.cc" (Tiglao, 1999: 63-5)
The coconut plantation in the Philippines began from a century ago, right after the Spanish
left. (Tiglao) Tiglao insists that "the headlong rush into coconut farming in the Philippines
early this century has left the country impoverished and underdevelopment." (Tiglao) The
more Christians migrated to the Muslim village, the more lands were replaced by coconut
plantations, and then, coconut trees dominated in the rural Muslim areas. (Tiglao) In 1642,
the Spanish colonizers ordered each native to plant 200 of coconut trees for "caulk[ing] their

galleons, and its husks," and "making ships' rigging," in 1930, 150,000 hectares, or 5% of
arable land, were coconut trees. (Tiglao) Today, three million hectares, a quarter of the
country's agricultural land, were covered by coconut plantations. (Tiglao)
b. The Rise of coconut demand
Until in the 19th century, two everyday commodities, soap and margarine, were made from
beef fat, mainly from America. (Tiglao) Since blizzards and drought hit in the United States,
and the cattle industry received huge damage, soap and margarine manufacturers used
vegetable oils as less-expensive alternates. (Tiglao) Then, coconut came into the spotlight.
European countries took coconuts from their Asian colonies, and American soap
manufacturers had their eyes on the Philippines, the U.S. is newest colony. (Tiglao)
Coconut trees were planted with unrecorded speed in the Philippines. The area of coconut
plantations overtook that of a more famous export crop, sugarcane by 1930. (Tiglao) After
two world wars ended, not only soap and margarine, but coconut oil became popular with
advances in chemistry, and coconut oil became one of the biggest export items in the
Philippines. "Until 1970s, coconut oil continued as the country's biggest export product,
accounting for 35% of the total." (Tiglao)
c. The Root of Poverty and Underdevelopment
Coconut exports bring the Philippines lots of foreign exchange, and it is very important to its
income. Coconut planting, however, results in massive deforestation, and due to the fact that
coconut trees dominate in certain areas, the ecosystem must be changed. "But perhaps the
most destructive legacy of the West's demand for coconut oil is the Philippines' poverty and
economic underdevelopment." (Tiglao) Even if the Philippines has got profits from coconut
exports, the profits go to traders and exporters, not a third of the country's population,
farmers. (Tiglao) Now, "the value of coconut oil has fallen in real terms through the decades,
partly as a result of increased production of substitutes such as American and Chinese
soybean and cottonseed oil as well as sunflower-seed oil from the former Soviet republics."
(Tiglao) Tiglao concludes that "[e]ven now, the country faces tremendous problems that
emerged a century ago, because of the West's cravings for soap and margarine." (Tiglao)
As I mentioned before, the nata de coco boom in Japan in 1993 was unforeseen luck for poor
coconut farmers. Yet, farmers were eventually at the mercy of the boom. Practically, Japan
exploited the developing country, the Philippines, where the West has already formed the
relationship of exploitation.
G. Conclusion
This case study about nata de coco is a good example of the impact of trade which can lead
to changing the environment and culture of people and places. Generally, less developed
countries sacrifice themselves for more developed countries. Even when the colonial period
was over, and almost all colonies obtained independence, the exploitative bond has still
remained. The Philippines has given up its rich forest, and then, the Philippines has exported
coconut to get foreign exchange. Still, the people are poor as long as the exploitative bond
will not cut off.

Although originating from waste coconut, nata de coco be enough food ideal for
those who are trying to lose weight. Therefore, food ingredients derived from
coconut water, other than it tastes good and is suitable for many tongues, is also
rich in fiber.
The term comes from the Spanish nata translated into Latin sebagainatare,
meaning adrift. Nata can be made from coconut milk, coconut milk, molasses
(molasses), wastewater know, or juice (pineapple, melon, passion fruit, banana,
citrus, guava, strawberry, etc.).
Giving a name to nata depending on the raw materials used. Nata de pinna to
that derived from pineapple, nata de tomato to tomato, and nata de soya made
from waste out.
In recent nata industrial development, food is generally made from coconut milk.
Nata with fruit flavors made from coconut milk, but the added flavor of the fruit.
We too easily get the product nata with vanilla, strawberry, banana, citrus,
guava, pineapple, and others.
Nata de coco is fermented coconut water with the help of microbe Acetobacter
xylinum. Sugar in coconut water is converted to acetic acid and cellulose yarn.
Will eventually form a solid mass and reaches a thickness of several centimeters.
Thus, nata de coco can also be regarded as a form of bacterial cellulose solid,
white, transparent, sweet taste, chewy texture, and generally consumed as
Starter or microbial culture is a most important ingredient in the formation of
nata. As a starter, used pure cultures of Acetobacter xylinum. These bacteria can
be found naturally in sugar plant extracts that have undergone fermentation or
on vegetables and fruits that have been rotting sugary.
If microbes are grown in medium containing glucose, the organism can change
19 percent sugar into cellulose. Cellulose issued to the media in the form of
threads together with a slimy polysaccharide forming fabric continues to thicken
into layers nata.
Suitable for Diet
Nata de coco attractiveness lies in the clear color, chewy texture, and the taste is
very distinctive. Therefore, nata mixture in a range of cold drinks are very
popular with the public. Especially in tropical regions, such as in the country.
The most popular use is as a dessert. Nata de coco can also be enjoyed as a
mixture of iced fruit, compote, custard, ice cream, fruit cocktail, candy, or eaten
Seen from the point of nutrition, nata does not mean anything because the
product is very poor in nutrients. Nata nutrient which was served with syrup was
as follows: 67.7 percent water, 0.2 percent fat, 12 mg calcium, 5 mg iron, 2 mg

phosphorus, few vitamins B1, a little protein, and only 0.01 micrograms of
riboflavin per 100 grams.
Some actions fortification with vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B1, and
vitamin C) and minerals (calcium and phosphorus), has been done to improve its
nutritional value. Supplemental materials are stable at room temperature for 11
months or more. To increase the acceptance of consumers, nata de coco is often
coupled with flavor extracts or essences, such as almond, banana, orange,
strawberry, vanilla, and others.
Because the nutrients (particularly energy) is very low, this product is safe to be
eaten by anyone. This product will not cause fat, so it is recommended for those
who are low-calorie diet to lose weight. Another advantage of nata de coco is a
fiber (dietary fiber), it is quite high, especially cellulose.
Without fiber in the diet, we would easily have symptoms of constipation or
constipation (constipation), hemorrhoids, diverticulosis disease, colon cancer,
inflammation of the appendix, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and obesity
(obesity). With the fiber of nata de coco or other foodstuffs, the bowel
movements become regular and these diseases can be avoided.
Although nata de coco low nutritional content, eating the wrong way can cause
us to be fat. The process of becoming obese is not caused by nata de coco itself.
The cause is too sweet syrup or other mixing ingredients. Therefore, avoid eating
nata de coco with a mixture that is too sweet syrup or other ingredients are rich
in calories.
Nata de coco is usually sold in bottles, cans, or plastic bag with a solution of
sugar as a medium marinade. The intended use of the sugar solution is to
preserve nata de coco for storage.
If we want to take nata de coco, syrup should be shredded waste that we do not
become too sweet nata. To further reduce the levels of sugar, nata de coco
should first be soaked in water for a while before consumption.

Nata de coco is highly regarded for its high dietary fibre, and its low fat and zero cholesterol
Cubes of nata de coco are widely used in Filipino cuisine for cold desserts, and is one of
several traditional ingredients in halo-halo. Mass-produced bubble tea drinks have nata de
coco strips as a healthier alternative to tapioca.[1]
Ingredients and Benefits Nata De Coco Coconut Sari
July 21, 2014AdminHealth

Nata de coco is a food prepared from coconut water.Food manufacturing process is very
easy.You just need to take advantage of Xylinum Acetobacter bacteria capable of fermenting
the sugar content of water in the coconut water is becoming nata de coco.Well, to know the
content and benefits of nata de coco is complete, check out this review.
The content of Nata De Coco

Taken from coconut water contains minerals and vitamins, nata de coco also contains
beneficial nutrients.From research conducted by the Center for Biology LIPI, each 100 grams
of nata de coco complete nutritional content includes 20 grams of carbohydrates, 80% water,
20 grams of fat, 146 calories cal, 2 mg of phosphorus, 12 mg calcium, and 0.5 grams of iron
This is very good for maintaining a healthy body.Additionally, nata de coco also contains
vitamins and other natural chemical compounds that serve to nutrition the body.
Benefits Nata De Coco For Body Health

Well, the content and benefits of nata de coco can we know now.Due to limited it, look at the
benefits and nutritional content of seyawa on nata de coco is for our bodies.
Nata de coco is very well taken for people who are on a diet low in calories because the
calories in this food is not too high.With its rich content of fiber, nata de coco is very
beneficial for your digestive system.
Therefore, if you are having problems constipation, consumption of nata de coco is able to
launch your BAB.Your diet program will be successful because it is influenced by the fiber is

able to bind moisture and absorb carbohydrates.Moreover, it implies able to increase the
absorption of glucose in our body.
Nata de coco is very suitable to be consumed for diabetics.It is influenced by the low levels
of cholesterol contained in nata de coco is that it will not affect blood sugar levels in the
body.Therefore, you will inevitably also of high blood pressure and stroke problems because
of low cholesterol content will not clog the blood circulation in your blood vessels.
The food is well-liked by children.Many manufacturers are utilizing this as nata de coco
business innovation attract highly nutritious food.Therefore, nata de coco fortification of
vitamins and minerals increase is suitable consumed by children.The content of vitamin C,
B1, and riboflavin was able to increase the body's system kekeabalan your beloved child.
Examples nata de coco is innovative is the provision of orange flavor, strawberry, and vanilla
that is able to attract children to enjoy.Well, that's the complete information of the content and
benefits of nata de coco that you can use to increase your health.

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