Samaveda Amavasya Tharpanam

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Samaveda Amavasya Tharpanam

1. Achamanam
Take minute quantities of water(just sufficient to soak one grain of black gram) three times in the
right hand and take it with the following manthra.
1.Om Achyuthaya namah 2,Om Ananthaya namah 3.Om Govindaya namah
Touch with thumb both cheeks saying keshava -Narayana
Touch with ring finger both eyes saying Madhava govinda
Touch with the first finger both sides of nose saying Vishnu-Madhusoodana
Touch with little finger both ears saying Trivikrama-Vamana
Touch with the middle finger both shoulders saying Sreedhara-Hrishi kesha
Touch with all fingers the belly button saying Padmanabha
Touch with all fingers the head saying Damodara.
Take the Pavitram Along with Akshadai and put the Akshadai in your head and wear the Pavitram
in your right ring finger
2.Ganapathi dyanam
Recite the following manthra slowly hitting the forehead with both fists together.:Shuklambaradharam Vishunum Sasi Varnam ChathurBhujam,
Prasanna Vadanam Dyayeth Sarva Vighna Upa Santhaye.
3.Do Pranayamam.
Hold both Nostrils with Thumb and the little and third finger of the hands and recite the following
Manthra:Om Bhooh
Om Bhuvah
Ogum Suvah
Om Mahah
Om Janah
Om Thapah
Ogum Sathyam
Om Tatsa vithur varenyam Bargo devasya dhi mahi dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Apah
Jyothj rasah
Amrutham brahma
Touch the ears three times saying
Om, Om , Om
4.Do Sankalpam
Mamo Partha Samasta Duritha kshayadwara Sri Parameshwara Preethyartham.
Apavithraha pavithro va Sarvavastham gathopiva,
Ya smareth pundarikaksham sa bahya abhyanthara suchi
Manasam vachikam paapam karmana samuparjitham

Sri Rama smarane naiva vyapohathi na samsayah

Sri Rama-Rama Rama
Tithir Vishnu tatha vaarah nakshatram Vishnureva cha,
Yogascha karanam Chaiva sarvam Vishnu mayam jagat
Sri Govinda Govinda Govinda
AdyaShri Bhagavataha maha purushasya Vishnoragnaya pravarthamanasya Adya
Brahmanaha Dweethiya parardhe Shweta Varaha kalpe Vaivaswatha manvantare Ashta
vimshatitame kaliyuge prathame padhe ,jambu dweepe , Bharatha varshe, Bharatha Khande ,
Mero Dakshine Parshwe , Shakabde asmin vartamane vyvaharike Prabhavadeenam sashtyaha
samvatstaranam madhye (name of the year)
Nama samvatsare , (dakshina./uttara
ayane, (name of the season) rithou, (name of the month in Sanskrit) mase, (Krishna/shukla)
pakshe , Adhya (Name of the thidhi-moon phase) Punya thithou (name of the day in
Sanskrit)vasra yukthayam (name of the star in Sanskrit) nakshatra yukthayam
Shubha yoga
Shubha karana, Evam guna viseshana visishtayam asyam (Name of the thidhi) Punya
( Change the position of poonal from left shoulder to right shoulder(LEFT MODE))
(Your Gothram) Gothranaam (Names of father, grand father, great grand father)**
Sharmanam, Vasu-Rudra-adithya swaroopanam asmad Pithru Pithamaha-PraPitamahanam ,
(your Gothram) Gothranaam (Names of mother. Grand mother, great grand mother[1] )
Namneenaam , Vasu-Rudra-Adithya swaroopa Asmad Mathru[2] -pithamahi-Prapithamahinaam,
(Your maternal grand fathers gothram) gothraanaam (names of maternal grand father, his father
and his grand father)
Sharmanam vasu rudra -adithya swaroopanam
asmad mathamaha, mathuh pithamaha, mathuh prapithamahanaam, (Your maternal grand
fathers gothram) gothranaam (Names of maternal grand mother, maternal great grand
mother, Grand mother of maternal grand father) Namneenaam , vasu-rudra adithya swaroopa
asmad mathamahi[3] -mathuh pithamahi, mathuh prapithamaheenam Ubhaya vamsa
pithrunaam akshayya thripthyartham amavasya[4] punya kale Thila tharpanam karishye.
(throw away the Durbha (Katta Dharbhai only) held round the fingers along with Pavithram.
Change position of poonal to the left shoulder(usual mode) (Upaveeti)
touch water with finger(Apa Upasprishya),
5. (Change the position of poonal from left shoulder to right shoulder(LEFT MODE)) (Prachinaviti)
Fold your hand in Namaskara Position and repeat this mantra
Apahata Asurah Rakshagumsi vedishado ye roopani pratimunchamanah I Asurah santah
swadhaya charanti parapuro nipuro ye bharanti agnishthat lokat pranudathvam asmath II
Change position of poonal to the left shoulder(usual mode) (Upaveeti) touch water with
finger(Apa Upasprishya)
6. Take some water along with Ellu (Tilam) in your right hand and offer it on middile of the plate
( Tambalam) where you are going to keep the kurcham with reciting the following Mantra
Apavithraha pavithro va Sarvavastham gathopiva,
Ya smareth pundarikaksham sa bahya abhyanthara suchi
Keep the Kurcham in the Plate ( tambalam)

Arrangement of Koorcham

6.Avahanam (Pracheenaveeti)
Wear the poonal in the left mode , take little ellu(black gingelly) and Offer on the Koorcha
while chanting the following manthras:1.Yetha pitarah somyasah gambhiraih pathibhihi poorvanebhihi I dhatta asmabhyam dravineha
bhadram rayinchanah sarvaveeram niyachata II
Ushantastva Havamahe Ushantah samidhimahi I
Ushanu Shata Aavaha pitrunu havishe
athave II
2. Om bhorbuvaswarom
3, Asmin koorche (Your Gothra) gothranaam (Fathers, grand fathers and great grand fathers
name) sharmanaam vasu Rudra adithya swaroopanaam asmad pithru-pithamahaprapithamahaanaam (Your Gothra) gothranaam (Names of mother, grand mother, great grand
mother1) namnenaam vasu Rudra adithya swaroopanaam asmad mathru[5] , pithamahiprapithamahinaam ,
(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothran (Names of maternal grand father, maternal great grand
father and grand father of maternal grand father)
sharmanam vasu Rudra adithya
swaroopan asmad mathamaha-mathru pithamaha-mathru prapithamaha (maternal grand fathers
gothra) gothraa (Names of maternal grand mother, maternal great grand mother, grand mother
of maternal grand father)
namnee vasu Rudra adithya swaroopa asmad
mathamahi[6] -mathru pithamahi-mathru prapithamahinaam , dyayami avahayami.
7.Asanam for pithras (take two Darbha )
Chanting the manthra place the darbha top of the Kurcha
1.Aayuntunah Pitarah somyasah Agnishvatah pathibhihi devayaniah I Asmin Yagnye swadhaya
madantu Adhibruvanthu te avantvasman II
Vargadvaya Pithrunaam idam asanam , thiladhi sakalaradhanai swarchidham
8. tharpanam
Offer tharpanam with hand full of water mixed with black ellu on the koorcham for Pithru vargam
after each manthra

Pithru tharpanam(Oblation to father)

(Your gothram) Gothran (Fathers name)
Sharmanah vasu roopan pithrun swadha namastharpayami.
(Your gothram) Gothraan (Fathers name)
Sharmana vasu roopan pithrun swadha namas tharpayami.
(Your Gothram) gothraan (Fathers name)
sharmana vasu roopan pithrun swadha namas tharpayami.

b.Pithamaha tharpanam (oblation to grand father)

(your gothram) Gothraan (Grand fathers name)
Sharmana Rudra roopan pithaamahaan swadha namas tharpayami.

(Your gothram) Gothraan (Grand fathers name)
Sharmanah Rudra roopan pitha mahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
(Your gothram) Gothraan (Grand fathers name)

Sharmanah rudra roopan pithamahaan swadha namastharpayami

c.Prapithamaha tharpanam(oblations to great grand father)
(Your Gothram) Gothraan (Great grand fathers name)
Sharmana adithya roopaan prapithamahan swadha namas tharpayami.
(Your gothram) Gothraan (great grand fathers name)
Sharmana adithya roopan prapithamahaan swadha namas tharpayami
(Your gothra) Gothraan (great grand fathers name)
Sharmana adhithya roopan prapithamahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
9. d.Mathru tharpanam[7] (Oblations to mother)
1. (Your gothra) Gothraa (mothers name)
Namnee vasu roopa mathu swadha namastharpayami
2.. (Your Gothra) Gothraa (Mothers name)
Namnee vasu roopa mathu swadha namastharpayami
3. (Your Gothra) (Gothrah (Mothers name)
Namneeh vasu roopah mathru swadha namastharpayami
E .Pithamahi tharpanam[8] (oblations to paternal grand mother)
1.(Your Gothra) Gothraa (Grand mothers name)
Namnee Rudra roopa pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
2. . (Your Gothra) Gothraa (Grand mothers name)
Namnee Rudra roopa pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
3. (Your gothra) Gothraa (Grand mothers name)
Namnee Rudra roopa pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
F .Prapithamahi tharpanam[9] (Oblations to paternal great grand mother)
1. (Your Gothra). Gothraa (Great grand mothers name)
Namnee adithya roopa prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami
2. .(Your Gothra) Gothraa (Great Grand mothers name)

Namnee adithya roopa prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami

3. .(Your Gothra) Gothraa (Great Grand mothers name)
Namnee adithya roopa prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami

10. Mathamaha varga tharpanam (oblations to ancestors of maternal grand father)

Offer tharpanam with hand full of water mixed with black ellu on the koorcham for Pithru vargam
after each manthra
1. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand fathers name)
Sharmana vasu roopan matha mahaan swadha namastharpayami.

2. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand fathers name)

Sharmana vasu roopan matha mahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
3. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand fathers name
sharmana vasu roopan matha mahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
b.Mathru pitha maha tharpanam (oblation to grand father of mother)
1. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal great grand fathers name)
Sharmana Rudra roopan mathu pithaamahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
2. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal great grand fathers name)
Sharmana Rudra roopan mathu pitha mahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
3. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal great grand fathers name)
Sharmana rudra roopan mathu pithamahaan swadha namastharpayami
c.Mathu Prapithamaha tharpanam(oblations to great grand father of mother)
1. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand fathers grand fathersname)
Sharmana adithya roopaan mathu prapithamahan swadha namas tharpayami.
2. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand fathers grand fathersname)
Sharmana adithya roopan mathu prapithamahaan swadha namas tharpayami
3. (Maternal grand fathers Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand fathers grand fathersname)
Sharmana adhithya roopan mathu prapithamahaan swadha namas tharpayami.
11. d.Mathamahi tharpanam[10] (Oblations to maternal grand mother)
1.(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand mothers name)
Namnee vasu roopa mathamahi swadha namastharpayami
2. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand mothers name)
Namnee vasu roopa mathamahi swadha namastharpayami
3. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand mothers name)
Namnee vasu roopa mathamahi swadha namastharpayami
e.Mathru Pithamahi tharpanam[11] (Oblations to grand mother of mother)

1.(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal great grand mothers name)
Namnee Rudra roopa mathu pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
2. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal great grand mothers name)
Namnee Rudra roopa mathu pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
3. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand mothers name)
Namnee Rudra roopa mathu pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
f. Mathu Prapithamahi tharpanam[12] (Oblations to great grand mother of mother)
1. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand fathers grand mothers name)
Namnee adithya roopa mathu prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami
2. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand fathers grand mothers name)
Namnee adithya roopa mathu prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami
3. .(Maternal grand fathers gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand fathers grand mothers name)
Namnee adithya roopa mathu prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami
12: Comon Tarpanam for your all pithras
a.Jgyaatha jgyatha Vargadwaya pithroon swadha namas tharpayami
b. Jgyaatha jgyatha Vargadwaya pithroon swadha namas tharpayami
c. Jgyaatha jgyatha Vargadwaya pithroon swadha namas tharpayami
Oorjam vahantheeramrutham grutham payah keelalam parisrutham swadhastha
tharpayatha me Vargadwaya pithroon( trupyatha thrupyatha thrupyatha, trupyatha thrupyatha
thrupyatha, trupyatha thrupyatha thrupyatha .
Change poonal to usual pattern from left shoulder (upaveeti)
Note: I am not giving Veda Mantram which is Usually recited here from Samavedam,
13. Pradhakshinam
(Chant and rotate three times in the same place clock wise)
Devathabhya pithrubhyascha maha yogibhya eva cha
Nama swadhayai swaahayai nithyameva namo namaha.
Yanikanicha Papani Janmantara krutayacha
Tanitani Vinashyantu Pradakshina Pade Pade.
Change poonal to the left side pattern from right shoulder (prachinaveeti)
Recite with folded hands
Pithru-Pithamaha-Prapthamahebhyo namaha
Maatru pitha mahi prapithamahebhyo namaha[13]
Mathamaha -mathuh pithamaha-mathuh prapithamahebhyo nama.
Mathamahi-Mathuh pithamahi=mathuh prapathamaheebhyo nama.[14]
Change Poonal to usual mode from left shoulder (Upaveeti).
14.Abhivadanam &Namaskaram (salutations)
Do Abhivadanam (Tell Your "Pravara" Rishi ,Gothra ,Sutra,Veda Name, & your Sharma)

then touch the bhoomi and do Namaskaram Chanting the Following Mantra.
15.Udwasanam [15]
Change Poonal to left mode i.e from right shoulder (Prachinaveeti)
1. Yetha pitarah somyasah gambhiraih pathibhihi poorvanebhihi I dhatta asmabhyam dravineha
bhadram rayinchanah sarvaveeram niyachata II
Ushantastva Havamahe Ushantah samidhimahi I
Ushanu Shata Aavaha pitrunu havishe
athave II
2. Om bhorbuvaswarom
3,Asmaath koorchath Avahita Vargadwaya Pitrunu yatha sthanam
prathishtapayami.Shobhanarthe kshemaya punaragamanaya cha.
16.Sarva Tharpanam (General oblations)
Untie the Koorchs , Take them in hand and along with water and Ellu ( Tilam) do a single
Tharpanam chanting
Yesham na matha na pitha na bhrata nacha bhandhavah te sarve trupthimayanthu
mayothsrushtaih kusodakai
trupyatha thrupyatha thrupyatha, trupyatha thrupyatha thrupyatha, trupyatha thrupyatha
thrupyatha ( 9 times 3x3)
Change poonal to left shoulder (usual) , remove Pavithram, keep it in the ear, do Aachamanam,
then Remove pavithram , untie and throw it away,
Do Aachamanam.

"Kayena vacha manase indrairva ,

Budhyathamanava prukruthai swabhavat,
Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai,
Sriman narayanayethi samarpayami" leave it down.
and do Aachamanam.
Want to know the meaning of tarpanam mantram ? Click here
!! Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti !!
!! Sarve Janah Sukhina Bhavantu !!
Note :* Meaning of the manthras at the end.
[16] In some families they only use one koorcham.
** It is recommended that you substitute these names in various places and take a print out for
your use .Contact family elders if you do not know this information.
[1] Names of grand mother, great grand mother, Fathers great grand mother if mother is alive
[2] In case mother is alive, this would be pithamahi-prapithamahi-pithruprapithamahischa
[3] In case mothers mother is alive , this would be mathamahasya mathu-pithamahi-

[4] Mesharavi punya kale for tharpanam done on Mesha sankramam(chittirai-makaram
first)Karkadaga ravi punya kale( for tharpanam done during adi=Karkidaga Sankramam(Adi first),
Thula ravi punya kale for tharpanam done during thula masam first(Iyppasi first), makara ravi
punya kale for tharpanam done on makara sankramam(Thai first), Suryoparaga punya kale for
tharpanam done during solar eclipse, Somoparaga punyakale for tharpanam done during Lunar
eclipse and In case of Paraheni tharpanam done after Sraddham, Purvedya maya krutha
mathru pithru prathyabdhika sradhangam thila tharpanam karishye. Please note in case of
paraheni tharpanam, the offering(tharpanam) is made to only paternal side pithrus.
[5] In case mother is alive, this would be pithamahi-prapithamahi-pithruprapithamahischa
[6] In case mothers mother is alive , this would be mathamahasya mathu-pithamahiprapithamahischa
[7] If mother is alive instead of mathru tharpanam perform pithamahi tharpanam.In the manthras
replace mathu with pithamahi.
[8] If mother is alive instead of pithamahi tharpanam perform prapithamahi tharpanam.In the
manthras replace pithamahi with prapithamahi
[9] If mother is alive instead of prapithamahi tharpanam perform pithru prapithamahi tharpanam.In
the manthras replace prapitha mahi with pithru prapithamahi.
[10] If maternal grand mother is alive instead of matha mahi tharpanam perform matha mahasya
mathu tharpanam.In the manthras replace mathamahi with mathamahasya mathu.
[11] If maternal grand mother is alive instead of mathu pithamahi tharpanam perform matha
mahasya pithamahi tharpanam.In the manthras replace mathu pithamahi with matha mahasya
[12] If maternal grand mother is alive instead of mathu prapithamahi tharpanam perform
mathamahasya prapithamahi tharpanam.In the manthras replace prapitha mahi with matha
mahasya prapithamahi.
[13] If mother is alive recite Pithamahi-prapithamahi-pithru prapapitha maheebhyo nama
[14] If maternal grand mother is alive then Mathamahasya mathu-mathamahasya pithamahimatha mahasya prapithamaheebhyo nama.
[15] People doing tharpanam on one koorcham chant Asmaath koorchat vargodvaya pithrun
yathastanam prathishtapayami.

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