Wieferichs and The Problem (P) : Norwich University, Northfield, VT 05663 (Submitted January 1982)
Wieferichs and The Problem (P) : Norwich University, Northfield, VT 05663 (Submitted January 1982)
Wieferichs and The Problem (P) : Norwich University, Northfield, VT 05663 (Submitted January 1982)
Norwich University,
VT 05663
January 1982)
1. Let z{ri) be the index of the first Fibonacci number divisible by the natural number n. At this writing, there has not been found a prime p whose square
enters the Fibonacci sequence at the same index as does p. This does not occur
for p < 10 6 [2],
The problem is related to the following one. For what relatively prime p ,
b9 is it true that p2\bp~1
- 1? Apparently, this question was first asked by
Abel. Dickson [1] devotes a chapter to related results. For b = 2, the conforming p 2 values are the well-known Wieferich squares, which enter in the solution of Fermat's Last Theorem. The only two Wieferich squares with p < 3 10 9
are 1093 2 and 3511 2 [6, p. 229]. These phenomena are rare but, to a degree,
predictable. An investigation of this predictability sheds some light on the
Fibonacci phenomenon.
Notation. Define n\bx
- 1 as meaning n\bx
(i.e., b belongs to the exponent x> modulo ri) .
1, and n\by
- 1 for y < x
2.2 The following are well known. For p prime, (b, p) = 1; if p\\ba - 1, then
- 1 if and only if 3 = k a. Since p\bp x - 1 (Fermat), it follows that
a\p - 1. For q prime, (b, q) = 1; if q\\by - 1, then pq\\blcm(a'Y)
- 1 . The multiplicative properties are similar to those of the Euler <j) function. Indeed,
- 1 as (j)(p2) = pc()(p). However, here we have a deviation: p2\\bpa
- 1,
unless p2||^a - 1. (In terms of decimals of reciprocals of integers, the first
prime > 3, such that 1/p2 has a period the same length as 1/p, i.e., p 2 | 1 0 p ~ 1 ,
is 487. Its period is of length 486.) It can be shown that this deviation occurs if and only if p 2 | & p _ 1 - 1. If such is the case, and imitating Shanks f s
flair for coinage of such terms, we say p is a wieferich, modulo b.
2.3 Consider the solutions to xp~1 E 1 (mod p 2 ) . Gauss [3, art. 85] assures
us that there are p - 1 distinct solutions, xs between 1 and p 2 - 1.
For each b, 1 < b < p , there is a distinct k such that
(b + kp^'1
= 1 (mod p 2 ) .
- 1 = bp~x
- 1 + (p - l)bp~2kp
(mod p 2 )
- b~Xk
(mod p) .
If x is a solution, so too is p - x.
x = 1 is always a solution; therefore, (p - 3)/2 solutions are scattered from x = 2 to x = (p 2 - l)/2. If randomly distributed, the probability that a particular x = b is a solution is
f (c + rq)n - ( g - r q r
xyn _ xyn
<7) =
for q % e
(mod 4)
for q - c
(mod 4)
(H^r r- (^)
q -
Also, a | p - ,
3.2 Theorem:
Let p | | r a .
Then, p 2 | | r a i f and only i f p2\Tp.e
(paralleling the
r e s u l t mentioned i n 1f2.2). Proof i s by means of Lemmas 3 . 2 . 1 , 3 . 2 . 2 , and 3 . 2 . 3
3 . 2 . 1 Lemma:
Since p 2
I f p 2 | | r a , t h e n p2\Tx
_ vpka
i f and o n l y i f x i s a m u l t i p l e of a .
- ^ct\^Ii(k-i)a
\|/a _ Y a
, and
Suppose p2|rfca+ P , 0 < r < a, and that this is the smallest such index not
a multiple of a. Dividing Tka + r by Tka , we obtain
y/ca + r1 _ Tyka + 2
, f r/ fcg - ? fea \
rfco+I. - * %
^r*r - r \
If p||Ta, thenp 2 |r p a .
is an integer,
i?^ ^)^ =^
^JL-+- (-1)*(OT)*"(P)[^
yP a
d i v i d e s a l l terms b u t
_ lJFPa
= Tpa , so i t must d i v i d e i t
p 2 ||r a
(from 3 . 2 . 1 )
Fix e. Let q range from 1 to (p - 1). One of these pairs (c, q), that with
q= c2 (mod p) , will produce a sequence not containing an entry point for p [4].
The other p - 2 pairs will each generate a solution = 0, = 0 yielding a sequence with associated with c + /<7 + 0p such that s(p) = s(p 2 ). When c = I,
q = 5, we have the Fibonacci sequence. If the solutions 0 are randomly distributed over 0, 1, 2, ..., p - 1, the probability 0 = 0 is 1/p. The expected
number of such phenomena, p < P, is E p 1/p, whose series diverges (2.3). On
the basis of random distribution, the phenomenon should occur before p > 10 6 .
On the other hand, In In 106 is not yet 3, perhaps not too wide a miss?
L. E. Dickson. History
of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. I. New York: Chelsea
Publishing Company, 1952.
L. A. G. Dresel. Letter to the Editor. The Fibonacci
15. no. 4
C. F. Gauss. Disquisitiones
New Haven: Yale Univ. Press,
J. J. Heed & L. Kelly. "Entry Points of the Fibonacci Sequence and the
Euler cj) Function.11 The Fibonacci
16, no. 1 (1978) :47.
H. Rademacher. Lectures
on Elementary
Number Theory.
New York: Blaisdell
Publishing Company, 1964.
D. Shanks. Solved
and Unsolved
in Number Theory,
2nd ed. New
York: Chelsea Publishing Company, 1978.