2013 - Effects of Mobile Phone and Mobile Phone Tower Radiations On Human Health
2013 - Effects of Mobile Phone and Mobile Phone Tower Radiations On Human Health
2013 - Effects of Mobile Phone and Mobile Phone Tower Radiations On Human Health
International Journal
of Recent Scientific
ISSN: 0976-3031
1 Research
Article History:
The mobile phone industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in modern history.
Many researchers have proved electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phone and
mobile phone towers are harmful for the health of human beings, animal and plants. Effect
of electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phone and mobile phone towers depends
upon the user time. The ongoing use of mobile phones has raised the health effects. This
study is done for the people who are not aware about these radiations. After this study, it is
found that electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phone and mobile phone towers are
harmful for the people who are living nearby the transmission towers, so people should keep
away from the transmission towers and people should use the mobile phone as soon as low
Copy Right, IJRSR, 2013, Academic Journals. All rights reserved.
Key words:
Electromagnetic field, Mobile phone,
Transmission towers and Health hazards
Mainly 800, 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz frequency of
electromagnetic waves are used for the mobile phone
communication. The most common mobile communication
technologies in India are the digital technologies GSM 900 and
1800. To reach the signals of mobile phones on every place, the
towers have situated at every corner of city and at every village of
our country. These towers are essential part of mobile
communication network necessary to establish connection
between the mobile telephone and the rest of the network. In most
Asian countries, towers have become ubiquitous to guarantee
connectivity in large areas of the respective countries e. g., 18000
base stations are operated in India. The so called reference level
for the exposure of the general population at 900 MHz is 4.5
W/m2. The range of exposure of the general population due to
GSM signals is typically between some few hundred mW/m2.
High frequency electromagnetic waves (EMWs) radiated from
the towers, interact with the biological tissues. This interaction is a
complex function of numerous parameters. EMWs in free space
are characterized by the frequency, intensity of electric and
magnetic fields, their direction of propagation and polarization.
Higher frequencies EMWs produce fields of varying intensity at
various places and higher intensity fields exist near the towers.[1]
Also, prolonged use of mobile phones affects the people because
of field concentration and resonance in the vicinity of human
brain. Earlier studies on the effects of high frequency EMF to
human body have shown that long time high frequency exposure
is very harmful for the human body (London et. Al. 1991,
Karunaratha M. A. 2006). Microwave fields have become a
driving force of our civilization through their numerous
applications in the scientific and the industrial as well as the
military and civilian world. Today, due to the development of
modern technology, the field of communication, radar astronomy,
navigation and power etc. and widespread use of these waves
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 9, pp. 1422- 1426, September, 2013
The purpose of a cell tower is that mobile phone should receive
adequate signal for its proper operation. A mobile phone shows
full strength at -69 dBm input power and works satisfactorily in
the received power range of -80 to -100 dBm. In comparison with
-80 dBm level, the measured power level at R = 50m is at least 50
to 60 dB higher, which translates to 100,000 to 1,000,000 times
stronger signal than a mobile phone requires. There are millions of
people who live within 50m distance from cell towers and
absorbing this radiation 24x7.
it is critical that children under the age of 16 use cell phones only
for short essential calls as they have much bigger danger of
getting a brain tumor. Brain tumors have now taken over leukemia
as the biggest cause of death amongst children. Due to these
reasons countries like Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Russia
and Israel have publicly discouraged use of cell phones by
children. An Independent research in Sweden last year concluded
there was an astonishing 420 percent increased chance of getting
brain cancer for cell phone users who were teenagers or younger
when they first started using their phones.[7]
A pregnant woman and the fetus both are vulnerable because of
the fact that these RF radiations continuously react with the
developing embryo and increasing cells. Microwave radiation can
damage the placental barrier; the membrane which prevents the
passage of some materials between the maternal and fetal blood,
protecting the fetus, implying that pregnant woman should avoid
cell phone or use during emergency.[6] In a recent finding, an
association was found between a mothers cell phone use during
pregnancy and greater likelihood for spontaneous abortion,
congenital malformations and behavioral problems in their
children. It is believed that the eggs, which form the embryo, are
affected and the damage will become apparent after the child
reaches puberty.[6] The Russian National Committee on NonIonizing Radiation Protection says that use of the phones by both
pregnant women and children should be "limited". It concludes
that children who talk on the handsets are likely to suffer from
"disruption of memory, decline of attention, diminishing learning
and cognitive abilities, increased irritability" in the short term, and
that long-term hazards include "depressive syndrome" and
"degeneration of the nervous structures of the brain".[7]
Effect on Skin
Radiation from cell towers and mobile phones affects human skin.
People who talk often on cell phones have a higher concentration
of the transtyretin protein than those who do not. Transtyretin is
formed in the liver; it helps transport vitamin A in the body and
plays an important role in nervous diseases such as Alzheimers.[8]
The symptoms of Morgellons disease include those of
electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS); may be based on how
body uses electric currents to repair wounds to the skin. People
who suffer from this condition report a range of skin symptoms
including crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules,
threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin and/or
lesions (e.g., rashes or sores). EMFs degrade the immune system
and stimulate various allergic and inflammatory responses. The
high radiation from cell towers can result in an increase in mast
cells, which explains the clinical symptoms of itch, pain, edema
and erythema.[9,10]
Tinnitus and Ear Damage
Tinnitus, popularly known as Ringxiety- is the psychological
disease of hearing phantom sound and sensation of cell phone ring
and it has been reported among millions of cell phone users in the
world. People with severe tinnitus may have trouble hearing,
working or even sleeping. The radiation emitted by mobile phones
may damage the delicate workings of the inner ear, and long-term
and intensive mobile phone use for more than four years and for
longer periods than 30 minutes in a day are at a higher risk of
developing hearing loss, which cannot be reversed.[11] This
auditory perception has been shown to occur when a persons
head is illuminated with microwave energy. The microwave pulse
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 9, pp. 1422- 1426, September, 2013
upon absorption in the head, launches a thermo-elastic wave of
acoustic pressure that travels by bone conduction to the inner ear.
There it activates the cochlear receptors via the same process
involved for normal hearing, which explains the clicks heard by
people exposed to microwave radiation.[12] Today, more and
more young people between 18 and 25 years of age are suffering
from hearing loss, which doctors say is due to excessive use of
mobile phones and other gadgets. Good hearing depends on the
health of some 16,000 hair cells present in each inner ear. Bu
increasingly, doctors have been treating people whose hair cells
have been damaged by the high radiation emitted from cell
phones. Hearing problems occur because these cells do not
Regenerate. Anyone who spends two to three hours on the cell
phone every day runs the risk of partial deafness over three to five
years. Most of the marketing and tele-consulting professionals are
in their 20s, and their jobs demand long conversations on cell
phones. The problem starts with a pain in the ear that gradually
develops into tinnitus or a ringing sensation which finally leads to
hearing loss.[13]
Fig. 2 Left - Good quality lens - all rays passing through the lens
have similar focal length. Right - Exposed lens, showing considerable
variability in the focal length of the beams passing through the lens.
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 9, pp. 1422- 1426, September, 2013
five times more likely to get brain cancer, as their brain is not fully
developed and radiation penetration is much deeper. It is possible
that today's young people may suffer an "epidemic" of the disease
in later life. Besides increase in brain tumour and acoustic
neuroma, there is an increased risk of several other types of
cancers following prolonged exposure to mobile phone/ tower
radiation, such as, salivary gland tumors, uveal melanoma,
lymphoma, facial nerve tumors, skin, blood, testicular and breast
cancer. Interphone study has also found a significantly increased
risk of some brain tumors for heavy users of mobile phones (> 20
minutes per day) for a period of 10 years or more. It is suggested
that children should be discouraged from using mobile phones and
restrict use to emergency while adults should keep calls
The seriousness of the health hazards due to radiation from the
cell phones and cell towers has not been realized among the
common man. Cell operators continue to claim that there are no
health issues. Even organizations like WHO, ICNIRP, FCC, etc.
have not recommended stricter safe radiation guidelines, whereas
several countries have adopted radiation norms, which are
1/100th to 1/1000th of these values based on their studies. Cell
phone industry is becoming another cigarette industry, which kept
claiming that smoking is not harmful and now there are millions
of people around the world who have suffered from smoking. In
fact, cell phone/tower radiation is worse than smoking; as one
cannot see it or smell it, and its effect on health is noted after a
long period of exposure. Therefore, majority of people tend to
have casualness towards personal protection. Unfortunately,
ignorance and non-awareness adds to this misery and all of us are
absorbing this slow poison unknowingly. Even if people are
aware of the radiation hazard, they may not have the choice to
move away from it if the tower is installed near their office or
residential building. In addition to the continuous radiation from
cell towers, there is radiation from cell phones, wireless phones,
computers, laptops, TV towers, FM towers, AM towers,
microwave ovens, etc. We are exposed to all these radiations
which are additive in nature. Hence, it is imperative that stricter
radiation norms must be enforced by the policy makers. This does
not mean that we have to stop living near these towers. We all
know that automobiles create air pollution have we stopped
using them? Instead, solutions were found such as unleaded
petrol, catalytic converters to reduce emission, CNG driven
vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc. If people in the mobile companies
think there is no health hazard, then let them stand in front of their
own transmitting tower at 1m distance in the main beam for 6
hours are they willing to take the risk? Similar effect will be
there at 10m distance in about 600 hours (25 days). If mobile
companies accept that radiation causes serious health problems,
will people stop using cell phones? Not really, because the cell
technology has its several advantages. However, then
researchers/technocrats/entrepreneurs will come out with possible
solutions, which may be expensive but that cannot be greater than
the health risk faced by humans, birds, animals and environment.
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 9, pp. 1422- 1426, September, 2013
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