Resilience, Helplessness, Control Orientations and Set
Resilience, Helplessness, Control Orientations and Set
Resilience, Helplessness, Control Orientations and Set
a good predictor of their orientation with the older students being much more
likely to be learning oriented in comparison with the more performance oriented
younger students.
set learning goals
learn in order to
set performance goals
learn in order to get
excellence or an A
to test themselves, to
work towards mastery
to gain approval or
avoid disapproval
to achieve success
reaction to failure
blame themselves,
repeat the same
process or do even
less, give up
view of intelligence
believe intelligence is
flexible and can be
developed and
improved the more I
learn, the smarter I get
believe intelligence is
fixed, unalterable with
a definite limit I can
learn new things but
my intelligence stays
the same
Students who feel confident, have a sense of agency and perceive meaning in
their academic work will pursue learning goals (Seifert, 2004, p.145).
This dichotomy of behaviour and belief between the two extremes of personal
orientations is very clear but the questions remain:
The control that a person actually has or perceives that they have is cited often in
the literature as the most significant determinant of helpless or resilient
Gernigon, Fleurance & Reine showed that with junior high students learning a
perceptual motor task only a controllable situation ending in success contributes
to the development of learned competence, and only an uncontrollable situation
ending in failure induces learned helplessness (2000, p.53).
Experiences with uncontrollable events may lead to the expectation that future
events will elude control, resulting in disruptions in motivation, emotion and
learning termed learned helplessness (Peterson, 1995, p. 12).
Generalisation across these studies support the idea that the control the
individual can exert or believes s/he can exert over any given situation is the
critical pre-disposing factor for an orientation towards helplessness or resilience.
In a study of 1430 high school dropouts in the USA, Suh & Suh (2006) analysed
the characteristics of those who went on to gain university degrees and found
that the three most prominent factors associated with degree attainment were
academic aspiration, organisational skill and (internal) locus of control.
In research into distance education Morris and Wu (2005) found that the
combined presence of the two factors of available financial aid and an internal
locus of control enabled them to predict completion likelihood (and consequently
the likelihood of dropping out) for individuals with a 74.5% accuracy.
From the research presented here it would seem that the necessary conditions
for increasing a students internality would be for them to 1) have some
experience of taking control of their own learning, 2) gain some success from
doing so and 3) notice the connection. This would theoretically then lead to the
This idea is also supported by an USA study of first year university students
which reported that those students who entered university with lower scores on
the locus of control scale (internals) obtained significantly higher GPAs than
those who scored higher (externals) on the same scale (Gifford, Briceno-Perriot
& Mianzo, 2006, p. 19). [GPA = students grade point averages across all
subjects at the end of their first year of university study]
In order to help students to gain a more internal locus of control the first
requirement for the teacher/tutor/lecturer is to give more of the control of the
teaching/learning interface to the students. One way to facilitate this process is
for the teacher to adopt more student centred rather than traditional teacher
centred approaches to learning. The keys to student centred learning according
to Biggs (1999) are:
Such approaches which focus on supporting the autonomy of the student have
long been shown to increase involvement and intrinsic motivation of the student.
As Reeve, Jang, Carrell, Jeon & Barch (2004), found in a study of 20 teachers
from two mid-western high school in the USA where who were trained in
autonomy supportive behaviours, the teachers were able to teach and
motivate their students in more autonomy supportive ways. We also found that
the more teachers used autonomy supportive instructional behaviours, the more
engagement their students showed (p.165). Also from the USA, Filak and
Sheldon (2003) showed that the autonomy supportiveness of teachers has been
shown to very important for maximal learning, growth and creativity of students
(p. 236).
Student autonomy can only occur if students gain some control over their own
learning process.
then SET creates the perfect learning loop for both teachers and students.
Students become empowered with the ability to have some influence over the
teaching process and teachers become empowered with the ability to continually
improve the effectiveness of their teaching which improves the effectiveness of
the students learning and so on.
The process of SET is in itself a process of providing for student influence and
autonomy with the students motivation to participateimpacted significantly by
their expectation that they will be able to provide meaningful feedback - Chen &
Hoshower, (2003, p. 84). As long as students have evidence that their feedback
is being used to improve the course then the SET process itself will help students
to become more internal in their control orientations by showing them that they
can have influence over their own teaching/learning interface. One way cited in
Chen & Hoshower to achieve this is to require every instructor to cite on the
course syllabus one recent example of how student evaluations have helped
improve this particular course or have helped the instructor to improve his or her
teaching (p. 84). Following on from this it would come as no surprise that
students who believe that their feedback on evaluations will improve teaching, or
the course, or both, should be highly motivated to provide such feedback (p.84).
But is that motivation, and/or the grades or scores given to individual teachers
dependent on the control orientation of the student? One would expect the more
internally oriented students to be more willing to take part in SET and to be more
thorough in their answers and maybe more constructive in their criticism of tutors
but as most SETs do not offer an element of choice this is hard to gauge. In
looking at the grades awarded by students to tutors, Rich and Bush (1978)
looked for congruence between high and low faculty control style in teaching and
internal and external student control style in orientation. They found that
students identified as having an internal locus of control who experience low
faculty control style will yield more favourable student evaluations of instruction,
similarly, a high controlling instructional style will yield more favourable ratings
from externally controlled students (p. 196-7).
In a similar more recent study Grimes, Millea & Woodruff (2004) propose that
the degree to which students do not accept personal responsibility for their
performance and grades significantly affects their overall evaluation of teaching
effectiveness and course satisfaction (p.130). In other words they are
suggesting that more internally oriented students are more likely to use
successful study strategies, cope better with stress and achieve higher grades
and so award higher evaluations of teachers than externally oriented students
who are more likely to study badly, cope poorly, receive low grades and blame
the whole problem on the teacher! This view was borne out by their study which
showed that more internally oriented students had a greater probability of
assigning above average evaluation marks with respect to instructor performance
whereas more externally oriented students had a greater probability of assigning
average and below average instructor evaluation marks (p. 129).
So is this anything new? Internally oriented students take responsibility for their
own learning, earn better grades and give good SETs to teachers. But are SETs
themselves a good mechanism for increasing the internal control orientation of
students? Filak and Sheldon (2003) in a study of 1,269 undergraduates
concluded that students feelings of competence and autonomy were significant
predictors of both teacher and course evaluations (p. 244) which would seem to
suggest that the teachers who allowed more for the development of control by
students scored consistently higher than other teachers, independent of the
control orientation of the student.
Establishing some control over ones own learning would appear to be a critical
factor in both avoiding helplessness in an academically challenging situation and
achieving consistent success. The development of an internal locus of control
with respect to learning is predicated upon the student experiencing control or
autonomy with respect to some of the parameters of learning. One area that
teachers/tutors/lecturers can allow students to have influence over is in delivery
methods in the classroom. One mechanism to achieve this is through the Student
Evaluation of Teaching. By using SET on a regular basis, and being willing to
change teaching method to suit the learning of the student, teachers can
demonstrate to students the efficacy of good quality feedback in improving
teaching and learning and on the success of that learning for the student. This
mechanism will also demonstrate to the student the advantages of using
influence and taking control of some of the parameters of learning. This should in
turn increase the internality of the students locus of control which will lead to
more successful learning. The consequences for the teacher will be more
efficient delivery methods, more academic success for their students and better
A win-win situation.
Future Directions
The author was not able to locate any papers which seek to explore the influence
of the use of SET on the development of control orientations in students. This
indicates a good area for future study.
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