Adjudication Order in Respect of Hartron Networks LTD
Adjudication Order in Respect of Hartron Networks LTD
Adjudication Order in Respect of Hartron Networks LTD
of the Circular and advising the Noticee to send the information (i.e.
details for authentication) as required in the Circular.
3. As observed from the contents of the Circular, SCORES introduced
electronic dealing of the complaints of the investors, by the respective
companies. Thus, once a complaint against a company was uploaded by
SEBI in the SCORES, it amounted to calling upon by SEBI to such company
to redress the investor grievance. Accordingly, it was incumbent upon
such company to redress the investor complaint. It was observed that
four investor complaints were pending against the Noticee as on August
27, 2012. However, it was alleged that the Noticee failed to redress
pending investor grievances and also failed to obtain SCORES
authentication in spite of being called upon by SEBI to do so thereby
violating the provisions of Section 15C of the SEBI Act, 1992.
4. Shri Praveen Trivedi was appointed as the Adjudicating Officer to inquire
and adjudge under Section 15C of the SEBI Act, 1992, the alleged
violations committed by the Noticee. Pursuant to the transfer of Shri
Praveen Trivedi, the undersigned was appointed as Adjudicating Officer
vide Order dated December 18, 2013.
5. Show Cause Notice (SCN) in terms of the provisions of Rule 4(1) of SEBI
(Procedure for Holding Inquiry and Imposing Penalties by Adjudicating
Officer) Rules, 1995 (Adjudication Rules) was issued to the Noticee on
July 31, 2013, calling upon the Noticee to show cause why an inquiry
should not be held against it under Rule 4(3) of the Adjudication Rules
read with Section 15I of the SEBI Act, 1992 for the alleged violations.
6. The aforesaid SCN was duly delivered to the Noticee through the
Department of Post. However, no reply was received from the Noticee.
Subsequent to the appointment of the undersigned, vide Notice dated
February 13, 2015 the Noticee was given an opportunity of personal
hearing on March 11, 2015. Vide letter dated March 10, 2015 (having ref
no. HNL/15/SEBI/0010) the Noticee inter alia made the following
Whereas the company has complied with the directions and orders of SEBI
regarding activation of SCORE option and resolving the investors complaint
Brought to you by
7. Subsequently, vide another letter dated March 10, 2015 (having ref no.
HNL/15/SEBI/0011) the Noticee inter alia made the following
Whereas, the complaints Mr. Shori Lal and Mamta Agarwal are already
resolved. The complaint of Mr. Shyam Prakash Tiwari need no resolution as the
company has never declared dividend since last more than 15 years, therefore
there could be no complaint regarding non-receipt of dividend. The complaint
of Mrs. Rashmi Sharma could not be resolved as the complainant has not
submitted the required documents for transfer of shares in her name. The
copies of correspondence made with the complainants are enclosed herewith
for your ready reference.
In view of the above, it is requested that the matter may please be looked into
once again and on ascertaining confirmation from SCORE, the show cause
notice issued to the company may be withdrawn with no further action in
terms of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Procedure for Holding
Inquiry and Imposing Penalties by Adjudicating Officer) Rules, 1995 be taken.
8. I note that the Noticee was duly provided with an opportunity of personal
hearing in accordance with the principles of natural justice. I also note
that though the Noticee has made submissions vide its two letters dated
March 10, 2015; the Noticee has not requested for another opportunity of
personal hearing. Since, sufficient opportunity has been provide to the
Noticee to make its submissions, therefore, I am proceeding with the
inquiry taking into account the material available on record.
9. After perusal of the material available on record, I have the following
issues for consideration, viz.,
A. Whether the Noticee has failed to resolve investor grievances?
Brought to you by
B. Whether the Noticee is liable for monetary penalty under Section 15C
of the SEBI Act, 1992?
C. What quantum of monetary penalty should be imposed on the Noticee
taking into consideration the factors mentioned in Section 15J of the
SEBI Act, 1992?
10. On perusal of the material available on record and giving regard to the
facts and circumstances of the case, I record my findings hereunder.
ISSUE 1: Whether the Noticee has failed to resolve investor
11. As already observed, SEBI introduced an online electronic system for
resolution of investor grievances, i.e., SCORES in 2011. For the purposes
of accessing the complaints of the investors against them, as uploaded in
the SCORES, listed companies were required to login to SCORES system
electronically through a company specific user id and password, to be
provided by SEBI. By not submitting the details for authentication as
required by the Circular, the Noticee did not obtain the user id and
password which was essential for accessing the complaints pertaining to
the Noticee, as uploaded on the SCORES for redressing the investors
grievances and subsequent redressal thereof. Vide letters dated April 18,
2012 and April 25, 2012 the Noticee was once again advised to obtain the
SCORES authentication. However, the Noticee failed to obtain the SCORES
authentication. From the SCN I also note that the Noticee did not resolve
4 (four) investor grievances pending against it as on August 27, 2012.
12. The Noticee, vide its one letter dated March 10, 2015 (ref no.
HNL/15/SEBI/0010), has submitted that it has complied with the
directions and orders of SEBI regarding activation of SCORE option and
resolving the investors complaint online. Vide the said letter the Noticee
has also made submissions regarding the compliant of one Mr. Kinjlal R
Maniar. However, I note that no such complaint of Mr. Kinjlal R Maniar is
mentioned in the SCN and hence I am not dealing with the submissions of
the Noticee in this regard.
13. The Noticee, vide another letter dated March 10, 2015 (ref no.
HNL/15/SEBI/0011), has submitted that the complaints of Mr. Shori Lal
Brought to you by
and Mamta Agarwal are already resolved. From the SCN I note that these
two complaints were received in 2006 and 2008 respectively and both
the complaints were relating to non-receipt of shares after transfer; and
after introduction of SCORES, the same was updated on SCORES portal.
However, as proof of resolution the Noticee has only enclosed copies of
its letters dated February 24, 2015 that it had written to the complainants
(alongwith copy of postal receipt evidencing proof of dispatch).
Regarding the complaint of Mr. Shyam Prakash Tiwari the Noticee has
stated that the same needed no resolution as the Noticee had never
declared dividend since last 15 years. However, the Noticee could have
written a letter to the complainant (Mr. Shyam Prakash Tiwari) informing
him the same. I note that the Noticee wrote a letter to the complainant
only on February 24, 2015; whereas the complaint was received July
2009 and subsequently uploaded on SCORES portal, when SCORES was
introduced in 2011. Regarding the complaint of Rashmi Sharma relating
to non-receipt of shares after transfer, the Noticee has stated that the
same could not be resolved as the complainant had not submitted the
documents required for transfer of shares in her name. The Noticee has
also submitted a copy of its letter dated March 05, 2015 that it has
written to the complainant vide which the Noticee has inter alia returned
the original share transfer deed to the complainant. I note that Rashmi
Sharma had lodged the complaint in August 2010 which was
subsequently uploaded in SCORES. The material available on record
clearly show that the Noticee was aware that Rashmi Sharma had
requested for transfer of shares, however, the Noticee waited till March
2015 to take any action on the issue.
14. I have carefully perused the submissions of the Noticee and I note that
nowhere has the Noticee stated that it had not received the SCN.
Regarding all the four investor grievances (as mentioned in the SCN), I
note that the Noticee has not submitted any documents that could show
that it had taken timely steps to resolve the investor grievances. From the
documents submitted by the Noticee, I note that it took appropriate
action only in 2015. Subsequently, SEBI has also confirmed that the
Noticee had obtained SCORES authentication on August 19, 2013 and the
four investor grievances (as mentioned in the SCN) were resolved in
SCORES database on March 10, 2015.
15. I note that despite SEBI Circular dated June 03, 2011 and reminder letters
dated April 18, 2012 and April 25, 2012 the Noticee took SCORES
authentication after the issuance of SCN and took steps to resolve the
investor grievances in 2015. The SEBI Circular dated June 03, 2011
clearly states that all listed companies are required to view the
complaints pending against them and submit ATRs alongwith supporting
documents electronically in SCORES and failure to update the ATR in
SCORES will be treated as non redressal of investor complaints by the
company. Further, Honble Securities Appellate Tribunal in S. S. Forgings
& Engineering Limited & Others v SEBI, Appeal No. 176 of 2014 (decided
Jayanta Jash
Adjudicating Officer