Soy Wax Candle Class
Soy Wax Candle Class
Soy Wax Candle Class
NG 100%
Soy Wax
Foods 415)
Foods Soy
Wax 444
What makes this wax different from the 415 is that there is a
soy based additive that is added to this wax. Yet, GF 444 is
still a natural wax. The additive in this wax helps to combat
some of the inefficiencies of the 415. First off, the additive
increases your pour temperature. With the 415, you pour at
110 degrees Fahrenheit, and your wax will be somewhat in a
slushy like state. With the 444, you can pour at 135 degrees
Fahrenheit, and your wax will still be in a fluid form.
Foods Soy
Wax 464
Fragrances and
Royal B
Fragrance Oil
has a flash point of 200
degrees Fahrenheit.
Since this flash point is
above the 185 degree
temperature, Royal B
fragrance should be
added at 185 degrees.
This scent has a high enough flash point where it will not
experience any burn off. Your finished candle will have a nice
and full bodied scent throw, true to the Royal B scent. This
scent is an example of a fragrance oil that is added to the soy
wax at 185 degree temperature, even though Royal B has a
higher flash point.
Apple Orchard
Fragrance Oil
This fragrance has a flash
point of 155 degrees
Fahrenheit. Since this
flash point is lower than
the 185 degree
temperature for fragrance
we do not want to add this fragrance oil at 185 degrees.
Doing so may cause the fragrance to burn off, therefore
changing the scent of the finished candle. So, instead
we will add this scent to the wax at its flash point (155
degrees Fahrenheit). This degree will ensure the
scenting of the soy wax with the true apple orchard scent
(without any burn off). This scent is an example of a
fragrance oil that is added at its own flash point.
Please Note: For many years, it has been reported that you must add fragrance oil to melted soy wax at a temperature of
185F in order for the fragrance oils to bind with the wax. Our testing has shown that this is simply not the case. Low flash
point fragrance oils can be added to melted soy wax as low as 130F (as we will discuss next); Just be sure to agitate the
wax with a full 2 minute stir (after the addition of the scent) and you will have no oil seepage in your finished candle.
CD Wicks
CD wicks are precut,
prewaxed, and
pretabbed. They are a
flat braided coreless
(not containing a metal core) wick that provides a very
clean burn. When it does come to the burn, these
wicks burn very hot, making them the perfect choice
for soy wax. We highly suggest using this wick for soy
wax candles. The CD wick is also almost self
trimming. This is due to the fact that the tip of the wick
bends slightly as it burns. This wick is a very popular
choice in both soy and veggie waxes, reducing
mushrooming, soot, and smoke.
HTP Wicks
HTP wicks are an all cotton braided wick. This wick
also burns hot, making it a good choice for soy, veggie,
and gel waxes. The main highlight of this wick is that it
is structurally strong and provides less smoking and
mushrooming in a finished candle.
Hemp Wicks
Hemp wicks are all natural. They too provide a hotter
burn. The wicks are pretabbed and prewaxed.
Another great and popular selection for soy and veggie
Wooden Wicks
Wooden wicks are super easy to use
and great for soy wax candles. These
soft wood series wooden wicks also
work with gel wax, vegetable waxes,
and most paraffin waxes.
Container Diameter
Fragrance Oil
Candle Waxes
Candle Colorants
Now, if your candle container is larger or uniquely
shaped, it is very common to double or triple wick.
This type of wicking involves using multiple wicks in
your jar. This method ensures that your candle will
have an excellent wet pool (melting wax). The goal of
a perfect wet pool is that it touches all sides of your jar.
Candle Wax
As a rule of thumb, anytime you are using a vegetable
wax you should wick up. Using the next sized wick for
your candle will ensure that your candles burn will be
hot enough to melt your wax. Remember, the key to
the best candle possible always lies with the wick. In
order to attain the perfect melt pool (one that will
essentially leave no left over wax in your candle) you
wick needs to be hot to battle those hotter wax melt
points (120-125F for both GF 415 and GF 444, and
115-120F for GW464). That same melt pool (the fuel
to the wick) is also responsible for your candles hot
scent throw.
Fragrance Oil
Keeping Candle
Wicks Centered
As mentioned earlier, wicks are the vessel for
your candles hot scent throw. In order to
ensure the best hot scent throw possible, your
candles wick must be the appropriate size; but
also centered and straight. Keeping the wick
centered and straight can be a tricky,
especially while the candle wax is still liquid.
There are however, some tricks of the trade.
For our candle testing purposes: After we
have poured the candle wax, we slide the
wicks of the candle into the teeth of a barber
comb. This barber comb then lies flat across
your candle container; holding the wicks in
place until the wax has hardened. For other
great tips that candle makers use to keep their
wicks straight, please click on this link.
Also, one of Natures Gardens amazing
customers, Angie Chism made a wonderful
how to video covering her tips to keeping
candle wicks centered. To see her video,
please click on this link.
Candle Additive
Vybar 260
While most soy candle makers do not add any synthetic additives to their candles (vybar 260),
some candle makers do. Vybar 260 can be used in soy wax candles to help extend scent
throw in your candles.
Used at an amount of to tsp per 16oz of wax will accomplish this and provide very nice results. Physically speaking
the addition of vybar will make your candle wax more opaque looking, and a marbleized top portion of your candles. Now,
please note: Vybar will raise your candles melt point, as well as make your wax consistency harder.
Now, the use of vybar 260 does come with a precaution. If you add too much of this, it will trap your scent, prohibiting
scent throw. What this means, is there will be little to no scent throw in your finished candle.
Heating your
Candle Jars
The reason why you want to warm your candle jars in the oven is to
reduce the occurrence of frost and wet spots.
Frost is the appearance of white or a lighter
variation of color in your wax. Frost
however will not directly affect your candle
burn, or the functionality of your candle. It
is only an aesthetic issue, and may occur in
soy candles from time to time.
Wet Spots
Wet Spots in candles are spots or patches that occur in
container candles. They are extremely common in container
candles, but are especially noticeable when your candle
container is glass or transparent. These spots appear to have
air or wetness that is trapped between the candle wax and the
candle container. Wet spots occur when the candle wax simply
does not adhere to the container. Just like frost, they are an
aesthetic issue only, and have no affect on the functionality of
your candle.
An average sized lit candle that has been burning for 2-3
hours should have established a full melt pool by this time. A
full melt pool is melted wax that is touching all sides of your
candle jar. If you notice that your candle has only a melt pool
around your wick (or only in the middle), this is tunneling.
Tunneling is an indicator that the wick size you are currently
using is not large enough for your candle. A tunneled wick
may also result with a wick that continually extinguishes on its
own (drowning out). This could be due to one or more of the
4 wick size indicators: Container Diameter, Fragrance Oil,
Candle Wax, or Colorant. To correct, either double wick your
candles, or wick up to the next wick size.
Please Note: Many times some of the equipment used for making candles can be every day kitchen items like stirring
spoons, measuring bowls, cookie sheet, etc. It is important to know that once your candle making equipment has come into
contact with fragrance oils or candle dyes, those items should strictly be used for candle making purposes only. Not only can
fragrance oils eat through (melt) certain plastics, but once an item has been used for candle making, it should not be used for
food again.
Step 1:
The first step when making a soy wax candle is to start melting your wax. When
melting any wax type, the double boiler process is always recommended. This
process will ensure that your wax melts properly at an even rate. This process
also allows for a thermometer in order to best monitor your wax temperature.
The double boiler process involves getting a pot (or roaster) and placing a few
inches of water into it. Then, place your pot on the stove tops at a medium heat
setting. If you are using a roaster, turn it on a medium heat setting.
Step 2:
Now, while your water is heating, weigh out your soy wax. Once you have the
amount you are looking for, place all of it into your pouring pot. Next, place your
pouring pot into the pot (or roaster). As the water heats up, it will begin to
transfer heat to your pouring pot, therefore melting the wax. This is the double
boiler method.
Step 3:
Once you notice that your wax is starting to melt, place your thermometer into
the pouring pot. This is the best way to monitor your soy wax temperature. Do
Not let the temperature go above 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Occasionally stir the
wax as it melts.
Step 4:
While you are waiting for your wax to completely melt, set your oven to 170
degrees Fahrenheit. Now, while the oven is warming, place your glass candle
jars onto a cookie sheet. When your oven is ready, carefully place the cookie
sheet in. Allow your jars to warm at this temperature for 10-15 minutes. Once
that time has elapsed, remove the cookie sheet from the oven. You will also
want to plug in your hot glue gun now (if you are using glue dots, you do not
need a glue gun).
Step 5:
Check the temperature of the wax. Once it hits 185 degrees Fahrenheit, remove
the pouring pot from the heat source. Now, add your candle colorant and stir
If your fragrance oil flash point is above 185 degrees Fahrenheit: add your
fragrance oil to the melted wax (after the color) at 185 degrees Fahrenheit. Stir
well for at least 2 minutes. This intensive stirring will help the fragrance oil and
color bind with the wax. Place your thermometer back into the wax.
If your fragrance oil flash point is below 185 degrees but above 130
degrees Fahrenheit: add your fragrance oil to the melted wax at its flash point.
Stir well for at least 2 minutes. This intensive stirring will help the fragrance oil
and color bind with the wax. Place your thermometer back into the wax.
If your fragrance oil flash point is below 130 degrees Fahrenheit: add your
fragrance to the melted wax at 130 degrees. This will not completely prevent
scent burn off. Remember, with lower flash point fragrances, you may want to
anchor the scent by blending in another higher flash point scent. Stir well for at
least 2 minutes. This intensive stirring will help the fragrance oil and color bind
with the wax. Place your thermometer back into the wax.
Step 6:
Next, using your hot glue gun (or glue dots), secure and center your wicks to the
bottom of your candle container.
Step 7:
Place your warning label on the bottom of your jar.
Step 8:
Check the temperature of the wax. When the temperature reaches 110
degrees Fahrenheit, it will be safe to pour. Give your wax one final stir before
pouring. Through our testing, we have found that pouring at this temperature
will allow your soy candles the best chance to have a smoother finished
Step 9:
Now, slowly pour the wax into your candle jar. You will want to stop the pour
where the candle jar changes shape.
Step 10:
Now, straighten your wicks.
Step 11:
Once your candles have been poured, allow them to fully set up undisturbed.
When the candles have fully hardened, lid your jar.
Step 12:
Allow your candle to cure for 24-48 hours.
Step 13:
When your candle has cured; trim your wick. Your
Soy Wax Candle is now finished and ready to
burn. Enjoy!
Cure Time
Allowing your candles to cure will provide
for the best possible cold throw.
Trapping the scent (by placing a lid on
your candle containers) keeps the scent
where it should be (with the wax) and
enables the wax to absorb the scent
even further. A typical cure time for
candles is 24-48 hours.