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7 Environmental Problems That Are Worse Than We Thought

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7 Environmental Problems That Are Worse

Than We Thought
by Stephanie Rogers View Comments

With as much attention as the environment has been getting lately, youd think that wed be
further along in our fight to preserve the worlds species, resources and the beautiful diversity
of nature. Unfortunately, things arent nearly that rosy. In fact, many of the environmental
problems that have received the most public attention are even worse than we thought from
destruction in the rain forest to melting glaciers in the Arctic. Weve got a lot of work to do.
7. Mammal Extinction

Image via National Wildlife Federation

One in four mammals is threatened with extinction. Thats 25%, a huge number that will
totally change the ecology of every corner of the earth. We could see thousands of species die
out in our lifetime, and the rate of habitat loss and hunting in crucial areas like Southeast
Asia, Central Africa and Central and South America is growing so rapidly, these animals
barely have a chance.
If you think the extinction of an animal like the beautiful Iberian Lynx is no big deal, and
wouldnt have that much of an effect on the planet, think again. Not only would we be losing
mostly due to our own disregard for our surroundings so much of the awe-inspiring
diversity of nature, mass extinctions like this would cause a serious imbalance in the worlds
food chain. When a predator disappears, the prey will multiply. When prey dies out, the
predator will see its ranks decrease as well. Many people fail to realize just how
interconnected all species on this planet really are.
6. The Ocean Dead Zones

Image via NASA

In oceans around the world, there are eerie areas that are devoid of nearly all life. These dead
zones are characterized by a lack of oxygen, and theyre caused by excess nitrogen from
farm fertilizers, emissions from vehicles and factories, and sewage. The number of dead
zones has been growing fast since the 1960s, the number of dead zones has doubled every
10 years. They range in size from under a square mile to 45,000 square miles, and the most
infamous one of all is in the Gulf of Mexico, a product of toxic sludge that flows down the
Mississippi from farms in the Midwest. These hypoxic zones now cover an area roughly the
size of Oregon.
Spanish researches recently found that many species die off at oxygen levels well above the
current definition of uninhabitable, suggesting that the extent of dead zones in coastal areas
that support fishing is much worse than previously thought. Robert Diaz, a Virginia Institute
of Marine Science biologist, said Everything is pointing towards a more desperate situation
in all aquatic systems, freshwater and marine. Thats pretty clear. People should be worried,
all over the world.
As if that werent bad enough, global warming will likely aggravate the problem. A rise in
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will change rainfall patterns, which could create an increase
in runoff from rivers into the seas in many areas.
5. Collapsing Fish Stock

Image via Pew Environment Group

Millions of people across the world depend upon fish as a major staple in their diet. As such,
commercial fishermen have been pulling such a huge quantity of fish from the oceans that
were heading toward a global collapse of all species currently fished possibly as soon as
the year 2048. Like large-scale mammal extinction, the collapse of fish species would have a
major impact on the worlds ecosystems.
Its not too late yet if overfishing and other threats to fish populations are reduced as soon
as possible. Marine systems are still biologically diverse, but catastrophic loss of fish species
is close at hand. 29 percent of species have been fished so heavily or have been so affected by
pollution that theyre down to 10 percent of their previous population levels. If we continue
the way we are fishing today, there will be a 100 percent collapse by mid-century, so weve
got to turn this around fast.
4. Destruction of the Rain Forest

Image via Encyclopedia Britannica

Saving the rain forest has been at the forefront of the environmental movement for decades,
yet here we are facing huge losses in the Amazon all the same. You might have thought that,
with all the attention the rain forest has gotten, it wouldnt need so much saving anymore
but unfortunately, global warming and deforestation mean that half of the Amazon rain forest
will likely be destroyed or severely damaged by 2030.
The World Wildlife Fund concluded this summer that agriculture, drought, fire, logging and
livestock ranching will cause major damage to 55 percent of the Amazon rain forest in the
next 22 years. Another 4 percent will see damage due to reduced rainfall, courtesy of global
warming. These factors will destroy up to 80 percent of the rain forests wildlife. Losing 60
percent of the rain forest would accelerate global warming and affect rainfall in places as far
away as India. Massive destruction to the rain forest would have a domino effect on the rest
of the world.
The WWF says that the point of no return, from which recovery will be impossible, is only
15 to 25 years away.
3. Polar Sea Ice Loss

Image via National Snow and Ice Data Center

Polar sea ice is melting at an unprecedented rate, and its not showing any signs of slowing
down. Its perhaps the most dramatic, startling visual evidence of global warming, and its got
scientists rushing to figure out just how big of an effect the melting is going to have on the
rest of the world.
British researchers said last week that the thickness of sea ice in the Arctic decreased
dramatically last winter for the first time since records began in the early 1990s. The research
showed a significant loss in thickness on the northern ice cap after the record loss of ice
during the summer of 2007.
Scientific American warns that human fingerprints have been detected on both the Arctic
and Antarctic regions. Antarctica had previously appeared to be the only continent on the
planet where humanitys impact on climate change hadnt been observed. The collapse of the
Larsen B and Wilkins ice shelves in the Antarctic Peninsula shows just how fast the region is
2. CO2 Levels in the Atmosphere

Image via Visible Earth

The aforementioned polar sea ice loss is yet another sinister sign of carbon dioxide levels
building up in the atmosphere the main force behind global warming. Greenhouse gas
emissions caused by our modern way of life vehicles, power plants, factories, giant
livestock farms will bring devastating climate change within decades if they stay at todays
Average temperatures could increase by as much as 12 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the
century if emissions continue to rise, a figure that would easily make the world virtually
uninhabitable for humans. A global temperature rise of just 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit would
cause a catastrophic domino effect, bringing weather extremes that would result in food and
water shortages and destructive floods.
The most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change represents the
final nail in the coffin of climate change denial, representing the most authoritative picture
to date that global warming is caused by human activity. According to the panel, we must
make a swift and significant switch to clean, efficient and renewable energy technologies in
order to prevent the worst-case scenario.
1. Population Explosion

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Whether we like to admit it or not, our very own rapidly multiplying presence on this planet
is the biggest environmental problem there is, and its getting bigger by the minute. We
voraciously consume resources, pollute the air and water, tear down natural habitats,
introduce species into areas where they dont belong and destroy ecosystems to the point of
causing millions of species to become endangered and, all too often, go extinct.
It took nearly all of human history from the first days of man on earth until the early 1800s
to reach a global population of 1 billion. In just 200 years, weve managed to reach 6.5
billion. That means the population has grown more since 1950 than in the previous four
million years. Were adding roughly 74 million people to the planet every year, a scary figure
that will probably continue to increase. All of those mouths will need to be fed. All of those
bodies will need clean water and a place to sleep. All of the new communities created to
house those people will continue to encroach upon the natural world.
All seven environmental problems detailed above are very serious, and weve got to start
treating them that way. We may not have easy solutions, but the fact is, we simply cant
continue living our lives as if everything is peachy. These problems arent going to magically
solve themselves. We should have begun acting generations ago, but we cant go back in
time, and that means we have to step up our efforts. If we want to keep this planet a healthy
place for humans to live for our grandchildren to enjoy its time to buckle down and do
everything in our power to reverse the damage weve done.

Environmental Issues

Author and Page information

by Anup Shah

This Page Last Updated Thursday, November 10, 2011

This page: http://www.globalissues.org/issue/168/environmental-issues.

To print all information e.g. expanded side notes, shows alternative links,
use the print version:


This part of the global issues web site attempts to highlight some of the environmental issues
and concerns that have an affect on all of us from what we do, to what we dont do.
45 articles on Environmental Issues and 7 related issues:

Last updated Thursday, November 10, 2011.

The variety of life on Earth, its biological diversity, is

commonly referred to as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and
microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems
on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse
Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize
this as being integral to any approach. In some way or form, almost all cultures have
recognized the importance of nature and its biological diversity for their societies and have
therefore understood the need to maintain it. Yet, power, greed and politics have affected the
precarious balance.
Read Biodiversity to learn more.

Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares?

Last updated Wednesday, April 06, 2011.

Why is Biodiversity important? Does it really matter if there

arent so many species?
Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have
an important role to play.
For example, a larger number of plant species means a greater variety of crops; greater
species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms; and healthy ecosystems can
better withstand and recover from a variety of disasters.
And so, while we dominate this planet, we still need to preserve the diversity in wildlife.
Read Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares? to learn more.

Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions

Last updated Wednesday, April 06, 2011.

It has long been feared that human activity is causing massive

extinctions. Despite increased efforts at conservation, it has not been enough and biodiversity
losses continue. The costs associated with deteriorating or vanishing ecosystems will be high.
However, sustainable development and consumption would help avert ecological problems.
Read Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions to learn more.

Nature and Animal Conservation

Last updated Thursday, November 10, 2011.

Preserving species and their habitats is important for

ecosystems to self-sustain themselves.
Yet, the pressures to destroy habitat for logging, illegal hunting, and other challenges are
making conservation a struggle.
Read Nature and Animal Conservation to learn more.

Climate Change Affects Biodiversity

Last updated Sunday, June 12, 2011.

Rapid global warming can affect an ecosystems chances to

adapt naturally.
The Arctic is very sensitive to climate change and already seeing lots of changes. Ocean
biodiversity is already being affected as are other parts of the ecosystem.
Read Climate Change Affects Biodiversity to learn more.

Coral Reefs
Last updated Sunday, January 16, 2011.

One type of ecosystem that perhaps is neglected more than any other is
perhaps also the richest in biodiversitythe coral reefs.

Coral reefs are useful to the environment and to people in a number of ways. However, all
around the world, much of the worlds marine biodiversity face threats from human and
activities as well as natural. It is feared that very soon, many reefs could die off.
Read Coral Reefs to learn more.

Addressing Biodiversity Loss

Last updated Wednesday, April 06, 2011.

At the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (the

Earth Summit), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was born. 192 countries, plus
the EU, are now Parties to that convention. In April 2002, the Parties to the Convention
committed to significantly reduce the loss of biodiversity loss by 2010.
Perhaps predictably, that did not happen. Despite numerous successful conservations
measures supporting biodiversity, the 2010 biodiversity target has not been met at the global
level. This page provides an overview on how the attempts to prevent biodiversity loss is
Read Addressing Biodiversity Loss to learn more.

Biosafety Protocol 1999

Last updated Monday, March 19, 2001.
The February 1999 Biodiversity Protocol meeting in Colombia broke down because USA,
not even a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity, to which the protocol is
meant to be part of, and five other countries of the "Miami Group" felt that their business
interests were threatened. The safety concerns were unfortunately overridden by trade
concerns. Some technological advances, especially in genetically engineered food, have been
very fast paced and products are being pushed into the market place without having been
proven safe. All over the world, concerned citizens and governments have been trying to take
precautionary measures. However, 1999 was not a successful year in that respect.
Read Biosafety Protocol 1999 to learn more.

Biosafety Protocol 2000

Last updated Sunday, July 01, 2001.

A Biosafety Protocol meeting was hosted in Montreal, Canada January 24 to January 28.
Compared to the fiasco of the previous year, this time, there had been a somewhat successful
treaty to regulate the international transport and release of genetically modified organisms to
protect natural biological diversity. However, there were a number of important and serious
weaknesses too.
Read Biosafety Protocol 2000 to learn more.

Biodiversity Links for more Information

Last updated Monday, October 04, 2010.
Read Biodiversity Links for more Information to learn more.

Climate Change and Global Warming

Last updated Sunday, October 23, 2011.

The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now
overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global
warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for
ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. Many are agreed that climate change may be
one of the greatest threats facing the planet. Recent years show increasing temperatures in
various regions, and/or increasing extremities in weather patterns.
This section explores some of the effects of climate change. It also attempts to provide
insights into what governments, companies, international institutions, and other organizations
are attempting to do about this issue, as well as the challenges they face. Some of the major
conferences in recent years are also discussed.
Read Climate Change and Global Warming to learn more.

Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction

Last updated Monday, May 30, 2011.

The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now
overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global
warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for
ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing.

Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet.
Recent years show increasing temperatures in various regions, and/or increasing extremities
in weather patterns.
This section looks at what causes climate change, what the impacts are and where scientific
consensus currently is.
Read Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction to learn more.

Global Dimming
Posted Saturday, January 15, 2005.
Research has shown that air pollutants from fossil fuel use make clouds reflect more of the
suns rays back into space. This leads to an effect known as global dimming whereby less
heat and energy reaches the earth. At first, it sounds like an ironic savior to climate change
problems. However, it is believed that global dimming caused the droughts in Ethiopia in the
1970s and 80s where millions died, because the northern hemisphere oceans were not warm
enough to allow rain formation. Global dimming is also hiding the true power of global
warming. By cleaning up global dimming-causing pollutants without tackling greenhouse gas
emissions, rapid warming has been observed, and various human health and ecological
disasters have resulted, as witnessed during the European heat wave in 2003, which saw
thousands of people die.
Read Global Dimming to learn more.

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Last updated Saturday, December 25, 2004.
The world mostly agrees that something needs to be done about global warming and climate
change. The first stumbling block, however, has been trying to get an agreement on a
framework. In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created by
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meterological
Organization (WMO) to assess the scientific knowledge on global warming. The IPCC
concluded in 1990 that there was broad international consensus that climate change was
human-induced. That report led way to an international convention for climate change, the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed by over 150
countries at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. This section looks at this Convention and some of
the main principles in it.
Read UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to learn more.

Reactions to Climate Change Negotiations and Action

Last updated Sunday, October 23, 2011.

The United States plus a few other countries, and many large corporations, have opposed
climate change treaties seemingly afraid of profit impacts if they have to make substantial
changes to how they do business.
However, as more climate change science has emerged over the years, many businesses are
accepting this and even asking their governments for more action so that there is quick
clarification on the new rules of the game so they can get on with their businesses.
This section explores some of those fears to see if they are justified or not.
Read Reactions to Climate Change Negotiations and Action to learn more.

Global Warming, Spin and Media

Last updated Monday, September 27, 2010.

For many years, large, influential businesses and governments have been
against the idea of global warming. Many have poured a lot of resources into discrediting
what has generally been accepted for a long time as real.
Now, the mainstream is generally worried about climate change impacts and the discourse
seems to have shifted accordingly. Some businesses that once engaged in disinformation
campaigns have even changed their opinions, some even requesting governments for
regulation and direction on this issue.
However, a few influential companies and organizations are still attempting to undermine
climate change action and concerns. Will all this mean a different type of spin and
propaganda with attempts at green washing and misleading information becoming the norm,
or will there now be major shift in attitudes to see concrete solutions being proposed and
Read Global Warming, Spin and Media to learn more.

Climate Justice and Equity

Last updated Monday, May 30, 2011.
For a number of years, there have been concerns that climate change negotiations will
essentially ignore a key principle of climate change negotiation frameworks: the common but
differentiated responsibilities.
This recognizes that historically:

Industrialized nations have emitted far more greenhouse gas emissions

(even if some developing nations are only now increasing theirs);

Rich countries therefore face the biggest responsibility and burden for
action to address climate change; and

Rich countries therefore must support developing nations adaptthrough

financing and technology transfer, for example.

This notion of climate justice is typically ignored by many rich nations and their mainstream
media, making it easy to blame China, India and other developing countries for failures in
climate change mitigation negotiations.
Development expert, Martin Khor, calculated that taking historical emissions into account,
the rich countries owe a carbon debt because they have already used more than their fair
quota of emissions.
Yet, by 2050 when certain emission reductions are needed by, their reduced emissions will
still add up to be go over their fair share:

However, rather than continue down the path of unequal development, industrialized nations
can help pay off their carbon debt by truly helping emerging countries develop along a
cleaner path, such as through the promised-but-barely-delivered technology transfer, finance,
and capacity building.
So far however, rich nations have done very little within the Kyoto protocol to reduce
emissions by any meaningful amount, while they are all for negotiating a follow on treaty that
brings more pressure to developing countries to agree to emissions targets.
In effect, the more there will be delay the more the poor nations will have to save the Earth
with their sacrifices (and if it works, as history shows, the rich and powerful will find a way
to rewrite history to claim they were the ones that saved the planet).
These issues are explored in more depth here.
Read Climate Justice and Equity to learn more.

Climate Change Flexibility Mechanisms

Last updated Sunday, October 04, 2009.
Flexibility mechanisms were defined in the Kyoto Protocol as different ways to achieve
emissions reduction as part of the effort to address climate change issues. These fall into the
following categories: Emissions Trading, Joint Implementation and Clean Development
However, these have been highly controversial as they were mainly included on strong US
insistence and to keep the US in the treaty (even though the US eventually pulled out). Some
of the mechanisms face criticism for not actually leading to a reduction in emissions, for

Image : Centre for Science and Environment

Read Climate Change Flexibility Mechanisms to learn more.

Carbon Sinks, Forests and Climate Change

Last updated Tuesday, October 29, 2002.
A mechanism suggested for tackling climate change and warming has been the idea of using
Carbon Sinks to soak up carbon dioxide. To aid in this, reforestation, or planting of new
forests, have been suggested. This is a popular strategy for the logging industry and nations
with large forests interests. While there may be some potential in this solution, it cannot be
effective on its own. This is because it legitimizes continued destruction of old-growth and
pristine forests which are rich ecosystems and have an established biodiversity base (albeit
shrinking now) that naturally maintain the environment (at no cost!). Creating new forest
areas would require the creation of entire ecosystems. It is also criticized for being a quick fix
that does not tackle the root causes effectively and does not lead to, or promote actual
emissions reduction.
Read Carbon Sinks, Forests and Climate Change to learn more.

Global Warming and Population

Last updated Sunday, December 05, 2010.
It seems there has been a recent interest in associating climate change/global warming with
over population and that countries such as China and India have to do more to help contain
global warming.
Yet rich countries have a lot to do themselves. There were agreed reasons why developing
countries were exempt from initial greenhouse gas emission targets: it was the emissions
from rich countries that accumulated in the atmosphere for so long to trigger climate change.
Read Global Warming and Population to learn more.

COP16Cancn Climate Conference

Posted Tuesday, January 04, 2011.

An overview of the Climate Change Conference (also known as

COP 16), held in Cancn, Mexico in the December 2010.

This conference came a year after the Copenhagen conference which promised so much but
offered so little. It also came in the wake of WikiLeaks revelations of how the US in
particular tried to cajole various countries to support an accord that served US interests rather
than the worlds.
What resulted was an agreement that seems much watered down, even an almost reversal,
from original aims and spirit of climate change mitigation. In effect, the main polluters (the
industrialized nations) who should have borne the brunt of any emission reduction targets,
have managed to reduce their commitments while increasing those of the developing
countries; a great global warming swindle if any!
Read COP16Cancn Climate Conference to learn more.

COP15Copenhagen Climate Conference

Posted Wednesday, December 30, 2009.

An overview of the Climate Change Conference (also known as COP 15),

held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the middle of December, 2009.
There was a lot of hope and optimism before this conference that a meaningful climate
negotiation could be agreed to, as climate change concerns are increasing rapidly.
Instead, a mixture of posturing from nations such as China and the US, and the inability for
nations to agree on numerous issues led to a meeting failure.
But amongst the various reasons for failure are concerns that repeatedly show themselves
every year at these climate conferences.
Read COP15Copenhagen Climate Conference to learn more.

COP14Pozna Climate Conference

Posted Thursday, January 01, 2009.

An overview of the Climate Change Conference (also known as COP 14), held
in Pozna, Poland, at the beginning of December, 2008. As with past conferences, this too
was not without its controversies. For example, while the Adaptation Fund was launched the

funding of it caused lots of disagreements. The conference came at a time when Europe
seemed to weaken their usually strong stance on climate change action and on news that in
recent years, emissions from industrialized nations had risen.
Read COP14Pozna Climate Conference to learn more.

COP13Bali Climate Conference

Posted Tuesday, January 01, 2008.
The UN conference on climate change held in Bali, Indonesia in December 2007 led to a
final agreement known as the Bali Roadmap. The Bali Roadmap outlined a new negotiating
process to be concluded by 2009 to feed into a post-Kyoto (i.e. a post-2012) international
agreement on climate change. The Roadmap included a decision to launch an Adaptation
Fund as well as further decisions on technology transfer and on reducing emissions from
deforestation. However, as with past climate conferences, this was not without its
controversies, especially Europe and developing countries criticisms of the US position and
negotiation tactics.
Read COP13Bali Climate Conference to learn more.

COP11Montreal Climate Conference

Posted Thursday, December 29, 2005.
December 2005 saw the eleventh session of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (or, COP11 for short). At the same
time, the first Meeting of the Parties of the Protocol (MOP 1) took place. These meetings
attempted to advance discussions on the future emission reductions and ways to help
developing countries. The US walked out at one point of the meeting, but were eventually
convinced to come back to the conference. The result, some felt, was a slightly weakened
text, but something to build upon for the future. Developing countries were also discussed,
but issues of climate justice and equity seemed to be missing once again.
Read COP11Montreal Climate Conference to learn more.

COP10Buenos Aires Climate Conference

Posted Friday, December 24, 2004.
December 2004 saw the tenth session of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (or, COP10 for short). This marked the
10th anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol. Countries were to discuss adaption measures, and the
entry of the Kyoto Protocol into force. In addition, some discussion on post-Kyoto was also
Read COP10Buenos Aires Climate Conference to learn more.

COP8Delhi Climate Conference

Last updated Saturday, November 02, 2002.
October 23 to November 1, 2002 saw the eighth session of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (or, COP8 for short).
Leading up to this conference there has still been little progress on reducing emissions.
Read COP8Delhi Climate Conference to learn more.

COP7Marrakesh Climate Conference

Posted Sunday, November 11, 2001.
October 29 to November 9, 2001 saw the seventh session of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (or, COP7 for short).
The purpose of the meeting was to agree legal text covering outstanding technical aspects of
the political agreement reached in Bonn in July 2001 on how to implement the Kyoto
Protocol. While an agreement resulted, there are still concerns there will be little impact on
emissions as a result.
Read COP7Marrakesh Climate Conference to learn more.

COP6The Hague Climate Conference

Last updated Tuesday, September 04, 2001.
November 13 to November 24, 2000 saw the sixth session of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (or, COP6 for short).
Each COP meeting is where nations meet to evaluate the accords and compliance with
meeting emissions reduction targets. This one was intended to wrap up three years of
negotiations on the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Instead though, the talks pretty
much collapsed.
Read COP6The Hague Climate Conference to learn more.

COP4Buenos Aires Climate Conference

Last updated Sunday, November 12, 2000.
November 2 - November 13, 1998 in Buenos Aires, Argentina the Fourth Meeting of the
Conference of the Parties (COP-4) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) was held. There were many issues that still needed to be discussed, especially on
the trading of Carbon emissions and equity between the rich and developing nations.
Read COP4Buenos Aires Climate Conference to learn more.

COP3Kyoto Protocol Climate Conference

Last updated Friday, February 15, 2002.

1997, at the Conference of Parties III (COP3), Kyoto, Japan, the Kyoto conference on climate
change took place. There, developed countries agreed to specific targets for cutting their
emissions of greenhouse gases. A general framework was defined for this, with specifics to be
detailed over the next few years. This became known as the Kyoto Protocol. The US
proposed to just stabilize emissions and not cut them at all, while the European Union called
for a 15% cut. In the end, there was a trade off, and industrialized countries were committed
to an overall reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases to 5.2% below 1990 levels for the
period 2008 - 2012. (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in its 1990 report
that a 60% reduction in emissions was needed...) As with the following COP meetings, there
was enormous media propaganda by affected big businesses and by countries such as the U.S.
who were openly hostile to the treaty. In fact one of the first things George Bush did when he
came to power was to oppose the Kyoto Protocol.
Read COP3Kyoto Protocol Climate Conference to learn more.

The Ozone Layer and Climate Change

Last updated Saturday, June 08, 2002.
Scientists believe that Global Warming will lead to a weaker Ozone layer, because as the
surface temperature rises, the stratosphere (the Ozone layer being found in the upper part)
will get colder, making the natural repairing of the Ozone slower.
Read The Ozone Layer and Climate Change to learn more.

El Nio and Climate Change

Last updated Wednesday, July 04, 2001.
The 1997 Nio caused huge problems all over the world, from droughts to floods and poor
yield of crops. It is thought that there is a link between climate change and the severity of
Read El Nio and Climate Change to learn more.

Climate Change Links for more Information

Last updated Sunday, January 31, 2010.
Read Climate Change Links for more Information to learn more.

Energy Security
Last updated Sunday, May 15, 2011.

Energy security is a growing concern for rich and emerging

nations alike. The past drive for fossil fuel energy has led to wars, overthrow of
democratically elected leaders, and puppet governments and dictatorships.
Leading nations admit we are addicted to oil, but investment into alternatives has been
lacking, or little in comparison to fossil fuel investments.
As the global financial crisis takes hold and awareness of climate change increases, more
nations and companies are trying to invest in alternatives. But will the geopolitics remain the
Read Energy Security to learn more.

Human Population
Last updated Thursday, June 13, 2002.
Read Human Population to learn more.

Populations: A Numbers Game

Last updated Sunday, September 02, 2001.
The human population of the planet is estimated to now have passed 6 billion people. But are
large numbers themselves a problem? Europe for example, has higher population densities
than Asia. There are more than two sides to the debate on whether population numbers equate
to over-population or not.
Read Populations: A Numbers Game to learn more.

Stress on the environment, society and resources?

Last updated Tuesday, September 18, 2001.
Does population affect and put stress on the environment, society and resources? Existing
consumption patterns as seen in Europe and North America can put strain on the environment
and natural resources. But how much of the environmental degradation we see today is as a
result of over-population and how much is due to over-exploitation due to consumerism and
geopolitical interests? Especially when considering that "[g]lobally, the 20% of the world's
people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption

expenditures - the poorest 20% a minuscule 1.3%", according to the United Nations
Development Programme's 1998 Human Development Report.
Read Stress on the environment, society and resources? to learn more.

Other Issues Affect and Get Affected by Population

Last updated Saturday, May 05, 2001.
How do human rights, conflict, trade/development patterns, and the environment come into
all this? Poverty is the number one health problem, in developing and developed nations
alike. Structural Adjustment policies, for example, from the IMF have not helped in many
situations as social expenditure has had to be cut back. This has led to less investment in
health, education and other basic services (things that have led to a better quality of life in
Europe after the second world war). Coupled with corrupt rulers and dictators, often backed
by the powerful nations, due to national geopolitical interests, a large number of people have
Read Other Issues Affect and Get Affected by Population to learn more.

Effects of Over-Consumption and Increasing Populations

Last updated Wednesday, September 26, 2001.
The State of the World, 1999 Report from the Worldwatch Institute suggests that the global
economy could be seriously affected by environmental problems, such as the lack of access to
enough resources to meet growing population demands. Environmental degradation can
contribute to social and political instability, which can lead to security issues. This has not
currently been addressed by the foreign policy of many nations. Already around the world we
are seeing an increase in violence and human rights abuses as disputes about territories, food
and water are spilling into wars and internal conflicts.
Read Effects of Over-Consumption and Increasing Populations to learn more.

Gender and Population Issues

Last updated Wednesday, June 13, 2001.
By ensuring women's rights can be upheld, and realizing that women play a crucial role in the
development of society, many underlying issues which lead to conflict and problems can be
tackled more effectively. Better care, education and rights for women mean that children
should also benefit. This can eventually allow a society to enjoy more rights and the society
can be enriched. Yet these very same provisions are being cut back, oftentimes as a result of
harsh structural adjustment policies imposed by the IMF.
Read Gender and Population Issues to learn more.

Population Links for More Information

Last updated Thursday, August 30, 2001.
Read Population Links for More Information to learn more.

Natural Disasters
Last updated Wednesday, April 06, 2011.
Read Natural Disasters to learn more.

Media and Natural Disasters

Posted Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Media coverage of natural disasters seems to vary a lot depending on the disaster. Is it
selective? Why do some regions get more attention than others? Even when millions have
died in a region from conflict and war, how is it that a disaster that claims less in lives
sometimes in the same area, as in the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo will bring
in media interest and coverage? 2005 has recently seen a number of disasters and relief
efforts, from the Asian tsunami, to the severe hurricanes and storms in the Caribbean, the
earthquake in South Asia (Pakistan and India), and drought in parts of Africa. How has the
media covered these?
Read Media and Natural Disasters to learn more.

Hurricane Katrina
Last updated Sunday, November 13, 2005.
What is the most damaging hurricane in US history, in its wake hurricane Katrina has also
left other issues, from the handling of the disaster, to the media reporting, and rebuilding
Read Hurricane Katrina to learn more.

Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

Last updated Friday, January 07, 2005.
Boxing day, 2004, one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history (measuring 9 on the
Richter Scale), struck just off Sumatra, Indonesia, in a fault line running under the sea. The
rupture caused massive waves, or tsunamis, that hurtled away from the epicenter, reaching
shores as far away as Africa. At least 230,000 people were killed and the livelihoods of
millions were destroyed in over 10 countries. This has been one of the biggest natural
disasters in recent human history.
Read Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster to learn more.

Third World Debt and Disaster Recovery

Posted Wednesday, December 29, 2004.
When poor countries face natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and fires,
the cost of rebuilding becomes even more of an issue when they are already burdened with
debt. Often, poor countries suffer with many lost lives and/or livelihoods. Aid and disaster
relief often does come in from international relief organizations, rich countries and
international institutions, but sometimes poor countries are still paying millions of dollars a
week back in the form of debt repayment.
Read Third World Debt and Disaster Recovery to learn more.

Natural Disasters Links for More Information

Posted Wednesday, December 29, 2004.
This section lists various sites and organizations that provide more information or news on
disasters as they unfold, or on disaster relief and recovery.
Read Natural Disasters Links for More Information to learn more.

Genetically Engineered Food

Last updated Thursday, September 26, 2002.
Read Genetically Engineered Food to learn more.

Consumption and Consumerism

Last updated Sunday, March 06, 2011.
Read Consumption and Consumerism to learn more.

Sustainable Development
Last updated Sunday, June 05, 2011.

Happy Green Holidays

Winter holidays are a time to count our blessings and to enjoy the company of family and
friends. For more and more people, the holidays are also a time to make their lives a little
greener, from their choice of decorations to the gifts they buy.
Read More
Make Your Holidays Green

What You Don't Know About Mistletoe

The Hidden Cost of Christmas

Real vs Fake Christmas Trees

A Kiss is Just a Kiss . . . Fun Facts About Mistletoe

Thursday December 8, 2011

Everyone knows about the power of mistletoe at Christmas, right? It turns holiday romance
democratic by making everyone equally kissable. But there is more to mistletoe than kissing
and holiday merriment.
This year, as you await your chance under the mistletoe with that special
someone, consider these fun facts--environmental and otherwise--about the
unassuming little sprig that promises to enliven your holiday season.
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey

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Real vs Fake Christmas Trees

Tuesday December 6, 2011

Every Christmas you ask yourself the same question: Is it better to get a real Christmas tree
that has to be discarded after a few weeks, or a fake Christmas tree you can use year after
Learn about the potential health and environmental consequences of both
real and fake Christmas trees, and a third alternative that just may offer a
more eco-friendly answer.
Photo courtesy of Paul Anderson

Comments (12)



Is Clean Air a Right or a Privilege?

Thursday November 10, 2011

Many people figure that one of the fundamental things government is supposed to do is to
make sure all citizens have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. This belief is so
deeply ingrained that a lot of people consider access to those life-giving resources not a basic
human right.
Yet by combing through records that the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency had been keeping under wraps, National
Public Radio and the Center for Public Integrity discovered
that millions of Americans are breathing air contaminated by
toxic chemicals that federal and state regulators were
supposed to control under the Clean Air Act.
This toxic air pollution drifts daily through hundreds of U.S. communities, leading to serious
health issues and creating a public health crisis in cities, towns and rural areas nationwide.
But the regulatory agencies may be less to blame for the problem of toxic air than the
politicians who approve their budgets. Learn more.
Photo by Getty Images

Also See:

Smog: Frequently Asked Questions

The Good and Bad of Ozone

Cross-Border Pollution: A Growing International Problem

Comments (8)



World Population Reaches New High of 7 Billion

Tuesday November 1, 2011

Somewhere in the world yesterday a baby was born. And not just any baby. The moment this
particular child drew breath, he or she became the 7 billionth
person living on Earth.
By almost every measure, 7 billion people is too many for our
fragile planet to support adequately. But even if we can find
some innovative ways to expand food production, provide
enough clean drinking water, supply sufficient energy and
handle the increasing flow of waste so many people produce,
the population is continuing to grow at a rapid rate and the
challenges we face today with 7 billion people will just
become more difficult in the future.
Find out more about the effects that 7 billion people will have on the planet, and how those
effects will worsen unless we find a way to control population growth.

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