PST201-F Study Notes
PST201-F Study Notes
PST201-F Study Notes
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
The six principles for school mathematics
Traditional views of mathematics
Traditional teaching, still the predominant instructional pattern, typically begins with an explanation of what
ever idea is on the current page of the text followed by showing children how to do the assigned exercises.
Even with a hands on activity, the traditional teacher is guiding students, telling them exactly how to use the
materials in the prescribed manner. The focus of the lesson is primarily on getting answers. Students rely on
the teacher to determine if their answers are correct.
Mathematics as a science of pattern and order
Mathematics is the science of pattern and order. Science is a process of figuring things out or making sense
of things. It begins with problem-based situations. Although you may never have thought of it in quite this
way, mathematics is a science of things that have a pattern of regularity and logical order. Finding and
exploring this regularity order and then making sense of it is what doing mathematics is all about.
The world is full of pattern and order: in nature, in art, in buildings, in music. Pattern and order are found in
commerce, science, medicine, manufacturing, and sociology. Mathematics discovers this order, makes sense
of it, and uses it in a multitude of fascinating ways, improving our lives and expanding our knowledge.
What does it mean to do mathematics?
The classroom must be an environment where doing mathematics is not threatening and where every
student is respected for his or her ideas.
Students should feel comfortable taking risks, knowing that they will not be ridiculed if they are
The teachers role is to create this spirit of enquiry, trust, and expectation.
The focus is on students actively figuring things out, testing ideas and making conjectures,
developing reasons and offering explanations.
No answer book
In the real world of problem solving outside the classroom, there are no teachers with answers and no
answer books. Doing mathematics includes deciding if an answer is correct or and why. It also includes
being able to justify your reasoning to others.
The constructivist view of learning
Constructivism rejects the notion that children are blank slates. They do not absorb ideas as teachers present
them. Rather, children of creators of their own knowledge.
The construction of ideas
Children construct their own knowledge
The tools we use to build understanding are our existing ideas, the knowledge that we already
The materials we act on to build understanding may be things we see, hear, or touchelements of
our physical surroundings. Sometimes the materials are our own thoughts and ideas.
The effort that must be supplied is active and reflective thought. If minds are not actively thinking,
nothing happens.
The construction of an idea is almost certainly going to be different for every learner, even within the
same environment or classroom.
To construct and understand a new idea requires actively thinking about it. Children must be
mentally active for learning to take place.
Constructing knowledge requires reflective thought, actively thinking about all mentally working on
an idea.
A new idea is constructed by using the ideas we already have. A network of connections
between ideas is developed in the process; this is called a web of ideas. The more ideas used and
the more connections made, the better we understand.
Integrated networks, or cognitive schemas, are both the product of constructing knowledge and the
tools with which additional new knowledge can be constructed. As learning occurs, the networks are
rearranged, added to, or otherwise modified.
The general principles of constructivism are based largely on Piagets processes of assimilation and
accommodation. Assimilation refers to the use of existing schemas to give meaning to experiences.
Accommodation is the process of altering existing ways of viewing things or ideas that contradict or
do not fit into existing schemas.
Construction in rote learning
Rote knowledge will almost never contribute to a useful network of ideas. Rote learning can be
thought of as a weak construction.
When mathematical ideas are used to create new mathematical ideas, useful cognitive networks are
Understanding can be defined as a measure of the quality and quantity of connections that an idea has with
existing ideas. Understanding is never an all or nothing proposition. It depends on the existence of
appropriate ideas and on the creation of new connections.
One way that we can think about and individuals understanding is that it exists along a continuum. At one
extreme is a very rich set of connections. Be understood idea is associated with many other existing ideas in
a meaningful network of concepts and procedures. The two ends of this continuum are relational
understanding the rich interconnected web of ideasand instrumental understanding ideas that are
isolated and essentially without meaning. Note that knowledge learnt by rote is at the isolated end of the
continuum; it is instrumental knowledge that is learned without meaning.
Benefits of relational understanding
It is intrinsically rewarding nearly all people enjoyed learning. This is especially true when new
information connects with ideas already possessed. The new knowledge make sense; it fits; it feels
It enhances memory when mathematics is learned relationally, there is much less chance that the
information will deteriorate. Connected information provides an entire web of ideas to reach full. If
what you need to recall seems distant, reflecting on ideas that are related can usually lead you to the
desired the idea eventually.
There is less to remember constructivist to talk about teaching big ideas which are really just large
networks of interrelated concepts.
It helps with learning new concepts and procedures an idea fully understood in mathematics is
more easily extended to learn a new idea.
It improves problem solving abilities the solution of novel problems requires transferring ideas
learned in one context to new situations. When concepts are embedded in originate work,
transferability is significantly enhanced and, thus, so is problem solving.
It is self generative as networks grow and become more structured, they increase the potential for
It improves attitudes and beliefs when ideas are well and is didnt make sense, the learner tends to
develop a positive self concept about his or her ability to learn and understand mathematics.
Students learning from others reflective thought and, hence, learning are enhanced when the
learner is engaged with others working on the same ideas Vygotsky theorised that social
interaction is a key component in the development of knowledge. He referred to the transfer of ideas
from those that are external to the individual ideas exchanged in the social settingto those that
are internal, personal constructs, as internalisation. Internalisation only occurs within each learner
zone of proximal development, a symbolic space created through the interaction of learners with
more knowledge of all others and the culture that precedes them. Classroom discussion based on
students own ideas and solutions to problems is absolutely foundational to childrens learning.
The model for a mathematical concept refers to any object, picture, or drawing that represents the
concept or onto which the relationship with a concept can be imposed.
It is important to include calculators in the near list of common models. The calculator models a
wide variety of numeric relationships by quickly and easily demonstrating the effects of these ideas.
Models can play the role of a testing ground for emerging ideas. They can be thought of as a thinker
toys, tester toys, and talker toys.
Models give learners something to think about, explore with, talk about, and reason with.
Models should always be accessible for students to select and use freely. Do not for students to use a
particular model.
Teaching should begin with the ideas that children already have, the ideas they will use to create new
Problem solving places the focus of the students attention on ideas and sense making.
Problem solving develops a belief in students that they are capable of doing mathematics and that
mathematics makes sense.
Problem solving provides on going assessment data that can be used to make instructional decisions,
help students succeed, and inform parents.
Problem solving allows an entry point for a wide range of students.
A problem-based approach engages students so that there are fewer discipline problems.
Problem solving develops mathematical power.
It is a lot of fun.
When important or especially useful strategies crop up, they should be identified, highlighted, and discussed.
The following strategies are most likely to appear in lessons we mathematical content is the main objective.
Draw a picture, act it out, use a model.
Look for a pattern
Make a table or chart
Try a simpler form of the problem
Guess and check
Make an organized list
Metacognition refers to conscious monitoring (being aware of how and why you are doing something) and
regulation (choosing to do something or deciding to make changes) of your own thought process. Students
who learn to monitor and regulate their own problem solving behaviour do show improvement in problem
The metacognitive goal is to monitor and regulate actions to help students develop the habit and ability to
monitor and regulate their strategies and progress as they solve problems.
It is important to help students to learn to monitor and control their own progress in problem solving. A
simple formula that can be employed consists of three questions:
What are you doing?
Why are you doing it?
How does it help you?
Refers to the attitudes and beliefs that students posses about mathematics.
Attitudinal goals are:
Gain confidence and belief in abilities
Be willing to take risks and to persevere
Enjoy doing mathematics
Planning a problem-based lesson
Choices of tasks and how they are presented to students must be made daily to best fit the needs of your
students and the objectives you are hired to teach.
Step 1: Begin with the math! Articulate clearly the ideas you want students to learn in terms of
mathematical concepts.
Step 2: Consider your students. What they already know, and what is needed for them to build on that
Step 3: Decide on a task. Keep it simple
Step 4: Predict what will happen.
Step 5: Articulate student responsibilities
Step 6: Plan the before portion of the lesson
Step 7: Plan the during portion of the lesson
Step 8: Plan the after portion of the lesson
Step 9: Write your lesson plan
An increased opportunity to develop conceptual ideas and more elaborate and useful connections
An opportunity to develop alternative and flexible strategies
A greater chance for all students to understand, not just a few
A clear message that mathematics is about figuring things out and making sense.
Practice as homework
A problem-based task can be assigned for homework if the difficulty of the task is within the reach of
most of the students.
On the follow day, begin immediately with a discussion of the task.
Some form of written work must be required so that students are held responsible for the task and are
prepared for the class discussion.
Drill as homework
Never assign drill as a substitute for practice before the concepts have been developed. If you do assign drill
for homework;
Keep it short
Provide an answer key
Never grade homework based on correctness
Do not waste valuable classroom time going over drill homework
The role of the textbook
Suggestions for textbook use
Blurring the line between instruction and assessment
Should enhance students learning
Is a valuable tool for making instructional decisions.
What is assessment?
Assessment is the process of gathering evidence about a students knowledge of, ability to use and
disposition towards mathematics and of making inferences from that evidence for a variety of purposes.
-Assessment can and should happen every day as an integral part of instruction.
The Assessment Standards
The mathematics standard assessment should reflect the mathematics that all students need to know and
be able to do.
The learning standard assessment should enhance mathematics and learning.
The equity standard assessment should promote equity
The equity standard mandates that assessments respect the unique qualities, experiences, and
expertise of every student.
The openness standard assessment should be an open process
The openness standard reminds us that students need to know what is expected of them and how they
can demonstrate what they know.
The inferences standard assessment should promote their lead inferences about mathematics learning
The inferences standard requires that teachers reflect seriously and honestly on what students are
revealing about what they know.
The coherence standard assessment should be a coherent a process
The coherence standard reminds us that our assessment techniques must reflect both the objectives of
instruction as well as the methods of instruction.
Purposes of assessment
Monitoring student progressassessment should provide both teacher and students with ongoing
feedback concerning progress towards those goals. This promotes growth.
Making instructional decisions teachers planning tasks each day to develop students understanding
must have daily information about how students are thinking and what ideas they are using and
developing. This improves instruction.
Evaluating student achievement evaluation involves a teachers judgement. It should reflect
performance criteria about what students know and understand; it should not be used to compare one
student with another. This recognizes accomplishment.
Evaluating programmes assessment should be used as one component in answering the question,
how well did this programme worked to achieve my goals?
Scoring comparing students work to criteria or rubrics that describe what we expect the work to
Grading the result of accumulating scores and other information about the students work for the
purpose of summarising and communicating to others.
Rubric a framework that can be designed or adapted by the teacher for a particular group of
students or a particular mathematical task. It consists of a scale of 3 to 6 points that is used as a rating
of performance rather than a count of how many items are correct or incorrect. The rating or score is
applied by examining total performance on a task as opposed to counting the number of items
correct. Note that are rubric is a skill to judge performance on a single task, not a series of exercises.
Performance indicators
Performance indicators are task-specific statements that describe what performance looks like at each level
of the rubric and in so doing establish criteria for acceptable performance. A rubric and its performance
indicators should focus you and your students on your goals.
Writing and journals
Writing is both a learning and an assessment opportunity.
The value of writing
When students write, they express their own ideas and use their own words and language. It is
As an assessment tool writing provides a unique window to students thoughts and the way a student
is thinking about an idea.
Journals are a place for students to write about such things as:
Their conceptual understandings and problem solving, including descriptions of ideas, solutions, and
justifications of problems, graphs, charts, and observations.
Their questions concerning the current topic, an idea that they may need help with, or an idea they
dont quite understand.
Their feelings about aspects of mathematics, their confidence in their understanding, or their fears of
being wrong.
To grade journal writing defeats its purpose. It is essential, however, that you read and respond to journal
Writing prompts and ideas
Students should always have a clear, a well defined purpose for writing in the journals. They need to know
exactly what to write about and who the audience is, and they should be given a definite time frame within
which to write.
Student self assessment
In a self-assessment, students make tell you:
How well they think they understand a piece of content.
What they believe or how they feel about some aspect of mathematics, perhaps what you are
covering right now.
Tell your students why you are having them do this activity. Encourage them to be honest and candid.
Like all other forms of assessment, tests should reflect the goals of your instruction. Tests can be designed to
find out what concepts students have and how the ideas are connected. Tests of procedural knowledge
should go beyond just knowing how to perform an algorithm and should allow and require the student to
demonstrate the conceptual basis for the process.
Big ideas
Top number the counting number. It tells how many shares or parts we have.
Bottom number this tells what is being counted, it tells what fractional part is being counted.
It is important to see the bottom number as the divisor and the top number as the multiplier.