Experimental Determination of The Principal Dielectric Functions in Silver Nanowire Metamaterials
Experimental Determination of The Principal Dielectric Functions in Silver Nanowire Metamaterials
Experimental Determination of The Principal Dielectric Functions in Silver Nanowire Metamaterials
Jyotirmayee Kanungo and Joerg Schilling
Citation: Applied Physics Letters 97, 021903 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3462311
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3462311
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Queens University Belfast, University Road, Belfast BT7 1NN, United Kingdom
ZIK SiLi-nano, Karl-Freiherr-von-Fritsch Str. 3, 06120 Halle, Germany
Received 13 January 2010; accepted 5 June 2010; published online 12 July 2010
The polarization dependent optical properties of silver nanowire arrays are investigated by angular
resolved transmission measurements. The corresponding spectra show clear FabryPerot
oscillations, which exhibit an unusual shift toward longer wavelengths for the extraordinary waves.
From the peak shift both principal dielectric functions of the metamaterial are determined and
compared with effective medium theories. Their different signs lead to a hyperbolic wave vector
surface for the extraordinary waves and cause the observed peculiar peak shift. 2010 American
Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3462311
Employing wire meshes and split ring resonators the effective permittivity and permeability of metamaterials
can be shifted from positive to negative values1 and exciting
phenomena such as hyperlensing2 and cloaking3 could be
observed. However, the fabrication of similar extended
metamaterials for the visible and near infrared spectral region becomes much more difficult and time consuming
as it involves several steps of nanofabrication techniques
like electron beam lithography. Because of these complications and limitations metamaterials of much simpler
design are favored in this spectral range. In particular metal
nanowire arrays, which are embedded in a dielectric host
matrix, gained considerable attention recently. These metaldielectric composites are considered as uniaxial anisotropic
metamaterials,46 whose two principal dielectric constants
have opposite sign indefinite tensor. This property should
lead to a hyperbolic equifrequency surface in wave vector
space for the extraordinary, transverse magnetic TMpolarized rays allowing the propagation of waves with unusual large wave vectors. The predicted negative refraction
of these rays was already demonstrated experimentally.7,8
Here we present a direct experimental determination of
the two principal effective dielectric functions and of a
silver nanowire array in a wide spectral range in the visible
and near infrared 6001600 nm. Our method is based on an
analysis of the spectral shift in FabryPerot-peaks in angular
resolved transmission measurements for both principal polarizations TE and TM.
The fabrication of the parallel aligned silver nanowire
arrays is based on nanoporous alumina templates. These templates were created from high purity 99.999% aluminum
foils by a two-step electrochemical-anodization process in
0.3 M H2SO4 at a constant voltage of 25 V.9 A CuCl2 solution was used to remove the Al layer below the oxide layer
and the pore bottoms were finally opened using a 5 wt %
H3PO4 solution at 30 C for 15 min resulting in a through
hole alumina membrane with pore diameter 32 nm and pore
distance center to center of 60 nm. After the deposition of a
15 nm thin gold contact layer on one side of a membrane the
silver nanowires were grown for 1 h within the nanopores
via electrochemical deposition using an electrolyte mixture
FIG. 1. a SEM image of the slab after FIB milling. b SEM image of the
wire distribution in the slab. The filling factor is f = 0.26.
2010 American InstituteDownloaded
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kz =
2 2
c2 x
TM polarized,
where and describe the two principal dielectric functions perpendicular and parallel to the optical axis which
coincides with the wire axis z-direction.
Combining Eqs. 1 and 2, using kx = / csin and
/ c = 2 / and squaring the resulting equations leads to
the following relations for the wavelength of the mth transmittance maximum for TM and TE polarized light:
4d2 4d2 2
TM polarized
4d2 4d2 2
2 sin
TE polarized.
Since changing the angle of incidence from 0 to 50 results only in a small shift in the resonance wavelengths m,
we can treat and as piecewise constant functions over
each of these small spectral ranges. Under this condition the
Eqs. 3 can be represented by a linear form y m = Am Bmx for
, x = sin2 , and Am
each resonance peak, where y m = m
= 4d / m .
The constant Bm determines the slope of the linear function and differs for both polarizations as follows:
2m = 2kzd,
TE polarized
TM polarized light
where d is the film thickness, m is the order of the transmittance maximum, and kz describes the wave vector component perpendicular to the surface.
TE polarized light.
bined spectra, the experimentally determined dielectric functions cover the whole spectral region from 600 to 1600 nm
Fig. 5.
In order to compare our experimental results with theory,
we calculate the effective permittivity values in the same
spectral range using the following WienerGarnett-formulas
and MaxwellGarnett-formulas:10
= fm + 1 fd
= d
1 + fm + 1 fd
1 fm + 1 + fd
FIG. 5. Color online Real parts of the principal dielectric constants in the
visible and IR. The symbols represent the experimentally derived values.
The lines show the theoretical values, which were calculated using effective
medium theory for a metal filling factor of f = 0.26.
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