The Village Park Mise-En-Place
The Village Park Mise-En-Place
The Village Park Mise-En-Place
The Village Park restaurant have a mix rice section. Table settings should
be nicely set. In the casher station, patty cash is prepared. By checking
whether the caption order is enough. This is how The Village Park
restaurant runs their mise-en-place.
Types of menu
In a restaurant, a menu is a presentation of food and beverage offerings. A
menu may be a la carte which this applied to The Village Park restaurant.
Which guest use to choose from a list of options. An a la carte menu is
more of listed prices than pictures of food and beverage or even dessert.
Dishes are not in set which means it must be pay separately. The menu
itself contains main course, side dishes and beverages which include fruit
juice. Some of the food items is listed on the board as a menu above the
mix rice section. At the same time, The Village Park restaurant offers some
of the set come with Nasi Lemak serve with chicken, prawn, beef and
squid. The menu itself is green in colour which is a traditional Malaysian