Intermittent Kilns
Intermittent Kilns
Intermittent Kilns
Intermittent kilns work by firing cool wares using a heat source, where the
temperature is slowly increased throughout the firing process . Traditionally,
intermittent kilns were nothing more than a trench drug in the ground filled with a
fuel source and unfired pots. Intermittent kiln may be either rectangular circular or
oval shaped.
Types of intermittent kilns:
There are two types of intermittent kilns:
1- Up draught intermittent kiln
2- Downdraught intermittent kiln
3- Clamp
4- Scove
Clamp kiln
Next came three or four layers of green bricks which were placed on edge and then
another layer of fuel was added. After this, green bricks were packed closely
together to a height of 14 or 15 feet. The bricks were 'dished' or tilted inward to
prevent injury to workmen during firing.
Sometimes the outside was sealed with wet pug. Most clamp bricks had a small
percentage of breeze added to the clay during manufacture. This helped to 'self fire'
them and ensured that a good temperature was reached.
Clamps contained 30,000 to 150,000 bricks. An average size would take two or
three weeks to burn out, although larger ones could take as much as ten or twelve
otherwise, fuel inserted from both ends will not reach the centre of the tunnel.
Large numbers of bricks are dealt with by extending the number of tunnels to cope
with the requirement.
The fourth and successive courses of bricks are laid in such a way that rows of
brickwork finally meet, and tunnels are thus completed. The progression of the
early stages of construction of a scove is shown in figure VII.6. In the foreground,
a few courses of fired bricks are set, marking out the tunnel positions. In the
middle of the picture, the first corbelled-out course of green bricks is partly set,
while further back several courses are laid.
Green bricks are set above tunnel level, in alternate courses of headers and
stretchers up to a height of at least 3 m above the ground. At the edge of the scove,
each course is stepped in a centimeter or so, to give a sloping side. Small spaces
are left between the bricks to allow the hot gases from the fires to rise. The
required maximum spacing between bricks is a finger width. This is easy to
achieve although a narrower spacing may be satisfactory. As the scove is built up,
an outer layer of previously burnt bricks is laid, to provide insulation. This will
also allow the proper firing of the outer layers of green bricks.
On the top of the green bricks, two or three courses of previously fired bricks
should be laid, bed face down and closely packed. The whole structure should then
be scoved with wet mud to seal air gaps. Turves are sometimes laid on top to
reduce heat losses. The wet mud should not contain a high fraction of clay if cracks
are to be avoided during firing.
Some of the top bricks half-way between the tunnels must not be scoved so that
they may be lifted out to increase air flow through the kiln as required. The
provision of this adjustable ventilation can be most useful in controlling the rate of
Firewood is set into the tunnels for firing. It should preferably be at least 10 cm
across, in pieces about 1 m in length. Kindling should be set in the mouth and
bottom of the tunnel. Since the heat of the fire is to rise up into the bricks, it is
essential that strong winds do not blow through the tunnels, cooling bricks down,
and wasting heat. Such winds may increase fuel consumption by 25 per cent. A
number of measures may be taken to avoid this waste of heat, including the
blocking of the centre of the tunnel during construction, or the temporary blocking
of tunnel mouths with bricks. In the latter case, one end may be bricked up and fire
set at the other end. Once the fire is well alight, that end may be bricked up while
the previous one is opened and lighted.